Topic: Reunion : Aftermath

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-01-26 23:49 EST
"Just a simple touch,
just a little glance,
makes me feel like flyin'..
But, where are you tonight?
Something isn't right..
Can you please stop hiding?"

T'was a wonderous evening indeed.. Nary a cloud in the sky, coupled with the winter's crisp air, that settled upon the land, gave what was easily one of the most spectacular sights indeed, if one were fortunate enough to have been in the Northern Forest..

The stars.. So many of them, filled the sky with such a brilliance. Close enough, that one would swear, they could climb the great redwoods, and simply snatch them, from their heavenly playground.. Such a multitude, as the night sky came alive in such a dance of wonders.. Literally, a sparkling blanket, of wonder, likened to no other in recent memory..

But he would not see it, this night.. As he had not the previous night, and the night before that as well.. Instead of a brilliant heavenly display, he saw only paperwork.. The four walls that surrounded him.. Pictures of the past, and whatever else was piled upon the large oak desk he sat behind..

Night after night, this is where he would end up, after the house had settled into it's usual routine.. Dinner with Jenai, and the girls.. Not to mention whoever else was present, be it Jes, Henrietta, and sometmes, Kerri. The family.. Play time for the girls, then it was bath time, which more to truth, ended up being quite the endeavour, as everyone who assisted, seemed to get just as soaked, as the girls did, much to their sheer joy.

Once everyone, was dried, dressed and settled, it was time for bed, as Aleyah, and Nathressa were tucked in, along with their literal army of stuffed animals. The 'pre-night-night' games, played. A bit of a story, and heartfelt prayer, and off to slumber the pair went, as Sorreah padded on, into the room, coming to curl up, on the floor between the girl's beds.

Then it was a soft kiss to Jenai's cheek, coupled with a promise to not be long, as he went about his business.. One of many broken promises, it seems.. Well, one promise, repeatedly broken. Still, it began to add up, and more so, take it's toll. As it happened, night, after night.

He would leave.. A walk around the grounds. Checking, and re-checking things, once, twice, even three times, per 'walk'.. She knew where he was, she knew she could find him.. He was litrally, arms length at times, or at the very worst, across the compound.. Easily, a bit of a walk away, as she could easily find him, yet that was not the true issue, at hand..

The true issue, it seemed, was did he 'want' to be found.. Why was he so far away, when he was so close to her, at the same time? Why did his eyes seemingly look past her, and others.. More so, her.. Why did he not talk, as he once did, why did he not go to her, as he once had.. Why did he not touch her, in the way she wished, and more so, the way he used to? So many 'whys', no?

She knew he loved her.. Yet questions arose, and with good reason.

During the day, all seemed well.. They went about their business.. She with the temple, he with whatever else, he had to take care of, since his return.. His sister's estate, financial issues, contracts, dealings with the new community centre and lord know what else.. They took care of the children together, they spoke, they laughed, loved and more so. They were a family..

Yet night after night, it was quite the opposite..

He was distant.. So far away.. So deep in thoughts, that he would not share. Always after all had settled for the eve, leaving, he and her..

A kiss to the cheek, a softly whispered 'I love you', and just as quickly, he was no longer there.. Never to return, until very late in the eve, when he would slip in bed, hoping to not wake her.. Yet in truth, they each knew she was awake, the whole while..

Night after night..

This night, was no different, as Brian found himself seemingly staring at the literal mess of gods know what, that lay before him, upon the oak desk, he was seated behind.. A small glass of red wine, next to him, occasionally sipped from, akin to an after thought.. An office, he would say, to anyone else..

She however was not everyone, else.. She called it, what it truly was.

A prison..

His head hung low, as fingers ran through the dark hair of his namesake, as he sighed softly..

He knew better.. He understood what he was doing felt bad, felt wrong.. Yet, he knew nothing else to do, at the given moment.. Little did he realize, what he was doing not only to himself, but more so to her..

He knew they needed to talk,, Knew she had been patient, and understanding.. I mean let's be honest, ladies? Show of hands, please.. How many of you, would wait a year, for a man, who seemingly left you, on your own? Hell, we have seen divorces in Rhy'din for far less than that, haven't we? Still, she waited.. She kept the torch afire.. Tended the family, and more so. She honoured him, like no other, before, and loved him more so.

She deserved to know.. She deserved to be spoken to, she deserved so much, and yet, night after night, he was a spectre of sorts.. It was still, as if he were gone in some ways.. As if some things had never changed, as if he had never returned..

Doubt began to settle somewhat..

Did he change? Did she change?

Did he still want her, as he once had.. Did he still need her, as he once had? Did she change so much so, that he no longer looked at her the same? What did she do to warrant such a manner from him.. What happened to the man, she fell in love with, so long ago? Was he still there, somewhere? Was he waiting too? Would she have to wait, as well, even more so, than she had before? All the while, he is sitting in front of her, close enough to touch.. Close enough to taste?


She deserved to know..

They needed to talk...

Yet again, he was somewhere else, holed up, in his 'office'..

His prison..

It was then, she decided..

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2010-01-27 09:03 EST
Paper, dibs, and sealing stamps filled the air in a flurry with a single sweeping arm across the desk.

She stood watching him as the last piece of paper fluttered to the floor. How long had she stood there, unnoticed, unheard, watching him in his cloud of somber?

A once delicate hand screamed across the flesh of his cheek. She blinked back the traces of tears pooling in the corners of her red eyes even as the red rose to the surface of his skin.

"These, things, have waited a year for you! It can wait one more day. Its your family that's here and now you are mourning? Or does it pain you so much that your daughters see a ghost of their father? Do you not care that my soul mate is soulless as he stands beside me?!"

She heard the little pause in the air at the door of the study, and her heart sank slowly and reflected in her voice. Her fingers dug into the desktop as she hung her head in a curtain of scarlet.

"Wake up Brian, before you lose the only family you have left."

While hers were hidden from view, twin sets of doll like blues looked to him from the door before being ushered off and back to bed by the whispers of Henrietta.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-01-30 17:44 EST
It occurred so suddenly, he never had a chance to react, what so ever.. Truth be told, one would be hard pressed to admit, if he would have even reacted in the first place, given his state of being he was in, at the time. Eyes of azure lifted, watching the spectacle at seemingly came from nowhere, as literally everything, that was strewn about the desk before him, was now sailing into the air, in what could only be described, as a force of nature.. Well, if anyone had the gall to even comment on the situation that is..

To Brian himself, it seemed that time had literally slowed to a crawl, as he watched on.. Paperwork, stamps.. Pictures, and frames.. Letters, unopened, and even his journal.. All literally floating before him, as his mind slowly began to process it all... The silhouette barely made out, within the chaos, she had unleashed.. The desk swept clean, and still he barely had a moment to bat an eye, even with the slowed response..

And just as quickly, it all came crashing down, around him.. He was then snapped back to reality in the most basic of ways..

And then, it all came crashing about, the office..

And just as quickly, the strike was heard.. Such a sound, that literally rocked him from his somewhat stupor.. A moment later, the stinging began to register, as his eyes lifted to her, regarding her, with a somewhat puzzled expression.. Slowly a hand lifted, rubbing his face, as she addressed him..

"These, things, have waited a year for you! It can wait one more day. Its your family that's here and now you are mourning? Or does it pain you so much that your daughters see a ghost of their father? Do you not care that my soul mate is soulless as he stands beside me?!"

Slowly his mouth opened.. Words, that he had wanted to say, so long ago, tried to come forth.. Yet, nothing.. He mouthed something softly, and paused upon hearing her words, yet again.

"Wake up Brian, before you lose the only family you have left."

It was then, that something caught his attention.. Just on the peripheral, it was. His eyes panned towards the door, as the softest of gasps, escaped him.. T'was the pools of azure, that stared at him.. Such a deep stare, that penetrated him to his very core.. His mouth opened to reply, as his eyes shifted between the girls,and their mother.. From mother to daughters, who were now being ushered away by Henrietta, who also carried a rather somber look of disapproval, as she regarded him.

His eyes lifted to Jenai, taking in that sight.. The sight of the other half of him.. The other half, that was so close, and yet felt so far away.. So many things that ran through his mind, at that time.. So many things to say, so many things to finally let out.. Jenai was right it was time..

"You're right.. Let's talk."

A deep breath taken, as he lifted himself from the chair, looking to her once more, as he began..

"Wake up.. You know.. I'm sorry.. I am sorry, it's taken me time to still adjust to this.. To being back, with all of you.. To returning, to find my sister and her children taken from us.. To being with my family, whom I am been away from, for a year or so.. Which, mind you, on my end of the scheme of things, felt far longer.."

The egde on his voice more than apparent, as he continued..

"I'm sorry, I haven't spoken to you.. Haven't shared, what exactly happened.. Honestly, I am still having a hard time, with a great deal of that, love.. I still don't know, exactly every detail, but I am assured by the Onyx, that it will all come back to me in time.. I know I haven't been here.. I know you all had to deal with a great deal in my absence.. I know the girls, barely recall who, or what I am, save in name, and pictures.. I know you have been hurt, as well.. So much.


A pause, as he literally rose from the desk, flipping it over in the process, as it crashed to the floor, causing quite the commotion, in the process.. The very chair he sat in, smashed against the wall, shattering into pieces, as fists pounded against the wall, for a moment or three.. His head resting against, the wall, as he spoke, with a somewhat sob filled tone..

"I never asked to be taken, damn it! I never asked to be stolen from my family! I never asked to lose you all, to the degree I did! I know you all didn't either! I'm sorry, Jen! Gods, I am SO sorry! I thought was never going to see you all again! I thought, there may have been NO way, and that not only was I stuck there, but Garet too, that idiot!

I see them.. I hear them.. Talk on corners.. 'Oh he left her.. He left them.. Probably had some other mistress, and now he came crawling back.. How can she take him, he's been gone a year.. Wasn't he decalred dead? Oh look, he whores around, and now wants to be a father?!'

I see the way they look at me.. I see the way they are so wary.. The girls.. Even you! Gods, I am wary, and scared to hell myself! I mean, what the f*ck happened to me!?

I lost a year, and more! Gone! And as SOON as I am returned, I find my family has lost eight members! Eight! Where the f*ck was !?

I wasn't where I needed to be.. That's where..."

Turning to her, a hand rose, lifting the dark locks of his namesake aside, as watery azures, regarded the other half of his heart.. The other half of his being.. The half, that again, was so close, and yet felt so far away.. Tears slowly, and yet quite freely slid downward, along his face, as he moved towards her.. Lips trembling, somewhat, as he feel to his knees in front of her, his head hung low.. A hand reached, taking hold of her leg, as he continued..

"I am so sorry.. So sorry.. I don't want to lose you all again.. Please.. Not again.. The only thing that kept me.. From giving in.. Was you, and the girls.. Our family.. I went through hell, to be here.. Hell.. Please.. Just give me time.. I can't lose you all, again.. I can't.. I can't.."

No other words came.. Instead, a soft series of sobs took hold, as he remained there, before her.. Upon his knees, in utter and complete disarray, as his grip upon her tightened somewhat.. It had taken him, what felt like a lifetime, to make it back home.. And still, he felt farther away, than he once was, and so much more afraid..

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2010-02-02 15:37 EST
She didn't really know what to say. So many things, so many thoughts, questions, answers drifted through her mind like snow. Furniture upended, delicate things lost, like the study her life was a mess after one fell-swoop.

"I want to yell, scream, even plead to you..." Her hand reached out to weave her fingers slowly in the crown of his hair as spoke softly in thought. She let the much shorter strands slip from her fingers so used to the lengthy locks that once were.

"I have never been more angry yet happy. You almost seem a stranger to me, yet I'm just as lost as you. While you shroud yourself in what ever darkness... you blind me too."

What really can you say?

If you love someone you have to, must have to, understand. So then why must it be to to protect someone you throw them in a room of knives?

"You ask for time," she whispered even more softly. "I've never stopped waiting..."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-03-18 10:23 EST
?I don?t know what I?m doing, Jen.. I?m here, and yet.. So far away.. There is so much I want to say, and yet.. I?m scared.. Ashamed.. I am Ashamed, of things, Jen. So many things..?

His head held low, as he remained there quietly? Fingers gripped, and relaxed, as he continued..

?The last year.. Was hell.. Gods, it was such hell, Jen.. I did not know, how bad things could ever, have got?I don?t know, how to even describe it..?

A pause took hold before he continued..

?And I know it was bad for you.. I know it was hell for you too.. And I?m sorry.. I am.. I don?t know what I?m doin.. It?s like, I?m goin through the motions.. Sometimes, the lights are on, but am I home? The office.. Appearances, and gods know what else.. I feel like I am a shell at times.. And I know, to you, I look that way too.. I feel like such a stranger, here.. Like there is this.. void, and it hurts.. So much..?

A dejected sigh, escaped the man, as shoulders somewhat slumped.. Still his hands held to her..

?I am not back, a day and we have to bury my sister, and her children.. Children of our family.. Jewell and I.. Jewell was as much a part of me, as breathing, Jen.. It was a side, I rarely, let show.. We were together for so long, and Jewell was the glue.. It was never me.. I don?t care what anyone says. Never me.. Now she is gone.. And her children.. All gone.. Midara, Jewell, Cher, and who knows who is next.. I have this hole inside me, Jen, and I don?t know how to fix it.. I feel like a part of me.. Was ripped, y?know? Not just Jewell, not just the kids.. But with you, and the girls.. With everything.. I feel like, something was left behind, and it is tearing at me.. ?

?The dreams.. So horrid.. So surreal.. So much blood, and pain.. Tears, and anger.. The pain, it?s all over.. I am lucky, if I sleep at all, anymore.. I have so much anger.. So much inside me, and gods I want to just reach out, and literally?I know it?s not like me.. I?m not what I need to be, and it scares me to no end.. I don?t want to lose you, yet at times, I feel like I already have.. I fee??

?What you feel is sadness, remorse.. Shame, and regret, is it not??, asked a voice that seemingly came from the darkness.. A moment later, a small black cat padded along from the darkened confines of a corner, it?s golden eyes staring at the pair, as it leaped up, landing atop the toppled desk.. A moment taken, as it?s golden hues taking in the pair, as Brian lifted his head, his eyes widening somewhat.. A breath literally stolen, as he softly called out the name..


?Good, you remember.?, said the feline, as he then turned more towards Jenai, offering a bow of sorts.. Well, as best as a cat can do, that is. It was then, he spoke to Jenai, ?Greetings, Jenai. I am Flammara, an elemental, akin to your?Well, forgive me, I am an elemental, and I was presented to as a companion, by the her grace, the Lady Raven Amoura, when he was traveling our lands.. And it seems, that I arrived, at a most opportune time, even if it were by accident.. You see, like Raven here, I too am something that, does not belong, and it will not be long before I am called back home, across the veil, so to speak.?

Brian looked between the pair, his fingers taking a firmer grip of Jenai, as a literal shivering could be felt by her.. Soft, yet very present.. Brian was visibly unnerved, as he spoke to the feline.

?You weren?t supposed to come, Flame..?

?And you were not supposed to have done, a great deal of things, Raven, were you not??, Flammara said, as he fired back, and then continued.

?This is , how shall I put it, yes.. An intervention? No? I?m sorry, I am still not used to terms, in this realm, but to say it plainly, you are having troubles here, and they are stemming from what happened, during your journey, and it is time, you dealt with it, and more so, it is time, she understood, exactly, what occurred in regards to you.?

?Flame, this isn?t the way, I??, Brian was never able to finish, as Flammara, abruptly cut him off.

?No, it may not be, however, here we are.. You need to understand, why you have the dreams, still, and more so, that what occurred in Millport, and Dravensquel was not completely your fault.. No matter what happened, he would have struck again, and again, and it may have been another time, or place, but we both know, that Darkin, would have taken you, no matter what. That said, does your Lady here, not deserve to be shown exactly, what happened to you? Even if cannot recall it all, and with good reason, we will get into, I still can, and I think it is imperative that Jenai see this..?

?No.. Not like this.?, replied Brian softly..

Flammara, looked between the pair, a moment and asked bluntly, ?Do you love her? Do you love them??

?O?Of course I do! I came back, we fought, and fought, so I could come back here to them, didn?t we?!?, answered Brian, as he looked to the feline once more.

?Then it is time..?, said Flammara, as the room itself began to dim more, so.. A slight shimmering could be seen about the trio, as the room itself, began to take another shape, and feel.

Flammara, continued, ?Do not be alarmed, I am simply using an orb of recollection, a gift from her grace. It will show things, as they occurred, as if we ourselves were there.. That is, unless you are not prepared, Jenai Ravenlock??

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2010-03-26 03:35 EST
?What you feel is sadness, remorse.. Shame, and regret, is it not??, asked a voice that seemingly came from the darkness..

She went through a torrent of emotions so quickly she couldn't even name them as they happened. The final one was a sense of disgusted ire.


She tried to keep it from her lips as she felt her jaw tighten to keep her words at bay. Her face hide her feelings poorly. It wasn't a problem of not wanting to say the right things, but whom to lash out at first. She'd wanted nothing more then to destroy everything in site. All she'd wanted was answers, his attention brought to where and on what it needed. Even if it was his own demons. They needed to be faced even if he didn't want to. And just as she felt a part of her soften and chide her for feeling this harshly... the stranger, the interloper... intruded not just in on a private moment but in their very home she'd set so many precautions against.

?No.. Not like this.?, replied Brian softly..

"That is, unless you are not prepared..."

Frustration, to pity, to animosity.

"How dare you," she growled at Flammara, as she took a step back from Brian to look at them both. Her tan hands opening and closing tightly at her sides.

"unprepared? Unprepared?! What on earth, this one or the next makes anyone think I am ever unprepared for the worst after all I have had to endure and suffer quietly... alone" She shot a glance to Brian as some of her anger gave way to something she couldn't put her finger on.

"Did you really think all those days and nights you were the lone soul of the universe that suffered?"

Her gaze darted back to Flammara, as a million questions screamed for their turn to be asked. Only one would win, "What makes you think I'm unprepared when I have been only waiting for answers? Asking questions?"

"And No? Not like this? Like what Brian?" She paused and ran her hand slowly over her face as if the motion itself washed away the irritation and left nothing but sadness as she her eyes stared at a nothingness on the floor. The pattern in the office rug blurred, bending its lines as she looked through them, forgot them and studied them all at the same time.

Even as her lips pouted, truly filled with sadness her words felt bitter and haunted.

"I've never known true heartache until they day you left... nothing more could hurt me by seeing the truth. And if you aren't strong enough for that, for me..."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-01 09:31 EST
His eyes looked to Jenai once more.. His mouth opened, to speak and yet no words came forth.. He tried again, but say there stunned to an extent, as he looked upon the woman, he had been apart from, for what felt oh so much longer than the year he had been away from her..

He still did not know... How exactly to explain what had happened, during that time away.. After all, it was hardly the topic for dinner conversation was i-- our apologies, as this is the Ravenlock family. So yes, that would fall under dinner conversation for them. Our bad.

Back to the matter at hand.. His eyes panned between the pair, as he then pointed to the elemental feline, addressing him, intently..

"Flame, stop."

His words were ignored, as the orb began to slowly shimmer to life.. Their surroundings, literally rippled softly, akin to a light blanket caught in a clotheslined breeze.. The elemental still saying nothing, as he continued.

Slowly, did images begin to take form. Blurried, indeed and quite the patchwork, in scope.. Many overlapping one another, as the process continued.

"Flame, stop this.."

It continued.


Still the images flared.. Blood, and frost.. Screams, and such agony. Suns rising, and setting.. And a child.. An infant no less.. The child screaming so loudly, for the world to hear, and yet no one comforted the child..

Images, of Garet.. Of Brian.. Images, of what looked to be, a rather young Henrietta, no less.. A small village, and just as quickly utter decimation, and slaughter..

"Flame, stop this now!"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-01 10:36 EST
<Again special thanks to the amazing players on IMVU, Lyn, Rei, Muse, Gali, Lea, Adrinna, Acua, Mar, Desire, and everyone else, who assisted in this endeavour!>

Images, came and images went.. Soon, something else came into view.. Literally, were the three in the room atop, a building.. Looking at what looked to be a small town..

Flammara spoke softly, "This is something, you both need to see.."

The sky opened above the vacated town of Milliport, as the heavens let loose with a torrential rain, the likes of which, by no means was natural... Lightening crashed, as the wind howled furiously, causing those present to shield themselves somewhat.. Trees, gave way to the force that was, as they bent to it's will, and more so the destructive intent. And then they seemingly appeared from nowhere, dead in the center of Milliport itself...

Atop the fountain was he.. Heartless incarnate.. Darkin, and by no means was the Dark One alone, as a phalanx of Death Knights, appeared around the fountain, warlocks to the ready behind the soldiers, as a barrier was erected.. The shrill cry of a child, the only sound that came from the procession, as they remained where they were..

Adrinna and Althalos strolled into town, enjoying the fine weather. Althalos was happy to see her out and about, she had preferred to be alone and slept a lot the past couple days.. However, the weather changer dramatically and Adrinna and Althalos looked around at the sky then back down to the ground as an army appeared around the town center.

Imogena Sat up on the Bridge at Millport, again wearing the bright gold armor, that made her feel a bit foolish, but she was visable, she could be seen that was the point. Word had spread of the night before and Muse needed her people to believe in her ability to protect them. So upon the bridge she waited, where from a distance she'd be a glowing dot.

Gali broke the kiss with Lea and his eyes immediately snapped out his window. He released the embrace from Lea, and ran over to the window to peer out. There he saw Darkin standing atop the fountain... and all the soldiers... he gasped, "No.. not now... why now..."

Lea followed him straight away to the window. Her bright green eyes glazed over as she stared upon Darkin once more, hoping with all her might that his shoulder hurt.

In a brilliant flash of pure white light, Caera would stand quietly. Bold and strong, while opal curls wash over her shoulders. A dangerous look upon the Magess' face and features. The sky above becoming a torrential chaos with intensity. This is where her aura shines brightly, along with those glowing cerulean orbs, that flash just as the lightning does. Such energy readily available to her, with a teasing smile to cross those ruby lips. A glare as any to be given to the appearance of the Death knights and Darkin. An intrigue is offset from the shrill cry of a child amongst no means a pleasentry in her mind.

T'was then, that Lyn Shimmered in, holding both Sunstones.. Landing on the edge of the bridge, her steps swift to Muse, not liking the feel of the place, removing one of the sunstones, holding it out to her.

" need this."

The child held closely to his chest as the Dark One's eyes of frost panned the expanse, looking around what was left of the town, known as Millport.. His knights to the ready, as the warlocks kept the barrier active.. With a voice akin to the thunders crash itself, he called out!

"Come out!! Each and every one of you.. The time of reckoning is at hand, and it begins here, and it begins NOW!"

Lea turned to Gali pulling his face round to look into her eyes, "You love me?", her voice was strong and flat.

Gali looked to her, once more, and replied, "With every ounce of fiber, that is my being.", looking deeply into her depths, as his hand was brought up, taking hers into itself.. A gentle squeeze, of her hand, to affirm, the warrior's convictions. Lea nodded in reply, as if it were possibly the final time, the pair would speak, this way.. A finality, if you will.. That done, she then drew her bow, from her back, tearing her eyes from is own, as she did so.

Merewen is poised with her Mithril bow drawn taunt. Emerald orbs flicker and flash in silence.. In darkness of the cracking storm there was much better cover to keep her hidden. Just waiting... For the opportunity to sink one of her lovely arrows into the chest of one of those Death Knights, even the unsettling beasts at their backs.. Just to watch it explode. She'd scoff at the futile attempt to draw her out, she was no ones fool and kept on her toes for many more reasons than he had to offer.

Adrinna stood strong facing the dark being, not shying away as she had done previously. Athalos stood beside her with a look of pure hatred on his face. Adrinna's thoughts were on the young child that the Dark one held.

Imogena flinched as the shimmer appeared and looked at Lyn the sunstone then back at her fountain, almost growling. She had recently fixed the rountain herself and now he had fouled it with his presence, "I sent them away!", Muse shouted from the bridge not taking the sunstone, just yet, as she continued, "You'll have no audience tonight."

Gali's eyes panned back to the window, addressing Lea, "When all hell breaks loose... Keep cover from this window... I'll need your support."

The child cried aloud once more, as Darkin, ran a gloved hand over it's little head, eyes of frost, and utter contempt glanced about once more, as he held the child aloft, in the air by it's arm.. The child once more crying out loudly in a pure hearted fear, as Darkin replied once more!

"You are all I require for this, elf! Tonight, I assure that NO one, or thing will stop, what I have set into motion, tonight, I assure that NO Ravenlock, neither here or on Rhy'din will ever stand in my way! And each of you, will be an example and a testament to all that I will become!"

Lea bit her lip, not daring to look at Gali. She stepped up onto the window ledge and then lept outwards, landing neatly below on the stones, her face set and her bow in her hand. This time, with his love, she knew she was going to stay gold.

T'was then, that one Mythril Elf, namely, Reileena, crossed the bridge. As she did so, she blinked listening around for the voices that caught her attention.

With her other hand, her sword was drawn, as Lyn looked from Muse to the fountain, the cry from the babe racked over her, as her eyes narrowed, she wiggled the sunstone to get Muse's attention.

"Althalos, we have to do something!", Adrinna shouted in fear, not knowing what either of them could do to save the child.

Caera rolls her eyes and begins tapping into the elements readily available. Purity above all else she held in mind. Darkness could never prevail over light and she aimed to intensify such things more than she had her first encounter with this man. Soft chanting to begin beneath her breath listening..waiting..anticipating and planning her own actions maintaining a focus on where everyone was.

Lea's eyes narrowed at Darkin, her face rigid. She smoothly pulled an arrow from her quiver with un-trembling hands, waiting almost relaxed for the next move. She was aware of the others in the town, all eyes drawn to the same spot, the Dark One himself..

Merenwen, hidden holds her bow quite steady aimed keenly at the heart of one of the caster looking beings. Watching, listening and waiting...A Sadistic grin set upon pale glossed lips while Emerald orbs set true to their sights.

"What in the name of the nine hells did I come upon?", was all Reilenna could say, as she took in what literally was before her.

"I come to take back what is rightfully mine.. When that is done, I will rend each and every one of you, from this mortal coil..", the Dark One cried out, to those gathered.

Gali's heart sank as he watched Lea leap out the window, and in kind, he then jumped out himself, landing softly infront of her. His words low enough only she can hear, "I'm not gonna be able to stop you am I....."

"Oh nevermind.", chuckling as Rei heard Darkin, "You've yet to remove mine."

In Adrinna's eyes, shone raw determination, although she did not know what to do. Althalos stood beside her as he unsheathed his sword.

Lea didn't move an inch as a single, solid word escaped her lips, " No.", she tried her hardest, not to let any emotion seep into it.

The child cried out, yet again, as Darkin violently shook it by it's arm, with no regard whatsoever.. The child flopping around like a ragged doll, again, and again, as the Dark One looked over each and every one of them, with such a deep hatred, as the child continued to cry out, in fear, and pain.

Gali sighed and steeled himself. His emotions and any thoughts were cut off from the outside world. He would become a blank book to any who could feel emotion or read thoughts, as he prepared himself, for what he knew, was to come.

Imogena saw the sunstone and shook her head, "Keep it.", she said. "I don't need that tonight.", wrapped in a blanket easily missed by the corner of the bridge, Muse unveiled part of one hilt of a pair of blades.

"~But this you may need~", Muse sent softly to Lyn.

Lea's stomach muscles tensed in repulsion at what Darkin was doing to the child.

"Let him go!", Adrinna cried out pointlessly. "We have to help the child!", Adrinna shouted looking about the faces of her allies, such a look upon the young lady's face, as she did so.

A raised brow did Lyn offer to Muse, "~I hath me own.~"

?~Not like this one. Brian, wanted you to have this one.~?, Muse sent back quickly.

From his waste the Dark One drew a rune dagger.. Dark was the blade, it?s runes of blood pulsing to much so, there was no mistake, as to what he had in hand.. And with such a vile expression, Darkin raised the blade and swiftly, sliced downward, cutting the child?s back ever so..

The razor sharpened blade, literally slicing so cleanly, yet the effect was devastating, as the child reacted in kind, literally shrieking in such an ungodly manner! Blood came forth, as the child?s back was now deeply crimson, as the blood smeared with each jolt of the Dark One?s arm.. The locks keeping the iced barrier in check, as deathknights reinforced the effort tenfold..

Reileena closed her eyes, pulling in a deep breath, trying to shut out the awful screams.. Yet the screams, would not cease..

Caera covered her face partially unable to watch him dangle the child as he did.. That however only pressed her resolve allowing her to concentrate on just him.. She cared not for the peons of the bunch.. She wanted him.. Just for the sole purpose to pull the life out of him if she had to.

Lea's whole body shook in repulsion and anger. She closed her eyes briefly to regain control. ?How dare you!!?

Blood flowed freely indeed, as it dripped into the fountain, bit by bit.. The child writhing in such agonizing pain, screaming more so, as Darkin once more raised the blade, and down it came.. Again, and again, across the child's backside. Back and forth.. And as he did so, his eyes of frost, looked upon each and every one of them with such disdain..

Lyn was taken aback briefly, she nodded to her sister. She placed the sunstone back around her neck before taking the sword, now wielding both swords, she swiftly made to the fountain.

Shaking the child yet again, the Dark One cried loudy, "From the mouth of babes!!!"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-01 13:47 EST
<Like the post above, this is all taken from live play, and once again thanks, to the IMVU RP players!>

Merewen held strongly, noting others in the area. Her aim would have to be on point and her draw and use of the arrow would be that much quicker. Such things.. Seeing nothing new to her.. In some places of her home realm.. They were eaten alive..

Gali's face remained as stone. His hands stayed down towards his sword, readying himself for whatever may come.

Adrinna screamed and looked away from what Darkin was doing. While Althalos watched strongly, but in great repulsion.

A anguished yell tore from Lea's lips, ?Leave him be!?

"Silence, wench!! I am not done, by a literal long shot!", said the Dark One.. His eyes of frost narrowing, as they looked upon the gathered.

In response, Lea notched her arrow, raising her bow up and drawing her magic into it.

A primal scream escaped from Lyn, as she reached the bench in front. A step taken towards it, and then, opposite as she met the others at the edge of the fountain?s barrier.

To emphasize his point, Darkin took the child, and slammed it into the waters of the fountain, as it began to turn crimson.. Little arms flailed, little legs kicked again, and again, in utter horror.. Still, he kept the child under water... For what felt like an eternity, as it kicked, and flailed so much so.. And then he lifted the child, who was now bleeding more so, due to the water, the crimson coating smeared all over the little one?s limp form..

More so, the child did not look to be breathing! After a moment, the Dark One acted.. Slamming, a closed fist to the back of the child, again, and again. Darkin cackled, as the child came back to the realm of pain, which it has escaped from, ever so briefly, while it was seemingly dead, for a moment.. The child then coughed violently, and began to thrash once more, coughing, and spitting blood, and bile, all over itself..

Reileena shook her head gripping her daggers, as her slow decent continued.

Lea drew another deep breath, blocking off her empathy with all her might, the child's emotions tearing through her barrier. She retched, spitting up, a bit herself in the process..

Muse reached out to Lyn, taking her arm and holding her back.. Noting that, however.. The Dark One grinned, evily.

"LOOK UPON ME!! Lynneth!! No..! Look upon US, and SEE WHAT YOU DID!!"

Strengthening herself, Caera gritted her teeth watching the child?s torment but not speaking a word.

Adrinna, could not look.. But her stomach lurched from the sounds escaping the child. She had to fight back the vomit inside her.
The Dark One, lifted the child more so, thrusting him forward.. The thrashing child held aloft for all to see, as it bled and spat upon itself more so.. However, something had changed.. It?s face.. T'was Marious...

The face of Lyn?s dead child.. T?was his face, that was now set upon the bleeding, and tortured child..

Gali, began to study the knights themselves.. Taking his eyes off the unfathomable fate of the child.. He.. himself.. couldn?t watch... a battle hardened warrior was forced to look away... He studied the knights for their armor and weaponry and their very nature.. Anything to take his mind from the child..

Merenwen remained ever so still to wait... ?That damned barrier.... pchghh.. Mages..?

~?Don't be baited.?~ Muse sent to her sister, her grip firm. ~?Remember your nightmare, when we went into the darkness for you...This is but a lie, don't leave me?~

?No..let me go!?, said Lyn as she tried to shrug Muse off.. Her face horrified at the sight of her son, almost losing her balance as a foulness rose up, from deeply within her! ?No!... tis not...?

"IT IS!! Mother! YOUR child, and others abound!! YOU KILLED HIM!! You killed THEM! And I told you, he would be MINE! And soon, THEY will be mine too!"

Darkin continued, ?So look upon what YOUR hand wrought, MOTHER! I said LOOK!!?

Reileena pondered, watching the events unfold? To throw a rock at him orrrrr not.. Hmmm? Such choices..

The blade lifted, and with a deft cut, the child's calf was sliced, as was the other. The child screeching loudly yet again, with that tiny voice so hoarse, the pain alone in hearing it, was staggering!

?Darkin!?, cried Reileena.

A rose petal landed on Rei?s shoulder.. A long sharp nail traced her jaw as Marytr appeared, leaning more so to Rei. Barely she whispered into her ear, ? Maybe you should...?

Such an anger rose within Lyn, seeing this foulness! She tried to raise one her swords, yet could not do so.. The impact, so devastating, upon the elf.

Adrinna could not contain herself any longer and fell upon the ground, vomiting violently, as her body shuddered to no end.

Lea however, could not tear her eyes from the scene no matter how hard she tried. The sick built in her throat and she retched again. Her face was pale and rigid..

Darkin, cried out, as the thunder crashed overhead.. "God save the child!!"

"Do not do it for Marious, or any of his lies, Do it because it needs to be done." Muse said and then let go of her grip upon Lyn.

Rei spoke, so coldly.. ?As no god will save you monster.?

With such a sneer, Darkin looked upon then all. "YOU all had the chance to stop me!! This is on YOUR shoulders! When they look back on this, they will KNOW that YOU had the opportunity, and you FAILED each and EVERY one of THEM!?

Both Elves were poised and at the ready.. Caera holding just one in her sight. A cerulean gaze dangerously set on Darkin. Merenwen?s still upon one of the mage looking beasts behind the death knights.

Another cut of the blade.. This time, along the child?s bicep, and shouder, as he shook the child yet again, and such agony did the little one show, and more so, as he yet still screamed with barely the voice he had left.. What came forth was something.. No words could set into definition, but the sound chilled to the core, indeed.. Shaking the child once more, as blood splattered about, Darkin cackled once more.

"What is that Marious? You want, Mother?", said Darkin, as he looked to the child, intently..

"I'll have none of that. Bleed this evil in my town. But you'll not murder in my name, Liar, and death bringer!" Muse, shouted in fury back from the bridge, Her inner fire swelling and making her glow golden.

Spitting heavily, Lea quivered with silver. She yelled one last time, the magic around her arrow burning a white hot. ?STOP IT!?

Darkin, cried out once more, looking upon the child.. "She did not want you! She left you with that ogre to die, by a set of stairs!! Where was SHE!? Where was your MOTHER, she was with HIM!? Because of that you are now HERE, my CHILD!?

Adrinna vomited again, just hearing the sounds. Althalos, was so shocked that he could not turn away.

Leaning over Reileenas shoulder, was Mar. Slightly she pressed her weight upon Rei?s back watching the events taking place. ?My my...this is indeed an interesting scene...?, a forked tongue darted from her mouth, licking her lips slightly.

Rei closed her eyes again, as she gripped her daggers tightly.. ?He will have to come out eventually.?

A sickening display of vile intentions, set abound by remorseless actions. Two elves and many others bearing their guards..watching.. waiting.. enduring such a display of vulgarity that not even Satan himself would dare commit.

"Each and every one of you know this.. I will do the same, to ALL you hold dear, and know I will come, in the dead of night, and CUT their lives from YOUR hearts, string by string! It begins HERE with this piece of GARBAGE that Drea claimed was her own!"

The child shaken violently, yet again!

Gali took a deep breath in.. This was getting too much for even him. His eyes now moved to Darkin... his armor... his blade.. the babe. 'no.. not the babe.. focus on somthing els'.... his demeanor... how would he fight..


Finally, Lyn responded.. ?Start with me then.. Seeing thou art killing a dead son.. Which means nothing to me.?

The child was now held by the throat, as Darkin, looked into it's eyes.. Such a glare, as the child sputtered, and flailed violently still.. The hoarse rasps of what passed for cries, still piercing the air, again, and again..

"And with this, the Ravenlock clan will die, once more, by my hand.. And with this, so will each and every one of you!?

?My will be done.."

?You pathetic bastard... Have you no sense of honor!?? Gali cried out, his eyes settling firmly upon Darkin.

Reileena added, ?Just be done with it you sick bastard and face me like the monster you are!?

Playing with Rei's hair a slight smile playing across Mar?s lips hearing her lover?s words, ?Now that?s more like it....?

Barely holding her anger in check, Lyn readied herself, swinging both swords.. Her eyes narrowed, and deadly, as she watched, biding what time, they had left..

Adrinna was still on her hands and knees though no longer vomiting, she still felt sick to the core of her being. The darkness abound, nearly choking her, and others, in turn.

With a vile grimace, Darkin turned the child around, so that it faced them.. It?s form, now so limp and helpless.. Heavied rasping breaths escaped the little one, as eyes of blue pierced the mask of crimson, and bile.. The runed dagger dropped in kind, as Darkin looked among the gathered, about the town of Milliport.. With no warning, what so ever Darkin reared back plunging his fist through the child?s back literally, as it exploded from the chest of the child!

Fingers, gripping it's tiny heart, as fingers tightened, more so, squishing it into a red mass of pulped sickness.. Innards spilling from the child, coupled with gods know what else.. So red did the waters run, in the town of Milliport.. Lightening crashed once more, as the Dark One cried out, in such an unholy rage.

Lea's face screwed up, she bit hard into her tongue, as it began to bleed. She shivers silver again, the bow held taught, directly at Darkin.

Muse swiftly made her way over to Adrinna seeing her ward in distress, a touch from her glowing hand to give Adrinna relief. "Look away, and listen to me, Ok?", she said gently.

"Yes.", Adrinna said quietly with a nod.

In anticipation both Gali?s hands went straight to the hilts of his katanas, as he growled lowly..

Such a cackle that escaped Darkin's mouth.. Madness over taking, as he literally tore the child.. Well what was left, to shreds, even going as far as to wipe his own face with the mess that was the corpse.. He then slammed it to the ground with a sickening thud!

The ground shook, as lightening struck abound again, and again!

Growling, Reileena stared at Darkin.

"And now.. Now..", said Darkin..

Lea threw up a little into her mouth, she turned to one side and spat it out fiercely in anger. Turning her eyes back to Darkin she dropped her bow and instantly turned burning white hot silver, her eyes misting over once more.

?You?ll kill us all shout up and come out!?, spat Reileena.

Such a renewed vigor, did he feel, as the Dark One looked over each and every one of them! Lowly, he replied to Reileena..


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-03 23:04 EST
"Flammara, NO! Stop this now, please!" asked Brian.

The elemental responded in kind, "Forgive me, but this has to see it's course now.. It has begun, and cannot be stopped.. You have to face this, and she has to see, this for herself."

Before Brian could respond, the air cracked with thunder.. Lightening about indeed, as the room began to shift once more.. A new setting had appeared.. A darker once.. More serene.. Slowly, did the focus improve, as Flammara spoke softly..

"Ebonholt.. A day earlier.."


Quietly, seemingly from literally nowhere, did the female Death Knight appear, heeding her master's call.. A somewhat smile took form, upon her face, as she offered a low bow to Darkin, responding with..

"You have called, Master?"

Slowly did Darkin, rise.. Eyes of frost glanced about the large room, as they then landed upon his First Knight, of sorts.. His 'hand'.. Moving towards her, the dark one, set a hand upon her shoulder, offering a gentle pat, as he then moved towards the armour rack, across the room.. Speaking the while.

"I have.. Henrietta, my dear.. First among my own.. It is time, to take this gambit, to it's next juncture, and finally, see the fruition of our efforts here. The set backs, I have suffered.. Have given me time to think.", said as he began to pick out particular pieces of armour, setting them upon a near table..

Joining him, Henrietta too began to pull her own dark armour from the rack, inspecting it piece by piece, as other Death Knights, began to file into the room.. Eleven others, giving them thirteen in total. Silently those who joined also began to inspect their armour, with not a word what so ever.

Henretta then broke the silence.

"So we are to sack Darrowshire, my Lord?"

"No, my darkest of hearts, we will not.. Not yet, at least."

"Then, my Lord?"

"It is time to reclaim that which is mine.. The little bundle that Drea seems to think is her child.. We will take it back, and then.. We will pay a visit to Milliport, once more. It is time, to let them know exactly, what we are capable of my dear.. This time, they will fall, and what was left of Ravenlock will fall with them.. This game shall come to an end, tonight.. So see to the knights, my darkest, and I shall return shortly with our prize.. This time, I will make sure, it is done."

"It shall be as you ask, Master.", Bowing, Henrietta turned, leaving her armour, as she began to bark orders to the knights. In response, they scrambled, as the clanging of dark steel, and more so, filled the room.. Ghouls began to appear, in turn, and went back and forth in a harried back, gathering equipment, and supplies.

Turning from them, Darkin made his way outside, the catherdral, as he then headed down the slope, across the bridge, into the Cemetery of Ebonholt. Warlocks, slid in behind the dark one, following in his wake, not a sound from any of them,as they did so..

A lightly traveled path, taken, as they veered to the north a bit, winding about the head stones, and momuments of those who had passed fromt his life, into the next.. Still no words, spoken, as the small group began to navigate, a somewhat bothersome thicket, yet Darkin gave no care, as he strode through, letting branch, and thorn alike cut into his skin, leaving streaks of crimson in their wake, as the Dark one, continued, the warlocks still in tow.

Moments later, they had come a clearing.. Circular in shape, as torches gave light from the perimeter, allowing all to see what was ahead..

In the center was a large stone slab.. Actually a pair, of them.. Rectanglular in shape, roughly seven feet long or so, and about three wide. The weathered stone offering a somewhat glow, as the intricate runes that had been carved so long ago, along it's sides, gave an eerie somewhat glow..

Around the slabs, were a pair of ghouls each, chains in hand.. Standing still, indeed, as their souless eyes beheld their master. Each offering a low growl in greeting, as the warlocks then began to file out, from behind the Dark one, each taking their place around the slabs, as Darkin himself strode towards the large stones..

It was then, that the ungodly screams began.. Piercing the crips air, of the night, echoing to no end.. And still, no one else gathered, said a thing..

The source.. The two young women, who were bound tightly to said stones, had finally awoken..

The screams finally drawing a sharp reply, as a sickening laughter came from the pair of ghouls, as they literally began to them mock the captive females, one even delivering a good back handed slap for added measure, as the screaming slowly began to subside.. An utter fear had settled into the bound pair, as wide doe eyes panned back and forth between the Dark One, and his minions..

A gloved hand lifted, to offer the slightest of caresses, to the one closest to him, and then the other.. A cant of head, as the Dark One looked to a particular warlock, who had joined him..


"Yes, my Lord, from a nearby farmstead.. No others will be coming, no surivors were left, it has since been razed. Forgive me, but I felt.. Twins, were somehow.. Appropriate? If I have over stepped, I offer you my life, as penance, Lord and Master."

No words, from the Dark One.. Instead he offered, a slight of nod, to the Warlock, and then turned his cold eyes upon the captives.

Darkin, seemingly stared at the pair for what seemed like an eternity, as he then softly asked them, "Your names, and do not think to decieve me."

There was no reply.. Still in shock, it seemed, as two pairs of wide eyes, stared directly at the Dark One.. The only sound was the rattling of chains, as the captives continued to shake violently, one so much so, that she soiled herself..

Once more, he asked.. This time, a hand lifted to the one closest to him, as he reared back, striking her in such a manner, and with such force, that when her head recoiled, she literally spat her own blood upon her sister, next to her.

Again, his hand lifted to once more, 'pursuade' her, as he was then interrupted by the other's voice.

"Dinnae hit her anymour! Please! We be, Theresa, and Serena McDarren! Please!"

"Ah, so you can speak.. Good.. Theresa.. Ironic if anything.. This is a sign.. A sign, that I am on the right path indeed.. In my eyes, you are Aleyah, and Nathressa Ravenlock.. Oh yes.. If he were to see me, in this way.. He would be so cross.. Such anger.. Such rage... Would I draw from him.. Yet he is not here.. Still, in my mind's eye, I can see him.. And that fae mate of his.. Jenai.. His sisters, and brothers.. The whole damned clan of them!

Then again.. Perhaps, he is closer, than we think.. What say you, daughters, of the fallen? Hmmmm?"

No.. This time, it shall be different.. This time, my will be done.. And all shall fear what I am.. All will understand that, Darkin.. That I will finally take what is mine, take my place, as I raze each village, each city.. As I lay utter and complete waste, leaving no one in the wake of my destruction, save those who stand with me... So yes.. Aleyah and Nathressa, your father will weep in hell to NO end, knowing I will end your suffering here, and once more in Rhy'din, where I will finally put an end to the Ravenlock Clan, and anyone else who decides to cast there lot with that bastard's family..

"Sair, what do y'mean? We're nae any Aleyah, or Nathressa! We dinnae harm anyone or done any'tin to desearve this! Please let us go! Please!"

"Oh, but you did.. For you were born, my child.. Each of you.. Born for this very moment, when the sacrifice you make here and now, will unleash a torrent chain of events, of the like, that NO one in this realm has ever seen.. I will see the final reckoning of that, which I detest to NO end.. Which will open such doors for myself, and my own.. Such freedom will we have, and no one will ever attempt to have the audacity to contain all that we are.. It began in Rhy'din, so long ago.. So long.. And tonight, it will end here!! In this very realm, and your lives will be the key to open those gates, that contain the flood that I am!!"

"NO! Yae cannae do this! We dinna--"

She never got any further, as a resounding back hand was delivered to her jaw.. The force, the likes of a well swung dwarven made, as bone literally shattered! Blood poured from the mouth of Theresa McDarren, coupled with bits of tooth, and flesh.. Try as she would to speak, she would only bring forth, a sickening sound.. The result of a mixture, of blood, spittle, and more so.. Eyes rolling in the back of her head, as she fought so hard to remain awake, her sister's screams barely registering to the literally dazed woman..

Once more Darkin raised his hand to her, yet for some reason decided against it, as he looked to the warlock that was posted next to him..

"The Blade NOW!!!"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-03 23:07 EST
Quickly a sheathed dagger was brought forth, and handed to the Dark One, as he quickly unsheathed it.. The warlock backed away, as others began to softly chant in the background.. The ghouls reacted by tightening their grip upon the binds that kept the women, in place, as Darkin moved to Serena, a cold gleam in his eyes, as he slid his hand underneath her head, tilting it towards him, more so, as he spoke softly..

"I will have what is mine, child.. You will be the force that grants this wish of mine.. And if I am successful, you will attain a place with us.. No I am not without merit, in what I say.. Your suffering is at an end... My dear, Nathressa.."

"Please sai---

Serena McDarren, or Nathressa Ravenlock, as Darkin likened her to, spoke no more.. Well, not in the sense of words, as the runed blade slid across her throat with a surgeon's precision.. Flesh, tendon, and more so, sliced as if butter met a hot knife..

What followed, were rather wet and hot.. As her precious fluid of life, her own blood spilled from her now sliced open throat, and yet she still tried to speak.. Still she managed to call aloud for someone.. Barely, a word at all.. As her call, was in truth be told, a sickening gurgle of blood, and air, mix with gods know what.. She called alright, to someone.. Or something to take her from this, hell..

Leaning to her, Darkin softly spoke.. "Shhhh...Tis alright, my dear.. Sleep now.. And know, you have served me well.."

Softly the Dark Lord kissed, the dying woman's forehead, as he then took the blade up once more, bringing it down hard upon her chest, as the blade pierced her chest with a sickening thud.. Bone and cartilage, literally stattered, and stretched, giving into the massive impact.. The blade piecing her heart in such a manner, as he went as far as to twisted the blade multiple times, no less.

What followed, would be etched upon all those who were present that night, as the Dark one, moved to her sister, repeating his earlier horrific acts..

The conclusion however, was not seen as the warlocks continued to chant, as each woman was bled dry.. The runes of the altars now alight with an ungodly hue, as a small portal opened, just behind them, above a small pedestal.. Lightening crashed overhead, as a violent torrent of weather set in upon those gathered, then rain began to fall...

Crimson rain..

Blood rained down upon them all, as Darkin extended his hands towards the heavens, and cried out!

"YES! All that I am, is what you will be! All that I am, is what you can be for eternity!! You and I are to be together, little one! Together, we shall secure what was once ours so long ago.. You are mine, and I am yours.. Awaken that which is inside you, child, and realize I am a part of you, and you me.. COME!! Come to me!! I offer the lives, here for this one moment.. To bring that which is inside you to me.. Make us whole!!"

Despite all that had been happening around.. Nothing had come from the portal.. Growling Darkin, looked to the ghouls, with a menacing glade, and swept his arms abroad, as several other ghouls revealed themselves from the confines of shadow.. With yet another motion, Darkin screamed aloud in a unadulterated rage!

Suddenly with no warning the ghouls leapt upon the warlocks, shredding the men literally, limb from limb, as shrieks of agony erupted abound..

T'was then, that the portal flared a dark crimson, and more so, as Darkin cackled loudly, in turn!

"YES!! YES!! Now it is time! Bring the child to me!! TO ME!!"

After what seemed like an eternity.. Torrential weather.. Blood abound, literally.. The ground ran red with blood, as tombstones, and markers alike literally shattered all over the cemetery, as that which was once buried, now sought the light of day.. Once more, the dead have risen, and once more they have answered the call of their newfound master..

Yet something else, happened, as a shrill cry took the attention of the dead and their master, a loud and shrill cry.. The cry of a small child.. The cry of the child that held within him, the last bit of Brian Ravenlock, and more so.. Held a portion of the Dark one, as well.. Where he was taken from mattered now.. Save, he was indeed spirited away, and now sat there upon the pedistal before Darkin himself, as the Dark one took the child in arm, and hefted him softly, before cradling him to his own chest..

"You are here.. And I promise, no one else, will ever harm you.. No one else.. Ravenlock.. Brian.."

Turning to the one warlock the remained at his side through the mayhem, Darkin barked an order, before heading back to the Chapel..

"Gather what we have, meet with Henrietta.. We head to Milliport, and it will end there!!"

No other words, as the warlock nodded, doing as his Lord asked.. Darkin, however spoke softly to the child..

Still what no one felt or noticed.. Was the single long stemmed, crystalline rose, azure in color.. That was left exactly where they child had been taken..