Topic: Inner Peace: A Draconian's Training


Date: 2010-08-06 13:33 EST
Verbosk flicked his tongue out anxiously. This was well beyond his own jurisdiction in RhyDin, but it wasn't as if he was helpless. He was a watchman--nothing scared him. Not to mention he was raised in the rugged plains of Tississk. Magic was just permeating the air of RhyDin. That little fact had always made him nervous...

...But not around his Bromissk. The Lupinossi Den Alpha. The draconian trusted this particular magician. Then again, the Alpha was a god... or something close to it. Verbosk sought for his Bromissk, his kind Master who just might teach the young draconian hunter just what it was like to be balanced, at peace within himself. No small feat, but one the draconian was confident his Bromissk could accomplish.

Verbosk soon found himself in the Lupinossi Den, and he looked around, awed. This place is the home of the Lupinoss... and a god, the watchman thought to himself excitedly. He rubbed his hands together, then began to search the dwelling for Vuusoolta Wolf.

Vuusoolta Wolf

Date: 2010-08-08 02:23 EST
The Lupinosse Den, home to the only known group of Lupinossai in these realms, was becoming a good sized village. Needless to say that when a non Lupe walked the streets, they were noticed quickly and reported to the Den Alpha. Vuu had a report within seconds about a person that looked like a dragon but was not a dragon for it walked on two legs.

He simply nodded once as he sat in the main office his humble dwellings housed. The house was his fathers until the exiling. An event he did not approve, but even a Den Alpha must report to a superior, and that was the Den Council. Vuu waved a paw to dismiss the messenger and stood. He was garbed not in his usual robes he wore outside the Den, but garbed in the clothing of a Den Alpha.

Red sash flowed from right shoulder to left hip, wrapped around his waist and was then tucked behind the waist wrapping to resemble a fancy, flowing loin cloth. He did wear a hakemah of a deep red than the sash, looking like a samurai of old, but he did not wear the tunic as his father would. No, this was a new age of leadership. Vuu wore an open, button less vest of dark green wool. Upon the vest was the gold sigil of a wolfs paw marking him of Den Wolf.

Being inside his own dwelling, and having no mate, he deemed no need to wear his muzzle. But now he must venture into public and the necessity of speaking would assail him. He lifted a simple, leather muzzle and donned it on his own muzzle. Ice blue eyes peered past the plain leather straps as he moved for the door. It was time to see this stranger, though he was fairly certain who it was.

Vuu walked the streets, noting the absence of lupe children at play and whispers among the adults. A glance at a slow gathering of Lupinossai told him what direction the stranger was in. He kept his pace slow and deliberate. This was not a dire matter nor a cause of alarm. One stranger was more likely a visitor to be welcomed. Thus, Vuu walked among his people, whispering calming words, soothing fears, and deflecting concerns as he walked for the Draconian.


Date: 2010-08-08 02:46 EST
Verbosk was distinctly aware of the absence of noise. He was not surprised. The watchman was a stranger, and certainly not one of the most hospitable-looking ones. Who would feel comfortable around a nine-foot hulk of a bipedal dragon, naked aside from a pair of short pants and brown scales glistening in the light of the Den? He didn't dare approach any of the houses, not wanting to disturb any hatchlings or intrude on accident on some young mates in loves embrace.

He looked up and around at the windows, looking for some sort of marker that can point him in the right direction towards where the Den Alpha could be found. Acting on a hunch, he flicked his tongue out to see if something he recognized could be spotted.

What ho? What is this? He detected age... and the presence of magic. Those magicians always had a unique scent. His tail swaying anxiously, he looked behind him. A crowd of Lupinoss, regarding him curiously, stood in doorways and leaned out windows. But in the center... the one he sought. An muzzled Lupinoss, clothed in a sash and ornate loin cloth, and green vest. Verbosk turned to face his Bromissk full on, completely calm, then offered a deep bow to the Lupinoss Den Alpha. "Bromissk... I am glad to have found you."

Vuusoolta Wolf

Date: 2010-08-10 12:17 EST
Vuu stood quietly in the street regarding Verbossk. The draconian risked much to come find him in strange territory. Vuu dipped his muzzled head in a bow of greeting.

"Please return to your homes or your personal business. I will see to our visitor personally." he whispered softly, yet his voice seemed to carry to all around him.

The gathered Lupinossai dispersed back to their activities. Vuu approached Verbossk with a slight smile constrained by the muzzle.

"You have traveled far to see me. How can I be of service?" he asked, soft voiced.

His demeanor and aura didn't radiate like an all powerful Alpha. Instead is subtly hinted at the wisdom that brawn rarely displayed.


Date: 2010-08-10 12:31 EST
The watchman kept his eyes carefully lowered, partially out of respect and partially so he could talk to his Bromissk face-to-face rather than over the top of his head. Folding taloned hands in front of him to further reinforce the point to anybody who could be watching that he was no threat, he spoke.

"I have missed you, Bromissk. I want to learn more. The night we met, you influenced me so that I was serious with my words. I want to learn, and I want to learn from you. My Guide, my Teacher, my Master."

Perhaps being a bit overly dramatic, the draconian then dropped on his knees to the Lupinoss Alpha, getting on his level.

Vuusoolta Wolf

Date: 2010-08-10 17:15 EST
Vuu watched Verbossk display of open passivism as well as the clear desire to instructed. Vuu bowed his head in thought for a moment. One or two Lupinossai watched, their steel mail indicating the Den's own Watch, but they made no move towards them. They just kept dutiful watch on the comings and goings of the street.

"I will accept you, Verbossk, as a student. I can try to teach you balance, but most balance is learned by doing, little by hearing. Follow me about and see what balance can be." he waved a paw gently indicating Verbossk to follow him.

Vuu turned and walked down the streets. He would acquaint Verbossk with the Den.


Date: 2010-08-11 03:13 EST
The draconian blinks at the Alpha then rises. He follows Vuu, his talons clicking on the road of the Den.

Vuu walked down the main road showing Verbossk a few places of import. "There is Whisper Paws Clinic to your right. It is our only hospital. Founded by Fleetwolf and Fen Stridar. To the left is the Council of Dens Hall. Ahead are a few appartment complexes." He whispered all the while, walking slowly.

Verbosk points at the clinic. "Is the lab in there also, Bromissk?"

Vuu paused in mid tour. "Many labs exist inside. Why do you ask?" he said softly.

"I was talking to Ammy... your step-dame... and she told me that she worked in a lab when she was still a part of the Den."

"Ah. Yes, Ammy Spiritors lab is on the lowest floor if memory serves me correctly." He said and moved on to show him the market they had, slowly working towards a garden outside.

It was no ordinary garden. This garden had ornate shrubs and flowers, but now edible plants. It had pedistals spread through out the garden with glowing, fist sized orbs made of differing colors of crystal.

The watchman looks around him, admiring the various sights, big and small, as his Bromissk speaks. The draconian cannot help but be a little humbled in Vuu's presence, and as they enter the garden he is awed by the beautiful arrangements of the the various flora and fauna. He takes a moment to admire a bloom near the entrance.

Vuu turned quietly and observed Verbossk for a moment. He was taking stock of the Draconian as he admired the flower. Nearby that flower was a swirled red and gold orb. He had a thought. "What do you feel at the moment?"

He looks at the muzzled Den Alpha, his concentration broken by the soft words of the Lupinossi. "Amazed."

Ah, interesting. "I see. This is good. Often times we live and grow bored with life about us. Do you feel anything else in this garden? Any emotions emanating or seeking you out?"

Verbosk hesitates a moment, then speaks. "Desire."

A slight nod of his head. "The orb near you, the red and gold swirled one was once the soul of a young mage filled with ambitions to be the best. His desire pushed him too far into greed and he died for it. What do you desire?"

He speaks quickly this time, not wanting to test his Bromissk's patience again. "A desire to have what you have... what I used to have in Tississk."

He closed his piercing blue eyes for a moment. "Ah, yes. You want the balance I have. Desire is good in this area, but you should not be feeling it. It should be below your heart, in your belly, grounded, and softened." he visually spoke with his paws as well showing a grasping paw being closed, placed to his heart, and then pushed down to his belly, the core of his body.

The Hlask furrowed his brow, a little confused. "I don't understand, Bromissk. I thought desire came from the heart."

"It does come from the heart, but the heart can be quick to act on emotion. Balance is accepting the emotion and grounding it with your core, pausing to study it, not reacting on it." he said softly. "Right now, all of these orbs elicit varying emotions. I am assaulted with them, yet I listen and study them, understand them, and know that they are needing me to react to them."

"So, what you are saying is that balance lies in control. That in order to be balanced, you shouldn't react."

The lupinossai smiled gently. Good. Verbossk can grasp Vuu's philosophy. "Exactly, Verbossk. That is step one. Learning to control your emotions and react only when needed."

Vuu walked to Verbossk and bade him to follow again.

The draconian drops onto his knees again. "But how can I accomplish this, Bromissk? My emotions rule me, like they rule any other advanced lifeform."

Verbosk did NOT drop on his knees. He follows Vuu instead.

"This is a plight we all are born with. Your first task then, is when you feel emotion coming into you. I dentify it." He spun suddenly and launched a furred fist at the draconian.

The draconian, acting completely on warrior instinct, brings an open hand up and deflects the oncoming fist.

He let's his attack be deflected. "What did you feel?"

"Nothing. I just... frack. I just reacted, Bromissk..." He lowers his hand and sighs.

He placed a firm paw on Verbossks shoulder. "Yes, reacted without thinking, without feeling fear or anger. Why did you react?" he asked softly.

"Because you were about to hit me, Bromissk."

"That answer is a reaction as well. Yes, I was trying to strike you to elicit a response. But why were you able to react without emotion?"

"Because I was trained that way, Bromissk. I was trained in Tississk to stop whatever was going to hit me."

Vuu smiled again. "Yes. You were trained to put aside emotion by repeatedly blocking attacks until your body moves without thought. To be balanced is similar. You must learn to accept the emotion that happens then put it aside. Most students I strike at either feel fear or anger. You felt neither. You have hope."

Verbosk would blush if he was physically capable, but he simply looks down and emits a small dragon grin. "Thank you, Bromissk."

Vuu was smiling as well. He led Verbossk into the village again. In the street there seemed to be a comotion going on. A few lupinossai were looking from windows as a young female was on the ground bleeding, a watch member between her and the male being held back by two other watch members. Vuu slightly hastened his speed.

Verbosk follows the Alpha, looking above the Lupinoss to see what the commotion was all about.

Coming to a halt in the middle of the seen he looked the bleeding female over, then a glance to the irrate male. "The meaning of this blood letting?" he asked calmly. The restrained male snarled. *She stole from my vendor. She's a thief and deserves death.*

Before the male could speak again, Vuu held up a paw for silence from the male. He looked to the bleeding female. "Can you speak?" he asked softly. She nodded hesitantly. "Did you take from his vendor? You are not in trouble." The female nervously replied. *I took food from him. My pups are starving.*

The watchman stayed close, but not so close that he is in the middle of everything as well. He stands at the edges, observing.

*Lies! She lies! She has no pups. She doesn't wish to pay!* he snarled more. Vuu still had his paw up for silence. "I have heard your side already." he said quielty. "Your pups are starving. Where is your mate?" The female cried. *He died in the war for the Den.* Vuu nodded once. "How many pups?" he asked. *Four.* she cried. "Four pups to support without a mate. I see." He glanced to the watchman by the female. "Please escort her to the clinic for healing. Then I want you to take her to her pups and move her to the communal pack. Make sure her and her pups are found a place within and that they are cared for."

Vuu turned to address the male. "She has admitted theft for a good cause, yet it was theft of your property." Vuu withdrew his personal money pouch. He retrieved five gold coins and gave them to the male. "I appologize for a widowers need to feed her pups. Now then, take the money and return to your store. Keep in mind though, that drawing blood on a female is not acceptable either. I want you to keep some of that coin aside to cover the expense any further war victims in need. Understood?"

The male glanced at the coin in shock. His anger abating. Looking up to Vuu, he nodded. *Yes, Den Alpha. Your understanding and forgiveness is not a lie. Your father was a good man like you, I am happy to see you are one as well.* the male clutched the coins and left. The two other watchmen looked to Vuu. He nodded for them to return to their posts and they left.

The draconian had watched the entire scene intently

A glance to the on lookers still. He simply bowed low for an Alpha to the watchers and they left quietly. Straightening he walked for his house slowly. He motioned for Verbossk to walk by him. "What are your thoughts on that incident?"

Verbosk follows close to Vuu's side. "You behaved honorably, Bromissk."

"I see. Did you feel any emotions for the situation? Any emotions for either the shop owner or the young woman?"

"I felt pity for the female, Bromissk. Anger and understanding for the male."

"And how would you react to those feelings?"

"If the shop keeper had been saying those things about me, I might possibly have landed a fist in his face and walked away. Or I would have just walked away and taken my anger out on something else."

"So for the victim, you would empathize anger. Where as the victim was giving off the emotions of neither fear nor anger. She exuded worry about her pups should she be arrested. What about for the store owner?" he kept them walking slowly for his house still, though he stopped in front of the clinic again.

"If I was standing in the shop keeper's shoes... so to speak... I possibly would have let her go, even if I was ignorant to the fact. Food is a neccessity, and those that can't afford should be entitled to it. Plus, to hurt a female in public is particularly unpopular in the eyes of the commons."

"Valid points. He was feeling anger for losing something that his lively hood for him and his own family rely own. Anger seems to be a key throughout this event for I am sure the victim felt anger at having her mate lost in a war for this den and not having her and her pups cared for." he stopped and turned to Verbossk. "Now you mentioned that if you were angry in that situation you would either strike or redirect the anger at someone else. Anger should be dropped like a hot coal from your heart. Now why do I say that?" he asked Verbossk. Yes he was a teacher that asked a lot of questions of his students.

Verbosk thought hard on the question, rubbing a talon on his chin thoughtfully. "Because anger can blind one."

A slight nod. "That's one answer. What does anger often illicit in a person?"


"Close enough. Reaction." he said quietly.

"Reaction... Yes, Bromissk." He notices they are in front of the clinic again.

"Now, I have used examples around here, but maybe I should ask for an example from you personally. Have you had any events that made you angry illiciting a reaction?"

"Well..." He focuses back on Vuu. "Recently, somebody insulted my mate. I lost my temper... and nearly killed her, if it wasn't for the interjection of a trusted dragon friend."

"I see. And were the insults true?" he asked.

"They were not."

"Then why did you react? Why did you feel anger if none of the insults were valid? Are not insults simply words?"

"I reacted... out of loyalty to my mate."

"Ah, loyalty. What to do you value as loyalty? Does it mean to be violent to strangers who do not know her? Or is it to love her no matter what is said and with that love not feel anger on false words?"

"It means to love her, and defend her honor as long as she is yours."

"Her honor is still intact within your heart is it not? Honor is a concept differing to all sentient beings. To feel insult from a attack on a concept that has many forms and standards is to chase a cat up a tree. All you get is a horse throat from barking and a cat that knows how to push your buttons."

The watchman blinks, then looks down and to the side, somewhat ashamed of himself for not seeing this. "Yes, Bromissk..."

"We have hope now. You recognized what I am pointing out. Congratulations, I will teach you." Vuu said gently placing both paws on Verbossks shoulders.

Verbosk simply nods. The revelation is sticking to his brain. "Thank you, Bromissk," he answers simply, if not a little quietly.

"Now, do not look ashamed. Failings are a path to learning. You failed and you have learned. The first lesson I want you to try while away is to think on what emotion is in you when something happens. Try to stop the reaction and understand what emotion is happening. When you can do this, we will start the next lesson. Now, you may be wondering why we are before the clinic again? I feel that your desire has another purpose as well."
The draconian nods, accepting the task his Bromissk gave him. He then answers after looking at the clinic a moment. "You read me well, Bromissk. There is one thing. It involves Ammy."

He simply touched his heart. "I may not know everything like a god, but I still feel like one." He nodded a moment. "I see. What about my step-mother does this involve?"

"Her condition... is lung cancer, Bromissk. Doctor Fen is tending to her radiation therapy, but she told me of a technology she developed that could cure her disease."

"That is why you ask about her lab. She is an exile and can not use the lab. You wish me to obtain what she needs, yes?"

"Or at least give me leave to claim it for her, Bromissk."

"That is a difficult request, for the Council of Dens has made that ruling. I am not above them. I must abide their ruling as well. However, if you were to approach my step sister Myrlene. She is a council member for two Dens. She can bring the case forward." he advised soflty.

He bows deeply to Vuu. "I will do so, my Bromissk."

Vuu bowed slightly to Verbossk. "I wish you luck in that respect. If the council will not yield, I may have another solution."

"I listen, Bromissk. But I will try the peaceful solution first."

"Good. Now I must go and tend to a few meetings. I will see you again, yes?"

"Yes, Bromissk. Tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning will be fine. Now go, try what we have discussed and I will ask how you have done."

He bows deeply again. "Yes, Bromissk."

Vuu turned and walked away.

Verbosk smiles at the departing Lupinoss, then turns to find a hotel within the Den


Date: 2010-08-17 13:49 EST
Lene's paws deflty glided over a few shelves, feeling the new bumps of the brail binding. She had helped restore some of the collection of books for the blind. Ah, here we are. Guide to Making Chemo Less Painful. She pulled the book out and with her Mythril staff felt her way over to a couch and sat. The book was opened and her fingers glided over the bumpy plastic pages.

Verbosk walked into the tea shop, the bell ringing cheerfully. He looks up at the annoying little thing and growls, but does little more.

Her lone ear twitched hearing the bell. She turned another page feeling out what she could do to make mome more comfortable during her treatments.

The watchman looked over to a table and saw Lene sitting there, reading in her strange language for blind. His feet pound on the wooden floorboards lightly as he approaches her.

A slight sniff let her know that Verbossk was near before she felt him in the Force. "Evening Verbossk."

He offers a bow, even though it is mundane. "Good evening, Nishmath."

"What brings you by the book shop?" she asked turning another page. So far, her research was mostly in mental preparedness for the patient. Magic was considered a bad idea for easing the pain.

"Oh, I was passing through. Thought I might stop by, see if anybody was in here. Thank heavens I was right."

Lene leaned back in her seat listening to Verbossk. "Looking for anyone in particular?"

"Well, in this case, no. But I do need to speak to you."

"Oh. What can I help with? Do you need a book rebound? A song sung. Protection?"

He laughes, then takes a seat across from Lene, the legs scraping against the floor.

"No. Something honest, and serious."

"Honest and serious. Those are two words rarely used together. What troubles you?" Lene asked letting a paw feel out her staff. The cool feel of Mythril was conforting.

"Well... it involves your mother."

Lene pursers her canid lips pondering. "Why am I not surprised." she mentioned lightly.

He folds his hands together and sets them to rest on the table. "I'm trying to get something for her. Something that I need your help with."

She waved a paw for him to continue. She was listening.

"Your mother, before she was exiled, was working on a nano technology that could cure her cancer. They are in storage in her lab at Whisper Paws, but I cannot get into it... legally... yet, and my Bromissk cannot give me clearance."

She leaned forward hearing him. "Ah. You need mom's LCV research."

He nods automatically. "Yes, I do. You are Council member. Can you help me?"

She taps her clawed fingers in thought for a moment. "How did you know I am a council member?"

"Bromissk told me."

Lene nodded. "That confirms then that my exile is over if step brother calls me a member of the council. So what exactly are you wanting to do? Just get the LCV and take it to her, or get her back into the lab?"

"It does not matter to me, Nishmath. I can get the LCVs to her myself, but if you want to do it, that is perfectly acceptable. More time to devote to my studies."

"Studies?" Lene asked a little interested. "Hmm. As to the case of getting the LCV, I may be able to get the council to be reasonable. Bear in mind they are much, much older than I am."

"Bromissk understands the need. He would support you, I am sure."

"I do not doubt that. But the council seems to be more lenient if sound logic is given. I will have to make them see that helping an exiled Lupinossai, worth less than dirt, is a noble cause." she wasn't discouraging, just letting him know the task at paw.

He nods at her. "You will aid us, then?"

"To refuse would mark me as one not caring for my blood family. It would also say that I agree with the councils decision for exiling. Yes, I will help."

The watchman bows to Lene, showing his respect though she may not see. "Thank you, Nishmath."

"You are welcome Verbossk. Though I am curious when you say studies. Are you a monk?"

"Nay. I am learning balance, so I may achieve inner peace. My Bromissk is showing the way."

"Oh lupis, Vuu is trying to make you a calm person?" she started to laugh hard. "He's still trying to get me to be less risky."

"But he is a god. He has said himself that I have hope. He will teach me. My Bromissk is kind and wise, yes."

She tries to stop laughing. Rubbing her furred head, she smirked. "Yeah, he's the son of a god. Doesn't mean he truly is one. But if he see's you're workable, then may Canis keep you close to her supple chest."

"Thank you, Lene. Your confidence is soothing."

"You're welcome." she lightly touched the opened book she had out earlier. A sigh of defeat escaped her.

"I will leave you be now. I must get back to the Den and my Bromissk."

Lene nodded. "Good luck."

The draconian rose and nodded back. "Thank you again, Nishmath."

She closed the book, stood and returned by feel to the place she got it. She put the book back. She needed a break. Lene turned and headed out the door, her staff thumping. "Have a good night." She left the store.

He goes toward the door and pushes it open, the bell ringing again