Topic: Of Prayer and Flowers

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2011-10-07 00:22 EST
".... strayed....."

" ... not allowed to ..."

" know... child... daughter"

Jenai Angelique Ravenlock knelt on the tile flooring of her temple office, a room of quiet sanctuary for her, in front of a very ornate shrine to Scathach. The blood red sash of her office embroidered with the swords and scales of the Old Order and the Ancient Order, her order, intertwined in her hands as she prayed and listened.

The whisper of the door opening, she said her final words to the Goddess.

"Your will guides my sword."

Sister Khelle bustled in quite happily an humming some diddy to herself set a face of flowers on the desk top after pushing a few papers and scrolls aside. The shifting of plates meant of course the Knight Caption was as well in the door way, ready to give Jenai the days reports.

"A gift from your, Husband your Grace." She stepped back as Jenai rose from stiff knees and caught site of the flowers. She walked over and stared at the flowers feeling her heart harden with every second that passed.

"LILIES?!" she belted across her office. "HE SENT ME LILIES?!" As soon as the last word was out of her mouth, the flowers sailed across the room shattering into a thousand tinkling shards of glass and now battered stems. Sister Khelle was a start contradiction to the Knight Captain that stood in the office doorway of the High Priestess. Sister Khelle rung her hands and flinched at every ranting word and sudden movement she made, Jenai's fury was written on her face in bared teeth and blood flushed cheeks.

"It was a sweet jester, considering, your grace." She submitted in a 'silver lining' tone.

"CONSIDERING?! CONSIDERING WHAT? " Jenai dared Khelle to even spill the next words but Khelle was saved the trouble as the knight Captain ever faithful stepped in and deflected Jenai's anger.

"Considering you have been stretching yourself thin in light of recent city events. Your Grace, on top of running everyday events here in the temple, healing and feeding the poor, mending lost spirits maintaining the temple records now you have taken up the task of gathering the Goddess's Faithful to your, her, cause to set right what has been wrong which doesn't stop short of late night missives, early morning meetings and mid day shipments of weapons, food and armaments. And Sister Khelle here is not the only one to make note of the countless sleepless hours you have meditated in the confines of the temple... just to start the day all over."

Jenai slumping into the well worn chair and slid her hands down her face as she spoke in a deep sigh.

"You are right. My apologies Sisters. I have unfairly taken my frustrations of.. current events.. out on you. I'll have someone gather the lilies. I will save them for the grave they are meant for." She picked up the armored gloves from the desk top and examined them almost lost in thought. Almost.

"Ever since returning from dropping my daughters off, I've been trying to amass what I need as fast as I can. I am tired of being reactionary..."