Topic: Tempest Flare

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-24 07:15 EST
Jenai had left and walked herself to the Temple, where she knelt before the alter. The berserker temper had left her, the fire orchids on her back itched begging her to fall to prone and she did.

Her eyes darkened to indigo, those would take time to come out from the mood. She was not angry with herself, there for she knew her Goddess was not angry with her bruised and sore Priestess.

It would not have had to be Jewell that the fight was over. It was the bottle, the glass, a cut to the throat of anyone not paying attention that grabbed her eyes. She had only wanted the girl to stop as she held her wrist to pry the bottle from her fingers. But the sudden attack on her own being had triggered the beast she hid inside, turned on the training.

But even the training was no match tonight as the tempest flared. She went nuts, even using only a touch of what she was designed for. She saw herself from outside the crowd that made room on the floor... Jenai had been as quick as ever and laid one attack after another.

She still did not know if the girl had really lost her conscious state, but most people don't fight, can't fight back when she's pinning them like that. She may never know. She even some how managed to split the girls side with the hilt of her weapon. How she will never know. Maybe the skin was softer then Jen had thought at first blow. And that was only to keep her from firing a blaster into the crowd of onlookers. Once the girl was down, she was left alone by what Jenai had been taught was fair. She did not want to kill her. She had a few of those ghosts under her belt as it was.

She heard people's voices in her ears and that echo of the Goddess that whispered with them. They were confused, they chattered. Yet no one outside the Order of Scathach knew that Scathach was a deeper goddess, she was one of War, Fighting, Death, Revenge as well as Justice among many. They saw only one side when they looked at the Warrior Priestesses, it was always the one that helped them. Foolish.

She straightened and looked upon the alter with soft lilac pools. As she called out part of the ancient prayer.

"Should anger be the greater part, however,
We shall strike with all the fury in our hearts.
Dougals' forging, Eiluneds' casting, Gwydions' treachery;
These have never been forgiven or forgotten by us.
Should they or any other attempt to stop us,
They shall meet the fury of our blades.
Empowered by Scathachs' great speed,
The speed of Death,
We shall destroy all who attempt to defeat us.
None shall survive our wrath. "

She meant what she said to the girl, barely a year, maybe two younger then herself. About protection of Ravenlocks, and this was well before she even spoke to Brian. Jewell was the Ravenlock, Jen's focus only on the one that attacked. Even in the Flare she never did strike another, not even a glance, a glare.

Her furry was fading, the energy taken from her as she curled to lay on the floor before the Mural and Alter.

"Watch over your children Mother Goddess" It was Scathach that let the remained battle furry drift away and had Jenai Angelique collapse in slumber, even if for a little while.