Topic: Every day Things & Stuffs

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-11-19 05:52 EST
<<Hey there, and welcome!! This thread is a change of direction for Sojourn, as it will entail the day to day living for Brian and Jenai. Just the normal stuff, people tend to take for granted, be it shopping, cleaning, just roaming aimlessly and what have you. We figured not enough of that was shown in their lives, as it has been one thing to the next, and fubar after fubar and what have you. We also decided to bring them back to a more toned down place and time, so to speak. So this will all be based out of this folder and setting wise based out of the loft they share above 'Yotsuba's Cake Shoppe' in the 'Market Place'. These tales are considered closed, unless you are directly involved in one of them. Thank you all, and see ya soon!>>


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-07 10:41 EST
"A day in the market."

Brian had spent the better part of the day restocking the loft, granted he and Jenai had foods and the like kept there, mostly it was the spur of the moment and whenever they came to stay a few days type. This time however, he was shopping and restocking for the long haul.

So off to the market he had gone, once more going into retail battle with the local vendors, over goods left the right. Many asked why he was purchasing less, and more so why he was not having the goods delivered to the Sanctuary. He smiled and explained, that he was living in the Market full time now, and he and Jenai would be seen more around the area. This of course lead to questions in regards to the gruesome murders that occured in WestEnd, but Brian set those questions aside with a diplomatic flair... He deferred them to little Yotsuba, who quickly advised her 'client' had no comment.

Jean had padded up along side the pair, as they made the rounds. The fish monger was more than happy to go 'toe to toe' with Bri, and 'tsuba in regards to his latest catch and prices, the green grocer of course had the latest gossip and had no problem sharing it with them, and anyone else who would listen.

Yotsuba of course saw it fit to mimick everyone to a large degree, and truly did a good job of it for a time. That was until she came across a group of children engaged in a snowball fight, at the mouth of one of the alley ways. No other word, as she looked to Bri and took off into the icey chaos, and partook for all she was worth, which was a great deal mind you. Clearing a near bench, Bri sat down and watched the children and simply smiled to himself, as he set the bags down. He imagined Jenai covered head to toe in some gawd awful menagerie of coats and furs, clomping through the snow, and looking quite not so 'happy Jen like'.

He couldn't blame himself in that regards, as he knew Jen was from a tropical island and didn't like the cold so much. Still, after their trip to England, she truly became a trooper in that mannr, as she braved the cold and looked rather good doing it, despite the silly image Bri put into his head. His eyes mindful of the groceries next to him a moment, as he then let them pan the area, noting the serene nature the market carried this morning. The sky a soft gray, as snow showered down lightly upon all, near and far. Bri was sure his sister Wyheree was having an absolute field day today, wherever she was.

An older lady passing by, actually stopped and offered a cup of hot chocolate. Brian raised a brow a moment, and truly looked a tad puzzled. That was until he saw the children that were previously snow ballin', now engaged in choco warmth and goodness, on thier bench. Offering thanks, Brian accepted the cup and sipped slowly, letting the drink warm his body, and once more he smiled.

Time passed, more stalls visited, more gossip heard, prices argued and agreed upon, items purchased, and yes more hot chocolate. Brian and Yotsuba arrived home with Jean in tow, as the little swiss miss bolted to her room to change, and Brian heading up the stairs, and into the loft.
Inside, he set the groceries into the kitchen and slid off his coat, tossing it to a near rack. He looked around the loft once more.. Their loft. He loved the sound of that.

He also loved something else.. How 'normal' this day felt.. No chaos, no fights, no victims, or people begging to be saved from themselves or others, no self inflicted wounds, no attacks, or even new murders. None of it.. It was just a normal day, and it ended in a perfect way, as he let his eyes rest upon their bed and found Jenai tucked within a heavy comforter, sleeping quite contently, with little Tiki nestle atop the 'pile o' JenJen'. Of course he found himself staring a bit, then again when didn't he, when it came to her.

One he managed to pull himself away from his favourite hobby, he set back into the kitchen and began to put the groceries away, and make ready for dinner. He figured on a nice beef and veggie stew to keep them warm through the night, and with that thought he glanced to the fire wood and decided it might be best to get a bit more, just in case they decided to make tommorow an unofficial 'snow day' or something.. Normal Indeed..

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-08 07:18 EST
Things of Green on Papery Things.

The hours of the mid morning had already struck the market place, dawn had come and gone with the tide of early traffic. Now it was brunch time and the noise had given way to winter birds and the rolling of carts across the snowy stones below.

But there was something that had caught a set of lilac eyes. Not a bird, nor vender. Not a fat lump of snow or slowly dripping icicle. Something smooth and painted, about the size of a page from a book and right in her very own hand.

Slowly she turned to settle her gaze, peeking over the back of the sofa. Brian. A box for the bedroom, full of, well bedroom things she guessed. And occupied. Perfect she grinned Slowly she shifted, turned in the cushions one inch at a time as he sat on the edge of the bed rummaging thru the storage box.

She wriggled, wound down. With flayer in hand she took off over the back of the couch, across the floor, dodged a dust bunny that had managed to live? memo slaughter that later? tripped over Tiki who let out a very surprised reow and got out of the way. All this to spring board thru the air in a following wave of light crimson to broadside Brian in the middle of what ever he had in hand. ? after thought, hope it wasn?t breakable?. And stuck the flyer under his noise in all her excitement. The excitement spilled from her as fast as her words did.

?Can We Have One!??

She had been passed a Holiday Tree pamphlet, the evergreen draped in ribbons of reds and gold, balls blue and green, candles and miniature knick knacks lining it?s boughs. And next to the tree was of course the typical ever smiling happy family with gifts and food a plenty and with enough holiday cheer to choke a dragon. That?s what he could see as she circled around him on the bed in a pouncer mess of hair and hopeful smile.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-08 08:09 EST
There he was.. Rummaging away, oblivious to the world for the moment, as he pondered where to begin as far as arranging their bedroom articles, and the what not. This domestication stuff was a bit harder than it looked, and truth be told he had never too good at it, even when with a family or others, he still lived as a bachelor to an extent. Very simple, very direct and very practical. That's what the military had left him with.

So, he was trying to figure things out, and the real truth was he wasn't so oblivious to the world, that he didn't realize he had one incredibly beautiful lil red haired beastie nearby on the couch. Still, for the moment the arranging took priority, of course he promised himself to make 'extra' time to make up for the lack of attention.

That was always fun, especially when he would go and find som- Er.. we can save that for another time, as the boy was rather occupied. After all they needed to arrange this home, and truth be told soon enough they would be doing it again, especially given the changes they would have in the coming months. Additions were rather hard to plan for, but he was sure they could do it. After all they survived everything else, this would be survived as well, and they would be the better for it, and quite happier.

So.. Okay, back to the rummaging.. Rummage, rummage... Think, ponder, Did he forget to leave the toilet seat down? Damn, he probably did. Oh well, it's a work in progress. When she gave that sneakiest of glances, the Raven was aware.. He felt it.. That feeling ya get when ya feel like a train is comin, and yer gonna be right under it? Or was it that feeling a child has when they took one too many cookies?

Either way he felt it, yet... She didn't move. Shrugging it off, he resumed his rummaging and was literally looking like a dumb water bison in the middle of the plains, oblivious to that lioness only a few feet away, as the herd hauled ass, and he stayed to graze.. Graze, graze, rummagem rummage..


That was all the warning he had.. Like the day she first kissed him, in his bed. The morning, she licked the plate and caused him to lose himself in simply watching her. Or the other dozen times, she had him where she wanted him, and he was the proverbial deer in head lights.. So without further ado.. He watched her fly... The girl literally flew.. Damn she was a sight to behold, a predatory angel, an avenging ang-- Ah f*ck it, you all know she is hawt as hell. So.....


Items went into the air, and crashed and clattered to the ground, down Brian fell into the bed, as Jenai had used the 'Dino vs Fred' approached and laid his ass flat out! Blue eyes blinked, as he just laughed and watched his beloved, in her incredible enthusiam.

?Can We Have One!??

Brian blinked again, and smiled.. God, she was just so... The words couldn't do it justice.. He watched her, and noted that smile of all smiles, nestled within waves of flame, as she circled him, flyer in hand. Reaching up, Bri took the flyer in hand, and got a better looked and just smiled.. A genuine nodnod to her, as he laid back down and looked to her upsidedown sorta. He saw the tree, and the decor, the family and the whole enchilada and knew exactly what she had wanted, and he was all for it.

"Anything for you, baby. We can cut our own down, and buy decorations and more. You want it, you got it!"

His eyes sparkled, as they continued to watch her. This would honestly be the first holiday of this kind, he spent in this manner, and truth be told, he was just as excited as she..Even if he didn't show it at the moment.. Sword-Chucks, yo.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-09 01:06 EST

She must have showered him in a million kisses before she hurried jumping off the bed and headed towards the door and stairs. A quick apology to Tiki on the way.

A few steps taken, a pause, and then she headed back up and into the room.... she snagged a pair of shorts from the laundry basket and hopped into them as she again was headed down the stairs rather loudly.

She had to share the news with Yotsuba, after all she was the one that gave her the flyer someone was passing out. But maybe she was a little too excited, one step at a time turned into 10 rather too quickly as she was being proper and putting clothes on AS she was going to see her, butt first she skipped a couple of steps, regained herself and found Yotsuba.

Excited chatter could be heard floating up the stairs with the smell of fresh baked goods.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-09 03:56 EST
Brian watched her and couldn't help but laugh. His eyes followed her, as she bolted towards the door, only to rush back in and fetch her shorts, and then haul out once more. Sitting upright on the bed once more, he looked around the mess they had made and shook his head, the smile still remaining.

He heard her bound the steps, and noted the change in steps taken. The thudding of her feet gave that away, he imagined she was simply leaping gracefully as always and.... Thump? Again?

Wincing a moment, as he was sure that wasn't her feet. Brian ran to the door, and down the hall, looking down the steps just in tme to catch Jen recover herself and cut the corner downstairs, her mouth running a mile a minute.

Soon, Brian heard Yotsuba chime in, and caught the distinct squeeling of girls galore.. Kinda like an old Back Street Boys concert.. Not that Bri had ever been to one.. But if he had, we could imagine he could relate the squeeling chatter he heard to that supposed experience..

Standing at the top of the stairs, Bri listened and smiled.. This was it.. That top of the mountain he dreamed of for so long. All of the chaos, the trouble, the anger, sandess, hurt, love and more.. It all lead to this woman, and what she did to him. More so, what they did to each other. Just hearing how happy she was, sent him to another plane, so to speak. Everything else was secondary in his eyes, and he promised himself he would keep her that happy, no matter what.

Moving back into the room, he began to pick up once more and made plans for them to go to a local tree farm, and cut their own tree down and shop for decorations. All the while, that cheesy smile of his wouldn't go away.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-09 23:18 EST
The Next Day...

"Thank you again Sir Ravenlock, as always your business is appreciated and of course our best wishes for you and yours, this Holiday Season."

"Um.. Thank you, thank for very much. We are fortunate to have such spectacular shoppes, so close to home. I will be back shortly with Jenai, and we will finish up then. I look foward to seeing you again, Mister Tyre.

"Ah, the Priestess? She is a beautiful one indeed, sir. Just the other morn my missus, and some of the other ladies were watching her roam the market store to store with little Yotsuba. Such a pair those two make! It's been a while since we have seen Yotsuba so happy, and the look on your Jenai was just as much so. It was hard to believe she is one of the Scathachians, not that I meant to offend you all or anything.

"None taken and I apologize, but I need to be going. I have a roast in the oven, and really must tend to it. Thank you again, and Jenai and I will return soon."

"No need to apologize, sir! Please take care, and also
please give our best to the Lady Kairee. Ever since she set out, we have hardly seen nor heard from her. We do miss her presence, an patronage of course.

"I will make sure to do that, thank you."

Brian offered a respectful bow to Mister Tyre, and made his way out of 'Tyre's Homewares & More', which was settled neatly within the 'Market Place'. It was one of the older and more established stores in the area, and was in every true sense of the word a family run business. A pause, as Brian looked back to the rustic store from and smiled faintly, hefting the boxes in his arms once more. He knew Jenai was going to have a blast with the holiday decorations.

A few hand made wreaths, strings of lights, a popcorn stringing kit, some
stockings for each of them, including Tiki, and Jean. Some mistletoe (as if the boy really need an excuse to smooch on her, but hey.. when in Rome.), and a few other small items. He didn't want to purchase too much, and most definately wanted to take Jenai out shopping for the rest, and just watch her have fun with it all.

Polite nods were offered to those he passed, as he continued his way through the Market Place, turning at the fountain and headed home to check on Dinner, and to drop off the goodies. Next stop, Jenai and then to the tree farm. Good times indeed.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-10 00:29 EST
Pulling up the edge of her thigh high tights, she pushed her foot into the last of her winter, snow trompin outfit. A set of nice fur lined boots. Hey, everyone knew how she felt about the snow.

She heard Brian coming up the steps, a sound she would know forever, his step. Only when he wished she would be fooled. But here, there was no reason for anything like that. She was braiding her hair in two long braids, low enough to cover her ears against the chill. She was ready to go and go now... all she was missing was the Axe and rope accessories with her fur coat.

Jean barely paid her any mind, but Tiki looked at her like the woman had lost her bloody mind.

In truth Jen was just about as excited as she could be. This was one of the two major changes that had suddenly came into her life. She would make the best of this holiday with her love and family. Soon there would be much more to her everyday life. She loved the idea now... at first the news had been, unexpected. But what can you do. The Goddess had granted her a gift, no them a gift. One they would treasure forever, after all things like this change people and the joyful season only made it all the more special. She just had to find the right time to tell her sisters and friends.

She tucked a list into her pocket as soon as she saw the door open.

"Can I help baby?" of course as she peeked into everything peekable within his arms.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-11 03:26 EST
"Can I help baby?"

Pausing in mid step, he simply smiled and watched Jenai a moment. God, he loved to hear that voice and truth be told looked foward to it more than she could imagine. Even more so, when they recieved the news. He still hadn't told anyone, and it was getting harder not to. He was sure they would all be happy for them, after all how could they not be? Plus it was incentive to once more hang the sword, so to speak and simply settle a bit, and take care of things at home.

Boxes in hand, he shook his head to her, and chuckled a bit as he made for the dinner table, setting them down. Turning, he faced her once more and walked towards her, offering the sweetest of kisses to her cheek, as he then slid around her and wrapped his arms about her from behind.

A hand resting on her stomach for a moment, as a gentle pat was offered briefly. And of course, a shower of kisses rained upon her head and shoulders softly, as he lingered a bit released her once more. A wink was given to the rather perplexed looking Tiki, as he bent over and stroked the feline a bit and smiled to Jen as he rightened once more.

"Heya, Beautiful.. I missed you. I went ahead and picked some stuff up for the house, and tree. But.. I didn't want to pick up too much without you, and have you miss out. So, you ready to cut down a tree, and shop for more decorations?"

His smile was evident that he was truly just as excited as she was in every way, and he could not wait to see what else would come.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-01-13 02:23 EST
This Night, she watched the drizzle play on the window glass from the comfort of their bed. Jenai was not a heavy sleeper, nor was she a light sleeper. She would simply sleep and play in her dreams. Dreams shackle free from the problems of the waking world.

Not that her life was my any means terrible! It's just that in dreams you can do anything. Make up the future or revisit the past. Tonight she had gone back to a summer time hammock and fireworks.

Aware of a lightly sleeping Tiki at her feet, fat with some fresh fish they had picked up at the market, she moved carefully as she changed sides, letting the sheets slide over her as she faced the sleeping form of one gorgeous piece of work. Not a snore, not a grunt ever escaped him. She could rarely tell how hard he was sleeping.

A smile came to her lips, remembering the first time she snuck into his room to wake him. Sleeping or no, she could not resist... she moved her hand with featherlike grace along his jaw, softly moving back one of his silky long strands. She could still smell the scent of soap from their shower as she took back her hand and watched him with eyes full of harmony.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-01-16 06:12 EST
Morning After Jester's Fae Wine

With eyes closed Jen blew away something that was tickling her lips. Blindly her fingers went to feel what she had only blown to start tickling her nose.

Through parted crimson the blurred vision of something long and gold took shape. A squint then blinking her sleepy eyes wide she regained her focus. A all too sharp image of a piece of hay.

What time was it!? She bolted up right and was almost just as quickly slammed back down with the worst sort of hang over. The darkened world around her swam like turbulent waters, and pain sure enough pounded to her ears as one of the storms waves.

Ears! She reached up patting and combing thru her hair finding no ears but even more bits of hay. Hay? She was relieved to see the drinks effect had worn off, at least in that area. Sans two ears and one tail was a good thing. Leaning back on her hands she felt even more of the itchy stuff under her... and then the "world" soon took shape of a barn loft... the darkness was the break before even predawn creeping thru the here and there cracks of wooden walls.

At least she was not late. Yet! The very slight shifting next to her revealed a heavy dozing Brian and just as bare to the ever loving world as she was. But the look and turn had done her little good as another crashing throb went through-out her head.

Easy now girl.... she crawled upon her hands and knees searching for their clothes. Patting and digging in a sudden red faced disbelief, she found nothing in the straw mix around them. Pain or no, she let out a groan thinking this would be the last time she drank ANYTHING she saw Jewell drink!

It took her a bit to have found and taken the ladder down they must have so nimbly.. or rather so drunkenly and thought themselves nimble, and came across a set of work overalls.... she would have to repay them later! Right now, she had to get home as fast as she could and wake Eddie and open the temple... she would snag a headache remedy once she ran thru the shower at Sanctuary. And Blessed be she knew she had some garments still there!

Once tugged and tied on, a rather poor fit, she stuck her hand in one of the pockets where she found a red chalk stick for marking lumber to cut. As fast as she dared look around she found an old to do list, at least it seemed like one.. and scribbled quickly to it.

Up the ladder again, she read over her note one last time, she had only a second or two left before she would have to run full speed across town. Head ache and all.

"Please take care of the boy, temple. Jen"

She placed it where the sprawled Brian might enjoy a bit of modesty incase some old farmer's wife found him and giggled, lightly mind you. And then she was gone.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-01-17 10:49 EST
"Chewie, I got a bad feeling about this.."

"No.. Baby.. Your tail? Heh heh, claws? Nice. Huh, here? Okay what the hell, Um baby, why's it so cold? Where'd our clothes go? *snicker* You got a fluffy tail, heh heh. Oooh.. Whoa.. Um.. Wow.. Rub your butt? That's haw--"

Blue eyes slowly came opened bit by bit, as a hand lifted to shift aside dark locks of the man's namesake..

"Ugh.. What the hell? Baby? Jen?"

Moments later, his eyes closed once more and remained that way. Yet, his mind was indeed racing. Thought to the previous night, granted it was a blur.. But what a blur it was! Some unknown drink made by Sid, and gulped down... Some Fae wine he and Jenai had shared, and cat ears.. And a tail. Meow..

His body ached, he knew that much.. And to boot he was stinging all over, it felt like he had been lashed several times, and the more he shifted the more it burned, not to mention the head ache. F*ck, he hadn't felt like this in years. But, the more he pondered the previous night, the more that was set aside for the moment as a cheesy ass grin took a near permanent hold on Brian, while he remained where he was.

Which by the way he had no idea of where he was. He knew he wasn't home, and he knew he was sans clothes, then again that was a norm anyways, when sleeping so.. Anyways back to the matter at hand. The man's head was so fuzzy he had no true idea of where he was at all. Yet for some reason, perhaps the hangover, or something else.. He truly didnt's care. Once more he drifted off into a semi slumbered state.

"I don't believe it, another one.. Those damned kids and this barn. Well, I got something for you little horny heathens. Teach you to use m'barn to get your jollies in. Lessee how a bucket of ice cold water, greets you in the mornin' eh? Huh? What's that? A sign? Lessee, I shouldn't. Should just drench you and beat you with mah hoe."

The sign was soundly snapped away from Brian's body leaving him naked as a new born for Farmer McCall's wife, and the world to see. Yet she didn't, she was too busy reading the sign to even notice the possibility a tent could be pitched right where the sign had one laid.

"Please take care of the boy, temple. Jen.. So what's that, I don't care.. Hey boy, get up! I sai-- Oh mah gawds, what in the nine hells! PERVERT! PERVERT! I'll teach you to whip it out like that! Take this you pervert!"

So it looks like Farmer McCall's wife had take a look at Brian was a bucket of ice cold water was soundly dumped on him, and followed with the dull thuds of some kind of stick! Brian shot awake in an instant, and tried to spring to his feet, which resulted in him stumbling like some kind of a naked idiot, since he still had no idea where he was and everything was blurred a bit. Reaching out, in instinct Brian grabbed hold of something and paused a moment.. The beating paused too, as his eyes opened to see a pair of eyes staring back in utter shock.

"Um.. Yer not Jen.."

"Ah'm not.."

*Squeeze Squeeze*

Brian's eyes looked down a moment, and finally noticed that he had a full on handful of Farmer McCall's wife's breasts, and swallowed a moment and looked back to the woman, and stated the rather obvious.

"These aren't Jen's either.."

*Tweak tweak*

The farmer's wife was in shock.. NEVER had she been so blatently groped in such a manner, then again never has she dealt with a very hung over, Bri. In any event, her eyes widened as she reared back and slugged Bri upside the head, sending him well over the edge of the loft, and landing in a pile of hay below. Of course she was hardly done, as the bucket that held the water was flung with deadly accuracy, and then connected upside the man's head!

Brian lay there a moment, not really sure what to do, as the Farmer's wife slowly descended the ladder. So he did what came to mind. He hauled ass, pure and simple. Grabbing a nearby saddle blanket, Brian made a beeline for the barn doors, and ran into the light. Cries of curse words long forgotten came forth, as the sun greeted Brian head long causing him to shield his face with the blanket and take off towards the dirt road ahead, the Farmer's wife screaming as she gave the chase up, and simply took to tossing stones instead.

How did Brian make it to the Inn? Maybe, if ya catch him on a good night, he might say.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-01-19 07:56 EST

It was one of those nights, a night Brian had not had in a good deal of time. A night in which he could not get to sleep no matter how hard he tried. So much had happened in the last three weeks, and it seemed to come to a head finally in the shape of being restless as hell. His eyes stared at the ceiling for such a time, he simply lost track.

Into the void that was darkness, and little else as events came and went in his mind. Some bad, some good, many beyond compare. So much happened in so little time, it was nearly overwhelming. Such as life some would say, and Brian would agree. Yet his body said something different on this evening.

Thoughts drifted to Lucy a bit, as he recalled the vivid nightmare he had. The talk with Jewell, his insane request to retread upon wounded grounds once more. He shook his head at his foolishness in that request, as he knew deep down inside there was no need to go back. Lucy herself had said it was over, as did Darkin, and Brian had definitive proof he had no traces of either being Renna or Darkin, within him anymore. The bonds had been severed, the chains broken.

While it could be considered a grand occasion by many, Brian still could not help but feel sorrow. Still he took comfort that they had to be somewhere better than here, and that would be enough for him, until they were to meet again. A soft sigh escaping his lips, as he was snapped from his foolish train of thoughts by a hand brushing against his arm, a hand that belonged to his lil red haired beastie, Jenai.

Brian rolled to his side, as he faced the slumbering beauty and simply smiled a loving smile. Her eyes closed, as her face was partially veiled in a masque of flame kissed locks. Her face peaceful, her body relaxed, as she dreamt whatever wonders she would dream. Taking her hand that brushed him, Brian offered a featherlight kiss to it, and once more released it. Given all the changes in her life as of late, Brian could only imagine what she may be dreaming.

It was just a few weeks past that he and Jenai had talked and decided to find a place for themselves, a place that would be their own. Of course friends and family would always be welcome, but in the end, it would be their place.. Just he and she, with room for a family to grow when the time was right. It was just a week and a half ago, they had visited the realtor, and begun their search for a new home, ultimately deciding to build one from the ground up, just for them. Brian chuckled, as he recalled the talk of design, and everything they had wanted to include.

Talk of a family room, talk of a living room, talks of spare rooms, and a
habitat for her Monkey named Monkey, and Hillary her pet Rock Lizard. A sparing ring, and so much more. And a room set aside for Scathach herself, a room where Jen could be as Scathach was welcome in any home they had, as Brian knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they were both blessed by the goddess.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-01-19 07:57 EST
He recalled the talk with Isuelt and Eddie, when Jenai informed them of what she and Brian were planning, and when she decided to pass along the duties of Temple Priestess to Eddie, and inform Isuelt of plans to open other Temples in places the goddess did not have a presence in. Brian loved that about Jen, as he understood how she felt.

She wanted to serve her goddess in her own way, to the best of her abilities and more so. And he supported her one hundred percent and knew her sisters would too. Quite a step foward for the young Priestess of Scathach, and quite a bold move for each of them as they took it together. Moving foward, not worrying about what is behind.

Such an impact Jenai had on him. Words would never do it justice, and he knew that all too well, and only could hope she understood what she truly did to, and for him on so many levels. He had been considered 'damaged', and 'broken'.. He had been called 'bastard' and 'dead beat', a 'heartless rogue', a 'liar and cheat', and far worse. Yet she saw past all of that, and simply saw Brian. Not 'Lord Ravenlock', not 'Raven from Bastok', not Renna's 'Killer' or Kairee's 'Sword', she saw Brian Alexander McDineen-Ravenlock, and nothing else. More so, she saw what was deep within him, saw what few would ever see, saw what others would not understand.

The emotions she sparked within him staggered him to no end. Such a strength that was Jenai, and he knew exactly how blessed he was to have her in his life, and more to so simply have the love of such a woman. he knew all of the trouble, and chaos, all of the heartbreak and battles, it was all worth it, for what he had now within her, and what they had to look foward to, side by side. For the family they each had apart, that were now tied together, to the one of their own possibly down the way.

He felt it all fade away, the restlessness, the worry, the needless train of thoughts, it all faded into the bright path they had set into motion together. Not bad for a couple of kids that were seemingly brought together by an early breakfast, a syrupy plate licked, and a foot in mouth comment made by one dashing.. Well he likes to call himself that from time to time, Icer will contend it.. Anyways, by a dashing young.. Okay Jewell will contest youn-- Ah hell, by Brian.

His hand reached for hers, a featherlight brushing followed, as he felt his lids grow heavy, and once more slid into that slumber he longed for.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2008-01-08 10:38 EST
Dusting the fog off her dreams, she caught the slight soft sound of early morning. A single bird singing in the distance marked that predawn had not yet lost its fight with the true sun.

The bed was huge, yet as they lay lost in the dark blues of it's linen, they always seemed to gravitate towards eachother. Sometimes he called it an invasion, some times she called it a busniess merger! aka they had business to handle and it always was some hostile take over of one of the other party. No complaints what so ever. That happened after any Duels.. or vicious training.. or hell even after a brawl they found part in.

Only one thing to do at a moment like this. And let the stretching begin! The twins finally didn't wake before they did, this would be a slow lazy stretch, one leg out and its buddy to follow, one arm fingers out .. yes thats the stuff and before she could get the full body stretch any cat would envy...

She heard it. One... then the other. Soft sounds, sweet sounds. The babies were awake...

"one last stretch..." smirking she stretched long and slow, creeping... crawling fingers... she could barely hold in a snicker as she prep'd her fingers just a hair away from Brian.

Flick! Right to his nose before she jumped up.

"Babies are up! I got it!" she called back as she bolted taking the sheet with her, leaving him exposed to the cool air of the room.

Okay so that wasn't nice nice. But if she had to be up.. he had to be up! Pulling her robe about her she could be heard making her way to the girls giggling.