Topic: The Orphan Deity


Date: 2010-09-04 15:55 EST
Iimiidiina sets himself down in front of the fire and sits Indian style. The five-year-old sash-clad orphan looked back casually from his spot in front of the hearth to observe the newcomer. He looks back at the fire after soaking in the surrounding conversation for a few minutes. The boy yawns and rubs his eyes.

Tysiath wakes up on the couch. As her eyes open she notices there are others in the Inn now. Sometimes she is a deep sleeper. She sits up and stretches out her arms and looks around.

SHe looks over ant notices the young boy is still here. She decides to go over to him.

"Hey, Iimiidiina. Doing okay over here?" she speaks with a soft voice as she goes to sit beside him.

The orphan looks over at the female draconian and nods. "Iish. Mooya, maasoo daagoon."

The door opened and Vuusoolta stepped inside. He was dressed in dark forrest green robes and wore a sash from right shoulder to left hip with a silver and gold wire woven emblem of a paw hanging above his heart. A muzzel of hemp and jade beads addorned his muzzel tonight. Ice blue eyes surveyed the commons and he spotted someone he ran into the alley earlier.

She smiles and nods. "So, you just sat around here th entire time?"

"Waat foo Alphrans. Nii soopree."

She slowly repeats what he says, trying to translate it to herself. "Alphran means Alpha, right?"

He nods. "Iish."

She smiles widely. "I think I'm finally starting to understand some things you say now."

Notes the lad is speaking with a draconian. Interesting, though the fact that a young one is out of the Den so late had him very concerned. He stepped behind the bar to fix two drinks. Hot chocolate.

She holds out a hand on her knee for him to hold on to see if the young boy is still afraid of her or not.

The boy looks at it a moment, then places his hand in hers. "Pahmaat?"

She still has no idea what he is saying, so she plays along with it and nods. Although, she does not know if she is answering it right. She just wants to do something so she does not upset him again by trying to figure out what it means.

Soon the hot chocolate was ready. He added two personal touches to the cocoa. A dab of orange honey and some green mini marshmellows. Lupis be damned to the one who introduced the first Lupinossai to marshmellows, but lupes seemed to love them. Taking the two cups, he walks slowly for the hearth.

He smiles, then looks back into the fire, completely unaware of the Alpha's presence.

She does not really notice another is coming to the hearth. She just continues to look at the small boy and smiles. She enjoys hanging around little ones, reminding her a lot when she was young.

Quietly walks up to the Hearth and kneels with grace and ease of a well toned warrior that knew how to dance as well. "Miinoa swii sem fiigoo choolaat?"

The orphan looks over and see his Alpha. He looks at the cups and licks his muzzle, then nods. "Iish, Alphrans. Peesee."

She looks over at the other Lupinossai. She tries to understand what he says, too, but not much luck. She waves her other hand that isn't being held by the young boy to greet him. "Hello there."


He holds out a hand.

She sighs in relief and laughs a little bit, relieved that he can speak the common unlike the little boy. "Oh, good you can speak common. I was worried I would have to start guessing and trying to understand what you were going to say....are you his father?"

The boy shakes his head. "Nii. Yiim alphrans."

Vuu started to chuckle some making a few windows rattle. "No. But we are of the same race. I am his alpha. He speaks Lupesh, our native tongue. He's one of our many orphans in the Den."

The boy holds out his paw for the cup.

He did place the hot cup in bows paws with care. "Caalee miinoa. Fiigoo choolaat." he told Iimiidiina.

The boy nods, then takes a slow sip, relishing in the mint marshmellows.

"Ohh, I see." She nervously stares at the windows and what they do. After staring at the windows, she bows her head to him in respect. "It is nice to meet a Alpha of any kind."

"Mooya, Alphrans."

"I am honored to meet you as well." a glance to Iimiidiina and he smiled. "Wiicoo."

"You are?" She tilts her head a bit confused. "I am not of power, authority, or wisdom though. Why would you be?"

Iimiidiina blinks, then looks at the windows. He looks back at the Alpha and whispers. "Alphrans, oom caa doo taat too!"

"Power, authority, and wisdom is not what makes a person special. It's what is iinsii tii tahm." he tapped his chest where his heart is.

She nods at him. "Well, I guess my kind think a little otherwise sometimes. And it is very unfortunate....I'm sorry, but I should have good manners. May I know your name? Mine is Tysiath."

"Alphrans." The boy tugs on Vuu's sleeve.

A look to Iimiidiina. He recalled the question. "Iish. Stroom vuu." A look to Tysiath. "I am Vuusoolta Wolf, Den Alpha of the Rhydin Den, and son of Fleetian Wolf, at your service." he gave a low bow.

She smiles at him. "It is nice to meet you, Vuusoolta Wolf. " She thinks for a moment, and realizes it sounds familiar. "Wait...don't you have something to do with Verbosk?"

"Yes. I believe his word for me is Bromisk."

The boy shakes his head. Clearly, the orphan thought Vuu was jumping to conclusions. "Nii, nii. Alphrans, oom doo shaam taan ahs yom."

"Bromisk...yes, I remember now he calls you his master for teaching. He mentioned to me it before. What exactly do you teach him?"

"I simply teach him how to keep his emotions in check." hearing Iimiidiina, he nodded to him.

"Maybe that is why he had forgiven me recently then. he was trying to kill me at first. Thank you. " She bows her head to him again.

"Glad my lessons are having some effect. Though he has recently suffered from a bit of shock over some news. he may be a little off."

She brings her head back up and nods. "Well, once I see him again maybe I can comfort him now that he and I are friends. Hopefully that will ease his shocked mind on whatever happened."

Vuu nodded.

The boy sips at his hot chocolate silently.

"Would you like to learn Lupesh?" he asked Tysiath.

"Learning a third language...sounds rough, but I am willing to give it a try." She smiles happily

Vuu finally took a sip of his cooled cocoa. The minty chocolate was perfect. "It is mostly vowl sounds for those of us lacking human lips.

The nods. "Lupesh eesh."

She grins. "You should see how long it took me to learn the common language. I had a father that would whap me upside the head until I got things right."

Vuu simply grinned. "With lupesh, we don't hit you. you just might say something completely different than what you intended."

The boy casually fidgets with his front cover.

"Oh, I've had that happen. Recently what Verbosk tried to kill me over was a simple misunderstanding, and he was not wanting to know it was a mistake. I'm not going to have to deal with any of that am I?" She now has a concerned look on her face.

::the once dakini pushed open the front door and slipped inside:::

"No. We have a kinder outlook on people learning new things. In fact, the first sentence we would teach you is Oom riidii lupesh. It means I'm learning lupesh."

"Oom...riidii...lupesh..." She repeats it a few times. "Oh, that is great news then. I feel very relieved now." She smiles, then looks at the young boy to see what he is doing.

He is not doing much, just playing with the flap of his sash.

"If you say something that makes someone look displeased, use that sentence and they will forgive you which is foomen."

She looks back up at him. "Foomen? That means forgive?" She tries to make sure she is understanding correctly.

Vuu gives Iimiidiina a calming pet on the head. "Yes. Foomen is forgive."

She smiles. "Oh, okay. Umm, what exactly means pahmaat?"

::::she looked over the commons and saw several strangers who got wary but respectful nods, some who were acquaintances who got small careful smiles and nods of the head, and then those she knew who got larger smiles and a small wave of the hand, when she saw the youngling she had taken into her lap earlier she scooted over to the hearth with a beaming smile and a happily skittering gait::::

He smiles over at the Alpha.

Iimii! Vuusoolta....Tys! :::::she was practically hopping from foot to foot, she didn't know who to hug first:::

"Pahmaat is pack mate or friend. Oohmarah Sita." Vuu greeted her.

She nods at Vuusoolta and then sees Sitalkis come over. "Hey, sita!"

"Oohmarah, Sita!" The child offers a wave to his friend.

Greetings Vuusoolta! hello again Tysiath friend......ooh.....oohmarah iimii! ::::she leaned in to smooch the youngling's forehead:::

Acting like a little kid, he grimaced and wiped his forehead. "Ew! Aash kiimii!"

"I am teaching Tysiath some of our vuum Lupesh."

She giggles at what Sita and Iimii do. "So, Oohmarah is a greeting, yes?"

Vuu shook his head for a moment from the daze. "Oohmara is evening. Yes a greeting."

"Ohh, okay. The language is surely interesting, and much more easy to learn than the common."

:::she frowned slightly at the reaction:::: would Iimii rather have huggings from sita?

"Iish, peesee."

Vuu grinned. "Yes. Quite."

The boy smiles and hugged the temple dancer.

:::she let go the child eventually and sat down next to him on the floor, murmuring:::: has Iimii been well since sita last saw him?

The boy nods. "Iish."

He took another sip of mint cocoa, his mind seemed to be thinking on a few things.

:::she reached out to pet and stroke the youngling lupe's fur and nodded:::: sita is glad that iimii was well.

"You know Verbosk and I speak in similar language, but some words are different. Is the Lupesh language anything like that?"

"Ah. You two have different dialects or variations of the language. There is some variation, but mostly it is only spoken by the mages and very old elders."

The boy looks at the Den Alpha. "Alphran? Hahma waakaa fiim fiis oohmaara?"

"Yes, we do. It is mainly because we are from different tribes."

"Is there any place or something or someone I can talk to learn more of the language from?"

"True Tysiath. Most of our tribes in the Den have been unified. Yes, you can come to the Den. It is about two miles outside of Rhydin. I have a school being set up so all miinoa, children, in the Den can be taught things. Even adults. I believe my father, mother, and step sister can teach as well as their common is quiet good."

"Oh, that's nice. I have never seen the den before, though. What direction outside of Rhydin?"

"South I believe."

"Thank you. I will visit your den soon. I have met Ammy, though. Do you know her?"

"She is my step mother. Would you like something to drink, Sita?"

"Wow..." She is surprised she met a relative of the alpha. "She is very nice. I think she and I are becoming friends now."

:::the once dakini saw the unclothed lady walking across the room and remembered what she had learned about mortal customs, so she hopped up...scurried after the woman and called to her:::: stranger lady, need you help? sita would be happy to apparate clothings for you!

He looks at Vuu. "Alphrans?"

"That is good. She can use friends." a glance to Iimiidiina. "Iish, Iimiidiina?"

"Weem oom nii coom? Weem miituu vuu stroom, leek yoms?"

:::she smiled gently at the nixie? and nodded her head::: sita can perform small magics with the substance of the aether.....she willl.......craft clothings for you, yes?

:::she took the broken off consent as her cue, opened one hand and a small stream of aetherial energy flowed from her to curl and waft around the nixie, and suddenly she was wearing a silken dress the hue the once dakini thought she had been told to make it....jasper.:::

::::she smiled happily at her mission accomplished and scampered back towards the hearth, that is until she saw the tall, possibly spooky new stranger man who had just appeared at the hearth, and she skidded to a stop before she careened into him:::

"So, is Verbosk rather a handful to teach?" She smirks at Vuusoolta.

Vuu thought about those questions for a moment. "Mowa eesh ees oom mentroa iina yom miinoa. Yom niisk iit sproo mentroa iit vaas stroom."

"Verbosk has his moments, but a steady, patient teacher just like a river, wears away the densest stone."

::::when the definitely spooky stranger left the hearth, she scooted back to her previous spot, sitting on the floor next to the fire and her friends:::

She nods. "Well, I thank you again. When he attacked me it must have been before your teachings. You are a real life saver, Vuusoolta Wolf."

"I wouldn't call me exactly a life saver." he didn't elaborate on that. "Thank you anyways. Yes, his attack on you has been used for many examples in my teachings for him."

She looks at him curiosuly now. "You knew he attacked me?"

"Iish. Yes. One lesson for him was to learn to recognize anger and stop the reaction to it. I asked him for a personal example of being angry and reacting without thinking."

:::she reached her hands out for Iimii and patted her lap, as she had before:::: would iimii like more huggings and grooming from sita?

Vuu looked to Sita for a moment. "You seem to have a way with young ones."

The boy looks over and nods. He slides over into Sita's lap

"Ohh..." She thinks about when Verbosk had viciously attacked her. She looks at Iimii. "I think Iimiidiina is still trying to get use to me. My apperances are apparently a bit frightening."

::::she sighed happily and started combing her fingers thru Iimii's fur, nuzzled the top of his head, and murmured back to Vuu::::: when sita was dakini true, part of her duty was to ward younglings that she is nearly mortal, she wishes for the gift of the generation of life......yet she is not fully mortal, nor does she have mate.....therefore, to care for younglings such as this is gift enough.

"I see." Vuu said hearing Sita. A look to Tysiath. "Iimiidiina is rare for young lupes. We normally don't like them venturing out so young."

The boy blushes.

"He is like my step sister. A wanderer."

"Good thing I'm not aggressive." She smiles back at Vuusoolta. " I don't think I could ever hurt a youngling or hatchling, though. Especially him. He's just so cute!" She looks back at Iimiidiina as she calls him cute. She has a big smile on her face now.

Vuu supresses a laugh hearing Tysiath and sips more cocoa.

"Do you have a mate Tysiath?"

::::she was currently grooming Iimii and crooning what might have been a teaching song at him:::

"No, I don't. At least not yet. There is a male that has recently become interested in me,though. His name is Kirm'tal. Do you know him?"

The boy rests his head against Sita's chest.

"Nii. No." Vuu said softly. A claw rubbed at the hemp and jade beaded muzzel.

:::she shifted a teensy bit to make things more comfortable for both of them, then murmured more of the song::::: when skies are is safe for flight...when skys are dark.....warnings hark.

-She pads up the stairs and towards the door of the Inn, her paw skritching one her ears before finally she steps in, a small yawn on her muzzle.-

"Oh. He is kind of like me, though a little different looking. He seems nice and everything and keeps trying to impress me."


"I see. Do you know how he treats others?"

"Iish Iimiidiina?"

-She paused, spotting two of her kin? at the Hearth and moving towards them.-

She shakes her head. "No, I don't. But I am not accepting him right away. I want to see how he is. And you could say I'm in high demands of something that will impress me greatly before accepting him." She giggles.

-She paused a little outside the group, wary of what to do.-

"Seeking something large of his person, or large of wealth?"

"Cahm yom muu miituu oon mo leek yom poosaa?"

A glance to Sari. He's not seen the Lupinossai before. "Evening." he bowed his head to Sari.

Tysiath looks back and sees Sair. "Greetings." She waves a hand with a friendly smile

-She nodded her head to Vuusoolta and flopped down. A paw waves to Tysiath and then to Limiidiina. She looked a bit tired, maybe even a little lost.-

"Who are you if I may ask?"

:::she smiled at the female lupe over the head of the lupe youngling she was holding in her lap and crooning to occassionally:::

Ice blue eyes noted the tired look. "Are you okay?"

-One paw slid to her ear at the question of who she could be. Eyes wondered to Vuusoolta and she murmured.- I think.. I think I'm known as Sari? -When her head turned the sight of red fur was shown, blood red fur.-

She tilts her head, confused of the newcomer. She examines her and tries to listen to her tone. "Are you okay?"

"you're injured." Vuu noted and sat the cup down. He was soon by her inspecting the red fur with Tysiath.

-Voided like eyes looked around.- Where am I?

The boy looks over at the newcomer. "Yiim aashbuum, Alphrans?"

"You're in the Red Dragon Inn. You seem very lost."

"Iish." Vuu looked at her eyes for a moment.

::::she looked up from the youngling to look at the female lupe and murmured:::: does stranger lady need healings?

The boy slides off of Sita and goes over the wounded Lupe. "Yom noom, maasoo?"

-Eyes turned to the small Lupe, words bringing her head to a tilt, dizzy spell nearly taking her over.-

She turns her body to Sari, a worried look is on her face.

The little boy nearly panics, and he takes the females head in his small hands to support her fall. "Shoom, maasoo. Shoom. Wiit buumdah yom."

::::she dove forward to throw her body under the child and the female:::: ohh goddesss

A look to Iimiidiina. He was about to say something and noticed what Iimiidiina was doing. "Wait, Sita. Just watch." Vuu was curios about this boy.

-As Sari was laid down, blank eyes looked up at Vuusoolta and then to Limiidiina.-

:::she froze, per the alpha's order:::

Tysiath is not sure what to do or how to help. She only watches.

Iimiidiina closes his eyes, then whispers under his breath. Small furred hands run over the female, barely even touching the tops of her hairs.

Vuu just held up his paw for the others to wait. Sari didn't look in danger yet.

"Are you thirsty or anything?" she asks Sari.

-A small whimper left her lips, the question merely answered with a blank stare to Tysiath.-

The child releases a warming sensation from hands that now glow just a tiny bit, like microscopic glow-worms inhabit the tips of his hairs. The orphan is now trying to heal whatever ails the female.

Vuu's ice blue eyes narrow quite a bit as he watches like a hawk. He sees the energy at work. I knew it.

She wasn't sure if that was a yes or a no, so she gets up and goes behind the bar to get some water for her.

The boy, having run his hands over every inch of body he can get, pulls back his hands as they fade to their normal dullness. He opens his sad, gentle eyes slowly and watches to see if it worked.

She goes to the cooler and gets out a bottle of water and quickly returns back to the group and sits down near the lupinossai female. She opens the bottle and hands to Sair. "Water?"

::::the sudden appearance of the spooky stranger at the hearth had her yelping, jumping up, and for lack of a better place, running for the ladies room to hide in:::: yeeeeeeepppppp!!!!!

-Voided eyes opening wide and fill as she arched a little then rolled over. A small whine leaving her and a cough. Paws cover her ears and her head protectively for a moment as the crisis in her mind starts to wither away. The flare up of Lupanecrosis' fades and the female's mind seems to stabilize.- Huuhh? -She sits up, her head turning over the room.- Street? -Then there was water, she smacked her lips and nodded. Taking it up and taking a drink.-

"Interesting." is all he whispered.

The boy looks at the Alpha, confused.

Tysiath is frightened by the person who appeared at the hearth. She would run off, but if it was something dangerous she shouldn't leave the defenseless ones.

-As she drank the water she groped at her pocket, finding a phone and looking over it. It was on it's last bit of life. She flipped it open and dialed, taking a small breath.- Please stay charged long enough for this... -She placed it to her ear as she looked over the two Lupes and blinked.- Uhhh.

He placed a large paw on Iimiidiina's choulder and slowly brought him close in a small hug. "Goom buumda. Yom yuunoa diioo." Vuu whispered.

She looks at the phone curiously. Another mystery to her for she has never seen it before in her life. Her head tilts in the confusion

::::she crept back slowly, shame covering her face in a hot crimson blush, she had told the youngling lupe earlier that she would try to protect him, yet when she had been startled, her first reaction had been to flee, her eyes skimmed over the grouping still at the hearth, not able to meet any one being's gaze for long, head dipped with her shame:::

I don't know... -She answered to the worried voice in the other end of the phone.- I'm at the Inn... But I don't know where I've been. -She looked down at the two lupes and then blinked again.- There are Lupes here I've never seen before.

The boy blinks, not believing his own ears. "Diioo? Miituu? Nii, taat dahass."

Her paw moves down, skritching at Limiidiina in the ear.

She asks Sari with much confusion, "Umm. Who are you talking to?"

Vuu pointed to Sari who was better now. "Nii dahass."

The boy looks back, temporarily distracted.

A... A week?! -She snapped her gaze to Vuusoolta and the boy Lupe.- Street please tell me you're already on your way.. Are the kids okay? I don't know what happened.

He then returns his gaze to Vuu. "Miituu, oon diioo?"

I... I'm, I think so. I don't remember anything Street. -She whimpered, such a bad sign when she didn't remember. For good reason.-

"Iish. Diioo." Vuu was a bit surprised as well. Fleet should know that the Wolf blood line no longer held the only spark of deity powers in it."

He places a paw on his muzzle and whimpers. The truth is scaring him, badly. He only thought those of Fleetian's line could be Deities.

::::she finally worked up the courage to murmur to the stranger person made of purple smoke and fire::: Sitalkis apologizes for fleeing from your presence without knowing if you were friend or foe.....she begs your pardon? ::::and then she blinked when he vanished from the hearth, before she murmured to herself::::: sita is much of foolishness and failure this eve.....

"Nii, nii... dahaas!" The last word was said with such force that the fire inside the hearth was extinguished and nearby tables and chairs were overturned, not to mention Lupis-knows what to the people near him.

Tysiath looks at Vuusoolta with he rhead tilted with a questionaing look. "Who is she talking to, Vuusoolta Wolf? And what is in her hand if I may ask?"

Vuu was a bit dazed as he was asked two questions and the kid freaked.

-She whimpered- I wanted you to come get me.. But... If I have to.. -Ears pinned back- You better be waiting for me. -She nodded and sighed. Closing the phone.-

The burst seemed to have knocked Vuu into the nexus then back.

:::the combination of the spoken word and the imminent god energies contained in the youngling's breath washed over the once dakini and her eyes rolled up in her head as she fell to the floor:::

The boy whimpers and holds his head and muzzle in the middle of a regular crater of collapses people and furniture.

::::her form seems to shimmer and shift with aetherial energy, glowing streaks of power around her frame, which doubles, splits, rejoins, then fades back into one, and she is lying upon the floor, apparently sleeping peacefully:::

"Iimiidiina, shoom." is all Vuu could say as he tried to get to his paws. A slight glance down on most of his robes in the front were singed. Close. Very close. "Cooma. Yom goom. Yom goom." he said in a befriending tone. He didn't want the boy frightened again. Lupis it was like being home when he was 10.

The orphan cries from the shock and he collapses into Vuu.

She is not sure what to do now or how to react. She just sits silently and looks back at Sita, seeing her sleeping on the floor then looks back at the Lupinossai.

To Tysiath question before the blast. "It was a cellphone." and he noted the lupe vanished. Oh yeah, dad should really hear about this. He caught Iimiidiina. "Well at least it's very limited."

The force of his tear-shedding is still making walls shake.

" What does that do?"

::::she woke up and her eyes blazed with power, joy, and glory, she rolled to her knees and bowed her head to the floor in front of Iimii::::: all praise to you, youngling godhead to be!

She looks at the upset youngling and frowns. She reaches over to gently put a hand on his shoulder to help try and comfort him.

The boy swipes his paw at the approaching hand. "Nii!"

"Godhead? What do you mean?"

"I think it is time we headed back to the Den. He will need rest and safety. Iimiidiina, soopree." he spoke above a whisper trying to knock the boy out with his own powers to keep him from more panic."

She suddenly pulls her hand away.

The boy suddenly succumbs to drowsiness, and his head rests on the Alpha's shoulder as he falls into a deep sleep.

For the love of Lupis please fall asleep. Vuu prays to the male god of Lupinossai. A deep sigh of relief washed over Vuu. He cradled the boy ease rubbing his back. "Another. we have another deity, Lupis you must be mad." Vuu whispered.

::when the child reacted, she moved instantly, flowing upwards to reach her hands for him, arms a shield and comfort for him, but....he was already asleep, she could not tell him the wonderful news of the miracle he had performed upon her:::

She over hears the whisper very faintly. "Wait. He is a what?"

A glance to Tysiath. "Lupinossai have a unique chance to be born a deity. It usually only happens in the bloodline directly descended of Lupis. The Wolf blood line has created two deities. My father and I. None other have been born before. Iimiidiina though, seems to be a rare spark of deity power. He was born outside of the usual bloodline. In essence, we have a very young god on our paws."

"A god..." She looks at the young boy in shock, her eyes are widen and mouth dropped open. She is completely speechless now.

"This means Fleet and I will need to consider training him in the ways of being a deity. Seems he has the same ability with his voice like I do."

The boy shivers in his sleep, and he curls up against the Alpha.

Vuu sent soothing warmth into the lad well familliar with the drain of the first release of power.

"Wow..." is all she says in response

:::she moved forward to slide her hands underneath and around the child also, helping to cradle and comfort him from the other side. her form fairly radiated her aetherial energies, and her face glowed with another light as well:::

The boy still trembles.

A look to the water clock. It was very late.

He whispers. Must be dreaming already. "Miiaa... Diiaa..."

"I wish there was something I could do to help him feel better."

:::she leaned in to drop gentle kisses upon the child's forehead, like a healing rain while she whispered to him:::: all is well Iimii...all is well.... you have restored and magnified Sita.....she is as she was and moreover again.... you gift her beyond words and she will serve you always.

Vuu eyed Sita as well. Seems a chain of events has occured. Hearing Iimiidiina, Vuu grimaced. "Yes, sleep. Dream of your parents."

Small furred fingers clench the sash on Vuu's back.

:::she looked up at Vuu:::: his parents....they are not with the den?

A look to Tysiath as he made ready to leave for the Den. "He just needs some sleep. Our powers drain our soul and bodies. What he did is something normally not doable until my age. His parents died in the Terror of Takhasis. He is an orphan."

"Oh no...death of parents is never good..." She is frowning much now at the thought of losing parents.

:::her face began to glow with a holy light:::: no longer....if you and he will permit it.....sita will be his mother...for now she truly may....he has restored her dakini nature, but yet, given her the gift of generation of life within.....she understands now what love truly is...and this gift she will give to him if she may.

Vuu nodded and headed for the door. "I hate to leave so soon. But my powers that make him sleep may not hold for long."

The orphan's breaths come out trembling.

"We understand, Vuusoolta Wolf. I hope everything goes well."

Blinks. "He made you pregnant?"

She looks over at Sita, getting the same impression.

:::she laughed joyfully and shook her head negatively::: noooo....but he gave her the capacity to be so!

"Canis indeed has a decendent. It makes sense now. Father and I are decendents of Lupis. Canis has now made hers known." Vuu was trembling now.

The fatherless son give a tiny smile in his deep slumber.

Vuu just bowed his head and moved into the night with the boy. This was much above his own knowledge. they must meet with fleet.


Date: 2010-09-06 09:36 EST
Sniffles are heard as the boy, barefoot, as always, walks through the trees. He is having trouble dealing with the truth, and his Alpha has not been available to help him. So, as any boy would, he ran off to think on it himself. Nothing has really helped ease his mind.

:::returned to her celestial guardian state, she hears the sniffles, drops the drink to the ground and apparates herself to appear before Iimii::::: youngling Iimii, is all welll with you?????

The boy yelps loudly, startled at Sita's sudden appearance, and several trees are uprooted. He immediately holds his muzzle and retreats back, whimpering, behind a tree.

::::she gestued with both hands and aetherial streams of engergy flowed out to reset the trees if possible:::: be not afraid Iimii, tis only Sita as you have restored her.

She listens and hears sniffling and then a sudden loud yelp and some trees falling. She heads towards all the noise and sees Sita with the young Iimiidiina. She slowly approaches him once she gets closer. "Iimiidiina?" she hates to rush away from her mate, but she has been worried about the young boy.

The orphan still holds his muzzle and hides behind a tree.

::::she drops to her knees and holds out her hands to the boy:::::: need not hide.... your actions were not deliberate and you did not cause any harm that sita cannot set aright......sita will help you if she may?

She slowly comes behind sita and kneels down. "Iimiidiina? Are you okay", she asks as softly as she can to him with a worried look on her face.

"Nii!" His voice his muffled from his muzzle being held shut by hands.

Shade Of Red: ::crosses his arms...::

She thinks for a moment, wondering how to convence him they will help. "Pahmaat Sit and Tysiath wish you help you feel better, Iimiidiina"

Sita knows what you are fearful of.....your Alpha Vuusoolta has the same dilemma.....may Sita explain it to you?

"Loovaa miituu!" Though his voice is muffled, the ground still shakes from its strength.

::walks up to the hound, or atleast what he calls him in his miind and looks down to him.::

The boy gasps and comes out from behind the tree. He looks up at the big man-dragon and slowly backs away.

"Kirm'tal, no! You might scare him! Please, leave him be."

::::she got up from her knees, glided over to the child and scooped him up in her arms, if he woud let her:::

The boy cries out and struggles away from them. His voice uproots more trees within a ten foot diameter.

::snarls:: dont hound me...... ::growling as he looked to the hound and looked him up and down...:: why do you cry? when i was your age i killed my first illithad..... ::snarls...::

Iimii....Sita is here, she will stay with not have fear! ::::she kept trying to reach out to the boy and scoop him up::

She runs over to try and seperate her mate and the young lupinossai. "Please, Kirm'tal. Don't frighten him. He's very fragile right now."

"Loovaa miituu!" The boy shouts now. This would affect the people around him, and the dirt billowed with his voice.

::he crossed his arms.:: this is dragonist... ::walks away snarling as he struct his talons into a boulds cleaving it strait through from the shear force blood driping form his hands.::

The veterinarian cracked open a cold coke and sipped it slowly feeling it cool him off a little. He managed a stiff walk while his free hand kept ice in a towel to his sore back.

:::the force of the magical words pushed her back from the boy, but did not knock her down as previously, her restored state did that much for her:::

He really needed a vehicle to get around Rhydin better.

She's knocked to her feet as she was still near the boy fro mhis powerful force. As she gets back onto her knees she tries get her bearings again. She watches her mate walking away angrily. She frowns then looks back at Iimiidiina an slowly moves towards him. "Iimiidiina, please we are trying to help. Just listen..."

The young deity waves his paw at the draconian and turns his back on her. He sniffles loudly

:::::she got an idea and shifted into her totally aetherial spirit state before the boy:::: look Iimii....sita can do magical things as well......she has learned to control her powers and so will you!

"Nii! Oom ahm niicoom."

Following one of his favorite trails he breaks into the medows and notes a few people below. He heads slowly for the group sipping more cold coke.

The boy stands in the middle of a small crater, with fallen trees all around him.

She would want to speak lupesh, but she only knows very few words. "Sometimes it's okay to recieve help. Do not be afraid of us. We promise to do all we can."

::the dragonkin was leaning again the bolder blood driping from his hand still..::

The deity wipes a paw on his eye.

So is Sita....she is now the only dakini that has the capacity to generate life.....this is not a bad be special, it is a good thing......:::::she solidified and walked slowly towards the lupe child with her arms open, offering a hug:::

What the hell? When did a crater happen? He noted the hole from his distance and the people around were trying to move to someone inside the crater?

"You may be different...but we still care for you as we did before. We will still be your friends no matter what."

The boy looks around, trying to find something. He soon finds a couple of thin, but strong reeds, near the edge of the crater. He goes to them and plucks them up. Not much caring about defacing his muzzle, he tightly wraps the grasses around his muzzle and ties them in a knot. He turns back to Sita and Tysiath, still crying.

::he snarled and moves toward the water.... leting out a loud dragonic roar as dark energy arose around him growling as he clenched his fists and then released he brought both arms up scraping his talons agaisnt eachother igniting them in a negative energy his wings glowing red with negative energy as he sent a vollet blasts into the moutain across the way the area around him breaking down with each throw as it crashed into the mountain side well... lets just say itwas a large explosion of death

Ahh Iimii... you need not bind your mouth shut.....but only learn to whisper as Vuusoolta does.

"if you are afraid of hurting us we could find something to act like a muzzle for you."

Now he heard crying. A slight sigh and he coaxed his body to move faster.

The boy, now unable to speak because of the tight, makeshift muzzle, simply shakes his head.

She is startled from the loud noises that Kirm'tal makes. She only hopes it does not scare off the poor young lupinossai

He tries to scream, but all that comes out is a "mmmmm." Startled by the roar, he runs at Sita.

Getting closer Sean spoke up. "Evening. What seems to be the problem?"

:::she opened her arms to catch the boy and scoop him up, cradling him close and forming a shield of aetherial energy around them::::: easy Iimii, easy, you are safe.

::he steped back and chuckled coldly as he turns to face them his eyes glowing red his armor changed completely to fit his status as reaver.::

"Mm mm mm mmm."

::::she looked over her shoulder at the mess Kirn was making and strenghtened her shield::::

The boy trembles against Sita and buries his head in her chest.

She sighs in relief as Iiimiidiina goes to Sita, at least she now knows he is in safe hands. "Sita, I am goingg to go check on Kirm'tal." She gets onto her feet and hurries away, feeling too rushed to greet the stranger.

:::she recognized the vetrinarian and nodded a greeting:::: hello healer of wounds......sita is trying to help Iimii, he is unhappy and afraid and does not like his new found powers.

He paused for a moment seeing Sita and a child lupinossai. "Powers?" his one blue eye brightened slightly. "May I approach?" his sore body forgotten.

She approaches her mate and sees he has changed a bit. "Kirm'tal?"

yes? ::his voice echoing with a hint of demonic behind it.::

" seem different..."

::::she hugged Iimii tightly and murmured soothing words to him:::: do not be afeared of this one named Sean, he is a great healer and a friend of the lupinossai, will you let him come closer.....sita will keep her shield up if you are worried?

The boy first shakes his head, then he nods it.

yes he may approach?

this is what a reaver does.... ::flexign his wigns leaving a trail of black smoke behind it.::

or yes sita should keep her shield up?

Iimiidiina nods

then sita will keep Iimii shielded.

Sean slowly approached the two. Sita may feel something odd, something very old, very powerful slip into her shielding as Sean nears. Iimiidiina would feel only peace as the veterinarian neared.

"Why have you changed though..." she looks a bit nervous now, unsure of what he might do.

:::her shield did not fall, nor did it react violently as if the vet's approach were an attack, rather it melded around him and acccepted him as if he were a part of her magic already:::

The boy is not sure why, but he starts to feel calm, and he slowly stops trembling.

to ensurei dont destroy what i love... ::raises a hand as he brushes her cheek with the back of his taloned hand a crimson glow hinted across his hands.::

"Yom ookaa yuunoa?"

She feels feels the back of his hand going across her cheek, but still looks worried. "Why would you destroy me in your other form...I don't udnerstand..."

A glance to Sita then the muzzling of the young boy. "Another one."

i am a race bound by chaos to the world.... what you see here... is what tiamat has blessed me with... to strike chaos upon the world do to my nature if i remain in the simple half dragon form i will go insane....

The boy looks back at the man.

Sean touched his own mouth and made a circling with his fingers to indicate the muzzle Iimiidiina wore. "Stroom vuu?"

yes...his powers are much like his Alpha...Vuusoolta wolf....can you aid him?

The boy nods.

He looked back to Sita. "I may. Is he hurt?"

He waves his hand at the crater surrounding them, then trembles.

In his flesh, his heart and soul, greatly. He is orphaned from the troubles that beset the den.

"Oh..." she is not sure how to fully respond to him now. She quite afraid of his new form and how intimidating it is

Sean nodded understanding now. "Yom woona mo leek Vuusooltian?"

::in a shreek of a banshee the form changed instantly into kirm and he fell to a knee his body spasming slightly....::

The boy nods. The reeds are quite irritating.

She kneels down to him and catches him in her arms. "Perhaps we should go rest at home..."

::leans up and hugs her nodding slowly:: rest.... perhaps a moment...

"Well, I am sleepy if you just wish to escort me back home and you can return here if you wish."

::he nodded and took her hand softlyand moved slowly his talons slowly receading into a safe place::

Sean nodded. "Yes. His parents were cut down defending patients during takhasis' minions. Pitty." He gave a nod to Iimiidiina. Stepping aside from Sita, he made a flowing pattern of yin/yang with is hands and a thick book appeared as well as a glowing quill in his right hand. "Feeling affraid of his powers and finding no one to give him solace, Iimiidiina turned his sorrowful eyes to the veterinarian and aske for a muzzle. Not any muzzle, but one that another deity wore, Vuusoolta." He spoke as he penned. When finished, he closed the book. "Let it be upon this plane of reality that what I write come to pass. Place this item in my hand." he spoke. His right hand glowed and an ornate muzzle appeared.

She gently pulls him up and slowly walks back to their home, staying at his side though in case he is of need of support to stand.

The boy looks at the man, awed. His eyes go a little wide.

::he chuckled and escorted her quite dependent on her being there.::

The book and quill vanished as he aproached Sita and Iimiidiina. "Now let's get those nasty reeds off of you and give you a proper muzzle so you can talk."

::::she blinked but nodded softly at this display of power, and murmured::: no wonder your healing powers are so well spoken of, they are magical as well.

He blinks. He doesn't trust this man yet, but he cannot help but believe him.

He nodded to Sita as he was now gently removing the reeds. "I am the person who first dreamt of a race of canine people. I named them the Lupinossai. I made them a world. I wrote stories of them. Named characters that I loved dearly. Then I moved to Rhydin and found what I had wrote has come true. In all essence. I an their one true god."

No wonder the boy believes him.

::::she stared at him in awe and shock, she would have bowed to her knees but she was holding the child, so she merely bowed her head and breathed softly:::: Sitalkis salutes and honors you, oh powerful one.

"Canisian iina Lupisian diioos, maas."

"Yom kiil ookaa Iimiidiina. Tii mo kiil kiif vuu shoom."

The young deity looks at the fancy muzzle, then nods.

:::she smiled softly and sighed relievedly, seeing that the veterinarian diety had calmed and soothed the child:::

The muzzle was fine leather with cabachon cut rubies adorning where the straps met. Silver buckles, and his name tooled in the leather. The muzzle had enough slack to let him speak. His voice would get no louder than a loud whisper. Sean removed the reeds completely now and offered the muzzle to him. A glance to Sita. "I am not powerful. I can only affect the Lupinossai. I am a simple human.

:::she tilted her head back and forth to study this contradiction::::

The boy looks at the muzzle and absolutely adores it. He looks at the vet. "Oom nii hahma saa iit poot eet on miituu mo."

Sean just smiled. "Moob oom poot eet on yom?"

The boy thinks a moment, then nods. He pats Sita's arm, asking her to let him down.

::::she places him down gently, yet still keeps her shields around the three of them:::

The orphan stands on his own feet. He is in between the vet and dakini now. He looks at the man with small hazel eyes, tinged by sadness and even more by confusion.

Sean knelt very stiffly on one knee and unbuckled the muzzle. "Tii baakii staas iin froma. Tii hahna streep staas iin froma iina loova biiwii yom fiis. Buuwii shiik streep loova bana yom hahan. Buuslee streep tomaah." Sean explained how to put the muzzle on as he put it on Iimiidiina. He slipped the basket of the muzzle over Iimiidiina's muzzle and began placing the strapping properly. Soon he buckled the muzzle together. the muzzle would tingle slightly with magic lending a feeling of calmnes and peace to help iimiidiina to adjust and control his voice.

:::when the draconian vanished and they were alone, she slowly lowered her shields::: does Iimii feel safe enough with Sean that Sita may return to the temple?

The now-muzzled boy looks back and nods.

"Yom cahn vaam."

"Iish." The boy is surprised--he can barely open his mouth, but still speak.

::she leaned down and kissed the boy on the forehead, bowed respectfully to Sean and vanished into the aether:::


He looks back and nods. He wants to be happy, but the muzzle's influence, and Sean's own presence, are causing him to just feel... good. Like there is barely anything to worry about. The boy goes to the vet and hugs him a little tightly. "Mooya, maas."

"Miituu noom ees Sean."

The young deity begins to cry a little bit, his little shoulder shaking. Whether it be because of joy, or the sorrow of losing his parents, or just because he needs to let it out after the revelation of his genes, one can only guess. One cannot deny: The power of emotion is truly something that transcends magical or temporal boundaries.

Sean gave him a small pat on the back and like all doctors produced a lollipop for Iimiidiina to suck on.

He didn't notice it. All he wants is answers, and somebody to truly be there for him in his most dire of times.

"Weem miituu? Weem?"

Sean looked away at the empty glen for a moment or two. "Oom diit hahma. Mowaa eet ees foo oon riisoo wiit diit hahma."

"Weem doo oom poosaa fiis stroom vuu?"

"Mowaa eet ess biicaa tii diioo's iin huum wiis niisk hiisaa tor mowaa yom wiis kiil alphrans mentroa iin fuush."

"Yom hahma taat oom wiis toom oon alphrans mentroa een tii fuush?" The boy looks up at the vet. Tears still hang off the corners of his eyes, but he no longer cries.

"Iish. Daahaal cahm kiil Alphrans. Yom niisk presuu tahm, stroom hahma, geelii vuu. Yom poosa siim uuf fiis cuulii. Siim uuf tii cuulii toos tiim." he said gently.

"Kiil leek Alphrans Vuusooltian? Miituu?"

"Iish, iin tiim. Yom niisk iit sproo." he smiled and tousled Iimiidiina's ears.
"Iin tiim..." The boy smiles behind his new muzzle, then looks back up into the face of God.

"Iish. Yom shiima ruus iiniit tii fuus. Toos yom tiim iit riid yom vuu."

The orphan deity takes in his words full-heartedly, and nods. "Oom wuusa."

Sean just smiled.

The boy wraps his little arms around the vet again and presses his muzzle into the stomach of the human.

"Yom leek tii mo?"

Iimiidiina nods. "Iish, Sean. Mooya."

"Yom wiicoom."

"Eet ees biim. Cahn oom kiif eet?"


His little arms wrap as tight as they can. "Mooya, Sean. Mooya."

As Iimiidiina hugged Sean, the vet felt a pang of loss.

The empathetic child looked up at Sean. "Semtaan aash, Sean?"

"Mowaa. Wiis yom cooma wuus miituu? Miituu ees luun."

The boy looked around. He was unsure. "Luun? Weem?"

"Miituu maat iinaa yuunoa ees loova. Miituu maat nii leek miituu. Maat toos yuunoa. Maat kaaleh miituu miisnaa."

The boy thinks for a second. "Cahn yom deelii miituu miiaa iina diiaa?"


"Een huum foo yuunoas wuus nii miiaa iina diiaa."

Sean nodded. "Oohm wiis toos yom iit huum iit deelii miiaa iina diiaa."

The boy smiles behind his muzzle. "Mooya, Sean."

He offers a hand to Iimiidiina as he stood.

The now-peaceful child takes the humans hand, the loose ends of his sash flapping in the light wind. At peace with himself, with what he is, the youngling is ready to face his future with what could very well be a new father, the veritable God of Lupinoss. Small furred fingers graze the palm.

Sean just smiled feeling like he got a second chance to raise someone special. He lead Iimiidiina down the trail that would put them on the road to the Den. Sean for the first time since he came to the misreable city of Rhydin, felt happy.


Date: 2010-10-07 00:00 EST
Iimiidiina: A shout, and then a portal opens up in the sky. Falling out of it, Iimiidiina shouts... very human of him... out of the Nexus, and he lands on his bottom with a PLOP! "Aaf! Ooooowww..." He rubs his rump, mumbling to himself, as he stands.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy glanced over to the fallen Iimiidiina. She held arms open for a hug if he wanted one.

Iimiidiina: He groans, then takes a look around

Baby Ice: she hears the owing she looks to Limiidiina. she squek and ,oves toward him, and pounced on her friend.

Iimiidiina: "Aaf!" He is knocked by a flying dragon hatchling!

Baby Ice: she snuggled and licks him, and pulls on his ears. she was happy to see him.

Iimiidiina: After a moment of struggle, Iimiidiina realizes who it is, and he grins at Icesong. "Aawo, Icesong!"

Baby Ice: she chrurip up to ammy.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded to Icesong and looke a bit disappointed. She stood and walked for the bar where Alec was.

Baby Ice: she pressed a question in ammy's head, <where's my mommy?>

Iimiidiina: With a grunt, the child tried to push Icesong off of his chest. He wanted to get up.

Ammy Spiritor: "Cancer seems to be in remission for now." she said idly, looking tired.

Baby Ice: she purrs her concern, and moves to get off limidiina.

Iimiidiina: He stands up, then goes over to Ammy, waving. "Aawo, Ammy."

Ammy Spiritor: A glance to the dragonling. Then she chirped to the dragonling in it's own language. Oh yes, her stint as a dragonling to feel better taught her much. ~I don't know Icesong where Icer is.~ "Aawo Iimii."

Iimiidiina: He now hugs Ammy

she pouts and flicks her tail. not happy right now.

Ammy Spiritor: Gives Iimiidiina a warm hug.

Iimiidiina: "Hahmavaa Ammy." This was a surprise, and the child's voice in Ammy's head would undoubtedly be a surprise as well. ~Look! I can head-speak now!~

Ammy Spiritor: She blinked a moment and looked to Iimiidiina. The fact he just speared her mental barriers being of the psychic affinity was a surpris. ~I see.~

Iimiidiina: Being a Deity helps sometimes. But he has no idea what he just did--he thought every mind was the same. ~It good! I can talk to anyone now!~

DUEL Druid: "Thank you both for keeping me entertained." A nod to Miranda and Neo as he makes his notes. "Anyone else dueling?"

Iimiidiina: A hand immediately shot up! Magic! That's exactly what he does! Of course, he has no idea that Ammy is a DEMON. Or something close to one... But either way, he bounces up and down. He thinks they will play-fight.

DUEL Druid: "Your names?" Looking at Ammy and limiidiina.

Ammy Spiritor: Blinks looking down at Iimiidiina. ~Iimii, this is dangerous. You sure?~ "Ammy Spiritor." she calls out to Druid.

Iimiidiina: The child is anxious, but then he looks at Ammy, concern in his eyes. ~Dangerous?~

Ammy Spiritor: ~Yes. You can get hurt in duels.~

Iimiidiina: ~You won't hurt me... will you?~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy blinked. Her magic skills and alchemy were geared for war. ~I'll try not to.~

Ammy Spiritor: ~Tell the man your name then.~

Iimiidiina: He blinks, then looks at the man, not so sure anymore. If this was dangerous... he was debating to himself.

Ammy Spiritor: ~How about you watch me duel, then decide if you like it still.~

Iimiidiina: No. This was stupid. He was untrained, at least properly. He looks at the man, then shakes his head. "Nii."

Ammy Spiritor: "Does anyone want to duel me?" she looked around.

Iimiidiina: "Nii!" Now the child shouts... as much as he can, with the muzzle and all.

Ammy Spiritor: "He's not dueling Druid. I need another opponent.

Iimiidiina: ~But can we play fight sometime?~ The child asks, silently, as he looks back at Ammy.

Ammy Spiritor: She nodded to Iimii looking around still. "Anyone want to duel Magic with me?" Ammy's shoulders slumped. Guess not.

Iimiidiina: He places a paw on Ammy's thigh... even though the metal felt weird. ~It okay. We can play fight! You can teach me!~

Ammy Spiritor: She looked over to Druid. "I don't think I am having any luck getting a dance partner."

Iimiidiina: ~We can play fight, Ammy!~ He jumps a little bit, excited.

Ammy Spiritor: ~Okay. We'll go to a ring.~

Iimiidiina: ~Yay!~ He bounced excitedly!

Ammy Spiritor: "Looks like Iimii want's a little fun." she said, trying to sound cheery. She waved a paw for him to follow her to an unused ring.

Iimiidiina: He hops beside her, then begins to cross his feet with each hop forward, giggling. ~This will be a lot of fun!~

Ammy Spiritor: Ooo. Ammy hears that thought. On her way to the ring she claps paws and taps a tree she passes. Druid now has a giant timer and new years ball with 5 minutes on it. Enjoy.

Iimiidiina: "Ooooo." ~Ooooo.~

Ammy Spiritor: "Thanks for giving me a shat Druid. Maybe someone will take me up on a duel next time." she stepped into the ring.

Iimiidiina: With an oomf and a grunt, the child heaves himself into the ring. He giggles and jumps around, completely forgetting about his muzzle.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked about the ring for a moment. She took a deep breath.

Fleetwolf: Fleet stepped onto the beach and noted right away that his mate and Iimii were up to something. He came over to the ring and waved to Alec. "You guys sparring?"

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes, Sweety. Could you officiate for us please? Iimii wants a play fight."

Fleetwolf: He looks to Alec then to Ammy. "I"ve never called a duel before, but i can give it a shot."

Iimiidiina: He looks at Fleet, then waves at him. "Aawo, Alpha!"

Ammy Spiritor: ~Okay Iimii, we are going to duel with magic. Do you know how to do a magic spell?~

Iimiidiina: ~Yes. I just say it, and it happens.~

Fleetwolf: He smiled to Iimii. "Don't hurt my mate too much." he chuckled and leaned on the ropes of the ring to judge and watch.

Iimiidiina: ~Watch!~ He begins to take off the muzzle.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded. ~Okay then. I'll be carefull. The rings will heal injuries, but they will still hurt when they happen.~

Iimiidiina: He then looks at a nearby stick as he slides his snout out of the basket and says "Fiigoo." Almost instantly, the stick burst into flame. Thank Canis it was in the middle of a dirt floor.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded then. ~Good. Let's begin.~

Iimiidiina: He looks at Ammy, then nods, his muzzle dangling from a paw.

Fleetwolf: Fleet watches. "Alright. In ring Foxingale, we have Iimiidiina the pup, vs. Ammy the vixen. Fight!"

Fleetwolf: "We have a spectacular start with Iimii putting on a light show, but Ammy says no to that idea. (MB/SH) 0-.5 Ammy!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy decided to see what Iimii could do. She clapped her paws and a wall of basalt rose to block the incoming missile.

Iimiidiina: With a word in Lupesh, lightning sprouted from young Iimiidiina's paw, but it was deflected by the sudden rock wall, and it recoiled back into his paw. "Aaf!" The ring shook with his voice.

Ammy Spiritor: The wall fell and Ammy moved a little, swaying her hips and getting ready for the next move.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 2, Seems Ammy is determined to give Iimii a smelly lesson as the ring smells of diapers, but the pup has some breathing room behind that shield. (SH/FF) .5/.5 Tie

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy tapped the ground again the sand started to smoke dark red smelling foul like unchanged diapers.

Iimiidiina: "Shiistroom!" The pup shouts, and he raises his arms in a cross, maintaining the shield.

Fleetwolf: Fleet held his nose for a bit waiting for the next moves.

Fleetwolf: Foxinagle 3, Iimii didn't like the look of sharp things coming from ammy. (DP/WB) 1-.5 Iimii!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy decided to test how well Iimii could react. Back flipping she kicked the ground sending a tremor and rock shards flying his way.

Iimiidiina: With a gasp, the young Deity spun in his spot as he said "Moora miituu." And instantly, the child teleported out of the way. He came out just behind Ammy, and he shooks his head, regaining his bearings.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy grinned and darted to the otherside putting distance between them again.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 4, That has to sting as Ammy gives Iimii a shock for trying to touch her. (FT/MB) 1-1.5 Ammy!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy grinned a little and tapped the Force. She snapped her fingers and sent a tiny little spark of electricity out to touch Iimii. Other opponents it would have been a full Force Lightning bolt.

Iimiidiina: With a shout, the child drops to his knees as electricity courses through his body, singing his fur.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 5, I think Iimii didn't like that shock as the ring fills with sharp things. Ammy just vanishes! (WB/DP) 1-2 Ammy!

Ammy Spiritor: A clap of paws and ammy melts into the ground seeing more missiles coming her way.

Iimiidiina: Angered, the child shouts again, sending rocks and sticks and other objects forward, propelled by his voice... only to hit thin air.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 6, Ammy tries for a creapy fingers then forgets why as Iimii beans her mind. (MW/FT) 2-2 Tie!

Iimiidiina: The child just stares at her, piercingly, as if he was in a Stanley Kubrick movie. He hopes this does something.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy darted forward, her paws crackling with dark energy to give him a nightmare, but then tripped as she thought of twinkies for some reason.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 7, Iimii is looking serious. So does Ammy as she armors while he fires energy! (MB/AR) 2-2.5 Ammy!

Iimiidiina: Seeing her distracted, the young Deity tries to shock her again, but fails. The shock recoils again, and he jumps back with an "Aaf," shaking his paw.

Ammy Spiritor: Recovering from her muzzle plant, she spits out sand and taps her metal limbs. Armor appears letting the bolt glance off metal and not fur.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 8, Fleet winces as he calls this. A lot of slashing and pokings all around. (WBx2) 3-3.5 Ammy

Iimiidiina: With another shout, another volley of rocks and sticks.

Ammy Spiritor: Tapping the Force, Ammy sent a small storm of pebbles Iimii's way and gets pelted herself.

Iimiidiina: "Oomf!" The pup says as he gets pelted with pebbles.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 9, You can stop showing off your shields now. (SH/SH) 3-3.5 Ammy.

Iimiidiina: The child crosses his arms, saying "Shiistroom." He needs a moment to rest and recover. This is a lot harder than he anticipated.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy clapped her paws and melded her automail arm into a shiny shield only to see Iimii defending as well.

Fleetwolf: Fleet watched Iimii. The old retired healer wanting to be sure the pup wasn't hurt too much or overexhausted. Same goes for Ammy in her own condition.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 10, Iimii tries to wipe Ammy's mind, but the wind has no mind! (MW/DP) 3-4 Ammy!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy took one stap back and stepped into the Force and vanished, reapering a minute later.

Iimiidiina: The child, well-rested now, turns back and tries to stare at Ammy again, but finds her gone.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 11, Well now, Ammy gets the creeps and forgets about the magebolt from Iimii's touch. (FT/MB) 4-4 Tie!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was ready to shock Iimii again but she felt him touch her, and she was suddenly in the land of the dead again in her mind. She shivered and stepped back.

Iimiidiina: Yipping, startled as his opponent came out from her teleport, the boy accidentally propelled his fear into Ammy.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 12, Ammy is determined to inch closer to winning. Up goes the fog and swallows Iimii's mage bolt! (MB/FF) 4-4.5 Ammy!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy smacks the ground again, but no stink this time. Instead, a black mist rises, shrouding the ring and swallowing the bolt.

Iimiidiina: The boy tries to shock Ammy in her fear and distraction, but instead aims to the side, being blinded by the black fog.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 13, Iimii inches closer as well as he fends off Ammy's pointies with armor! (AR/WB) 4.5-4.5 Tie!

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy pelts Iimii with pebbles again but they bounce off the armor.

Iimiidiina: Seeing the blades come at him, and not wanting to teleport again, the child makes a snap decision. "Miituu haas!" His fur becomes as hard as diamond, and the pebbles rattle off of him harmlessly.

Fleetwolf: The kid was going well against someone like Ammy.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy plans her next go. It was close.

Fleetwolf: Waits for the next moves.

Fleetwolf: Foxingale 14, They took it almost to the end, but it's over folks. Ammy's creepy paws get past the fog to touch Iimii for the win! (FF/FT) 4.5-5.5 Ammy!

Fleetwolf: Ammy defeats Iimii 5.5-4.5 in 14 rounds. Well met duelers, well met!

Ammy Spiritor: Seeing a fog rolling in, she darts up and grabs for Iimii, her paw woud like something scary in that fog as it latches on. "Boo!"

Iimiidiina: As a last ditch effort, Iimii summons all of his strength for a big giant spell that will most surely defeat Ammy! "Canisian iina Lupisian, caraas iit miituu tii muudraa uuf paantpahm yuunoas! Haat tiis..." The child stops in mid-sentence as the figure of Takhesis, at least in his mind, comes out of the forming mist, and his eyes go wide. Screaming wildly, the ring going down in a giant crater, he runs away and cowers in a corner.

Fleetwolf: Fleet applauds both duelists. "That was a good duel both of you. Iimii, you did well for using magic." Blinks then chuckles. He steps for Iimii. "Ah. You've experienced the fear touch move."

Iimiidiina: "Loovaa miituu luun, aashtii daagoon!" He extends his paws, trying to stop the imaginary foe.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy jumped out of the crater like ring now. "I hope I didn't over do it." she said with worry.

Iimiidiina: The child is panicking!

Fleetwolf: Oh dear. She would have to use that image. Fleet reached out and touched the panicking child to send calmness flooding through him.

Ammy Spiritor: "Oh no." Ammy put her paw to her muzzle. She went too far.

Iimiidiina: A final wild scream, then calmness seeps through him. Was this a trick? He looks dead-on... and sees it is only Fleetwolf. The boy, hyperventilating and shedding tears like mad, holds onto the Alpha almost too tightly.

Fleetwolf: Fleet pulls him up and pats his back. "Easy Iimii, easy. It was just a duel. Ammy wouldn't hurt you."

Iimiidiina: He trembles wildly in his Maashiimii. Little nails digs into Fleetwolf's back. Was he afraid? Hell yeah. Did Ammy go a little too far with dealing the final blow? Definitely.

Ammy Spiritor: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Ammy felt horrible now.

Fleetwolf: He took Iimiidiina over to Ammy placing a paw on her shoulder. "Sweety, it was bound to happen. He would have been attacked by a stranger in a duel. Better to be you than someone else." he kept puting calming thoughts into Iimii head.

Iimiidiina: But eventually, the child does calm down. He releases his hold on Fleetian. "Oom oos ookaa priin."

Ammy Spiritor: ~I'm sorry Iimii. I'm sorry.~ Ammy was starting to sniffle. She didn't like to harm little ones.

Iimiidiina: "Eet ookaa, Ammy." He reaches toward her now. Please pass him, Fleet.

Fleetwolf: Fleet ruffled the boys ears. He gave Iimii over to Ammy to hold.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy took Iimii with trembling arms. Lene hasn't been alive for more than a year now and she was still in a very motherly mode. She hugged Iimii hard, crying.

Iimiidiina: He hugged Ammy back. ~Fleet right. Better you than a stranger.~

Ammy Spiritor: ~But I hurt you. I hurt a child.~ She shivered.

Iimiidiina: ~I not hurt. Just... scared... I am okay now.~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy started to calm a little, sniffling. It was interesting when she cried. Her tears glowed green like her eyes.

Iimiidiina: ~Thank you.~

Ammy Spiritor: She nodded a little.

Iimiidiina: Then he pressed his snout into her cheek.

Fleetwolf: Fleet just smiled. "I think I know who we can have teach Iimii to fight with magic." he put a paw on Ammy's shoulder.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked to Fleet in horror. "I will not teach a child to fight with magic. I taught lene and look where that got us." she shivered again.

Iimiidiina: He kissed her cheek again.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked into Iimii's eyes hoping he wouldn't want her to teach him.

Iimiidiina: He blinks back, innocent and honest, but sad and ever-thoughtful as well.

Ammy Spiritor: She had many fears and horrors as a kid who could do magic no one else could. She was used as a military weapon.

Fleetwolf: Fleet sighed for a moment. "Ammy, I am hearing rumors that Travanix is on the rise again. everyone must learn to fight."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy shivered again. Her body wasn't stopping shivering. Something was wrong with her collar, the meds not working.

Iimiidiina: He blinks. ~What wrong?~

Ammy Spiritor: ~New medicine, not working so well I think. I am not feeling well again.~

Iimiidiina: ~I heal! Sit! Sit! I heal you! You sick, I make you better!~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sat, still shivering. Her cancer seemed was active again.

Iimiidiina: ~Okay.~ He stands up, then feels her head. "Aaf!" ~You burning up!~ He places a paw on her chest and pushes back. ~Relax. You need to relax.~

Ammy Spiritor: She leans back as he pushes her. She started to cough againg, blood glecking her paw she used to cover her muzzle.

Fleetwolf: Fleet watched silently.

Iimiidiina: ~Oo. This not good.~ He looks back. "Fleetian, cahm yom hiisaa miituu iina vaas miituu paal aash wiit yiim?"

Fleetwolf: Fleet nodded and came over to Iimii. ~She has cancer Iimii. She was working on new medicine to cure it but I think it's not working.~

Iimiidiina: ~Cancer hard. Dad say that cancer hard get rid of. If I ask, can you help with heal?~

Fleetwolf: ~I will try, but I am very old. Magic is not very strong anymore, but I will do what I can.~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy coughed some more and tried to adjust the collar on her neck. It beeped at her to let her know that the meds were out and needed refilled.

Iimiidiina: ~Thank you.~ He looks at Ammy. ~This will take time. It might hurt. I am sorry.~ He places a paw on the side of her face. ~Just relax, stay calm. I heal you.~

Ammy Spiritor: She gave Iimii a small nod. ~I have been hurt many times. It is okay.~

Iimiidiina: ~Before I do, can I ask one thing?~

Ammy Spiritor: ~Yes?~

Iimiidiina: ~Can I call you Mother?~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy blinked in surprise at his request. ~Why?~

Iimiidiina: ~You are the closest thing to a mother I have had since... Takhesis.~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy shivered hearing that name. She felt the Icy stab of the death knight that had killed her during that battle. ~Okay. You can call me mother.~

Iimiidiina: He smiles, then gets serious again. Cancer. Gotta get rid of it. This will be hard, and he takes a deep breath.

Fleetwolf: Fleet stepped near Iimii and was ready to help.

Iimiidiina: He runs his hands over Ammy's body after dropping on his knees next to her.

Ammy Spiritor: He would feel her curves, feel a lot of bones too as she was still too thin from the cancer, and the scars and meshing of automail and flesh. Over her chest, in her lungs, was a large cluster of evil energy.

Iimiidiina: "Canisian iina Lupisian, hiisaa miituu pahriss miituu miiaa woom ees nii miituu miiaa uuf deguu biim. Tii buum ees aash wiit tii aashtii moorte, iina oom niisk pahriis eet loovaa. Caraas miituu stroom, iina... BUUMDAH!" His hands glowed and emanated blistering heat. Tough disease, tough treatment.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy just about howled in pain. She clenched her jaw and clawed the sand.

Iimiidiina: ~Keep her cool, Fleetian. The cancer runs deep.~

Fleetwolf: Fleet knelt by Iimii, and gave him whatever magical energy he could as well as directing him were to touch and not to touch. He nods. Cooling was easy for him. He had the affinity of Ice. His ice blue eyes glowed and he touched Ammy who was burning hot.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy gasped feeling the cold touch of her mate and the searing heat of Iimiidiina's healing warring in her. She finally screamed a bloody howl as the pain was more than she dealt with before.

Iimiidiina: "Shiistroom Ammy, Canisian. Pahriis miituu stroom, Lupisian. Tii aashtii moorte ees haas iina miin. Shiistroom oomas. Aaf! Caapeh yom. Een tii noom uuf Canisian iina Lupisian, loovaa yiim! Loovaa Ammy, iina diinii retre! Loovaa, aashtii moorte!"

Fleetwolf: Fleet touched Iimii giving him a tap into ancient deity magic in his veins. He also threw a shield around the three. Ammy could do erratic things with alchemy when in pain.

Iimiidiina: The youth felt power rush through him. Was it enough to remove the cancer? One can certainly hope so, because Iimii's eyes were glowing brightly now.

Ammy Spiritor: Slowly, something black, thick, and viscous began seep out of her skin and fur from her chest. Ammy's eyes were closed shut as the cancer leaving her hurt like hell.

Iimiidiina: "Loovaa yiim, aashtii moorte. Loovaa!"

Ammy Spiritor: More black liquid flowed out of her her chest. Pain laced her body. Something snapped energetically and a tree nearby burst in flame, a alchemy array etcheed into it suddenly.

Iimiidiina: The boy began to sweat, but he didn't stop.

Fleetwolf: Fleet doused the flaming tree with some magic. He was feeling the drain on him, but he kept putting energy into iimii.

Iimiidiina: "Loovaa. Yom cahmnii kiil een yiim buum. Loovaa."

Ammy Spiritor: Soon the sand around ammy was blackened with the expelled cancer. No more cancer remained in her body. Her lungs were clean. She was crying in pain now, shivering from it.

Iimiidiina: Sensing no more cancer, the child collapsed gently on top of Ammy, panting.

Fleetwolf: Fleet dropped the shields and untapped himself from Iimii. More of his hair was gray now, but he didn't care. He knelt by them both, placing a paw on Iimii to feel him with energy and remove weariness. His other paw on Ammy to sooth and squelch the pain.

Iimiidiina: ~Is it gone? Did I do it?~ The child was speaking to nobody in particular.

Fleetwolf: ~Yes, Iimii, you did.~

Iimiidiina: He smiles, then slowly, shakily sits up. He looks at Ammy. ~Did you hear that? Feel it? It's gone, Ammy... You are healed, Mother...~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stopped shivering, but she was still crying. That experience was harder than the chemo, but she remembers the time Lene did what Iimii did and ripped the cancer out of her body with alchemy. She curled up around Iimii holding him tight. ~I...f..e...e...l.. She cried more hugging him close.

Iimiidiina: He trembles, then hugs her tightly.

Fleetwolf: Fleet pulled them both up in a hug.

Iimiidiina: ~I love you...~

Ammy Spiritor: ~I love you too. If I am your mother, then Lene is your sister, okay?~

Iimiidiina: ~Okay.~ A full family. He had it finally, even though his mother and father of law did not mate.

Fleetwolf: ~Don't forget grandpa.~ He chuckled. He didn't mind viewing Iimii as a grandson.

Iimiidiina: ~Thank you, too, Alpha... grandpa.~ A giggle, outside and in.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy shakily stood, holding Iimii in her arms. "Lets go. I am very tired, and I am sure your father is worried."

Iimiidiina: ~Yes... Something sucked me in and brought me here... wait! My muzzle!~ He looks around frantically on the floor. He must have dropped it at some point in the duel.

Fleetwolf: Fleet held up the muzzle that was dropped in the crater. He handed it back to Iimii.

Iimiidiina: A sigh of relief, and he snatched the muzzle frantically away and hurriedly placed it on his snout. ~Thank you, Alpha.~

Fleetwolf: He just grinned. "Yes, lets go. We all are drained and tired. We should stop by Lenes lair tomorrow and see how she is doing with the loss of her first litter.

Iimiidiina: ~Okay.~

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded. She carried Iimii with her to the portal to leave the islands.

Fleetwolf: Fleet followed looking older, but his eyes seemed happy.

Iimiidiina: He nuzzled Ammy's neck, just loving her up.

Ammy Spiritor: She just smiled and accepted the nuzzling having a child in her arms again. She stepped through the portal and left the Island.