Topic: Condolence


Date: 2009-12-28 11:52 EST
A strange patch of stationary, swirling mist, not far from the Ravenlock compound...

Like a ghost in some vision from ancient days, the giant wolf emerges from the fog that marks the portal of the Guardians. Silvery gray, marked by its size, it's brilliant blue eyes and the thick, beaten silver collar encircling its neck, from which dangles a jet-black stone amulet embraced by silver.

He had heard the news, of the death of Jewell. He had only met her a few times, but each had left its own impression.

And met Lord Ravenlock himself as well, a meeting that had left a lasting impression of its own, as well as powerful respect for both the man and the Ravenlock clan.

A slow, deliberate pace set and kept, the walk from the portal to the Ravenlock compound close by both pilgrimage and homage.

In its jaws, the wolf carries two items.

Approaching the gates, the wolf comes to a halt just outside of them. Sitting on its haunches, the beast lowers its head to the ground, dropping the things it carries on the ground - a single, brilliant blue rose, and a small pouch of black velvet, the kind precious jewels are held in.

Inside the pouch can be found a pendant, sapphire wrapped in threads of fine silver, the shape like that of a great tear, shed by the earth itself in homage to the fallen Ravenlock sister and her children.

He had found it in the cavern of the Guardians. It doesn't belong to any of his, of that he is certain. Such ancient places may contain many such treasures, waiting to be found when the time presents itself.

And with the pendant, a short note, written in a flowing script near as ancient as the pendant it lies with.

My condolences and grief for you and yours, for the loss of your loved ones. May the jewel within remind you ever of the sister you have lost and her children as well.


As they are set upon the ground outside the gate, the wolf tips its head back and lets out a single, long, mournful howl, siren song of grief to the departed.

A moment later, he is gone again, leaving behind the gifts and the fading echoes of its long cry.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2009-12-28 16:31 EST
The mournful howl heard indeed, gaining the attentions of those inside.. Calming others, Brian soon emerged, heading toward the gate.. As he did so, he was joined by Jenai, who was tailed by their daughters, Nathressa and Aleyah, twins of the age of five. Motioning them, to wait, but a moment, Brian opened the gate, yet Nathressa herself, bolted ahead of the family, and quickly found the rose, and pouch..

"Daddy look! look!", said the eldest of the twins, as she was joined by Aleyah, who in turn took the pouch in hand, before Brian and Jenai, could even object, she began to open it.

With no thought, Brian and Jenai sprang into action, as Brian gently took the pouch in hand, and Jenai, Aleyah. As this happened, Nathressa, looked far off, still holding the rose, as she spoke softly..

"Daddy, the wolf is sad.. Sad Wolf, daddy. Sad."

With that, the little Ravenlock lifted a hand, to wipe tears from her eyes, as her sister too, began to tear up, feeling the empathic link she shared with her sibling, she too nodded, and replied in kind..

"Sad wolf, momma, so sad."

Brian looked between the three of them, as he opened the pouch carefully, slipping the pendant in hand, as a brow somewhat raised.. The note followed in kind, as Brian looked to it, reading softly aloud, for all to hear..

My condolences and grief for you and yours, for the loss of your loved ones. May the jewel within remind you ever of the sister you have lost and her children as well.


The children listening, and calming somewhat, as Aleyah somewhat squirmed her way from Jenai's grip, to head towards Nathressa, who still held the rose. Aleyah took the hand of her sister, as the pair, still looked to the forest, as Jenai looked to Brian, and then their daughters.

"It's been nearly two years now.. Since we last saw him."

Brian showed the pendant, to Jenai, as Nathressa spoke up softly.

"The wolf.. Loo-pin-ee-us.. He feels sad daddy, for aunt Jewell, and our cousins, daddy.. Sad wolf.

To confirm the words of her sister, Aleyah nodded, and hugged her sibling somewhat, as Brian held the pendant aloft, and smiled faintly.. He took a knee, as he joined the girls, his eyes to Jenai, who needed no words, and quickly joined them, in a family hug..

"Yes, baby.. He is sad, just like we are.. Just like many are.. Your aunt Jewell, and her children, your cousins, were loved by so many people.. Lupinius, left us a gift to always look at, with happy thoughts of your aunt and cousins, to never forget."

"I won't forget daddy, ever."

"Me neither, mommy, ever!"

"No baby girls.. No one will ever forget.. Ever."

A moment later Jenai began to usher the girls back towards the manor, as Nathressa showed off the rose to Aleyah again.

"See, this looks like one of daddy's, from home, huh?"

Brian smiled faintly at her words, as he watched them head inside.. Once more, he looked to the forest.. A hand lifted, wiping an errant tear, as the eldest Ravenlock whispered along the gentle breeze, that took hold, that moment..

"Thank you, Lupinius.. For everything.."