Topic: Young Friends. (or Pupnapped Part One)


Date: 2011-08-26 19:47 EST
rawsha: -the young lupe was sitting on the grass at the shore of the lake, she had her ipod with the earbuds in her hears, some sort of classical music played, she had found the ipod along time ago on the street in the city, she hummed some with the song and flipped through a book of pictures, her backpack sat beside her open with the thick blanket inside it snuggled around the dragon egg-

Iimiidiina: Iimii was meditating at his favored tree, something he hadn't done in some time. Grimanth was close by, sleeping. The Lupe was clad in a Maasi'imi'i again, and the orange cloak hung on a branch nearby.

Artisia: -Artisia had been brooding most of the night, her wounds had been healed but her mood wasnt good, she left the sewers under the city through that hidden maintnance grate, fully hidden in the robes, she along passing into the forest to lurk, to watch those who happened out on the glen-

Iimiidiina: In truth, he was waiting. The trees spoke a lot more than people gave them credit for. He was listening, oh so carefully.

rawsha: -Rawsha smiled as she looked over at the egg, she turned it gently as she hummed, then she let the book rest on her lap, she spoke to the egg softly- "i can't wait hatch..." -she took a breath and pulled the earbuds from her ears and set them next to the egg...she turned up the volume and the classical tune played softly through them-

Iimiidiina: An ear flicks at the music that was suddenly filling the air, and he opens his eyes.

Artisia: -Artisia...moved along the forest path..her auras moved out from her invisibly and came back to tell her, that others where in the forest tonigh, she wouldn't know who..but she did move toward the lake, the cool winds off the water were something...even she enjoyed-

rawsha: -Rawsha smiled as her paw moved caressing the eggs shell, her fingers passing over the parts that were like hard rock lava, she touched the smooth parts under the rough, she just sat there listening to the music playing over the earbuds..from the ipod-

Iimiidiina: Canid head is tilted as Grimanth wakes up, the hatchling whining. ~You woke me up again!~ I'm sorry, Grimanth. Here. Get back to sleep. I'll be back in a moment. Thinking it was all safe, Iimii picks up the violet dragonet and places her way up in the tree branches, where she falls back asleep quickly. The Looa then heads in the direction of the music.

Artisia: -the necromancer moves toward the lake, she stand looking out over the area from her location..suprizingly she had a good vantage point...but the black robes helped her blend with the night-

rawsha: -Rawha looked back at the art in the book, she stayed close to the backpack with the egg,...she hadnt let the egg out of her sight for long the last few weeks, even more so when she was out of the beachhouse-

Iimiidiina: Ahhh, Rawsha. The lad waves to her. "Aawo, Rawsha," he calls over to the pup on the beach.

The Taste of Flesh: It wasn't long after Artisia left the lair that her pet ghoul would follow after her, staying back a good ways though. It's not unusual that the ghoul would not stray to ofar from the mistress for if she were to be in trouble it would come to her aid, but whilst she not be in the need of aid would the time for the ghoul to search around for possible prey, which it was having little luck so far.

Iimiidiina: There just might be a hatchling, mere day's old, asleep up in the branches of a dead maple. The only thing concealing her were violet scales.

rawsha: -her ears perked as she looked up- "Oh...Aawo Iimii" -she smiled at him, tonight she wears a set of wizard's robes, they are black with maroon sticthing and lining, they fit her well, she had just gotten them from a tailor in Rhy'Din City ealirer in the day-

Iimiidiina: "Hey, nice robes. Where'd you get them? And how's your egg," he asks as a seat is taken beside his friend.

Artisia: -Artisia grinned as she spoted to figures further down on the shore, she could hear one of her minions lurking somewhere behind her, she knew it was hers somehow, she just grinned and looked out over the water as she moved onto the soft grass-

rawsha: -she smiles as he joins her- "just got the a shop." -she thinks- "its called A Stich in Time, they did a good job." -she looked down at the robes then back over at him- "the egg egg...i keep it warm. and keep it company...its good i guess"

Iimiidiina: "Oh, trust me, Rawsha. Inside the egg, they are just as aware and intelligent as outside. Listen carefully, you might be able to hear something. If you can... it's possible you two were meant for each other."

rawsha: -she smiled and looked over at her egg, she knew what was waiting for the right time inside, the pup was so excited but was getting a long lesson in patience- "i is very...special..i stay with it...when i can"

Iimiidiina: "Stay with it always, your bond will be further cemented." Speaking of that bond... he quickly checks on Grimanth, who still slept peacefully. "So, why the robes? Did your master require it, or was just some passing fancy of yours?"

Artisia: -Artisia had been well rested and until tonight she hadnt used the aura of shadows but now she called upon the aura and it danced around her she felt comforted by them and took a breath of the night air...she would slowly continue her walk along the soft grasses of the shore-

rawsha: -she grinned- "i saw them in the window ...err at least some like them...went into the shop the next day...i liked them.." -she glanced up at the sky looking at the stars, ah the clear nights of the Rhy'Din sky-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul, crawling on all fours, slowly and makes every step as quiet as possible. Searching and searching. It may be able to quiet the sound of foot steps that it makes, but the smell of death was something that remained permenantly. In the quiet night it hears voices; one that was different and one that sounded familiar. Slowly it stalked closer and closer.

Iimiidiina: "It's a good fit for you. Speaking of which, how are your lessons coming along?"

rawsha: "they are going good...when Master Iggy has time...and when Canis and i find each other" -she smiled- "i...i have taught myself some..too"

Iimiidiina: "What are Master Iggy and Canis teaching you?" Grimanth smells the ghoul first, and this wakes her up. ~Iimii. Iimii. I smell something.~ What does it smell like? ~It smells like that weird thing from last night, but a lot worse. Wetter.~ Wetter? ~Yeah. Like a swamp. Or maybe not a swamp. Something a lot worse.~ I don't smell anything yet. Get into the higher branches and stay quiet. You can climb, right? ~Of course. Don't insult me.~ Just making sure. Get higher.

rawsha: -the young lupinossai looked up the smell of something had come passed her nose, it was the smell of the grave but she hadn't even smelled...something like it, she looked around a moment but then looked at him letting the matter pass for the moment- "Master Iggy...shows me things i can do to better my magic.. and Canis...i love her history lessons...she taught me about the eight holy star clusters..."

Artisia:-she could tell her ghoul was on the hunt and would stop there in her tracks, using just a little of her magic she would..see the world through the creatures eyes-

Iimiidiina: "Ah, astronomy. Important stuff, right there, for magicians. The celestial bodies and their positions serve all sorts of purposes in divination, enchantments, spells. You would do well to remember your planets and constellations, across all seasons, too." "It's hard, and it takes a long time to memorize all these things and their purposes and meanings, but it helps so much at the same time."

The Taste of Flesh: The undead creature moves even closer and stops near a tree and bushes not too far away. It peeks around the tree slowly, a hand with long claws settling around the trunk of the tree. Seeing the two young lupinossai, Iimiidiina and Rawsha. Oh, it remembers Iimiidiina but closely eyes Rawsha. Much younger and more than likely much more vulnerable for the taking.

rawsha: -she nodded- "i read about some of that in...some books" -she smiled and looked down at the picture book she was had old style art in it some would be famous pecies others where just fun to look at...she flipped a couple of pages. the song on the ipod nearby finished and she would reach over shutting it off and put it and the ear buds into one of the robe pockets-

Iimiidiina: "You're reading a lot. That's good as well. Reading will get you just about anywhere in life... Do you have a wand yet?"

rawsha: -she shakes her head- "not yet..." -she knew she needed one for a focus..but she hadnt found one that was right for her-

Iimiidiina: "Well, I'm sure Rhy'Din has plenty of wand shops. Be sure to look in the proper ones first. Also, you can have your master make you one. Or at least, a master. My fiancee, she knows a pretty good wandmaker where she comes from. He's where I got mine from."

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul slinked back behind the tree and started to move closer as it stayed in the tree line to stay mostly hidden while it finds a spot to hide from them and be as close as possible as well.

Artisia: -Artisia grins as she sees Iimii and this young Lupinossai who she didnt know, through her ghouls vision, she would watch the two talking and even hear through her ghouls ears-

Iimiidiina: Sniff. Sniff sniff sniff sniff. He looks toward the trees. "What the Fen is that?" ~That's the smell I smelt earlier!~ Grimanth was just as bonded to him as he was to her.

rawsha: -Rawsha nods- "i saw a few wands i like...but never have been to a wandmaker" -those deep-blue eyes, looked over checking on the egg, she smiled, then she looked over at him, then to where he was looking. she had smelled it moments before, she tries to see whats there-

The Taste of Flesh: It comes to another stop behind some large thick bushes, listening intently to what the two were saying.

rawsha: "maybe something..rotted...over there" -she stated thinking, an animal had left something dead in the forest-

Iimiidiina: Iimii could just barely sense magic in the air. Black magic. Must be one of Artisia's minions. Or Rawsha is right. Rawsha is more likely right, as Artisia was sort of... peeved after the meeting with her Master. She wouldn't be wandering like this, right? "Yeah, must be." He brushes it off as some rotting corpse, maybe a deer left behind by a wolf pack, and takes up conversation with Rawsha again.

......The two would talk of wands and familiars for what seemed to be a very long time. Talking about the importance and difference of both, the young Rawsha showing much affection for the dragons egg, while she listened to her older mage friend Iimii talk and learned new ways to see things. Iimii was giving her good advice to go by as she learned and grew in the arts of magic and life in general. They spoke of the new dragon Grimanth, Iimii explained she was his new bond-mate and what had happened between his old mate Valla and why he was gone. How the dragon had become distant and wished for a family and had grown tired of the new young rider. Iimii seemed happy enough with the new bond-mate Rawsha had yet to meet....Both were very caught up in the conversation and the peaceful night on the lake...unaware of things lurking in the darkness....

(this is part one of a live role-play plot that is currently starting)


Date: 2011-08-26 20:27 EST
Artisia: -Artisia was now walking along, minding the worlds business...she watched through her minons eyes and watching where she was walking as she moved along the lake shore, she sent out a message with her necromancers bond to the ghoul, " pet, kill the older lupe and bring the younger to me" was the impression her minion felt-

The Taste of Flesh: They both seem to be so well in depth in their convrsation and disctracted. The ghoul thinks for a long moment whether or not to attack. Very carefuly and quietly it snuck around the bush and stalked closer and closer to the young children. It wasn't in hiding anymore at this point as it was getting closer. And without warning it suddenly launches itself forward with one arm open to snatch Rawsha up and the other swinging with his lethal claws to strike at Iimiidiina.

Iimiidiina: GASP. He pushes Rawsha back behind him and tries to grab his dagger, which was sheathed already, but the ghoul collides right into him. Underneath the foul-smelling thing, the older-seeming Lupe tries to struggle with the undead.

rawsha: -she wasnt watching she was about to respond to Iimii but instead she let a squeal out as she saw the creature at the last moment before Iimii pushed her behind him, the backpack was pushed back behind her and closed, she looked at the ghoul.. that was were the smell came from-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul snaps its teeth at Iimiidiina's face, irritated that the boy disrupted his attack. That does not mean it was going to stop. With dags digging at Iimiidiina's body it would go to launch off the boy aiming at Rawsha again to take hold of her, trying to snatch her up and abduct the girl.

Iimiidiina: Gubble, groomp, gack! With the ghoul launching at Rawsha again, Iimii is freed, and he just barely manages to grab a hold of a leg and pull him down short. Gasping and grunting, the Looa struggles on top of the undead to get a better grip on him. "Run, Rawsha! Run!" Of course, he was badly bloodied up from the claws. He prays infection won't sprout up from them.

Artisia: -she could very well still see what was going on between thee three with the bond of her ghoul, she prepared a spell just in case she needed to travel quickly. Her logic in having the ghoul snatch the girl, she was the perfect age to corrupt or use in order to get what she wanted at a later point, she continued to move closer to the commotion slowly-

rawsha: -she cast a ball of flame at the ghoul from her paws hoping to damage it or to at least slow it, she heard Iimii, running away from things was something she didnt like doing.. but something about the undead trying to claw and snatch at her, it would cause fear in her and she turned and ran...she ran down the shore and toward the trees, just wanting to get away-

The Taste of Flesh: With the ghoul being pulled down the ball of flame would go flying over it with luck. Whether or not the boy holds on to its leg, the ghoul starts pulling itself on all fours after the little girl. Of course, Iimiidiina may slow it down some, but the ghoul was quite strong.

Iimiidiina: That would have hurt. Thank Canis he's a pyromancer, otherwise Roasted Iimii would have been on the menu rather than the Rawsha Ribeye, Rare.

Iimiidiina: "Oh, no you don't." A fist bashes into the ghouls head. He won't resort to magic yet, in case he was enchanted with wards or something. "Keep running, Rawsha! Remember what you were taught!"

Artisia: -Artisia had to control herself from breaking into laughter, the shadows would teleport her into the forest were Rawsha had ran to, she moved silently and the shadows around her would lap at the ground and the trees, they were reaching out and bringing information back to their charge every few seconds, telling her that the child has passed this way-

The Taste of Flesh: Feeling that fist bash into its head it lets out a low, gargling growl. Stopping it would snap at iimiidiina's fist with extremely sharp teeth made for going through skin and bones.

Iimiidiina: Piercing scream would echo through the Glen as teeth chomp down on his fist.

rawsha: -Rawsha was quick, she had been a little sneak most of her short life, she would move along the treeline, she cast invisibilty over herself, she looked around the forest, she knew the place well, having explored the forest numerous times after sneaking out of the den..she kept going trying to be quiet, unaware of anyone following after her, the ghoul being held back by Iimii-

The Taste of Flesh: Too bad the boy isn't dead or else it would be feasting upon him right now. The dead always tasted better. It holds down on the boys arm with its teeth while a claw hand comes down to swipe at the boy's face.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth could feel her Rider's pain, and it numbed her to her very core. Meanwhile, Iimii is on the ground, paw firmly inside the ghoul's maw at the wrist. Blood pours from it, soiling the grass and his clothes where it hits. An arm manages to come up to guard his face, and deep furrows are created. Without thinking, that very paw comes up to the ghoul's face, and he shouts, "Lu'us!" Bright light would pour from the free paw into the ghoul's face and eyes.

The Taste of Flesh: It screeches from the sudden bright light and releases the Iimiidina's hand and quickly jumps off of him, temporarily blinded. It places a bloody hand over its eyes while it stumbles away. The being may have been able to go out in light, but even a sudden bright light would blind most and hurt one's eyes.

Iimiidiina: Iimii takes the opportunity to drag himself a few paces away and heal the worst of the wounds, such as the deep scratches in his arm and the wrist bite. Being a healer, this is short work, and properly healed up as much as he should, the Looa struggles onto his feet and draws the Carrot dagger. Not wanting to risk further damage, and nothing to be gripped on, the Maasi'imi'i is discarded, leaving Iimii naked for this duel.

rawsha: -Rawsha tries to be as silent as she can but at this point she had heard the painful scream from Iimii, she wanted to go back to her friend and help but the ghoul was after her for some unknown reason to her, she kept moving-

Artisia: -Artisia walked calmly but quickly following..she was being guided by the shadows, she felt the magic on the air and sniffed some- "come out dear little Lupinossai" -she spoke softly and changed her appearance as she moved to look more like an old hag rather than the evil necromancer, the shadows would blind in with the night, her voice cracked as it would with much age- "you are safe in these woods..child" -she spoke only loud enough for the area around her to hear, thinking maybe she could fool the child to come to her-

The Taste of Flesh: It finally comes out of blindness and daze, shaking its head and looking around. The ghoul glare sat Iimiidiina with the intent to leave him severely injured or worse. Crawling on all fours it circles Iimii little by little, not moving fast and being very wary of the boy.

Iimiidiina: The Lupe follows him, crouching low and brandishing that dagger that should appear very familiar, if not larger, to the ghoul. He growls at the ghoul.

The Taste of Flesh: It moves into a standing position, making itself look larger now. Just because it crawled on all fours most of the time didn't mean it couldn't stand on two feet. The ghoul moved for Iimiidiina and slashes a hand at him swiftly.

Iimiidiina: He steps out of range with ease, obeying his lessons in knighthood from so long ago. Wait for just the right opportunity, and take it as soon as it becomes clear.


Date: 2011-08-26 21:22 EST
The Taste of Flesh: Those lifeless eyes of it stare at Iimiidiina hungrily for blood. It makes another swift stirke at Iimiidiina with a hand.

Iimiidiina: Another dodge follows that. The Looa is calm, composed, ready and watching for a chance for the ghoul to expose itself.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul stops and stares at the boy, fingers slightly moving making the claws make ticking noises as they rubbed against each other. It let out another gurgling growl at the boy.

Iimiidiina: This attempt at intimidation... was not the moment he was waiting for. Iimii does return the growl, though, a lot deeper than he could muster as a pup now that his voice cracked down. Grimanth, meanwhile, was sneaking around to help her bondmate. Silent and swift as a bullet, she snuck through the grass of the Glen and came to stop on the back flank of their duel.

rawsha: -Rawsha heard the female voice the sweet old voice she heard only fueled her fear, she had ducked into the bottom of a wayward pine to hide, she didnt peak out or drop the invisibility..she had to catch her breath, she stayed quiet and looked out between the roots of the tree, she could feel something very wrong very evil in the air, and this robed lupinossai woman smelt like ....the ghoul!-

The Taste of Flesh: This ghoul had an eternity to wait. It was already dead and didn't have time to waste at all. It could keep Iimiidiina waiting all night if it wanted to. The ghoul bares its deadly teeth and makes one quick step towards him for more intimidation.

Iimiidiina: No step back is taken, but he was well aware of the ace up his sleeve now. Wait... wait... wait... NOW! Grimanth charges forward and bites on the ghoul's ankle. ~Blegh! It tastes horrible!~ But her tiny teeth should be enough to distract the ghoul, feeling much like a wasp sting that quickly retracts as Grimanth runs off to gag.

Artisia: -Artisia walked calmly with this magical disguise she held and stopped just infront of the tree, the shadows had told her the girl was there, she stood ten or fifteen feet from the old trees gapping roots- "little one...dont be fightened." -her voice that of a "sweet" old woman,the ground around the tree started to ice over-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul growls and turns around with a quick and low swipe of a hand thinking there was an enemy behind itself, only to find out it was some stupid little dragon.

Iimiidiina: Just what he needed. Iimii runs behind the ghoul and makes.... a tiny cut, right above the collarbone but not quite on the shoulder. A primary nerve ending there, which would create a temporary full-body paralysis that will last a couple of hours. Thank Canis, also, for medical training.

The Taste of Flesh: If only it were alive would that work, but the being is already dead. Most nerves were already dead and severed and even if that they wouldn't stop the ghoul from moving. It quickly turns around with another attack to slash at Iimiidiina.

Iimiidiina: Oh Fen. He gets slashed across the muzzle with such strength, it sends him flailing onto his back, losing his dagger as he does. It would seem the undead are not subject to typical medical laws.

rawsha: -Rawsha felt very uncomfortable and she had left her backpack on the beach...but now Iimii and that thing where fighting, she wanted the dragon egg...this voice she heard was just outside the tree she had hid in, she attempted to teleport away but there was now wind..she tried to call it..but none came or could be felt inside the tree, she whimpered though she was invisible-

Artisia: -her ears perked as she heard the whimpering.she laughed a laugh that slowly became more evil. as she raised her hand the ice grew up the tree and caused the bark and boughs to creek, the disguise she had hed faded- "come out come out where ever you are" -she took slow steps toward the tree, the magical disguise of the old hag faded back to her own robed youthful appearance-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul launches forward to stab its claws through the abdomen of the boy, not necessarily looking for a quick death if it were to kill him. Not only that, but the ghoul noticed Iimiidiina can heal himself, so maybe it could have fun with the boy trying to keep himself alive for more pleasuring fun of injuring him more.

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii!~ The hatchling clambers up a short tree, scales the branch... and then leaps down onto the ghoul's head. The hatchling claws at the undead's face and eyes as Iimii is down there still trying to recover from the blow. Blood drips off of his muzzle.

The Taste of Flesh: It is caught off guard by the second unexpected attack from the little dragon. The ghoul places a clawed foot on Iimiidiina's torso while it stands up and reaches up to its head to grab the tiny dragon from its head in attempt to throw the annoying tihng into the water.

Iimiidiina: The little dragon chomps on its finger as it grabs a hold of her.

The Taste of Flesh: It shakes its hand trying to get the little dragon, then instead of shaking it the hands goe sto grasp around the litle dragon to start squeezing on the hatchling.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth squeels with fright, releasing the finger, and this rouses Iimii enough to inspire him to rage. "That's it... You don't touch my dragon." A paw is placed on the undead's foot. "Fi'igoo." The undead's leg would combust, consumed entirely in fire.

rawsha: -Rawsha looked up as the tree popped and snapped making sounds as the ice went up through it...she pushed herself deeper into the roots of the old tree, she had to think "remember what you've been taught Rawsha" she repeated in her mind, the child was terrified but readied her attack, waiting for the right moment-

Artisia: -Artisia brought up her paws and made a parting motion with them, the tree starts to snap and its frozen branches and trunk break and fall the trunk almost blows apart, she laughs manicly and stands five feet from what was now a mass of roots and branches and a hole, the tree had shattered and fallen-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul is caught on fire, haivng little resistences to that type of magic. It tosses the hatchling to the side and looked to the water. The foot on iimiidiina would dig at his torso as it takes off for the water to put out the flames.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth lands heavily and Iimii groans as ribs crack under the ghoul's weight. But he will find that Iimii is a very good pyromancer, and simple water won't do much to put it out. It continues to spread, slowly. He will find the flames won't die. Only magical water, from a magical source, could put it out. The Looa starts to laugh weakly, but Grimanth is unconscious and helpless from her collision with the ground.

The Taste of Flesh: It doesn't just go stand in the water, but the ghoul submerges itself completely under the water for a minute or two to put out the flames. By the time it comes back up it is soaking wet, the body of the ghoul weighed down from the water. The ghoul finds itself seeming to still be on fire. If it were going to die then it was going to take its prey down with itself. It walks from the water as it still seems to be on fire. Moving for Iimiidiina's body and once over the boy it goes to start tearing at his chest with his sharp claws.

Iimiidiina: He will find the flames won't die. Only magical water, from a magical source, could put it out. The Looa starts to laugh weakly, but Grimanth is unconscious and helpless from her collision with the ground. As Iimii's life force fades, the fire, and his dragon, would fade with him. Somebody help!

Sweet_Dreams: -a large white kyubbi appears grabbing it around the waist with her jaws tossing it snarling-"Get off my mate"-lowering her head snarling more as healing fire surrounded Iimii watching the ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: It would make one more slash at Iimiidiina before the newcomer attacks it. The ghoul screeches and takes off, on fire or not. Who knows what is to happen to it as it soon disappears from sight..


Date: 2011-08-26 23:07 EST
rawsha: -the tree went down around her she tried to dodge branches and limbs, she felt the wind through the trees and raised her paws though invisible she casts a spell..calling the wind around her as the tree went down.. she yells "Fi'goo wi'ima!" -a mix of fire carried on the wind would speed toward Artisia once she saw the source of the evil laughter and the unholy feelings-

Artisia: -Artisia's shadow aura rise around her and deflect some of the hit..the flames would go around her and the ice on the ground would be called to her as she breathed in, the fire would burn her but she was able to put it out with the use of ice and shadow, she would see Rawsha as the young lupe came visible with the attack-

rawsha: -Rawshe became visible and started to scramble out of the hole what was once the trees roots, she tried not to turn her back on the robed form, she would have to try to defend herself...defense was something she had only had one lesson on in magic-

Artisia: -Artisia grinned- "stay young mage.." -she wiggled her fingers toward the pup, attempting to hold her with magic, tendrels of shadow would lap out toward Rawsha and move around her to seize her-

Sweet_Dreams: -lifting her head howling moving over lying beside Iimii focusing-"Iim"-spoken softly-

Iimiidiina: "I'm.... fine... Rawsha. Help her."

Sweet_Dreams: -leaving a blue flame orb over him to heal him running off-"Rawsha?"-snarling running at full speed-"*rawsha, you need to focus let me see what you see?*"-she tried to communicate with the young lupe from a distance-

rawsha: -Rawsha yelped out, the shadows clutched her, she faught the tendrils of shadow with her paws and legs as the tendrils were wrapping around her, she cried out and screamed, the young mage would let her magic realease from her form.. wind would build up from her and fly out toward the robbed female-

Sweet_Dreams: -still running taking her normal form-"RAWSHA?!!!"-focusing to sense the magic-"where are you!?"

rawsha: -she was terrified and only hoped to knock the robed female lupe off her feet, the gale force that came from the young mage was huge...tress shook and bushes and such laid back near the center... flattened, she kept fighting the oncoming shadows-

Artisia: -Artisia stumbled back, she was acutally pushed back by the force of the wind and hit a tree, but she braced herself and stood upright once more and the tendrils of shadow pulled Rawsha toward her as the gale wind passed over her-

Sweet_Dreams: -hearing the wind, and Rawsha's terrified screams.. moving in that direction narrowing her eyes-"now that doesnt seem fair now does it?, picking on a pup, tut tut"-she came through the trees landing behind Artisia clad in her armour-

Artisia: -she cast another set of tendrils toward the pup and pulled the girl in to her arms- "shh" -she pulled Rawsha into her arms, Rawsha would notice the cold that was coming off her form, she turned hearing the intruder she shadows would spill into Rawsha's mouth and around her eyes- "...tis none of your business..what i do with my "prizes"" -her protective shadows moved around her as well-

rawsha: -Rawsha struggles and fights under the thick shadows, the need to get one finger...just one hand loose of the shadows, she could cast and get away but she was held tight and couldnt hear, see or scream, she whimpers out, struggling and feeling the coldness of the robed form against her-

Iimiidiina: He groans, and the wicked wounds from the ghoul heal themselves. When he is well enough, he drags himself over to Grimanth and checks on her. Unconscious, but alright. He picks up the limp hatchling and places her in safety in the branches of a tree, which he marks in the old fashioned dog way, seeing as how he is naked still. But he bars that particular deal and limps into the forest, his own energy healing him now, steadily so as not to tire him out. Magic was heavy in the air, and he follows the tracks towards Artisia, Rawsha, and Marishka. He was really only 50%, but he wasn't looking to fight. Not this one. No, they still had business.

Sweet_Dreams: -smirking-"it is when it comes to my den"-narrowing her eyes lifting a hand-"and shadows always fall to light"-tossing a light blue orb at her shield running at the same time, reaching out to Rawsha-"*focus little one, feel your magic you dont need your hands, you need your mind*"

rawsha: -Rawsha's struggling was slowing, she was wearing herself out, she could feel and even taste the shadows around her, binding her tightly, she felt others around the two but couldnt pinpoint who or where-

Artisia: -Artisia growls out and speaks in the language of the infernals..clicks of the tongue and growls, the shadows that were around her form seem to leap from her and take the light attack, their red glowing eyes blazing as they protected their charge, Artisia backed from Mari-

Iimiidiina: Iimii soon comes upon the battle site. "Stop!"

Sweet_Dreams: -stopping still snarling her eyes a crimson her feral state reached whining form the command stopping and standing her head bowed, walking over to Iimii and wrapping her cloak around him standing obidently at his side her Katanas drawn--

Artisia: -Artisia's reflectionless gaze moved to Iimii and an almost demonish smile passed over her lips, the robed necromancer was deep into the thralls of evil, having used the power of a pact of demons to command the shadows to protect her from the light, she babbled something in a demonic language..but then repeated herself in common- "let me and my prize pass...children of light"

Sweet_Dreams: -blinking smirking uttering the counter spell her eyes closed-"who said I was of light, miss?"-her eyes darker crimson-

Iimiidiina: "Hold on. We can negotiate this." A paw is held up, but no magic would come from it. "Mary, down, please."

rawsha: -Rawsha under all that darkness and against the cold touch of the necromancer, cried silently, she wanted her mama..she wanted the dragons egg she had cared for so much these last months, she let herself become very still-

Artisia: -Artisia laughed and moved her head cracking her neck- " making...i have had my fair share of..." -she sneered. thinking about all the agreements and pacts she was part of-

Sweet_Dreams: -closing her eyes reaching Rawsha hoping she felt her holding her and the fox fire glow-"*no need for fear, my names Marishka, Im Iimiis mate*"

Iimiidiina: "I know what you seek, Artisia. The Regalia of Evil. And I know you won't give it up to Belial or Fierna. All I ask is Rawsha's release, and the safety of the Den and those I love... and I will help you claim all three of them."

Sweet_Dreams: -looking at Iimii eyes wide-

Iimiidiina: The look in his eyes said to Mary, in a language only lover's can understand, Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.

Artisia: -she laughed- "you will not stop...plans and plots...the matter of the Regalia of Evil is a differnt one all together...though they are are most prophecies" -she held Rawsha against her-

Iimiidiina: "I'm not planning on stopping you. But I know our Den is just pin spot on a whole world you could rule with the Regalia. Beliel and Fierna need to be disposed of. The two of us, with you in possession of the Regalia... we could usurp the both of them and establish -you- as the ruler of the Fourth Circle. And more, even. Think about it, Artisia." His tone was seductive in such a way it could only be true, and he heads toward the necromancer. "Beliel and Fierna... between the two of us...They would be helpless. You saw the power I commanded over him."."

Artisia: -she growled and held the pup- "you will not tempt me with these things." -she backed away from him, she wasnt going to be fooled with illusions of grand things, she clled upon her minions hiding in the forest ..with some silent call that went out to them. the groans and clicks and gutteral sounds would soon be heard as her minions lumbered closer to the clearing-

Iimiidiina: "I am not tempting you, Artisia. I am speaking truth. You know we can destroy them with the Regalia. The Den is a trivial matter, a mortal plane hardly worth the attention of most anything in power. Why settle for something so... small? Why?"

rawsha: -Rawsha seemed to be sleeping, her breathing was the only movement that was seen from her-

Artisia: -she would let the boy keep talking...from the treeline, movement can be seen, from all directions, undead of all kinds a few large and huge in size were moving closer, they answered their mistress call. a group of skeltons grabbed at Mari as they came up to her first..a tall lanky undead with long bladelike claws for fingers made its way through the shadows-

Iimiidiina: "Artisia, think about what you're doing. The rewards are great, and the price I ask for is small."


Date: 2011-08-26 23:26 EST
Sweet_Dreams: -screaming as the skeletons attacked and growling-"iimi!!!!!"-growling-"GIVE THE COMMAND!!!!"-snarling closing her eyes focusing trying to take her kyubbi form-

Artisia: -the sound of trees being knocked down by something large in the forest could be heard, the the tall lanky undead with the blades for fingers would attempt a strike toward Iimii with a hand...they had a group gathering around them including Zombies, skeletons. then through the trees came a huge was a two headed ogre type an undead Ettin-

Iimiidiina: The tall lanky Undead's strike would bounce off of his wards as Iimii sets them up quickly, preventing anybody from leaving, or entering the battle zone. "Very well. Mary, you are free. Attack!" Being free of his dagger, unfortunately, the white metal katana, short and light, that was given to him by Lucied, a dire wolf of Bahamut's realm, would shimmer into existance in his right paw. He slashes the closest undead's head off with the blade.

Artisia: "i wish no longer to speak with the living" -the shadows lapping around her and Rawsha...would flare up and she would quickly blink out of veiw and appear ten feet away from them..she commanded- "deal with them my pets"

Sweet_Dreams: -her eyes flashing open grinning her power expanding freezing everything on all afours her form growing into a large Kyubbi attacking the Ogre yelping as she was tossed into a mountain before getting up shakily now she was mad opening her jaws as energy gathers between her jaws-

Artisia: -the Ettin would bellow out and stomp the ground, both heads making a horrible noise as it swung a huge great club....the undead would attack..a zombeis head went flying, the long blade fingered undead would hiss and jump at Iimii, swinging those long extensions at him, ......Artisia feels Iimii's wards go up, she would start to concentrate, a couple of undead female knights step in to protect her, she held Rawsha's enshadowed form in her arms--

Sweet_Dreams: -blinking moving and blockin the blow meant to Iimii yelping her fangs biting into the wrist staggering slightly..launching an attack into the air creating a large orb of fox fire before attacking the orge biting and slashing at the undead ogre before it knocked her to the ground with a yelp and playing dead

Iimiidiina: Slash slash slash slash. Blade is greater than flesh, and Iimii makes short work of the lanky one before making his way through the host towards Artisia.

Artisia: -the two knights in half-plate held heavy steel sheilds and carried longswords, these two almost smelt of magic even to those that had no knowledge of it...the fight went on...through the forest more of her minions came...not all made it into the area-

Iimiidiina: Proceed the duel. Iimii may not have armor, but a lack of armor made him fast, and that was his preferred fighting style. Needless to say, the battle between him and the enchanted warriors would be quite epic.

Artisia: -Artisia would cast a spell after the moments of concentration, ground would open up beneath her, just in the five foot area, it was like a void a black hole....she gave a grin that would freeze some hearts with fear and dropped into it... it slowly started to of the knights went down..most of the minions retreated...seeing their mistress retreat.....the reamining knight sent a strike toward Iimii with the sword it held-

Iimiidiina: He gasps. No, he can't let her get away! The knight is knocked back with a solid kick in the gut, and he drops down into the hole.

Artisia: -as he hits the hole to dive in..he can feel and hear the void closing...the ground became hard under him and soon turned back to the grass...the undead knight groaned and growled as it tried to get up out of the bush it had been shoved into-

Iimiidiina: "No! Rawsha!" He beats at the ground, but the wards had shattered, and Artisia's minions were closing in. He gets up, brandishing the katana, then runs for it. Canis, protect her.

rawsha: -Rawsha was taken, her backpack, her book and the egg all left on the shore of the lake, the last she was seen that night was in Artisia, the necromancers shadowy embrace-


Date: 2011-08-27 06:27 EST
Artisia: (Setting) -Artisia's newest home was deep in a forest in the same region of land of the battle grounds of a recent war set, the forest seemed to flourish and thrive on the outer most parts but deeper in closer to structures, the land was slowly dying and the water of springs there were becoming fetid, the ground level was an ancient failing two storied monastry, mostly a shell of the once great but humble home of some long dead monks, now undead guards, shadows and shades walked the grounds the gardens and cathedrel long abandoned now longer gave feelings of safety or shelter, they set in rot over the years...deep below, through an underground complex, Artisia had made quiet a home, passing through some door hidden inside the monastary one would go down two floors of vast rooms of worship and the catacombs before coming to another lower level leading to the chamber..where Artisia sat in her study-

Amaretto: Towards the outer realm of the forest would pass what might have been a well groomed, well respected and wealthy minnotaur merchant. Now, foam frothed from his muzzle. Breath was heavy and ragged. Rich silks and linens were snagged, ripped and near unraveling on its huge, muscled bovine/human frame. Sweat glistened over it's hide, the eyes nigh blank, expressionless as if the owner of body and soul were locked in feverish nightmares. It would lumber ungracefully into the forest.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was inside Artisia's study with her, sitting not too far away from her. It was growing bored of sitting around. It wanted fun. To terrorize and torture the living. The ghoul looked to its mistress and crawled over to her. Standing onto its two feet it looked to her. "Mistress, I grow bored of sitting here."

Artisia: -there were no gates to the monastary grounds they had roited away with passage of time, lurking undead in the forest would be drawn toward the living flesh, here they had a hunting ground, here they had reign over things that came to close, a shade would move toward the minotuar and flicker and float around it, its raspy moans and whispers could be heard as it watched it...Artisia looked over at the ghoul, they had both had a very eventul night before and she watched it move, it was one of her most prized creatures- "patience my pet...soon your boredom will be lessened" -she grinned-

Amaretto: The mind, what little was left, was seared with an immage of great treasure within the bowels of the monnastery within the forest. He just merely needed to walk in, and claim his prize. So said the haunting, female voice that had come to him many night ago in dreams of exctasy and carnal sin. There, in trapping of arabian silks, and the taught, voluptous forms of a female minotaur, he was seduced out of his will, then his sanity, and finally his soul was bound by Amaretto. The minotaur, though living flesh, would have an aura of malice about it. A cursed air and feel of something best left alone by the minor dead.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul gave a very demonic, evil grin with bad intentions. It put its hands together and clasped the hands together. "Does it have to do with the child?"

Artisia: -the shade would be ever watchful, but stay its distance away, others might follow but felt the malice and threat of something greater than themselves and kept their distance, those at the monastary guarding it and haunting the grounds some seemed more intelegent and would be alerted by the minotuar, a few female undead knights would come to the archway that was once the main gate, but they let it pass having felt the aura before in passing with Amaretto, the minotaur must have business with their mistress....Artisia grinned and though the reflection of her eyes couldnt be seen she studied her pet- "yess...yes you did well last eve' and the child ...came to stay with us"

Amaretto: The minotaur would walk past the shade, unfeeling of fear, horror, or terror. Only the seared image of riches, lust, a phantom female, and the workings of a spirit long robbed of it's body kept it moving. The monestary would be in sight after several more plodding gaits of massive hooved feet. A note to those dead and undead arround this creature. The sense of cold, evil dread, that calls to those beyond the grave clung to the minotaur like a well fitted suit. Perhaps it had to do with the strange, ornate iron crown it wore, cocked perilously one the head between gleaming black horns.

The Taste of Flesh: "Does your pet perhaps get to have a nice snack out of the child?" The evil grin got ever so wider from the ghoul. Oh, it wanted to have so much fun with the child. The ghoul never got to play that much having to hide with its mistress most of the time.

Artisia: -she laughs coldly- "yes..all in" -she looked up toward the ceiling of the layer of the lair they where sitting in, she felt it...she felt the pull of the crown, chills went through her body as, the orb on its stand on her desk flared to life, she licked her lips- "seems we have company coming" -she took the orb into her clawed fingers-

Amaretto: Into the monastery it stepped. The ringing clop of heavy hoof shod with heavy horse shoes that may have struck any lesser being dead in a past life filled the empty shell of the building. Amidst so much undead and evil aura, the eyes blinked, tearing, color coming to them for a brief moment. Lucid thought struck the minotaur among the dreams. Confusion seeped in, disorientation, and then, dread, cold, paralyzing dread only the cursed, damned, undead, and vile imminate.

The Taste of Flesh: "I wish time were faster." it said before hearing her and looked back. "Company? Perhaps a feast of some sort for me?" It moved down onto all fours ready to go find out who it was. Hopefully, it was sometihng that could be preyed upon.

Amaretto: Blast. So close. Amaretto gave a faint ghostly sigh near the minnotaurs ears. You are as thick and dense as a furry brick, you brute. She hissed. The minnotaur spun, in fright, large hands that could rend a mortal man in two passed through the faded form of a faded looking female minotaur. The image just smiled again. Easy, easy. Shh, shh, calm your heart my brave bull. Your dreams are at hand. Come, take my hand, lead me to the treasure to buy my love. Ragged realization tore into his mind like searing flames seeing his hands pass through hers, then the undead about, guarding, watching the parody of the living with frail, frail minds. Amaretto let out a small hiss, then laughed, the form fading to the most frightening thing on earth. A demonic version of Ammy Spiritor. Shrasoh ceekikh ch'kthol uth rasim dais! Her voice was cold, chilling, and held vileness as she spoke the holding spell over the minotaur. He fought, and fought bravely indeed. A loud, ringing bellow was made, vibrating some old stones in their decayed mortar. He had to flee. Had to run. He was far from home and in the land of utter madness. He charged the spector. Amaretto laughed in giddy fashion. So, you build resistance to that ploy and spell. So be it mortal. Uras' th'k cha kalimos Tarut! She wreathed him in unholy light, forcing him to slow and stand in stupor. She walked up to him slowly savoring her toy.

Artisia: "come pet lets go up and meet, them" -she would walk with her pet through the study and through halls and rooms..up some stairs, then she heard the bellowing above, bits and pieces of dirt and stone fell from the ceilings under the angry stomping-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grinned as it followed Artisia, crawling on all fours. it's long claws on its feet and hands clicking as they touch the floor with each step. The pet of the mistress was getting a little excited hearing the stomp and the dirt and stone falling from the ceilings. it always liked prey that would put up a fight.

Amaretto: As she neared, her hold on him grew but at the price of her soul fading more. Amaretto was running thin. It had cost her much to get him this far to just lose him this close. She wanted to present him to her friend, mentor, and ally. Reaching him, placed and icey paw on his chest. The minnotaur flinched instinctually from the cold of the dead. Come, my bull. Come my would be lover. Buy my love. Buy your loins desire. A few more steps will grant all you desire. Her words would seem to eddy and flow throught the monestary and then she stepped into him and he was once more dull of wit and expressionless. A tired, heaving sigh eminated from the toothy muzzle and more foam fell to the cracked stone flooring. It moved for the stairs in slow, plodding rythm, as if marching out it's own requiem.

Artisia: -she watched the ghouls excitement and would touch him on the shoulder as he crawled along quickly beside her, both she and the ghoul would appear in the doorway of the unhollowed cathedral, she took a moment to watch as Amaretto bewitched the large minotuar, then she would chuckle- "well well..." -she saw the crown upon the beasts head...watching it lumber along-

The Taste of Flesh: When they appeared in the doorway the ghoul saw the minotaur and bared its lethal teeth. It was ready to attack at it's mistress' command. The ghoul always loved to play with the living.

Amaretto: The minotaur turned and stared blankly at Artisia and the Ghoul.

Artisia: -the orb once again was burning with the red sparks as she held it in her hand and as the two artifacts where within thirty feet of one another both started to flame with red flame that was cool to the touch, she was almost drawn toward it but she stood her ground, around the cathedral her minions of all types watched them, some still walked and glided around but most had their eyes on them-

Amaretto: It fell to one knee, bowed, and stiffly, a massive hand reached up and grabbed the crown. With a rigid flick, the crown was tossed to Artisia's feet. All hail the mistress of the dead. The queen of night and fright. The monarch of hell. she whispered, and it bellowed. "All hail the mistress of the dead. The queen of night and fright. The monarch of hell."

Artisia: -watching the crown, be tossed and roll to her feet, she bent to pick it up, she looked the crude, pitted rough iron crown over, the flames around it flickerd as she held it, she would take a moment and pull back her cloak, untying the blindfold, letting it drop, revealing her violet almost red eyes, she would up the crown upon her head, fitting it just right on her head, the flames hid her black furred face, she gave a laugh and looked at the minotuar then to her pet- "ghoul...kill it" -she knew her pet was hungry-

Amaretto: Hearing that command, Amaretto withdrew from the minotaur, giving it full clarity once more. She vanished for the moment, though could be felt as she rested some in silence. The minotaur, aware now, glanced about in panic.

The Taste of Flesh: It didn't even take a second for the ghoul to launch itself at the minotaur after hearing its mistress give the order. With the minotaur bowed all the claws from one hand go to slice down into the back of the minotaur's neck very swiftly hoping to decapitate it.

Amaretto: The panic widened it's eyes and it reflexively kicked with a massive hoof as it's head rolled along the floor like a ball of blood yarn. The body no longer receiving signals, would twitch when it fell.

Artisia: -the blindfold was held in her paws now as she watched, her pet, the undead around the area would go on about their duties, and unlives, Artisia watched her pet launch itself onto the bull minotuar and she almost inhaled the fear that the minotaur let loose in its last moments of life-

Amaretto: Beside Artisia, a whisper would be heard. My what pretty eyes you have. Breath would play along the fur of Artisia's neck.

Artisia: -she chuckles hearing the whisper and without a movement the crowns flames would go out, she would take it off and grin- "ah Amaretto...good you have returned to pet thanks you for its sure.." -she watched the ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: With the minotaur dead the ghoul examined the body of the now dead being. Its teeth bared savagely and claws dug into the flesh of the creature, tearing out meat and the ghoul started to eat including all bones it came across. The ghoul makes a large mess out of the meal, blood going all over its decayed and rotten body.

Amaretto: The air would grow cold as she moved around, nigh invisible, so low was her souls energy, that she barely made an image. Yes, my friend. I have returned. Have you missed me much?

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was indeed very happy that Amaretto had gotten it such a large delicious meal.

Artisia: "your company is always missed...i have grown..use to you" -she noticed the low energy of the spirit, by feeling and the auras around her, she would let shadows move to the spirit, giving Amaretto a little of her own stores of energy, just enough to keep the spirit, moving and alert- "i...we have been busy as of late my dear Amaretto" -she chuckles coldly-

Amaretto: Well, she had intended the minotaur to be a gift for Artisia's necromancy, but the mistress may do what she likes with her gifts. The image flickered as she fed a little and a dip, ever slight to Artisia for the asistance was made. You have? Do tell. You know I love your works. She came close and stood next to Artisia a bit more solid in image now.


Date: 2011-08-27 06:46 EST
rawsha: -it was about this time that, Rawsha was waking up..the last she knew she had been webbed in shadow, unable to move, the young wizard lupinossai, moved her head from side to side, she was cold, shivering, she pulled her robes closer to her body, as she moved she felt the sensation that she was moving ever so slightly, maybe rocking or swinging, the smell of straw was on the air around her as well as moss, old water and dirt, she opened her eyes to see she was laying on straw, she was in a cage, which was round and about five foot in diameter, she sat up and looked around her eyes adjusting to the lack of much light, she was feet off the ground in this cage, which hung from chains above it, she shivered and reached for the door of the cage, it was of course locked, she curled up some trying to get warm-

Artisia: -she grinned and looked from the ghoul and its meal to Amaretto- "i have caught something..." -she laughed- "a child..." -those eyes shine- "come come i'll show you.." -she would lead her down through the hidden stairs-

Amaretto: She would follow. I do appologize for my absence. I've been..... busy.

Artisia: -she grinned and nodded- "i see you have been busy as a bull minotaur down to such a level isnt and easy feat" -she lead her through the first and second levels of compound- "as you can see we have a new home"

The Taste of Flesh: As those two walked away, the ghoul continued its delicious meal. Bones snapping from being broken and crunching on them. Eventually the ghoul was done with its meal. Licking its bloodied hands and claws. The whole body of the minotaur was nearly gone. Most organs bones, flesh and meat were eaten.

Amaretto: Yes. It has tired me so. Thank you for the energy you spared. I do like the looks of this place. A fixer upper. She cackled eerily.

Artisia: "of needs much to make it ...a home..though it is good enough for the moment" -she thought about her ghoul and the events near the lake the night before as they moved down into the third level, she took Amaretto past her study and down a long hall there were doors here and there...some undead had been seen moving through out the place, coming and going, but they went down into an area that was more damp than the rest..some of the rooms had cages lining the walls others were empty-

Amaretto: She viewed the area with interest. The place could use to the touch of a woman. Some of her blood touching there, a bit of flesh touching that beem there, maybe some brains in the mortar.

The Taste of Flesh: After cleaning itself up...some, the ghoul looked towards the path that its mistress and Amaretto took and began to go down that path to follow them. Hopefully, the Mistress would be doing something with the child tonight. The ghoul had such a sadistic mind.

rawsha: -Rawsha's ears perked, she heard voices and someone was coming, not having enough light to see a doorway ,but hearing someone coming, she quickly layed down and curled up, she played like she was sleeping-

Artisia: -she laughed coldly hearing her and turned the corner of the hall, leading her into a dark dirt floored room with a few cages near the walls, bones and such on the floors in some of them, without speaking she cast a spell and a few torches lit up, casting a somewhat eerie glow, she motioned to the cage hanging by itself in the corner- "there... we caught her last night..."

Amaretto: Amaretto left Artisia's side, and flitted to the sleeping child. She circled some, inspecting Rawsha and reached out a cold, ethereal paw to touch the cheeks.

rawsha: -she felt the spirit flutter and fly around her and then she felt the touch, it wasnt normal wasnt..good, she gave whimper and opened her eyes, she saw the image of Amaretto, she remembered all to well the war.. the moments she had seen the demon, in action and she got chills, she tried to push herself away only to scoot a few inches before she was against the bars of the hanging cage-

Amaretto: She gave a loud hiss and recoiled from the child spitting curses and obscenities.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul walked down the stairs and corridors soon to come upon the room Artisia, Amaretto and Rawsha were in. It moves to its' Mistress' side and sits down beside her. The lifeless eyes stare at the child with malicious thoughts.

rawsha: -Rawsha..growled she threw up her paws to cast a protective spell around herself...once again nothing happened and her eyes went wide- " away!" -she spoke with a dry throat-

Amaretto: You! and your filthy whore mothers! It hissed and spat. Her eyes glowed all three colors. You wreak of my sister! she wailed.

Artisia: "she was...with that brat...mage..Iimii his friends call him....when my ghoul...split up their happy little..chit-chat" -she watched Amaretto- " she is...theres" -she grinned and pondered a moment watching them-

Amaretto: A slitted glance was thrown Artisia's way, malice, hate, and pure evil may be felt in that look. The stinkin' little mage who thought himself my equal. I decomposed his hands myself and kissed his cheeks while he still cried. But her, and that wretched mother of hers allied with my sister and brought about my death. More hissing.

rawsha: -Rawsha attempted to watch the three of them but she pushed herself against the bars of the small round cage trying to get away from all of them, she pulled her robes closer, she tried not to show the panic she felt, her heart was beating so fast-

The Taste of Flesh: Decomposed hands? That sounded very tasty to the ghoul. "If he is harmed again. Spare him for me." It spoke to Amaretto with a wide grin showing all its shartp teeth.

Amaretto: She calmed slightly then looked to the ghoul. He would make a tasty treat for you.

The Taste of Flesh: "I got into his flessh last night, but I had no time for feastings." The ghoul laughed.

Artisia: -she grinned and moved closer now, she watched Rawsha and laughed, she saw the hate and malice that Amaretto had for the child and her mothers- "well...she is going to be with us...for some time...and her magic wont be much of a problem..." -she motioned to a band on Rawshas left ankle, it was made of pitted rough iron and had runes which glowed red, it was something with anti-magic casting for the wearer-

rawsha: -Rawsha glanced down at her ankle at the band of iron, she hadnt noticed it until now, that was the cause of her not being able to cast, she blinked those deep-sea blue eyes but kept watch on the three of them-

Amaretto: She grinned maliciously, watching Rawsha, showing all ghostly demon teeth. Perhaps I shall have fun with you when I have rested more. Better sleep while you can. With another hiss, she flitted by Artisia and the ghoul and vanished to rest and replinish.


Date: 2011-08-27 07:33 EST
The Taste of Flesh: "Do I get to have fun with the child now, Mistress?"

Artisia: -she watched as Amaretto went off to gain her strength, she then looked at the ghoul- "what does my pet think we should do with this...pup?"

The Taste of Flesh: "Can I eat her?" it looks at its' mistress, still grinning. "I do wonder what pup flesh tastes like."

rawsha: -the young lupe looks over at Artisia and then the ghoul, she watched the undead, remembering the night before very vividly, she held back a whimper but her eyes went wide hearing the thing ask if he could eat her-

Artisia: -she laughed wickedly- "no...then what would ..Mistress and Amaretto do..for entertainment?" -she watched the girl and her ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: It groaned hearing that. The ghoul got closer to the cage and stood up on its legs and quickly grabbed the bars of the cage with its hands and snapt its teeth on the other side of the bars at her ,threateningly. Then sticks its tongue through the cage trying to lick her skin to taste her.

rawsha: -she tried to be brave, after all it was what she was taught so long ago by her mother..she flet its breath its slimy tongue, it got a lick of her neck and she screamed and tried to back away but the small cage's bars where backed into again...the hanging cage swung lightly as she tried to push the ghouls snapping maw away-

Artisia: -Artisia watched her pet with amusement and stood there she still had the crown in her paw, she would put the blindfold back over her eyes and pull the hood up over her head., the orb had been tucked away into the hidden sling and the dimensional space in her robes-

The Taste of Flesh: it laughed menacingly at the child. The taste of her neck teased the ghoul. It backed its head away from the cage some and let out a loud, horrible screech at Rawsha and as it did it began to shake the cage violently back and forth trying to terrify the girl more.

rawsha: -as it screeched, she clutched her ears, she screeching seemed to go on for ever...she screamed out and held the cage bars with her paws, as the cage was shook she cried out- "no...please stop!" -she tried to hold on and not to get so shaken up by the ghoul shaking the cage-

Artisia: -Artisia laughed and moved to leave the room...slowly one of the torches on the wall near the door went out..making the lights dim just a bit...there were three torches left, with flame enough to light the damp room, Artisia's wicked chuckle could be heard as she headed down the hall toward her chambers

The Taste of Flesh: It continued to shake the cage violently, laughing after it finished screeching. Then it had another fun idea. The ghoul started to spin the cage in a circle since it was off the floor and held up by a chain.

rawsha: -the cage settled, she saw the torches start to go out, she cried out but the screeching ended, she held onto the cages bottom as she sat up trying to keep it steady..then she watched the ghoul come back close and start spinning the cage she screamed and closed her eyes-

Artisia: -soon one more torch made the puffing sound as the end of its firelight hit the hit the end the tender and it went out...leaving the ghoul and Rawsha in a room that hadnt been lit well in the first in half the light it once had, the doors to Artisia's chambers opened and an eerie hum could be heard in a tune down the hall-

rawsha: -she opened one eye then the other, the room was getting darker...soon she would be in total darkness with this thing..she had only read about in books, she whimpered her stomach churned with the spinning of the cage-

The Taste of Flesh: "Round and round you go!" The ghoul shouted at the child while it kept on laughing from pure enjoyment of torturing the girl. It was having fun spinning the cage around and hearing her scream. "I like my meals shaken up, mixed around and topped with fear."

Artisia: -the third torch sizzled and died, leaving only one left flicking with a dim flame on the other side of the room, far down the hall the door to Artisia's room closed as she went in and settled at her desk in the study, she was still humming that eerie toon as she looked through an old book-

rawsha: -Rawsha had tears trailing down her cheeks, she cried out, but her mind was spinning she couldnt tell..up from down, the darkening room was moving around her, she tried to brace herself in the center of the cage but her paws slipped and she was on her side, the cage going round and round and once it went far enough one way it would spin back the other-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul did not mind the darkness or the eerie humming that its' mistress made. Those things were more comforting to for it anyways. It let go of the cage once it would start spinning the other way. "You're just with me, child. In the dark. All alone. I watch you with my eyes whether you know it or not. You will be mine once the mistress is done with you and I will enjoy your flesh and blood!"

Artisia: -the last of the torches burnt away, the room went dark, Artisia's eerie tune stopped, the ghoul could sense his mistress, telling it over a link that the child would be there later to play with once again..and for him to go and rest or hunt for other prey-

rawsha: -she was crying curling up she looked up toward were the voice of the ghoul had come from, she was in the dark, her mind and sense of direction where off, she was facing the wall but thought the ghoul was infront of her, she whimpered out- "please....stop"

The Taste of Flesh: Hearing what it's mistress says over the link it growls to itself. It wanted to play with the new toy much longer, but orders were orders. It is very unwise to disobey the mistress. "The mistress wishes me to leave you, my toy. But I will be back..don't you worry." The ghoul shook the cage violently again for a few second sbefore letting go and walking away from the cage. For now it went to the Mistriss' door and sat down outside of it and leaned against the wall to rest and guard the door

Artisia: -Artisia would lay the orb on its stand, and summon a special cushioned resting stand near the wall for the crown, setting it upon it, she moved to her bed to rest for the night, she would sleep and rest knowing her home was well guarded and her minions are loyal-

rawsha: -Rawsha whimpers out and for a long while stayed still..the cage would swing and jerk and soon settle, she heard the ghouls words, she looked up not sure if it was gone...or still somewhere lurking in the shadows, as the cage stopped moving she would get as close as she could to the edge and throw up on the floor below. she spent a long time watching the darkness but sleep...took her over after curling up and crying-


Date: 2011-08-29 07:41 EST
Artisia: -Deep within the forgotten forest once called Fanghurst, the now unhollowed ground of the monastary stood in crumbling decay and severe disrepair, undead partoled the forest and the ruins of the old cathedral, the now over grown fields and gardens, shades, spectres, ghouls and ghasts, all in their undead saunter..the larger of the minions weren't to be seen at the moment, the undead knights in their half-plate, watched with their eerie onyx gazes. deep under ground, far below the roots of dead tress and pools of now fetid water, Artisia grinned as she stood waiting for the child, her latest test subject to awaken, ohh she had reveled in the scared screams of the child. Her mood was sour these last few days and she had taken to study and practicing her craft on living flesh, having heard the malice in Amaretto's words once she had seen the child, Artisia had sent minions out into the lands on a hunt-

rawsha: -Much earlier in the afternoon Rawsha had been taken from the hanging cage by a couple skletal undead, she had put up such a kicking and hitting fight she had damaged one of them and some equipment, as the drug her down the halls and stairways, without thinking about it she had tried to cast spells, to get away and to defend herself but they fizzled out before they left her fingertips, she had been wrestled down to a hard wooden table as she heard the the command in that evil ladies voice- "Haat" -Artisia had spoken with magical command, the words echoed through the room with vats of formaldehyde and other foul smelling and looking implaments and the pup became still, fear in those deep-sea blue eyes as, she was secured on the table by ropes by the cold chilled hands of undead- "please! let me go!" -Rawsha watched Artisia then-

Artisia: -Artisia had ignored the girl's pleas. the necromancer wore a set of special robes with no leather armor beneath it, they are black and color and didnt flow like the ones she usually wears, she opened a very old looking leather book, the material alomst looked like skin stretched over the book beneath, but it was only leather a copy of a sacred tome, she took her time and opened a woode box taking out a surgical blade, a small jar of liquid, a pouch with black sand inside and a container in which what looked like a peice of red skin, with runes and symbols cut and long past healed, the material or skin may have moved a bit in the fluid it rested in..Rawsha watched and struggled wanting to get free, undead hands held her still against the table, Artisia would approach Rawsha and take the girl's arm in her clawwed grip, the surgical knife was used to cut into flesh, Artisia would start to chant as she worked, going by the book and memory, things she was taught, she started the process of the feindish skin graft-

rawsha: -Rawsha felt the cuts, the pulling on her skin..she whimpered and tears trailed down her cheeks she was afraid to move but she could feel every cut, she was forced to watch as Artisia chanted, she felt her mind start to spin with the pain..she screamed out..the sounds echoing throughout the underground halls-

Artisia: -the screams of the child would echo, Artisia was concentrating and working, she would soon have the patch of skin removed and took the black sand sprinkling it into the bloody patch, she would use a razor to shave away fur around the area.., the sand would sparkle and cling to the blood, she looked at the girl with an evil smirk seeing her fall unconscious..probably from the pain and fear...the necromancer would work, sewing and grafting the skin to the girls own arm and skin. the fiendish skin would hiss and garble as it took to the sand and blood, the runes cut into it long ago glowed and it would bind itself as it was sewn, taking up its new place on the young lupinossai's arm-

.....Now hours later Artisia waited for the girl to wake, but she had other things to see too tonight, she ordered her minions to take Rawsha back to the cage, she would save more for later, she moved to her room and changed from her work robes to the dark flowing robes over her leather armor, she grinned as she took up the orb and the crown, she would be true to her words to Amaretto..for bringing her the crown......she set the crown upon her head, the red flames glowed and covered her face, concealing it well, she held the orb in her paws and left the hood of the robe down as she walked out of her chambers and started the long way up to the monastary she moved along the halls she would teleport from her home-


Date: 2011-08-29 08:28 EST

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene pointed her flashlight along the bushes near the lake in the Southern Glen. She'd been out on patrol for two days now after Frost sent her a message from Mirius and Ammy. Rawsha was missing. Finding no one behind a stand of trees, she cursed. That kid was too sweet to be missing. She kept looking.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy rifled through her closet for a few moments in the Beach House. Her mission was finding her armor, flashlight, guns, and a few more things a search mission would need. A cold, lump was growing in her stomach as Rawsha hasn't been home in a day or two now. Hell, Mirius was wigging out and she couldn't blame her mate. Kids, were kids and damn it hurts when they are in trouble.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was sitting in the living room on a couch, slumped over and with her hands on her head. She was just wearing just a black T-shirt and blue denim pants with her gun strapped to her left thigh. Armor was no longer in her posession since she had lost most of her things long ago. She slowly rocked back and forth on the couch, worrying about her daughter greatly. Even a few tears were shed as she waited for Ammy to look for her things to get ready to help for the search.

Ammy Spiritor: She walked into the living room and dropped several bags on the floor before mirius then opened them. Ammy shoved pieces of wierd armor into Mirius' lap. "It's a spare set of mine that I made when I was dumb enough to start the Silver Wolves when Rhydin was getting blasted by Imperials. Should fit you okay and can take most small fire arms and blasters too." she paused seeing the tears, dropped things and just hugged Mirius. "I know how you feel, love." she whispered.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene stopped by an outcropping of rocks and sat, taking a break. Her leg was aching a little and she rubbed it with a sigh. Stupid war getting her shot up.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoulish ghoul pet of Artisia was out hunting again in the night. Always looking for fresh prey to hunt. Slowly it crawled through the forest of the southern glen, the stinch of death and decay following wherever it goes. The ghoul was having enjoyable thoughts of getting back to its' Mistress' lair soon and playing with the child again. It loved to see her cry and scream in fear.

Mirius Pojoris: Feeling Ammy's hug she wrapped her arms around Ammy and hugged her tightly. She didn't have any words to say. All she wanted was to hold Rawsha in her arms again. More tears went down her cheeks and she wiped them away with a paw and sniffled. Mirius looked at the armor Ammy gave her for a long moment. "Thanks, Ammy," she whispered. Standing up she would start to put the armor on herself.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy did likewise. "I know this may not help much... hell I don't know if I've ever given good advice, but you're doing the right thing. Finding Rawsha will put your mind to rest hon. It did me when I went looking for Lene when Takhasis took her." she strapped on her guns then eyed her lightsaber for a long, long moment. She was so out of practice that the thought of using it made her feel wary.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Her radio crackled a moment. HQ to Lt Lene. HQ to Lt Lene. What's your status? She clicked the small reciever on her shoulder. "Negative so far. No sign of the child. It's very dark out here." she gave a small pant. Are you okay Lt Lene? You sound very tired. "Just my leg acting up HQ. I'll continue patrol for a few more hours. Lt Lene out."

The Taste of Flesh: It continued it's little hunt. Moving around bushes and trees, stopping every so often in case there was any voices or footsteps that could be heard. It was very peaceful and when things got peaceful the ghoul got quite bored and when it got bored it got very aggravated. There had to be some thing or someone out in the southern glen, but it just wasn't seeing anyone just yet.

Mirius Pojoris: "Second time, Ammy. Second time she's been taken away from me. I'm startin' to think I ain't a good mother for her...," she said with a slightly trembling voice. Mirius was starting to really doubt her motherly responsibilities with Rawsha, but it wasn't going to keep her from searching at least. Once the armor was on she reached over to a table that had her gun lying on it after she put on a belt around her waist that would hold clips of ammo for both her pistol and rifle

Ammy Spiritor: "Mirius! Stop. Don't say that. You're a better mother than I ever was, and I've messed up a lot worse. We'll find Rawsha and get her back. You're not a bad mother and this isn't against you. Please, just hold it together." she took the light saber and clipped it on her belt. She won't use it most likely, but the sight might scare off a few thugs. Equiped, she hugged Mirius again. "We'll get through this. No one messes with our family. No one."

Iimiidiina: In a daze, despite the worrysome pleas of his hatchling, perched on bare shoulder, Iimii slowly walks up to the beach house, carrying a large bundle in his arms.

The Taste of Flesh: Suddenly, it heard voices and when there is voices there are people. And when there are people that means possible prey. A malicious grin apepared on the ghoul's mouth and it headed for the noise. In no time it slowly came out of the tree line, from behind Myrlene, eyeing her closely. Seeing her size the ghoul believes she is just a child. And to take advantage of children was something the ghoul always loved to do. They were always so easy to scare.

Iimiidiina: Heavy footsteps pound up the porch steps.

Mirius Pojoris: She gave a long sigh and held Ammy again. Ammy was right. Mirius is a good mother, but some times she really did not feel like she was. "Sorry, Ammy....All of this is just messin' wit' me head...." She looked towards the door hearing the heavy foosteps wondering who that could be.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She stood, readying to patrol again when two things hit her. The rotten stench of the dead, and a cold chill up her spine from the aura the unseen ghoul gave her senses. Her one ear flattened a moment wondering what was around here. She turned slowly, bringing flash light to bear.

Ammy Spiritor: "I know love. I know. I've been watching you as much as you watch me." she heard the steps as well and stepped for the door opening up. "Iimii?" his condition just made the cold lump grow larger.

The Taste of Flesh: It stalked closer to Myrlene, its tongue licking around its mouth seeing how delicious she looks. But when it got much closer she was turning around already with that flashlight. It gave out a loud gurgling growl and launched at Myrlene to try and take her down to the ground.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth looks up at Ammy, her eyes panicked and desperate. She tries to talk to her, though it was questionable whether or not she could with Ammy. ~Help him! He hasn't slept in two days!~ The boy just stands there, Rawsha's things bundled in his arms.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: The growl caught her off guard and instinct kicked in. Heavy flashlight was swung for the attacking thing while she tried to step backwards.

Mirius Pojoris: She put her rifle aroudn her back with the strap going across her torso and shoulder. When she moved to the door and saw Iimiidiina holding Rawsha's things her heart nearly stopped as she panicked more. Quickly she would go to take Rawsha's things from Iimii and look at him worriedly and with quickened breath. "Iimii? Where's Rawsha?"

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul is knocked to the side by the heavy flashlight to its head. Its left arm goes swinging at her aimlessly with its sharp, deadly claws.

Ammy Spiritor: The mental speak wasn't working with Ammy, but she didn't need it. No mother needed it to see the kid was in bad shape. She grabbed Iimii and brought him and dragonling inside.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Ack! Flashlight broke after the contact and the claws raked her right arm. Stumbling back, she uttered a word of magic and her eyes glowed to let her see in the dark. Left hand was moving for her gun.

Iimiidiina: The Looa was in shock, and silent. The dragon continued to plead, silently as well, though to her it was plenty loud. ~There was a lady, and some sort of creature. Iimii was attacked, and he was hurt a lot by the creature. He was with a little girl, and she ran. Then Marishka came, and she healed him, and I don't remember anything else.~The scars would be evident on his body, clothed by an exceedingly dirty and torn cotton Maasi'imi'i. The Hound dagger was nowhere to be found

Ammy Spiritor: "See if you can't get him to speak Mirius. I am getting my first aid kit and a potion."

The Taste of Flesh: In no time the ghoul recovered from the hit and turned to give a lifeless glare at Myrlene. It let out a horrifying screech at her before launching moving quickly in her direction, giving a swing of a clawed hand at her.

Iimiidiina: Iimii sat quietly on the sofa.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She was aware now of the danger, and bit more prepared. She would duck, drawing her gun and hoped to put a few rounds in the beast if her aim was good enough. Her radio crackled. Lt Lene, this if Frost. What is your status?

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius kneeled down in front of Iimii and held his arms gently. She was scared that her daughter was out there alone and the fear could be seen in her eyes. She started to even plead with Iimii to tell her where her daughter is, "Iimii, where's me daughter? What happened? Please, ye gotta tell me. I can't leave her out there."

Iimiidiina: ~She was taken! Kidnapped! Evil lady! Iimii tried to stop her!~ Iimii, though, was silent.

The Taste of Flesh: The rounds hit the ghoul, but barely phase the creature much. It was already dead and bullets weren't going to bring it down. Its arms spread out as it gets close to her again to try and catch her in its grasp.

Ammy Spiritor: She was back quickly, a vial clutched in hand. She would pry open his muzzle and pour a bitter sweet liquid into his mouth and throat. It was a healing potion that would counteract shock and rebuild his strength. That done, she went about tending the boy. The dragonling unheard.

Mirius Pojoris: Unfortunately, Mirius wasn't hearing the mental speak either. She even shook Iimiidiina a little bit now that she is getting more desperate for an answer. She was getting ready to slap him, too.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "What the hell are you?" she backed away, ignoring the radio for the time being. The ghoul was a higher priority. She would jump up and snap her wings out to fly above the ghoul and tried shooting some more. Her mind was trying to decide what to do. Continue fighting, or run for back up?

Iimiidiina: The Looa gags on instinct and tries to cough up the potion.

Ammy Spiritor: She stroked his throat and forced him to swallow. She noted the frustrated looking dragonling for a moment or two. Ammy chittered to it in dragonling speach. Yay for spending time as one. What is wrong? Where is Rawsha?

Iimiidiina: Iimii swallows as Grimanth chatters back, but the only words she knew from instinct was "thirsty," "hungry," "good," "bad," and "Iimii." She managed to get out by chance, as well, "lady." So, "bad lady" would certainly be a clue. "Rawsha," the Looa shouts out.

Ammy Spiritor: "Bad lady?" she looked confused then sat back from the shout. The potion was working quickly.

Iimiidiina: It would seem the shock was not completely worn off, as he starts rambling, whimpering into paws as tears fall. "She was taken. She took her! Artisia... took her! I failed her, oh why did I tell her to run? -Why?!-"

The Taste of Flesh: With Myrlene jumping up into the air it growls with irritation, but the ghoul wasn't giving up. It leaped up into the air to try and grab her feet. If successful it would try to slam her down into the ground.

Iimiidiina: He was oblivious to Ammy or Mirius.

Ammy Spiritor: That name sounded vaguely familiar to Ammy. "Artisia..." she swallowed a moment. Then stood. "We have to find Rawsha! Leave Iimii here. The potion will snap him out of the shock. Put the egg in the heating basket Rawsha has in the loft." Ammy started barking orders. Oh canis, she knew what Artisia was. She met her once or twice. Necromancer. She shivered slightly.

Mirius Pojoris: "Rawsha was taken?" Mirius gasped and pulled back some. But the name Artisia was foreign to her.She stood up and paced back and forth in the room worried that anything could be happening to her daughter right now and praying she was still alive. "Who is Artisia?"

Iimiidiina: Paws suddenly clench around Ammy's arms, and he stares straight into her eyes. "She took her!"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Shots went wide and she tried to fly high seeing him leap. She felt nails did into her hurt leg and the weight of the ghoul dropped her out to the air like a rock. Damnit! Slam! Snap! Howl! Her left wing was broken. She kicked at the things head trying to fight nausea from the pain and doing her best not to black out. Her left paw was empty, the gun clattering off into the dark. Lene realized she may have to resort to magic.

Ammy Spiritor: She detached Iimii ruthelessly and put him back on the couch. "Yes. I heard ya once." seeing Mirius was not all with it, she grabbed the egg and moved up to the loft. It felt a little cool and she hoped the egg would be okay. Dammit, Rawsha's world revolved around the unborn dragonling. She got it into the warming basket, made sure it would stay warm and not too hot then jumped down by Mirius. "I met her once or twice. I..think she's a necromancer."

Iimiidiina: The boy continues to whimper and cry into his paws. He was convinced it was his fault she was taken. He told her to run, rather than stand her ground, against the ghoul.

The Taste of Flesh: With her down on the ground the ghoul would drag her under him to start slashing at her arms and torso. Hearing her wing snap was a pleasing sound to its ears. The kicks were slowing it down slightly, but the ghoul has no intentions of giving up. For it, pain wasn't much to slow it down.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Oh, like hell it was getting on top of her. She tapped her magic, power she didn't like to use if she could help it and tried to slam it with blast of lightning.

Mirius Pojoris: "A necromancer? Oh, great Fen..." She put her paws on her head again in worry and clenched her head tightly. Mirius was ready to tear her hair out from stress. "Wheredo we even start looking for a necromancer?"

Ammy Spiritor: "Hell if I know. Iimii!" she snapped at him. "Where was she the last time you saw her?"

The Taste of Flesh: The lightning paralyzed the ghoul for a moment, making it unable to do anything to Myrlene for the moment. It let out another horrible screech at Myrlene becoming angered by her.

Iimiidiina: He doesn't respond to the snap, but he does respond. He slowly looks up from his paws, fur and pads drenched in tears. Then he looks off to the side, where Hephaestus shimmers into view. In a hollow voice, he says, "Follow Hephaestus. He will lead you. I... can't... go back there..." The Godzilla wannabe looks at Ammy and Mirius, and the fire construct beckons to them with a growl.

Ammy Spiritor: "Well I guess with fall the flaming toad. C'mon Mirius." she'd grab her mate and drag her for the ATV. They could follow faster in the vehicle.\

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius took a fwe deep breaths to try and calm herslf down before being dragged along by Ammy to the vehicle

Iimiidiina: And they will find Hephaestus is more than capable of travelling fast. He would be ordered to obey Ammy's command before his master collapses on the couch, succumbing to sleep and the healing wonders it offers

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She took that moment to squirm from under the ghoul. The radio was crackling more as HQ wanted to know what was going on. "HQ..." gasp, pain from jarred broken wing and torn leg and arm. "Lene here. Injured. Hostile in area. Maybe more...." she kept pulling herself away, still speaking in the radio trying to get away from the ghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: She slid in and fired up the ATV. It had no weapons anymore, but hopefully that wouldn't be needed. "Hop in Mirius. Lead the way Heph."

The Taste of Flesh: Once the lightning effect wore off the ghoul screeched one more time and charged Myrlene. The ghoul was not going to let her get away. As it ran up towards her it slashes its claws at her legs trying to injure her legs further to keep her from walking.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius climbed into the ATV and held on for the ride. Her body was shaking in fear of what could be happening to her daughter. She also kept thinking why would someone even take her sweet daughter; she didn't wrong anyone, but then again some people always took advantage of the nice people. Deep down Mirius was not only scared, but she was starting to get angry.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Understood Lene. Where are you located it and we'll send back....* The radio died as that attack smashed the radio unit on her thigh, jarring the right leg more setting wounds and old wounds off. "Son of a ...." she growled weakly, her war against pain and blacking out losing ground. She'd never fought anything like this before. She smacked the ground with a paw sending a fist of earth to hopefully slam into the ghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: And a ride it would be. The ATV roared to life, and Ammy tore off following the creature, pedal to the metal, zipping by at a speed that wasn't healthy.

The Taste of Flesh: The fist would hit the ghoul hard and would send it a ways back. When it hit the ground a few bones seemed to snap out of place. When it took a long recovering moment to get back up would it would make snapping noises, getting bones back into place properly. The ghoul wasn't going to stop. "Come here, child," it said to Myrlene as it started to crawl closer towards her slowly again.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was feeling numb inside and was being very quiet during the ride. it kept going through her mind over and over again that her daughter was missing and taken by some necromancer And over and over that she's been taken away from her for a second time.


Date: 2011-08-29 23:38 EST
Ammy Spiritor: The ATV swirved a few times missing rocks and trees barely.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: It's not stopping? She moved back more, nearly reaching some trees. Lene searched her mind, dredged up dark things that was best left burried trying to understand what attacked her. She knew Takhasis had things like this, but that was years ago. It struck her odd though that the creature called her a child.

Ammy Spiritor: The trees were getting thicker and the trail harder to navigate. The ATV hit a rock and a large root that sent the ATV rolling over and into a tree, stopping with a jar and both of them would be upside down, held in place by seat belts.

The Taste of Flesh: It crawled in Myrlene's direction faster and faster. Soon it was running at her ready to attack again, hunting her down like a wild animal, which in its perspective she almost was, excluding intelligence. The ghoul tried to pounce Myrlene again.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius closed her eyes and shouted while the ATV was rolling over. Once it was all done she opened her eyes and lokoed over at Ammy. "Is this how you normally drive?" she said a little freaked out.

Ammy Spiritor: "No." she ground her teeth in frustration and started fighting with the buckles. "I didn't see the roots. Something...kept blinding me." Mirius might see a hint of tears down Ammy's scarred cheeks in the illumination of all the warning lights on the ATV's dash board.

Mirius Pojoris: She looked at Ammy for a long moment and reached a paw over to wipe her tears with a paw. "It's okay," is all she felt she could say. Mirius sarted working with the buckles around herself until hers came undone and she landed on her her head and back with a thud. She swore to herself from the pain it gave her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lupis it was coming faster. She was getting to foggy to use magic effectively, so she went with the last weapon she had. Lene unsheathed her short sword and propped herself up against a tree readying for the inevitable. A glance at her legs showed her right one was badly messed up. The left was starting swell around the knee and ankles. She was going to die out here. "I'm sorry Moonshine." she flattened her ear and howled at the thing, raising sword.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy had as much luck as Mirius had. She crawled out of the ATV and looked it over. It would still run, but with the armor plating the thing was too heavy for the two of them to right by themselves. "Idiot. Stupid, stupid, idiot. I... shouldn't drive when I am worried." she cursed punching the ATV. Heph was long gone, not realizing they had crashed in the middle of a dark forest.

The Taste of Flesh: Seeing the sword raise it dashed to the side and ran around her to go around the tree she was leaning against to reach around it with a hand to grab at one of her arms trying to get the sword out of her paw.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius crawled out with Ammy sighing. She would wrap her arms around Ammy to hold her close. "Ye ain't stupid, Ammy...." She nuzzled Ammy's neck to comfort her. At least holding Ammy comforted herself too, but holding Rawsha would be the most comforting thing in the world to her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She tried to swipe at the ghoul and missed. The sudden grab from the other side of the tree took her by surprise as her slashed up right arm was squeaed. She screamed in pain and naturally reacted. She tried to bite the creatures arm.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy allowed herself to be hugged and looked around. "Great. That thing is gone. Shit." she sighed. "This forest is huge."

The Taste of Flesh: It noticed her bite its arm, but the ghoul didn't care. As it came fully around the tree it would use its other hand to take hold of her neck and try to squeeze her neck. Not enough to kill her, but enough to make it hard to breathe.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Gasp! Gurgle... she tried to kick the ghoul as her neck was grabbed, wind pipe closing. That free arm still had the sword and she weakly slashed for the wrist of the hand holding her neck. Lene was at her breaking point.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius sighed and took a good look around. "She could be anywhere....Great Fen...she could be anywhere...I swear I will devote myself to Canis if we find her...."

Ammy Spiritor: "Take oaths like that a bit more carefully Mirius. You might regret it." she handed Mirius a radio. "Might as well split and cover more ground." she flicked on a flashlight.

Mirius Pojoris: "And what? End up like Fleet? I'm already a chick it ain't like I'm gonna be part dude." She smiled slightly and took the radio Ammy offered her. "Be careful, Ammy. I love ye toom uch fer somethin' to happen to ye, too." Mirius leaned over to hug Ammy and give her a long kiss.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded and returned the hug then took out her gun checking it. She had packed a special clip for tonight. Nethicite rounds. If they hit things, it negates magic temporarily. Thank her uncle for asking her to make demon hunting weapons. "Stay in touch love." she took off down one trail. "If you find Rawsha. Hug her to death for me."

Mirius Pojoris: "Don't worry, I will." Mirius started walking her own direction with asigh. She was sniffing for any of Rawhsa's scents and was looking carefully everywhere she could see.

The Taste of Flesh: It saw her weakly trying to attack back and the kicks weren't doing much to the ghoul. It back away some seeing to dodge the sword and then a swift swipe to Myrlene's head would happen to try and kncok her out or hurt her severely more.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Oh boy. Face meet, tree. The swiped knocked her head into the tree and she fell to the ground, unmoving. Lene was breathing shallowly, but the lights were out.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy tried sniffing out Rawsha. Flashlight swept out everywhere. She wished she had the eyes a Soultre usually had, but she didn't. "Rawsha?" she called out, working through brushes and trees.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul crawled over Myrlene. It was thinking about eating her, but maybe the Mistress wanted another prize or even better; it could have a personal toy to torture and play with since Rawsha was a bit off limits. It licked some of her wounds, tasting her blood with joy. With a snicker it takes up Myrlene's body with its arms and starts walking on two legs carrying her back to the Mistress' new lair.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: The ghoul may taste very strong magic in that blood. As well as a bit of Dragon blood too.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius came upon an area with burned ground from fire, flattened trees and shattered roots. She saw foot prints on the ground and kneeled down by them. "Ammy," she spoked over the radio. "I found some things. This area's ground is burnt, some shattered roots and foot prints by it...and trees flattened out....looks like a struggle happened..." Mirius whimpered softly thinking it could've been Rawsha.

Ammy Spiritor: "Good." she responded. Looking around. "I haven't found anything yet." she looked more calling out. "Rawsha!"

Mirius Pojoris: A long sigh and she stood up. "Rawsha!" Mirius started to call ou as well, hoping her daughter was nearby. Again she started walking and searching. "Rawsha!"

Artisia: -Artisia's teleportation spell left her near the lake, she could smell the damp, undead smell of one or another of her minions, the necromancer pulled her hood up over the crown, she still had blood dried on her fingertips, she moved into the foest..her ears perked as she heard the sad but hopefull sounds of the yells for the child, she would follow the voice nearest to her, that being Ammy's,. the shadows danced around her as her aura went up-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Her head hurt badly, and she opened one crystal blue eye as her head flopped around while she was carried. She saw the ghoul and shivered.

Ammy Spiritor: "Rawsha?" she called out more. "Rawsha?" canis, she wished she had her magic back. She could do more things for the search with it. Her gun was kept pointed in the direction flash light pointed in. The armor she had was close, fit well, and let her move quietly for the most part though twigs would snap here and there.

Artisia: -as she walked she chuckled, the crowns flame died down to nothing and she would sing in that ghostly way a poem she knew as a child, its tune eerie and chilling- "Come little children, I'll take thee away, Into a land of enchantment, Come little children. the time's come to play, here in my garden Of magic" -she chuckled as she moved through the woods-

The Taste of Flesh: Different kinds of blood was like different types of flavors of kool-aid. The ghoul enjoyed them all and always loved different tastes. It was a long travel back to the tower and when it entered it went down the stairways going deeper down into the lair. It came to a room that was next to Rawsha's and the ghoul dropped Myrlene by a cage that was 5ft by 5ft on the dirt floor against a wall. The creature looked around for an iron band to put on Myrlene's foot to prevent her from using magic.

Ammy Spiritor: Walking more, deeper into the forest, she heard a ghostly song through the woods. Her tail bushed out, and her ears flattened. Every nerve was taught. The song had unsettled her thoroughly. The gun rattled a little in her paw. C'mon ammy girl. Dont wig out. Just your mind playing tricks on you.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She stirred as she was dropped. A groan slipped out from her muzzle and pain flared back to life. Where was she? Lene had kept blacking out. Her head felt like Moonshine used it to hammer out metal. She tried to sit up and cried in pain staying down.

Artisia: "Follow sweet children i'll show thee the way through all the pain and the sorrows" -she was having a bit of fun and let her magic pour into the song, hoping to instill uneasiness and even fear into the air- "Weep not poor children for life is this way... murdering beauty and passions" -she hummed softly in that tune- "Come little children i'll take thee away, Into a land Of enchantment"

Ammy Spiritor: The song continued and she spoke in the radio. "Mirius? You...hearing singing?" her voice sounded shakey. "By way of thrush or brush, fire or ire, intent or discontent, let my magic rise, your soul bleed into the skies. Tonight I take your flesh. Tonight I take your blood. Tonight I mix them with the graves weeping mud. Stretch thy skin to the fray, make a body from the clay. To hell and back to fire that clay. Evil to come, hell to pay." Ammy oddly sang back, trying to conjur courage and only conjuring and old littany from her time as a demon lupe.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul found the iron band nearby in a corner in the room and moved over to Myrlene, who was lying down on the ground. It locked the iron band around her ankle and dragged her by the same foot to the cage. It opened the cage and would go to throw her into the cage.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius kept calling out for her daughter's name as the search continued. Her daughter was nowhere to be found and the longer she was missing the more Mirius was worrying. A paw reached up and held the side of her head from all the emotional stress she's having from all of this. Hearing Ammy over the radio and replied as she listened for any other noises. "No, I don't really hear anythin'...why?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Ow..." she moaned again as her body and broken wing collided with metal bars. She crumpled in the bottom of the cage, whimpering in pain and confusion.

Ammy Spiritor: " is singing.... in the woods.."

Artisia: "Come little children the time's Come to play here in my garden of shadows" -soon the song ended, she was very close to Ammy, she passed through the woods and steps out into the small area, she was just behind a tree near Ammy was standing, the shadows where hiding her as she watched her prey, yes Ammy looked just like her demonic twin-

The Taste of Flesh: "Another gift for the mistress," It snickered and closed the cage, locking it afterwards. "Her pet will let you live...for now." that malicious grin on the ghoul's face returned. It sat down i nfront of the cage with those lifeless eyes staring at her hungrily

Ammy Spiritor: Tsk. Had she magic once more she would have noticed Artisia. She was blind to that aura, but the scent of dried blood and the grave alerted her nose that she wasn't alone anymore. She stopped moving and clicked the radio again. "Mirius....I...don't think I am alone...."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She held her head with her least injured arm and hand. One eye opened only. The other one was puffed up now and bleeding. She may be blind in that eye. She didn't know. She croaked out a question. "Mistress?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Not alone?" her eyes widened hearing that. "Hold on, Ammy. I'm comin'." Mirius darted off into the general direction she hoped Ammy was in hoping to meet up with her and help her.

Artisia: -as their mistress had moved through the woods a number of undead had followed, they knew not to tail to closely to the necromancer but in the woods cracking of branches, the groan or a call of undead would be heard, they were circling widely and watching/guarding their mistress with her latest prey-

The Taste of Flesh: "Of course," It replied back to Myrlene. The ghoul wanted to torture her more, but that might get the wounded one killed, which wouldn't be such a good thing. The mistress might want the new present to be alive.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy heard the cracking and the moaning and the smell of more undead. Things just got worse. "Mirius... be careful..." she turned slowly, circling, shining her flashlight over everything. Words of magic came to her mind, but yielded now power. The act a mere trifle of comfort.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Who?" she asked, wishing her body was seperate from her mind so the throbbing pain would leave.


Date: 2011-08-30 00:17 EST
Artisia: -Artisia would move from the darkness, stepping into the light of the flashlight directly, she laughs evily, her face concealed but the magical flame from the the crown made those nearly red violiet eyes glow red- "well...well well...a mouse in the maw of the cat" -she spoke at last-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nearly froze looking at Artisia. "Artisia?" she asked confused. this couldn't be the same Artisia she met by the lake? Her gun didn't lower though. Nethicite rounds chambered and ready. They wouldn't do anything major against undead, but it would piss off a magic user.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius continued to hurry through the forest, jumping over fallen branches, bushes and weaving around trees trying to hurry as fast as she could to get to Ammy.

The Taste of Flesh: "The Mistress. That's who," it replied to her again. The ghoul snickered and moved to the cage, holding onto the bars with its hands. "Your blood is tasty. I do hope you are to be my meal tonight. The Mistress wouldn't ever let her pet go long periods of time without food."

Artisia: -perhaps time or events since their last meeting, or the use or being around evil and its effects..had affected her mind, she sneers and could almost see Amaretto standing there, the look of malice and hate in the demon spirits eyes, her eyes moved from the image in her mind back to Ammy, she smirked looking at the gun..the shadows around her flared and each section of her aura seemed to gain little red eyes, as shadow beings leaped from her form, they each stood around three feet tall, some had wings some had tails...others had both...the five of them stood as seperate beings and two of them began around Ammy to circle her-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Mea...meal? Me?" she asked sinking into new fear.

The Taste of Flesh: "But of course the living do not taste as well as the dead, but some times they suffice." It licked around its mouth again and bared its sharp teeth at her.

Ammy Spiritor: Okay, at the sight of red eyes, Ammy stepped from sweet Ammy, red eyed ammy. Those eyes glowed slightly, and the gun barked as she fired at the creatures and at Aritisia hoping to hit. If the bullets hit artisia she would feel loss of magic where hit.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "What are you?" her voice was getting weaker. Lene was bleeding pretty badly.

The Taste of Flesh: "The Mistress' most prized pet. Some say demon, others say ghoul, I say a hunter looking for prey." It moved around the cage to the other side while it watched her very closely. Seeing all of her blood going down onto the bottom of the cage. It was very teasing to the ghoul.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Ghoul. Her mind finally latched onto that and she shivered. Lene realized she was in serious trouble. Those who delt in and with ghouls were far from kind. This was feeling like her days with Aunt Tacky all over again.

Artisia: -Artisia growled as she heard the gun fire, the bullet very narrowly missed her shoulder., the shadows all lept at Ammy, one went for the hand with the gun, its claws coming to reality as it fought for the gun..the next would attempt to claw and pull her toward the ground her the three that had circled around back of her gave hisses and growls as they watche their brothers fight-

Artisia: -Mirius was running right for Ammy and Artisia. and the group of shadows....the ground infront of Mirius would start to tremmble and shake as it was splitting open-

Ammy Spiritor: She let the emptied gun be torn away as she snarled like a certain demon twin and fought savagely, trying to rend the shadows with claws, teeth, and at some point the light saber was ignited. Azure blade illuminating the forest as she slashed at the shadows, the deadly hiss of plasma humming in the air.

Artisia: -Artisia would raise her paw and let off a couple rounds of dark wizards eltrich blast, which flew for Ammy as she fought-
-infront of Mirius, the ground opened up and from it rose a repulsive form extremly tall humanlike creature with long rotting wings and peeling flesh, continuously shreds of filth and decay fall from it as it moves from the hole-

Ammy Spiritor: Hearing the blasts fired, she whirled slashing two away, a third hit her and an aura glowed around her faintly as Canis's blessing protected her then fizzled as two more slammed into her. Ammy grunted as the blasts tore through the armor and staggered her back. She swung the light saber back and forth to keep the shadows at bay for a moment.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius stopped in her tracks and slowly started to move backwards with a fearful look in her eye. She held up the radio to talk to it. "Ammy! There's things coming out of the ground here! Are you okay?" She then got her rifle and held it in her paws, aiming at the humanlike creatures she started to fire one shot after another at one of them. The loud shouts echoeing out in the forest around her.

Ammy Spiritor: The radio would click and a snarl from Ammy would emit from the radio as well as the blasts that hit her and the hum of light saber and curses.

Artisia: -the shadows would hiss and growl their were three left of the five after the others were damaged their brothers would try to close in on Ammy. Artisia would hiss and growl in another language one of the infernal tongue..fiend sounds came from her lips as the orb in her hand and the crown on her head flared and sparked with the flames, a wall of flame would go up behind Ammy about ten feet away and the shadows around Ammy would start to grow..they gained more demonic features and became more solid, they would attempt to leap at her-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul walked back over to the door of the cage and opened it up. It crawled into the cage and went to hold down Myrlene's arms as its tongue rolled out of its mouth to lick her wounds and taste her appetizing blood.

Ammy Spiritor: "Holy hell and the balls of a lich." she muttered putting her back to Artisia, trying to decide what to do about the bigger shadows.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She screamed, yelled, and struggled weakly to get it off of her. Revolsion spread through her as the tongue lapped up her blood from her wounds

Artisia: -the Angel of Decay which was now staring at Mirius bellowed and green acidic decaying filth sprayed from its mouth as it would swipe a claw toward her, the bullets causing it to jerk slightly but it would take a step toward her, fith falling to the ground from it-

The Taste of Flesh: It laughed sadistically and licked her wounds more. "Your blood is very pleasing. I can't wait to taste the rest of your flesh and your organs and to chew on your bones."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She whimpered and tried to dredge up the dark arts that Takhasis had long ago taught her. The words were in a language similar to infernal. Maybe the ghoul would know them, but the iron band negated her magic.

Ammy Spiritor: She didn't take long. She lunged with the speed of her old days, hoping to do as much damage with her light saber as possible. Ammy had no other options.

Mirius Pojoris: Tanks, aircraft, grenades, tear gas, hallucinogen bombs...nothing she's been through compared to what she was dealing with now. She backed up very quickly seeing the spray coming out of that demon's mouth so she wouldn't get hurt. Unofrtunately, she had to relead, so she started to run the opposite direction. "Ammy, what's goin' on?!" she yelled at the radio trying to get an answer from her other than snarls and other noises. When the gun was reloaded she turned aroudn and started firing at at the demon again hoping she'd be able to kill it.

Artisia: -Artisia would start to concentrate and the ground beneath them would start to glow with runes that started to swirl, creatures around Ammy would dodge attacks and cackle their bodies twisting and writhing as they grabbed at Ammy, they would screech as another would be severed from their group...then one of them reached up and grabbed Ammy's wrist that held the lightsaber, it bared its teeth and brought her arm down biting, she would feel strength being zapped-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul heard the words Myrlene was trying to speak. A hand would go to wrap around her muzzle tightly, the other brought a claw up to its mouth in a hushing motion. "Shhh. Your words will not help you here, child."

Ammy Spiritor: "I'm surrounded." she snarled lashing, then yipped in pain as she was bit. The drain was felt and she shoved clawed fingers for the eyes of the creature biting her. Saber was dropped and switched off.

Artisia: -the eyes of the shadow demon would be gouged out and screech it would grab onto her trying to grapple her and its brother would leap onto her back from went to bite her neck the same effect of strength loss would be felt if it got its teet into her, the Angel of Decay was now moving after Mirius it flapped those decaying wings and flew for her...peices of it where being blown away with the shots that hit-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She whimpered then tried to bite the ghouls hand.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy cringed and yipped as she was bit more and grappled. In close quarters she did her best to maim, and break joints and limbs. Hell she'll beat someone to death if she got a limb torn off. She was starting to fill bit dizzy. Her radio was dropped somewhere.

Mirius Pojoris: "Oh, great canis..." She said and turned around and started running again. She put the rifle around herself. One hand grabbed her pistol and she started to aimlessly fire behind her at the Angel of Decay as she tries to get away. "Ammy! We need to get back home! Please, tell me ye can get outta there!"

The Taste of Flesh: Its hand was bitten, but with the bitten hand it would push its hand in her maw to make her head go back and hit one of the bars in the cage. "Stupid child!"

Ammy Spiritor: Silence from her radio unless it landed on the transmit button. If so, she'd here a lot of fighting and scuffling.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Gurgled whimper as she was dazed.

Artisia: -Artisia had been concentrating on the spell she was casting and watching the shadow demons, grappling and fighting, a dark hole started on the ground near Artisia's feet it was slowly growing as the spell built, the shadow demons would claw and bite and scatch, each new bite to Ammy would zap a little more strength...after a good hit with a fist there was only one of the demons left, the sounds of the fight would be heard over the radio as well as an eerie laughter from the necromancer-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was scratched up, bitten, still fighting, but her efforts were lacking more and more in strength.

The Taste of Flesh: "Like the taste of death?" Then it had an idea. It took its hand out of her mouth and tore off a little bit of skin from its arm. It was rotten and all infected with dry blood, the ghoul tries to get her muzzle opened while the other would try to work the piece of rotten flesh into her mouth.

Artisia: -the Angel of decay was soon blown apart with one bullet that hit just right, the thing was so old and the rapid decay rate it had naturally it just exploded with dark energy and a cloud of dust, bone and dead matter-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene snapped her muzzle shut refusing the flesh. If lucky, she would try a kick for the knee, though with both legs hurt that was a large if.

Artisia: -the black hole would spread until it as under Ammy and the reamining demons feet, as well as Artisia's and then Ammy might get the sensation of falling as they dropped through the portal...the flaming wall would go out and Ammy's radio and lightsaber would be left on the ground near the signs of a struggle-

Ammy Spiritor: The ground lurched and she fell. Confused.

Artisia: -the demon and Ammy would slam into hard floor it was stone and cold, they had reappeared in a small with torches burning...Artisia would soon come into sight as well-

Mirius Pojoris: From the explosion she was sent flying forwards off of her feet and she hit the ground hard. A few pieces of the angel of decay end up hitting her. She panted heavily and heard the fighting and laughter over the radio. Knowing the creature was gone she tried to speak to Ammy, again. "Ammy! Ammy! Please answer me!" Mirius tried to get an answer, unaware of what was going on over there and gone through a portal.

The Taste of Flesh:It screeched at Myrlene and then tried to pry her jaw open. "Open your maw!" The kick she tried to do earlier didn't do much to the ghoul and the punch into the jaw didn't do much either, but there was a snapping noise when the punch landed. It would go to hit the side of her head in return with its own hand.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: A crack may be heard and she went out.


Date: 2011-08-30 01:11 EST
Mirius Pojoris: Soon she got up and started going for Ammy's direction again, panting heavily as she did. "Ammy!" She called out into the radio just praying she'd get a response. Mirius was hoping the radio may have just broken and Ammy was still okay.

Artisia: -the shadow demon was ontop of Ammy, it sniffed her a moment it seemed to be a little shook its head as if trying to stop the room from spiining but would hold Ammy down...Artisia would chuckle and the robes flowed around her, she would look down at Ammy, a two headed undead ogre lumbered into the room from the hall and she barked out an order- "chain her up.." -the cold large hands would grab for Ammy's wrists-

The Taste of Flesh: It growled knowing she was knocked out. Deciding to make her wake up with a very bad taste, the ghoul places the dead piece of skin between an upper cheek and gum. The ghoul had very odd ways of getting entertainment. It left the cage and closed it, locking it with a snarl. After that it would leave the room and search for its mistress in the lair.

Ammy Spiritor: The grab woke her some. Seeing the huge beast, she gasped a moment. The instinct to fight was there, but she didn't know where she was and that instinct faltered. She hung limp.

Artisia: -the shadow demon would jump off Ammy as the undead ogre groaned at it, the large undead would drag Ammy across the floor, in a brainless undead fashion, it got her to the wall and let her sit on the floor but would cuff her wrists above her but from seperate chains along the wall-

Ammy Spiritor: She sat cuffed, dazed and light headed. Ammy looked at Artisia trying to understand what was going on.

Artisia: -Artisia grinned as she looked over her newest prisoner- "you will have work to do dont wear yourself out" -she sneered at her and moved to the door, the ogre and the shadow demon, exited but she looked back at Ammy- " really did a number on your sister...but all will be set right"

Mirius Pojoris: Eventually ended up at the sight where Ammy was...but no one was there. Just Ammy's radio and lightsaber hilt. "No..." She dropped onto her knees and held the items in her paws. Mirius looked up and around and shouted, "Ammy!" Hoping she was around, but she was alone. "Please, Canis...tell me this is not happening...." She shed a few tears and stood up with the items in hand. It was a search for Ammy and Rawsha now. Mirius started to look around the forest, calling out for Ammy and Rawsha.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul eventually finds its Mistress and grinned weidely. "Another prize, Mistress?" It eyed Ammy a long moment wondering if she was to be a meal for it maybe, though to think of it that one looked just like the ghost named Amaretto that hanged around the Mistress.

Ammy Spiritor: A slight, horrifed look was given. "A...amaretto... is here?" She was in a nightmare if this was true.

Artisia: -she would grin at her ghoul and look him over a moment, giving an almost loving pat to his ugly head- "yes my ghoul....but shes not for you to snack on." -she looked back to Ammy- "rest well.." -she exited the room and would close the heavy wooden door, the only light in the room came through a small barred window in the top of the door-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy closed her eyes and wept quietly. Alone. In the dark. In chains. It was Spiritor Tower all over again.

Artisia: -after locking the door. the ogre would sit ouside it on guard..Artisia walked along the hall with the ghoul- "a gift? have been busy tonight as well...of course my pet" -she would follow him-

Mirius Pojoris: For a long time Mirius searched around for Ammy and Rawsha, but there was no one. She really could not believe this was happening. Mirius was getting tired and decided to head home. If Ammy did make it out, maybe she was back at home waiting for her to return. Silently, she was praying to Canis over and over that Ammy would be home.

The Taste of Flesh: It led her to the chamber that held Myrlene caged and went into the room. The ghoul motioned to myrlene with a deep, digusting, gurgling chuckle. "That's the one. There. Her blood is very rich in taste. I wished to snack upon her flesh, but I thought the Mistress may have use for her before I do."

Ammy Spiritor: While she wept her paws searched and felt the chains and the cuffs. Seeking any hope of escape.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene was quite out from a concusion, a skull fracture, and blood loss that teatered on the border of life and death.

*Mirius radio would pick up a distress signal from DFLEA HQ* This is an emergency broadcast to all listening. Come in Lt Lene. We have lost your signal in the Southern Glen. Come in Lt Lene. Are you hurt?

Artisia: -she looked over the female lupe and saw the heavy bleeding- "you play to rough with your" -she chuckled and moved over toward the cage, she pulled back her hood and took the crown from her head then she would nod to her pet- "she is quiet a catch.." -she would grin and kneel down dipping her fingers into the blood at the wound that was visible and sniff the blood then taste it...she then heard the radio transmission going out to all radios, her eyes searched the female a moment-

Mirius Pojoris: The walk took some time to get home since they had gotten out there by vehicle. When she walked up the porch she finally entered the home with a long sigh. "Ammy? Rawsha?" She called out in the home, but there was still no answer. Mirius was all alone in an empty house, excluding that Iimii was sleeping on the couch. She laid Ammy's items on a nearby table and her rifle, but she threw her gun at a while furiously and started to cry. But when she heard the radio she sniffled and wiped her tears. Mirius Pojoris: Mirius took her radio and held it up to her muzzle, speaking in a quiet, saddened voice. "Hello?" she spoke into the radio to try and communicate with DEFLEA HQ

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: On inspection, Lenes thigh was exposed through several rips in her pants. The brand of Spiritor and Wolf intwined would be seen.
*"Who is this responding? Have you seen Lt Lene?"*

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: The taste of her blood would be one of three things. An ancient Wolf bloodline long thought extinct, the flavor of a dragon's soul from the soul bond she had with moonshine, and the taste of blood that seemed to match the energy of Amaretto and Ammy.

Mirius Pojoris: She sniffled and tried to hold her emotions back to talk to the one over the radio. "No...but...something happened out in the Southern Glen. My name's Mirius Pojoris, mate of Ammy Spritor. We were attacked by demons or something...and...she's gone...and my daughter's gone, too....When did Lene go out there?" She started to ask questions back.

Artisia: -she chuckles some as she tastes those things in the blood and the connection to Amaretto's energy, she would grin and listen to Lene's radio as she found it she would pull the reciever up pulled it up uncliping the whole unit from Lene's form she would listen silently-

The Taste of Flesh:"I do enjoy rough play, Mistress. I find it exciting. I do hope she doesn't live. I hate to see flesh being used in such wasted ways."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: *"Late afternoon. My name is Comissoner Frost. She was sent on investigation to find a missing child matching the description of one Rawsha Pojoris."*

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius listened closely and sighed. She moved to a chair as she sat down to talk. "That's me daughter....Pray Myrlene wasn't ambushed like me n' Ammy. Ye might want to send out a search part er somethin', Frost.... I can't do all this alone...."

Amaretto:The spirit was nearly recovered and was sifting through the various levels of the lair and found herself inside Ammy's cell. Well now. This is a big surprise...sister.

Artisia: -she would look back at Lene, she moves a paw into a pocket and would take out a potion, the mix inside was cloudy and green, she would open it and reach through the bars forcing the liquid down the lupes throat, it would start the wounds healing, the knitting of bones but wasnt a good strength was a weak potion..but did what was needed-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: *"We already have. I am affraid something may have happened to Lene. Her mate, Moonshine was found in the Den Circle. Crashed and experiencing a lot of pain yet he has no wounds. The dragon thinks she's been hurt badly. I do hope this isn't a conspiracy against Fleetian Wolf's family."*

rawsha: -Rawsha had been awake for a little while now..she heard that horrible ghoul in the hall somewhere, the room she was in was still dark, she heard someone elses voice, she had tried to scream and yell for hellp but couldnt get words to come over her lips she was hungry and thirsty, time was slowly becoming something she couldnt keep track of..her right arm was so sore it seemed like it was on fire, she whimpered softly but just stayed curled up in the cage-

Mirius Pojoris: "A conspiracy against Fleetian Wolf's family? What the hell ye talkin' 'bout?" she raised a brow at the thought of that. Mirius hasn't heard about any conspiracy against the family before.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked at the specter of her twin, hanging in the air. A twin that existed because she was dumb enough to use forbidden alchemy. "So you still live, Amaretto?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: *"Yes. The Wolf family has always been a target for any who wish to rule the Den. I'll send out some protection to the Beach House. Just stay put and keep us posted if Lene, Ammy, or Rawsha shows up."* The radio crackled then went silent.

Amaretto: If you call being a ghost living. I do like the sight of you in chains. She cackled cruely. Then the specter left and flitted down the halls, homing in on Artisia's unique signal.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy renewed her inspection of things. She had to get out.

Artisia: -she looked back at the radio, she would keep would come in handy sometime, looking back to at Lene she would stand and move toward the ghoul- "Well we have been busy today" -she grinned-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius gave another long sigh and put the radio back down on the table. She stood up and walked around the house slowly. Toughts going through her head about all the things she, Rawsha and Ammy would say and do around the house. Then she headed to the bedroom and laid down in the bed, wishing Ammy were there to hold her and comfort her in bed, but she wasn't. Mirius buried her face in a pillow miserably.

rawsha: -Rawhsa heard the evil lady and the ghoul in the hallway, she stayed quiet, but her hands where searching in the dark for the lock on the cage, She had to get out-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene coughed and spat out something nasty. She felt sick, pained, and weak. Vague memory of head hitting bar and a ghoul flashed in her dulled mind. "Wha...?" she mumbled weakly.

The Taste of Flesh: "It sounds as if all of them are related, Mistress. Perhaps, we have grabbed a family? And how is the other child? Does the Mistress allow her pet a bite or two of her yet?" It snickered and looked towards the door for a moment before looking back at Artisia

Amaretto: She flitted around the ghoul and Artisia, looking quite restored in soul. Tri colored eyes looking quite intrigued.

Artisia: -she grinned- "in time pet...the child took to the work i did well...after a while she was no seems two of them are family...their blood is alike" -she looks up at Amaretto- "well hello Amaretto...i see you have restored your energy"

Amaretto: Indeed I have. I find it curious that I met my sister in a cell.

Artisia: "she did this too you" -she motioned to the spirits form- "..i feel she us with your new form.."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene couldn't do much as she laid there. So tired. So weak. Pain though something was healing her slowly. She kept her eyes closed and slept in misery wishing her mate and child was with her at home.

Amaretto: Ah. I see. And just how do you expect her to help us? What of that misreable whelp of a child you have? My sister can be a very stubborn dog.

Artisia: -she would laugh softly- "well...just so happens...she and another female..where out looking for the child tonight...and i snatched her up...and all that time my faithful ghoul was...doing a little hunting of his own." -she would motion for Amaretto, to look into the room with the cages they were standing in the door way of- "take a look at what he brought home"

rawsha: -Rawsha could hear the two talking down the hall..the lock wasnt going to budge, she tried to hear what they were talking about, she was so thirsty she just laid there listening to the sounds-

Amaretto: She flitted inside and looked at the body of Myrlene and touched in with cold, ethereal paws. She sort for cooed over the hurt child, paws moving in a fashion of comfort where she flesh and blood. Some of Ammy's memories and mothering must be shared with Amaretto. Oh, sweet, sweet, daughter Lene. What have you gotten into now?

Mirius Pojoris: Just remembered something and go out of bed, sniffling and moved out of the room. She went to Myrlene's loft and took Rawsha's egg that was in the blanket. Mirius brought it back to her bed and laid down with the egg in her arms and blanked wrapped around it to keep it warm. She nuzzled the egg and curled up with the egg in her arms. The egg was going to have to be taken care of by her now since there was no one else.

Artisia: -Artisia watched the spirit move, she would lean against the door frame- "do you think..we a bit of...blackmail..or something of that nature?"

The Taste of Flesh: "Mistress, may I go...see the child we got first?" It gave a hopeful look up at Artisia hoping she'd say yes.

Amaretto: The spirit looked up for a moment then the mothering was gone. She came up to Artisia and floated with ease. Why yes. I believe with our daughter in captivity, and Rawsha, the adopted child of Ammy, we have more than enough to keep her in line. She grinned.

Artisia: -a nod was giving to the ghoul- "yes rough now" -she grinned at the ghoul- "good...i was hoping so..the sooner..we get her to...bend...the sooner you get what you wish" -she chuckles-

Amaretto: I see. Have her make my body. Yes, yes. That would work and once whole I can be a very powerful ally to you. She did flit back over to hover over Myrlene's body, gently caressing the purple fur. Will she be alright?

The Taste of Flesh: It slinked out of the room and into Rawsha's chamber quietly. When it moved into the dark room it would make scratching noises along a wall with its long, scarp claws.

Artisia: "i will have one of my healers...come take a look..i am glad they kept their skill knowledge in death...healers can be good to have on both sides of the grave" -she would watch her- "the ghoul doesnt know his strength at times"

Amaretto: She nodded. Not his fault. She is much like her mother. Very spirited, yet, Artisia, I would ask not to harm her much. This child... has training, much training in the dark arts by the one known as Takhasis. She can be formidable on either side, even more powerful than Ammy.

rawsha: -Rawsha's ears perked as she looked around trying to see where the sound was coming from, she whimpered some and pulled the tattered robes close, she was against the bars where she thought the back of the cage was- "wwho's t...there?" -she spoke after effort-

Artisia: -she nodded- "i will see to it she is..healed and...not hurt futher...well badly" -she grinned-

Amaretto: Thank you Artisia. Eyes linger on myrlene again. I do not know why I care much for her, but something deep within moves me to feel for this child.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul had no issues seeing in the dark. It was very use to the dark afterall. Hearing the fear from the child was just so exciting to the ghoul. Quietly it approached the cage and would reach through it behind Rawsha to grab her arms and keep her held there.

Artisia: -Artisia nods hearing her- "dark ties are binding to all evil things"

Amaretto: Perhaps, perhaps. I shall rest some more then I will pursue the last relic you seek

rawsha: -her brand new robes were tattered, torn, bloody and dirty....she felt the cold clawed touch of the ghoul and he had grabbed around the area where the skin graft was still burning sore, she gave a scream...she tried to pull away...the feelings of fear had pain in them-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius eventually fell asleep, crying alone with the egg in her arms. There was nothing else she could do the rest of the night.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul held onto her arms tightly loving the hear of her screams. It brings its tongue to the back of her neck to lick her neck slowly. "Delicious..." it whispered to her.

Amaretto: She would flit away and rest, nesting in the ceiling of Myrlenes cell.

rawsha: -she screamed again and as the ghoul licked her, she moved her head hard to the side trying to hit him away, she struggled to get her arms away-

Artisia: -Artisia would retire to her chambers for the rest of the evening, it was a very very good day, she was glad that her work was being done and all the more pleased with her minion-


Date: 2011-08-30 01:12 EST
The Taste of Flesh: laughed cruely at the reactions that came from Rawsha. "Want to come out of your cage and play with me?" it asked wit ha very sick tone in its voice.

rawsha: -she struggles with him- "please.. let me go...i wanna..go home" -she cried out she whimpers as she tries to pull away from the ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: "But, I want to play!" It shouts at her. A hand would go to grab her tail and hold onto it, whilst the other hand let go of her arm to let her attempt to get away.

rawsha: -she cries out as she moves backing away from him but he had her tail, she yelped out and tried to kick him she kicked him in the head with one foot-

The Taste of Flesh: It was kicked in the head and growled, but it kept a grip on her tail and pulled back on it some. It never liked being hit and not being able to do much in retaliation."Bah!"

rawsha: -that last yank on her tail, she yelped as she slid back across the cage to him. bring drug by her tail- "" -she pleaded with the ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: It pulled harder on her tail. "Your tail looks like a very nice snack...give it to me!" It yelled at her as if actuallly ordering her to let the ghoul eat her tail.

rawsha: -she thought and took her tail in her paws and yanks it back, if she got her tail away from him she would back way if not she would try to get his clawed hands to let go the cage was swinging some from the comotion they were making-

The Taste of Flesh: It continued to laugh and let go of her tail. Slowly it back away from the cage and further into the darkness, leaning against a wall and watched her closely. It started to let out some deep, disturbing hum of a tune for a minute or two as it left her alone...physically at least.

rawsha: -Rawsha blinks and curls her tail underself, she whimpers and tears trail down her cheeks, she watched the darkness where the ghoul had backed but she couldnt see him anymore, she heard the humming, she curled her fingers under the tattered robe sleeves and shivered some as she cried- "please let me out....i..wa..wanna go home" -the patch of fiendish skin burning on her arm as the flesh was tender around it-

The Taste of Flesh: "Wanna go home...wanna go home...miss your mommy 'cause you're all alone," it made a little song out of Rawsha's crying.

rawsha: -she shivered more, she was trying to see where it stood, but the room was to dark, she wiped at her eyes with a paw but couldnt stop sobbing, her stomach growled some as she stayed curled up-

The Taste of Flesh: Hearing that stomach growl it had a sickening idea, just like what it did to Myrlene. "The child hungry?" It moved closer to the cage, ripping off a small bit of rotten skin from its body. "Hold your paw out of the cage if you are, child."

rawsha: -she was hungry, but she was smart, he hadn't left her...alone long enough to get food..but her stomach was so empty she could feel it, rummbling..she looked at him as he came into the little amount of light, she held out her paw with a slow amost jerky action-

The Taste of Flesh: It put the rotten piece of flesh in her paw and smirked at the pup with terrible intentions.

rawsha: -she almost blindly pulled her paw back toward her, her paw closing around what it had put into it, she brought it to her nose and sniffed it. it felt like jerky but that smell, she almost gagged but, she was so hungry..she held what she thought was meat-

The Taste of Flesh: "Might be your only meal for some time, child." It slinked back off into the darkness, watching her to see if she would eat the rotten piece of flesh. The ghoul really had a sick sense of humor deep down.

rawsha: -she slumped some, she whined hearing him and licked her dry lips, she was thirsty too, hunger drives the pup, she couldnt see what it was...but the ghoul spoke the truth...she hadnt had water or food...she opened her mouth and pushed the gagging back deeper into her throat, she would take a small bite of the flesh and try to chew like she would with jerky-

The Taste of Flesh: Oh, it was enjoying watching her eat this, but it stayed quiet and continued to watch her eat in silence. To the ghoul this was just too good.

rawsha: -she coughed and cried out, it was like leather, it stunk she didnt know what it was, she couldnt see it in this light..she chewed on it and tried to overlook the smell and texture, she whimpered some and curled up with the rest of it-

The Taste of Flesh: It snickered and sat down against a wall as it watched her in the darkness. The ghoul wasn't going to tell Rawsha that it just fed her a piece of its own flesh, but rather let her figure that out a little later. The rest of the night it would watch Rawhsa in the dark room, thinking of what else it could do to torture her and mess with her.

rawsha: -she would finish the meat she was given and just curl up there tears trailing down her cheeks she would watch the darkness for a long time...and rub the fur and skin around the place on her arm where the skingraft ached, her stomach started to hurt..but sleep took a long time to find her-


Date: 2011-09-02 06:19 EST
Artisia: -deep in the forest once known as Fanghurst, deep in the lair of the the time that had passed in the last day or so, (time seemed to either crawl or stand still, only to speed up again) a hooded form had came to heal Lene's wounds, the form was completly silent as his clamy hands worked, the form male in stature had a pulse it was the only thing that marked him amoung the came and went a few times checking on in the cool darkness a mostly skeletal servent of the lair carried a single candle..and a bowl of foul smelling food toward the cage Lene sat gave a low guttural groan-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene opened her crystal blue eyes a little to look about from the bottom of the cell where she rested. She didn't move much when the healer came. She let her mind work on how to get out of this predicament. The groan had her looking slightly at the skeletal servant. Lene gave a short sigh and sat up, feeling much better from the healings of the two days.

Artisia: -the food was something like a potato mash...but a bit more watery, the undead places the candle down on the stone floor, then it struggles a moment to push the bowl through the bars of the cage, slopping some of the watery mash out before it lowered the bowl to the floor-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Her eyes regarded the bowls for a moment or two. Her stomach churned and rebelled never forgiving her for that piece of ghoul flesh she somehow woke up with in her muzzle. The simple thought had her turning and heaving in the corner of the cell.

Artisia: -its onyx gaze watching her, its eyes were two perfect onyx stones that glimmered with the candle light and glowed slightly with the dark energy, it backed away and would move over to a bucket nearby..ladling some water into, another bowl and repeating the process of putting it near the bowl of food, the servent made no attempts at and communicating before it walked back out the door, and toward the cell where Ammy was held to tend her much the same-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Wiping bile from her muzzle, she warily looked at the food and water. Lene decided to wait for a bit longer to settle her stomach and slowly stood. With the servant gone she used her furred hands to caress the bars, the door, and the walls, trying to feel for weaknesses or soft spots in the metal.

Artisia: -Artisia had concluded another long session of rituals and studies on Rawsha, she was wearing her long black workrobes as she cleaned up around the table in the room where she performed her studies, the young lupe was left bound to the wooden table nearby..she had completed another graft of feindish flesh into the young lupes anatomy, and had left some nasty stitches in the young lupes side after opening the girl up for closer studies...Artisia closes a container of cysts which were floating and writhing/swimming in liquid-

rawsha: -Rawsha was waking up...she was shivering, but otherwise alright as far as she was alive, her stomach ached and her skin burned... she looked around and looked over at Artisia and whimpered- "please..stop..let me go." -her mouth was so dry as she spoke, she didn't think Artisia even heard her, or the lady was ignoring her pleas-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul slinked through the hallways and came to Myrlene's chamber, knowing it could not play with Rawsha since the Mistress was dealing with her. So, instead it decided to play with one of the other toys in a cage. It walked into Myrlene's chamber and sat down in front of her cage with a wide, mischieveous grin on its face. The smell of rotten and decayed body filling up in the room the longer it stayed.

Artisia:-Lene would find that the bars of the cage where made well and the door too..the locks were strong, there was an imperfection of the cage the backing..the stone wall, had a small bit of the bricks that was brittle...just about six inches or so were the clay between the stones had been picked at by time and perhaps another prisoner in the past the imperfection was about two feet off the ground and near the back of the cage-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene turned, smelling the ghoul first, then seeing it. She stood in the center of the cell and stared at the ghoul. That brittle spot was tucked away in her mind as she regarded the ghoul. "I see I have company." she then sat and hiding a grimmace, did her best to eat the foul smelling food.

The Taste of Flesh: Eying the food it looked between her and the bowl of foul food. It's grin turned into a smirk. "How does it like the food?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene swallowed the nasty potato mash and drank the brackish water. "A lot better than your ass."

Artisia: -Artisia grinned with an evil sneer over at Rawsha, oh she had heard the girl and her begging and whimpering didn't do much good- "little have nowhere to are just fine here with me." -she mocked, and spoke hatefully as she repeated in a voice near Iimii's tones- "Run! Rawsha! Run.!" she laughed manicly as she moved back infont of the bound little lupe mage, she wanted her to feel the dread of being all alone in the world, with no one ever coming to care for her...she wanted the child to feel like she had as a child-

rawsha: -she started to whimper, but then she just swallowed some, this evil lupinossai, terrified her, she thought back to the lake, to her last talks with her friend, Iimii had been there for her as a friend and as a pup..she hoped he was well, her thoughts snapped back to reality as she kept and eye on the undead lurking around door frames and hallways she could see-

The Taste of Flesh: "I could always start making your food personally if you like. The mistress would not mind at all." It started to laugh.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Somehow I don't see you in a frilly little dress." she ate more food. Her stomach tried to rebell, but she fought to calm it down. Maybe she should ask some questions. "Obviously I am to be a prisoner for some reason, as to what I don't know. I am just a cop. Who is your mistress? What does she want with me?"

The Taste of Flesh: "That's for the mistress to know. Plans may always change." It moved closer to the cage, hands grabbing the bars of the door.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene didn't move away. She grabbed at her training and life as a kid in much worse situations. She finished the food and water and looked a bit more at the ghoul while her hands felt over her body, wings, and the ragged remains of her uniform.

rawsha: -Rawsha was about to start to cry..but she bit her cracked lips and fought tears back..she sniffled..she was starting to feel alone..and Artisia's influence over her, the two evil skingrafts she had forced upon her and total fear and terror where starting to take a toll on the young lupe, she laid back on the table as her stomach growled but it was still churning a bit from the last small bit of meat she had, the bit of the ghouls rotted flesh-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Why did you grab me?"

The Taste of Flesh: "Because children are so...attracting to steal and play with. Even eat once they are all done with." It snickered and moved a hand into the cage to grab at Myrlene.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She snarled once and smacked at that hand. Lene wondered if she should say she was no child, but her stakes at staying alive may plumet. Perhaps being percieved as a kid was a better ploy.

The Taste of Flesh: It's hand may have been smacked away, but it continued to try and grab at her. "Come here, little girl."

Artisia: -Artisia grins, then looking at a large undead ettin that had been standing guard nearby she commands- "take her back to her cage" -she would exit the labratory/ritual area and head for her chambers to change into her leather armor and the black robes, that finned tail swaying behind her as she walked- -the undead ettin, a two headed orgre would pull Rawsha from the table, the ropes around one of her wrists snaps leaving a loop of rope around her carried her roughly almost as a child with a rag doll back through the corridors toward that room with the hanging cage-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Another snarl, and that one ear she had flatted. The other ear was missing, seeming to have been severed close to her skull by something hot and cauterizing. "So you like kids?"

rawsha: -Rawsha growls almost snapping- "ow.. that hurts." -her eyes glaring after the undead thing hit her head on the wall, she clung to its large hand trying to get his claws out of her and trying not to get bashed into the wall again-

The Taste of Flesh: "What? Just because I'm dead means I don't like to play?" It grinned at her widely with all of its sharp teeth. The hand went to grab one of her feet to try to pull her closer.

Artisia: -as it lumbered down the hallway and gave an undead growl at her, breathing its decayed, dusty breath at her as it did so-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Your kind of play hurts." she whined, acting like a little kid and stomped at the hand.

rawsha: -she fought weakly with it and as if on instinct she bit the ettins thumb and latched on, she just wanted it to stop squeezing her and she was already gagging from the smell of its breath, the taste in her mouth was horrible-

The Taste of Flesh: Its' hand was stomped on and the other hand went to go grab the foot that stomped on its hand. But it didn't care for playing rough. The ghoul always loved playing rough. "Aaand?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Foot was caught and she growled, chopping at the wrist with her own paws hoping to break the grab or even detach the hand. "Play rough and no one will want to play with you anymore."

Artisia: -the ettin gave a howl and shook its hand with her, both heads were making such a noise, it shook its hand and slammed her into the wall, it dropped her and looked at its hand,...ehh who said it was bright in life? in undeath it was remarkably even more stupid, those four onyx eyes watched her, it gave another roar which echoed down the hall-

The Taste of Flesh: "Then I will make them play!" The wrist was hit, but it still stayed well connected to the arm and pulled at her foot to pull her closer to itself.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She growled more. "Fine. You want to play? Let me out of this cell and I'll play with you all you want."

The Taste of Flesh: Oh, it wanted to let her out of the cage, but the mistress may get upset if it did. It let go of her foot looking back hearing the howling and roaring. "That stupid lug always make so much noise," it grumbled.

rawsha: -Rawsha was dazed as she slid down the wall...then she heard that roar...she was hands or claws were around her...she blinked a moment and looked up at the large undead, it took up most of the hallway in width, she got to her knees and quickly she ran right by it, she felt so strange...maybe it was just weakness from not eating but she shook her head and looked back at the large undead...she grinned hoping it would turn around-

Artisia: -the ettin growled and turned around in the corridor it went to swipe at her with large hands and missed...but it wanted to grab her back up so it could finish its task of getting her back to the cage-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She looked in the direction of the noise, though she couldn't see past the walls. "Maybe the lug found something cool to play with. Would be a shame if it had all the fun around here?" she goaded, hoping the ghoul would take the bait and leave.

rawsha: -as the ettin turned Rawsha dodged its attacks and slipped under its legs.. she would crawl through and head down the hall..she didnt know the place but anywhere was better than that cage and...the ghoul.-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul looked back and snarled at Myrlene. "I will return," it snapped its teeth at Myrlene and walked for the chamber door to look both ways in the hallway to see what the ettin was making all the fuss about.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Good. She backed up a little and inspected that soft spot again.

Artisia: -the ettin roared again and got confused as the prisoner went between its legs it turned to fast and the two heads must have had different ended up toppling over in the hallway, dust and bone and decay went up in a cloud as the big undead tried to get up but was in a bind-

rawsha: -Rawsha..looked around and sniffed the air she ran down a hallway, the cold stone under her feet making only a little sound as she went, she was in darkness and had to put her paw out to...not run into walls-

Artisia: -the Ettin finally sat up and snarled as it looked down the hall off were it last saw the child-

rawsha: -as she moved her side started to ache..the stitches and new skin burned, she held a whimper as her only thought was getting out of this place...out into open she could see the sky...the stars-


Date: 2011-09-02 07:42 EST
The Taste of Flesh: With a growl it left Myrlene's chamber and headed down the corridor towards the noise that the ettin had made. It moved further down the dark corridor and grinned as it saw Rawsha. The ghoul opened its arms wide as it walked for her wanting to catch her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Even better. Noticing the flaking clay and mortar, Lene used her sharp clawed fingers to work more of the mortar loose.

rawsha: -she smelt the foul smell she had associated with the ghoul...she felt her way along a wall and blinked..she ran into a had boxes in it...she would run behind some of these crates and attempted to hide not knowing she had been seen-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul slowed its steps and slinked into the room Rawsha ran into, but it's claws would make small clicking noises against the floor. It would start searching around all boxes and crates for the child knowing she is in there.

Artisia: -the Ettin finally righted itself and stood, it would follow after the ghoul and the wasn't as bright as the ghoul so it passed the room were they both were and continued its hunt-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene would try to remove any bricks or stones that are loose.

rawsha: -Rawsha heard the clicking of claws and whimpered out but she moved quickly trying to move away from the noise, she was now crawling along the dirty floor-

Artisia: -Lene would feel the brick breaking loose as she worked with it, she saw she could move two peices of the brick-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene would remove the bricks and look to see what was behind them.

The Taste of Flesh: It heard the whimper and looked around boxes quicker. "Come out, little child," it whispered in its' eerie, ghoulish voice. It saw her moving away and started moving for her. "I just want to play," it whispered again.

Artisia: -it was a dark room next door, but with the light from the candle and the torches in her own area, she could make out something that seemed to hang nearby it was cage..hanging about three feet from the floor by was probably around five feet in diamater and stood taller, there was hay layering the floor of the room and the cage..other things in the room were other cages like the one Lene was in but nothing seemed to be in any of them-

rawsha: -Rawsha got chills all over again as she heard the ghoul she crawled along the floor and got to the wall...she crawled behind more boxes and tried to stay quiet and still-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Hmm. May be a way out, but she knew her chances of getting more bricks out were getting slim. The ghoul may be back. She put two brick back partway then went to the cage door to study the lock.

Artisia: -the locks on the cage were reinforced..very strong looking...may have had a little magic used in the making, but perhaps with long enough they could be unlocked by someone with a skill of picking, the the lock mighth ave been trapped-

The Taste of Flesh: It saw everywhere Rawsha was moving, but started to act like it didn't know where she went. The ghoul stopped by her side for a few moments. "Where did the lonely child go? Did she not want to be alone?" A grinned crossed its face again as it stared at the child, letting the suspense take over to see how scared the child would get. "I'm sure it would enjoy company instead of being oh so lonely."

Artisia: -Artisia had changed into her flowing blackrobes and was settled at her desk reading through a book of Relics and Rituals, she had seen something in its pages and was reading about a true ritual-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She growled in frustration as it was beyond her meager skills. She looked back at the corner to see how well a few bricks missing would stand out.

rawsha: -Rawsha tried to keep from whimpering out, she heard the was so close words could smell its breath, her mind was racing as fast as her heart, then she saw him she was right next to him she gave a scream and stood up and ran..she had a paw out infront of her, she was going for the door out of the room-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She heard more screams and Lene shivered as she went back to the bricks and tried to loosen a third one.

The Taste of Flesh: It laughed and it started to chase the girl with a narm out trying to grab onto anything it could on her to pull her back. "Don't run, child! I won't hurt you!" It obviously lied as it chased her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene..... Lene...... Lene...... Lene? Something faint, and muddled in her mind tried to speak with a muffled voice.

rawsha: -Rawsha yelped out as it got her hair, she jerked back and fell on her butt, but was soon trying to get away from the thing again..she was terrified, her fingers moving along the stones that made the floor she was trying to grip the stones and pull away- "ahhh please dont...please let me go" -the child was in her own horror film without the cameras and bright light.. oh she wished for light-

Artisia: -the third brick in the liittle grouping was still caught well in the old clay of the wall.-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul kept its grip on her hair and would go to wrap the othe rarm around the child to hold it close to its body. "Please don't what? You don't want to play with me?" It acted surprised.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She worked more at the bricks. The voice seeming to fade away. "Jitters. Just jitters. Head must still be out of whack from the ghouls head banging." Lene kept working at the brick and even took one of the two loose ones and tried to jar the brick loose.

rawsha: -she cried and screamed out just terrified screams, she started to stutter as she sobbed- "..please let me go...let me out of here...i'll be good..w-won't tell anyone about n..nn.othing" -she tried to pull and push the ghould arms away...her sides aching..a bit of blood was seeping from the new stitches Artisia had left, and the skin graft was burning-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene wished she had something metal then blinked in thought. Yes. That might work. She felt on her belt and pockets for her DFLEA badge hoping it hadn't gotten lost or stolen.

The Taste of Flesh: Felt the child fighting with it, but it would use both arms now to wrap around the child tightly to try and keep her held close. "That is for the mistress to decide, child." It snickered and would try to arry the child out of the room.

Artisia: -the badge was still there, the ghoul hadn't taken it or anything else..the radio and reciver were gone but if she hadn't dropped it in the fights it would still be there-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Her paws closed on the little metal shield and she had some hope. Tearing it off of her belt she would use the badge as a makeshift chisel on the mortar.

rawsha: -her attemps where getting weaker and weaker, she cried out and shoved an elbow into the ghouls chest area, her sandy brown and brindled fur was filthy already and her struggling just added to it, the shredded remains of her robes were just tatters of cloth now..she finally just let the undead carry, she whimpered out a few times-

Artisia: -with her attempts to chisel the mortar away Lene would find an old bloody fingernail lodged between the mortar and the brick, it looked to be ages old but someone had been trying to dig their way out back long ago too-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Hmm. So others had been here. She kept at it hoping the metal badge would hold up to the unmeant abuse.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul would lick Rwsha's neck with a laugh and carried her down the corridor going to Myrlene's room. When it entered Lene's chamber it walked towards the cage. "Oh, thank you for giving the advice I go search! There was indeed something fun to play with and now I get to have my share." The ghoul laughed cruely.

rawsha: -she screamed out with the licking, well she thought it was a scream but to anyone listening it was more like a croak, she had her eyes closed and was trying not to gag at the smell and feeling of the ghoul-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene spun, heart hammering in her chest. Lupis she didn't hear it come in. Eyes wide in panic she shoved the badge into a pocket and tried to act like nothing was wrong with the wall. Then she got a look at the ghouls catch and gasped in horror. It was Rawsha. For a moment she was in fear for the lupe then the fear sizzled to outright rage as her mothering side re-enforced with the DFLEA training she had to protect children kicked in. Lene ran at the cage door dertemined to slam her body against it for an insanely stupid hope of knocking it down so she could get Rawsha and run.

rawsha: -along her left arm she had what looked at first glance like a patch of fur missing and the skin had been cut and carved with runes, as well as a patch of fur missing on her right side of her stomach, with the same manor of treatment of the skin but it seemed fresher..there were also other bits of fur missing with long stitches on flesh-

The Taste of Flesh: It would go to squeeze her close to its chest as it held her and would lick her neck again. "Delicious children...I can't wait for the mistress to be done with this one." It laughed again seeing Myrlene's frustration.

Artisia: -the cage bars may have hummed as they were hit...they were strong...dust and dirt fell from the ceiling-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene staggered back and growled slamming her body into it again. This time she started speaking in infernal again hoping her magic would work this time. Those bits of missing fur and runes just made her madder.

rawsha: -Rawsha heard the voices..felt the ghoul squeezing her close she whimpered some, she also had a band of the rough pitted iron around her ankle, she licked at her dry mouth, she tried to move her fingers as she naturally thought about a spell..but when nothing happened she just seemed to slump some, she thought she was having a dream...Lene was there but then on the other hand so was the ghoul..-

The Taste of Flesh: "ooo, someone's upset," it said with a snicker. A claw would be brought up to Rawsha's neck to gently make a small cut for her to bleed a little blood and it would lick the blood for a taste. The ghoul started to drool and laugh. Then it stood in an upright position and held Rawsha by an ankle to hold her upside down in front of Myrlene.

Artisia: -Artisia was in her study, writing notes on her recent studies of Lupinossai anatomy, she hummed a dark little tune and went over some things from books-

rawsha: "ahhh" -she felt the change in her position and looked at the ghoul. she was away from his tight grasp on her she tried to swing at him, to punch him maybe get him to drop her-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "You filthy scraping of lich ooze and mummy rot!" She shoved her arm through bars trying to grab Rawsha. Her shoulders hurt like hell from the body slamming. Lene tried to think of something to do. "If... you let her stay with me... we'll play with you anytime you want." she asked in a small, childlike whine. She hated to act that young but if it helped, ego and pride be damned.

The Taste of Flesh: Rawsha's paw hit the ghoul, but it didn't do much to it, unfortunately. It just laughed sadistically more and more. "That's up to the mistress," it said again, but this time to Myrlene. The ghoul would start to swing Rawsha side to side as it still held her by the ankle.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene tried to reach more and swore at the ghoul calling him a dandy good paladin in infernal. "Do you always take orders from a living bitch?"

rawsha: -Lene's fingers brush her arm, before the ghoul pulled her away again..blood was dripping along her chin from the small cut, she swung there feeling sick to her empty stomach and whimpered out, she was the undeads toy, she blinks a little and takes a few hits at the ghoul she whimpered out and opened her paw, trying to dig into undead flesh.-

The Taste of Flesh: "I do anything for the mistress, child," it grinned at Myrlene taking little affect from the insult, but the attacks by Rawsha were starting to get entertaining with it. It felt the hits and noticed her trying to dig into its flesh, so with her swinging it would let go of Rawsha to make her be tossed off into a direction in the room.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "No!" she yelled and tried lunging for the ghoul. One thought was in her mind. Grab it and smash it against the cell bars.

rawsha: -Rawsha let out a yelp, as she got slung away she dropped to the floor just short of hitting one of the cages across the room, she whimpered and fell silent and still.. she had the wind knocked of of her-

The Taste of Flesh: It was out of Myrlene's reach and it stuck her tongoue out at her teasingly. "What? Don't want me to plaay with her? Feel left out?" it said all that to Myrlene with a smirk. It crawled back over to Rawsha's body, intending to play with her in front of Myrlene to torture them both in such an entertaining way.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Growling some, she turned her back on the ghoul. "Fine. Play with her. Wont be as challenging as playing with me."

rawsha: -Rawsha took a few breaths, she felt the ghoul over her, she tried to move to crawl away she didnt care what direction, as long as it was away from the creature-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grabbed Rawsha's tail to drag her back to Myrlene's cage. "No, don't go away. I want you to stay. And maybe we can all play," it said with terrible intentions with a look back at Myrlene.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She kept her back turned to it and studied the wall more. If she could just get more bricks removed....

rawsha: -she cried as he drug her by her tail..the young lupe tried to dig her fingers into the dirt and she kicked him in the side, back and arm trying to get away-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: The cries of Rawsha made Lene tremble. She was missing Calcifer fiercely and her mothering instincts wanted to latch onto something. She spun and shouted at the ghoul. "Why don't you play with someone who'll play back, you, you big meanie!"

The Taste of Flesh: It was kicked a few times and growled at Rawsha. Its arms would go to wrap around Rawsha again to carry her. "Maybe. Let me put this toy up first."

rawsha: -she found herself once again in his tight grasp clutched close to him again she beat against his arms tiredly and cried-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "But wont it be more fun to play with both of us?" she asked in desperation.

The Taste of Flesh: The terrible creature looked at Myrlene a long moment. "I play with this child enough. It won't do to have this child in bad condition for the Mistress to play later." It grinned at Myrlene. It left Myrlene's chamber to go to Rawsha's which was right on the other side of the wall. The ghoul would go to shove Rawsha back into her cage where she belonged

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene noticed barely the ghoul and Rawsha through that hole. New hope grew in her.


Date: 2011-09-02 08:18 EST
rawsha: -being shoved into the cage on her head she looked up at the ghoul, then closed her eyes, she felt the straw under her and she laid on the bottom of the cage and curled up once more-

Artisia: -Artisia was still in her study when one of her many minions would come to her with a folded letter ...a message from someone wishing her let him join up with her, the note said that the old gods had told him of her deeds and wished the two to become partners..she sat and thought over the letter, she would have an answer soon...the minion would leave her-

The Taste of Flesh: "Rest for the tomorrow that never comes, child," it whispered to Rawsha before slamming the door to Rawsha's cage closed and locking it so she wouldn't escape. It would leave Rawsha's room and go to look for the keys that went to Myrlene's cage.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene walked for the corner and sat down facing the cage door and held her knees to her chest. She was only doing her job, looking for Rawsha. How did this all go so wrong?

rawsha: -Rawsha wiped the blood from her chin onto the back of her paw and sniffled a bit, she opened her eyes, she was back in the complete darkness...she really had lost all knowledge of what time or day it was or how long she had been where ever she was-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Rawsha?" Lene called behind her to the little two brick hole in the wall.

rawsha: -she thought she might have been asleep for a while..she stayed quiet and listened to a dripping of water she had focused on in the past, she had seen Lene but she was so out of touch with things right now she thought it was a dream, her body hurt she closed her eyes, an ear perked slightly as she thought she heard a more than just the dripping of water.- "huh?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene moved to the wall and poked her muzzle into the small hole. She could smell rawsha in there. "Rawsha. It's me, Lene. Are you okay?"

rawsha: -she moved some so she was facing the sound of the voice- "Lene?.".you...your really here?" -she opened her eyes trying to focus and see through the darkness, she knew that there was a wall near her about three feet away, she looked that way, she whimpered as she moved into the wrong position, the stitches in her side ached-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yeah, kiddo. I'm here. Are you okay?

rawsha: "..that lady..she"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: A soft growl escaped Lenes muzzle. A growl that promised payback in full. "Can you hold together Rawsha? I can't promise everything will be okay, but I am going to do my damn best to get us out of here. Okay?"

rawsha: -she curled up some shivering, the chamber she was in was colder maybe because it was a corner room and the ground was colder around the structure, she wasnt wearing much of anything either, she listened for Lene's voice, she felt the cold rough iron band around her ankle, her voice was shaking so bad the young lupe was having a hard time keeping her mind together even more so after what all happened in the last hours.- ".ii..i can try.." -she sniffled again-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene moved away for a moment. Maybe some light from her side will make it to Rawsha. She was patting herself down again thinking she may have had something edible on her still.

The Taste of Flesh: It did not take long to find the keys before making its way back to Myrlene's chamber. The time was now to play with a new toy. Hopefully, it would get to play with the third toy the Mistress had caught sometime. When it came into Myrlene's chamber again it made its way to the door of her cage. A key was in its right hand as grinned at her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene froze for a moment then stopped her search. It was her turn.

rawsha: -she opened here eyes and looked toward the small area of brick..she could see the light of torches it was a glow enough to let her see a bit into the room where Lene was, she heard the clicking of the ghouls claws down the dark hallway then she saw Lene's back for a second she laid head on the cage bottome and the straw as she dozed in and out of sleep-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul moved close to the door and unlocked the door with a wide grin on its mouth, all its sharp teeth showing and tongue hanging slightly out of the side of its mouth. Quickly it pulled the door open and swung it to the side and grabbed for Myrlene to pull her out of the cage.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene ducked and aimed to slide between it's legs and freedom. If she made it, she was running.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul wasn't stupid to tihnk that Myrlene wouldn't just sit there. The living were always running from the dead or attacking back. Or most of them at least. It saw her trying to slide under it and it tried to grab her at her to keep her from running.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Plan A was out. Plan B maybe? She turned the duck into an uppercut hoping to knock it back.

The Taste of Flesh: The uppercut hit it in the jaw and it took a few steps back with a grin on its face. The ghoul barely felt much pain ever and slashed a claw at Myrlene.

Artisia: -Artisia would send off her reply by and unseen servent spell and her meal of a fine cut of steak and potatoes would be brought in from a small kitchen were one of her paid living attendants had been working, she would sit and eat and drink...passing the time by relaxing a blackwood floor harp played by itself not to far away, eh because she was a necromancer didnt mean she didnt like fine dining and music once in a while-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene lit the slash connect so she could get close to the ghoul. She swiped at the goul's chest with her own claws. It may seem a wild slash but it was a cordinated one to start an array that slipped to her mind.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was slashed at its chest, but it would return attacks back at Myrlene to slash its own lethal talons back at her in fury.

Artisia: -after Artisia eats she would send the mostly skeletal undead with two bowls stacked togehter toward Rawsha's holding room, as well as a short groaned out..and left the candle a patch of clear floor, it would set the stack two bowls on the floor almost below the cage and leave the room-.

rawsha: -Rawsha looked up as she heard the groan and she saw the skeleton, there was light a candle, she looked around and sat up.. it had left bowls on the floor, she looked down toward the floor she smelt food, she laid on the bottom of the cage and reached down with a right paw trying to get to the bowls-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene felt the claws dig deep some, spilling her own blood, but she kept at it, slashing again, clawed fingers splayed, hoping to carve more of the pattern into the ghouls hide.

The Taste of Flesh: With it being attacked, it would go to tackle Myrlene down onto the ground, screeching at her loudly.

Artisia: -the bowls the undead had left for rawsha the top one had water in it, the one underneath was scraps of meet and some potato mash-

rawsha: -Rawsha whimpered and her fingers got to the edge of the bottom bowl, she slowly brought both up to the cage and cried out softly, she couldnt get the bowls through the bars, she tried to settle her stomach..she held the bowls in both paws and the one with food in it she turned on its side slightly carefully not to spill it on to the floor, the bowl of water was balanced on the edge of the cage bottom outside of the bars with her right hand, she brought it up and took a drink, the water was fresh and cool, she leaned to the cage bars and tipped the bow up to take a drink then held it balancing it, she looked at the scraps of food and started to pick out the meat she had been starving-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Ooo the array was nearly sit. She let it tackle her, cutting her own palm with her nails. Lene would slam the bloody palm into the array, and if it worked two things may happen. The ghoul would sprout flowers to smell pretty and/or evoke happy, cuddly thoughts along the link to it's mistress to annoy the hell out of her.

Artisia: -Artisia would feel the cuddly happy thoughts over the link...she had so many links to her minions but she could tell that this sickening thought was through her special ghoul, she frown a bit and stopped writing into her books as she sat back a moment, those deep near red violet eyes glimmering-

The Taste of Flesh: Some flowers would sprout in some random places on the ghoul and it would stop attacking her, but instead it would go to give Myrlene a big hug and squeeze her with a happy and possibly creepy smile on the ghoul's face. It barely even knows what is actually occuring.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene was surprised it worked. An annoyance spell worked. She was being squeezed of course but at least the ghoul wasn't ripping her up again. Lene let out a eerie laugh and started to think if some of the lower, darker spells would work from Aunt Tacky? At least the ghoul smelled slightly better.

Artisia: -Artisia shook her head and sneered a bit, she took a breath and stood from her desk closing the books, the necromancer had decided to take a walk, she would move from her chambers, feet taking her through the large chambers and labratories she had set up, the minions and undead she had spawned lately were lumbering and guarding and..even in a few areas the sulking cysts she had set up were crawling around the floors, she grinned and soon was able to shake the effects of the spell over her as made her way down into the darker areas of the lair-

rawsha: -Rawsha ate the meat from the bones and ate the bits of fat scraps, she whimpered out eating trying to clean the bowl, her stomach getting food in it felt a little better but soon the meat ran out..Rawsha used her paw to eat some of the potato mush...she nealy licked the bowl clean-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene would try to take advantage of the ghoul's confusion to attempt a necromancer spell to control it. Being her magic was blocked and she was using blood magic, the spell was a large if.

The Taste of Flesh: Wouldn't be much way of the ghoul being able to stop Myrlene if she was going try at least try. It was too busy hugging her and cuddling her. The ghoul was even rubbing its head against her in some type of weird affection.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Maybe the annoyance spell wasn't a good idea. Lene carved the second spell and sat her bloody palm on it. This was a long shot. She could feel the mistress magic was very strong.

Artisia: -Artisia would come closer to were the ghoul was with Lene and turn down that hall, her aura of magic telling the ghoul she was coming near, she would grin and move along the halls- " are you?" -she laughed, she could feel he was nearby, but her voice echoed down the hall- "come pet...feel the powers of darkness...don't let our guests trick you" -her steps slowed as she stopped near Rawsha's holding chamber-

rawsha: -Rawsha fummbled with the bowl of water not wanting to drop it, but Artisia's voice made her jump...she held onto the bowl and sat there in the cage crouched, she leaned to the bowl outside the bars again and took a second drink-

Artisia: -Artisia silently watched the young girl she had used as a..."study aid" then she walked a few more steps and was standing in the light of the room Lene and her ghoul were in.." -she watched them a moment, her hood was pulled over her face casting a strange shadow over her muzzle but she just grinned-

The Taste of Flesh: The effects were wearing off and it was coming back to its old cruel self, it could feel its Mistress nearby. The ghoul noticed that Myrlene was in its arms and then it started to squeeze her body even tighter and more aggressively.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She grunted, noting her spells were gone now. Lene did her best to struggle and this close to the ghouls face.... well as much as she hated the taste, decided to maul it's face with her teeth.

Artisia: "..well well..a little affection...i thought i" -she tilted her head and looked at her ghoul then to Lene- "ahh...a bright one..." -she grinned and walked into the room- "and how are you liking your accomedations...dear?" -she stayed out of range of touch, her voice dripped with that sweet but evil tone-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul screeched at Myrlene for it biting at its face. Claws would go to dig into her back and sides before trying to throw her off to the side.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene landed on the floor a few feet a away, spitting out chunks of putrid flesh and blood. She stood slowly and wiped her muzzle. Her crystal blue eyes glared right at Artisia. This must be the mistress. "Oh, I am quite bright." she said smugly

The Taste of Flesh: It growled at Myrlene and moved to its Mistress' side. The ghoul would start to remove any flowers that had grown from its body

Artisia: -she smirked at her..then growled softly seeing the mess she had caused of her ghouls face, she would motion a hand out to the ghoul..touching his maw..she would cast a repair spell on him, then give a semi-loving pet to his head, she looked back at Lene- "i can see why Amaretto is fond of you" -she had also healed up the cuts and slashes of the array-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: That one ear of hers flattened hearing that name. She spat another bit of flesh on the floor. "So, you must be the mistress. Why am I here?"

Artisia: "ah yes.." -she grinned and move to lean against a table that sat near the doorway- "you just happened to be a plaything my pet gathered up...he thought you were a nice gift to me" -she was going to say more but would wait-

The Taste of Flesh: "The other child is more fun to play with. She screams and whines and begs." It snickered cruely.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Oh, I'm sorry...." she said in a childs sad voice then grinned a bit coldy "if I play too rough. I will gladly let the ghoule play with me if Rawsha is set free."

Artisia: -she studies Lene a moment with her reflectionless gaze and grins, she could see it now once Lene was awake..she wasnt a child...but small like one...and a good actress, but she just grinned at her pet, then she looked back to Lene- "i...have taken a liking to ..Rawsha.."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: That earned Artisia a motherly growl that promised violence. Her fur bristled some and her stance was a bit more agressive. "Why do you need someone so young? Let her go, and take me for whatever vileness you wish."

Artisia: "i am able to continue my studies...of anatomy...and undeath...on her...a living breathing young her age she can be put through many things" -she grinned again- "just to could have been that brat of a boy...Iimii...but little Rawsha...ran right into my web."

The Taste of Flesh: "That annoying pup would have been too much trouble, mistress. She was the best of the two to choose."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lenes eyes widened a little bit and if Artisia had any gifts in gleaning surface thoughts, plenty just pinged off of Lene's brain involving another dark mistress who got her hands on a very young Lene. "If you don't need me, then why keep me?"

Artisia: -she growled slightly snarling just enough that her gums could be seen, they had a strange tattooed set of runes marking them, that seemed to be there from long ago, but then she settled and just laughed- "You my dear...are for blackmail" -said very coldly-"and i would...use you instead of the girl...but someone asked no further real harm on you"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "What?" Lene looked a bit confused now. "Against who? I am not worth much to anyone." she said deffensively. Her only thoughts were on Rawsha's safety. "Who asked that?"

The Taste of Flesh: "When we are done using her, Mistress, may I shred her up and feed upon her or maybe...feed her to others?" It looked up at her with a very evil look.

Artisia: -she leaned against the table and grinned- "no no...i dont taddle..." -she laughed and looked at the ghoul then back over to her- "sounds good ghoul...make her last a good long long as my bargins with others are met"

rawsha: -Rawsha soon drank the last of the water in the bowl and let it drop to the floor, she kept the bones from the food and hid them in peices of cloth from her robes and hid them under the hay in the cage, she curled up some as she laid back down-

The Taste of Flesh: It gave a wicked grin and stared at Myrlene with disturbing intentions now. It just could not wait to get its claws on her without the Mistress holding it back.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She gave the ghoul a glare that just said 'try it'. Hearing Artisia she filed the info away. More were here then? "And why don't you taddle?" she asked Artisia then made very sharp, rude remarks about her heritage, how her parents mated, and the general lack of any class, all in infernal with a few power word spells thrown if for fun though her magic fizzled everytime.

Artisia: -she mentally shrugged away all the ill remarks and just grinned that evil grin- "why thank you ." -she nearly cackled and would stand- "my pet...get this one back into her cage" -she would move from the room and into the hall..she was headed for Rawsha's holding chambers-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Oh, a chance. Lene rushed for Artisia, claws out.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul would jump between them to tackle Myrlene to keep her off of the Mistress.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Damn. Tackled. Fine, she would growl and try to gouge out the ghouls eyes.

Artisia: -feeling the air move from the attempted attack, she would look back to watche the ghoul wrestle Lene down, she just gave a grin and wink and moved off into the room were Rawsha was-

rawsha: -Rawsha was laying there holding her side were the stitches had been stressed earlier in the struggle with the ghoul, she had her eyes closed-

The Taste of Flesh: Seeing her hands come up, the ghoul would swipe its hands at her arms to grab them and hold them down to the ground to make them not a threat

Artisia: -Artisia moved up to the cage and grinned, she spoke with some magical authority- "up..Rawsha..get up" -her voice sweet and evil, she grinned at the girl-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene snarled more but didn't try anymore attacks. They were pointless now and she needed to save strength to chip away at the bricks later.

rawsha: -Rawsha whined and moved to her knees looking at Artisia, she was worn out and cold even though she had eaten some scraps moments ago, she was looking really thin-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghouls claws would dig into Myrlene's arms and it growls at her. "I do hope you are done with, soon. Then you'll be all mine."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Patience, ugly."

The Taste of Flesh: "Oh, I have patience. I have eternity, but you don't," It snickered and would drag Myrlene back towards the cage to toss her inside.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "You've obviously never been tortured by an evil godess and raised by one." she let herself be thrown in.

Artisia: -she moved to her and put her paw though the cage, she slowly took the hood of the robes down with the other paw and showed those eerie eyes and her features, she would slowly run a paw along the young lupes cheek- "yes.. you are going to make a fine specimen...all mine...and you won't be alone anymore..." -she sent illusions across Rawsha's mind..using the pups own memories to alter in Artisia's own way, then she backed away and moved toward the door, she would head off toward her chambers, she was laughing evilly as she went-

The Taste of Flesh: "I enjoy torture. The horrible tihngs in life for the living, such of the likes of you, are very welcoming for me." It closed the door of her cage and then picked up the key and locked the cage.

rawsha: -Rawsha slumped to the cage bottom again, her mind having been influenced and tramatized with twisted memories she curled up-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Once the ghoul left, she would start on the bricks again. Chipping with that badge with renewed hope.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul would soon leave Myrlene's chamber to meet up with its Mistress and walk by her side in content. It had enough fun with the others for tonight, but it would come back soon again for more.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Just hang in there Rawsha. Just hang in there. I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to get you home safe to your mother. Please just hang in there."

Artisia: -she would walk with her ghoul at her side and grin down at him- "lets get some evenings ahead of us..." -she grinned as she opened the large doors and headed into her chambers-

rawsha: -Rawsha may have heard Lene or she may have not, she soon fell to sleep, her dreams nightmares-

The Taste of Flesh: A grin would just cross its mouth when it listened to its Mistress. It could not wait for what things the Mistress had planned. The ghoul always enjoyed playing more and torturing the toys in the cages. "Of course, Mistress."

Artisia: -she would soon, change clothes and be in her bedroom sleeping, her minions and servent...watching over the forest, the monatary and the lair itself-

The Taste of Flesh: As for the ghoul it would sit down and rest outside of her bedroom door to guard and watch the corridors warily for the rest of the night.

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-03 04:00 EST
Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was lying down in the bedroom she and Ammy slept on in the beach house. Still she was wearing the armor Ammy had given her and arms were wrapped around the egg of Rawsha's protectively. She had barely eaten much since she's been home alone. The fur on her cheeks were damp from crying. Mirius was still having a hard time just thinking that Ammy and Rawsha were taken away from her again and so easilyy. She was really starting to doubt that she was a good mate and mother.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet had been working on repairing the dragonmech as well as doing some improvements and adjustments on the construct, she had plans for a few things around the shop, she had started building more creatures and things..tonight she had been walking along the forest on the island, a bag slung over her shoulder, she wears her grey shirt and black leather pants, her workbelt and leather blacksmith apron all under her new leather tinkerer's coat, she was looking for minerals and gems tonight-

Fleetwolf: Fleety was with Fiim and Tairen. Fiim was getting very close to whelping time and Fleety was giving Tairen lots of instructions and training on what to do when the puppies come. The reason behind this sudden training was Fleety felt a pit of unease growing in hir belly as if something was not right in the world. Any time Tairen would ask, shi would just say shi was feeling a little tired and would instruct him more. But tonight, the feeling was too much to ignore. Once they were asleep, Fleety vanished and reappeared just outside of the magic shields the house had up. Shi was garbed in torn up jean, a blue shirt and a denim jacket. Brilliant blue eyes regarded the house for a moment or two feeling something was not right.

Mirius Pojoris: Her stomach growled from being so hungry. She felt too depressed to even move an inch, but she slowly forced herself to sit up and put the egg on a pillow. Mirius put a paw on her head, she was getting a bad headache, too. She stood up after a few minutes of sitting there and slowly made her way out of the room and to the kitchen, dragging her feet as she walked. Mirius hasn't slept well either. There has been too much worry going through her mind to let her have sleep

Fleetwolf: Fleety took in a deep breath smelling all the scents of flowers, sea breaze, salt water and tears? Slowly, hir paws crunching on the sand, shi walked to the porch, the shields letting hir pass and ascended the porch steps. Fleety paused before the front door. Paw an inch away from knocking. What if shi was wrong and everything was fine?

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet had walked along ways today just picking at large rocks, checking for minerals and gems before making her way with magic out to the island, she now was on her way home again now, but she found herself near the lake near the den once more...the lupe stopped a moment to look out toward the center of the body of water, the airship which had crashed there what seemed forever ago was still at the bottom of the lake, she took a moment to think about the craft as she enjoyed the cool air-

Fleetwolf: A small sigh escaped hir muzzle. Better an over reacting Lupe than a uncaring mate. Fleety knocked on the front door.

Mirius Pojoris: When Mirius made it to the kitchen, she just stopped and stared around the room. Everything kept reminding her of Rawsha and Ammy. She as almost about to start crying again until she head a knock on the front door and turned around. A few tears ran down her cheeks again but she wiped them away before walking to the front door. When she opened the door she saw Fleety and immediatly she went to hug him tightly.

Fleetwolf: Shi was stunned at having Mirius just hug hir. Worse yet was Mirius smelled strongly of tears. Shi could the damp cheeks. This wasn't good. Nope, not good at all. Shi let Mirius hug hir and returned the hug gently. "Mirius? What's wrong?" shi asked softly.

Garnet Prismpaw: -as she was about to turn to sling the partially full bag of mining goods she had set on the ground back to her shoulder, she saw something glimmer in the light of the moon, it was low to the ground on down the shore a good walk from her, but even if all that glitters isn't gold, the lupe had a dwarven minds set when she saw things shimmer, she thought to herself wondering what someone could have left out near the lake that would sparkle so, she made her way that way-

Mirius Pojoris: She pressed her muzzle into Fleety's neck and sniffled. It felt good to hug someone and be hugged in return, though she would feel better if it was Rawsha and Ammy she was hugging. "Rawsha was kidnapped n' Ammy was attacked n' taken, too...they're both gone, Fleet....I don't know where they are...," she whispered to hir sadly.

Fleetwolf: Shi stiffened hearing the news. Panic snuck into hir belly along with that unease. Shi swallowed a growl and gently herded Mirius inside. "Please tell me what you can Mirius."

Mirius Pojoris: "Some necromancer named Artisa took Rawsha...and I think Ammy, too. I couldn't get to Ammy in time to save her....I couldn't save her, Fleet...." Mirius started to cry again softly starting to think again that she wasn't worthy of having a mate and daughter.

Fleetwolf: Fleety guided her to a couch and had would have her sit. "Mirius, have a seat. Have you had anything to eat yet? Anything to drink?" Fleety knew well what loss could do to a person. Shi refused to let hir eyes drift to hir wrists.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet walked along toward the shimmers she saw in the tall grass humming that dwarven tune as she went, taking breaths of the night air as she enjoyed being in the forest at night, shes stopped as she looked around the area she knew she was getting close she nodded as she looked around the ground near the trees her ability to detect magic came into play-

Mirius Pojoris: She wiped her tears away again and sniffled when she sat down on the couch. Mirius stayed silent with a frown and looked down at the floor as she shook her head. Her stomach would growl again, too.

Fleetwolf: Fleety didn't say anything. Shi stood and walked into the kitchen. "If you want to talk while I cook please do so. You need to eat and I need to know more about all of this so I can help." pots and pans started to clatter.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she saw what she had seen from far was the glow of a magical sword..the aura was bright around it- "ooh so this what i be seeing from so..far away" -she moved and picked up the sword by the hilt into her paw, and looked over the weapon- "what a fine blade it be" -she spoke softly as she reguarded the make and quality of magic and blade, it was then that she caught sight of a flashlight, with most of the parts scattered over the ground , her eyes following the grass a moment searching-

Mirius Pojoris: "There isn't much I even know, Fleet." She looked up at him with worrisome and saddened eyes. "I dunno where they are or what's bein' done to them or if they're even alive still. All I know is what I told you...It's all I know....They were taken while they were in the forests of the glen, though...."

Fleetwolf: Shi listened as shi quickly fixed up stirfry faster than Ammy could have. Cooking for a small family has given hir some really good skills. "And you know it's a necromancer? This.. Artisia?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she frowned as she saw signs of a struggle..bits of torn cloth..a spray of blood here and there, those lite violet eyes blinking as she lowered her gem sack to the ground and looked back studying the sword, she saw the den crests spiritor and wolf and the elven scripting, she took a moment to study the words, she knew and had studied many languages-

Mirius Pojoris: "Iimii saw Rawsha get taken. And I was even attacked by a thing that came outta the ground. Some undead creature thing that was sprayin' acids out of its mouth." She wrapped her arms around herself as she continued talking to Fleet.

Fleetwolf: Shi paused in tossing the stirfry. "Iimii was involved as well?" shi raised an eyebrow with concern. Nothing is ever good when that kid was involved. Fleety took a deep breath. "Okay. How did you come by the name Artisia?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she laid the sword ontop of her gem sack and went to peices of the flashlight, she gathered most of it up, she slipped the peices into an empty pouch of the workbelt, she sighed as her heart was beating a bit rapid, she took a step back and was in the middle of the area were the struggle had taken place, she took a breath and closed her eyes, magic flared around her and she could see bits and peices of the struggle in her mind and hear echoe'd remains of sound..though vision nor the sounds were in great detail..she couldnt see faces or identifying features, she saw the claws and ragged features of the hunter and its prey-

Mirius Pojoris: "That's who iimii said it was...." She made a long sigh and lowered her head again. "I'm sorry Fleet....I fail as a mate for her...I couldn't even save her...and I cain't even save me own daughter when she's in trouble.."

Fleetwolf: Fleety sat the bowl in front of Mirius with a bit of clatter. It was full of delicious stirfry. Shi leaned on hir elbows and looked right at Mirius. "Eat. And what you just said is nonesense. "I've had several mates in my life time. I did what I could for each of them and the kids I've had. I've failed worse than you multiple times. A failure as a mate and mother is sitting here and not doing anything. I am not going to let you be a failure. We are getting them back."

Garnet Prismpaw: -after a few moments not being used to scrying in this fashion Garnet took a few steps back and found herself against a tree, her head wanting to spin, she felt a bit sick..and a dazed from the vision... she had stepped on something..cold and hard metalic...she looked down and moved her foor back...a had been thrown from battle by force of a hit...she knew the gun..she had seen it breifly when Lene had been questioning people in the past, she feared for the mother and DFLEA officer-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius took the bowl of sirfry and slowly began to eat little bit little. She didn't want to eat, but she knew she had to. She listened to Fleet and thought about it for a long moment before looking back up at hir. "How can I save her when everyone's got magic? How can I even do anythin' when anythin' I do can be outdone by anythin' else? At least you have magic. You can fight for your mates. ALl I can do is just die in a losin' battle."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she took a moment to let her mind settle as she looked over the area, then she moved back to the gem bag and took up the sword and bag, she stopped a moment and her fears were comfirmed as she looked down she saw one of the patches of a den officer Lene wears, it was bloody and laying amoung the pile of shredded cloth and filth from anceint undead wrappings, she thought a moment and frowned, she took the items with her and looked up at the sky a moment before settling her stomach-

Fleetwolf: Fleety stared Mirius in the eyes. "I'd be happy to be rid of my magic. It's more a curse than a help. But you can do something. Keep eating. I'll be right back. I hope at least Ammy hasn't moved the items I am thinking of." shi stood and walked for a small study room in the back.

Mirius Pojoris: "Fine," she whispered and continued eating as shi told her to. Mirius wasn't thinking straight from all the emotions running through her.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she gathered her thoughts and would clutch the things in her paws slinging the bag back over her shoulder she pushed the sword through her belt so it could hang from her side, she would walk off down the shore of the lake and soon dissappear, she needed to tell Ammy and Moonshine, she thought it best to talk to Ammy...she was heading back to Twilight island-

Fleetwolf: Stepping into the study, shi saw the locked tall case in the corner and breathed a sigh of relief. Fleety stepped up and with a paw wave unlocked the magically sealed case then opened the doors. Inside were several types of weapons and several cases of ammo and other fun little toys. "Mirius. You may want to come see what our mate has for you to use."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius put the bowl down on the table after hearing Fleet. "What?" she said as she was barely paying attention. When she walked into the the room Fleety was in and looked at the case with all of the items in it. She went silent again and just looked at it all.

Fleetwolf: Fleety held out a modern looking rifle, pistols, and a machine gun was propped in the corner. Shi checked the chambers for a moment or two and grinned. "Did Ammy ever tell you she used to make things for her adoptive dad when he hunted magic users?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -soon she appeared on the island she the soil of the lake turning to the sand of the beach, she took a breath of the salty air and smiled just a little, but then her mind went back to the matters at hand..something had happened to Lene, she moved down the beach in the direction of the beach house-

Mirius Pojoris: "No, not really? Why?" She moved closer to the items and looked them over, running a paw across each of them.

Fleetwolf: "You're looking at the prototypes of the weapons my older brother, Street Wolf uses when he tangles with all kinds of nasties. These babies have nethicite round in them. They negate magic when they hit a magic user. And in those cases are nethicite spray grenades. With these, you can easily put a mage, demon, or undead creature down with a few shots."

Mirius Pojoris: "Took me two clips of my rifle and a clip of my pistol before bringing down the thing that chased me," she said with a slight smile. Mirius sighed and leaned against Fleet. "But we still don't even know where they're at."

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet moved along the beach, soon coming up outside the house, she stopped a moment to admire the gardens Ammy and the others had been busy here it seemed, the beachhouse's outside had changed a lot since she had last been there, she slowly moved toward the porch-

Fleetwolf: Shi showed a slight, worried frown on hir muzzle. "Necromancers are not easy to find, though usually a trail of undead are a good thing to look for. And they can be more ill tempered than a war mage on a bad day. We need someone who knows something of the arts to look for the type of magic shielding they could use." hir fingers scratched hir chin for a long moment in thought. "What about the general Igneous I've heard much about? Think you can still talk to him?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she stepped up onto the porch and moved to the door, she hated being the bringer of ill news, she took a breath and tried to calm her heartbeating so rapid, she put on a soft smile as she knocked on the door, she set the gem bag down near the door and it made a soft thump as things shifted around insde it-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius wrapped her arms around Fleety, just wanting to be hugged again. "I think so. He n' I ain't too bad between each other really. I'll talk to him when I feel a lil' bettter after eating some things and recovering." Hearing a knock she looked at Fleet. "Did ye have someone follow ye?"

Fleetwolf: Fleety heard the knock and left Mirius to think. Reaching the door shi opened it and saw Garnet. "Garnet? Evening." shi said in surprise.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she saw Fleety, she blinked in suprise but then nodded to hir- "'ello Fleety.." -she looked on past him into the house- "is Ammy in?" -she asked quietly with that dwarven accent-

Fleetwolf: A look of loss was on Fleety's muzzle for a moment or two, then shi spoke softly. "Come in Garnet." hir voice a bit gloomy. "Ammy and Rawsha have been kidnapped."

Mirius Pojoris: She looked over the guns and ammo and other items that was there before moving out of the room hearing Garnet's voice. Mirius hadn't not seen Garnet in such a long time. When she got closer to them she gave a slight smile and wave of a paw to Garnet. "Hey, Garnet..."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she swallowed a bit and her face may have looked a shade or two paler under that grey fur, she saw Mirius- " 'lo Mirius" -she had the sword pushed through her belt hidden under her new tinkeres coat, she was trying to think of what to say but with the new her mind was flooded with thoughts, it took her a moment to make her mouth work..she shook her head- "oh...i be sorry to hear that."

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood aside to let her come in. "Please, come in. What is wrong?" Shi asked, dread doubling now.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she stepped inside once shi had welcomed her and sighed- "im afraid...i only have more bad news to add to them gone missing" -she looked back to the two of them, she reached into the pouch on her workbelt and took hold of the peices of the flashlight first, not pulling it all out yet as she spoke-

Mirius Pojoris: "what do ye mean?" She looked at Garnet worriedly.

Garnet Prismpaw: "i' been out all day searching for components for meh things...and well i was headed back to the way of the lakeshore near there...and ...i saw something shiny catch meh eye...went to look closer and found this." -she pulled the bits of the flashlight from the workbelt and laid them on the coffee table, then she worked a moment and carefully pulled the sword from the belt, and laid it on the table so they could see the crests and the etchings, then she took out the ripped up officers patch with the scraps of burial cloth that stank and laid them there too-

Fleetwolf: Fleety watched her pull things out with curiosity but as soon as shi saw the sword, hir daughters sword, hir knees buckled and shi gripped the arm of the couch to keep upright.

Garnet Prismpaw: "i...found myself 'aving a vision...when i stepped into the center of the signs of struggle..then i found this" -she took Lene's gun from one of the large pockets of her new leather coat and set it down too, she quickly moved to help Fleety balance-

Fleetwolf: The gun cinched it, and Fleety lost all strength in hir legs. If it wasn't for Garnet, shi'd be on the floor while shi sobbed. "Lene... no..."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius put her paws over her face and shook her head. "Oh Canis...why is this happening...why?" Seeing Garnet holding Fleet she went over to hug Fleet and help him stand, too.

Fleetwolf: "Damn it all. I'm losing my family all over again." shi cried, just staring at the items

Garnet Prismpaw: -she would with aid from Mirius help Fleety to sit down on the couch, and would sit next to them both, more on the edge of it looking at hir- " sorry Fleety..and ye too Mirius." -she took a breath and as she thought about the vision she had..she shook her head, a paw reached down and took up the tattered shreeds of very old cloth, she looked them over and turned them in her paw-

Fleetwolf: "Moonshine." shi gasped. "We need to contact him. If he still lives, so does Lene. But..." Fleety looked lost. "Why them? Why kidnapped? Who have I pissed off this time?"

Mirius Pojoris: She sat down with them and kept an arm Around Fleet. "if ye pissed someone off, Fleet. I'd be one of the first I'm sure." She slightly smiled at him evne though she was feeling terrible.

Fleetwolf: Shi tried to laugh. It came out a sob. "Why? What if Tairen and Fiim are next?" shi asked shivering and held hir head in hir paws. "I'm torn. Torn between fear, worry, and... just wanting to rip apart something." hir ears flicked back and forth. Shi was hoping to have a happy reunion with Ammy and Lene after Fiim delivered, now hir hopes were dashed.

Garnet Prismpaw: -the tattered cloth stank with the smell of the grave, rot, dead flesh as well as dampness, she let a finger move over them as she studied the texture..she frowned as she listened to the two of them- "i saw claws and a struggle...then it..drug her off" -she thought and spoke as if reading out of a textbook- "if the creature was going tae kill her it would have done so...the undead if they hunt for feasting.....kill and dispose of the corpse nearly where they stand"

Mirius Pojoris: looked over at Garnet with some hope in her eyes. "So, yer sayin' they might be alive? Cause when I ent to find Ammy all I found was her lightsaber and radio...but she was complete gone."

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked at Mirius with wonder. "But, how? I've never seen anything take Ammy down. She's as nearly as good as I am with magic. Maybe better."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she shivered softly and looked back at them, she nodded to Mirius, then looking at Fleety- "that little quiet the say she's gone as well...perhaps somethin' out smarted them or caught them off guard..."

Mirius Pojoris: "I don't know, Fleet....She said she was in trouble n' fighting....I heard laughter n' things over the radio, too....but whatever took her must be strong. Maybe one of them things I saw come outta the ground was used to attack her, too?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked back at the cloth tatters- "this...came from a ghoul...something made..something built.."

Fleetwolf: "But why didn't she use her magic? And Lene. Hell, she's strong in magic as well." this troubled hir grately. Strong mages all taken down.

Mirius Pojoris: "I dunno, Fleet..." she sighed and leaned against hir. Mirius gave Fleet a gentle nuzzle before looking at what Garnet was holding. "A ghoul?"

Fleetwolf: A glance to Garnet as well. "You... know something about necromancy?" a glimmer of hope maybe?

Garnet Prismpaw: "something a vile.." -this had Garnet up on her feet, the mage paced back and forth...she was in thought now- "a ghoul ..i imagine something wrapped and made of its tightly fitted funeral wrappings..a creature which favors walking on all fours, razor sharp teeth in its long maw....eyes that are soulless." -she nods softly- "i know some...necromancers are things for no reason but to do study the living and the dead...and what they can do with them"

Fleetwolf: Shi looked to Mirius. "Mirius said a necromancer took Ammy and Rawsha.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius nodded. "Yes, a necromancer is what Iimii told us that took Rawsha.

Fleetwolf: "What.... would one want with our family?" shi said using that word to include Mirius. Mirius was a much family as was Rawsha.

Mirius Pojoris: "I don't know, Fleet...I don't know..." She held Fleety close and rested her head on his shoulder. "I just really hate them bein' taken again...the first time was enough..."

Garnet Prismpaw: -those violet eyes went wide, but she wasnt facing them now, she could feel the color completly leaving her cheek, she swallowed some- "...the child...well...any child could have been a target...a young body.." -her mouth snapped shut, before she said anything more about using children...then she thought about the others-

Fleetwolf: Shi sighed and close hir eyes. "At least, you were with them. Where was I? A kid, no memories of them. Now, again, their gone. Where was I?" shi trembled and cried.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius held Fleety as close as she could to her. She as feeling closer to Fleety emotionally. Hearing Garnet again, Mirius looked up at her with some fear in her eyes. "Why would a child be targeted?"

Fleetwolf: Fleety stopped making noise and howled softly. "No, not like Lene. Garnet is that thing corrupt Rawsha?" "Lene was kidnapped young and brainwashed by an evil goddess. Is that why Rawsha was targeted?" fear was in hir voice. Primal fear.

Garnet Prismpaw: "Necromancers deal with..undead, spirits, shades, demons, devils...they make bargins and pacts...rituals and rites....the living who ..are prisoners..." -she closed her eyes not sure if she could continue,..her voice shook with fear, her dwarven accent thick on those lupe lips- "are tortured, starved, used as living test dummies...targets for rituals...all in the name of study and the dark arts" -she swallowed back tears as she took her goggles off and cupped her paws to her face rubbing her eyes-

Fleetwolf: "We need to get help Mirius. We've got to find them."

Mirius Pojoris: She held a paw over her muzzle and gasped in shock. "! We have to save them!" Mirius cried out and started to shed more tears. She couldn't imagine her Ammy, Myrlene and Rawsha being tortured. "I know, Fleet...but where do we even start looking...?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she lowered her paws and looked over at them- "i will help and im sure Vuu...will help. " -she nodded and moved back over taking up the scraps of cloth into her paw again- "i..will try to..scry..and if i have to i'll use meh dragonmech...and do some scouting.....can cover alot o' miles with it"

Fleetwolf: Shi looked blank for a moment then spoke, igniting resolve to get hir family back. "Mirius, find Igneous, see what he can do with necromancy, ask him to help us. Garnet, I am glad to hear you have flight capabilities. Please tell Vuu his lil' sister is a hostage of a necromancer. I am going to go to Lene's lair and find Moonshine and Calcifer."

Mirius Pojoris: "Thank you, Garnet...thank you so much for offering your help.," she sniffled. Then hearing about Fleet going to see moonshine and Calcifer that reminded her of something. "Oh...Fleet.If..we are going to go find them and search. Can I ask you to take Rawsha's dragon egg to Moonshine to see if he can care for the egg?"

Fleetwolf: "She has an egg?" Fleety looked in surprise. "Yes. I will. I am sure Moonshine will care for it. I am going to see...." shi gulped "if he is still alive. If so, my baby girl is too. I'll make sure he stays with Calcifer. He's too big a target to help us."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she nodded- "we will find them." -she looked over at them- "before its to late" -she spoke softly and would think a moment, she shoves the scraps of ghoul wrapping tatters and Lene's officer patch into her use as a focus..Canis knows she was going to need the items for the scrying, it was something she had never been highly skilled in..she would have to gather some supplies for divination- "aye dun need a sprout up against is..." -she thought of that horror a moment "aye tell him we his mate will be safe and home soon"

Fleetwolf: Fleety nodded. Shi stood and walked to the bedroom, taking the dragon egg shi spoke to Mirius. "I'll meet you back here in two days." then shi vanished.

Mirius Pojoris: With Fleet gone she sighed and looked over at Garnet and walked to her to give her a hug, too. "Thank ye fer tellin' us those tihngs...even if they ain't pleasant."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she watched Fleety vanish and moved over to Mirius- "im sure things will turn up right...Mirius" -she hugged the worried mother and mate and smiled softly to her- "i'll talk tae Vuu...and try to locate the bitches lair."

Mirius Pojoris: She smiled slightly again. "Thank ye, Garnet. I do hope Vuu will help us. We'll probably need all the help we can get....I'm just prayin' me lil' Rawsha is okay and so are the others."

Garnet Prismpaw: "ye try to get some rest...." -she moved for the door and opened it to pick up the bag of gems and minerals she had collected through the day- "im sure things will be alright in the end.." -she was trying to be reasuring but she felt sad for little rawsha and lene and Ammy- "i know ye would worry bout..Vuu and i...we are all one big family." -gave a small wave...she moved off the porch and was soon walking on the sand again, then once she had gone a few paces she dissappeared from sight back home to the den-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius waved to Garnet. "Please be careful, Garnet." She would sit back down on the couch and take the bowl of stirfry and finish the rest of it before going back to bed and lying down agian. She tried to rest, but it wasn't easy. But knowing Fleet and Garnet was helping made her feel a little bit better.


Date: 2011-09-11 02:55 EST
Artisia: -Artisia sat at her desk pawing over plans for rituals and experiments she had tried and failed in the past, books and papers stacked in messy piles, some feathering to the floor as she looked at others, the study was only a small part of her chambers, there was a small sitting area infront of a green glowing fireplace

which had a small couch, it wasn't as cozy as some but if it were ever used it met the requirements for comfort. In a small area off to the other side of the room there is a short hallway leading to a room with a wardrobe near a large bed with a black woodframe. This chamber was different from the rest of her lair, it was kept clean and dry.

The large thick oaken double doors of this chamber were open, the smells of undeath, dampness and earth as always on the air, she took a moment to look out into the large somewhat grand hallway where the few minor artifacts she keeps on display in magicly protected cases stood,

She could feel her undead, lurking the halls of Fangghoul Keep, her lair her new home, but there was someone else approaching she could feel it-

Belian Thundergem: -Stepping out of the green thriving outer ring of the forest and in toward what was once the thicker the center, which had now been touched with cold and decay, was the average sized male dwarf, Belian clothed, in a set of blue wizards robes which look like,

they have been smeared with green filth but at closer inspection the green being part of the fabric, His black hair is braided into small neat braids and pulled back into a single golden clasp. Around his neck he wears a pendent depicting an image of a creature with writhing tentacles, on his waist belt there are map three map cases in which he keeps scrolls and near those he carries two wands, one made of dark black ash wood and the other made of bone.

Held somewhat carefully in the crook of his right arm close to his body, sits a toad, if you can call it that, this psuedo-natural creature, three sets of eyes, watch the surrounding area, looking like the sixth side on a six-sided dice, the creature has a set of tenticles sprouting from its back, its front legs are tenticle-like feelers and its rear legs are toad-like, its skin is a slimey green, from time to time it would give out a ribbit.

The Quarterstaff is Belian's melee weapon of choice, the one he carries is brown wood that is carved to look like a bunch of tentacles wrapping and writhing over each other, no fancy gems or settings. The staff tapped the ground gently as he walked. Those deep black iris'd eyes, seeming to stare off into nothingness as he paused a moment, he took a peice of parchment from a pouch and unfolded it, reading over the directions to his new "partners" home.

The old ones, gods from ancient times had told him to contact this..Lupinossai necromancer, that she had great power and an intrest in artifacts. He had no real need or want for artifacts, but power, that was what he was after and getting close to powerful beings to him meant he was powerful. He walked on following persice instructions written on the paper-

Artisia: -A random shade, a shadow guard of Fangghoul forest, an enthralled, one of Artisia's many minions caught sight of the dwarf passing through the now haunted wood of dead trees and plantlife, the being glided through the undergrowth and watched the dwarf closely, it thought only of its Mistress and her safety. Deep red eyes glowed as it became still to blend in with its shadowy surroundings, it would watch from a distance at first. After a long while of tailing the dwarf, it could see that it hadn't detoured and was heading further toward the keep, it would shadow step and drift onto the path infront of the robed male- "Why should the living come to mingle with the dead?" -its voice hissing and ragged-

Belian Thundergem: -Seeing the shade, Belian pauses, his staff held casually in his left hand as he stopped in his tracks, he didnt seem bothered at all by this spirit of a tormented soul which now stood before him, those clouded black eyes seeming to look off though he was seeing the shade-.."out of me way, oh tormented one...i seek the living amoung the dead.." -that deep dwarven accent...and his strange odd ways evident in his words, he would move past the shade without another word, ever closer to Fangghoul keep-

Artisia: -the shade would cautiously watch the dwarf for the moment, it would send a silent message of the visitor to its mistress, then flitter off back into the woods, other undead and spirits would watch Belian make his way into the monastary grounds after some time, some were alert and very watchful, others saw him but stayed their distance from him, through their link and bonds with their maker, they knew he was allowed, expected-

-Meanwhile, Artisia had stood and donned the black flowing robes over the leather armor, she pulled the hood close but didn't draw it to hide her face, she took a moment and left the orb and crown on their stands at and near her desk, she would teleport up into the now unhollowed cathedral and await her guest. Those deep violet near red eyes taking a moment to look over the old stone work, and broken stained glass and the shattered alter at the front of the worship hall...then she heard him...coming close, she stood in the center of the large hall and just waited-

Belian Thundergem: -Belian made his way through the ruined courtyard of the monastary, passing by the large defaced statues and the empty mossy fountain, his staff tapping ever so lightly on the stone walkway as he moved, his toad croaking once or twice as he went, he stopped only a moment to look over the once grand cathedral doorway, the wood had rotted away ages ago, then he saw the form inside and continued on inside..-

-the two would meet and speak, coming to a solid agreement for the time being, time went by questions were asked and answered by both parties, to a fly on the wall it might have seemed the two circled each other a few times as the moments went on, but one was just speaking calmly as the other listened, they both wanted to be on the right path.. Later much later the two wizards would find themselves down below..away from one another inside the lair, Artisia was in her labratory with a young, very thin, almost willing, but very scared Rawsha....her studies had resumed, Belian was in his quarters which was part of the storage lab, were bodies floated in vats-


Date: 2011-09-11 06:45 EST
Artisia: -The lair had been rather quiet tonight and Artisia was on her way to visit Ammy, it had been a few nights since she had made her way toward that cell, tucked so far back in the dungeon, she had been busying herself with things like her studies and things, she walked along the corrdors and turned to the right heading toward the large wooden door at the other end of the hall, the night was cooler above ground making the cells colder and damper below-

Ammy Spiritor: She sat. All she could do was sit in the cell, chained, and huddle in the corner. Many thoughts have gone through her mind during the days of solitude. Ammy never remembered running into this much trouble in her past. Thoughts of Mirius and Rawsha flitted in her head making her lonely and worried. The fact that her dead sisters spirit was here with Artisia worried her even more. So much to think on and of. She had slept little.

Artisia: -tonight Artisia wears her long flowing robes as she walks she pulls the hood up over her face, those violet eyes glowing an errie red in the darkness, she didnt wear the crown of the blindfold tonight, the orb and crown safely locked away in her study, she pauses a moment at the door as she takes her set of keys out and looks through them-

Amaretto: Amaretto materialized by Artisia, radiating her cold malicious aura. She was, once more, quite rested and fully recovered. So, tonight we talk with my sister then?

Artisia: -she looked up to Amaretto and grinned- "well hello..aye, tonight we start another step closer to getting things we want" -she found the key to the large old lock and slid it in..the old door creaked and groaned as she turned the lock and pushed the door open, as she took a few steps inside torches on the walls lit, keeping an eerie light cast over the room-

Amaretto: Indeed. By the way, if you think Myrlene is quite the jewel of evil trained, my sister is a crown unto herself. She drifted along following Artisia. Her's is a 400 year old soul that is soaked in blood and darkness.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy noticed the room lightning some. She kept her honey gold eyes closed though. The crimson reds that dogged her fight with the shades long gone. She was a fighter yes, but recent events have dulled the edge of her blade lately. She just listened to the two captors as she stayed in her corner.

Artisia: -she grinned as she heard the spirit, her vision falls to Ammy..Ammy would have had few visitors lately, perhaps Amaretto and the ghoul once in a while, but mainly an undead servant would have brought meals to her consisting of the potato mush and a bit of meat everyonce in a while and water, it would have unchained one of her paws so she could eat, then would have chained her back up and left..pretty much the same every day...Artisia would grin and move toward her- "Ah..the time for resting is over Ammy"

Ammy Spiritor: Raising her head, she looked even thinner now, though she did eat what was given. It would seem her soultre genetics were still burning up her body for some reason though magic was at a loss to her. Honey gold eyes opened and she regarded Artisia and her sister, Amaretto. " has." she said quietly, with a musical voice.

rawsha: -Rawsha found herself waking up she should have yelped or yipped but was silent, but suprised, a skeleton had walked into the chamber were the cage was and drenched the cage and Rawsha with foul smelling cold water, it had been told to clean the cage, Rawsha sat now dripping she curled up shivering she tried to wring water from her hair, she just watched where she had learned the door was expecting to be taken from the cage for the dark mistress anytime now,the lady still horrified her as much as the ghoul did or more-

Amaretto: Amaretto flitted around the room some watching with amusement.

Artisia: -Artisia looked Ammy over a moment then looked back to Amaretto- "..i feel this one had great power..which has been snuffed out." -she looked back to Ammy- "now..i know that with such power there is a lot of know how to create living beings" -she looked back from one to the other-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene woke again and rose from her corner of the cell. So far no one had noticed the work she was doing on the bricks around the hole she found. Her paws, stiff, sore, and bleeding grabbed the now deformed, dented, scratched and bloody DFLEA shield. Mustering past the pain in her hands she went back to chipping away mortar again.

rawsha: -the skeleton moved silently toward the cage where Rawsha was kept, an old thick brush in its boney would push the brush through the bars and scrub around..Rawsha couldnt move much because of the size of the small cage the mindless undead would scrub the cage bottom where it could reach then would leave the chamber bucket and brush in hand, Rawsha was left alone for the moment she looked around in the pitch black darkness-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy regarded Artisia for a long moment. "I did have power. More than I wished to have. And yes, I know how to create living beings, though it is beyond the realm of taboo and in the realm of suicide to do so again." she gathered her hands before her. "May I ask what has you so filled with hatred?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Hey, Rawsha, how are you doing?" Lene asked tiredly. The days in the cell captive were wearing on the DFLEA officer. She had heard the fuzzy voice in her head again through the nights and realized it was Moonshine trying to speak to her. Something was keeping their soul bond dampened.

Amaretto: She knows more than just giving life. A spell of untold destruction is in her mind and veins.

Artisia: -Artisia sneered at Ammy, she looked back toward her from watching Amaretto flit around- "you are going to assist me in...bringing Amaretto back to the living...aid me in giving her a body for the one you and your family destroyed" -she watched Ammy- "Hatred?" -she chuckled- "..being ridiculed..beaten and ran from place after just on the fringe of the start...but do not worry yourself with matters of my life..." -she grinned evily-

rawsha: -Rawsha blinks some, part of her mind telling her to snap out of it...oh thats rright Lene was there...or was she dreaming again? she licked her lips some but didnt move much otherwise, she tried to talk but couldnt get words to pass over her lips, more like a breath was all she could force out-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy gave a soft, gentle laugh. "Why should I not trouble myself with your matters of life. It's never easy being different from everyone else...." she said with a pained note. "As to Amaretto's body..." she looked at the flitting spirit. "Amaretto, you paid for your mistake. I gave you life, freedom, and magic. You could have done anything yet you sided with Ebony, severed our bond, and attacked our own family members after I told you never to touch them."

Amaretto: I did what any Lupe who is given life then tossed out of a city like a cursed lepper does. I found a pack. A leader and had I been around enough, a lover. So he was evil. My life, my decisions, and our bond is quite intact, dear sister. she sneered. I live as long as you do. I attacked our family because it was turning weak. You had it all Ammy. Power, mastery of Alchemy, mastery of Psionics, and our daughter who was the right paw of Takhasis herself.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "I'm still here, Rawsha. I'm making a hole bigger, so I can get to you and get us out of here okay?" she kept working on the mortar now slick with her own blood. Duties as a mother and law enforcer kept her going. She kept an ear out for any of the undead as well.

Artisia: -she thought the conversation very amusing, that grin widening knowing things Ammy had yet to realize, plans and plots pushed away, she looked back to the two in the large one room cell with her at the moment- "it is...oh so touching at this little reunion...Amaretto is such a dear...she has helped i will help her...and well you will aid me..there is no doubt you will see its only a healthy choice in time"

Artisia: -Lene would have been able to break that third brick from its grasp in the wall, and would be now trying to dislodge clay and another brick-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked down at her delicate hands, hands that have traced out arrays and penned many spells. She flexed her fingers in thoughts. "The only healthy choice? If you wish to threaten me with violence and pain. Do so. I've been tortured by many and my mind messed with beyond help. I just wish to know why the world is against me most days." she looked to Artisia then Amaretto. "If you open up some to me, I may be more willing than you think to help. I am not some good lupinossai who knows nothing of evil. Just look at my sister. She holds everything and bears every bit of evil that I once was."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene paused for a bit and shoved her arm inside feeling around in the dark.

rawsha: -Rawsha looked up when she saw the paw come through the wall and watched a moment, she reached through the bars of the cage, slowly she reached out and whimpered a bit but finally spoke- "Lene?" -she reached a cold paw for Lene's-

Artisia: -she grinned and listened to Ammy- "i do not know why you would give up such power.." -those violet eyes watching from under the hood-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene reached further in hoping to touch Rawsha.

rawsha: -she felt the paw touch hers and would move closer to the bars of the cage trying to reach for Lene's paw-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul made its return to the monastery on all fours as it crawled. There was dirt, blood and maybe a few pieces of left-over from some bodies it dug up to eat. The ghoul didn't have to go far for its meals. It would brings its victims near to home and store them in the ground, even if they were alive so they would be more fresh the next time they were dug up. It moved further into the monastery and deeper, searching for the mistress. The ghoul was very much hopin gthat the mistress would allow it to play with the prisoners more. It always loved playing.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene paused and tried to feel Rawshas paw again, hope tingling in the brief touch

Amaretto: How touching. You speak of magic and power as if it was a bad thing.

rawsha: -in the darkness of the chamber she got a hold on Lene's paw and though her paw was trembling she held onto her friend, the cage she was in moving on the chains it hangs from, but she managed to settle it, just the touch brought Rawsha's mind closer to some sort of reality-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "I got you Rawsha. You okay?" Rawsha may feel the blood slicking Lenes palm from the abuse the metal shield was doing to the flesh.

Ammy Spiritor: "Too much and anything can be bad." she leaned back against the corner of her cell and gazed upon Artisia. "You are not like many I have come across or allied. Those who are just dabbling or nearly drowned in their darkness. You... seem to tread your path in darkness with the light of seeing."

Artisia: -Artisia grinned and took a slow breath, even here in the halls of the dungeon, many yards from her study where the crown and orb remained safely locked away she could feel the power of the two artifacts and they comforted her...though it might have been false comfort their evil auras brought her calmness...even at this distance, she also felt her prized pet had returned and was near, she looked at Ammy- "so hear of anothers plight... i am not one to drown easily, i pick my own path work, my studies and my...alliances..all come to follow"

rawsha: -Rawsha felt and smelt the blood, the blood hit her senses like a wave of the ocean- "Lene...your hurt." -she held the paw, not daring to let it go just yet, fearing she might lose it forever-

Ammy Spiritor: "I see, I think. So what are your plans, Artisia? Stay angry at the world forever? Plans like that usually fail in time, though I suppose with the right allies you can do many things. However, Amaretto is quite young to provide you a powerful alliance." she leaned forward a little, her hands folded together, though with little to no movement, she had gashed her wrist with a claw.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "I'll be okay Rawsha. I'm tough, just like I know your tough. Do you have any light in your cell? Are you hungry?"

Amaretto: Touching. If you didn't want me to go into darker waters you shouldn't have made me, dear sister. Will you make my body or not?

rawsha: -she was starving, she looked so thin and her stomach hadn't stopped aching in a while...she hardly ever got a meal unless Artisia saw otherwise- "no light..Lene im so cold...and hungry" -she spoke quietly only hoping the ghoul didn't hear, she was scared to think what it would do if it found they could touch-

Artisia: -she listened to Amaretto and Ammy talk, she wanted too to know if Ammy would help them on her own...or if she would have to be persuaded-

The Taste of Flesh: It had wandered through the corridors before hearing its Mistress. The ghoul made it's way down the cooridor and entered the chamber that held Ammy. "Plans for this one, Mistress?" It asked with some excitement. Its lifeless eyes stared at Ammy for a long moment. Too bad she didn't have much meat on her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Sounds about the same as I. I'm goig to let go and get something. I'll be right back." Lene would let go of Rawsha's paw and slide down to the straw bedding and removed several scraps of meat she was keeping. Her paw thrust back into the dark hole, the smell of meat coming from her clenched paw.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy narrowed her gold eyes at the Ghoul then back to Amaretto. "Maybe. I just wish to have a plesant conversation with you both first." Blood would be dripping slowly on the ground below her folded hands. She was hoping to hide the blood she would use for something she had in mind.

rawsha: -Rawsha's sense of smell must have been heightened, or she was so hungry the smell of the meat led her right back to the paw, she took the offered meat and brought it into the cage with her, she spent little time crouching before she started to eat the bits of meat-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene smiled a little hearing Rawsha eat. Good. She'd been hording food for the little girl. With a wince, she took up the metal badge and picked away at clay again.

Artisia: -she grinned at the ghoul, not noticing the blood..she looked at the ghoul- "we are talking business pet..but im sure...there will be something left for you." -she snickered lightly-

Ammy Spiritor: Hands folded still, she let her covered hand's fingers play in the small puddle of blood, etching out a small alchemy array on the ground.

rawsha: -Rawsha tried to eat the scraps slow enough to know she had eaten but the meat was soon gone, she licked at her paws and sat down on the cage bottom, she scratched at the older of the skin grafts, the one on her arm it was healing and healing wounds always seemed to itch, she could feel the runes and sybols etched on the feindish graft, and she felt her paw go over it as it was part of her skin now, she curled up some trying to warm herself-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She was getting tired and stopped. She sat on the hay and put her head into her paws. "I miss Moonshine and Calcifer. I wonder if their safe?" she spoke to keep herself company.

The Taste of Flesh: "If there is wait. Then I will see the others, Mistress." It snickered eavily and would go to move out of the chamber to make it's way for Rawsha's and Mylene's chambers.

Artisia: -she looked back over to Ammy once she had answered her ghoul. she then looked at Amaretto, she had grown fond of the spirit, but this living sister of hers was making them wait now...for pleasentries?,she nodded to her pet- "alright ghoul"

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul made it's way to the chambers an dstopped in front of Rawsha's and Myrlene's, deciding which one to bother first. After the decisio nwas made it moves to Rawsha's chamber and enters with a wide, evil and mischevious grin. "'Ello, child," it whispered as it came closer to Rawsha's cage.

rawsha: -she had smelt the ghoul, and looked up seeing the figure coming toward the cage, the little light that was coming from Lene's chamber, outlined the ghouls ghastly form and Rawsha's eyes went wide as it came near-

The Taste of Flesh: "Still miss your mommy?" It chuckled evily and stood up by her cage, grabbing the bars of the cage again. The ghoul didn't notice the hole in the wall that was there. At least, not yet.

Ammy Spiritor: She stared right at Artisia. "I just don't dabble in evil at the whim of someone I don't know. Too easy for me to be killed later after you have your toys. Now what I offer, if you want to listen, is to maybe be an ally to you? I am the senior alpha of the Den and my disappearance will most likely bring a lot of heat upon you and your undead. Though I could maybe strike a bargain to keep them at bay?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene heard the ghoul through the hole and stood quietly and watched.

Amaretto: She is a bit thick headed Artisia. Even now she doesn't realize her situation. And I'd be wary of her alliances. She tried to overthrow the Lich King she became a demoness for.

Artisia: -she smirked lightly, she looked over at Amaretto and nodded hearing the spirit- "she army is going to march in...and save her...or that a bargin will keep 'me' safe.." -she had to stop herself from doubling over with that little evil laugh-

rawsha: -she swallowed a bit, she heard the ghoul and a small whimper passed over her lips- "leave me alone" -she finally managed to speak, though it was weak-

Ammy Spiritor: She was getting close to finishing the array. How she wished she had her full magic back to do alchemy with no arrays. Her clawed fingers felt the bumps and lines of blood drying marking out most of the array. Just a little more. "Though if you don't want my alliance, I could offer you something better. Release Rawsha, and I'll take her place as your toy. I would be far more knowledgeable and powerful a follower than her."

The Taste of Flesh: "Who's gonna make me?" It growled at her to scare her a little and shook the cage some. "What's the child gonna do if I don't leave?"

Artisia: -she grinned looking over at Amaretto, then looking at Ammy- "how about i keep the girl...or what is left of help me..or i let Amaretto with your dear daughter" -she finally let on that Lene was being held- "she tells me the girl has great power"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene wished she could do something. She patted her tattered clothing for anything else to use. She felt her belt but wasn't sure how she could use it. But the unknown didn't stop her much. Lene unbuckled her belt, then listened to find where the ghoul roughly was. Once she knew where it was, Lene thrust her arm through the hole and lashed the belt out like a whip hoping to hit the Ghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy's ears flattened hearing they had Lene. Gold eyes flickered back and forth from gold to crimson. Her fingers moved quicker to finish the array. "So you find yourself powerful for inflicting your vileness on children then?" she growled.

rawsha: -Rawsha closed her eyes quickly wanting to scream...but the sound wouldn't come, she did ball her paw into a fist and get a good hit on one of the claws holding the cage, but the thing had terrorized her after she realized she hit it she cowered away against the bars of the cage away from it-

Amaretto: Better yet. Artisia keeps the girl and I take Lene for my own daughter?

The Taste of Flesh: Its left arm was whipped away and it growled. The ghoul looked over and saw there was a hole in the wall. And seeing that the child wanted to hurt it, the ghoul got a little angry. It violently hits the side of Rawsha's cage with a hand and goes to push it hard so it would hit into the side of the wall.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene yelped in pain as her armed was smashed by the cage. She pulled her arm back craddling it, and trying to bite back tears.

Ammy Spiritor: "Don't you dare touch my daughter Amaretto, or I'll put you in a body so I can kill you again slowly." her eyes settled on crimson red.

rawsha: -the cage hits the wall and Rawsha yelps out as she gets tummbled with the cages movement, she whimpers out as she hits her head against the side of the cage-

Artisia: -she took a breath and smiled, nodding to Amaretto- "then it would be one big...happy lot of us..." -she grinned but then her calm cool expression returned- "i wouldnt usually...take so many living in at one time..well unless i was doing a mass killing.....but..these things happen." -she heard the threat- " nice" -her voice dripped with sweetness-

The Taste of Flesh: "So, the two have found each other." It looked between the cage and the hole in the wall where Lene would be on the other side. "Not so lonely. Maybe you want to watch the child be tortured?" It cruely said to Myrlene.

Ammy Spiritor: Array finished Ammy just grinned showing all teeth. "Okay." then she flatened her palm on the array. She hoped the blood magic would allow her to strike at Artisia with stone fists from the ground hoping to hit her good.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "You sound so brave on the other side of the wall. How about you come to my place and play with someone who wants to play." she growled.

Amaretto: Amaretto felt something odd in the aethar and she flitted to Artisia to protect her, though a fist of stone would pass through the ghost if it happened.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul only laughed. A hand would reach up to take Rawsha's cage again and would start to push the cage back and forth, making it swing more and more. "This toy is more fun."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene growled, picked up one of the three bricks that were loose and stuck an arm through the hole and tried to throw the brick at the ghoul.

Artisia: -the array worked, the ground gathered into a set of large fists. from the large stones in the floor they would both fly up to hit Artisia, she was sent back and hit the wall with a sickening thud, the other she used magic to quickly dodge, moving herself from its path so it hit the wall, she could feel blood rushing to her lips and she growled, she held a paw up and as if by reflex, she moved it she did so Ammy could feel herself lift from her seat on the ground and be slide up the wall by her neck, Artisia from across the room held her paw in mid air-

rawsha: -she swung back and forth in the cage and cried out she held onto the cage and once she could straight after hitting her head, she saw the brick fly toward the ghoul, her stomach was churning-

Ammy Spiritor: She growled as she slid up the wall and gasped some as the unseen force held her neck. She was surprised her magic work and tried another test. She clapped her paws together and would try to touch the chains on her hoping to make them come alive like snakes to attack Artisia.

Amaretto: Amaretto howled in fury at not being able to do much though a thought came to mind. She went through walls, hell bent on getting Lene and forcing her sister to cooperate.

The Taste of Flesh: It went back a few steps with a loud grunt from the hit of the brick. The ghoul would reach through the bars of the cage to try and grab at rawsha.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She picked up another brick and threw it as well.

rawsha: -Rawsha yipped as she was grabbed at she tried to dodge the clawed hands but one of them grabbed her through the bars of the cage, she tugged and pulled and her paws would try to pry his claws from her-

Artisia: -the chains would vibrate with the effort of Ammy's magic but didnt react how she had hoped, Artisia growled out and dropped her to the floor- " foul creature" -she brought up her protective aura and wiped blood from ler lips, Artisia much prefered the company and quiet of her undead and minions-

The Taste of Flesh: It grunted again and fell back and let go of Rawsha. The ghoul was becoming frustrated and it would go to slam Rawsha's cage against the wall again, not caring if it hurt the child. "Stupid children!" The insult was more aimed at Myrlene.

rawsha: -she cried out as the cage hit the wall, she felt sick to her stomach and had been thrown around alot, she held onto the cage-

Ammy Spiritor: She gave a grunt and a wince as she landed with a thud. Pain exploded into her body as the feelings of a broken tail hit her.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She ducked back in time to save her arm a repeat offense.

Amaretto: Amaretto was in Rawsha's cell and by the ghoul. Go get the other child. Her mother is proving to be a nasty bitch.

Artisia: -Artisia stood straight pushiing herself to stand and licked blood from her lips, she watched Ammy a moment, wating for Amaretto's return, she hummed the tune to the song Ammy had heard sung back in the forest, she was trying to settle from the pain she was in and calm herself, it would do no good to flat out murder Ammy-

The Taste of Flesh: "Why not this one?" It snarled. "Its younger. Don't the living care more for the younger?" Though, it did want to harm Myrlene severely.

Amaretto: You simpleton! The other child is the offspring of the bitch. She will care more for it than this one. Blood binds tighter. Now go get her. Rough her up if you must and bring her to the mistress. She hissed and flitted back for the room with Ammy and Artisia.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy started to laugh a little though the pain was nauseating. "I am still offering to help you if you would make a deal with me." she was elated that her magic was working a little.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul mocked Amaretto and would spin Rawsha's cage around for a moment to make her dizzy, then picked up the bricks and went into Myrlenes chamber with a grin on its face as it got closer to the cage. The ghoul would throw a brick through the bars of the cage to hit Myrlene.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene yipped as the sight of the ghoul and the brick were sudden. The brick clipped her in the head. She clutched her head as blood from the gash flowed over her paws.

Amaretto: Amaretto was by Artisa now. I've sent your ghoul to fetch Lene. Maybe some torture would make Ammy cooperative.

rawsha: -Rawsha watched Amaretto come and go, then the ghoul left, had tears trailing down her cheeks, her head ached and it was hard to breath, she slumped to the bottom of the five foot in diameter cage and coughed curling up. she had hit her side hard in one of those last hits to the wall when the ghoul had swun the cage-

The Taste of Flesh: Seeing the blood made the ghoul very glad she was bleeding. It took the second brick and threw it through the bars at Myrlene to try and hit her again.

Artisia: -Artisia looked around the dim lit dungeon cell, she heard the pained words Ammy spoke, but Amaretto was back by now, she heard the words perhaps some torture and the lupes grin turned even nastier-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy tried to work on another array with her blood.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She howled in pain as the second brick hit her hurt arm, the crunch of bone may be heard and she curled up on the floor in pain.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul snickered and went to go get a key, when it came back it unlocked Myrlene's cage and reached in with an arm to grab her by a foot to start dragging her across the ground instead of carrying her.

Amaretto: Shrasoo Mortis! She growled, and flickered as her magic used some of her soul energy. She targeted one of Ammy's hands with a flesh to stone spell.

rawsha: -she screamed out hearing the howl of pain in the next room over- " big...useless hunk of flesh...leave her..alone!" -she managed a sentence, just hoping it got over her lips, to her..her own voice had grown to nothing but what seemed like a whisper- "Lene!" -she cried-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy screamed as her hand she was writing with turned to solid stone.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene moaned a little as she was drug. Pain made her sick to her stomach. She tried to figure out what to do though her dazed mind rebelled. How do you harm a ghoul?

The Taste of Flesh: It laughed hearing Rawsha and would drag Myrlene out of the chamber and to Ammy's chamber where its Mistress was. "Come along, child. The mistress wants you."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Go screw your mistress, you shuffling piece of mudrah." she gave a kick at the hand that held her foot.

Ammy Spiritor: She cluthed the stone flesh and backed up some, but she kept growling, showing more teeth.

Artisia: -she looked over hearing the spell cast and watched as Ammy's hand went to stone- "clever...very clever."

The Taste of Flesh: It stopped and growled loudly at Myrlene. The ghoul eyed the arm it hurt and let go of Myrlene's foot to grab her injured arm to drag her by that instead.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She screamed as the arm was grabbed. A scream that would echo through the hallways. Lene passed out.

Amaretto: She can't do most of her magic with one hand. She laughed coldly.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul drug Myrlene across the ground whether or not she was unsconscious. Soon the ghoul reached Ammy's chamber and let go of myrlene by Artisia's side.

Artisia: -she looked down at Lene and grinned- "ah..thank you pet...i see we have company" -she made that motion with a paw and Lene's form would float up into the air, hanging limply-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stared at Lene's limp body. "What have you done?"

Artisia: "my pet plays very rough...he has brought her to us.." -she let Lene turn in the air as she laughs hearing the ghoul-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene blinked, coming too for a moment and she felt she was floating. She heard Ammy. "Mom?" she asked weakly.

Amaretto: Amaretto eyed the battered Lene with a grin. Not too bad.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was up in a flash and straining against the chains, snarling and snapping. "Let her go!"

The Taste of Flesh: "Ohh, let me slice her up in front of the mother, Mistress." It stood up and held out its clawed hands at Myrlene wanting to cut her up.

Artisia: -she laughed a bit watching Ammy struggle and snarl, she would keep Lene meer feet from her mother- " no no.." -she would let Ammy see a vision of Lene as a puppet for only a few seconds, Lene would feel her body respond and move raising on arm then maybe a was just a bit of enchantment and illusion but was very creepy-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene struggled to resist the pupeteer. She struggled to reach her mother. Blood was dribbling down her forehead and her arm was swelling.


Date: 2011-09-11 08:25 EST
Ammy Spiritor: She kept straining. That were her girl. Her baby girl, hurt and in the paws of these monsters. Something came to mind though. A flash of a person long dead. Tammy, her foster mom in the Spiritor Tower. If the other children pick on you, remember this little trick, they have sensitive eyes around light. "Shiirak!" she howled out and pointed at the ghoul. If the spell worked, the ghoul would glow with brilliant white light.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Mom, stop fighting them!" she pleaded weakly.

Amaretto: Amaretto flickered as Ammy said those words. The ghost blinked. Her sister was tapping into her via their bond.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul screeched from the bright light and backed into the wall and fell onto the floor. It tried to cover its eyes, but that did not help at all.

Artisia: -Artisia growled and dropped the spell holing Lene, to cover her eyes sending Lene to the floor, she covered her eyes and almost hissed, she was part Soultri and those sensitive eyes burned with the bright light, she growled and pulled the hood further over her face as her pet lit up with the spell..she had to turn away..damning herself for not wearing the blindfold-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Dropped, Lene sprang for Ammy and wrapped her good arm around her mother. "Mom, stop, please. She'll just hurt me and rawsha more. Please stop!"

Ammy Spiritor: The contact Lene made with Ammy snapped her out of weapon mode and she stood dazed. Her tail hurt, her hand was stone, and it appeared to be very bright in the room now.

Amaretto: Shrasoo Mortis! Amaretto growled and cast the spell at Lene's leg.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She howled as her flesh petrified and clutched at Ammy tighter.

Amaretto: ]Put out the light or watch Lene turn into a statue piece by piece.

Artisia: -moving off into darkness of the hall she tried to focus, but at the moment she was blind, she spoke back into the room- "i would see them both..statues on the monastary lawn! -she hissed madly-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked down and saw Lene hurt and the leg of stone. Saw the hissing mad spirit and the ghoul that was enraged as well as hearing Artisia. Her hope in escape or deals bled away in cold fear. This was not a good situation now. "D... d... Dulak!" and the light spell would snuff out.

The Taste of Flesh: When the light would go away the ghoul would crawl and stumble it's way around the chamber, bumping into the wall a few times before sitting down for a long moment until it's dazed moment would pass away.

Artisia: -Artisia was finally able to move back into the room and lowered her paws from her face, she was indeed blind but had no need for her eyes, she had much training throughout life, having to do with the blindfold, she wasnt even really paniced, she moved to stand near her pet once again- " you see the..reality of your situation Ammy?"

Ammy Spiritor: She held Lene close and shook. What does she do now? Give in and do what they say?

The Taste of Flesh: It's vision came back mostly and it growled in aggravation. The ghoul launched itself at Myrlene and Ammy, wanting to take Myrlene away from Ammy and throw her across the room

Ammy Spiritor: She looked at Artisia again with a dry mouth now. Seeing the ghoul move she spoke a spell that would place a barrier hopefully between them and it.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene just cringed and clung tighter. She saw mom's stone hand and whimpered.

Artisia: -she chuckled as she could see with her blindsight, the barrier would stand for a moment, just long enough to keep the ghouls charging leap away from the two on the ground- "now now pet.. im sure you are bored here and little Rawsha is all alone" -she spoke with a sweet but hateful tone, she didnt know that Lene had spoke or touched paws with rawsha yet, she had been trying to prod the child into thinking she was all alone-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "She has Rawsha, mom. Please, stay calm. I know you want to save us both, but fighting wont do."

The Taste of Flesh: It hit the barrier and growled and clawed at the barrier. With a snarl, it heard its mistress and turned away to leave the chamber. "Oh, of course, Mistress...." The ghoul made its way out of Ammy's chamber and headed for Rawsha's once more

Ammy Spiritor: Seeing the ghoul move out and hearing Artisia, Ammy broke down and called out. "Stop! Please...don't hurt the children anymore. I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt them anymore." she pleaded.

rawsha: -Rawsha was drifting in and out of sleep, she hadnt had a good long rested sleep in days now, on the surface she had lost all knowledge of time and days, her memories of good things where fading, even Lene there in the cell next to her was almost like some spector calling to her, she knew someone was usually there, knew their name too but the child was alone-

Amaretto: She flitted over to Artisia and whispered into her ears. I could make lene a statue if you wish. She wont die, but it may cement Ammy's loyalty to you.

The Taste of Flesh: As it came to Rawsha's chamber it slinked trying to be sneaky and when it got to her cage it would reach in to try and grab her arm.

Ammy Spiritor: "I'll make Amaretto's body. I'll even help you with any other vile tasks you wish, just spare the children. Torture me all you but spare them."

rawsha: -Rawsha woke with a startled cry and tried to yank her arm away from the ghoul..but he was to fast, she fought against him-

Artisia: -she chuckled hearing the whispers, what Amaretto said would be a marvelous addition to her collection of artifacts...she returned the whisper- "if you wish it and think it would further goad her mother into our so..she would make a great addition to the fountain in the main hallway infront of my chambers, sha'll we see her pose?" -she would ready a spell to pull Lene from her mother back into the air, ready to cast it at Amaretto's say so-

Amaretto: But of course, Artisia. I am always happy to give a gift to my friend.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul jerked on her arm to pull it throuhg the cage with a growl. "All alone now. No other to bother us." It snickered.

Artisia: -she once again moved her paw and the energy of shadows went around Lene and pulled her forcefully up into the air, then Artisia had a bit of fun with the spells she had cast before- "lets see.." -she posed her in an elegant but eerie pose, something almost beautiful, the ripped remains of Lene's cloths and all the cuts and injuries showing-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Mom!" she gasped as she was ripped free then manipulated.

Ammy Spiritor: "Lene!" she tried to grab her with her one hand but couldn't hold on. "Hang on, please. Let her go Artisia, let her go!"

Amaretto:Bah, what sentimental drival. Shrasoo Mortis! She fired the spell at Lene's whole body.

rawsha: -Rawsha was trembling and crying, she pulled at her arm trying to get it back through the cage bars, she felt so weak but continued to fight-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Mom, I'll be fine. Just stay safe." she heard the spell and felt it hit her body. Then the tightening of her body as it was turning to stone. "I..." she gasped trying to breath. "I... love you... mom.." and she went silent as the spell completed leaving her a living statue.

Artisia: -she posed her and held the spell, watching the flesh to stone spell spriral up Lene's form, she carefully lowered the lupe becoming statue to the stone floor..she magicly fashion a base for balance and moved toward the statue...looking at Lene's form admiringly-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul laughed and went to lick her arm. "Your fear is delightful to the taste."

Ammy Spiritor: "Nooooo! Lene!" she screamed, lunging at the chains and started to weep. She fell to her knees looking at the statue. "Lene!"

Amaretto: I must go for the night mistress. The magic casting has made me faint again. I do hope you enjoy the gift. I'll leave you to your company. the spirit vanished.

Ammy Spiritor: "Why? Why? I agreed, Artisia. I agreed!" she sobbed.

rawsha: -Rawsha whimpered out...she cried and felt the ghouls tonge along her fur and skin, she pulled fighting against his strong hold, the thoughts of casting a spell never came to her, she had locked away things subconcously and forgotten about her magic, it wouldnt work anyway..the anklet reminded her-

Artisia: -she laughs and looks off after the spirit- "good night Amaretto...soon we sha'll have you what you wish" -she looked back over to Ammy, then to the living statue, she grinned- "i like cementing bargins..." -she laughed at her little pun and looked back at Lene- "dont worry...she still lives." -she would snap her fingers the statue would take its new place in the center of the fountain which flowed red with bloody the greathall infront of her chambers-

The Taste of Flesh: "Your mamma is never coming. if she were, she'd be my feast by now." It grinned at Rawsha. "All alone, little child."

Ammy Spiritor: She couldn't do much of anything right now but cry. Her only child was now stone. "you win..." she whispered. Ammy would just sit now and stare at her one hand that was now stone. She felt like nothing but one big magne for disaster.

Artisia: -she would leave her for the night, she and her allies had everything they needed...Ammy was left to rest- "get some rest...long hours are ahead of us all"

rawsha: -she watched the ghoul her eyes wide, he was right..all that was there was her, the undead, the ghoul...and mistess,...and ..Lene's voice and touch...but it was becoming hard to tell reality from false-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghould would snicker and let go of Rawsha to let her swell on those thoughts. It went to go find her mistress to maybe talk with her.

Artisia: -Artisia was on her way back down the hall, toward the study, she stopped to admire her new statue then she moved to the doors of her study and inside, she moved to the desk and sat down, there were reasons she was turned so cold hearted and evil..things had happened to her through her past she had held inside most of her life and when evil piled on evil...bad things happened..-

rawsha: -Rawsha curled up into a ball, all that there was to do now was wait in the darkness, there was no way she could sleep, she did have those things on her mind.-

The Taste of Flesh: It followed its mistress into her study and sat down by her, but first it did enjoy the site of the new statue the Mistress had. "Oh, Mistress. The one that is now stone made a hole in the wall to the other child's room. It seems they've talked with each other."

Artisia: -she looked toward the ghoul- "oh really?" -she grinned hearing this- "no wonder the child...hasn't given in to me...usually i...have quicker luck turning people to the darker side of things" -she took a tin of salve from a drawer and rubbed a sweet smalling ointment over her eyes and around them, to lessen the burn the bright light had left, time and magic would be used later to heal her vision-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul then had a terrible thought. "Perhaps make her bleieve you be her new mamma?" The ghoul grinned up at its Mistress.

Artisia: "first...she must think she is all alone..." -she thought a moment and grinned- "i will...use the whole in the stone and ...that girlies voice" -she motioned to the statue out in the hall- .."telling the child she should do exactly as i say..." -she grinned- "perhaps fake...that Lene's death.."

The Taste of Flesh: "Ooo, you're very devious, Mistress," it laughed cruely. Imagine to use the child if the real mother does come."

Artisia: "the child is a mage...perhaps...she will help me in my ritual studies." -that reminded her something and she looked at the ghoul- "oh...yes pet...we have a guest... a dwarf...he is a conjurer, he will be staying around the lair for a bit...helping me with some studies..and finding artifacts...his name is Belian...and hes not to be harmed"

The Taste of Flesh: "A new ally of yours?" It raised a hairless brow of curiosity.

Artisia: " a partner...a busness partner...more than an ally" -she nods- "quiet the strange one...very quiet and has a strange toad...for a familiar...he says he has seen things that would make a persons skin crawl off though" -she laughs slightly-

The Taste of Flesh: "I could do without skin," the ghoul chuckled and looked about the room. "Did the oldest one break?"

Artisia: -she grinned- "aye...Ammy will be aiding making Amaretto her new body...then perhaps you will have a feast" -she laughed softly- "but thats not a promise" -she opened a book of rituals and flipped through it to a section on liches, vampires and ghouls-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grunted. "If I cannot eat them, perhaps I should hunt for another one of their kind for a personal feast." It was getting tired of waiting to do whatever it wanted to do to the current prisoners.

Artisia: -she nodded- "aye perhaps you should hunt for one to feast on" -she looks up at him- "ye seem to like the pet..are we tasty?" -she teased-

rawsha: -Rawsha would lay curled up in a ball on the bottom of the cage, sleep wouldnt come but she closed her eyes listening to the sound of water dripping from somewhere nearby in the room where her cage hung, the halls were quiet as well as the room next to her-

The Taste of Flesh: A big grin slowly crossed its mouth and it snickered. "The blood is quite delicious, as is the meat., but I would not dare hunt you, Mistress."

Artisia: -she had to laugh at her ghoul and reached a clawed paw out to caress his head, feeling the old wrappings and flesh, the smell of undeath didnt bother her at all,. she had lived with it so long...she looked back to the book she was looking in- "...hmm i was thinking for my next bit of study...i will with the aid of Belian and Rawsha...try this" -she motioned to a picture and words in the book about vampirism and the different types..she could potentally create with magic from three casters-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul leaned over to look at the picture and words. "You plan to turn something vampiric, Mistress?

Artisia: -she nodded- "our little Rawsha....perhaps...its all in the name of studying...and furthering my works with undead...we must keep these plans secret until she trusts us.." -she grins of course the quickest way to gain trust was through a little magic-

The Taste of Flesh: "Of course, Mistress. Would you like me to make her more miserable?"

Artisia: "i think she has had enough tonight.. i heard her screams must have really gotten to her" -she chuckles softly as she looks over at the ghoul-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grinned proudly and snickerd. "How about later then, Mistress?" It always wanted to play and torture the child more.

Artisia: "yes" -she grinned, she stood and moved to a bookcase near her desk, she searched and found a blank book and took out an inkwell and pen before sitting back down, she opened the book and dipped the pen into the ink then wrote 'notes for vampiric ritual' as the titile, on the first page.. she would smile over at him- "she whimpers of your terrorizing her....while she is with me in the labratory"

The Taste of Flesh: It chuckled again. To know it made such a mark on the child amused the ghoul even further. "The child does have a strong will."

Artisia: "aye i have seen her thoughts and dreams...she was caught up not long the war that created the battlegrounds...she held her family and friends together... and they got through it." -she laughs softly-..."i do think we have...or on the road to breaking her will though"

The Taste of Flesh: Another chuckle and the ghoul would rest on the ground by Artisia's table for the rest of the night.

Artisia: -she would sit up and start her new book of notes on the ritual, including steps...a sketch of the anatomy chart with changes to a few places showing Lupinosai traits, then she would read in the book about vampires...and the ritual and start making notes of these important things, she would write for a while then end up moving to her bed and sleeping for the night, she had to rest in order for the work she had lined up-

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-12 05:28 EST
Fleetwolf: Hir thoughts were simple. Check on Moonshine and hir grandson Calcifer to make sure things were okay. As shi picked hir way through the trails to the lair, the sounds of a roaring dragon in pain and misery made Fleety hesitate. It sounded like Moonshine though if it was the dragon was beyond irrated. Shi hurried along, back pack in tow as well as the dragon egg.

Moonshine: The sounds of glass smashing and wood splintering echoed in the lair. Bellows of anger, pain, and rage shook the rocks. Pain, so much pain. Clawed hands grasped at his scaled body where he swore he felt lacerations, broken bones, and the chilly touch of undead. Normally the pains from his mate were easily tempered by him speaking to her over the soul bond, but that bond hummed and buzzed with interference. Calcifer was staring wide eyed and full of fear at how angry his father was. The infant had crawled into a cupboard to hide from daddy.

Moonshine: "Lene, lene? Can you hear me? Please answer me? Why are you in pain? Where have you gone? Who is touching you?" he bellowed these questions as if he hoped the lair would answer him. He felt more pain from their link and it filled him with rage. Grasping a couch in his hands he lifted it with ease and threw it out of the lair trying to dispell the pain and anguish.

Fleetwolf: Fleety was making good time up the trail. The loud crash of something hitting the trees then smashing to the ground had hir jumping into bushes for cover. Shi peaked over the bushes and stared at a ruined couch. Who was throwing couches?

Moonshine: The tossing of furniture helped little. He lunged and struck the walls gouging out the rocks. Debris was strewn now in hot springs. His tail was bloodied from slamming around the lair. Moonshine was in total panic and disarray.

Fleetwolf: Coming out of the bushes, shi neared the smashed couch. That looked like the one Lene loved.

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked around the trail, then up at the ragged hole in the tree branches, then at the couch again. A slight whistle was given at the thought that Moonshine threw it. This wasn't good at all.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was so worried about Rawsha's egg and was hoping it made it to Moonshine's layer just fine. She knew Fleet would take care of the egg, but the worry of losing something else in the family as overwhelming her. It didn't take her long to grab her pistol and rifle and equip herself; she even took a pistol that Ammy had specially made with the special round. She left the beach house and made her way for Myrlene and Moonshine's layer, somwhat remembering where it was.

Moonshine: Between the pain and worry, Moonshine tried to think. Who had his mate? Why did they take her? Why couldn't she just stay home and be a sweet loving mate and mother? He stormed around the lair blasting walls with fire as more pain hit him. Calcifer at this point, was starting whine and cry. He couldn't understand why dad was upset and mom was gone somewhere.

Mirius Pojoris: She was hurrying all the way to the path and up the path to the lair where Moonshine would be. A whistle was heard and she slowed down some. A paw was placed on her pistol as she got closer.

Fleetwolf: Making sure the egg was still secured, Fleety listened for anymore falling debris.

Mirius Pojoris: She sniffed for any familiar scents and she picked up Fleet's. It seemed she was nearby. She continued to approach until she saw Fleety standing there and holding the egg. Her paw left her pistol and her walk slowed when she came up to him. "Everythin' okay, Fleet?"

Fleetwolf: "I'm not sure Mirius." shi pointed to the smashed couch. "I was almost hit by furniture. I am pretty sure that couch is supposed to be in their lair."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius looked at the couch, then back to Fleet. "Think so?" She smiled at him slightly, but the smile didn't last for long. "Have ye been in there yet? I thought ye would've gotten the egg to Moonshine a lot sooner."

Moonshine: His head buzzed in pain. He just wanted to hear her voice again and know that she was okay. Moonshine flinched with more pain then felt heavy as some dread seemed to fill him. He needed distraction, focus and thought. He forced himself into his forge hoping the familiar scent of metal and oil would make him feel better. It made him worse, reminding him more of her!

Fleetwolf: "I... stopped for supplies." shi turned and headed for the lair again. Ears flicking as more roars of a dragon were heard.

Mirius Pojoris: "Oh." She joined Fleet and walked with him with a heavy sigh. "You know, Fleet...Goin' through all this I feel what I did o all those families I helped tear apart in the wars..."

Moonshine: Moonshine swept an arm sending tools and bits of metal flying to the floor. He paused as he felt Lene touch their bond for a moment in confusion. That touch was enough to see her mind. He saw pain, torture, nasty undead and a lupe robed in black. Then the link closed again as the image of a ghoul playing with Lene sent a flare of rage into him. He grabbed the heavy anvil in his shop and strained to lift it.

Fleetwolf: Shi slowed and put an arm around Mirius' shoulders. "The past is past, Mirius. There are things we do when our eyes are closed."

Mirius Pojoris: She slowly nodded and returned a hug to him with an arm. Hearing noises coming from the lair and it had her more alert. "Thanks...maybe we can talk more 'bout these things a lil' later...guess Moonshine should be our priority fer now if he's throwin' couches at ye."

Fleetwolf: "I agree." shi moved faster.

Moonshine: The anvil's anchoring bolts protested the screeched as they snapped. The dragon sent the anvil flying through the air, out of the mouth of the cave and rolling down the trail.

Mirius Pojoris: "Oh, crap!" Seeing the anvil rolling down the hill her eyes widened and she would quickly go to push Fleet to the side along with herself so they could avoid being hit by it.

Fleetwolf: Into the bushes shi went, keeping the egg safe. "Was that an anvil?"

Mirius Pojoris: She landed by Fleet in the bushes and looked at hir. "I...think so....don't think he's takin' all this well either..." Mirius stood up and would hold out a paw to Fleet to help hir out of the bushes.

Fleetwolf: Getting out of the bushes, shi clamped hir paw onto Mirius' paw and pulled her as shi ran up the hill at lightning speed. If they didn't go fast, they may get flattened.

Moonshine: He moved for the living room again more pain hit him. His knees buckled and he just layed on the cold stone floor, sobbing.

Mirius Pojoris: She hurried up the hill with Fleety as fast as she could. Being fit helped her keep up with Fleety at least.

Fleetwolf: They reached the mouth of the lair and Fleety stopped in shock seeing the disaster within.

Garnet Prismpaw: -a lite hum could be heard from something mechanical magical flying through the air, at a distance what appeared to be a large silver or mithril dragon came visible and was flying through the air, letting off bouts of fire from its maw, clouds seemed to be trailing off its body at this distance-

Moonshine: Calcifer heard most of the roaring start and peeked out of his hiding spot to watch daddy cry.

Fleetwolf: "Moonshine? You okay in here?" shi called out.

Mirius Pojoris: Her eyes widened at the sight around in the lair. Hearing the upset dragon she slowly started walking further into the cave. "Moonshine?" she called out.

Moonshine: All the would hear now is sobbing and painful cries. Cal moved out of the cupboard and toddled over to daddy and pushed on him in worry.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved further into the lair slowly as she heard the crying. She felt bad for Moonshine, knowing how the poor dragon was feeling. When she saw him there in the living room crying she would just stop and watch him for a moment, waiting for Fleet to move in further with her.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet had honed in on Fleety and Mirius, she had been out most of the day circling areas with the dragonmech at times invisible, trying to locate the necromancer's lair with little luck, but one area she thought might be a possibility, she had been having some problems with the mech, some of the intermost workings of the dragon kept wanting to over heat, something she needed to take closer look at back at her shop, but for now the metal dragon would circle and she would land it in a clearing then the mech would walk to hide in some tall trees and all systems shut down..Garnet worked with the latches on the cockpit and opened the hatch manually-

Fleetwolf: Fleety moved in deeper and saw Moonshine and the state he was in. "Oh Canis and Lupis." shi set the egg down and walked to Moonshine. "Are you okay Moonshine? You look pretty bad. Is Lene...okay?"

Moonshine: "Fleet? Where.... where is she? Where's Lene? Where's my mate? Who is hurting her?" he moaned a bit more, pain making his whole body hurt.

Fleetwolf: "I am not sure who has her, but we are going to get her." shi could feel his pain, and could also feel the faintness of the soul bond. Fleety would try to send calming, healing energy into the Moonshine to help deaden the pain.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved closer to Moonshine, frowning at him. She would stand by Fleety. "Some necromancer called Artisia took Ammy n' Rawsha...think Myrlene may've been taken, too. She n' Ammy went missin' the same night."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she took a moment to stretch and get her legs back before she took her old leather backpack from the back seat and put it on carefully, then she climbed down out of the hatch letting it close, the dragon would take a restful look almost looking like it was taking a nap,..Garnet hadnt ever been to Lene and Moonshines lair, but she slowly made her way up the trail, she noticed the line of furniture, rock and the anvil as she moved up toward the cave mouth, she wears her usual tinkerer's garb-

Moonshine: "I can feel...her in pain. I... say a lupe all in black and...undead." the healing energy was soothing his mind for a bit. He felt Calcifer pushing on him and he gathered his son close to him. Tears still stained his scaled cheeks.

Mirius Pojoris: "We'll get 'em back, Moonshine. I'm gonna see if I can find some more help, but I promise ye I'll die tryin' to get me daughter and yer mate and me n' Fleet's mate back," she said in a soft voice trying to comfort Moonshine. She would place a paw on Moonshine's neck and rub it to help comfort him.

Fleetwolf: "Easy Moon. I'm trying to dampen the pain your feeling. I am glad to know you both are alive still." shi looked about the lair in worry. "Where you able to feel where Lene is?"

Moonshine: "Some place...dark...cold... some much undead and evil..." he moaned more.

Garnet Prismpaw: -coming up to the mouth of the cave after a bit of a walk, she paused a moment as she took only a few steps to call out inside- "Mirius? Fleety?" -that dwarven accent with that lupe voice called out as she looked inside, she knew the two of them had entered the cave but this was someones home-

Fleetwolf: "It's okay Moonshine. Rest." shi fed him more energy and gave calcifer a pet on the head. So many people have been touched by all of this. Shi gave a sigh. "Moonshine, I need to ask a favor. Mirius daughter, Rawsha was caring for a dragon egg. I need you and Calcifer to take care of it while we work on getting all of them back."

Mirius Pojoris: Hearing Garnet she looked up and towards the entrance of the lair. "Think I heard Garnet." She got up and moved out of the leaving room and to the entrance. Eying Garnet she smiled some relieved that she was still okay, too. "Hey, Garnet." Mirius went to give her friend a hug.

Moonshine: "I don't know Fleet... So much pain.."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she smiled seeing Mirius, and hugged her- "good..glad yer alright." -she was relieved to see Mirius- "everything okay in there?"

Fleetwolf: "I want you to try, okay?" shi kept working on him soothing the pain over the link.

Moonshine: Calcifer ran to Mirius and hugged a leg whimpering.

Mirius Pojoris: "Moonshine's really upset that Myrlene's gone. He's takin' it really hard." She let go of Garnet when she felt something hugging her leg. Mirius looked down and saw Calcifer and smiled some at the cute child. She kneeled down to gently try and pick him up to hold him. "Hey there, lil' guy."

Moonshine: He whimpered as Mirius picked him up. He looked to his father worried and not knowing why daddy was mad or hurt. And mommy was gone some where. He tried to hide his muzzle in Mirius' chest.

Moonshine: "I'll try Fleet...I'll try... Really wish.... Lene would just be a normal mate and stay home..."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius held Calcifer close and gently craddled him. "Don't worry, Calcifer. I'm gonna find yer mamma. Yer daddy is just upset that yer mamma ain't here." She talked softly to Calcifer and would go to give a kiss on his forehead. Then she tried to distract the child some. "Have ye met Garnet?" She motioned a paw to Garnet.

Moonshine: The infant looked at Garnet with fear in his eyes. He was so scared right now.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet looked down at Calcifer and smiled watching the little one and Mirius, but nodded hearing Mirius, she looked back at the child- " 'ello there lit'le one.." -she smiled and thought a moment, she reached into one of the pockets of her leather lab coat, searching for something-

Fleetwolf: Fleety moved and checked Moonshine all over wincing every time shi saw a new gash, or scales missing here and there. "Your bond is very unique. The fact you live gives me hope that my daughter is still alive." shi set about healing the wounds.

Mirius Pojoris: "Garnet's a nice lady, too. She's gonna help us get yer mamma back home. Wanna be held by her?" she continued looking down at Calcifer as she talked to him.

Moonshine: Moonshine felt a cold seeping stiffness stir within him then roared in pain, bellowing fire and lighting as some of the scales on his tail turned to stone.

Garnet Prismpaw: -finding what she was looking for she took out a windup toy bunny, it was larger than the ones made in any factory, she kneeled down and looked up at the child as she wound the key just above the tail, and the bunny would start walking slowly across the stone floor- "something for the little one to play with" -the toy was probably about three inches tall and was a bunny stting on its big feet but could still march across the floor-

Moonshine: Calcifer didn't seem so sure about the other lady then he whimpered and cried when his daddy roared.

Fleetwolf: "Moonshine, no!" shi leaped forward and tried to wrestle his head away from blasting the others getting singed in the process.

Moonshine: His head pulled aside, another wall of the lair was charred. "Stone.... cold as stone... her leg..." he murmured in more pain.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius tried to cover Calcifer's ears and hold the child closer and nuzzle his neck. She looked at Garnet very worriedly. When she saw the toy she sat down by the toy that was walking across the floor and tries to get Calcifer's attention to it. "Hey, look at that." she pointed at the bunny.

Moonshine: Cal whimpered more until he was shown the bunny and he seemed to quiet down just a smidge to look at the toy.

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked at the stone scales as bits of hir fur were smoking. That didn't look good.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked at Calcifer and frowned hearing Moonshine, she would smile back at the child and watch the toy bunny move, it would hit a small bump in the floor and turn around and start marching the other way...she was glad she had made the wind up toys movement last a long while, she thought a moment-

Fleetwolf: Shi went back to work on Moonshine. "I am going to try and shield or isolate you from the bond until we get Lene back. It's going get you or someone else killed at this rate." shi set about to set a barrier on the soul link.

Moonshine: Calcifer enjoyed the moving bunny then looked around. " momma?"

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius continued cradling the infant in her arms, occasionally nuzzling him and whispering in his ears that his mother was going to return home soon and not to worry. She was getting worried for Calcifer, like she was for Rawsha. A few tears would roll down Mirius' cheeks thinking how alone and scared Rawsha must be.

Garnet Prismpaw: -the toy would slowly start to wind down and Garnet would move over to it picking it up, she would move back to Mirius and Calcifer, offering the metal and cloth toy to the boy- "this is for you." -she would give the toy to him, and then put an arm around Mirius in a hug- "ev'rythings going to be alright..Mirius...we'll get her back.." -she knew the mother was worried for her little girl-

Moonshine: Moonshine felt the link start to fade a little from the barrier being built then the link opened up wide and he was in her head. He could see her floating, being tugged by some magical force, then he saw Ammy in the corner of some cell screaming for lene to be let go. "Lene! Lene! Who has you? Why are you floating? Why is Ammy in chains?" then it hit him the same time it hit Lene. Coldness started within him as more scales started turning to stone.

Moonshine: The pain and stiffening of the spell over the link made him thrash in instinctual self deffense.

Fleetwolf: Fleety was caught by surprise and found a tail smashing hir away from the dragain and against a set of shelves. Wood splinted and cracked, glass dishes shattered and shi landed with a thump. "Some help in here please!"

Mirius Pojoris: "Go help, Fleet, Garnet. I'll take care of Calcifer." She would continue to hold the infant close to herself.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she heard Moonshine and watched him, she saw the scales turning to stone and her eyes went wide, even from this far away she recognized the spell and her jaw dropped, she got once Fleety went flying and moved further into the lair-

Fleetwolf: Shi extricated hirself from the debris and staggered back over to Moonshine and tried to help. Fleety shut the bond down between Moon and Lene with more sudenness than shi liked. Moonshine still thrashed, hitting Fleety again with a tail slowly turning to stone. Shi didn't let go and kept working on seperating Moon from Lene.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she cast a spell over Moonshine, shimmering white and green light came from her hand, she only hoped her spell worked over the thrashing dragon, she cast a calming spell over him, she saw the horror and pain in his eyes and her heart ached-

Moonshine: He would soon stop thrashing between the care of Fleety and Garnet. The petrification slowed then stopped claiming only part of his tail and belly scales. He roared in a bellow of grief as he saw before the link slammed shut was Lene turned into a stone statue reaching for her mother. He sobbed and cried nearing some point of histeria.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she would move up to the dragon slowly and kept calming energy going through him for just a few moments longer, she saw the stone scales, of his belly and tail, she swallowed a bit as the calming spells casting had ended, she looks over at Fleety...then at the shelves and plates and all that had been broken- "ye alright Fleety?"

Fleetwolf: Shi was a bit busted up and hir back was bleeding from glass and splinters. Shi couldn't remove hir paw from Moonshine as what shi saw through his mind made hir howl in agony and lost. It was the sound of a parent losing a child. Shi wept with Moonshine.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius tried humming a lullaby for the child in her arms to try and keep the child comforted. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she silently cried to herself. The constant thoughts of the kidnappings making her more sad.

Moonshine: Calcifer hugged her back not knowing what all was going on. Bunny toy clutched like a lifeline. ""

Fleetwolf: "My little girl." shi murmured and finally let go of the dragon. "My little girl..." shi slumped staring blindly at the debris around hir.

Mirius Pojoris: "Yer mamma will be back. Don't worry." she said sadly and softly to Calcifer and caressed the child with a paw.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked at them all, she couldnt heal but she could help, she would move her paw over Fleety's back, without touching and pulled glass and splinters from his wounds with magic, the debris in the cuts would come to her paw like a magnet and float around her paw, then she turned to the mess on the floor, the one from the shelf first and all the pieces would be gathered up with her magic, it had been a long time since she had cast magic so freely, but the mess needed to be cleaned up before...someone got hurt, she thought a moment and moved the pile of wood and glass, around in the air forming a display case with a wooden base and glass cabinet out of the torn up shelf and set it near a wall,...something made out of the debris-

Moonshine: Cal burbled at Mirius for a moment.

Fleetwolf: Fleety watched Garnet clear things up and shi gave one final sob then stood, wincing. Shi put a paw on Moonshine and spoke very, very softly. "Moonshine, I am sorry... we both lost someone dear to us... for the moment. Come, let me get you to your room so you may rest. You're hurt, so am I and you have two little ones to watch. Come." shi kept whispering.

Moonshine: "Lene.. she.. can't be... I won't believe it.." he did stand though and would follow Fleety's gentle coaxing into the back of the lair.

Garnet Prismpaw: -once that was cleared up, she cast a repair spell on the wall were moonshine had left it scortched, the wall would very slowly start to mend and clean,,she then moved over to Mirius as Fleety moved off..she looked at Calcifer and just smiled, she was a little at a loss for words at the moment-

Mirius Pojoris: She sniffled and wiped her tears away and smiled down at Calcifer. "Yer a cute lil' thing. Yer momma wouldn't ever leave a thing like ye." She kissed the infant's head one more time. Mirius slowly stood up and carried him into the living room hearing things calm down some.

Fleetwolf: Shi guided him to the resting area and had him lay down then leaned hard against him. "Rest. Please rest. Your mate will want to be with you when she gets back. I make this vow that I'll trade my life to get her back. I am sure she is still....alive." shi almost choked on the words.

Moonshine: "Lene, lene... my lene.... come home..." he cried for her.

Fleetwolf: "Rest Moonshine." shi spoke and put magic to those words and filled the dragon with a sleeping spell for the night. Shi raised a paw and Rawsha's egg would float out of the living room and into the back. Fleety positioned it right next to Moonshine to keep warm.

Moonshine: The magic claimed him, his body to exhausted to fight it and he was out. The egg next to him.

Mirius Pojoris: "How're ye n' Vuu doin', Garnet?" she looked to Garnet as she asked softly trying to get her mind of things.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stepped away once the dragon was slumbering and shuffled to the living room. She didn't make much noise and the look of loss and pain was etched onto hir muzzle deeply.

Moonshine: Calcifer made gestures wanting to be held by Fleety.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked around the cave a moment, she saw the dragon's egg,..floating toward the back of the lair, she would look at Mirius- "we are doing alright..." -she smiled and watched Fleety a moment as shi moved into the room once more-

Mirius Pojoris: Noticing Calcifer's movement's she moved over to Fleet. "Think the lil' one wants to be held by ye, Fleet," she'd say before responding to Garnet, "that's good to hear. Glad ye two are gettin' along."

Fleetwolf: Shi took hir grandson and held him close. Shi turned and walked back into the back petting Calcifer and repeatedly saying 'sorry' to him.

Mirius Pojoris: With a long sigh she rested her paws on her head. She walked over to Garnet. "I think I'm gonna be askin' Iggy to help us."

Fleetwolf: Shi put him to bed with moonshine and watched them both silently in the dim room. Brilliant blue eyes a bit diluted with tears. Hir back stung like hell and shi could hear blood drip on the stone floor. The images of Lene turning to stone made hir heart stop for a few beats.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet nodded some- "it might be best." -with everything she had just seen go on inside the lair, with Moonshine' pain and then the scales turning to stone and everything she knew about magic casters she was really starting to worry even more than before-

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-12 06:18 EST
Vuusoolta Wolf: He had left the Den to find Garnett. She'd been gone a while on scouting trips and he was not worried. He didn't want to risk something bad happening to her. Vuu passed debris on the trail to his little step sisters lair and he moved faster.

Mirius Pojoris: "What 'bout Vuu? Ye talk to him yet 'bout what happened?"

Fleetwolf: Shi left the room and stayed in the shadows of the hallway, listening to the others but not watching. Hir eyes were closed as shi wept quietly.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she nodded- "aye i told him all about everything..and he knows im out scouting.." -she paused a moment- "i think i might have found the place...but im not was hard to get close.. some magic might have been warding me off...but i think i saw an undead dragging a body into a wasn't to far from...were the war took place."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He caught sight of an anvil torn from mounting bolts burried in soft ground as he neared the lair. Moving quicker he approached the lair and hesitanly called out. "Hello?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Maybe we should do some foot scoutin' 'round there er somethin'." She sighed and started pacing around in the living room. When she heard a voice she looked to Garnet. "Am I hearin' voices?" She wasn't even sure why she asked that. Her mind was getting clouded from all the thoughts racing through her mind.

Garnet Prismpaw: -her ears perked as she looked up toward the entrance of the cave-..."Vuu?" -her mood lightened a little as she called out- "we're in here Vuu!"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Are things okay in their?" he moved in closer. "I'm not going to get hit by a sink am I?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Will hit ye wit' me fist," she slightly smiled only meaning it as a joke trying to get herself to cheer up some. "Moonshine's calmed down some now I think...not as violent as he was earlier."

Garnet Prismpaw: "alls clear..." -she called over, she was still standing in the livingroom she looked over at Mirius- "well i brought...the supplies...i could do a scrying..see if i can pinpoint on something"

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu moved inside and saw the two and the mess. "Boy, you girls can throw a party." he tried to keep the lighter mood up. He was quite concerned for his step sister and step mother.

Mirius Pojoris: She moved to Vuusoolta to give him a hug, as odd as it'd be coming from her to him. Mirius looked over to Garnet and nodded. "If ye can I'd be grateful, Garnet."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He gave her a hug back, a bit surprised as well, but didn't comment. She had to be feeling misreable. "So you have a possible lead then Garnet?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she moved over to Vuu and hugged him glad to see him, she smelt like leather and metal from being inside the mech for long periods of time, she had to smile at Mirius and Vuu- " far i saw something dragging a corpse into a forest...but about that time the dragonmech decided to start acting up...and well i got a bit turned around...if i can do a scrying maybe i can tell us more.." -she gave Vuu another small hug-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu hugged Garnet and enjoyed the scents. "That would be a good idea. If we can get a possible lead I could send some troops in to take a closer look."

Mirius Pojoris: A few steps were taken back afer hugging Vuusoolta. A long look was taken to him as she thought about Vuu and then remembered he was strong with magic. "Hey, Vuu? Do ye think ye could help us get our family back?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "More than anything, I would like to do that Mirius."

Fleetwolf: Shi remained in the dark hallway. Hir ears flicked some hearing Vuu but shi didn't move.

Mirius Pojoris: "Thanks, Vuu," she gave a sincere and thankful smile at him. "I'm gonna go find Fleet." Mirius turned to go find Fleet and when she did she saw hir sitting there in the hallway. Quietly, she walked over to hir to wrap her arms around hir for a big hug.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Dad is here?"

Fleetwolf: Shi leaned into that hug and cried. "Lene..." shi mumbled.

Vuusoolta Wolf: A look to Garnet. "How can I help love?"

Mirius Pojoris: She gave Fleety a kiss on the side of hir muzzle and held hir close. "We'll get her back too, Fleet," she whispered to hir.

Fleetwolf: "She's... a statue Mirius..." shi cried.. "I saw what Moonshine saw. She's been turned to stone!" shi burried hir muzzle into hir hands. Being hugged, Mirius may note that Fleety's back was slick with blood.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she was still wearing her backpack, she moves over to a open bit of stone floor and sits down, opening the pack, she takes out the bit of the ghoul undeads wrapping and flesh she had found, and the ripped up officer's badge from Lene's uniform, she lays them to the side carefully, she looked back through her bag- "well i havent done this to many times." -she thought a moment- "yes yer dad is here..shi might need ye...shi was pretty roughed up"

Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked at the bits of uniform and badge. He growled softly. "I should never had let Lene join the Fangs." he said soflty. "Call me if you need me love." he turned and went in search of Fleet and Mirius."

Mirius Pojoris: That shocked her and her eyes widened hearing that. "No..please no...." She gave hir another tight hug before realizing there was blood on her arm from Fleet's bleeding back. Mirius quickly got up to go find a towel of some sort and bring it back to Fleet to dry the blood off of hir back. "I'm so sorry, Fleet." she softly cried as she tried cleaning up some of his blood.

Fleetwolf: "I don't want to lose another daughter." shi yipped as the towel touched hir back. "Ammy always blamed herself for the chaos our family got into. Truth be told, I am most likely the cause of our mishaps. My whole familiy and Den have been cursed with blood and destruction."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she smiles a little at Vuu and nods, she takes out a portable scrying bowl a bottle of pure water and a clear container of white sand, she then took out an old book and flipped through the pages, here she was a master tinkerer and a good mage, still studying lots of things but, scrying hadnt been a strong area for her, she could do it though, she took a moment to read up on method-

Vuusoolta Wolf: He heard voices from a hallway and slowed down. He listened to his fathers words and gave a small sigh. Dad was still blaming himself for the wars. He didn't intrude just yet.

Mirius Pojoris: She tried to be as careful as she could to try up the blood on hir back. "Why ye gonna blame yerself? 'Cause people like me were the ones destroyin' families like yers?" Mirius sighed. "It just ain't yer fault, Fleet. It's other peoples'."

Fleetwolf: "If I was around, maybe I could have helped talked the Dens into cooperation." shi wrung hir hands for a moment or two. "I want Lene and Ammy back. Rawsha too. I want us all to be a whole family again."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You should listen to Mirius, dad. There are things even you can't stop. They just have to happen." he moved into the hallway. He could smell the blood and hear the yipping. "Let me look at your back."

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet looked over the items before her and made sure the scrying bowl was clean, she opened the bottle of pure clean water and poured some of it into the bowl until it was just over half full, then she recapped the bottle and set it back into her bag-

Fleetwolf: Fleety grimmaced a moment hearing Vuu. Shi leaned forward to let Mirius and Vuu work on hir back.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved her paws away from fleety's back so Vuu could look at it. She also gave a look to Vuusoolta as a silent 'Thank you'. "A whole family sounds nice," she said with a passive smile that came on its own. "

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Looks like you tangled with a dragon and lost." he spoke softly and touched hir back, starting to heal it. "Yeah. One big family. One big family that is going to kick tail seven ways to hell when we find out who took Ammy, Lene and Rawsha.

Mirius Pojoris: "Iimii said it was some necromancer named Artisia, but we don't know where she's even at."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she then opened the container of white sand and smoothed it over with her paw, she would set the container on the floor and looke back at a few drawings in the book-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Garnet is working on that. Anyone else going to help us? How is Moonshine?"

Fleetwolf: "Moonshine is no good right now. I had to slam shut his bond with Lene. The pain she was put through drove him mad." shi motioned to the wrecked lair. "And he won't be any good when he wakes. Lenes...Vuu you're little sister has been turned into a stone statue."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You can turn her back to flesh, right?" he asked Fleety.

Mirius Pojoris: "I was thinkin' I could go ask Igneous if he could help us." She put a paw on Fleety's shoulder and rubbed it to try and give him some comfort.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she stood and took off the leather lab-coat, she was now just wearing the blacksmith apron the work belt, a grey shirt and her black leather pants, she folded the coat and layed it nearby before sitting down, near the bowl again she was comfortable and tried to clear her mind-

Fleetwolf: Shi sighed and looked misreable. "I may be powerful in magic... but I don't know every spell. So, no, I cant turn her back." Shi listened to Mirius a moment. "Might work."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He finished healing hir back then hugged his father. "Hey. Don't worry about it too much. We'll get her and the others back and then find someone who can. Maybe Garnet can deal with stone." a glance to Mirius in thought. "Igneous would be in a hard place to say no sense he has signed a pact to help the Den.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she thought a moment just as she was relaxing, she looked toward the hall and called out...her accent thick- "i think i can start the scry now...might be best fer you lot to hear what i see...i'll try to talk it out as i scry"

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-12 06:58 EST
Vuusoolta Wolf: "Okay." he stood and pulled his father out with him to sit around Garnet and listen.

Fleetwolf: Shi followed.

Mirius Pojoris: She nodded to Vuusoolta. "Yeah, he owes us anyways. He's done alotta crap and it's time he's helped repay us." Mirius stood up and would follow them to where Garnet is.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she would put a fingertip into the white sand as the others gathered nearby and start to draw the runes to help strengthen her abilities, she then wiped her paw clean and sat before the scrying bowl, fingers barely touched the water as she spoke a short spell over the water and the bowl, both started to glow faintly and she focused on the surface of the water as she held the ghoul skin and the officers patch in her paw-

Fleetwolf: Shi waited and listened.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she would start to scry and spoke of what she saw as she went layer upon layer deeper,going from seeing them sititng around her to the lene's lair to the glen- "i see images of the forest...this family home...the glen..all seems peaceful..." -she paused in her speaking as the visions shifted as she reached further past the area they were in-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu sat by Garnet, ready to help where he could.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved to Fleet's side to wrap an arm around hir and keep her comforted, though Mirius was wanting some physical comfort as well.

Fleetwolf: Fleety gave Mirius a hug and wrapped an arm around her then nuzzled her neck even.

Garnet Prismpaw: -her magic urged on by the feel of the cloth and patch in her fingers, her eyes were focused somewhere on the waters surface, she saw the forest from above as if she had been in her dragonmech,then- "the forests thick and green...then i come to a vast open plains, forests dotted, here and there...great battle took place there, though the land has been cleansed"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "That's near to Fang Wood Den." he remarked.

Mirius Pojoris: She returned a nuzzle to Fleet's neck and a kiss to her cheek as she listened to Garnet.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she might have agreed had she not been deep in visions- "a new home for many has been built.and starts to thrive" -her visions flicker before her- "wide open feilds of tall grass, animals survive there.."

Fleetwolf: Fleety listened quietly and returned the kiss to Mirius though not watching and it was on the lips.

Mirius Pojoris: Her eyes widened some and she looked at Fleet, being complete distracted from listening to Garnet by the kiss on her lips.

Fleetwolf: Fleety didn't realize what shi did as shi listened and just moved Mirius closer, hugging her. Shi was feeling lost and lonely.

Garnet Prismpaw: "there is much life and nature is plenty..forests and plains go on for what seems like miles." -there was another pause, her fingers moved the cloth and lene's patch as she focused- "i..i come to the edge of a vast thriving forest.."

Vuusoolta Wolf: While she scryed, he pulled out maps and looked them over trying to locate where she was seeing.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she had spoke about the glen, Fang Wood Den the vast openlands, her visions had taken many twists and turns as she tried to follow them, the miles of forest and open lands could have been in many directions there were large areas of forest in alot of directtions...the larger ones where thick forests with lots of thick trees, vines, thorn bushes...people didnt wonder into much anymore-

Mirius Pojoris: She just held Fleet as close as she could and went to listen to Garnet again, hearing about a forest. "Forest..." she sighed. Forests made her think about losing Ammy.

Fleetwolf: Hugged Mirius closer now. "It'll be okay." shi whispered.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He did his best using strategy to find any clues on the map, he kept listening to Garnet hoping her scrying would work.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she continued to scry, it took a moment for her to speak again as in her mindseye she was seeing the size and thick masses of trees- "forests untouched by men..for many many long centuries" -she uttered as she continued, she was able to move on as she was quiet-

Fleetwolf: "Were you and ammy in a forest?" shi whispered to Mirius.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius nodded to Fleety. "We were. It's when She n' I split up n' she got attacked," she whispered back to Fleet.

Fleetwolf: "Ah, that's Ammy..." shi whispered sadly. "Always one to do things on her own." shi patted Mirius on the hand and leaned against her.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Hmm." he murmured softly looking at several variation of the maps from different survey times comparing the topography.

Garnet Prismpaw: "the forest goes on...greens and some reds and fall soon will take on fully" -she went on with the vision and scrying telling what she say, then as her mindseye moved on through the trees she gave a small gasp as she spoke- "the forest grows dark...the trees are gnarled and twisted....the ground is black...thorn bushes and dense over growth remains"

Mirius Pojoris: She smiled some and leaned her head gently against Fleety's. Mirius would continue whispering to Fleety very quietly to not interrupt Garnet. "I still don't know a lot 'bout her. Still feel gaps of things I should know sometimes."

Fleetwolf: "Welcome to my world Mirius. I'm married to her and I still don't know everything. Ammy is... a bit troubled some days with her past. Canis I still love her though, and you as well."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He was still looking. Some of the maps disagreed on the forest borders. He listened more.

Mirius Pojoris: "Should we tie her down to a bed n' force information outa her when we get her back?" She gave a small grin to Fleet trying to humor them both some.

Dragonlover: Flashing in the night, the DFLEA badge shines as it hangs on the utility belt of rookiee Flea Verbosk. Sent on what many would consider a kid's errand, dispatch sent him out here to gain information on the situation with his missing Lieutenant. All the trappings of law enforcement are there, aside from a gun, which he doesn't know how to use given his background.

Fleetwolf: Shi gave Mirius a look of surprise. "I thought you were a bit off on Wolf's?" shi said in a whisper with a grin.

Garnet Prismpaw: -as her mind continues on she speaks of creatures moving in the shadows- "skeletons...spirits dark beings...moving in the woods" -she takes a breath and continues, she pushes her mind on as she didnt want to get stuck in the vision and have to end it...she continued to scry- "there...far in the dead woods...a large clearing...a building...ruins.." -she focused more-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu listened intently now. Ruins. A gaze on the maps again. Several ruins were out in those forests. But which one?

Dragonlover: The draconian, naturally worried but disappointed with this particular assignment--his run-in with the Black Fangs sent him on a huge investigation in regards to their activities and members, which was turning to be a lot more difficult than one would think--comes up to the door and knocks, announcing without waiting for a response, "DFLEA. Please open up." Call it habit.

Fleetwolf: There wasn't a door left in the front of the lair. Fleety heard someone and stood quietly and moved for the entry way. "Who is it?" shi asked quietly, katana suddenly in hir hand, naked steel exposed.

Mirius Pojoris: She just grinned at Fleet but did not say anything for now. Instead she just held him close. Until he went to see who was outside.

Dragonlover: "DFLEA, Agent Verbosk. Can I please come in?" It's only proper, even though he recognizes the voice inside.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood in the open entry of the lair. Debris scattered about the place. "What do you wish Verbosk?" shi asked with little emotion.

Dragonlover: Grey eyes peer about the ruined entry way as he steps across the threshold. "Dispatch sent me down. We can't find anything leading us toward Lene... What happened in here?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -her eyes stayed focused on the scrying bowl the water glimmered and glowed as she seemed locked on it as she spoke- "...their is a great statue...defaced ...buildings in ruin...a fountain..dry and crumbling......a cathedral." -her mindseye she was standing at the doors of the ruined unhallowed cathedral...her grey fur stood slightly on end as she continuied on-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius listened to the description Garnet was telling them and she thought long and hard about the area. She was kind of use to forests and things of that sort.

Fleetwolf: "Moonshine went into rage from Lenes disappearance. He's calm, sedated, and resting now." shi blocked the hallway. Shi didn't want the scrying interrupted. "As for for my daughter... she's a captive."

Vuusoolta Wolf: Cathedral! He moved all but two maps aside. There were two cathedrals in that area. He motioned for Mirius to come over to him.

Dragonlover: "We figured as much. No trace of her, plus the racket Moonshine made was enough to wake the dead." He stops a couple paces away from Fleety and peers behind hir. "What's going on back there?"

Mirius Pojoris: Seeing Vuusoolta's movements she moved over to his side and looked at the map he had.

Garnet Prismpaw: "an alter...smashed to from a once beautiful stained glass window" -she was seeing bits and peices the images coming at her faster but harder for her to lock onto..she clutched the peice of ghoul skin and the ripped up patch from Lene's uniform in her paw as she was able to slow the flow of images and concentrate-

Fleetwolf: "A magical procedure that requires severe concentration. We are trying to divine the lair of the one who took her, my mate, and my adopted daughter Rawsha. And I must say I am sad to report this, but tell you supervisors that we have seen Lene... she's a stone statue."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Mirius. can you remember where roughly in the forrest you and Ammy were?"

Garnet Prismpaw: "a stairway.....down..vaults...vaults and crypts." -she spoke of what she was seeing in the visions-

Mirius Pojoris: "Uhm," she thought a good moment and retraced the thoughts on what happened. Then she looked at the map closely and pointed out the general area they were in.

Dragonlover: Cold-faced and mourning beneath the procedure of this dull assignment, Verbosk continues with the questions, digging out his notepad so he knows exactly what to tell his supervisors. "Alive, or just incapped?"

Dragonlover: He refused to accept her as dead.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Ah." he nodded. "Hmm... yes, yes that would put you guys closer to this cathedral than the other."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Though a hundred miles away is quite a trek for the captors."

Fleetwolf: "We... don't know. Moonshine still lives, so we can only assume she's still alive.

Dragonlover: "You said two other were with her. Ammy and Rawsha, correct?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Though, I think the other one further back may be it. She's in vaults. The survey on these maps say the closer of the two had now lower levels and just a grave yard. This one though...." he tapped a larger set of ruins, has estimation markers and depth columns for digging down deep."

Fleetwolf: "Yes." shi said with coldness.

Fleetwolf: Shi still couldn't believe that this was happening.

Dragonlover: "Do you have any information on her captor, her location?"

Fleetwolf: Shi just shook hir head. "No. We are still looking." shi lied a little, but Fleety was sure that DFLEA had no capacity for dealing with the undead and shi didn't want to give the enemy anymore undead troops.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius listened to both Garnet and Vuusoolta as they both explained things. She nodded to Vuusoolta.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she paused a moment and urged the visions futher, her mindseye leading her on- "a door...i see a great worship hall...with carpets and rugs...rooms leading off...theres a door...its sealed...locked.." -she took a breath-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You can do it Garnet." he whispered encouragement.

Dragonlover: At this, Verbosk peered at her. "And yet you also allege that you saw her as a statue, incapacitated through obviously magical means."

Dragonlover: "How do you explain this?"

Fleetwolf: "I gleaned some of the visions Moonshine was getting from her before I shut their bond link down. If I hadn't he would be stone just as her or worse. On a rampage destroying everything looking for her." this was the dead honest truth.

Dragonlover: "I see... Then what is your stance in regards to the situation? It's obvious you are doing -something- otherwise you wouldn't be stopping me, Fleety. A rescue operation?"

Fleetwolf: "I am merely ensuring that we get information accurately, agent Verbosk." shi crossed hir arms, katana magically gone.

Garnet Prismpaw: "undead mingle close just like in the their soulless walk.."-she struggled and pushed on, then her visions flashed again- "i...i see." -her eyes widdened as she spoke but she stayed focused- "...Lene.." -her voice cracked, her mind was to deep in the scrying to stop herself from speaking or she would have- "She's a the center of a fountian of water and blood...wings outstretched...she quickly made the visions go see if she could see the others, her mind deep into the scry-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu went silent and uttered a foul curse in Lupesh.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius sighed, she already heard that from Fleet, but that didn't mean hearing it a second time wasn't unpleasant. She was feeling a bit bad not getting to know Myrlene that well. She was a sweet girl.

Dragonlover: The notepad is put away, and the draconian brings his mouth close to Fleety's ear. "As a friend of the family, I care for her as much as you. What's really going on, and what should I tell DFLEA? Is it wise for us to continue searching for her, or should we let you do this alone?"

Fleetwolf: "Tell your superiors that the matter is under control and that to pursue this course any further would only aid the enemy. We are dealing with a necromancer here, and I don't want give it any more troops. I and a few others will get them out. Focus on the Den."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she had tapped into her fledgling abilities in scrying to bring the information she had, and now, the rest of her senses had become alive in her mind, she could smell the dead and decay in the air inside the necromancer's lair, she could hear the ungodly sounds as her vision went to that of a dark room- "i see..a dark room..smell damp straw...the outline of cages" -she paused- "i hear crying.." -oh how she wanted to reach out and find the one who made the sounds, she struggled to make the darkness in the vision clear-

Dragonlover: "Should I alert the Mage's Guild?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Crying?" she looked at Garnet with a worried expression.

Fleetwolf: "No. This necromancer has taken down my wife and a very powerful young mage as well as made mincemeat of Iimiidiina. It is not something to be triffled with lightly."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He listened tensely. He could hear his father with Verbosk but kept focused on Garnet.

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-12 07:16 EST
Dragonlover: "Very well. It's in your paws, then. Just be sure you don't fail." With that, Verbosk turns toward the wall, his back to Fleety, and starts speaking into the radio. "22 to Dispatch. This is Agent Verbosk, come in."

Fleetwolf: "Not to mention my daughter...." shi didn't continue.

Belian Thundergem: -as the lupe mage was scrying trying to focus, the image went pitch black, the sounds of crying turned to screams of agony and dispair in her mind, the screams were not of what she was hearing in the vision of the scry but her own, then she would see his face, Bellian, those black clouded eyes that calm before a storm--in her mind she hears in his deep angry dwarven voice- ~"what are yeh little rat?"~

Garnet Prismpaw: -seeing what flickered into her mind just as she was trying to make her visions stronger..Garnets body went rigid, her eyes feel with fear, her body starts to tremble, she is unable to clear her mind, unable to hear what was happening around her, her eyes gained an eerie clouded but fearfilled look to them, she heard Belian the voice loud and clear in her mind and saw his face-

Garnet Prismpaw: -she became silent except troubled breaths-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu didn't like this. He moved to Garnet and put a paw on her to ascertain what was going on.

Belian Thundergem: -Garnet's mind is filled with with visions of the far realms, outside the plains of exsistance, for a moment she catches a glimpse of one of the old true gods, just as she feels her sanity buckle from the strain, she is thrown back, Vuu would feel an evil energy surge through him it was empty and cold..much like nothingness had a was only a fraction of the terror that Garnet had just seen-

Dragonlover: ~We hear you, 22. What is it?~ "Alert Sgt. Swiftpaw that the situation down here is under control. Fleetian Wolf is involved with the search mission for Lieutenant Lene, who is currently IMM but well." ~Copy that, Agent.~ "Any further orders?" ~That is a negative, Verbosk. Should I alert the Mage's Guild or mobilize our special units?~ "Negative, negative, Dispatch. Fleetian has this handled."

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet receives a punch with such great force it had to have been given by the fist of some vast titan, she is sent from her sitting posistion back into the wall of the cave behind her, and her body slips down it to the floor..-

Dragonlover: ~I shall alert Sgt. Swiftpaw, then. Resume normal duties, 22.~ "Copy that. Out."

Garnet Prismpaw: -the scrying bowl was knocked over and the water spilt from it the spell fades-

Belian Thundergem: -a booming voice with a dwarven accent can be heard by all in the living room and near the door- "oh crumbs in meh beard...but I ain't eating crackers...Careful now or i'll wipe ye all out" -was it a threat? or some crazed dwarf.? A loud croak of a toad could be heard after the voice echoed, then all went quiet again.

Fleetwolf: "What the Fen?" shi moved back into the lair but threw up a barier to keep anyone else out.

Dragonlover: He turns back to Fleety... then automatically draws his knapstick at the voice that echoes down the walls. "Great Frith! What was that?!"

Mirius Pojoris: "Garnet?" She got to her feet quickly in worry. Then hearing the voice. "Who's sayin' that?"

Dragonlover: Verbosk tries to follow Fleety inside.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu moved for Garnet. He heard the voice. Great. The necromancer has allies. "Garnet, you okay?" he touched her throat.

Fleetwolf: "What happened in here?" shi asked seeing Garnet on the floor by the wall.

Garnet Prismpaw: -ow..magical force then..wall then floor, she was stunned, she felt the touch on her throat..she responded by curling up into a ball, her mind still flooded with the images she has seen-

Dragonlover: In a nervous fit, the draconian looks about for any enemies, that knapstick clenched in his hand tightly.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Garnet, it's me, Vuu." he let flow some healing energy and calmness. He felt her mind was jarred.

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked about. Shi felt something vile had come in and reacted right away to cleanse the lair of it.

Mirius Pojoris: "I don't know, Fleet....Somethin' just sent Garnet flyin' back into the wall..."

Fleetwolf: "Sounds like the Artisa has some help. We need to speak with Igneous quickly. If this necromancer has allies we will need more help."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she opened one eye, after feeling the healing and calmness come over..she was still trembling as she sat up and clung to Vuu...she felt drained from the scrying and her mind would take time to come back to what was real, she heard the others talk, even if she wanted to at the moment she couldnt utter a phrase-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Cmon Garnet. Come back to us babe."

Mirius Pojoris: "Should I leave now to go talk to Igneous?" she looked to Fleet.

Fleetwolf: "Mirius, watch after these two. I'll be right back." Fleety spoke and vanished in sparkles.

Dragonlover: Verbosk kept watch also, his nerves back to him and one hand hovering near his radio, just in case they need help.

Mirius Pojoris: She blinked when he disappeared. With a sigh she moved over Garnet and Vuusoolta. "Garnet? Ye okay?"

He gave her supporting hugs.

Fleetwolf: Fleety soon flashed back into view with a rather disgruntled Igneous in tow.

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-12 07:45 EST
Igneous: "Now just a damn minute here. Who the hell are you? How did you know where I was? And Lupis, are you a cross dresser?" he growled at Fleety.

Garnet Prismpaw: -those lite violet eyes blinked as she heard them, she stayed close to Vuu..clinging with hugs, she was still in mental shock..but took some breaths as she shook her head- "..Vuu.....Mirius?" -she could still see the visions in her mind both the scrying and the ones forced upon her, her voice was quiet-

Dragonlover: Verbosk stares at Igneous for just a moment. Some were still bitter about the war.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Easy, love, easy. You had a right bit of nasty business that happened." he nuzzled her.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would go to give Garnet a small hug before hearing Igneous. She quickly stood up and saw Igneous there talking to Fleet. "Well, if it ain't the old dog."

Fleetwolf: "Fleetian Wolf, husband of Ammy Spiritor. Don't get me started on disliking you. I know where a lot of people are and my tastes in clothes and gender is my own business. He's all yours Mirius. Theres a room in the back if you want." shi walked over to Vuu and Garnet to check on them.

Igneous: Jaw dropped open as he heard that name. Oh, oh, oh, the urge to stab the lupe in the back was great. Igneous even looked like he was planning on killing Fleet.

Dragonlover: The Flea cannot help but keep a very close on their past enemy.

Igneous: Then he heard Mirius and sighed. "Great, it's you." he turned and faced Mirius.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius walked over to Igneous, staring at him. "You don't sound pleased to see me. Thought ye had a tihng fer Spiritor women?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she buried her face into Vuu, still trembling..she started to sob- "i..i...thought i lost you." -she had been very badly effected in just the few short moments before she had been thrown from her seat-

Igneous: "I have a thing for Spiritor women except you and Ammy. You two are just trouble. Now why did that girly boy Wolf over there haul me here to who knows where for what?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You didn't lose me." he said gently trying to soothe her.

Fleetwolf: He knelt by the two and looked them over. "You look like you've had a very rough day Garnet. Want me to take a few things off of your mind?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Ye had the hots fer us, don't lie." She smiled some and motioned for him to follow her down the hallway to be in more privacy. "Back here, please. Some things happened and we really need to talk."

Igneous: "Yes, I wanted to nail you both, but that's in the past." Igneous grudgingly followed her to the back.

Mirius Pojoris: She sighed and leaned against the wall. "All jokes aside....we really need yer help wit' somethin'. Ammy, Rawsha n' Myrlene were a necromancer named Artisia."

Igneous: That made him pause for a long moment.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked up as Fleety knelt by them, tears trailing down her cheeks, she stayed close to Vuu, she couldnt really come up with an answer. even if it was simple, she just laid her head against Vuu's shoulder, the trembling continuing., she was for the moment a complete wreck-

Mirius Pojoris: "Please?" She looked at him with pleading eyes. "I need to get me daughter back. And Ammy and Myrlene. I don't want to lose her, Iggy." A tear and down her cheek. "And ye know how I feel. Ye lost one of yer own. Even I woulda helped her if I could've. I'm askin' ye to do the same fer me."

Fleetwolf: "Keep hugging her." shi said to Vuu and then hir cool paw touche Garnets head and shi looked through her memories seeing much the dwarf did. Shi sought those memories and slowly took them upon hirself.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Shi would see the vast hellish nothingness..that to even scholors is hard to explain..insanity was result to most normal people who caught a glimpse of the farrealms-

Igneous: "Artisia. That's a name I haven't heard in some time. Necromancy eh? Always knew that kid hated the lack of hugs and love in that family." He looked back at Mirius. "Crying now? Honestly woman, you're tougher than this. As for helping... " he went quiet in thought.

Fleetwolf: Fleety took all of that on. Shi's seen much worse and recent events helped hir wrap up the visions and lock them away safely. "Just breath Garnet. Relax."

Mirius Pojoris: Hearing him talking about her crying, she quickly went to give him a punch in the side of his face.

Igneous: He caught the fist. "Now that's more like it. I'd rather not help you in your plight, but I am in several debts as it is to you, the Den, and others. I'll help where I can."

Igneous: "But be warned, you're dealing with a Fangghoul mage. That family was never known to be nice or sane."

Igneous: "Her father was one of the higher up war mages. Last time I was in that realm, he was the 3rd general of the Spiritor Armies."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Hey peaches, you going to be okay?"

Mirius Pojoris: She growled when he caught her first and lowered her paw. "Ye were mournin' the death of her kid, too. Ye ain't gotten no room to be sayin' crap like that." Mirius snarled. She was at least happy to hear that he was going to help. "So, she's in the line of powerful mages?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she finally felt her mind start to settle, she nodded and gave a faint smile but just stayed close to Vuu..she was tired-

Igneous: "Yes. No surprise she slipped into the darker arts." he turned for a moment and regarded the hall a moment, faint glow of that gem eye. "I may have mourned a daughter once, but I can't afford to mourn anymore. I have a city that depends on me now."

Fleetwolf: "Son, go take her to the other guest room. Lene has many of them here. You two rest together and we'll plan things out in the morning."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Together? But father, my image, my office?"

Fleetwolf: "Hogwash. You're the closest thing she's got right now. Piss on your image and office. She has needs, you fill them, understood?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: He blinked and was quite shocked. This couldn't be his dad. "But you always taught me to be right and proper?"

Fleetwolf: "Don't make me smack you. There's a time for everything. Right now, principles and honor is not needed. Now are you going to tend to her or am I going to have to tie you up and stick you in the same room with her?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "But...I... yes father." he said like a scolded puppy. He would scoop up Garnet in his arms.

Dragonlover: Verbosk would follow and stand guard outside the room, departing only when everybody else is asleep and safe.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius rubbed the side of her face and sighed. "And I have a family that depends on me, but I cain't do it alone. Garnet, Vuusoolta and Fleet are helping and I'm grateful yer helpin, too....And I know ye don't like 'em that well." she paused a moment. "Y'know, yer an alright guy sometimes, Iggy. And I'll help yer city out if ye help us out."

Fleetwolf: "You do know the difference between comforting and sex?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Father!" he colored under his fur and moved away from the lupe as fast as he could.

Igneous: "Spiritors aren't all greed and evil." he smirked. "Looks like Ammy's rubbed off on you. You're turning soft."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she leaned into Vuu as he picked her up, she stayed in his arms as he carried her off, she knew she was safe, knew he would watch over her, did have a bit of a smile hearing Fleety-

Mirius Pojoris: "Turning soft? I bet I can still kick yer entire den's butt by myself with the crappy trainin' ye give 'em all." She stared at him, which was turning into more of a glare.

Fleetwolf: Shi laughed tiredly. Kids. You gotta love them. "I trust you son. Just remeber, pups outside of a mating and I neuter you myself."

Igneous: "Fiesty. Hmm. To bad you're hair wasn't red. As for the training, others are doing that. I just run the city, though I am looking for a partner." he grinned a little looking her up and down for a moment. Yeah, he had his moments.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He trembled not in fear but shear embarrassment. "C'mon peaches, we'll go sleep and let the old man be."

Mirius Pojoris: She watched him closely and saw what he was doing. Mirius pointed a finger at him. "Aha! Ye do have a thing fer me! Ye damn dirty dog!" Mirius grinned and wanted to start laughing.

Igneous: "What if I do? Got somebody else in line to take your sorry tail in?"

Garnet Prismpaw: "alright hun" -she would let him carry her off to a room so they could rest, finally she could get him away from the office long enough to have a nice talk and cuddle something they hadnt gotten to do..-

Fleetwolf: shi just laughed at that comment. Something to smile about finally. Shi heard Igneous and Mirius in the hall and decided to go see what was up.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He vanished down one of the many halls with her for the night.

Mirius Pojoris: She held up the paw that had a ring on it. "Yes, I do. I'm Ammy's second mate. She claimed me befer yer slow butt could." Mirius smirked at him.

Igneous: A glance at the ring with interest. "Never pegged you as a carpet muncher."

Fleetwolf: Shi just got to the hallway when shi heard the last line and held in a laugh.

Mirius Pojoris: "There's alotta things ye don't know 'bout me," she grinned at Igneous. "But I love her to death and ain't nothin changin' that...though, sounds like yer jealous." Mirius snickered some and shook her head. "So, was that an offer in needin' help runnin' yer city?"

Igneous: "Indeed. The city is growing rapidly."

Mirius Pojoris: She thought about that offer a good moment. "Well, if I help ye run the city. Will ye help me n' me family if we ever need help?"

Igneous: "I don't see why not."

Fleetwolf: Shi leaned there just listening and grinning.

Igneous: "I am still teaching Rawsha magic. Now what have you gotten so far?" he asked turning serious.

Mirius Pojoris: "Well, I help ye run the city when all this mess rolls over. I'm gonna have to spend some time at home once it's all over to make sure Ammy n' everyone's okay, too. But..yeah...I'll help ye. And y'know I'm gonna have to make sure yer soldiers are in good shape." She grinned. Hearing his question she scratched the side of her head. "Well, apparently Garnet saw 'em in a monastery out in a vast forest. Vusoolta's got a map for the area and...apparently, yer Den ain't too far from it all."

Mirius Pojoris: "Yer closer to it than anyone it seems. And there's alotta undead as well....It's how Ammy got taken by her I think....and sounded like she's got a powerful ally now, too."

Igneous: "Hmm. Must be one of the old monestaries. I could send some drow up their to scout."

Fleetwolf: "Sounds like a good first step. Can your Drow handle undead?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Think Vuusoolta knows 'bout it all as well. Can talk to him when everyone's done restin'." Mirius slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall still.

Igneous: He glanced over to Fleet. "They're Drow. They can handle undead."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius sat in silence and started to reflect on some of the things Igneous said earlier about her being tougher. It was true that she was tougher before and now she was so miserable she wasn't getting anything accomplished. She just gave a soft sigh in thought. She was going to have to get her self straightened out so she could think clearly.

Fleetwolf: "Good. Consider yourself in our camp now as an ally. You can send messages to your city in the morning. For now, go get some rest and I do appologize for yanking you out of your bedroom."

Igneous: "Next time I setting wards, you fruity Wolf." he stalked away into one of the many rooms.

Fleetwolf: Fleety moved over to Mirius and took a seat next to her. "Hey, how you doing?"

Mirius Pojoris: She blinked a few times and looked at Fleet. "Ye yanked him outta his bedroom?"

Fleetwolf: "Yeah. It was kind of fun. Not much of a looker, but average I guess." shi chuckled.

Mirius Pojoris: She chuckled softly. "Shoulda got him in just fur." Mirius grinned at hir and put an arm around hir for a hug. "I guess I'm okay. Think Igneous is a little right about me."

Fleetwolf: "Oh? How so? And why bring him in just the fur? We don't need distractions."

Mirius Pojoris: "So, ye do like his looks." She grinned at hir and gave hir a playful nudge then a sigh and rested her head on Fleet's shoulder. "He's right 'bout me bein' tougher. When things use to get in me way I would go head on, but now I'm just...sittin' here, cryin' me heart out."

Fleetwolf: "Welcome to having kids Mirius. I used to be a hell of a soldier, now I can't seem to do anything right without worrying every step of the way. It happens when we love others." shi put an arm around her shoulder and nuzzled her. "I never thought I would find myself loving another Spiritor outside of Ammy. I am glad to have you in the family."

Mirius Pojoris: She looked at him with quite a surprised look. "Ye actually like me?"

Fleetwolf: Shi regarded Mirius for a moment or two. "Ammy loves you which means you're someone who can rise beyond your little box and be who you really want to be. I love people who can do that, and I'll admit it. When it comes to lupes having grudges against Spiritors I am one of the biggest ones, but... having a few things happen in my life recently has shown that Spiritors can be quite nice."

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked at the wall across from them with a small sigh. "A second childhood and rape will do interesting things to a lupe's beliefs and outlooks."

Mirius Pojoris: "Still think yer just 'nother damn Wolf," she said with a grin and a wink. Mirius would give hir a nuzzle to hir neck. "Can't say I could sympathize wit' ye on that part. But, truthfully. I find ye to be a great person, too, Fleet. Yer a much different person than what I thought ye were."

Fleetwolf: "Out of curiosity, and I may regret this, what did you think I was going to be like?" shi asked with interest.

Mirius Pojoris: "Well..." she paused a good moment before saying anything else," Some prideful jackass that didn't give much of a damn and...some other stuff." It felt harder for her to say since she was getting closer to Fleet.

Fleetwolf: Shi just smiled. "It's okay. Kinda comes with the Wolf name." shi hugged her close and nuzzled. "I have Rawsha's egg tucked in with Calcifer and Moonshine to keep it nice and warm."

Fleetwolf: Then shi stood and offered a paw to Mirius. "Time for some sleep. We'll both do good from it. And what things do you feel like you're missing about Ammy?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Thanks, Fleet." Mirius smiled and took Fleety's paw to stand up. "Feel kinda empty without her...lonely...." she sighed.

Fleetwolf: "Yeah. Try being away from her for 10 years. Still can't get over that gap of time I've missed with her." shi pulled Mirius close and walked down a hall to a room. "You know, you could almost pass for a younger sister of Ammy's."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius grinned at that and walked with Fleet down the hallway. "Yeah, she's said I remind her of herself a lot. Guess that's whe me n' her get along so well...guess me n' the rest of the family, too."

Fleetwolf: "Indeed." shi opened then door to the room and headed for bed. "Hope you don't mind sharing?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Been too lonely lately. Wouldn't mind some company." she smiled at Fleet and moved to the bed and laid down on one side of it.

Fleetwolf: "Same here." shi curled up with Mirius and slept.

Mirius Pojoris: She would wrap an arm over Fleet and sleep with hir, glad she had someone to hold while she slept again and woudn't be so lonely.


Date: 2011-09-13 05:52 EST
Fangghoul Keep.
(These are images of Artisia's lair, maps all made by me.)
The Cathedral and Monastery grounds.

The Catacombs, a proper catacombs, the resting place for the monks who once lived, worked and worshiped day to day. (with hidden stairway)

The Ruins of a hidden monk quarters where inquistors kept prisoners which is now home to Artisia and her minions and allies.
Lair, Labs, Ritual Room and Dungeons


Date: 2011-09-13 06:30 EST
N.P.C.: By moonlight the flick of shadows may be seen if one looked hard enough. Not a twig broke, not a leaf stirred in the thickening forests to denote that a scouting party had ventured out of Fang Wood Den. The group of six Drow moved silently and warrily. They had received a sealed missive from their commander, Igneous Fi'igoo. He wanted them to scout out the old monestary ruins furtherst from the infant city of Fang Wood. They moved swiftly tonight.

N.P.C.: They moved with determination as well. The missive mentioned possible undead in the area and each had taken time to procure a scroll or two of Rebuke Undead as well as each carried a pendant or crest of their dark god or goddess in hopes of protection. Garbed in black leather armor, armed with crossbows with wicked barbed arrows and flame darts as well as razor sharp scimitars. The group pressed on into the forest.

Artisia: -the thick thriving forest might have proved to have its fair share of thorny bushes and trees, thick overgrowth.. vines as well as a few very fresh water springs..the deeper the search party goes inside the thicker the forest seems to get, they might get the feeling that they are being watched and hear things around them in the greener parts of the forest...until they seem to have passed through it and start coming to a ring of the forest which is withered, near dead-

N.P.C.: Having hunted and fought in the deepest tunnels of their homelands, the Drow accepted the feeling of being watched and moved on. The regarded the withered, dying forest with cautious interest.

Artisia: -the forest and lair the undead went about their daily lumbering and brooding as they often did, all matter of undead stalked in the shadows of the forests and ruins the mistress called home, some of the nearby more bloodthirsty undead would take more notice of the living who had come to the forest but they had yet to close in, groans, gutteral sounds and gargles might be heard from time to time-

N.P.C.: The leader motioned for the others to ready weapons. They were now past the point of safety. Three armed crossbows with flame darts and held them at the read. The leader and the other two unsheathed their scimitars. The group drew in a bit closer and proceded further.

Artisia: -today Artisia had gone to the chamber were Rawsha was held in the small round cage, she had collected a scrap of cloth from Ammy in the past few days, a peice of clothing which was stained in Ammy's blood from the attacks when the lupe had first been captured, Artisia had showed the child the cloth with an evil grin, and told her that Ammy was well as her mother, she sneered and told the child of a great battle that was put up by the two and how both had fought so greatly to only fall-

Artisia: -Artisia seemed to find pleasure in watching Rawsha as the child's hopes started to fade, she then told her more lies, tales of how the girls mothers friends all came to fight Artisia's armies...and all perished..she left the cloth with Ammy's blood on the cage floor and would leave the room letting the child..dwell on those lies-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sat in her cell, petrified paw in lap, her other hand behind her, jingling the chains a little. Sensing her magic was coming back she was trying to tap her Force powers to mend her broken tail. It burned and hurt anytime she moved.

Artisia: -in the forest soon out of the shadows the wailing of a shade could be heard as a dark tormented soul flew toward the drow hissed and circled them, following it the sounds of Zombies could be heard coming through the trees-

rawsha: -Hours had passed since Artisia had left her in the darkness..her small paws had found the cloth, which the child clutched in her pas as she cried...she had looked toward the hole in the wall and screamed for Lene....she was scared, she cried for what seemed like hours wondering where Lene was and falling deeper into the loneliness..she had called for Lene, for a long time her voice was gone, she sat there and stared into the darkness-

N.P.C.: The Drow stepped in close, closing gaps in their group and the ones with crossbows would like the flame darts and fire at any visible zombies. The leader withdrew a Rebuke Undead scroll and began to recite the words, hoping to remove the shade. The other two held scimitars at the ready for any undead who got too close.

Artisia: -the shade would see the scroll and attempt to fly at the one holding it, before it was rebuked it would connect with a slam attack, then the spirit would fizzle and dissappear from sight with a mad hiss and moan...two zombies lumbered out into sight, the darts came flying at them and one of the two fell, the other had the flaming dart in its flesh and wrappings it was still coming, three more zombies soon stalked out around the group-

N.P.C.: The leader fell back and was stunned for a bit. The scimitar wielders closed in on the flaming zombie with hopes of slicing it appart. The crossbowmen reloaded their fire darts.

Artisia: -the scimitars would slice and cut the burning zombie apart it would explode in a five foot ball of dark magic and flame, the three others would come closer with claws would start to maul one of the crossbowmen as it got past the scimatars, the other two were coming-

Artisia: -Artisia was now moving down the hall toward Ammy's cell, she took out the large keyring and went through the keys as she came to the door, she could feel somewhere in the forest her minions where in combat, perhaps a meal had come into the forest, she just grinned-

N.P.C.: "Gah!" the Drow screamed as it vainly tried to drop the crossbow and unsheat his scimitar. He never made it. One crossbowmen fired his reloaded bow at one of the two far zombies. The two scimitar wielders fell back to slice at the one mauling their comrade. The third bowman was fighting with his jammed cross bow.

Ammy Spiritor: She had managed to feel a trickl of the Force in her and coaxed it into her tail. Some of the pain faded, but she had not enough strength to mend the bones. Ammy sighed in frustration and growled at herself. The memories of Lene turning to stone, so fresh and vivid in her mind reminding her that once again she failed to protect her daughter.

Artisia: -the zombie that was tearing the crossbowman apart was cut and dropped the body of the crossbowman, it turned to slash at one of the scimatar users, the other two took the fire darts and one stopped to try to put the flames out by batting at the wrappings, the other kept coming claws out-

Artisia: -Artisia would open the door to the cell and the torches would light, she grinned thinking about the lies she had told Rawsha as she stepped into the cell, she was fully hidden in her robes- "dark evening Ammy"

N.P.C.: The Drow with the jammed crossbow swung at the closest zombie like a club. The bowmen who had fired dropped the crossbow and unsheathed scimitar and closed to attack the zombie putting out the fire. The other two scimitar wielders made sure their zombie was out. The lead recovered and withdrew another Rebuke Undead scroll hoping to hit more than one as he began to recite the words.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked up and saw Artisia. She wanted to growl and lunge but her more rational side kept her bestial side reigned in. "Dark evening, Artisia."

Artisia: -the zombie which had killed the crossbowman headed off into the forest, instead of being rebuked and falling it, reacted more like it had been turned or feared away, one of the others exploded from the damage of the rubuke, there was one left and it was struggling with the crossbowman that was using the bow as a club-

N.P.C.: The crossbowman was soon helped by three scimitar wielders.

Artisia: -Artisia seemed to study Ammy for a long moment, she watched the lupe, she had thought about matters since the night Lene was turned to the statue- "tell me...why did you create Amaretto..? was it out of wanting to create something evil?" -she thought Ammy might have meant to control Amaretto for her own purposes-

Artisia: -soon the drow had the last zombie down, the sounds around the forest seemed more hostile now-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy watched Artisia for a long moment. Her mind was a bit slow from the lack of food and use of magic the other night but she thought about that question. "Have you ever had years where nothing good ever happened to you? Where anything and everything you did good was suddenly ruined and twisted?"

N.P.C.: The Drow regrouped. Five remained. The mauled Drow was dead, his crossbow and darts taken by the one whose crossbow jammed. "What do we do sir? These don't seem to act like mindless undead." one of the Drow asked the leader. The lead Drow was quiet for a moment or two. "We can't head back just yet. Everyone, load fire darts. Next time we battle fire one round then switch to scimitars. I will try to cover with what scrolls I have left."

Artisia: -Artisia watched Ammy, she saw how thin and worn she looked and would summon food and water by way of a spell.. one of the bone trinkets on her wrist glowed a plate of meet and bread would appear near Ammy and a metal cup of water. she had a slight frown on her lips hearing Ammy, but didnt speak to answer just yet-

rawsha: -Rawsha looked down at the ankle that the anti-magic band was on, she then moved to lay down on the cold wooden bottom of the cage, her mother and Ammy..dead...Fleety, she was heartbroken, the tatters of her robe had been gone for a long time now, she curled up with the bloodsoaked cloth that smelled like Ammy and faintly of her mother.-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy didn't stand on pride. Her body needed nourishment and she quietly ate, waiting for a response.

Artisia: "i have felt those things...often" -she moved to lean against the small table across the room from where Ammy sat- "more so im the past"

Ammy Spiritor: She paused in her eating. "Good, then I won't have to explain to hard my actions. Do you believe in souls living in more than one body?" a bite of bread, then meat, then she drank.

Artisia: -as the group of drow went on...behind them were the dead one was left, they could hear undead snarling and fighting over the flesh and meet of the corspe, these undead were almost like animals, the scavengers pulled the body apart-

N.P.C.: After they all loaded the crossbows with flaming darts they moved deeper. The leader watched warrily and had a small smirk on his face in the darkness. This was one of the better scouting parties, but they were not brothers in arms. Just hired men for this risky, but high paying job. He doubted these other fools had a teleport talisman on them like he did. He kept them all pressing on.

Artisia: "seeing what you have done with Amaretto...i guess i would have to" -she watched her eat and thought about the spirit-

Ammy Spiritor: "Would you think me mad if I were to tell you that my soul is 400 years old and that this body of mine is number 7 and not my original race?" Ammy kept tossing questions as she ate.

Artisia: -the forest seemed to go on for a long time, the dead trees, twisted roots and bushes, thorn bushes, life seemed to have been drained from this place. there were dead animals here and there seeming to have been drained of anything that would let them have life, just husks, as they went they might have disturbed bats hanging from white trees and sent them flying off deeper into the forest, undead kept moving and watching them.-

Artisia: -Artisia thought about Ammy's questions and laughed an evil little laugh- "at times i think the world is mad...full of telling me this is...not something i havent seen before" -she nodded slightly-

N.P.C.: "Sir, I don't like the looks of this. 100 gold pieces aint worth getting shredded like that last bastard. Let's go back and just tell the boss that this place is infested." The Drow near the leader spoke quietly. The leader just smirked. "Fine. You go and I'll have two more wages paid to me when I complete this mission." He laughed and kept them moving. "We stick together and we last longer. We split up, were as good as dead."

Ammy Spiritor: Gold eyes glanced at Aritisia over the cup of water. "Most of my life has been nothing but a war of light and darkness circling like a storm inside me. I was once a powerful alchemist that rivaled all when I was human. Maybe that was my downfall back then, the power and pride, but I digress. My life has been nothing but torment. I am cursed to have anything nice, peaceful, and happy around me ruined and destroyed. The last time I died, I though I had peace at last.

Ammy Spiritor: But my mate loved me too much to let me go. He brought me back to life after a few months. Those months while I wandered in the aether, my sanity left and my soul fragmented. I nearly went mad when I was revived. My mate and daughter..." she paused to look at the door and where she could imagine Lene was. ".. could not understand what I had been through. My soul the past few deaths was always in stasis, in a gem or vessel of sorts.

Artisia: -a faint chittering can be heard, further in the forest, it sounded like a scorpion or some creature was somewhere ahead, once the group moved on, they would come upon a giant scorpion probably the size of a small wasnt facing them...perhaps it hadnt noticed them, it was feasting on some corpse..the odd thing they could see was it had two stingers coming up behind it and a set of tenticles writhing and moving to hold its feast-

Ammy Spiritor: This last time, that option was not available. When Takhasis, Queen of Darkness wants you dead, she gets her way. To the point again, when I came back I was but a shell of my former self. Only two fragments of my soul I had left and tried vainly many night to find arrays, spells, runes, and dare I say sacrifices of lesser being to get the other fragments back. I failed everytime until a Lich King found me and offered me a pact..." she paused and ate more food.

N.P.C.: "That isn't normal." one of the bowmen said with worry. "Do we go around?" the others asked. The leader shook his head. "We may face worse if we divert. Keep moving and attack only if it attacks us."

Artisia: -Artisia listened to Ammy and watched her eat- "i know the cold darkness which is death and what it can do to a person..." -she looked over at her and nodded- "and of pacts..and bargins as well...for both power, and life and death"

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes, well he offered to give me the power to reclaim my soul fragments and so I did. When one like me dies repeatedly, the gates of Life and Death tend to appear often and during that time I found I could summon the gates and any I pushed through either died, or came back... with unique gifts. The Lich King was so pleased with me that he kept me around as sort of a favorite. Even intrusted his ichor to my safe keeping. But things went badly for it. Paladins and the such. The Lich never died

Artisia: -the psuedo-natural giant scorpion hissed and chittered,as they got closer they could see its face, it had what could have been ten or twenty eyes were its two should have been, each glistening with a slimy film...its front pinchers clutched the corpse as it ate, it seemed content, but then its stingers went up in a defensive stance, it had seen them now, it climbed ontop of the meal and a roar came from its maw-

Ammy Spiritor: because of my holding it's weakness and in return, it grew fond of me more. The Lich King broke off a piece of my soul and bound it to a sliver of soul crystal... I'm sure you've seen it embedded in my ... sisters fore head."

N.P.C.: "Fire!" five flaming darts would be launched, followed by the leader reaching for a scroll while the bowmen reached for scimitars.

Ammy Spiritor: "When the Lich left, and ended our pact, I was back to my usual, tormented self with a few demonic benefits..." she grinned and not in a nice way. "Psionics is such a nice talent as is shapeshifting and the taste for blood and soul energy. However, as I am sure you have witnessed time and again. The world seems to shun, hate, and send mobs against those...different than them."

Artisia: -Artisia nodded- "i have seen it." -she took in all the information she had been told, this Lich King interested her, but she stood pacing slightly as heard the last of Ammy said she paused...maybe that hit a nerve she growled under the robe as she thought about past encounters with people-

Artisia: -the scorpions tentcles writhed toward the group and those pinchers snapped as it hisses out, the flaming darts came at it and stuck in its almost scale like outer armor, it hissed and snapped at two of the crossbowmen-

Ammy Spiritor: "So I decided to do something insane. I broke all the rules. I vowed to seperate myself from my darkness in a vain hope to live normal once more with those I love. I fashioned Amaretto as a twin, a dark mirror of myself and split my soul infusing her shard with all of my darker powers but witholding many memories. She has many of mine, but I didn't wish her to be too powerful.

Ammy Spiritor: I made her, gave her a weapon, a name, and a list of those she was never to touch lest I personally harm her and set her out to live her own life. I've lived as a slave several times and I had no inclination of controlling her. There are days during those early times that we talked as sisters, but a divide grew more and more."

rawsha: -Rawsha looked back up toward the hole in the wall, she wondered where Lene was, she had been quiet for a long time...maybe she was sleeping and couldnt hear her before,...she set up on her knees and faced the light that was coming through the hole- "Lene?" -she called out as loud as she could though her voice was hoarse-

N.P.C.: One was swift enough to duck, the other was caught by a pinscher. The other two, now wielding scimitars moved in close to strike. "Watch for the tail!" the leader shouted reciting words from the Rebuke Undead scroll. He wasn't sure if the creature was undead, but these scrolls were all they had for magical deffense.

Artisia: -Artisia heard her and nodded- " she is truely ...the evil from within you..." -she thought, and faced Ammy once again- "you see where you let her go...i wouldnt let power like that get away so easily" -she grinned-

Artisia: -the scorpion clutched the one claw around the drow and pulled to closer, one of the two stingers would move to stike its newest prey as it held it...but a swing from a scimatar caused the stinger to miss, on the the tentacles lashed out toward the leader to grapple him-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy eyed Aritisa then laughed herself. "Her powers... are nothing to what I am regaining. Had I given her all of my powers, then yes, I am a fool. But tell me this, if she is powerful, why does she not have the knowledge to make her own body? She cannot summon the gates of Life or Death, and I can do alchemy with no arrays or circles. I say this as I found that one can never part from evil. It just grows back, and thus my darkness is returning even stronger."

Artisia: -she nods some, she had been drawn toward powerful beings in the past and perhaps her meeting Amaretto was just fate leading her closer to
Ammy, she studied her prisoner a long moment, she moved to lean against the table again- "in the days to come...she will get her body...and you will gain your powers." -she thought aloud then her eyes moved to stone hand Amaretto had left Ammy with-

N.P.C.: The leader backed away, his recitation cut short and the scroll burst to flames as it misfired and was ashed. The Drow held in the pinsher struggled as blood flowed. The scimitar wielders were aiming for legs, tentacles and the belly if it was soft.

rawsha: -Rawsha sat silent, she waited for Lene to come back..but the ghoul or Artisia...probably had her somewhere, she didnt know what had happened to her only connection to the past, she closed her eyes and leaned against the bars-

Ammy Spiritor: "Perhaps. Amaretto will indeed have her body back, then what? Will you let her kill me? Will you ally with her more though she has had less than a year with her powers to understand them? She has ties to a dark diety of Lupinoss and her loyalty may be precarious. Though... I am sure if she turns you have allies to handle her. I am no necromancer like you are, a fine one at that, but I know magic and it is draining. You can't keep watching your back all alone."

Artisia: -a blade hit a soft spot catching just under the creatures mouth near its belly, it would screech out and throw the bloody drow in its pinchers at the other drow, then backing up that two pinchered tail would whip and snap the ground missing its attacks the stingers left green acidic poison seeped from the stingers the creature was now guarding its ...lower body-

N.P.C.: "Fall back." the leader ordered. Two drow pulled on the injured one and the Drows upper body split from the lower, the legs twitching and kicking in pain by themselves. The drow screamed and was silenced by a blade parting head from body. The left the dead and fell back. Four Drow now where six where. "What now?" one asked. "Fire darts. Try to hit the eyes. Reload!"

Artisia: -she looked at Ammy and growled- "i ...can take care of myself" -that seemed to come from a memory..that had come to mind as Ammy spoke, perhaps she had hit a nerve.., Artisia thought...could this lupe be right? but no..Amaretto would be an ally...but yet Ammy had ages of power-

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes, I saw. You were quite persuasive with me the other night. My tail still hurts. I believe it's broken. I mean no offense Artisia, but I know that being powerful takes a toll on the caster. I was betrayed and killed by my closest friend the first time I died. Slid a knife between my breasts and into my heart while I slept to recover from my most powerful casting that day."

Artisia: -the creature hissed and howled, its tentacles writhed and it took darts to the eyes its stingers trying to connect with the remaining drow but was bleeding and partly blind,, it would hiss and chitter out and start to move in the groups direction-

N.P.C.: "Spread out! Go for the legs!" Crossbows slung and scimitars out as the fanned out and sought to weak points if they could find them.

Artisia: -she became silent as thoughts of her past hit her, she usually was able to push them back...lock them away but the exrpression on her muzzle told that she was seeing, harsh treatment and things she had been through-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy went back to finishing the crumbs and scraps of the meal. Then quietly, her free paw went once more to try to heal her tail again. She just listened and left Artisia to her thoughts. In her previous lives she would have tried to kill Artisia or to simply react. The last two death had taught her about just reacting, and the war with Igneous, and the life with Mirius taught her how to put things on hold and think them through now.

Artisia: -the creature clawed, grabbed, tried to strike..but most of its attempts were dodged as it would try to defend itself, then one single blade would pushed into its side, it reared up and the stingers fell limply back as it screeched out, its greenish blood leaking out over the ground-

N.P.C.: "Nasty critter this is." the Drow that managed the strike flicked the blood off hoping it wasn't acidic.

N.P.C.: "Regroup, reload, and move out." the leader said as he checked his scrolls. He was down to two now and the others weren't carrying any. He should have hired that mage. Winry would have done some good out here.

Artisia: -Artisia looked back at her- "i have had much hard treatment by..those who look down upon my studies and crafts...and my family in the past" -she shook her head- "i have made a deal with Amaretto...she held up her side of the bargin...and i will uphold mine"

Artisia: -the scorpion fell dead after the last of the blood was spilled, oh yes this forest was proving dangerous for the living-

Ammy Spiritor: "I see. And I can sympathize with the hard treatments. I spent one life locked up in a cell with no light, bound by spells, and arrays to be brought out to cast magic and be studied. May I as what bargain you made with Amareto? I've heard little of my sister since she allied with the Ebony Knight and vanished."

N.P.C.: Crossbows reloaded, the Drow were grim. They were down to six fire darts plus the ones in the bows. This scouting mission was now a survival mission. The moved together and kept going deeper.

Artisia: -she nodded- "she traded my getting her a body for the Crown of Evil...and she has delievered"

Ammy Spiritor: A tilt of her head as the healing failed. Not enought strength was back. "Crown of Evil you say? Is there not an orb and sceptor with it as well?"

Artisia: "i have the orb as well...the sceptor was the farthest thrown...eons ago when the gods seperated them" -she grinned a bit-

Artisia: -the forest and the creature lurking their kept their distance..the group would see shadows lurking and moving as well as undead and creatures-

Ammy Spiritor: "Pitty." she said, putting her paw back in her lap. "I wonder.... though I doubt shi would have such a vile artifact... but maybe.." she murmured in thought.

N.P.C.: "I'm not so sure about this sir." the Drow were getting nervous.

Artisia: -the undead might have been playing with drow...this was after all their home, loud sounds and demonic squeals and calls could be heard...possibly a crow flew over head..they were very near the clearing where the monastary sat after the lonnng walk-

N.P.C.: "I think we're hitting a clear spot. Mission is almost done. We just need to see if this monestary ruins have vaults then we can all run." the leader tried to encourage the men though his hand brushed the teleport pendant close to his dark skinned chest.

Artisia: -Artisia looked over at her, hearing her murmer she tilted her head under the robe, she watched her- "you know of one who keeps artifacts?" -she seemed interested, she looked up as her wards set on the very outer areas of the monastary were silently tripped, she looked off down the hall, in thought-

Ammy Spiritor: "My mate was entrusted with a room... in a seperate dimmension... I've heard hir and Lene talk of the vast amount of relics from many gods and goddesses piled in there, both light and dark. The sceptor may or may not be there.

Ammy Spiritor: "Though with the sceptor, you would be even more powerful, but... there are many things to learn that relics can't teach..." she sipped water and winced from a stabbing pain in her tail.

Artisia: -the drow party had wondered out of the thick forest, they were on the edge of the ruined monastaries grounds, there was a large statue, depicting some god but the face had been defaced, there was a ruined round building across the yard then the smell might have hit a feild across on the other side of a large cathedral was a pile of bodies...the long dead feilds where things once grew to provide food, was now a mass grave pile-

Artisia: -scavenging undead were picking meat from the points around the grounds undead in halfplate some sort of knights where patrolling in groups...undead were everywhere-

N.P.C.: "Must be the nest." one commented gripping crossbow tighter. The Leader saw the armored undead. Did they get closer or retreat? "Keep moving." he removed one scroll and held it ready as they moved.

N.P.C.: "Never thought I'd admit this, but a mage would be good about now, or a priest." one Drow spoke nervously.

Artisia: -the patroling knights were defainatly intellegent, they carried longswords and heavy sheilds...they were once female, one group was patrolling right near them the other was away they were in groups of two,...then the ground might have started to shake as from the cathedril a large form can be seen moving out into the night, its a large form a giant or ogre kind it had to be with its size, it wears a set of black robes over its large form and four glowing red eyes could be seen...two heads-

N.P.C.: The sight of the giant strained the morale of the group more. "Hold. Hold." the leader murmured.

Ammy Spiritor: "May I hazzard a guess that you are still...studying?" she asked Artisia.

Artisia: -Artisia looked back at Ammy after a moment, she had sent one of her apprientices out to see just what had tripped her wards- "a wizard is always studying...i study, expernment and well as practice rituals."

Ammy Spiritor: "I would have thought you a fool if you didn't. Just how have your...experiments been going?"

Artisia: -the hooded pupil would scan the monastary grounds, those red glowing eyes looking searching for intruders, it pulled a large morning star from its belt as it moves out into the yard passing the large dry fountain-

Artisia: -Artisia looked back to her and that evil sneer returned- "..they are going very slow...other than my work on a living subject"

N.P.C.: "Hold. Hold." the leader was gauging the situation. Armored undead all around and now a hulking gieant with a mace. Too many to face with this few of men and supplies. "Pull back. We'll try to run. We've seen enough. That fella with the black robes looks to be a magic user so this must be the spot." The group would try to quietly slink back from the ruins.

Ammy Spiritor: "Living subject?" she looked interested for a moment. "I would ask, but most likely you would not tell me who the living subject is. So then, what problems are you facing with the experiments?"

Artisia: -they may have been very wise to fall back, the ettin would sniff the air and just stand outside the cathedrals rotted wooden doors, it would lumber there just one guard, for the time, it wasnt worried with the undead that patrolled and lurked about-

N.P.C.: The Drow would move quickly for the forrest hoping to make it back to Fang Wood alive.

Artisia: -she stood and let her finned tail flick slightly back and forth under the robes, she looked at her- "the undead i rise from graves are not as those that i have worked with and formed in my ghoul is my best example of something that has lasted years...he is well put together...but it seems other types fall apart to easily

Ammy Spiritor: "What do you feed them?" she asked casually. She tried again on her tail and bit back a yip as one fracture was moved back in place and healed.

Artisia: -the forest was 'alive' with undead...they would have to run...the guardians made of flesh were trailing them...and something was moving at their heels under the the roots of trees swarms of rats were writhing as well but it seemed that the creatures and undead were playing with the drow-

N.P.C.: They ran with swiftness. "Don't look back if you want to live." the leader instructed. Hand firmly grasped the teleport talisman ready to use it.

Artisia: "most are fed energy and survive on the power of the onyx's i embed into them...then once they join their army...they live on corpses" -she pace a bit as she spoke to her she noticed the flinching Ammy made she felt the little use of power and just watched her-

Artisia: -the undead would stop their chase before the forest came to the open feilds-

Ammy Spiritor: "There lies your problem. Undead will stay intact longer if you cast the spell of Rejuvinating Body on the corpses. The undead will be able to heal and mend their bodies when they feast on them. Though... if you were to bring me paper and pen I could design you an array that would magnify the power of the onxy within them to make them as durable as your ghoul."

N.P.C.: They survived! The breathed in relief as the continued on to Fang Wood Den with their report and a few men short.

Artisia: -she nodded hearing her- "i will bring pen and can show me these arrays.." -she was intersted in this...she lived to further her studies and this was something that would help- "for now...i need rest...and you should save your strength" -she moved toward the door, she stopped a moment and looked back- "rest well"

Ammy Spiritor: "As you." she said nicely. She had little choice. Throgh the night she would try to repair more of her tail.

Artisia: -she shut and locked the door, she would move to check on a few things around the lair, and then retire for the night-


Date: 2011-09-14 09:27 EST
Artisia: -Artisia had spend a few hours guiding her apprientices down the path of necromancy, having left them to their studies, she had moved down the halls towad the dungeons and cells, she had plans for Rawsha and things were now to be pushed along further, she slipped into the chamber where Lene had been kept in the cage, with the knowledge of the hole in the wall she silently searched the back of the cage for it-

rawsha: -Rawsha had woke up stiff and sore from sleeping pretty much in the same posistion, she hadnt felt like moving, she had watched and listened most of the night for Lene's return to the cage, and had been lucky that Artisia and the ghoul had left her for so long, her stomach growled and churned, she was looking so thin, as as if she had lost some fur...but in all truth it had been shaved off in places so Artisia could use her for what ever studies, Rawsha was now in and out of a daze as she sat in darkness-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was seated on the ground as usual. She had succesfully mended most of her tail and was a bit more comfortable. As she sat, she contmeplated the stone paw she had and the discussion she had with Artisia.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul made its way to Ammy's chamber, having intentions of harassing this prisoner since it was given the chance to do so. it had a malicious smirk on its face when it crawled into her chamber. Gradually it approached her, its claws making ticking noises as they would step on the floor.

Ammy Spiritor: "Evening, ghoul." she said without looking from her petrified paw.

The Taste of Flesh: It grinned widely at Ammy and got closer to her. "All chained up and alone."

Artisia: -Artisia found the hole, she saw the traces of the newly dried blood from Lene's fingers which had been smeared on the wall around the stones, as Lene had tried to remove more of the old stone and clay bricking and this made Artisia grin, she opened the cage and used a bit of illusion magic with full sound to mimic someone being thrown into the cage and the cage door slamming, she stood near the empty cage and leaned against it, the sounds all traveling quiet well toward the next room over and hopefully to Rawsha-

Ammy Spiritor: "Perhaps I am alone. Perhaps it is you who is alone." she looked up from the paw, gold eyes flickering a bit to red then back.

The Taste of Flesh: "Me? Alone? Oh, never. I'm always making new friends." It snickerd.

Ammy Spiritor: "Talkative one aren't you. Artisia mentioned you were one of her best creations." Ammy said regarding the ghoul cooly.

rawsha: -Rawsha's ears perked, she heard the sounds from the next room over, the child looked over to the hole Lene had spoke to her through, Rawsha moved in the hanging cage and looked toward the hole, it was after all small Lene had been able to put an arm through before, she heard the cage door slamming and was hopefull, but she would wait a few moments, what if the ghoul or Artisia or even that spirit Amaretto were still in the other room with Lene, it would give away the openings location, they couldnt have that..-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul brought a clawed hand closer to Ammy to drag its claws slowly across the side of her face. "Maybe I am."

Ammy Spiritor: She batted the clawed hand away with her petrified paw. "I've made better." she snarled.

The Taste of Flesh: It grunted then went to grab the petrified paw and try to hold it against the wall. "Better? Then why did you fail to my Mistress?"

Ammy Spiritor: "That's a long story and beyond your IQ." Her other hand snapped fingers and with luck something on the ghoul hopefully would exlpode or disentegrate though her magic was still weak and low.

Artisia: -Artisia grinned and sat on the old stone floor facing the cage, now to have a bit of fun, she would, open her mouth and speak, it wasnt her voice which came over her lips, it was Lene's shaking voice as if she had been tourtured and beaten, she would speak toward the wall but direct her voice to those bricks- "Rawsha? Rawsha!?" -pausing a moment and listening-

rawsha: -she sat up and spoke toward the wall- "Lene..they hurt you...Lene are you alright?" -her voice cracking, they had brought her back, Lene was there, maybe there was hope...the poor child spoke sobbing slightly, she had been told her mother and Ammy were well as the others who had come to try to save her, tears trailed down her cheeks it was a suprize that she had any tears left, she licked dried cracked lips as she waited for Lene to speak-

The Taste of Flesh: Part of its left shoulder had puffed into dust and it growled at Ammy. A hand went to strike her across the face, claws and all.

Artisia: -Artisia heard the response, she heard how much Rawsha cared for Lene and held back a cold laugh, she had to keep the illusion going and would use Lene's voice with her magic- "Rawsha...i'm tough.. how are you holding up?"" -the room would get darker on Artisia's side to mute some of the light-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy took the hit and just laughed. "I've had worse torture. I'm not a child." she would give the ghoul a nice kick to the chest.

The Taste of Flesh: "I would kill you if the Mistress allowed it. You are just lucky." It snarled at her.

Ammy Spiritor: "Cry me a river ghoul. My daughter is stone, I want revenge." she snarled once, then regained composure. "How many other children do you play with, ghoul?"

rawsha: -Rawsha saw the light going down and thought she saw Lene getting closer to the wall, she still held the bit of bloody cloth from Ammy's clothes in her paw and swallowed- " so cold....Lene..they killed Ammy...and mama.." -she swallowed and wiped tears from her her face with a dirty arm-

The Taste of Flesh: "Children? I love children!" It snickered and laughed. "To hear them scream, to hear them beg, to see them whimper and struggle for their lives....lively little toys they are."

Ammy Spiritor: "Did you play with my daughter?" she asked, emotion gone from her voice, a brittle edge added to it. Eyes were crimson now and Ammy could feel the cold, chill evil around the room. She hid a slight shiver as she let her soul touch that energy, to study it, feel it, and decide whether she was strong enough to siphon it for use.

Artisia: -Artisia continued the performance, the illusion of the ghouls claws clicking on the stone floor down the hall could be heard as the voice came forth to the hole again..- "Rawsha..they are coming back....please Rawsha...they wont hurt you if you do as they say...please just do as they say!" -Lene's voice was drown out by Artisia's in the background- "my may have this one...i have no further use for her.." -the noises of the cage door opening, could be heard and the ghouls evil growling and laughter-

The Taste of Flesh: "I did not just play with her. I beat her." It grinned widely, showing alll its sharp teeth. "Made her bleed. Broke her bones. Made her cry."

rawsha: -Rawsha heard Lene's words then she heard Artisia and the ghoul..the muffled sounds of the cage door opening, the childs eyes widened in terror- "No!! Lene! please ...dont leave me...Leave her alone!" -she screamed that last part forcing her voice to come louder than it had-

Ammy Spiritor: Ears flattened hearing that, arrays long darkened in her mind were starting to flare to life, there glow weak, but glowing none the less. Her magic was kindling more. She had several arrays she would love to throw at this ghoul but dizziness lurked on the edges of her senses. She settled down some and let the arrays dim in her mind. "So how would you play with me then?"

Artisia: -Artisia stood up with a grin on her lips, the sounds of a fight and screams from Lene, hissing and snarling from the ghoul and the ripping of flesh filled the air in the hall the room where Artisia stood and echoed through the hole in the wall, perhaps even the smell of blood and the light came back to the room, sounds of the ghoul snapping and feasting on bone and flesh were next-

rawsha: -Rawsha hit her fists against the cage bars and though it did nothing would reach for the hole in the wall and cried out- " please!" -she wept, everyone she loved...that could help her, were now dead., she leaned against the bars of the cage and breathing hard through now dry sobbing- "i'll be good" -her world had just been finished being ripped apart, she would proably die in the cage if she wasnt good, she went quiet-

The Taste of Flesh: "Adults aren't as fun. They don't scream like little children," The ghoul would go to jab its claws into both of her arms to hold them both to the wall. "But the taste of blood...and the crunch of bones are nice..."

Artisia: -Artisia would silently leave the room, letting her spell fizzle and fade, the room was no longer needed, since Lene was part of her collection of rare items, she would stop down the hall and have a good long silent time of reflection of what she had done, she seemed to thrive on the childs sobbing-

Ammy Spiritor: That made her scream to a degree. The burst of pain set her mind whirling and the demon psionics woke sluggishly. Anything light weight in the room would get tossed around a little and a ripple of psychic pain would flow out some.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul looked around and saw a few things get tossed around and it grinned back at Ammy. It took its claws out of her left arm and slowly licked them, then would go to lick her wound to taste more of it. The taste of her blood the ghoul was thoroughly enjoying.

rawsha: -Rawsha settled and curled up on the bottom of the cage, her stomach growling, she ignored it, she closed her eyes and all she could hear was the dripping of water somewhere in the chamber she was in..sleep wouldnt come..nor any good thoughts, she was alone-

Ammy Spiritor: Indeed. She had the minglings of human, lupinossai, demonic, and dragon blood. She bit back another scream. "Please stop."

Artisia: -the necromancer would make her way down the hall were Ammy was being kept, she produced some parchment and a pen from a pocket in her robes she saw the door to Ammy's cell was open and stopped in the dark hall, she would listen in to what was going on inside-

The Taste of Flesh: It could taste the differences in her blood. It would rub its hand all over her arm to get the blood on the hand thne go to smear it over her face while chuckling. "Your blood is rich. Just like your daughters. I enjoy variety in my food."

Ammy Spiritor: "Ever see what mage fire does to a cretin like you?" she asked in a voice cold as ice. Her left paw was starting to radiate heat as she tried to siphon from the evil energy around her to fuel the spell for a mage fire fire ball.

Artisia: -she felt the energies in the cell shifting and decided she had better make and appearance, she would stand from her lean against the wall, she calmly moved into the door of the cell standing in the doorway she saw the blood and the damage done by her ghoul- "i see my pet has come to pay a visit" -she watched Ammy and the ghoul-

Ammy Spiritor: A small fire ball was now glowing in her paw and she was just itching to smash it into the ghouls face.

The Taste of Flesh: "I already know." It snarled at Ammy. The ghoul remembered the fire from Iimiidiina. Its claws came to her neck as if ready to cut her throat ready and wanting to harm her severely, but once it heard the Mistress the ghoul spat at Ammy's face and backed away to its Mistress.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy snarled and threw the fire ball at the wall just past the ghouls head, then she ripped some of her clothing to bandage the arm.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul snapped its teeth at her when the fireball flew past its head. "Why can't I kill that one, Mistress?"

Artisia: -she watched the fireball whizz by and hit the wall leaving the wall blackened and would reach a paw down to caress her ghouls head, then moving further into the room- "i see your powers are...awakening Ammy...good.." -she watched her bandage the wounds-

Ammy Spiritor: "Try ghoul and I'll really see how well Artisia made you." she stared daggers at the ghoul then looked to Artisia. "To a degree." the fireball though fueled some from the evil around her still needed her focus and power to form it and her head buzzed from the psionic pulse. She felt a bit sick.

The Taste of Flesh: "i'll get you in your sleep. The living cannot stay awake forever." It started to snicker.

Ammy Spiritor: "You build some...." she closed her eyes a moment and repressed the urge to vomit, " interesting undead."

Artisia: -she grinned- "thank you Ammy" -she turned and looked back to her ghoul- "Ammy is...useful pet"

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grunted in irritation and sat down on the ground by Artisia. It's lifeless eyes staring at Ammy with intentions to kill, but it knew it couldn't do that if the Mistress didn't allow that.

Ammy Spiritor: Stomach settling, Ammy finished binding her arm. "I've been meaning to ask what is to become of me once Amaretto is whole?"

Artisia: -she took the parchement from a pocket as well at the pen, she moved over and handed them to Ammy, she had remembered their conversation from the night before, she looked at her a moment- "i am sure...i will find some use for you...your knowledge is valuable..."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked about for a place to write, the floor was a bit filthy. "May I ask for the table? Maybe a chair as well?"

Artisia: -she looked over at the small table and the bench chair that sat near the door, it took little effort she would move the table and chair over closer to Ammy close enough the chains wouldnt get in the way of the writing, she then stood nearby and waited-.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stood with a wince. The tail still bugged her some and she sat gingerly. She rested her petrified right hand on the table and began to sketch out two alchemy arrays to help Artisia create longer lasting, more durable undead. "I assume you have a fully functioning laboratory?"

Artisia: "yes...i have what i need here." -she leaned against the doorframe and watched her start to work- "supplied and both a laboratory and ritual room"

Ammy Spiritor: "I see." her arrays started simple and grew complex by the second. "Do you have experience with alchemical arrays?"

Artisia: -she watched her write and draw, she understood most of what was written- "i have learned arrays and circles in the past...for a while they were part of my training" -she thought she might need to refresh herself on them- "you will write these arrays and we will go to more comfortable a setting to let me work with them"

Ammy Spiritor: "Very well. I know the fate of my blood daughter, Artisia, but I must ask after the fate of my adopted daughter Rawsha who is just as precious to me as Lene is. Where is she?"

Artisia: -she stands watching her and hears the question- "the child has been very useful to me...she is resting now...when not in my labratory she is in a cage.. like a little bird"

Artisia: -she glanced down at the ghoul and grinned- "Rawsha has been very...entertaining hasn't she pet?"

The Taste of Flesh: Hearing the Mistress the ghoul smirked and chuckled. "Like a fun rag doll that can scream in fear and cry its heart out."

Ammy Spiritor: "Ah, so she is you living experiment then..." her fingers tapped on the table lightly in thought as she regarded the arrays. it has been some time for her as well and she didn't want them to explode when used. ".. I would normally be angry with both of you for this as I am with Lene's currenct condition but I am in a very limiting situation. I'll just let her mother deal with you two." she tripple checked the arrays now.

Ammy Spiritor: "May I see Rawsha?"

Artisia: -she thought about the request and a grin came back over her lips, the thought about letting Ammy see Rawsha- "in time.. .im sure you will see her" -she answerd- "for now... we should go to the labratory..i have some onyx there i would like to embue for practice...once you are finished writing the arrays of course"

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sighed for a moment and finished the arrays. "I believe they are complete. What of my hand?" she asked laying the pen down.

Artisia: "it will stay to seal...the deal of your helping me strengthen my spells and learn what you can teach me...and perhaps when i feel it should become flesh again it will" -she grinned darkly and took up the parchement with the arrays sketche and worked on them, she then motioned to the chains with her paw and shadows twisted and moved around the chains, the metal seemed to change forms and bend the cuffs into a set of tight bracers, they had magic of binding and magic dampening but didnt interfere with the return of magic to ammy just the use-

Ammy Spiritor: "Fair enough." she stood and would follow. "I am curious, Artisia. Why necromancy?"

Artisia: -the length of chains dropped lose to the wall, she grinned looking from Ammy to the ghoul and then started out of the room, she would walk leading ammy down the long hall from her cell, they passed cells that were more like holding pens that hadnt been used in ages..there was half a skeleton chained to a wall inside one, Artisia had animated when she had first moved into the old monastary and it watched them with glowing yellow eyes it had a crown on its dirty boned head that the gems in the crown had been popped out long was eerie as from the mid ribcage down was missing...Artisia spoke as they passed the cells- "my father was a great wizard as many before greatgrandfather was a of the most cold blooded on Sliinkaa" - to the left of the hall there were rooms that had storage...crate and boxes and items in that large room-

Ammy Spiritor: "So you decided to follow in your grand sires paw prints? No desire to do something else? Like summoning?"

Artisia: -they came to a hall that joined the one they were on and she took the hall going right, it was a short hall and soon went to the left and they soon came to a runemarked door that stood light glowed around the door she took Ammy into a hall that opened up...a bit more she heard her and thought a moment- "there were other things...i..i wished to do..but they were not possible... unacceptable.." -she nearly whispered the last word, perhaps it sounded more like she had heard the word used over and over in the past-

Ammy Spiritor: "Unacceptable?" she asked skeptically.

Artisia: -the came to a large wooden door on the left and one on the right...the one on the left stood open, inside were large glass vats with green liquids inside them and what looked like bodies floating in them., she could see four, and standing near a cot in the corner was the dwarven male Belian he was busy working on some vile deed, green tentacles could be see wrapping around his green robed arm and a soft croaking could be heard but the creature that made the sound wasnt see and Bellian had his..back facing them..the door to the right was wooden and closed she stopped to open it- " father and grandfather thought...i had to much power to waste on anything but the darker magics." -she opened the door of the lab-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked a bit in interest at the Dwarf but said nothing about it. "Alchemy could have done well with you in it. Last I checked, I was the only alchemist in Lupinoss." she follwed.

Artisia: -inside two empty round cages hung at either side of the room toward the front, there were multiple tables with supplies, chairs with straps for restaining, tables with the leather restraints one had fresh blood drying on it..there was single large vat in the back of the room with the green liquid inside it, two undead laid on tables near the back as well, they were still..things she was working on. she moved to a table where she did most of her work near the bloodstained table and took out a few onyx from a box laying them out on the table carefully-

Ammy Spiritor: "Hmm. Suitable lab, I'm impressed Artisia. You should visit mine some day."

Artisia: "i have seen many forms of magic...and my past.. have traveled to many places, each have their interesting takes on things from healing, to death magic and everything inbetween.....yes this lab has proven useful....i have what i need here...and can expand if needed...the labor of my miniions is very cheap.." -she chuckled slightly and laid the parchement down on the table looking them over-

Ammy Spiritor: "Indeed. I dare say with some help, I can make a finer body for Amaretto here than at my own. Living among the public does... limit my range of supplies. Pitty we didn't meet under better circumstances though the night on the Glen was interesting when we first crossed paths." then she looked to the ghoul. "Do you have a name?"

Artisia: -she then moved over to one of the zombies she had been working on..the more complete one, it was laying face down on the table...the only part that was left was the onyx to complete it, she would double check her work on the soon to be undead corpse, it was some sort of tall thin humanoid in its past life, perhaps an elf- "Amaretto will get a very suitable body from what we have to work with...and the use of arrays and our magics"

The Taste of Flesh: the ghoul had followed but it had stayd quiet for the time being. when it was asked the question by ammy it pointed towards the mistress. "the name i have is the name the mistress gives me."

Ammy Spiritor: "Indeed." Ammy felt a bit odd as if she was out of it as she stood amongst the vilest of the magic arts. Yet, as she spoke more with Artisia, she didn't find the vileness troubling as if she was just an observer. "Do be sure to use a dusting of diamond dust as well are blood jade powder with those arrays. It will enhance the effects twice as much but powdered hematite will work as well."

Artisia: "the ghoul...i havent chosen a name suitable for it yet." -she would open a few cabinets after walking back over to the table with the parchements taking out containers with the suggested powders and components..taking a bit of the diamond dust, she had known that diamond dust was a needed component but she had to search for her container of blood jade powder, she nodded and looked through the cabinets-

Ammy Spiritor: She regarded the ghoul for a long moment. "Reminds me of a Bob." she grinned, showing teeth. Ammy felt for the Force and noticed it was a bit stronger today in her and she shoved the flowing energy into her tail and arm feeling things slowly healing more. She began to regret letting herself get so thing depriving herself of needed nutrients to fuel spells. She did glance at the undead on the tables for a long moment. "Hmm..."

Artisia: "i believe if i was to name it...i would call it Nurthir." -she wasnt going to say out loud that it meant "Ugly One" in dragon tongue, she prized her was one that she actually cared for..she pulled a small container of blood jade powder out of the cabinet finally and opened it, she would then look at the arrays and take one of the onyx pulling it from the others, she would start to work the array, at first slowly then more confidently, but carefully not wanting to miss one line or circle she added the sprinkling of the powders and dusts as if she was an artist working the spells and arrays over the onyx-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stepped close to Artisia and watched. "More flourish on the symbol of Mars."

Artisia: -Ammy could probably see that the necromancer needed guidance and some correction, she nodded and went back through the steps adding the gesture needed, she looked back at hte parchement as shadow and dark magic seemed to glow from her paws into the arrays, she would grin somehow casting the arrays felt right-

Ammy Spiritor: "Focus on your intentions as well. I have found a drop of blood will act as a superior catalyst to ensure the settling of arrays." a glance back over at the ghoul, fascinated. "It reminds me often of my nights thinking about building Amaretto. Pitty she hates me so."

The Taste of Flesh: the ghoul would leave the room and soon the monastery to go on a hunt for more prey and fresh bodies to feast on.

Artisia: -she would go through the steps and took Ammy's advice, she didnt mind bleeding for her work, she was afer all studying and learning, gaining knowledge and in the end power, she worked over the onyx and the one she had focused the array and spells on started to resignated with dark magic, she would push the spell into the stone and it would float from the table she would reach out and take it once it was ready, she soon moved with it over to the prepared corse and put the stone into the corpse-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy followed, watching. She was learning as well as necromancy was something new to her.

Ammy Spiritor: "Fascinating art you weave. I can see you can teach me a few things as well."

Artisia: -taking care to sew the last few stitches with enchanted thick thread she would grin over at Ammy as she would then cast the spells to finish the preperations of the undead, she casts gentle repose- "a spell to...slow the rot of death.." -then a spell to make the repose permenant- "and something to ensure it will last" -she then moves a paw over the coprse and dark magic flows from her around the corpse- "rise my new minion of undeath" -she spoke sweetly with evil dripping from her voice-

Ammy Spiritor: She made mental notes.

Ammy Spiritor: "Ever try embuing a soul upon non-living objects?"

Artisia: -deep inside the onyx reacted, the necromancer grinned as she felt the power reacting and spilling into the corpse as the spell was cast, the spell was used and the flow of magic ended..she watched, she looked over at Ammy and grinned at the thought- "it might be interesting to...toy with that" -the once elven zombie's fingers tightened into a fist, its eyes opened and as if it was reliving its last moments of death, the eyes went wide before turning the soulless black, the zombie sat up.. since it had been on its stomach, it corrected itself slowly twisting at first then righted its lower body-

Ammy Spiritor: "I have done it a few times, and many Spiritor mages have used the art to resurrect armies of soul powered armor."

Artisia: "i have seen...soul armor." -she watched the zombie rise and grinned, she looked over her work, few stitches were needed, and it was still wearing the old lifes clothes, she nodded as she inspected it, it gave a low gutteral groan, its fingernails she had ripped out so the bone was showing and clawlike, the zombie took a few steps and seemed to consider Ammy as its first meal..but didnt move much further as Artisia grinned she held it at bay with her link with it-

Ammy Spiritor: She did have another idea concerning the undead. The act of working with magic and being around it again seemed to thrill a part of Ammy once thought dried up and dead. "Let me know when you make another undead. I believe I could offer a third array to add to the two on that stone that would allow the undead to reflect magic cast at it by any but you."

Artisia: -she grinned- "i will let you know.." -the undead lumbered out into the hall...and sniffed the smelt the dwarf in the room across the hall...something kept it from lunging into that room to attack instead it turned and headed down the hall toward the hallway where Lene stood as a statue, it would make its way up through the monastary after some time and out to the corpsepile before going off to hunt...Artisia nodded she knew she would be able to call upon it when needed-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy gave a small, saddened sigh as she looked about. So much did she miss magic and with it coming back the memories of many sacrifices in the name of magic. She remembered losing her legs and left arm in an accident in alchemy. "Now what, Artisia?"

Artisia: -the magic she had used today had drained her slightly- "i believe i will go study books and prepare for things to come" -she motioned for Ammy to follow as she moved back toward the hallway-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy followed, in thought again. Why was she helping Artisia? Was she that desperate for magic again? Was she slipping in her mind after watching her daughter turn to stone? Was she losing hope? The question vibrated in her mind and she shoved them aside. She'd done worse in her life. "Are you familiar with soul batteries?"

Ammy Spiritor: "They can be charged with soul energy and then used to replenish your body."

Artisia: "i have a few items that serve that purpose though they are things i have...found or...have been given to me" -she grinned a bit a she said that, she lead her back down into the darker hallways, passed the runed doors, down the halls, past the holding cells with that animated partial skeleton, and to her cell, inside had changed a bit, a cot had been set up, with the desk nearby with parchement and an inkwell and pen.. the chains were still there but Artisia would just grin at her- "i...think you will find your liking not to have to sleep on the floor s...ince you will write the arrays and instructions for me...the bracers you wear will do instead of chains"

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked about and nodded. "Thank you Artisia." she would move inside and sit on the cot. "I will rest and then recall what is needed for Amarettos body. You may have to collect one or two things in addition to what you have."

Ammy Spiritor: She layed down, making little noise as she was thin and light. "I can teach you many things, but I don't think I need to tell you the unwritten warning with all magic."

Artisia: -the skeleton who had brought food before came lumbering down the hall with a bowl of soup and bread, the soup had meat in it...smelled like beef and lots of carrots and potatoes, it also had a metal cup of water, it would leave it all on the desk carefully then leave.- "yes...if i must find things...that i dont have here...i will need lists." -she nodded, she knew the unwritten warnings and unspoken rules of magic-

Ammy Spiritor: "Very well. If you happen to have minions around the Den, many things may be acquired at my old shop, the Philosophers Flask. No one guards it anymore and the magic wards have failed be now."

Artisia: -she nodded- "i will remember that" -she motioned to the food- "have some while its hot." -she would turn to exit- "rest well" -she moved out of the cell and closed the heavy wooden steel reinforced door, the keys jingling as she locked it-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy would move to the food and sat. She would sit and look at it. She was missing Mirius, Rawsha, Lene and others a bit more today. The growing concern and fear that having magic return to her body was her companion as well. "Am I... going to go back down that dark path again?" she whispered to herself. "Sky and sea, earth and fire, keep my soul free and temper my desire. Amen." she ate without further thought then would sleep.

Artisia: -she headed back to the laboratory and put away the things she had used in the array, then would retire to work on her notes for a ritual she was preparing...she would eat and rest..the morning came early for her-

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-17 17:38 EST
Moonshine: Clank, clank, clank. Ping, ping, ping. Woosh, woosh, woosh. Clang, clang, clang. The lair would dimly echoe with sounds from Moonshine's workshop bellow the ground. Between torrents of sound, soft crying would be hear.

Moonshine: Whatever Moonshine was up to, he hasn't stopped for two days since he woke with Calcifur and Rawsha's egg.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood out on the broad stone porch that greeted people when they came to the lair. Black violin in paws, shi was tuning it up for something. Shi heard Moonshine and quietly whispered a prayer of peace to him.

Iimiidiina: The young Looa strides towards Lene's lair, white divine metal katana sheathed on his back on the outside of the black cloak, hood up and the edges billowing out. Underneath, he wears the shabby grey robes of the apprentice wizard, and he walks with purpose. Perhaps something was seen in the runes, or perhaps he is just tired of moping around Oalix's wagon. Moping doesn't get things done, after all. He knows he can help, even if in a somewhat trivial way as a healer and warder. Beside him, the month-old Grimanth, now easily the size of a Husky and twice as long, slithers along. She wasn't afraid of what she's seen in her bondmates memories, and is confidant in herself even though she is neither magical nor as big as her full-grown counterparts. Our power is greatest when we are together, her bondmate once said shortly after hatching, and she was taking it seriously. Iimii approaches the porch and bows to Granmap before going to hug hir. "Fleety."

Igneous: Igneous was on the pathway below in the forest. He was off on a rarely used game trail speaking earnestly with a battered looking Drow.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuusoolta was in the living room, hunched over tables filled with maps of the forests, laid out in detail. This was his moment to shine, to show his father the tactical prowess he had learned from his time alone in Lupinoss.

Garnet Prismpaw: -In the past couple days Garnet had gone back to the den, the forges in her workshop were burning hot, though the storefront remained locked up tight, the mottled raven, her familiar had watched her work hard, with little sleep, magic flying from the lupes paws every now and then, she was inventing and crafting, she only stopped to sleep when the raven, Nebula put up a fuss about her getting rest, he wasnt happy when she closed up the workshop loading her newly made wares and leaving him behind-

Iimiidiina: "I'm tired of sitting around, wallowing in my self-pity," he says, pulling back. "Great misfortune has fallen on our family, Granmap, and I intend to stick with you guys. The runes told me that efforts were underway to solve the problem currently plaguing us. I came to offer my wand..." Grimanth opens her mouth, uttering in hatchling-speak of Draconic tongue. *And my teeth.* "To the mission, whatever it is you guys are planning."

Fleetwolf: Shi looked concerned for a long moment. "Iimii, this mission is grave and dangerous. I am not sure if all of us will come back alive."

Moonshine: More clanking then ever so often a boom that would gently shake the lair.

Iimiidiina: "You forget what I am, Granmap. You go ahead and slice heads and kill necromancers. Leave it to me to -keep- you guys alive." He grins wolfishly. Eyes go to the lair at the boom. "Moonshine at the forge again?"

Igneous: Igneous contiued speaking with the Drow and soon several map cases were handed to Igneous. He looked at them, and spoke with the Drow more. The two parted, the Drow disappearing into the forest, and Igneous heading slowly back to the lair, deep in thought.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she was hearing the raven over their bond as she walked out of the den portal, she tried to comfort him but soon just ignored him with promises of being back home soon. She walked along toward Moonshine and Lene's lair, the smell of forge fire, grease, sweat and magic was on her fur, after a while she would teleport. Appearing on the trail leading up to the lair, her old leather backpack on her back, should have been buldging at the seams but wasnt she might have looked a little thin and a lot tired-

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked back to the lair with the muffled din. "Yes. He is. He refuses my calming, outright repels my magic now, and wont sleep or eat until he is done with something. At least he is keeping in somewhat good spirits by the project. I had to nearly sever his connection with Lene. He was starting to turn to stone like she did." shi sighed deeply when saying that.

Iimiidiina: "You think it would help if I went to go talk to him," he asks, concerned, looking back to Fleety.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Maybe if we can go here, then over there, trails intersect here..." he muttered as a pencil appeared and he made more notes then snarled as he looked over the snarled tangle of half readable data. He couldn't do this without more information. Speculation would get them all killed.

Fleetwolf: "You can try, just be careful." shi said remebering hir torn up back and battered body when Moonshine was in a mood the first time. "He's got a lot of tools in there. Don't get hurt." shi went back to tuning the violin. A certain cadence and music was in hir mind and shi felt shi needed to experiment with it.

Iimiidiina: "I will be. Come on, Grimanth." With that, they head inside, waving to Vuu as they pass. "Aawo, brother." But nothing more is said, as Vuu looks very busy right now.

Vuusoolta Wolf: A glance at Iimii and Vuusoolta made more notes now.

Igneous: Igneous happened to meet Garnet on the path. "Evening."

Iimiidiina: The pair head down down downstairs into the Forge, not much minding, or seeming to mind, the clanging and loud noises.

Moonshine: Moonshine was working at the anvil. The forge room had superb ventilation though no forge was seen. He was uing his super heated flame breath to work the metal. The look of a breast plate nearly done could be seen grasped in tongs. There were a few piles of polished metal armor near him to his left, and to his right Calcifur slept, used to dads forge feeling comfort in the noise and the carefully warmed dragon egg of Rawsha.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet looked up, if she hadn't heard him she would have walked right into Igneous, she stopped and nodded to him- "'ello..." -she barely remembered seeing him be brought in by Fleety a few nights ago..but she offered a smile- "i am Garnet Prismpaw....i didnt get the chance tae introduce myself before" -dwarven accent deep-

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii, it's another dragon!~ Indeed, it is. He would be my... brother-in-law, I believe? ~Really? Cool!~ Don't run to him, though. He's a little distraught. Let me do the talking. The Looa steps into the cavernous space and smiles a bit at Moonshine. "Aawo, Moon."

Igneous: "Ah. Pleasure to meet you I think. I presume you were the pilot of the metal dragon during the war?

Moonshine: The hammerfalls stopped as he quenched the metal, an odd looking steel, quite dark and flecked with silver slivers. He glanced to Iimii and Grimanth, grey eyes slightly blinking behind goggles soot covered and a bit moist from tears. "Iimii." he said simply and returned to hammering out the breast plate.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she gave a grin- "aye..that be right." -it was a little bit evident she was proud, she moved the straps of the backpack lightly and adjusted it a bit- "i am on the way back to Moonshine's lair ..'ave been working on a few things"

Iimiidiina: "Are you feeling okay," he asks, stepping to within a couple strides of the anvil.

Igneous: "I see. Care for some help? I've just spoken with the leader of my Drow scouting party. Vuusoolta will be happy to have these new maps and information about out our location."

Fleetwolf: Violin all tuned, shi caressed the strings and the song that slowly came out hesitantly was a melody low, soft, and serene. maddinlgy peaceful.

Garnet Prismpaw: "i've got it...but the company..and tae hear..information would be nice."-..since the night of the scrying, when she slept she had been having strange dreams, maybe it was the reason she wasnt sleeping much, maybe it was worry for her friends, she looked at him and took a few steps up the trail- "well come on...Vuu will be wanting tae hear what ya found out" -she then started up the trail-

Moonshine: He stopped and fixed Iimii with a long unblinking stare. "No. My mate is dead for all I know, my son motherless, and I feel I hear muted, dark voices all the time. I am not okay. She could've avoided all of this." he slammed the hammer down to thin out the metal with a very sharp clang as if to emphasize the thought.

Igneous: "Ah yes. Let's." he walked with her up to the lair. On the way. "Your dragon proved to be a thorn in my backside during the war. I give you respect Garnet. As for the information, it would seem Vuusoolta was right about the furthest Cathedral. The Drow ran into many undead and what the leader assumes is an apprentice to the dark arts of necromancy."

Iimiidiina: The boy blinks slowly and takes a deep breath, keeping his cool. "She's not dead. The runes have spoken nothing about death. Only misfortune. Besides, none of us could have seen what would have happened."

Moonshine: Moonshine roared and slung the hammer into the farthest wall where it was embedded with several other similar smithing happens. "All she has done has put herself in harms way being with the Fangs." his eyes glinted with anger and spark flew from his nostrils. "I've felt her shot, stabbed, broken, shocked, and nearly dead too many times and all I can think of is our son with out parents when she finaly does something dumb enough to kill us both!" another roar and he stalks over to some bar stock.

Garnet Prismpaw: "the dragonmech is one o' the best works i have yet" -she nodded as she listened to Igneous as they walked up the trail, she heard Fleety's playing an smiled, it lifted mood some but what she had just heard made her look back at Igneous- "sounds like...this ver' powerful.."

Moonshine: Flinging bars of metal with imperfection without care about the shop, though the bars seemed to miss the armor that was finished and his son and the egg.

Igneous: "If only you knew Garnet. She is from a powerful mage line of Spiritors known as the Fangghoul. Her grand sire was the cruelest necromancer to grace our Great Den, and her father I believe still has his claws in all Spiritor politics."

Fleetwolf: The serinity soon disolved to something tormented and chil as clouds rolled in and lighting played across the sky, thunder booming.

Vuusoolta Wolf: His ears twitched hearing Moonshine roar down below the lair. Vuu walked away from the maps and paced. He couldn't say that Moonshine was being weak. Love was something dangerous some days. He worried sometimes what he himself would do if Garnet was ever captured.

Iimiidiina: He stood still, trusting in his default wards to keep him from being hit. Grimanth goes to hide in the stairs quickly, being unwarded. Otherwise, he is silent, knowing full well that it's best to let Moon simmer and express his anger than try to console him with Iimii has to admit would contradict the truth in his statement. Lene was rather foolish, risking her life in the Fangs. But what else can she do, stay at home?

Moonshine: Soon the anger washed away as he layed the bar on the anvil and grabbed another hammer. He had a heap of them and went back to work. For a time it was just hammering and heating as a helm came to life, but sizzle of tears on metal might be heard between hammerfalls as he wept quietly. He just wanted his mate, his only world back in his scaled arms safe and under his protection again.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she frowns now hearing that the necromancer has such a powerful bloodline- "...i have read a lot about the Great Dens and Lupinoss...and dark times which seem to linger their" -she walked with him making it up to the porch- "i was only a pup." -if it had been a few months before she would have been toally lost in Lupinoss's history but she had a better understanding having access to library-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was returning to the lair, a machine pistol straped on each thigh and a rifle in her paws. Around her waist was a belt that held clips of ammo around it, then a couple more on her thighs. On her belt was also a few nethicite canisters, which all the rounds for her gun contained nethicite to combat the undead and the evil mage that took her daughter and mate away from her. She had tinted goggles above her eyes in just in case if there was to be bright light anytime that may harm her eyes and a flashlight o nher belt and then a smaller one attached to her rifle all in case things were to ever get too dark. With a sigh she made her way up the trail to the lair. The thoughts of Ammy, Rawsha and Myrlene never left her mind or kept her at peace.

Iimiidiina: Iimii approaches the hammering dragon and tries to hug his hind leg. "We're here for you, Moonshine. And we'll get her back. That's a promise."

Fleetwolf: The storm soon cease as the song hit a sour note and a string snapped as the powerful magic Fleety was trying to grasp resisted. "Damn it." shi growled and staired at the violin. Shi needed some undead and not a mental vision to try this out on. Sitting, shi started the process of restringing the violin.

Moonshine: The hammering stopped, the helm hissed as it was quenched and Iimii would feel a heavy, scaled and clawed hand fall on his shoulder. "I am holding you all to that promise. She dies, I die then my son is another orphaned Lupe in that cursed Den." Then he placed the lightweight helm, still warm, but not not hot into Iimii's paws. "Put it on."

Igneous: "Then you were lucky Garnet." he paused to consider the cursing Fleety and the instrument. "Trouble, fruitcake?"

Iimiidiina: The young Looa pulls away and look at the helm before sliding it over his head.

Fleetwolf: "The spell I wish to test needs some physical targets. Undead." shi looked up at him with a frigid stare.

Igneous: "That all? Undead?" he rolled his eyes. "Some deity you are." he turned and pointed to the base of the trail. "Tilisk siilihm morhai creatium matris phalans!"

Mirius Pojoris: She came upon the entrance and saw Igneous, Garnet and Fleet there. "Well, what's goin' on here?" She looked between them all.

Igneous: A group of six undead warriors would appear at the base of the trail. lupe undead of course. "There you go cupcake." he snickered and Fleet and walked inside. He spoke to Mirius. "I have information now."

Moonshine: "How does it fit Iimii?"

Mirius Pojoris: "I'll be in there in a moment," she said to Igneous and looked to Fleety. "Things alright, Fleet?"

Iimiidiina: Head is shaken to and fro, testing it's grip. "Pretty good. It might be a little low on the nose, it's kinda hard to see."

Fleetwolf: Shi snarled and looked at the undead. "Nothing killing a damn Spiritor wouldn't fix." shi vented and drew up hir restrung violin. That son played again, sickeningly serene as shi targeted the very real undead walking for the lair.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she headed inside, leaving the others to talk after a wave to Mirius, looking around a moment she would move toward the living room area, she smiled a sort of tired smile seeing Vuu pacing, she quietly pulled the backpack from her back and sat the pack on the floor, she stood watching him quietly-

Moonshine: "Hand it back. I'll adjust it." his tone was a bit flat, distant. His tail stoney scaled tail, proof that what Lene suffered he suffered gently moved out and rotated the egg.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He stopped his pacing smelling the strong scent from Garnet. He looked up with concern. "Garnet, you look dead tired." Vuu moved forward and pulled her into an embrace.

Iimiidiina: Iimii takes the helmet off and hands it back to Moonshine.

Moonshine: He starts readjusting it. Iimii may recognize three full suits of armor for males including him and two for females though one of the female suits looked a bit bigger and meant for more muscle.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius listened to the song Fleety played and watched the undead coming up the trail. She looked back and forth between Fleety and the undead and her paws held the rifle in her paws more firmly.

Igneous: Igneous walked inside. The undead were Fleety's problem. Let the panzy lupe play with the dead. He walked past the touching moment Vuusoolta and Garnet had rolling his eyes and began clearing clutter off of one table and began laying out new maps and parchments filled with notes.

Iimiidiina: Iimii did notice this, and it wasn't the armor that intrigues him so, but the number. "You knew I was going to come?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she felt his embrace, shaking her head she hugged him back- "i'm fine..gee ye sound ..just like Nebs.." -she had to laugh a little, she had used alot of magic, energy and time at the forge making what she had been working at...she leaned into him softly and gave a loving nuzzle, then she looked over hearing the rustle of papers, she looks at Vuu- "Igneous has ...information" -spoken softly-

Fleetwolf: The undead seemed to slow as the music reached them and they all seemed to moan in pain as they now stood in a stupor. About that time the song changed bringing the clouds, thunder, and lightning back. Shi pushed intensity into the song and reached the point where the string snapped before. It held, and lightening danced along the undead, charring them all to ash.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Good." he let some spare energy flow into her. "Let me get you something to eat then we can look at what Igneous has. Okay?"

Moonshine: He muttered something and finished the adjustments. "Lene has taught me a few things. She can see the future some days though it is often very unfocused and wrong. But I don't need magic to know where one Wolf goes, the whole fracking clan goes. Now try the helmet." he offered it out.

Garnet Prismpaw: -blinking she chuckles softly- "alright...nothing to fancy though" -she grinned a little and went to a chair to sit down, pulling the pack close to the chair and out of the way-

Iimiidiina: "With all due respect, I'm not a Wolf, technically." He chuckles and slips it back on. "Ah, yes, much better."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He moved into the kitchen and was soon back with a plate full of sandwhiches and chips. "Fleety's been making tons of food to keep everyone up in strength." he sat the plate of food down with water and a few other drinks. He sat with her and took a sandwhich to eat as well.

Moonshine: "Not a Wolf is true. Why do you risk your life for one not blood? You would do well just to go away from the family I have bonded into. Save your sanity and health."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she takes one of the sandwhiches and some water and starts to eat, she sits there next to him, it was the first time she had been off her feet since early that morning, she sat just waiting for the others to gather-

Fleetwolf: Fleety ended the song with a look purpose now. Just a few more notes need adjusting and hir two part musical litany would be ready. Shi took a deep breath and chased away the foul mood shi had toward Igneous.

Iimiidiina: "No I wouldn't. If you don't have family, you have nothing. That's what my Dad taught me. The Wolf's are all I have. I love my sister, and my mother, even though I am not of blood. Besides, it's cowardly and unworthy of a Looa to abandon those closest to him or her."

Mirius Pojoris: "Not plannin' on killin' this Spiritor, are ye?" She looked at him after seeing that he killed the undead. Mirius was quite impressed with that.

Moonshine: He made a few sharp comments about Loaa in general and handed Iimii the rest of the armor to try on. Calcifur stirred for a moment or two then slept some more. Darkness. Darkness surrounds me again. Blind once more. Can't move. Can't breath. I hear mom. What is she doing? Why is she helping Artisia? It the ghoul again. So cold. So hungry. Moonshine leaned against the wall as bits of lene came through the link.

Fleetwolf: "No. I love you as much as I love Ammy. But Igneous." shi just wrinkled hir muzzle in silent disgust.

Iimiidiina: He grimaces at said comments, then gets out of his cloak and robes to try on the armor.

Mirius Pojoris: "We could shoot him in the butt with a gun sometime," Mirius snickered. "Might make ye feel better."

Fleetwolf: "Would rather make him a female." shi growled.

Iimiidiina: "So, what's the big suit for?"

Igneous: Everything was laid now. Igneous took some food as well and sat off to one side just watching the others with a mix of boredom and loathing.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "So what have you been working on? I can smell the shop on you strongly tonight." he asked Garnet.

Mirius Pojoris: "Or we could get him drunk, dress ye up as some hot flirtateous thing n' hit on him while he's wasted and ye could steal every bit o' pride from him that he's got as a man n' Spiritor." She winked to Fleety and chuckled.

Moonshine: "Fleetian. Shi's not a typical female build. Does your armor fit?" he asked, starting to gather the other sets in his strong arms. Hang in there Lene. Please hang in there. Help is coming soon. You'll be back in my arms soon and Calcifur about your neck. He would send over the staticky soul bond. He wanted nothing more than to hold her but he also wanted her safe and not in the Fangs. But, could he take away something she truly loved to do just for saftey sake?

Fleetwolf: Fleety had to choke back a sudden urge to gag and shiver. "No thanks. I've been sullied by one evil tyrant. I have standards now." Shi made hir violin vanish and put an arm around Mirius' shoulder. "Nice weapons. Let's see what Miss Iggy has for us."

Iimiidiina: "Yeah, it fits. Thank you." He bows and starts to strip back down. Once done and dressed... "I better head back up." A reassuring pat on Moon's shoulder is placed before he heads back upstairs.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she finished the sandwhich, picking up her backpack, she opens it and reaches into a moment, she pulls out a silver sphere with lines and maybe a couple bolts holding it together- "these are...charged with..the spell disrupt undead, ...but instead of one undead it does a splash of lower amounts of damage to up to five if they be grouped"

Moonshine: He watched Iimii recede as he gathered the last of the armor up. He stopped by Calcifur and gave his son a kiss on the forehead and moved up the stairs slowly. His mood was quite low still.

Igneous: "Holy Hand Grenades?" Igneous asked in surprise.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Well I'll be." he grinned and gave Garnet a kiss on the forehead. "You clever girl you. How do they work?"

Iimiidiina: "What's going on," he asks once upstairs, hearing something from Iggy about Holy Hand Grenades.

Mirius Pojoris: "Sheesh, Fleet. Ye take the fun outa that." She grinned and would wrap an arm around Fleety's waist and walk with hir into the lair. "Fleet, I think when we get Ammy back. We're gonna need to strap her down to the bed. She keeps gettin' kidnapped a lot."

Igneous: Seeing Iimiidiina, Igneous almost sighed. Great, seems he has more enemies to put up with.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she took out ten of them and set them carefully down on the coffee table..they were about two inch orbs- "you could say that...Igneous" -then back to Vuu- "just throw them at an undead...and on a hit they will activate...if they hit the ground and shatter its even less damage...but its something"

Fleetwolf: "I agree. Maybe have you kidnapped instead."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He picked one up and looked it over closely. "You surprise at every turn."

Iimiidiina: The young mage gives him a look saying, Lovely to see you too. Grimanth... well, she's just staring at the grenades, sniffing at them. "What're these, Garnet?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Me kidnapped? Why?" she gave Fleet a weird look.

Igneous: He continued to eat trying to ignore them all for now. Let them get cozy, or whatever then the real meeting can happen. Sickening love stories.

Fleetwolf: "What? Never had a crazy dream about someone rescuing you and wisking you away to safety?" shi just grinned.

Mirius Pojoris: "Can't recall that I have since I made more enemies every day by insultin' everyone and threatenin' them."

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu overheard his dad. "Hey, let's not get more people kidnapped. I'd like to run a peaceful, civilized Den for 10 minutes without coming to the rescue of another family member. I need to have time to date someone you know."

Garnet Prismpaw: "disrupt undead...grenades Iimii"..-she then looked back in the bag and took out one necklace with a pearl setting in the center of a silver disc, on a gold chain. she set it with the grenades- "this...should repel..lesser undead...maybe it can get ye all through the forest...or...closer... i could only make one....and it..has an area affect...but...not sure how great it will be.."

Moonshine: Moonshine made out of the the workshop and quietly laid the armor on the floor in piles with their names on it. He then slunk off to the kitchen to eat enough for a large army. Two days with no food and lots of breath weapon use. Yep. Hungry dragon be he.

Fleetwolf: As they neared, shi just winked at Vuusoolta. "Finally my son is looking at a girl more than work. Thought maybe he joined a monestary or took to guys."

Igneous: "Wait a minute. We are letting a pup come along?" he asked with a sneer. "Bad enough to have a fruitcake like Fleet over there and this scholarly push over leading us." he indicated Vuusoolta. "The only one worth taking is Mirius."

Iimiidiina: Iimii slowly comes to stare back at Igneous. Blink, blink, blink, simultaneous blink as the hatchling stared as well now.

Fleetwolf: "Like a washed up general who was beaten by a rag tag army is any better?" shi growled.

Mirius Pojoris: "I'm sure fruitcakes are better than old stale muffins, Iggy." She snickered.

Moonshine: Moonshine bellowed a roar from the kitchen and walked out with half a fresh dear, dead, half eaten and the dragon bloody. "I will personally blast the next idiot to ash. My mate is out there vulnerable. I don't care about your damn pride, your history, your Dens or blood fueds. Lene is all that matters to me. Now get your acts together or I really show you how I feel." Just for emphasis he blew a chunk out of the wall with flame then lumbered back downstairs.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Well now. Igneous. That information you have?"

Iimiidiina: "If I wanted to bicker over blood and age and who is better, I would be with Masters Tiglath and Cymric right now." But, his words were lost in the roar.

Fleetwolf: Shi kept hir mouth shut and just listened silently.

Iimiidiina: Now that they were focused, he takes a seat on a nearby cooshoon and listens.

Mirius Pojoris: "Still n' old stale muffin," she whispered and kept a smirk on her muzzle. Her arm stayed around Fleety's waist and held hir close.

Igneous: Oh, joy. A touchy dragon. Thoughts of having his dragon hunters pay Moonshine a visit came and went. He stood and went to the table of organized maps. "Vuusoolta was correct on which Monestary ruins we are to target. The Drow I sent out have given quite a detailed list of things in the area. Hoards of zombies, shades, lich's, monstrous scorpions all around here." he indicated part of the living forest and a newly sketched in dead forest zone.

Fleetwolf: "Sounds like usual fair for workers of the undead." shi stepped closer and looked the maps over.

Iimiidiina: *Scorpions are nasty,* Grimanth says out loud, though whether or not people can understand her Draconic is up in the air. Grimmy, behave yourself.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she closed her eyes hearing them all, she had seen alot in her vision while scrying, she just let them all talk, she still held the backpack in her lap-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius walked over to see the map as well. Hearing about all the types of enemies just made it a bigger joy.

Igneous: "Further into the dead zone, more undead abound. They report the ruins start at this point," he indicates a small clearing and a large section of crudely drawn corpses. "They seem to fead off of the dead. The Drow do indicate that the monestary has patrols of undead knights in mixed armor types. The didn't get any closer as the leader told me an Ettin in black robes stood in the entry way and appeared to be sensing for something. The robes, they say, appear to be of the necromancer fair.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "That is quite the army." Vuu said worried. "How many went out?"

Igneous: "Six. Only two died."

Fleetwolf: "Not bad considering the amount of information they obtained." Fleety murmured.

Iimiidiina: "What bothers me is that Ettin... How are we going to get by him?"

Mirius Pojoris: "What the hell's an ettin?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "A rather large, nasty giant like humanoid Mirius."

Mirius Pojoris: "Oh...well, then... should have I gotten a bigger gun?"

Fleetwolf: "Hmm. That would pose a problem, though we may have a bigger one. I doubt the Ettin is our necromancer as Igneous has indicated that this Artisia is a Lupinossai which means.... she has students."

Igneous: "Oh for some Soul Knights." Igneous murmured, hearing Mirius.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You are not working that dark art." he growled at Igneous.

Iimiidiina: "We don't need them. And yes, Artisia is a Lupinossai. She possesses an orb, one of a set of three evil artifacts. She is collecting them, assumedly, for the Lord and Lady of the Fourth Circle of Hell, Belial and Fierna. But I know already that she has her own agenda. We want her power gone, we remove that artifact. An orb of some sort. I think she might be possessed by it, or perhaps she is just unwilling, and yet willing, to let it go, much like the Rings of Power in the Lord of the Rings."

Mirius Pojoris: "Tanks er more fun." Mirius grinned.

Fleetwolf: "Where would we get a tank?" he asked Mirius with interest.

Mirius Pojoris: ""Bout seven realms over? Hell if I know. Just sayin' it'd be great if we had one." She chuckled to Fleety.

Igneous: "A tank wouldn't be needed. Fire, Holy, and a lot of damage should topple the beast. Though if we only had a cleric that could banish the undead it would be easier, but Lupinossai clerics don't exist."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Hmm. Fire...." he looked to Garnet for a moment. "We could set the forest on fire with the metal dragon."

Iimiidiina: "Or a Fiendfyre spell, if it would work. But why would you want to burn the forest, Vuu?"

Igneous: "Oh, sure, let's burn everything down including my city, several hundred miles of forest, oh, and your precious family members at the same time." he rolled his eyes and studied the layout more.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looks at Vuu- "we could...but theres alot of dry ground trees and...yes a fire would"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Never mind. Just thinking of fast means of clearing a path through the undead."

Fleetwolf: Shi put a paw on Vuu's shoulder. "Igneous is right. A city is nearby. We can't endanger them with setting fire to the forest."

Igneous: "A quick path is a problem. Rushing in means we can be flanked.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius just went quiet some as she listened to them all.

Iimiidiina: "So, how do we make a quick entrance without getting flanked?

Vuusoolta Wolf: "You're right. The front is clear and as we walk, bam! surprise attacks."

Fleetwolf: "We march in slow and steady and mop all around us when we can. This is not going to be a quick and dirty mission."

Garnet Prismpaw: -the talk of fire seemed to remind her of something, she opened her bag again and dug deep inside it...the bag in all practical purposes should have been empty it was laying almost flat but she grinned a bit....oh how she loved her backpack of holding-

Fleetwolf: "Though." he looked to Mirius. "Didn't Ammy have an ATV?"

Mirius Pojoris: "I know where it's at, but it's flipped over. Gonna need to flip it back on its wheels."

Iimiidiina: "No big deal there. What about driving?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she stayed quiet as she found what she was looking for, she pulled out a weapon, it is a one handed warhammer, the weapon had been lovingly made, their were dwarven runes down the wooden shaft and along the metal of the hammers head, the weapons main purposes bludgeoning blows, though it had a hooked spike on the back side of the hammer for slashing, a magical flame went around the metal, followed by a tail of light, the effect went out and she laid it down with the other items.-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius thought about that. "I could probably drive it if no one else cain't. I use to do some drivin' in some other long as it ain't somethin' that flies."

Fleetwolf: "Ammy tried to teach me, but I can't handle vehicles let alone mounts." shi sighed.

Iimiidiina: "The ATV is not much use if we can't drive it. Looks like it's you, Mirius. What armaments are we looking at on board?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Well if we could get the vehicle it may help us get in to the forest quicker, but at some point will have to leave it when it gets too dense. Are all of you up to speed with fighting?"

Igneous: "What in Fen is an ATV?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Stands fer All Terrain Vehicle, Ignoramus." She grinned at Igneous.

Igneous: She got a tongue stuck out at her for that. "I'm not a realm whore like some."

Fleetwolf: Shi looked at Mirius. "Didn't the ATV get damaged in the war?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: Letting the others talk he noted Garnet with a big ass hammer. "Uhm, love, do you break rocks for a hobby?" he looked at it with a low whistle.

Mirius Pojoris: "At least I wasn't the one who was a virgin 'till recently." She winked at Igneous and chuckled. To Fleet's question she looked to hir. "That old fart Street Wolf fixed it all up."

Fleetwolf: "Did he put the weapons back on it?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet looked over at Vuu and laughed- "its not fer breaking rocks....its a warhammer..a one-handed weapon...mean to be used with a sheild...but dun have to be"

Mirius Pojoris: "Nah, he didn't. Unless we could put some on it er somethin'?"

Fleetwolf: "No time. Ammy didn't leave anything behind that big. If she did it would be in the Den and removing it would raise suspicions."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Just where is the ATV?" he asked Mirius. He was concerned about further delays and life expectancies. Necromancers, to his knowledge don't usually keep live guests for long.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius leaned over the map and then pointed a finger on a spot. "Right 'bout there. Might be a lil' off, but it was runnin' great n' everythin' at least."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Was planning on us maybe getting through the forest faster, but to track it down means another day lost."

Igneous: "Seems like we are making this all complicated."

Mirius Pojoris: "What's yer idea then, Iggy-poo?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: He sighed and rubbed his head. He leaned over and whispered to Garnet. "So who's the hammer for?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she heard him and smiles- "was thinking Mirius."

Iimiidiina: Head is shaken. "We can't afford that. It would be easier to arm ourselves in Igneous's town, and then walk there. It'll also allow us to rest for long enough before heading out the next day.

Igneous: "I've been looking and the route the Drow were taking is a well used game trail. Fast, swift, and seems they didn't run into much trouble until they hit the fringe of Artisia's domain. I say we equip light, march fast, hit hard, and snag the prizes."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked over at Mirius for a long moment. "You think she can lift it?" he whispered. "I mean, she looks kinda thin."

Fleetwolf: Fleety nodded listening to them. "Okay then. The plan seems to be march in, find Ammy, Lene and Rawsha, then what? Wade through more undead getting back?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Yeah, how we gonna get back out so easy? I don't know much 'bout tihs crap since I ain't ever foughten undead befer.

Iimiidiina: "I could teleport us to the beach house. But Artisia is bound to have guards against that."

Moonshine: "No. You teleport back." he murmured quietly, appearing at the entry of the stairs."

Iimiidiina: "How, Moonshine? If we teleport with conventional means, we'll just bounce around the walls for a second and wind up back where we were, or worse."

Moonshine: He had in his clawed, scaled hands, several round shield like devices with glyphs worked into them. They would fit in a back pack.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looks at him and laughs softly, she would take the warhammer up in one paw and balance it on her paw, it swayed lightly with great balance...its weight seemed maybe like that of a longsword, just in hammer form- "i guess its because its dwarf made...they are some of the best weapon makers" -she spoke softly-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Oh. Dwarves sound pretty cool."

Fleetwolf: Shi looked at Moonshine a moment. "Are those the teleporters from the Silver Wolves cache?"

Moonshine: "Yes. Never got to use them in that rescue mission. I reset the runes to take you the beach house. When you guys leave, I'll be moving the kids and myself there. With Lene gone... I can't stand to be where I am reminded of her so much.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Wait. Dad you were part of that rebel group when things from space attacked this realm?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she leaned back against the chair and thought a moment, letting her eyes closed, she thought about the dwarf in her scrying, his voice, his words and those thoughts...she shook her head- "there be a dwarf..there with the necromancer, a nasty one" -she more said out loud to herself-

Mirius Pojoris: "Things from space?" She looked at Vuu.

Fleetwolf: "For a brief part, but those discs were designed to cut through wards that block teleports."

Igneous: "Interesting."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He just held her close for a moment. "I remember." he told her quietly.

Iimiidiina: "Fantastic! Nice catch, Moon. Thank you. And then... "Wait? A dwarf?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: A look to Mirius. "Some tyrant from space wanted to take over this realm. It was foiled."

Iimiidiina: "This is new. What about a dwarf allied with dear old Artie?"

Moonshine: He sat the discs by the piles of armor. "Each disc can teleport 3-4 people with the leader standing on it."

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looks over at Iimii- "a know stout little fella...usually works with weapons...well this one works magic...and.." -she went slightly pale under the grey fur, she shook the thoughts away- "he showed me something...while i was scrying that...i never wish on any soul to see"

Igneous: "Sounds like we have an exit strategy then.

Iimiidiina: "Aye. But that dwarf... He bothers me. What should we do if him, or worse Artisia, decides to show up?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "It's okay Garnet." he rubbed her back. "So, we have entry and exit strategy. Now then, what about our group. Who's doing what?"

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius sighed and began to think about things. She was really hoping Ammy, Rawsha nad Myrlene were okay. "I just pray we can get there in time."

Igneous: "Simple. Kill them anyway possible."

Fleetwolf: "Well, we should have a scout just up ahead of the group, within range of communications. I believe Moonshine still has the soulgem radio head sets?"

Moonshine: "Yes. I do. Just enough for the group."

Iimiidiina: "No, we have better. If I may say so."

Fleetwolf: A glance to Iimii with a raised, furred brow

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu gave Garnet a secretive nuzzle. "Garnet." he whispered. "Do you know anything about spells that turn people to stone and how to remove them?"

Iimiidiina: The hatchling's head raises, knowing already what he was about to say and not disagreeing one bit. "Grimanth here is courageous, and intelligent. She's swift, can hide easily in the shadows because of her scales, and strong for her size. Being her bondmate, I can see everything she sees. She can go ahead and scout in front of us, allowing us to stick together as a group. I will report everything she finds, and relay orders."

Igneous: Igneous just listened.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she felt that nuzzle and heard him, she knew many spells dealing with gollems and making things from other things she nodded- "Aye...i do..might take a bit o' work, but i can manage" -she whispered and nuzzled him softly-

Fleetwolf: "If you really want to put her in that much danger." shi sighed. "Okay. Then who takes point for the group?"

Iimiidiina: *"We will be just fine,*" they say together.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Good. My sister will need you and Moonshine will be better if we can restore his mate and just leave him with a lawn ornament."

Mirius Pojoris: "I could take point. Maybe get anythin' that's comin' at us in range?"

Iimiidiina: "It's going to need to be somebody with quick reflexes and strong magical-defensive armor. I can ward us as best as I can, but there is still a chance that something might get through."

Mirius Pojoris: "I could take point. Maybe get anythin' that's comin' at us in range?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she nods hearing him and just stays close to him, she was listening to them all talk and plan-

Igneous: "I say we put Mirius as point since she's packing most of the weaponry."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Fleety should be left and Igneous should be right of Mirius. This will let Iimii sit in the middle for healing and I'll take rear guard."

Fleetwolf: "That would work well. I have perected an area affect littany for undead, but it will only work above ground where lightning has access."

Iimiidiina: "That sounds like a plan." Grimmy, I want to listen very closely to me..

Moonshine: He just sat there listening, dull to feeling. Soot covered goggles lifted from sad gray eyes.

Iimiidiina: "I can also keep Hephaestus at the entrance of the monastary to hold off any undead that will try to get in."

Iimiidiina: Repeat after me, Grimanth...

Igneous: "Not to be the bearer of bad news, but when people get hurt beyond this runts healing abilities, what is the fall back strategy for the injured?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Means we work harder n' faster." She said to Igneous.

Iimiidiina: Iimii is not offended, as he is currently involved with tutoring his brave little scout.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu hugged Garnet closer to him. "Simple. We all have a backpack with a teleporter in it. If any of are seriously hurt, the injured teleport out to the Beach House. Moonshine will be there, and Garnet I want you there too to help keep an eye on him. Maybe you two can build something together?"

Iimiidiina: "Fleety, can't you also contact Fen and have him on standby there?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she nods softly- "im sure we can find something tae do"

Iimiidiina: Try it again, Grimmy... ~I'm trying!~ It's okay, you're getting it.

Fleetwolf: Listening to the plans, shi grinned and pulled out a cell phone and dialed a few numbers. The phone rang distantly for a moment or two. *Whisper Paws Hospital, Arca speaking.* Fleety walked away to a quieter spot and spoke over the cell phone in hushed tones.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Good and don't let him leave to help us." he regarded the crest fallen dragon who now fidgeted. "I'm afraid he's not stable anymore." he sighed.

Iimiidiina: There we go! Memorize that spell, and you'll never have to be afraid of being in harm's way.

Igneous: A look to Mirius witha grin. "Of course we work faster." he cracked knuckles, his glowing topaz gem eye showing a keen interest in hunting undead.

Iimiidiina: "Are we in agreement, then? What else do we need to discuss?"

Mirius Pojoris: She grinned at Igneous. "At least we can agree on some things, right, iggY?"

Garnet Prismpaw: -she looked over at Moonshine and then back to Vuu, she drank some of the water she had taken earlier and just listened to them..glad they were coming to more of an understanding and plans.-

Moonshine: "Safety." he mumbled and pointed to the armor. "I found some notes in...lenes things..." he paused to compose himself, tears slipping down scales. "I made you guys dark steel armor laced with Lenes platinum tears blessed by bahamut..." sniffle " should make any undead scream in pain if they touch you."

Igneous: He just waved her comment away. "You'd learn more if you were in my bed."

Fleetwolf: "I'll be sure to leave you behind with the undead." shi growled, feeling very protective of hir new second mate by proxy. Confusing, but no matter.

Iimiidiina: "Thank you, Moon. Would you mind fashioning a set for Grimanth as well before we leave? In colors that will camoflauge her better within the shadows?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Yeah, I doubt that. I'd be the one makin' ye moan n' squeal. When ye were layin' wit' Vixie Ididn't hear a peep outta that chick."

Iimiidiina: "Just to be safe."

Moonshine: "There might be enough metal.." he said dully. "Follow me little one. I must measure you out." he trudged down the stairs heavily.
Igneous: "I don't pleasure slaves. Their beneath me."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He rubbed his forehead and whispered to Garnet. "This is what happens when former enemies get together for an alliance."

Mirius Pojoris: "Ye, 'cause ye can't get laid by a real woman can ye?"

Fleetwolf: Fleety finished hir call. "Fen will be at the beach house tomorrow. So we are all set for medical evac." the shi toed the armor for hir and started to put it on.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth follows him at Iimii's gentle nudge.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she frowns a little hearing all the bickering but she just stays quiet, she was a bit tired but would just lean happily closer to Vuu-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Well looks like I need to try on the armor. I'll let you sit and rest. Won't take long." he stood and walked to his pile and started to put it on, backwards.

Fleetwolf: Fleety was already suited up for a test fit and eyed Vuu. "Honestly son,
I thought I taught you about armor." shi set upon him like a mother dressing a kid. Shi had him straightened out in no time.

Igneous: He decided to withold any comments and slipped into his own set. "Hmm. Flashy, light, flexible. I think I can offer Moonshine a lot of work later."

Moonshine: Soon the clanging and wooshing of the forge rose to the lairs ground floor again.

Iimiidiina: Iimii remains seated, watching Grimanth through her eyes as she waits patiently

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet watched him walk off, she had to laugh a little watching Vuu and Fleety, but then she let her eyes close-

Mirius Pojoris: She snarled at Igneous seeing that he won't even comment back. Mirius crossed her arms and went quiet.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked himself over. "The last time I wore armor I was fighting fellow Lupes." he moved around and found it more flexible than the last set he wore. He returned to Garnet and sat admiring the metal work.

Igneous: He looked back to Mirius and just smirked. "Not fun when the toys dont fight back. Just like you. You have to have something fake to squeal, what with hanging with fruitcakes and amazon women." he said with an emphasis on his new term for Ammy.

Fleetwolf: "Well, I will have to say Moonshine does good work. Armor fits well and shows quite a few curves." shi turned and looked at everyone.

Garnet Prismpaw: -Garnet felt him sit back down and glanced over at him- "tis ver' finely made" -she lets a paw move over the metalwork of Vuu's set, then she smiled and lowered her paw-

Moonshine: Grimanth would have a set finished by now. Moonshine stayed downstair and curled up with son and egg and slipped into a troubled sleep.

Iimiidiina: He sighs, then curls up on the cooshoon, closing his eyes as Grimanth, armored and ready, comes back up and curls up next to him, underneath the cloak he was using as a blanket.

Mirius Pojoris: "Yeah..right..and I doubt yer even half the man Fleet is." She gave a long stare at Igneous.

Igneous: "Don't compare me to that crossdressing freak." he said coldly. "If Fleet was even half the deity it was supposed to be, we wouldn't have half the problems we do now."

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2011-09-17 17:43 EST
Garnet Prismpaw: -she soon was learning against Vuu, in a sleepy little daze, she had given them what she could to help in the rescue, she needed sleep-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu stood and lifted Garnet up in his arms. "Will you kids grow up." he commented to the three arguing adults and took Garnet back to the room they used before. From there out of the armor and into and embrace throughout the night.

Garnet Prismpaw: -she got some much needed sleep-

Fleetwolf: "I'm not perfect. Never said I was." shi shrugged, unoffended.

Mirius Pojoris: "Just hate bein' compared to somethin' that can outdo ye in every way, huh?" She raised a brow at Igneous.

Igneous: "I'm not the one lowering my standards to sleep with a Wolf." he moved off into the hallway and wherever he decided to lurk.

Mirius Pojoris: She rolled her eyes in irritation. "I'm gonna kick his butt one day. I swear."

Fleetwolf: "I get dibs on the left butt cheek." shi grinned.

Fleetwolf: Fleety would walk for the room they had comandeered and stripped out of the armor then sat and played hir violin that was suddenly there in hir paws. Shi went for a mellow song, soothing, and calm as everyone tonight seemed quite bent out of shape or grieving.

Mirius Pojoris: She looked at Fleety and chuckled. Mirius followed Fleety to the room she was staying in. Her weapons wer put down on a nearby table and she sat down on the edge of the bed and listend to Fleet play music. "Didn't think of ye as a musician, Fleet."

Fleetwolf: "I wasn't really until I was... changed the first time by Canis. My magic seemed to have shifted and I found music in my head all the time. Vuu gave me this violin and ever since then I've either soothed people with music, or as you saw earlier with the undead, hurt them." shi kept playing the song then when it ended shi played one all to familiar. The song Ammy always hummed to calm people down.

Mirius Pojoris: She nodded and when she heard that song it reminded her of Ammy. It was making her miss her more and more determined to help get her back. "Is ther a name to that song?"

Fleetwolf: "Yes. 'No Matter The Storm, I Am Safe'." Shi said. Fleety would continue to play hir violin through the night until finally shi would fall asleep, to tired too play anymore.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would lie down o nthe bed as she listened to Fleet play the music and it didn't take long that the soothing music would help ease her midn and put her int o a nice peaceful sleep.


Date: 2011-09-18 15:26 EST
Artisia: -the night had been cool in the forest around the keep, the lair felt a bit cold, the necromancer, her apprientinces and minions didnt seem to mind the cold, Belian had gone around lighting a few fires in braiziers that laid here and there, but showed no real emotion if he came across anyone, so who knew if he was cold or not, Artisia had gathered the needed supplies for Ammy's ritual and had left them in the ritual room, leaving the wooden doors open, she had also allowed Ammy to work freely...though under watch of undead guards-

Artisia: -she had also placed an enchanted mirror far above, setting it as instructed earlier so that the light of a fullmoon could hit it at the right time and its twin, was amoung the things Ammy was left to work with...the weather showed signs of rain-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy didn't feel hot or cold. She had fur and work with a determined pace, paws glittering with the many colors of magnetic chalk. Artisia may be suprised to see her entire ritual room covered in six complex and master work alchemical arrays with one on each wall, the ceiling, then the floor. She gingerly stepped among the lines and working with a dancers grace had begun to set up the various items of need.

Ammy Spiritor: In the very center of the array on the floor she sat the large silver pan just so to make sure the crossroads of every line in the array touched the bottom of it. Then Ammy placed a silver candelabra at the ten major junctions of the array on the floor. With each candelabra was set three special black candles. Once they were set in place, she arranged the various jars and vials in a space that was clear enough for her to work in.

Ammy Spiritor: Drawing upon her psionics, she lifted the enchanted mirror to the center of the array on the ceiling and bound it to the ceiling with magic. While she worked, she though long and hard about her little experiment to see what was in this lair with her psionics. She new Lene was alive and Rawsha as well. But both of their state had left her deeply troubled. She pushed the emotions aside for the moment. Focus, Ammy girl. We must get this right.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stepped back to check every single line, word and glyph regarding her work. She'd only done this once before and such a task usually took a week.

Artisia: -Artisia had been watching Ammy work for some time, coming and going at times, she was tending to things with her studies, her teachings and her minions as well as having Rawsha in her study...she had been getting to know the child other than the vile studies, gaining the girls trust slowly with offerings of food drink and a place to sleep on the floor infront of the fireplace in the study. Artisia left the study and moved down the hall, she came back toward the ritual room and stood looking in-

Amaretto: Amaretto flitted through the lair's halls searching for Artisia. The spirit was well rested now.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy had her arms crossed, hugging herself, ears nearly flat against her skull. Something wasn't right. This ritual should be familiar to her just like that night, but something was missing. She looked among the prepared items, worry growing.

Artisia: -Artisia watched her, for once the hood of her robe was pulled back showing off her face, though the black fur had white ash markings drawin into the fur, in the shape of a skull...she watched Ammy a moment- "is there something else you need?" -she wanted things to go correctly, it would benifit her learning-

Amaretto: She wafted right up next to Artisia and looked inside as well. Oh, how the arrays brought a few memories back. The first breath of life, the tingle of nerves, flesh, and the teasing pulse of a strong heart. She is actually doing the ritual? Amaretto asked in surprise. She though her sister would be more stubborn than this.

rawsha: -Rawsha had been allowed out of the cage, for something besides the trials of study and ritual, earlier in the night she had been given meat and water to eat and ate it all quickly, she was now sleeping on the cold floor infront of the nearly unused sofa in Artisia's study, Artisia had given her a book earlier, and told her to read a certain part over and learn it...Rawsha had fallen to sleep reading, she was still greiving but had come to terms she was Artisia's now-

Artisia: -Artisia looked over at Amaretto and grinned with a nod- "she is...and she is also helping me improve my spells..teaching me arrays" -she spoke quietly to the spirit and looked back at Ammy-

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes." she whispered as she went over every item in need. Ammy recited under her breath the list of what was needed. She came to the end "... slice of soul crystal with my own soul attached....<I>nooo!</I>" she stood and yelled at the walls. "Damn it all!" she turned and saw the ghostly form of her sister and the vision confirmed her dread. She pointed right at Amarettos forehead. "The vital piece is with her in the spirit realm." she said in dismay and dropped her arm, starting to sob.

Amaretto: Maybe I have judged her wrong? Then she watched Ammy's rant with a bit of amused perplexity. Ghostly paw moved to her fore head and she felt the crystal as she felt her own ethereal body. Now what?

Ammy Spiritor: "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." she was speaking with herself now as if she had gone mad. "Bad Am-am. Failure not an option." she looked back at the arrays then at Amaretto and back again. Her gold eyes were gone, replaced with deep emeral greens. Her mind reeled and worked on how to bypass the needed item.

Artisia: -she looked between the two of them, she had seen the soul crystal shard over and over in the past months and nodded- "is there a way around needing the shard?" -she asked Ammy, she was taking mental notes of the arrays, items and components needed and how they are used-

Ammy Spiritor: Eyes flickered in memory of how Fleety brought her back to life. Green, red, green, green, they settled on brilliant crimson red. "Yes. There is a way." She turned and moved for Artisia. "Black chalk. I need black chalk and a live mandrake plant." Ammy Spiritor: Those red eyes may be like peering into the torture souls of hell.

Amaretto: She watched all of this going on. This wasn't like the sister she knew. Amaretto began to wonder what happened to Ammy after the war had destroyed her physical body. Curious. She whispered.

Artisia: -Artisia paused a moment and watched her, she heard the items needed and seemed to be taking inventory mentally, the black chalk she would have to look in her study for and the mandrake, she kept one in a secret place- "i have both....i can get them for you"

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes. Go. Hurry. I feel the moonlight tonight. It is coming soon." she spun and studied her arrays again pinpointing where to break and merge the new array needed. Her body trembled as she called up the lines and glyphs need. "To see it again. Oh desolate one." she whispered.

Artisia: -she looked over toward Amaretto a moment, then looked back at Ammy, they were so much alike, but yet each of them had those differences...yes they were just like twins..the necromancer turned to head toward her study-

Amaretto: Amaretto would follow. That can't be my sister. That, that thing is trembling with evil, I can sense it in her heart.

Artisia: -she walked along the hall, hearing the spirit- "perhaps that is why she and i are working so well together" -she grinned- "perhaps it is...the ritual know as well as i...things of such power...bring great change"

Ammy Spiritor: As they left, Ammy began stripping off her damaged armor, throwing pieces into the hall to clatter as well as her clothing.

Amaretto: She regarded Artisia for a long moment. You have been like a mentor and friend to me, dear Artisia, but be wary of what lies within that fur of hers. She has irradicated whole continents with but a single spell. I wish not to see you on this side. Warning of caution she would just follow.

Artisia: -Artisia would open the doors into the study after pausing to glance up at the statue of Lene, her grin turned more evil, she moved into the study, peeking over she would watch Rawsha sleep...usually she would stop and wake the child but she was busy, she heard Amaretto- "thank you Amaretto...for that warning....i know she has great power flowing through her.." -she moved to her desk and used a small key to unlock a drawer, she rustles around inside a moment-

Ammy Spiritor: She started to chant softly. Preparation was needed before this next array. "Blood of my blood, flowing through this house of clay and mud, tonight, tonight we dance in moonlight. Flesh of my flesh, wrapping these trapping of delayed death, tonight we shall offer warm breath. I, Amatsu Loranu Phoenus prepare the blood road." In her paw appeared a clear crystal dagger with a face upon the handle. With ancient skill she began tracing cuts on her body and limbs in the form of more arrays.

Artisia: -she finds a small case, opening she takes out one of the peices of black chalk, and puts it into a pouch on her robes, then she turns and faces a wall, the wall seemed was near one of the bookshelves, she grins and walks through the wall which seems thick with no problems, into some hidden room beyond it-

Ammy Spiritor: As Ammy did this preparation the chill of ancient, dark magic would spread throughout the room the race down the halls leaving black frost on the stones that sang for blood, life, warmth, death.

rawsha: -Rawsha may have gotten to eat but she was looking really thin, the patches of fur were starting to grow back, though skingrafts were still somewhat fresh, and the stitches at times itched badly..she heard the door study door open and her eyes opened as she came out of the dream, she then heard Artisia and Amaretto talking and just stayed still she looked at the book and started to read again hoping she wouldnt be introuble for falling to sleep-

Amaretto: Amaretto shrieked for a moment as the energy flowing out chilled her soul.

Ammy Spiritor: Blood welled up from the cuts but she kept the crystal blade from the warm, red liquid. The face on the handle seemed to move and writhe scenting the blood, wanting to drink of it. Her white fur was now a web of bloody arrays, red drops falling on magentic chalk lines and black frost. Each drop made the room vibrate as if a gong was being rung throughout the lair, booming out a call to the darkness in all living things.

Amaretto: Ooo, power like that I have only felt around Ebony and this is colder, sharper. She looked about the room and gazed upon Rawsha, then looked at the statue of Lene. She flitted out to the statue and touched the stony fur of the childs cheek. So much promise in you. One day. One day your time will come again. her voice laughed coldly.

rawsha: -Rawsha heard the sounds of the magic being performed and she just pushed closer to the sofa she was near, it was eerie and powerful whatever was going on deeper in the lair, she didnt whimper or respond much..her own magic was made dormant by the pitted rough iron band around her ankle, she held the book in her paws and tried to concentrate on it-

Artisia: -she would soon return from the space between the walls, that hidden space, possibly a dimensional space beyond, she felt the evil magic in the air her deep violet eyes almost glowed red, she carried with her a large potted mandrake plant which had been cared for delicately, she moved past Rawsha and into the hall, back toward the source of the evil magic-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy bled and waited, her mind caught in arrays, magic, and power. Raw power. Power she remembered the day she wore human skin and torched her first instructor for fun.

Amaretto: She followed Artisia and would stand just outside of the doorway.

Artisia: -down the hall. past the laboratories, she came toward the open ritual room doors and paused just outside, she would wait for Ammy to take the plant and then reach into her pocket producing the black chalk she, then took note of what Ammy had done to feed the spell and write the arrays she felt the raw power coursing through the lair and just nodded quietly she gained some respect for Ammy-

Ammy Spiritor: She turned and walked for Artisia, naked, driping in blood and carved flesh. The crystal dagger screaming for blood. She took the chalk, then with a touch of her paw, made an exact living duplicate of the potted mandrake. She took the copy and walked back to the array. Soon Ammy was moving quickly, dancing over lines, purposefully smudging others, and with the black chalk enscribed an array that looked cold, chaotic, evil.

Ammy Spiritor: "Blood of my blood, flowing through this house of clay and mud, tonight, tonight we dance in moonlight. Flesh of my flesh, wrapping these trapping of delayed death, tonight we shall offer warm breath. I, Amatsu Loranu Phoenus prepare the blood road. I, Amatsu Loranu Phoenus, do knock on the door of death. I, Amatus Loranu Phoenus, do smear blood on the purity of the door of life."

Artisia: -she carefully set the original potted mandrake aside, out of the way so the plant wasnt disturbed, she was now focusing on Ammy, her movements her words and the arrays and magic she was performing-

Ammy Spiritor: The array looked like a mural of a black, iron gate with faces of the damned crying out in endless, silent terror. Thorns wove and penetrated bodies and the angel of death, in tattered robes, a grim mask of a demonic skull in pewter gazed out all, judging them. She stood before the drawing, and stabbed the crystal blade into her arm. Ammy didn't flinch as the blade bit deep and the crystaline face twisted into vileness as it drank deeply changing from clear to scarlet red.

Ammy Spiritor: Yanking dagger from her arm, she knelt, wrenched the screaming mandrake from its roots and plunged the dagger into the writhing, living plant. It writhed more in silence now feeding on her blood in that dagger and the dagger feeding on the sap of the mandrake. Ammy laid the stabbed mandrake before the array, stepped back and took up the largest canister, full of salt and dumped it into the silver basin. Then the emptied another of wood ash.

Ammy Spiritor: "We of salt and ash, epitomy of grief and death, tears and firey end, mingle within this silvery bin." She then poured out the sulfur, various elements and spoke more. "On the seventh day, God did not rest in peace, nay he was not satisfied with man and thus made us, the creatures of magic. Born by moonlight, swathed in the darkness of night. With brimstone did he warm us, with stone did he feed us, for this we remember him."

Artisia: -the necromancer, watched and learned...seeing this ritual done, her her plotting and thinking, she stayed silent, she glanced at Amaretto, soon the spirit who she had considered a pupil of sorts, an ally...even in one way or another her only friend....was going to be whole soon...the wheels in her mind turned as she looked back onto the ritual-

Artisia: -Ammy's words then made chills go through her, almost pleasure passed through her, she nodded but stayed silent as she watched-

Ammy Spiritor: Next was the container of red liquid that glowed and shimmered with the various mixes within. Ammy's paws nearly slipped from the slick blood. The red liquid poured. "Blood shall run through this body of mud. Mingle, mix and play, tonight we shall set the clay. In our image, mirrors of glory and dread, from the feet to the crowning head, let us make the bread of the dead."

Amaretto: She was quiet. Amaretto just watched Aritisia then Ammy. The ritual seemed very, very different.

Ammy Spiritor: Liquid poured, she dropped the empty vessel. "Shak. Sen. Zai. Ra. Tawiluth uth ratand tik mortum resum shikast!" Ammy glowed an eerie purple. The black candles burst into blue flames. No wax seemed to melt and the flames grew higher. Outside the moon would be breaking the clouds and shining fully. Silver moonlight poured into the room, bathing the silver basin.

rawsha: -Rawsha shivered, for some unknown reason.. She felt the power that was washing through the place she just curled up reading the pages she had been assigned, it was what mattered she had to learn the rituals that were drawn in Artisia's writings...Rawsha let her paws and fingers go through a few motions from the pages of the book even though nothing happened when she did the movements it nearly supprized her that the movements seemed natural-

Artisia: -she knew some if not all of the incantations, from her studies and seeing them used was amazing to her she watched as the moonlight hit the enchanted mirror, its twin safely placed outside the cathedril to catche the moons reflection-

Ammy Spiritor: "Moon light, moon light, bathe us all tonight. Come and sing your souls delight. With your power in my tower I shall lock away your pretty light, in this vesel of blood and clay, bring her life, change the clay. Dirt to flesh, ash to bone, water to blood, mingle dust, with a ruby crust." Ammy chanted, then danced as she sang. More blood drops spattered the walls.

Ammy Spiritor: She stopped and lifted a small velvet pouch and dumped in a myriad of old jewelry into the basin. "Ring of lost promise, choker of gold dust, necklace of love, studs of chaste lust. With these have I worn many years, locked within many tears. Take the gold, take the silver, take the dust. With their energy infuse the husk. In my image mold the clay, come little sister, come let's play." Ammy dropped to her knees and placed blood paws on the central array.

Ammy Spiritor: Every single line flared in brilliant gold light, bathing the room with warmth as the arrays of creation were activated, then a black, violet light gobbled the gold up as the alterations to the creation arrays, arrays meant for good, were twisted for the taboo of living transmutation.


Date: 2011-09-18 15:37 EST
Artisia: -Artisia watched with intent, she was silent..ever learning and still, Ammy and Amaretto had nearly all her attention, the minions and the safety of her lair had the rest, she just observed-

Ammy Spiritor: The contents of the silver basing churned and mixed of their own accord. A blood read meal was made. It writhed and kneaded, oozed and bubbled. "Yes. Yes. I know. More to come, more to come." she spoke to herself. Artisia would see that Ammy was losing weight quickly as the ritual fed on her and her soul.

Ammy Spiritor: "Come little sister I'll take you away, to a land that is bright, sunny as day. Come little sister, I call you to me, let my embrace you in love, dress you with harmony. Come little sister, ask what you may, be it gold, blood, my heart, my soul, I will easily pay. Come little sister, out of the clay, and join my side on this moonlit day."

Ammy Spiritor: From the blood read meal a body soon grew. At first a child, fumbling to stand, then a teen, gangly with a rebelious hand, soon though, as they all watched, a fully formed, perfectly sculpted adult stood, a mirror image of ammy save a few reverse colorings of coat and hair. Eyes were closed, and no breath was drawn. Ammy struggled to stand, weary and worn. Now, now was the time for more.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked to Amaretto with those red eyes and studied her for a long moment. "Soon, sister. Soon. Pray thee courage for this coming part." she turned and picked up the silent yet writing mandrake, crystal dagger in its belly, now crystal clear, the mandrake with blood red skin. Ammy walked up to the black array, breathing heavily, and with a bloody fist knocked on the wall.

Ammy Spiritor: It shouldn't have rung hollowly like a metal gate, but it did. Screaming of the dead filled the room. Singing of the angels of light competed as well. Ammy knocked once more. ~Enough with this enfernal racket! Who dears knock on my gates at this hour of torture?~ The array melted and the gate depicted was reality before them all. The faces writhed and screamed and the angel of death moved its head, sickly yellow eyes fell upon Ammy.

Artisia: -Artisia stood straight watching the birth from the red meal, she had a grin on her face, but continued to watch and study the ritual, everything that Ammy did and said, she had been a teacher to her pupils but was now watching Ammy as if she were her teacher, but that was the way of a mage, the roles often reversed, she thought about Ammy watching her nights ago in the lab while raising the zombie, but then she shook her head and continued to observe-

Ammy Spiritor: ~Bah, it is you, my lost child. You dare knock upon my gates after resting you shattered soul from my grasp. Be gone!~ the angel of death roared. Ammy stood defiant, bleeding, in pain, and she smiled. She smile, showing all teeth. "Hello Father. Please open up Mother. You have one of mine inside and I bring the child of earth and blood before you." she held up the wringling mandrake. "You cannot refuse me! You are bound as I by the laws of ancient magic!"

Artisia: -seeing and hearing the angel of death respond, Artisia knew the gate had been opened, she watched as Ammy bargined for Amaretto's soul, a grin on her muzzle she stayed respectively out of the doorframe just observing never to disrupt Ammy's work or the trading going on-

Ammy Spiritor: The death angel parted its deathly demonic skull in a sickening parody of a sneer. ~Yes, yes. Bound we are. You're days a limited, Ammy. One day you will pass this gate once more and I'll never let you again. I'll fashion you as art in my gallery, garnish my lair with your hid for a rug. I'll make you scream day after day, kill you and revive you for my pleasure and play. But that is neither here nor there, yesterday or today. Who do you wish?~

Ammy Spiritor: The angel of death leaned down, the skull filling most of the room, staring into Ammy's eyes, a snaked tongue tasting the madrake and her blood infusing it. "My created sister, Amaretto Ammi Spiritor. She stands in spirit, ready to meet her body of clay and blood."

Amaretto: If it was possible for a ghost to go pale, Amaretto was indeed pale. She knew that angel. Saw him when death obliterated her. He had sneered at her and denied her entry. Now he was here again. Her image shivered.

Artisia: -another short glance at Amaretto, then looking back to the exchange going on, she watched-

Ammy Spiritor: The angel reclined back and tapped the long handle of his wicked scythe upon the gate. It creaked open. ~Enter, and retrieve her, Amasu Loranu Phoenus. Do not dally, my patience grows thin. Dawdle and I shall claim you and...~ the angel of death paused and looked right into Artisia's eyes and soul, "this little ripe peach of vileness. Oh yes indeed. Your ways are recorded every second in my scrolls. We shall meet soon.~ He laughed.

rawsha: -Rawsha meanwhile had pushed herself up to the sofa and was curled into a ball nearly with the book in her paws, she felt almost sick, or even like running..but where would she run? she shivered even more she could feel the great was the feeling Amaretto gave off during her close meetings with her in the past, but multiplied possibly hundred fold, Rawsha stayed silent those deep-sea blue eyes looking toward the door of the study every once in a while-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy nodded. Clutching the mandrake, she ran into the gates, bloody paw prints glowing with corpse light. She appeared, ghostly, and radiating red beside Amaretto. Come sister. We have little time. She grabbed Amaretto's wrists and pulled her away.

Artisia: -Artisa, had never really ever paled, but now her short sleek fur stood on end slightly, she looked directly into the eyes of the angel of death and stayed silent, she knew death came to all...but she had plans...plans to dodge death...never let hm have her, she would just swallow and stare-

Amaretto: She was in shock seeing her sister a ghost like her then being lead away like a sheep to slaughter. She raced with Ammy through the darkness, twin sets of paw prints glowing erriely bright. Brightness was surrounding them. Ammy, where are we? The light washed everything from Amarettos sight. Ammy vanished from her eyes. "Ammy?" The body in the basin now spoke. Eyes open, not seeing, paws out like the blind.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy reapeared through the gates, which slammed shut barely catching her tail. ~Be gone, my lost one. Do not call me again.~ the gates of life and death evaporated. The arrays all died, light was sucked out of the room and darkness hit everything for a moment, then normal candles would relight. The room was clean as if no arrays were written. Ammy panted in pain and fatigue. Blood soon clotted, but she didn't have much left. Seeing Amaretto she moved to her reborn sister.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy took those questing paws in her own and drew Amaretto into an bloody embrace. "Dear little sister you have come to play." she wept.

Artisia: -she wasnt one foolish enough to speak ill of the angel, the guardian of the dead, she watched Amaretto vanish then heard her voice at the body in the basin and waited for Ammy, she stayed outside the door, she watched the arrays fade and normal light come back to the ritual room and watched the two silently-

Amaretto: Amaretto felt the embrace. Warmth? Feeling? Fur? Flesh? Breath? A heart beat? The blinding light faded and she stared at Ammy's bloody muzzle. Heard her words. "Big sister I'm scared." she collapsed in Ammy's arms.


Date: 2011-09-18 15:56 EST
Ammy Spiritor: "Welcome home." her legs buckled and both of them fell to the floor. Ammy cradled her weak sister in her arms, oblivious to what was around her. The evil power was gone. Fled to where it rested deep in her old soul for another few years perhaps. For now, it was just a weeping, blood covers, thin Ammy with a thing Amaretto in her arms.

Artisia: -seeing what she had needed to see, she nodded, her end of the bargin had been filled, Amaretto had her body, she had the crown of evil, she would move to pick up the original potted mandrake from its place in the hallway, she then made her way back to her study, undead lurked through the lair once more, some guarding others came wondering what the evil had been..but soon as the great evil power that had come from Ammy was gone things seemed more normal in the normal as they could be-

rawsha: -Rawsha felt the evil spells go away, but about the time her stomach was settling Artisia came into the study, she looked down as if she was reading the book, she watched Artisia without looking up at her.-

Amaretto: She was breathing gently, sensations and the myriad feelings of a body overwhelming her. She heard a heartbeat and not her new one. Amaretto heard Ammys and something crossed that mind of hers. She could have just left me as a spirit. I was against her and she came for me? "Sister... who are you?"

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was so tired, but she whispered to Amaretto. "I'm your big sister. No matter how much you hate me or how far you stray, I am your big sister."

Artisia: -Artisia went through the wall into that hidden space beyond it, she then came out quicker, she had put the potted mandrake plant away, she thought for a long moment, she sent a silent message of magic to her cook, in the small kitchen... as she sat down at her desk for a moment, she took a few moments to take out a new blank book and set up an enchanted pen to write her thoughts about the ritual..there was far to much to write about everything she had witnessed so she had the pen do the work-

Ammy Spiritor: "I'm cold Amaretto." she force her body to move, the sound of blood caked fur ripping from the dried pools of blood on the ground. Shakily, she stood, supporting Amaretto.

Amaretto: She stood wobbily. Balance was something new again. "I think... there is a place to sit out in the hall. Maybe get your clothes back on. Some rest. Ammy?"

Ammy Spiritor: "Cold." she mumbled.

Amaretto: She would move stumble and move half supported into the hall and they'd both go down again, but this time they were near Ammy's clothing and with some perplexity, she got Ammy into warm clothing again.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy would curl up in Amarettos arms and rest.

Artisia: -soon the smells of food could be smelt at least in the rooms that were in the grandhall and Artisia's study, Artisia looked up from the book and snarled at Rawsha- "you go to the kitchen...and take what the cook gives you...take it to the Amaretto and her sister.." -she moved her paw her fingers wiggling and gives rawsha the mental images of the lairs layout, just the area she needs to know- "you should find them in the ritual them then return for the book" -she watches the child-

rawsha: -Rawsha had smelt something good coming from the hallway but then she looked over at Artisia as she heard her..she laid the book down, she stood- "..y.yes ma'am" -was all she managed to say, she was soon headed toward the kitchen, with the images in her mind she knew a small bit about the lair-

Amaretto: She would brush Ammy red hair aside, trying to comfort her. Amaretto started to laugh a little. She had realized the small truth of things. Ammy was the only family she really had, Artisia her only friend.

rawsha: -the cook was a creepy short human, he stood behind a table and raised a meat cleaver then yelled at Rawsha for coming into his kitchen, her ears drooped- " spose'd to take food..for Amaretto" -her grammer seemed to have failed a bit, he would point to a tray with plates of meat and cheese and some watery looking soup, and glasses with a metal water pitcher, she quickly took the was a bit heavy for her but she managed to leave the kitchen balancing it before he threw something at her-

rawsha: -she moved out into the greathall looking down at the tray and where she was going, she didnt look up to see the statue of Lene, she missed it completely, soon she moved south into the hall that would pass by laboratories, one of which she had been inside many times..the others door was closed, she saw two forms further down the hall...closer to the ritual room doors, she silently kept her eyes downcast but kept moving-

Amaretto: She glanced up and saw Rawsha but with her own tricolored eyes. "Sister, wake up. Food is coming."

Ammy Spiritor: Golden eyes opened and she saw Rawsha. Her heart weakly skipped a beat of hope. "Raw..sha?"

rawsha: -Rawsha heard Amaretto, her eyes widened as she looked right at the now whole form just fifteen feet infront of her, the child took a few short breaths..she remembered Amaretto very well, the lupinosai scared her, she lowered her gaze again and moved forward, she wasnt wearing cloths, just the rough iron anklet, she would move to a bench nearby, and set the tray down, she didnt hear her name being said, she had been told to attend to these two-

rawsha: "..Arti..uh...Mistress Artisia...sends you food..and drink" -she did manage to speak again, a bit of sadness was in her eyes...maybe for the loss of her family.-

Amaretto: Ah yes, the child should fear her. While Amaretto may have fond feelings for Ammy and Artisia, she cared little for Rawsha. She would move Ammy over to the food. "Eat sister, please." she looked at Rawsha for a long moment. "Finally a puppet I see."

Ammy Spiritor: As she was moved closer, Ammy reached out a paw to Rawsha. "Rawsha? Are you okay?" she wanted to touch the only other daughter she knew.

rawsha: -Rawsha had the fiendish skingraft on her arm, another grafting on her stomach and stitches were healing in a few places over her body, fur missing in places and she was so thin and dirty..there were so many smells on her..straw, blood, undead filth and a bunch of others, she heard Amaretto and cowered away to the wall, the other tried to touch her but might have only touched fur-

Amaretto: "Come on Ammy, leave the puppet alone. Artisia has her now. Eat and drink. Can't have you dying on us." she would push meat and cheese and water into Ammy's paws.

Ammy Spiritor: She ate numbly, not able to get Rawsha to respond. Has she lost them both? Both of her daughters? What will she tell Mirius? Would she be able to face Mirius again for losing their daughter?

rawsha: "i'll be good." -she swallowed after speaking- "im to help..then return to get my book.." -she stated, her instructions..shivering she knew Amaretto, of the past could just kill her, the child was over tramatized, in some sort of shock maybe-

Amaretto: She ate slowly, getting used to food as well. "Relax. I wouldn't hurt Artisia's puppet. She is my friend after all."

rawsha: -she slid to sit on the floor, Rawsha looked at her paws, she stayed quiet while they ate.-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy watched as she ate. The urge to mother was strong right now. She took paws full of meat and cheese and moved over to Rawsha tiredly. She would smell of fresh blood and mandrake. "Please, eat. You are too thin." this came from one quite thin as well.

rawsha: -at last she would look up, she looked right at Ammy...but she didnt seem to respond as if she knew her, those deep-sea blue eyes were slightly clouded, she thought the lady was nice to offer, she looked at the food, her stomach churned, the small bit of meat she had earlier, didnt even start to satisfy her hunger, she reached up to take a peice of the meat but hesitated, what if Artisia found out, Amaretto was right there..would Artisia be mad...that was something she couldnt bare to think about, her paw lowered-

Amaretto: Amaretto just snickered at Ammy. "Taking an interest in mindless puppets sister?" she kept eating.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sighed, silent tears slid down her scarred cheeks. Scars from a war that had her and Rawsha captives. Now they were captives and it wasn't Ammy that was gone but Rawsha. She would place the meat and cheese into the little paws if she could then retreated with a weary sigh, eating a bit more and felt sick. "I'm...not well. Tired."

Amaretto: Amaretto finished her meal and felt better. She stood. "Right, right." she would pull Ammy up to standing. "Return to your master, puppet. I'll take my sister to her chamber, then, tell Artisia I'll be visiting her." she would usher Ammy back to her cell.

Ammy Spiritor: She let herself been ushered. When they reached the cell, she would lie down on the cot, curl up, and softly cry till she slept.

rawsha: -she looked at the meat and cheese as she was given them, her stomach took over and she slowly started to eat, she heard Amaretto and would nod- "yes ma'am" -she watched them go and finished the little bit of food she was given, once all traces of it were gone she would stand and move back to Artisia's study- "ma'am...Amaretto will come visit you soon" -she told her what Amaretto had said too-

Amaretto: She covered up Ammy, stroked her cheak. She felt confused fealing fondness for the one who killed her." Amaretto left the cell, closed the door, locked it and walked for Artisia's study, nude and spattered with drying blood from Ammy. As she reached the main show room she paused to gaze at Lene's statue. Another puzzle. Why did she have feelings for this pup?

Artisia: -Artisia looked up from her books, seeing Rawsha she grinned, two skeletal undead would usher the pup and her book back to her cell and shove her into the cage locking it...tonight she was left with the book and one magiclly enchanted torch so she coulld read. Artisia saw Amaretto just outside the study and leaned back against the chair-

Amaretto: Shaking her head and then steadying herself as the sensation unbalanced her, Amaretto walked for Aritisia study and would enter. She stopped in front of the desk and just stood. Gazing at Artisia.

Artisia: -a slow grin crawled onto Artisia's face- "well...tis a sight to behold..Amaretto." -she looked over her form-

Amaretto: She shivered a moment feeling..cold? Amaretto brushed the sensation away. "My appologies for not coming sooner. I seem to be... not right at the moment." she touched her forehead. The crystal shard was there, warm, and pulsing.

Artisia: "perhaps a bit of get used to the body" -she thought a moment and nodded- "one of my minions will set you up a room...a bed and a few needed things" -she had used her link with a random skeleton which would set up said room in one of the unused cells, one with no cell door- "it is ..good to have you amoung the living...since it is what you wish"

rawsha: -Rawsha was put into the cage and looked at the book in her paw, she would curl up some shivering, the dripping of water was the only sound after the undead locked the cage, she read for a bit then would fall to sleep-

Amaretto: She nodded quietly. "May...may I visit Ammy when I wish?"

Artisia: "yes..i dont see why not...she has showed me many things...and seemed drained after the ritual." -she reaches into the top desk drawer taking out a spare key to Ammy's cell...she hands it to her-

Amaretto: "Thank you. I hope to be better in the morning, friend." she would turn and leave to rest for the night and have the first of many wierd dreams.

Artisia: -she would watch Amaretto go off to rest and grin, she stayed there in thought for a long while, then retire for the night, far above ground the sky had filled with clouds after the ritual ended, thunder and lightening arced through the sky and it started to storm, raining-


Date: 2011-09-23 04:46 EST
Artisia: -it had been raining around Fangghoul Keep and the forest the previous few days ever since the night of Ammy's Ritual, leaving the whole area in a gloomy, damp, darkness even into this cold morning....Artisia was now sitting at her desk and set to studying over the notes Ammy had given her as well as the arrays and the components needed. She had stocked up supplies, with plenty to repeat it, and other rituals..-

Artisia: -Though this Lupinossai, didn't dare to dabble at the doors of life and death as long as Ammy had. ..she had sat back on her chair looking over books....the whole ritual had given her ideas, she would take what she had learned recently and combine things together with knowldge she already had, plus she had someone else who could help her in her plans, she had Belian-

Belian Thundergem: -Belian having been up to the cathedral, on one of his early morning walks, was making his way back down into the depths of the lair, he had stopped in the grandhall near the statue form of Lene, caught looking off into one of those far off stares, Bleck the pseudo-natural toad, his familiar was hidden safely away in a special dimensional pocket in the dwarfs robes-

Artisia: -looking up from her books hearing and seeing movement in the hall, Artisia saw him and watched him for a moment from afar, she would admit the dwarf was strange, different than any other dwarf, she had ever had the displeasure of meeting, after a few moments she would call out into the hall- "dark morning ...Master dwarf...i see your out early as always." -she motioned for him to come in to the study as she moved a few papers and stacked some books-

Belian Thundergem: "the forest squirms with life an' unlife......i like teh watch it writhe so..the air is damp..and more storms be coming..." -his deep dwarven voice echos some through the hall as he moved into her study, he took note as he had a few times before of certian artifacts Artisia kept close and those dark clouded black eyes moved back to her- "ye be needing something..?"

Artisia: -Artisia sat back- "i have near mastered the matters of necromancy...when it comes to death and raising..and even improving a corpse" -she stood and moved behind her desk pacing as the robes flow around her, shen she stops and looks over toward him studying him- " ...summoned creatures..and learned from yer gods...the art of cloning... you've the knowledge of copying life...or so you've mentioned" -she was thinking as she paused there her long clawed fingers drumming on the chair lightly-..

Belian Thundergem: -Belian watched her walk back and forth and back again...he clutched the quarterstaff in his hand and waited for her to speak...two tentacles snaked out from a pocket in his robes and a croak can be heard. Belian reaches a hand down and pokes the toad-ish creature back into its dimensional pocket, but then his attention goes back to the necromancer-

Artisia: "...teach me...this cloning, i wish to know it.." -she looked toward him her deep violet gaze on him. there was no..please or pleasantry in her voice as she spoke. just a thirst for knowledge, something more she could add to her repertoire of spells and skills-

Belian Thundergem: -he took a long moment to look her over, it had taken him much time and some pain to learn the spells of cloning and preserving the clones, a grin would come over his dwarven features, he would nod once- " be wanting tah learn something...come on then"

-The two would move to Artisia's laboratory and clear off a table, he would instruct her in preparing the space in which the clone was to made. Then told her the components needed: A cubic inch of flesh for each casting of the spell, a pinch of diamond dust, a dash of ground crows talon and a bit of her own fur. Other use full spells they would go over would be one to speed the clones growth and an necklace with the spell gentle repose cast on it around the clones neck for preserving it, Artisia would collect the things needed and the flesh and fur from her own body, the wound would be bandaged, but she had work to do...the practice and teaching went on for hours, spells were cast...mistakes made..-

-a day or so went by and Artsiia would try again.. the mage didn't give up easily and from that came great reward, she used what she had been taught by years of practice, what Belian had showed her with a few new spells and the use of arrays that Ammy had showed her.. in time the lupe would have a number of exact, if not stronger in some way, clones growing in her laboratory, yes she had multiple cuts and pits where flesh were missing but that would be dealt with later, time would heal wounds..though leaving her scarred, she had picked the places to take the flesh from so most scars would be hidden-


Date: 2011-10-02 00:14 EST
Artisia: -(Setting) the weather today and the last few days, was windy even in the southern glen, the tall grasses and the leaves and branches were swaying, it had been sprinkling in light showers on and off, the ground had be come soft with the rain but staying to trails and paths it was still travelready-

Fleetwolf: Fleety lead the group of rescuers from Lene's lair. As they hit the trail out of the small woods around the lair, shi glanced up at the skies and the clouds rolling. That's not good.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Adjusting his armor for a bit more ease of movement, he followed his father. "How long do you think it will take to get to Fang Wood?"

Igneous: Igneous answered Vuu before Fleety could. "By foot, it'll take a few hours."

Fleetwolf: Fleety nodded, hearing Igneous. "Sounds about right, though it looks like the weather is turning less than hospitable."

Iimiidiina: Iimii strode behind them, black cloak furling about him against the wind. Grimanth is pressed up against his leg, grumbling silently about this accursed wind that was intent on lifting her off of her feet by the wings. Eventually, her bondmate just gives in and picks her heavy weight up, carrying her in the shelter of his cloak.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Why can't we just teleport there? You are powerful enough dad."

Iimiidiina: "Wouldn't it startle the locals badly? Or have you already warded the city, Iggy?"

Fleetwolf: "Blindly teleporting into a location I've never seen would be the fastest way to find yourself embedded in the walls, or in furniture, or Canis forbid, another body."

Artisia: (Setting)-a few bouts of rummbling thunder through the clouds above and it once again started to rain ever so lightly, a mist that seemed to roll with a light fog through the woods was thick and lingering at any traveler's feet-

Iimiidiina: The pyromancer healer grumbles with the rain, and he pulls the hood over his head. "Accursed rain..." He and water have never gotten along.

Igneous: "Put rather well, Fleetian."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Walking it is then." he said simply. He looked about at the mist on the trails.

Iimiidiina: The water particulates sizzle and evaporate as they make contact with him or his cloak.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was walking with them fully equipped with all of the items she needed. Her arms were crossed and she was looking down at the ground as she walked. Mirius was being pretty silent with all the thoughts going through her mind.

Fleetwolf: "Rain and some fog won't kill us. Have I ever told you about the Whisper Glen campaign, son?" shi spoke and kept marching, getting into the old marching rhythm shi knew from a long time again.

Iimiidiina: ~Are we there yet?~ No. ~Are we there yet?~ No. ~Are we there yet?~ No!

Igneous: "You know, if we get lost and starve, we can eat the dragon." He quipped moving up to the head of the group with Fleety. "I better lead the way. We'll be out of the Glen soon."

Iimiidiina: Grimanth hisses, and it's not cute either.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "No you haven't told me that tail father, and eating dragons?" he gave that a little thought. Must be quite stringy and gamey meat.

Artisia: -the group walked for a while, it started to rain harder, now more of a hard sprinkle, and foggy, as the heroes came over a hill on the trail still a good ways from the edge of the glen, they could see that the sky was darker and lightening was arcing through the sky along clouds but the worst of it was in the distance still-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius listened as they walked, rainwater dripped down her gear after a bit, she was hoping they reached Ammy, Rawsha and Lene before it was to late. She was worried after hearing everything she had about necromancers.

Fleetwolf: Shi kept them moving forward. "No, Igneous, you don't want to eat that dragon. Will just give you... a case of bad indegestion.

Iimiidiina: "What is that supposed to mean?" His dragon's insulted tone came through in that question, not necessarily his own.

Fleetwolf: "Nothing was meant, Iimii. Anyways, the Whisper Glen campaign had us fighting Spiritors left and right during the wettest winter of Lupinoss. Now that was a misreable season for travel and fighting. Slipping in snow, cold rain in everything, and the smell of wet Spiritors all around." shi chuckled.

Iimiidiina: "Hey, it wasn't me, it was her." He laughes and roughly pets Grimmy's head, teasing her.

Igneous: "As I recall our forces had your Wolf butts nicely pounded into the snow that season. Bloody snow everywhere. Nothing like the smell of roasting Wolf's in the air." Igneous gave Fleety a nasty smile on that muzzle of his.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved past the others to walk near Fleety. A paw came up to pat hir shoulder, just silently saying she was there. Mirius watched where they were walking.

Iimiidiina: "But all that is in the past now," he says quickly before something happens.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu pressed on in the rain. "Wonderful group we have. Enemies working together." he mumbled from his muzzle.

Iimiidiina: "Speak for yourself, brother. I have to heal these bozos," he says discreetly to Vuu.

Fleetwolf: "Son, one of those enemies is your second mother in law so stow it. Just keep a broader attitude and enjoy the... well.. the.." shi looked around. "Weather. Moving on. Igneous, how far is the monestary ruins from Fang Wood?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Well seeing that Igneous isn't wearing a dress and probably wouldn't be caught dead sleeping with you dad..." he trailed off and looked right at Mirius. "Really?" he looked surprised and dismayed. The trip was just getting better and better.

Igneous: "Oh yes, really." Igneous just snickered and stayed quiet after that.

-The weather only continued to get worse as the rescue party walked on, soon they had left the woods and were on open plains, gear and things were starting to get waterlogged, the Lupinossai were getting more than damp. An hour or so after leaving the woods the fog started to get thick and the mid-day sky was almost as dark and foggy as night, it was hard to talk as the group went on the wind was whipping and it was raining so hard, it was as if the heavens had opened up with a hose. Later after much walking they would reach Fang Wood Den set on the plains, the new mercenary and merchant city. much of which was closed down due to the weather...the group would be welcomed into a dry place to rest and dry out their gear for the rest of the day...and possibly a few more days til the storms passed-


Date: 2011-10-02 00:20 EST
Amaretto: Clothing, clothing, clothing. Normally Amaretto wouldn't care being about just in her fur with this evil company about, but she just didn't feel the same without the caress of leather on her fur. She searched the lair more.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sat in her cell, at the table, left paw scribing more arrays for Artisia, though she seemed a bit moody tonight as if her spirit was quite low. Food was by her stone paw untouched and cold.

Artisia: -Artisia had come home to the lair, to her keep, in the past few days with much practice and study she had finally mastered the arrays and cloning spells to perfect a set of clones, with Belian and Ammys help and instruction.., exact duplicates of herself, though preserved and in sleep, the other copies of herself had been hidden, in various tombs and even in other realms, each knew what she knew and information they needed was left with each, she moved through the portal and toward the doors out of the ritual room-

rawsha: -Rawsha had been assisting Amaretto by Artisia's orders, while Artisia was busy, but the child at the moment had been taken back to her cage, she had read the book, well the pages she was told to..when she wasnt sleeping or being yelled at, it was the only thing she had, the torch she was left with in her room was out now and she had fallen to sleep, lately the skingrafts had been aching, throbbing as if something was under the skin wanting to come out..but Rawsha tried not to complain-

Amaretto: She paused, sniffing some. "Leather. I smell leather." she moved into the old leather working shop the monks had and grinned seeing all the tools and sharp pointy things. "I feel at home." Amaretto giggled with glee. She picked out some fairly workable leather that hadn't stiffened up or rotted away and was quickly working away at making an outfit.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was moving about and aroudn aimlessly, bored. It was unsure of what to and the prisoners were still well off limits. it grumbled to itself slightly annoed. When it saw the Mistress it moved to her side with a irritated look. "Mistress, I am withering away from boredom. Why not I be able to have more fun with the prisoners?"

Artisia: -Amaretto might notice a dressmakers dummy in the shop with her, the garmet on armless, legless and headless dress rack looked to be a dress of flesh, if she observed further she could see it move here and there but hugging the rack, it was multiple creatures wrapped around it in the form of a dress.. but what ever it was didn't attack or leave the dummy at the moment-

Amaretto: A slight glance at the dummy with tri-color eyes and she giggled some sensing the creatures. She let her malicious aura seep out more as a subtle, natural warning not to mess with her.

Artisia: -Artisia saw her pet as she was walking down the hall, she stopped and looked at it, she was in a very good mood tonight, it had been storming and winds raging far above in the forest and for some reason it pleased her, her gaze covered by the silk black cloth under the hood of her robes- "you have been very...patient." -she looked back behind her down the hall in the way of the chamber were Rawsha was kept- " her don't kill.." -she didnt care how much he made the child scream and cry-

Ammy Spiritor: As she carefully worked on a very complicated and dangerous array fatigue crept into her paw and it cramped, blotching several lines and obscuring a few glyphs. A loud boom may be heard echoing down the hall from her cell.

Amaretto: A slight pause in her sewing then she resumed again.

Artisia: -she looked off toward Ammy's cell- "seems Ammy is having a rough night" -she grinned and left her pet walking toward her study, she would pause at the fountian and look up at the statue there as she walked around to its front just looking over her collection of artifacts in the cases and glancing up at the statue now and then-

rawsha: -Rawsha moved in her sleep a bit curling up with the book in her arms, she had been up a while before trying to finish the reading and practicing the movements with her paws and repeating words learning the spells, but now she rested-

Ammy Spiritor: "To the five hells of Modok and by the balls of the elder demon Ligor." she screamed and fumed. The desk was splinters, her paper work everywhere and her clothing more tattered now. She stood just glaring at the debris, ears twitching.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul grinned widely with terrible intents. It slinked off to Rawsha's chamber and slowly came into her room, claws slowly ticking against the stone floor as it approached her cage. A soft snicker would come from the ghoul. "Oh, child..." it called out to her in a deep but quiet voice.

Amaretto: She stood, hapily holding up the outfit. It was a little crudely put together, but a clap of paws that may echoe some in the halls was the sound of the answer to the clothings lack luster apeal. With raw alchemy Amaretto shifted things around and soon had a fine, rich leather corsete, dress, and wrapped gauntlets. Grinning at her work she put on the attire then stopped to look in the mirro. She fixed her hair a little and grinned at her sexy look.

rawsha: -Rawsha whimpers in her sleep, but then she hears that voice, it was so familair to her now her eyes opened, she blinked a bit, looking toward the voice, she sat up rather fast- "wh..what do you want?" -she licked cracked lips, she could see the ghouls outline some light out in the corridor outlined it just a moment, she heard his claws on the floor-

Ammy Spiritor: Muttering more curses she touched the debris and with alchemy reformed the desk. Then she picked up all the papers and stacked them. She almost sat to return to the tedius drawing she had been doing. Her paw flinched in protest and she remained standing. "Damn it. I have my powers back enough, why am I still here?" 'Cause Lene is a statue. You didn't protect her and Rawsha's a slave now to a necromancer. Sure, run out and see how Mirius feels.

Artisia: -Artisia, thought a moment, she needed to speak to Belian, but the dwarf was off somewhere else she would talk to him some other time, she walked into her study and leaving the doors open she moved to her desk, but instead of sitting down she would move to the enchanted case behind it and look at the orb and crown sitting in their red glowing light, then there next to them in a case where the items she had been given in exchange for the prisoners, she thought Vixie had been a fool, she admired those items now-

Ammy Spiritor: She really hated her conscience at times. Sighing she sat down on her cot.

The Taste of Flesh: "I've come to play. The mistress said I could," the ghoul snickered. He stood up to grab the cage's bars. "Wanna come out and play with me?"

rawsha: -she feels the cage tilt toward him, she was and always had been terrified by the ghoul...she shook her head- "but..i...i've been good!" -she whimpers as she tries to push away from him-

Amaretto: Amaretto walked down the halls now, claws scraping on the stones some. ~What price will nobility pay for a princesse virginity? A pauper, a prisoner, a prince? Lay down his boyhood with a bullock, sheep, and a six pence? Neigh, neigh, neigh, doth the chesire cat say. Virginity is now old hat. Virility is where it's all at! Sow some oats, and plunder boats! Only the pirate and the goat will remember.~ She sang eerily.

The Taste of Flesh: "But! But!! But! So have I." The ghoul snickered and shook the cage some, but it wanted the cage open. It quickly left the chamber and return with the keys to unlock her cage. "Come, little child. Play with me." The ghoul would start to unlock the cage.

Ammy Spiritor: As she sat, she meditated and though. Maybe she could escape her cell and look around? But how? The door is locked and dark magic seeps every stone. Her alchemy wouldn't be enough to deal with the wall or door, not with the bracers on, but what about becoming, very, very, small?

rawsha: -she whimpered watching him go and return quickly. he had the cage keys....she heard him and and tried to hold the cage shut with her paws and screamed, he was going to get to her she cried-

Ammy Spiritor: She opened her eyes and looked at the door for a long moment then closed her eyes again and though really hard on shifting her shape hoping she had the strength for this.

Artisia: -Artsisia sat at her desk, she thought about the ghoul, how he hungered for blood and flesh and fears and screams of his victims, she had given him permission tonight, she knew he wouldnt kill the girl...she needed Rawsha..the ritual of vampirism, needed three mages...Artisia had long studied undead and the living, and now she wanted to study something that was on the line between, or so some think, she looked off in thought about this-

Amaretto: Amaretto waltzed past Lene's statue and blew her a mock kiss. "You are such a darling child when you're quiet as the grave." she snickered and moved on to Artisia's rooms. Walking in she gazed on the necromancer. "Evening hot stuff. You look like your pillaging graves in your mind. Thinking of something dark, vile and nasty?" she said nasty in a low, sultry voice.

Artisia: -she snapped from her thoughts as she heard Amaretto and looked toward her- "aye.. thinking over my next..bit of studying.....and as always its vile and nasty...though..i think i will have a very interesting companion afterwards" -she grinned-

Amaretto: "You don't say?" she sat on the edge of Artisia's desk. "What do you think?" she felt her leathers. "Made them myself." she grinned with sharp, demon teeth.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul laughed and would pull open the cage after it was unlocked. It reached in and tried to pull Rawsha out of her cage. "Come, little child! Let's play together!"

rawsha: -she went to dodge trying to move around his claws, the cage was open she tried to get past him, she whimpered as she hoped he missed-

Ammy Spiritor: Her thoughts were of a glowing ember of light but her strength and the gauntlets made her powers shift and distort. The best she could do was a small hedgehog. A red hedgehog with very tiny metall bands on its front legs and one front leg was stone. Taking a moment to adjust to a lower level in vision she moved for the door and a hole that had been gnawed by rats. She took her time and squeezed through it.

Artisia: -she looked over the leathers and grinned- "i have to say...they are very impressive and you...are as well" -she laughed softly- "i see you found the left overs of that leather storage upstairs"

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul saw her trying to get passed him and it stopped, deciding to let her escape the cage and let her run. Oh, it wanted to chase her and have even more play time with her. "A game of chase!" it said excitedly.

Amaretto: "Yes. Leather has such a nice carress with fur. It's been a few days now and I am not so weak anymore. What can I do, Artisia, to help?"

rawsha: -she dropped down from the cage, her deep sea blue eyes wide, she was behind him....hope filled her as she got to her feet and ran, she was headed out the door and up the hall to the north, she had been this way, she knew this hall, she didnt look back as she passed one of the empty cells-

Ammy Spiritor: Out of the cell now, she huged the wall and scurried further, hesitating in the shadows to listen ever so often and look around.

Artisia: -she grinned- "...there are all sorts of things you can do the moment my ghoul is off toying with Rawsha...and Ammy is in her cell..." -she thought a moment-

The Taste of Flesh: It laughed as it turned around and chased Rawsha on all fours. "Where will you run? Come here! I won't play too rough!"

Amaretto: She layed down on Artisia's desk and played with a pen she found. "Oh really? I could make lots of squirmy, squeally, crying toys for the ghoul to keep it happy. They can even be edible." she grinned again.

rawsha: -she looked back, he was close and fast she made a corner, she cried out as she could feel him behind her- "nooo let me go!!" -her feet skidding on the stones as she moved trying to get futher from him-

Artisia: "im sure the ghoul.. would like has been bored lately"-her ears perked under the hood as the screams of the child echo'd down the hall, she looked off toward the hall- "sounds like hes...playing chase" -she spoke in an aww how cute tone with a grin on her lips-

Ammy Spiritor: She heard screaming and scurried as fast as possible for the sounds. Hopefully the undead don't notice a red colored hedgehog running through the halls with gold tipped quills.

Amaretto: Amaretto listened and grinned. "The ghoul is fun. Maybe I should see how fast he can catch me?" she grinned more. "Though I missed making your skeletal wolf all glowy." then she had an idea. "Artisia... could you...teach me how to do magic? I mean real magic, not this random chaotic stuff I seem to do."

The Taste of Flesh: It reached its clawed hands out to try and catch Rawsha when it would get closer. The entire time the ghoul was laughing while it chased the child.

rawsha: -she caught her footing and barely escaped his claws, she looked where she was running, she had to get away, she looked along the torch lit hallway, the laboratory she was close. she would move quickly to the side and run into Artisia's labratory, she hated this room but would dart behind a table that had a black cloth on it and quickly scoot under it-

Artisia: -she looked at Amaretto and grinned- "...i will teach you.....i think you would do well to know true magic"

Amaretto: "Really? You'll teach me?" if one could have a puppy that looks cute and hopefull, then sprinkle it liberallyr with evil, Amaretto looked just like that, giving Artisia happy puppy eyes.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul turned into the room and stopped as it did not see her. "Where are you child?" It slowly moved into the room and slowly and carefully listened as it searched for her. Its claws slowly clicking on the stone ground.

rawsha: -attempting to hide under the table and tablecloth, she tried to calm her breath, she pulled her feet close and watched for the ghoul's shadow or his feet, the smell was horrible in the lab. she just needed a moment to think, she heard it speak and maybe a small gasp could be heard, she watched for movement-

Artisia: -she grinned- "you will learn....but i warn you it is a long road you take" -she nodded- "there are many things to make a wizard great and and patience...any much time spent..."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy the hedgehog came up to the laboratory door and poked her pointed snout inside. The screaming ended here and she saw the ghoul. Ammy pulled back a moment not sure what to do. A slight rattle of quills.

The Taste of Flesh: "Are you still there?" It said in a quiet voice. The ghoul lifted up a a table cloth of another table, but nothing was there. It snarled.

Amaretto: "I think I have the patience and I'll do anything for you Aritisia." she sat up and smiled. "You're like a sister to me now. Though..." she shook her head some as thought about Ammy came to mind.

rawsha: -Rawsha blinked and swallowed some, she heard it at a table nearby and started to crawl away from it under the tablecloth, she could see the light in the hallway and was moving back toward it...she stopped and listened-

Ammy Spiritor: Poking head back in the red hedgehog scurried under a table that might or might not have a Rawsha under it. The smells in the room were overwhelming the delicate nose, making her feel loopy.

Artisia: "i know you are waited so long to get your...body...and you have it.." -she studied her a long moment- "you ...have a sister...or so you and she call each other.."

The Taste of Flesh: It had its back turned to Rawsha's table and started to search other tables and around them. "Oh, child. Come. I just want a hug," it attempted to sound innocent with its ghoulish voice.

Amaretto: "I am not sure if she is sister, mother, or just Ammy." she rubbed her forehead. "When I first lived, the thrill of evil and power in my veins made me think little on these things." she was quiet again staring off into her own mind.

rawsha: -Rawsha blinked seeing the red hedgehog, she watched it a moment thinking it was some sort of trick, then her ears perked again and she looked toward the ghoul's voice, she was shaking badly but she was quiet and still for the moment just trying to settle down before moving again...she had to find a way out...she had to run...but at the moment she glanced back at the hedgehog-

Ammy Spiritor: The hedgehog stared right at Rawsha for a moment. The kid was huge! It chittered and got closer to Rawsha.

rawsha: -she put her finger to her cracked and some what bloody in places lips as if to say keep quiet please..she watched it, hoping it wasnt some trick of the mistress...or that they were watching her, or know where she was..she was weaker than she had ever been, she heard the ghouls claws on the stone floors-

Artisia: -she looked back toward her and let her think about things..she grinned at her only friend there was a very strange and evil peace between the two of them-

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was running out of luck, but there was still a couple tables and places left to look. It was also listening for any movements or whimpers fro mthe child.

Amaretto: "Bah, what does it matter? I live again. I do feel strange around her and that spawn of hers but when I am around you I am more at peace it seems."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was very quiet and got close up to Rawsha and nudged her just a little. She looked around hearing the ghoul too.

Artisia: "we have much in common Amaretto...and much power between us both.." -she relaxed as she sat back agains the chair-

Amaretto: "How so, Artisia?"

Artisia: "well we both love to hear screams in the night and make things squirm...right? -she gives an evil little grin and laugh-..."we both have magic and knowledge beyond most...and we both thirst for power and greatness"

Amaretto: "True." she grinned.

rawsha: -Rawsha looked toward the door then back to the hedgehog, she saw the ghoul was getting close she would have to make a run soon, she attempted to let the animal climb into her paw, she didnt know if it would or not-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy did.

Amaretto: "Though you have great potential, and a family full of powerful mages." Amaretto said with interest.

Artisia: -she looked over at her after a moment- "..ah dear" -she snarled lightly as she said dear- "mother and my...over bearing father" -she chuckles softly- "...well i do guess daddy would be proud...his little girl a mage...though my great grandfather...he would be over joyed to know the things i have done"

Amaretto: "Least you had parents. All I have is my... crazy sister Ammy."

rawsha: -she held the hedgehog close to her stomach in her paw not to tight but not wanting to drop it. she would crawl out and run for the hall, only hoping not to make to much noise-


Date: 2011-10-02 00:22 EST
Ammy Spiritor: Ammy hunkered down in her hedgehog form as Rawsha ran.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul looked around tihnking it heard something. It went to look towards the door and saw Rawsha running out. A big malicious grin crossed its disgusting and mischievious rotted mouth and it started to run after her. The ghoul laughed as it chased her, knowing she had nowhere to run.

Artisia: -Artisia looked up at Amaretto, she studied the lupinossai before her with a grin- " have have haunted me for months now...and i do think we have grown close"

rawsha: -Rawsha heard the ghouls claws and soon she looked back for just a moment as she moved out the laboratory door, she saw it coming and gave a whimper as she reached for the door and tried to pull it closed between them, if she got it closed she would back away from it and look both ways down the hall-

Amaretto: "Good point." she fiddled with something on the desk as she sat on top of it. "I am not sure where to go from here with my life. I was allied to Ebony Knight, evil deity of Lupinoss, but I can no longer feel him in this realm, nor do I feel particularly moved to go back to him."

Artisia: "you do as you please" -she grinned and watched her, those deep violet almost red eyes moving over her- "some still think you dead"

Ammy Spiritor: She peaked out of Rawsha arms, chittering just slightly.

Amaretto: "True. There is that Spiritor General I was allied with. He was such a nice toy to controll." she tapped her muzzle just like Ammy would.

The Taste of Flesh: It leaped to the door and would grab the side of it before it closed to pull it in its own direction to keep Rawsha from closing it

rawsha: -she would hold the tiny red hedgehog in her paw against fur, the young lupe gave a scream and whined as the ghoul threw the door open, she knew that further to the north was Artisia's study..she didn't know where the necromancer was at the moment but she would, take a terrified look at the ghoul and take off down that hall north-

Ammy Spiritor: So that's what had Rawsha so terrified. She was a toy to that ghoul. Ammy gave a chitter of anger and worry.

Artisia: -she chuckles softly, her ears perk as she once again hears the screams coming from somewhere deeper in the lair...she knew her ghoul had things undercontroll and would stay sitting relaxed her conversation with Amaretto- "a Spiritor General? -a brow rose at that- "ah...the one that lead the war..." -she nodded-

Amaretto: "What about you, Artisia? What are your plans? I know you aren't one to let that crown I fetched you go to waist. And there is still another artifact, yes?"

The Taste of Flesh: It would start chasing her again after the door was out of its way. "Why can't we be friends, child? I just want to play!" it called out to Rawsha and laughed.

rawsha: -she had been running from the ghoul for a long time now..her stomach ached with hunger..but it was something she was used to...she had to find a away out,.it was her only hope. she didnt know where she would go once she was away from this place but..she kept running- "please let me go! "-she begged, and cried out, she glanced back and saw the ghoul was right behind her she turned back to look where she was going and ran right into a small statue in the hallway, which she fell over.. the hedgehog tummbling from her grasp into the shadows somewhere she couldnt see...she was trying to get to her feet after falling-

Artisia: "my search for the Rod of Evil...goes on..though it...might take me elsewhere.." -hearing the crash in the hall to the south, and the muffled cries she grinned and used her link with the ghoul to see what he saw and would just watch what her pet was up to-

The Taste of Flesh: Seeing the child fall made the ghoul even more happier. It leaped to pounce onto the child wanting to catch her and keep her on the ground. The more the ghoul played the more excited and playful it just wanted to be.

rawsha: -she screamed out and struggled, she tried to crawl away from it, as she was pounced she cried out, she somehow turned and was on her back looking up at it...she could smell the rotting and old flesh, its hot breath in her face, she squealed and put her paws up to possibly try and push it away- "!" -she cried- "i...i'll be good!" -she cried out, her paws up trying to defend herself-

The Taste of Flesh: it snickered and laughed cruely. The ghoul went to bite down on her left paw. It was wanting to play really rough now.

rawsha: -Rawsha felt the maw of the ghoul she tried to pull her paw back but wasn't fast enough, those sharp teeth that grip of powerful jaws, she cried and screamed- "Nooo!....owwww" -she howled in pain, she didnt dare pull her paw back any further as pain shot through it, the ghoul would get the taste of her blood, what he had been yearning for-

Amaretto: "Would you mind if I help in your search? I really do like helping you."

Ammy Spiritor: The hedgehog bounced and rolled against the wall. Ammy was dizzy and confused but got up on her legs. She heard Rawsha crying and saw the ghoul on top of her playing really rough. That tore it for Ammy. Rawsha wasn't blood, but damn it all, she was still her and Mirius' kid! Chittering madly the red hedgehog charged for the two. It was hoping to give the ghoul a facefull of quills.

Artisia: -Artisia grinned and blinked a bit as she was coming out of the vision link she looked back to Amaretto- "it might be a long time before the rod comes to vision...i have searched for the crown and the rod since i was young...and happened upon the orb."

Amaretto: "So may I ask what they do together? My sister has left me with a big blank in knowledge of that evil."

The Taste of Flesh: With the quills going into its face the ghoul growled and ended up pulling back on Rawsha's paws, teeth making deep cuts into her paw as it pulled back. One of its sharp teeth would catch deep into Rawhsa's left middle finger while still going pulling its head back.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy crouched onto top of Rawsha chittering like a rabid animal, brandishing more red quills.

rawsha: -she screamed and once her hand was free of the ghouls maw blood sprayed from it, she curled her fingers tight and whimpered holding her right hand over the left she had blood seeping from ther cuts and gouges from the ghouls rough onslaught, she whimpered out not knowing she had lost anyhting but blood, she felt the tiny animal on her, she looked toward the ghoul, she was smearing blood on the floor as she tried to push away from him-

Ammy Spiritor: She sprang for the ghoul intent on biting its face off and smacking more quill into the vile thing.

Artisia: -she looked over to the cases where the crown and orb laid upon their stands- "the orb as you know...can rebuke and control undead, as well as absorb spells which have been cast toward the holder, the the user a few powerful spells...helps with strengthening the one who wears it... togehter...there are powers gained..."

Amaretto: "And the scepter? Surely its for more than looking stately, bludgeoning, or a late night trist of inanimate passion?"

The Taste of Flesh: The left middle finger from Rawsha was ripped off from the ghoul's teeth. It spat the finger back out to Rawsha and saw the hedgehog jumping into the air after it .The ghoul growled and came swinging from mthe side to try and smack the hedgehog off to the side.

Ammy Spiritor: She found herself smacked, though the ghoul may find her well embeded in the arm with those quills on her body.

Artisia: "the sceptor is a rod made of iron, draped in chains, it posses even more spells and powers for the holder...the ability to leech life from those around the holder..amoung other things...i have found less in my research on it"

rawsha: -Rawsha scampered to the wall nearby and saw the finger the ghoul spit toward her, she felt even more sick to her stomach now, her deep-sea blue eyes looked at the finger as it lay there on the floor, the child was even more shock as she looked down at her hand..her left middle finger was laying near her leg on the floor, she whimpered out watching the little red hedgehog, she wanted to run and hide but found herself frozen in fear and shock-

Amaretto: "So you would be truly powerful." she leaned close to Artisia. "One trully worthy of my alliance."

Artisia: -she grinned an evil grin- "yes the power the three would give me...what some would call...dangerous power...but the items call to me...they want to be much as i want them"

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy couldn't do much in hedgehog form, but she did have access to a few small nature spells. Chittering more, her red quills may glow a little as she tried to cover the ghoul in flowers and warm happy, sunshine and rainbows happy thoughts. Maybe pictures of unicorns dancing in the head as well.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul growled and started pulling quills from its body in aggravation, but soon it started to snicker as it stared at Rawsha. It licked around its mouth enjoying the taste of her blood. "Delightful blood you have, child..." it would have the quilss removed before they would start glowing and have effect on the ghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: She went to Rawsha and kept near the child, bristling more quills. A wolf. Yes, a wolf. She needed her wolf form and tried to focus on shifting again though her head ached now from magic burn and using the ability so soon again.

rawsha: -Rawsha took a breath, she looked around and started to crawl backwards along the wall down the hall, she whined hearing the ghoul, she was watching it, she glanced at the finger on the floor then the hedgehog, then back to the ghoul- "please no more...please" -she begged the ghoul, her left fist clinched into a fist on the floor-

Ammy Spiritor: The red hedge hog would flow and shift into a wolf with red, black, and white patches of color in its fur like a koi fish.

Amaretto: "Interesting Artisia. Maybe one day I'll find a few relics for myself."

The Taste of Flesh: Eyeing the wolf the ghoul growled and crouched low, ready to attack. It seemed to have another playmate now.

Ammy Spiritor: The wolf growled, crouching, flicking its tail. So you like the taste of children. The taste of blood. Come, taste mine again, now that I can fight you. The wolf would bombard the ghoul with the mind speach. The ghoul may note the right fore paw was stone.

Ammy Spiritor: And that the wolf was wearing metal bracers on the front legs.

rawsha: -she watched as the hedgehog shifted forms, Rawsha kept backing away, soon she would be in the greathall where the fountian and statue of Lene stood, she backed up to the fountian and blinked thinkign she had backed into someone...but looking up she saw the cold stone fountian and above her was the statue, she crawled around the fountian, and staying on the floor she looked up...the statue was familiar to her then she realised what or who it was-

Artisia: -the continued noise in the southern hall had peeked her intrests and she nodded to Amaretto- "relics and artifacts...have been hobbies of mine for a long time.." -she looked out toward the hall, she had seen movement on the floor and just watched where the form crawled-

The Taste of Flesh: Noticing there was a stone paw and the metal bracers and even the mind speech. The ghoul now relaisd who it was. "I'm sure the mistress will let me eat your flesh since she is done with you maybe soon even the child." It snickered evilly.

Ammy Spiritor: Maybe I'll give her a reason to destroy me be ripping you appart. Another snarl and she came in low, bounding and snapping for a limb.

The Taste of Flesh: Its right arm would be snapped down on but the ghoul would go and try to bite into the side of Ammy's neck.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy danced back, being much quicker and agile on for legs though she slipped some from the confounded stone paw. She circled going for any part that may be open.

Artisia: -she stood and moved around the desk, she moved with a normal pace across the study and up the wooden stairs. she moved out into the hall, and saw Rawsha sitting on the floor just the other side of the fountian, she moved around the statue and glanced up at Lene's still stone form, she spoke to Rawsha- "child doesn't she make a lovely centerpiece for a fountian.? -she grinned eviliy as slow footsteps brought her toward the girl-

Amaretto: Amarretto would follow, pondering things but hanging back just a little. The sound of a fight drew her attention to the hall as she watched in the torchlight, wolf and ghoul fighting.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul snarled and started to circle around with Ammy. "You'll never escape. A nice little slave for the mistress you'll be even after death." It grinned at her.

Ammy Spiritor: She went for a leg this time, hoping to snap it in two.'

rawsha: -she panted and whined holding her bloody paw close to her, she saw and heard Artisia- "..i...i guess'am.." -she looked up at the statue then...down more at Artisia's feet- "please Mistress don't hurt me...anymore" -she winced in pain, she heard the fight going on down the hall but at least...Artisia would stop the ghoul if he came after her again. she moved to Artisia's feet but then stayed still holding her left paw tight against her-

Amaretto: ~Round and round does the doggy go, bighting and snarling to and fro. It circles death in a never ending cycle. Will she have it tonight?~ Amaretto murmured in song. She knew who the wolf was. Seeing her sister in fighting spirit made her pause anythoughts she had in helping. Now this was the sister she knew.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul quickly jumps to the side and a clawd hand tries to strike at her from the side.

Artisia: -Artisia looked off down the hallway toward the wolf and her ghoul, she saw the blood on the floor and then hearing Rawsha she looked down at her. she thought a long moment and grinned, she felt the last bit of the childs will melting away, she would watch her pet and the stone pawed wolf with a knowing grin-

Ammy Spiritor: The wolf snarled, and snapped then yipped and shrieked as the claws raked open fur, hide, and blood spilt on the floor.

Ammy Spiritor: The wolf staggered away a little, then crouched, baring fangs again. The fangs grew more pointed like demon fangs, and the saliva now sizzled as it dripped. Her head hurt more as she tweaked the wolfs form, shifting a bit more into a mix of wolf and barghest. The pain was making her thoughts harder and the stabbing pain in her side had her worried.

The Taste of Flesh: Some of the blood got on its claws. The ghoul would lick some of the blood off one of its claws and snicker. "Why fight? I can't die again...but you can."

Ammy Spiritor: Another snarl that echoed, and she came in again. The tail of the wolf was now like that of a scorpion, striking out at the ghoul as well.

The Taste of Flesh: It was hit by the tail from Ammy and it growled at her. A hand reached to grab the tail to take hold of it and if it did get a hold it would try to swing her to off into a random direction.

Amaretto: Amaretto moved toward Artisia for a moment. "She fights for this one." she indicated Rawsha.

Ammy Spiritor: Damn! She felt herself tugged and thrown, slamming into a wall. Some popped wetly and she collapsed on the floor. The wolf shifting back to the Lupinossai form that was Ammy. She gave a few coughs, blood touching her muzzle, magic burn stabbing pain behind her eyeballs.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul was all roughed up and wanted more now. A screech was made at Ammy and it went to pounce her with slashing claws.

Ammy Spiritor: She laughed, wetly, coughing more. Lung was punctured. "Fi'igoo!" she slammed a fireball at the ghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: That was the last of her magic for the time being. Her head rested in a pool of her own blood as magic burn took her under the waves of unconsciousness.

Artisia: -she looked to Amaretto and then down at Rawsha- "so she fights so this one may live? -she chuckles coldly...looking back over as Ammy was thrown to the wall and turned back to the lupinossai form-

Amaretto: She looked up at the statue of Lene. "I believe my sister has a spot for many in her confused heart. Seeking to love where she never was." She turned to look at the lying form of Ammy.

Artisia: -she watches the ball of flame and growled watching the fight end..... then looked to Amaretto- "dear Amaretto...will you return your sister to her..cell" -she then looked down at Rawsha, then to the ghoul.- "have you played enough my pet? "

The Taste of Flesh: it was slammed off to the side. Part of the ghoul had caught fire and it coudln't get the fire out. It went the fountain ti douse the fire in water and returned to Ammy quickly only to find her unconscious. It snarled and returned to the mistress, eyeing Rawsha closely. "I could always play more, Mistress."

Amaretto: Amaretto nodded and left, kneeling down and picking up Ammy. She moved her sister for her cell.

rawsha: -hearing Artisia she whimpered and moved behind the necromancer whimpering and muttering, pleading- "no...mistress'll do anything..dont let him hurt" -she peered at the ghoul from behind Artisia-

Ammy Spiritor: She was very limp, and bleeding badly.

Artsiia: -Artisia grinned at her pet, then looked down at the whimpering muttering child- "stop your crying." -she pulled her robes from the childs grasp and looked at her ghoul- "return her to her cage...soon" -she grinned and went back into her study, she didnt care how long it took the ghoul, Artisia had to prepare for upcoming things-

Amaretto: Amaretto laid Ammy down on the cot. "My your a mess. You never could play nice with people." Amaretto stripped Ammy of all clothing and with a clap of paws transmuted a basin of water, medical supplies, and instruments. "Ah yes, you were always the little medic sister. I do hope my memories of how you do things are" she grinned wickedly.

rawsha: -Rawsha cried out but snapped her mouth shut as Artisia spoke she was shaking badly and just stared at the two-

Amaretto: She hummed the tune Artisia was fond of as she cleaned up Ammy and stitched her closed. No anesthetic of course. Oh no. Sister wants to be dumb, she gets to pay the price.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy felt the bite of the kife and needle in her flesh and she screamed. A scream that was sure to echo through the lair.

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul moved closer to Rawsha to try and grab hold of one of her arms. "Time to go back to your cage, child." It snickered. Its head perked upwards some hearing the scream from Ammy. Screams were like a lulluby to the ghoul.

Amaretto: "Sh, sh, sh. Almost done." she put in the last stitch, then grinned, looking at her work. She did a decent job. The stitching wasn't too erratic. "Now dont move. Just rest, and I'll bring you food later. You've spent much energy and blood in your little venture." She stood and held a bloody silver bowl in her paw and walked out, locking the cell behind her.

rawsha: -Rawsha whimpered and cried out but she had been pulled up by the right arm, she was so weak and hungry...she faught and struggled trying to pull away-

Artisia: -oh yes she heard the screams echoing through the lair, it felt..good comforting almost to know that there was pain and made one feel alive...soon undead would roan the halls of the lair like always some just lumbering and walking the halls some wailing in undead song-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy dropped off into nightmares.

The Taste of Flesh: It would continue to drag the child no matter how much she struggled and fought against it. "Want to lose another finger? If so, do squirm more, child." It laughed cruely.

Amaretto: Amaretto skipped down the halls among the undead and into Artisia's study. "Oh Artisia. I have flesh and blood from my sister. I wish to turn them into toys for the ghoul. Want to watch?"

rawsha: -she whimpered and soon gave into the ghoul dragging her, she would keep up with him but he went- "i'll be good..." -she was terrified of losing more fingers or limbs-

Artisia: -she looked up from her desk and grinned- "i'll sounds interesting.." -she set her books and papers aside- "here...or would you like to go to the laboratory.?"

The Taste of Flesh: They came to Rawsha's cage and the ghoul opened the cage. "I'd play more..but...i dont want my toys to bleed to death. At least, not yet." It would go to lift her and carelessly toss her into the cage.

Amaretto: "Here is fine. I don't know anything about teaching, so I'll just do what I feel." she grinned showing all sharp teeth. Setting the bloody silver bowl on the desk Artisia could see strips of flesh and white fur where Amaretto had cut the wounds on Ammy to be clean and heal.

Artisia: -seeing the bloody silver bowl with the flesh and fur, she grinned and sat back, she would was always entertaining and she learned in one way or another-

rawsha: -she got thrown into the cage and curled up, her left paw curled up to her chest, the bleeding had started to slow..but she didn't move her hand...she had blood all down her chest from holding her paw there.. she felt so weak, she closed her eyes-

Amaretto: Dipping claws in the blood, she drew a very crude array that Artisia would recognize as a shortcut for one of the many Ammy used to bring her back. A clap of her paws and she touched the array. Violet light lit the array. the blood greedily consumed by alchemy. The flesh would squirm and quiver. She lifted the bowl and sat in on the floor and stepped back, licking her sisters blood off of her fingers with a grin. "The ghoul is right. She is tasty."

The Taste of Flesh: The ghoul slammed the cage door closed and locked it. "I will be back again soon, child. Very soon." It backed away and claws ticking against against the stone floor would fade as it got further. it would head for where the Mistress was and where Amaretto was as well.

Amaretto: As she stepped away, the strips of flesh. 10 in all would wiggle more then reshape. From the bowl stepped young ones that looked like Rawsha, but were actually young duplicates of Ammy. All dripping with blood and water. They all stared at Amaretto with hazy, silver eyes.

Artisia: -she laughs wickedly and grins but she would watch Amaretto and the ten she had grown...these made her grin widen-

rawsha: -she jumped as the cage door slammed and was locked, she whimpers, she felt like crying but no tears came...she sobbed quietly and felt the slick blood on her fur, she held her paw close and fell into a deep nightmare filled sleep-

Amaretto: Amaretto grinned watching. "Ah, it worked. I present to you living Ammy dolls. They don't have souls and only the basic memories and thoughts. They can breath, eat, move, run, and oh yes, feel pain, scream, and know much terror."

Amaretto: "Now the ghoul wont be as bored. It can even eat them if it wishes." she laughed.

Artisia: "they are...very impressive...only to have come from simple components and short arrays.."

Amaretto: "They aren't perfect. They will expire in a month and revert to festered strips of flesh. That is the limit of alchemy from one like me. Temporary. My sister, she has multiple keys to making them permanent."

Artisia: -she nodded- "Ammy has many tricks...i have learned some of the arrays she has written...they have strengthened my ..minions.."

Amaretto: "Yes, I've noticed. I give these to you. Don't let the ghoul eat them all up at once. I doubt my sister will be so willing next time to get into an accident and have flesh removed. Now would you like me to heal that brat, before she bleeds to death on you?"

Artisia: -she nodded and grinned she got an idea and used her control over the duplicates of ammy, she opened a dimensional door and sent all but two of them away for the time being...the two remaining would move around the study while she looked up at Amaretto-..."heal her so she wont die..i couldn't have her dying after all i have worked for"

Amaretto: "Okay. I'll tend to Ammy more. Wouldn't do for her to die either." she left the room and walked down the hallway and stepped into the room with the cage. "Rawsha....Rawsha....Rawsha.... Rawsha...." she called softly, using Ammy's voice.

rawsha: -Rawsha's nightmare went on until she heard the voice, it was Ammy...she was pulled from the dreams with a startled look, she knew Ammy was dead, she was alone no one who loved her was alive anymore...the mistress and the ghoul and Amaretto.. they were the only ones she knew and that other lupinossai...but she didnt know her..those dim sea blue eyes opened as she heard the voice again-

Amaretto: As she got closer, Amaretto used her sisters ability and looked just like Ammy as she approached the cage. "Poor Rawsha. All alone. You look so tired." she stopped at the cage and offered a paw to the girl. "You're hurt."

Artisia: -Artisia would go back to gathering supplies and things she needed for the vampirsm ritual, even steping into the space beyond the one wall in her study looking for things that were going to be used in the following days-

rawsha: -she tilted her head blinking..this couldnt be Ammy..but Rawsha's head felt strange from bloodloss, she whimpered softly but showed her the left paw with that middle finger it had been ripped away leaving the first knuckle, the wound was nasty, Rawsha was cut up, clawed and gouged in places too-

Amaretto: "Come, Rawsha. Come to me. Let me hold you and heal you." she said in Ammy's voice. She was grinning inside with mischief.

rawsha: -she moved toward her, stopping at the cage bars, she held her and out to the vision of Ammy- "Ammy?" -she licked at dried and cracked lips-

Amaretto: "Yes, Rawsha. It's me." she held Rawsha close and spoke a healing spell working to close up the wound from the missing finger, to ease the gouges. "There, all better now." she tapped the bottom of the cage bringing out of nothing a large bottle of water and several sandwhiches. "You look very hungry."

rawsha: " dead...killed in battle...the others too" -the child was shaking badly from shock and bloodloss-

Amaretto: "You're head is not right, Rawsha. You need to eat and rest. I am not dead. I am here before you." she said in that voice.

rawsha: -she looked at the bottle of water and opened it..she had been starving and thirsty, she took a drink from the water and started to eat the sandwhich, she felt the wounds on her paw start to heal, she felt the touch of Ammy and shivered even more, she continued to eat- "..Mistress Artisia..won't be happy...your here..." -she ate the first of the sandwhiches and then looked up at her...her hope perhaps slightly renewed- " the cage...let me out...lets leave"

Amaretto: She would lean close to Rawsha, with a smile on her muzzle and said simply. "Ammy never died, because I am Ammy." and Ammy's image faded to Amarettos. "And I made sure you mother Mirius screamed ever second she lived before I killed her. Enjoy your meal." and she would leave the room.

rawsha: -she backed to the back of the cage..the other sandwhich and the bottle of water held close..she was terrified and crying again as she was left alone...she was very alone...the food was eaten and the water was saved...she silently cried and sobbed til sleep took her-


Date: 2011-10-04 06:59 EST
Artisia: -it was midday when the heroes found the weather had calmed enough to travel, they had been waiting out the storm on the plains for now two and a half days, their gear was dry now and moods might have improved after the rest, Fang Wood Den had proved a very good place to regroup and now the group was out on the plains...the sun was trying to peek from behing clouds it, is cool and rather over cast but not raining, the ground was left wet and muddy-

Fleetwolf: Fleety stretched, adjusted one strap, and checked hir gear then checked hir vorpal katana. Things looked good.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu moved with the group, still getting used to the armor. He walked as if this was new to him. He was a bit edgy as well.

Iimiidiina: Iimii and Grimanth, properly armored and geared up, walked a fair distance, but not out of eyeshot, away from the group as they conversed and strategized. A harness was attached to her, possessing a decent-sized bag containing some special traps Iimii put together with his cache of power gems and crystals. Hephaestus was ready, though not present at the time, and the pair were ready for their first test as bondmates.

Igneous: Igneous had changed clothing when they had stopped at his head quarters and was in the armor Moonshine made as well as his war robes of bright yellow and red flames. He carried no visable weapons though soul gems and and a spell caster focusing pendant hung from his neck. The topaz gem in his left eye glimmered with intensity.

Fleetwolf: Fleety slowed a litte to walk by Vuusoolta. "You seem on edge son. How many battles have you been in?" shi asked concerned.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "One. That was the one with Igneous."

Igneous: "You mean the time you pranced around playing with a sword?" he smirked commenting as he walked. He pulled out one of the Drow Scout maps and compared landmarks.

Iimiidiina: Iimii and Grimanth fell back. The former walks on his toes to looks at the map so Grimanth can memorize it as well. "How close are we?"

Igneous: "Hour or two away if we don't run into too much trouble. The Drow had the night for cover. But with this group, nightime would hinder us more than anything."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was walking a little ahead of the group, maybe a little faster than them. She was worried about her captured family. An automatic pistol was on each side of her, she had a belt aroudn her waist that was holding clips for her weapons along with a flashlight just in case. She was wearing her goggles since it was daylight and not wanting the sun sneak out from behind a cloud and hurt her eyes. In her paws was an assault rifle. All the weapons she had was the ones that Ammy had special made.

Iimiidiina: "I should send Grimanth soon, then, so she can scout ahead. Did your scouts get a map of the exterior of the cathedral?"

Igneous: "No. they valued their lives. All we have are maps of the forrest path they used."

Artisia: -while they chatted they moved, they had been gone from the comforts of Fang Wood Den for a few hours while they traveled, following the maps they had come up with and the help of the drow scouts, the clouds didnt seem to want to clear, the weather in the last few days had left that fresh rainy feel to the land though, but time passed as the group went on, they could see the forest..just a great mass of trees seeming normal from their distance, but would lose sight as the plains trails twist and turn-

Artisia: -as time passed the trails would become less and the group would be forced off into non traveled plains land-

Fleetwolf: "If you get into trouble, ask for help. Keep your armor tight enough so it doesn't rattle, but snug enough not to trip you. I'm counting on you son. May you get blooded well." shi pulled away and walked with Mirius up ahead, moving through some brush. "How are you holding up, Mirius?'

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuusoolta nodded, and took the advice to heart. He moved up to where Iimii and Igneous were, keeping a watch out on the area around them. The leader of the Den looked jumpy, but eager.

Iimiidiina: "Alright." Grimmy, are you ready? We're coming up on the forest. ~I'm ready.~ Good. Now, remember the plan. Get those traps planted once we're inside. ~I know, Iimii.~ Alright. Please be careful. And remember that spell. Do you remember it? ~Yes, I remember. Now stop worrying. I'll be just fine.~ I can't help it, Grimmy. ~I know.~ Be careful. I love you. ~You be careful, love.~ And with that, the growing hatchling darts off into the long grass to maybe pick up a mouse real quick and scout out.

Mirius Pojoris: She had a worried look as they were nearing the forest. Hearing Fleety she looked at hir and sighed before looking forward again. "I don't know. I won't be okay until we have the rest of our family back."

Igneous: "I do hope your not too bonded to that dragon. Wouldn't do to have you incapacitated when it get's hurt." Igneous said sternly, keeping track of their progress.

Iimiidiina: "She'll be fine. I trust her. She's a smart dragon, even in youth."

Fleetwolf: "I hear you. Just watch your back okay? Undead are not easy to deal with. I wished Vuu had more battle experience." shi had worry in hir voice.

Artisia: -the group and the dragon who had been sent off to scout would hear, the loud squeeling of a boar in the distance still out on the plains before them, the sound was boarlike but something else was in its shreiking calls echoed over the tall grasses, it was still a good ways from the group up ahead of them..Grimanth might have been closer and the sound much much louder and unworldly-

Iimiidiina: "Both of us know the dangers. But we're ready to deal with it." At his side, the short katana of white divine platinum glints in its sheath. Pray he won't have to use it."

Mirius Pojoris: "I almost got ran over in the first realm I popped into. I wasn't even there fer 2 minutes yet." She smiled some at Fleet. "I've been up against alotta things. This just being more things to add to that list."

Vuusoolta Wolf: His ears were burning. Hearing his father concerned about him, made Vuu even more antsy to prove himself to a great warrior.

Fleetwolf: Shi nodded. "Glad to have you and Igneous on this mission." She kept moving.

Mirius Pojoris: She looked at Fleet curiously hearing what he said. "Glad to have us? Why? Thought ye didn't like Spiritors all that much."

Iimiidiina: Iimii stops a moment. Grimanth, what was that? ~Sounded like a pig.~ Can you go investigate real quick? But stay quiet. ~I really shouldn't. It might be a monster, and I shouldn't abandon the path.~ Use your nose then. How close does it smell?

Iimiidiina: The hatchling sniffs the air, keeping still in the grass.

Artisia: -the hatching would smell..that unmistakable smell of undeath in the air as again the shrieking and grunting sound of the boar would echo out over the plains, it was probably twenty feet from the hatchling, it hadnt noticed her-

Fleetwolf: "Because you two have just about as much combat experience as I do. I'm worried that Vuu may get into troulbe. As for Iimii. I'm not sure about him. Just nice to know I have soldiers in this group."

Iimiidiina: ~Undeath.~ A minion. Stay away from it. "Guys, there's a minion up ahead about twenty feet from Grimanth."
Iimiidiina: The mage kept his voice quiet, in case it carried.

Iimiidiina: The hatchling slinks off without engaging. ~Keep a wide berth. Proceed with caution.~

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu moved to pull ahead and investigate.

Fleetwolf: Fleety held hir paw out. "No Vuu." shi said quietly. "Mirius, why don't we hunt this undead out and see what Ammy's gear can do?"

Artisia: -As they went forward, the sound of rooting in the dirt and another call from the boar, the group would find themselves in an area where the land turned more sandy and the grass was bare, there were huge rocks piled naturally in areas as well as dirt..the area looked to once have a waterhole...but no water was flowing from the natural spring any longer..they could see the forest clear now on the other side but there was a lot more plains land to walk...the sounds had died away-

Mirius Pojoris: "Shoulda seen me in me early days of fightin'. I got me tail handed to me every 5 minutes due to insubordination. In and outta battle. " She chuckled some. Hearing what Fleet said next she nodded. "Sounds good to me, Fleet."

Fleetwolf: "Allright. You take point Mirius, I'll flank. Vuu hang back with Igneous and Iimii."

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Very well." he said with a bit of disappointment and hung back.

Igneous: "You'll have your chance to kill plenty of the dead, pup." he said to Vuu. He rolled up the map and had spells at the ready.

Artisia: -the ground there in that rocking large clearing started to shake and from under ground, a burrow or den of some sort, the large undead mother boar rushed, behind it four undead boar-piglets, the once living mother snorted, it at first didnt notice the group-

Fleetwolf: Shi had hir vorpal katana unsheated and hir magic ready.

Mirius Pojoris: She nodded and held her rifle in her paws firmly. Mirius was worried, scared and determined all at the same time. But she wasn't going to let the emotions get in her way of helping save their loved ones. Mirius was scanning the landscape, but saw the boar and the young coming out of the burrow with it. She pushedup her goggles off of her eyes to see them better and slowed her steps to a stop and aimed her rifle in the direction. "Uuuh...are those things undead?"

Iimiidiina: Iimii watches carefully as Grimanth heads closer to the forest, stopping every couple of feet to sniff the air like a frightened rabbit before proceeding.

Fleetwolf: "Very."

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuuu tensed seeing the undead. He was feeling the magic around him though this area seemd to have scarce magic for him to command.

Artisia: -steamy greenish mists of breath came from the mother boars nostils as it stood on the rocks, it shreiked out with a bellow, that shook dirt and rocks around it and then those red glowing eyes locked onto Mirius, it gave a grunt to its young and they all stayed huddled behind, it then lowered its head those long tusks dripping with the green as well, it bellowed again and prepaired to charge-

Igneous: He was watching Vuu and using magic to see the Wolf. "Problems with your abilities?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu looked at Igneous for a long moment, not sure if he wanted to divulge his powers origin. "Not much natural magic in this landscape." he left it at that.

Mirius Pojoris: Knowing it was well undead and that it started to sound very threatening. Mirius took careful aim with her rifle and fired several shots at the undead boar.

Iimiidiina: ~Was that really a good idea,~ Grimanth asks, having heard the gunshots. I'm not sure. Tell us if anything is coming out to investigate. ~Okay.~ She hunkers down near the edge of the forest and keeps watch.

Igneous: He just nodded. A nature mage. Great. He watched what was happening.

Artisia: -it gave a bellow as it charged, it was headed straight for Mirius and Fleety, the shots one flew passed it, one hit it and broke off one of the tusks to a jagged bit of bone, another missed it was closing fast-

Mirius Pojoris: She started to step back and fire shot after shot at the boar trying to kill it before it reached her.

Fleetwolf: Shi would step up and hir paw crackled with a spell that was charging.

Iimiidiina: Iimii, as well, prepared a fireball to catapult onto the undead should it be necessary.

Igneous: "It's just one boar. No need to over react." he said with a mutter and moved to examine a different map now.

Iimiidiina: "Better safe than sorry, Iggy."

Artisia: -as it was struck with one of the next rounds it stopped in its charge, greenish liquid and rot drainging from its head where the bullets had hit, the undead mother boar gave a last call and the piglets all scattered, if it was possible to daze a creature like this ...for maybe a few seconds it was-

Artisia: -but then that head turned back to the two and it pawed the ground with a rotting hoof-

Fleetwolf: "Shrastii." Fleety spoke and a cone of freezy frost would errupt from hir paw for the undead bore.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu was now watching with rapt attention. He'd never seen his father fight.

Iimiidiina: Iimii watches simply to keep an eye on them. That fireball is ready for the volley should the command be given.

Artisia: -the boar looked from Mirius to Fleety when the cone of frost hit it, it snorted and bellowed at hir, then it would dart forward to attepmt to gouge a tusk into Fleety's midsection or lower to enable-

Fleetwolf: Okay, mental note, cold doesn't work. Shi would twist away and bring that vorpal katana to play aiming to part head from body.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius fired a few more shots at the boar, but when it got close to Fleet she stopped firing, not wanting to shoot Fleet on accident.

Artisia: -the undead boar roars and pulls back after the sword makes its hit, the rotted neck of the beast was now just a mass of bone and rotting muscle, showing much decay the neck was hanging semi-limp from the body but the body was still upright-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Is it dead yet?"

Igneous: Igneous cracked up hearing Vuusoolta.

Fleetwolf: Fleety gave Vuu a WTF? look.

Iimiidiina: Iimii would facepaw, but he's kinda holding a fireball ready for the incinerating.

Mirius Pojoris: "Now that's just creepy..." She stared at the boar a good moment. Then she remembered she had the hammer that garnet had made for her. Tossing her rifle to the side she went forward to give the boar a hard hit with the hammer.

Artisia: -Grimanth wasnt seeing anything but there was movement, the sound of....was that horses in the forest...possibly...nothing seen yet- -one good hit from the hammer, the flames from that hammer of fire and light the boars body exploded into flames-

Artisia: -the piglets all four had managed to slip away unseen-

Fleetwolf: Fleety flicked flaming bits of undead boar off of hir armor.

Iimiidiina: Whoa. Now that's power magic there.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu was wondering why everyone was looking at him. What was wrong about asking if and undead was dea.... Vuu facepawed in silence.

Iimiidiina: "Wow. I'm gonna have to..." ~Iimii, there's horse hoofs pounding the forest. I don't know how many there are. You should clear out, they might be heading towards you.~ "Uh oh. Guys, we got more company on the way."

Igneous: Igneous looked for cover around the barren landscape. "Fall behind me guys."

Fleetwolf: Fleety fell back leaving Igneous at point.

Iimiidiina: The mage nods and follows behind Igneous. Grimmy, hide yourself, quickly. She's already on that, as she clambers up into the shadows of the tree branches.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu pulled back as well.

Mirius Pojoris: She looked over at Vuusoolta and grinned. "Happy, kid? Now its redeaded." Mirius moved back to her rifle and picked it up in her other paw. She moved back towards them and walked beside Igneous, not necessarily behind him.

Igneous: He did a twirl kick and struck the ground with his paw. He was manipulating earth to raise a 3ft high wall to force anything coming to jump, then stood and took up a relaxed stance.

Iimiidiina: That, combined with Iimii's circle of relative safety, should be enough to hold off any unwanted visitors.

Igneous: Igneous would move closer to the wall. Several soul gems woven into his dread locks were glowing.

Artisia: -they waited behind the wall of earth for a while with no sounds of oncoming enemies, no sounds of wildlife, well possibly the caw of a crow or the occasional howl of a creature somewhere far off,...Grimanth would hear the horses calls then things would go quiet-

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii. They are not making anymore noise.~ Are they gone? Grimanth sniffs the air, but being inside the forest now, it would be harder for her to sniff things out if they are at long distance.

Mirius Pojoris: She stood back now and watched curiously. Mirius moved back to Vuusoolta's side, maybe a little bit behind him.
Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked sheepishly at Mirius. "How was I supposed to know?"

Fleetwolf: Fleety hid a smile slightly. Shi just hoped he could handle things.

Mirius Pojoris: "Here's what they told me when I was in war, Vuu. If ye got doubts. Shoot it again."

Artisia: -Grimanth hadnt smelled anything but the forest around her when she was hearing the sounds, now the forest almost seemed like any other except it was darker and gloomier though living and lush where she was-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Oh." some leader he was proving. He felt like the weakest link in the group. He had book smarts.

Igneous: "Would seem that it was a false alarm." the wall would crumble back to sand and earth.

Iimiidiina: ~I don't smell anything. Nothing close, at least. I'm going to investigate more.~ Keep to the trees, Grimmy. You're in the shadows now. Use that to your advantage. ~Understood.~ She starts to investigate the edge of the forest for any enemies.

Iimiidiina: "Hold on. I've got Grimanth investigating the noises. Let's wait until she reports."

Mirius Pojoris: She patted Vuusoolta's shoulder. "I wasn't perfect either when I started fightin'. Ye get use to it over time, though."

Artisia: -as the group went on, toward the forest, the grasses weren't as tall as they had been but still had plenty of brush and bushes...they didnt hear any real signs of anything coming or any signs of wildlife in the area, the land was becoming slowly more plant filled, fallen trees here, stumps there, they could see the forest clearly before them.. with only a hundred yards between it and them-

Fleetwolf: Fleety moved. Shi would let Igneous take point.

Artisia: -Grimanth searched and scouted, she would see skeletal undead and shadows with red eyes just lumbering and lurking here and there, all sorts of lesser undead in their undead saunter-

Igneous: Igneous moved ahead, listening and looking for signs of necromancy. He called up his notes of his death affinity practice for help.

Iimiidiina: He sighs, then proceeds forward with the rest of the group. Grimanth, keep going forward. I guess we're going in blind about those noises. ~Very well.~ She presses forward, using the shadows of the trees and their branches to remain unseen.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He nodded and sighed. "Some man I am. Glad Garnet isn't here to see this." he muttered and moved on. He could feel magic in the forest, alive but tinged with chill.

Artisia: -at one point a shadow Grimanth hid in stood up and hissed at her vilely before moving off into the forest-

Mirius Pojoris: She moved forward with the group and grinned at Vuu. "I could always tell her yer a big sissy Wolf."

Fleetwolf: Hir senses were hitting that tingly sensation. Things weren't feeling right. In hir paw appeared hir black violen.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "I'd smack you, but I wouldn't want to upset a mother-in law." he commented lowly, glancing about.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth stops a moment, but keeps going. ~The shadows are mean. Be careful.~ You be careful. Don't move quickly. Be like a squirrel. ~Squirrels are dumb.~ But they are patient, quick only when they have to be.

Iimiidiina: "Guys, stay on your guard. A shadow just hissed at Grimanth. It might be an illusion, but be careful not to leave the circle."

Mirius Pojoris: Her grin faded and she watched Vuu a long moment. "Ye really consider me that?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: Feeling edgy as he walked, he nodded. "You make my stepmother happy. Something that i've been told is rare to accomplish."

Mirius Pojoris: "Yeah...bedtime's great," she snickered and looked around warily.

Artisia: -seventy-five yards from the forest...the sounds could now be heard by all...horses, hoovebeats, clanking of metal armor and weapons, Grimath would get a good veiw of the riders, they appeared to come up out of the ground not to far from where she was scouting, there appeared to be thirty of them, horses and riders, bowman, and knights..their equipment glimmering as if in moonlight, though it was mid day they would be seen coming from the forest toward the heroes in something of a calvery charge-

Fleetwolf: Fleety ran over the notes of a Banish Undead litanny in her mind.

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii, warriors! Undead warriors!~ How many? ~About thirty. Lot's of Riders. Bowmen and knights, too.~ "Guys, host of 30 undead. Heading straight at us!" He gets that fireball ready again.

Igneous: An ear twitched a little and Igneous stopped. His earth affinity felt the tremors in the ground. "Scatter to the sides."

Fleetwolf: Fleety leaped behind a tree, and notes from hir violin would start. Shi was playing a song that sounded like it should be one for marching too. Shi glowed a bit white as shi played a holy tune hoping to disrupt or confuse the undead around them.

Artisia: -at first and second glances it seemed a small army was coming from the trees on horseback, the heroes where standing about fourty five yards from the edge of the forest and the army was riding, the realness in the vibrations in the ground the sounds of armor and barding moving with horses, then the undead sounds of battle horns, then it was very obvious the forest could be seen through the oncoming ranks-

Vuusoolta Wolf: He moved across the path from Fleety and readied to to speak.

Iimiidiina: Before he goes off to the more fortified flank, Iimii releases the fire catapult ball in a volley at the charging undead.

Igneous: "Damn. Wraiths!" he leaped to the side, moved with a flourish, twisting a wave of flame like a snake to follow that fire ball.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was slowly moving off to the side, but instead of moving off completely she took the near empty clip out of the assault rifle and loaded in a full clip. Looking down the path she started to fire brust shots after burst at the undead while they were still a distance away.

Artisia: -the archers on horseback, would circle out to the sides as they fired volleys of arrows, the arrows flew at the heroes in a rain and some would hit and go through what those that hid were hiding behind and the heroes themselves, doing no damage, the ethereal arrows hitting the ground and fading, the riders who were hit with the fire spells, would fizzle and dissappear with their horses, it wasnt obvious if they were hurt or just going through the motions they would have if taking damage in life-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu stepped out and barked a command at the closest specters. "Tortured souls be at rest!" his voice would hopefully command any willing magic around him to rebuke the spirits.

Iimiidiina: Iimii noticed this particular flaw. The arrows weren't doing damage? "Hey, guys! I think they can't hurt us."

Artisia: -eight of the thirty would answer the call of rest, soon, very quickly the sounds of the horses got closer and the riders were circling archers had positioned themselves in a wide circle around the heroes, there were ten archers which where in a ring around the twelve ghostly riders who were circling on by one the riders started to fade away-

Mirius Pojoris: She stopped firing her gun...empty clip anyways. Mirius looked around confused and saw them fading away. "What the hell?"

Artisia: -then the archers with them, they had scouted, done as they were ordered and had been called elsewhere it seemed-

Fleetwolf: Fleety stepped out, stopping hir song. Shi didn't know if it had worked or not.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked around wanting more of a fight. He did see the ghosts that went to rest.

Artisia: -the ethereal images gone, the forest was before them-

Igneous: "This does not bode well. We better keep moving. Iimii, what has that dragon found yet?"

Iimiidiina: "What the Fen was that about?" Grimanth? Are you okay? ~Yeah, I'm fine.~ You know what happened? ~Yeah.~ What do you think? ~Maybe they were just tortured souls. Or perhaps the necromancer commanded them to simply scout. Like me. You shouldn't have attacked that boar.~

Iimiidiina: ~Well, it's done now. What do you see? Is the forest clear?~

Igneous: "Vuusoolta. You're taking point now." Igneous would step back to the rest of the group.

Iimiidiina: "Hold on. She's looking now."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He blinked in surprise but moved forward and waited for the scouting report.

Fleetwolf: Hir violin vanished. Fleety was in thought now. Most of what shi did was having no effect.

Artisia: -the forest, where Grimanth was had a the wondering undead, they seemed to just be in their ever wondering sorrowful state, the population didnt seem thick in this area, the forest was thick green, living...normal...or as close to it...maybe a few twisting trees..fetid water-

Iimiidiina: The hatchling continues to rove, keeping a sharp eye. ~Wandering undead. No hordes yet.~ "No hordes. Some isolated undead, and that's all she sees."

Artisia: -again no animal life maybe a few snakes, crows and scavengers...dead animals a possiblity-

Iimiidiina: ~It is very quiet in here, Iimii. It's unsettling.~ "She's complaining about the lack of noise. We should stay silent, too, to avoid rousing suspicion."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius reloaded her gun once agai nand started following them. That was a waste of ammo, but it was best to be safe. "Shut up, then." She grinned at Iimii.

Fleetwolf: "Okay. Everyone, muffle your armor as best as possible. I'm going to try something." the violin was out again. The strings vibrated as an eerie dirge was being played. Shi was hoping to wrap them up in a song spell that would make them appear to feel and look undead to the others.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu nodded and padded some of the clanking parts. He would move out and start leading the group, noting the song and shivering a little.

Iimiidiina: Fleety has us taken care of Grimmy. Stay silent, and find the cathedral. We need a way in.

Iimiidiina: Report back any hordes you see or smell so we can navigate around them.

Igneous: "So, he's a crossdresser and a musician. What next, poetry?" he mumbled.

Iimiidiina: Iimii proceeds to do the same.

Igneous: Igneous followed keeping watching on the rear guard as the person in point would do when rotating out.

Fleetwolf: Fleety kept playing as shi walked taking the left side of the group.

Artisia: -they came closer to the forests and finally into the trees, it was true they might have the feeling they were being watched, but with Fleetys spell going, one or two skeletal creatures (a deer, rabbit or two) would stop and watch them, a shadow with glowing red eyes started to hiss as they passed to close, the forest wasn't to thick with growth and the last warmth the sun might have given them was gone-

Iimiidiina: Iimii remained in the middle, keeping them all protected with his circle.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He kept his eyes wide open and more rebuking words ready. His paws trembled a little. What if he didn't notice something fast enough? Would he get them all killed?

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius went quiet and made little noise as possible as she followed. The times of remembering silent missions always annoyed her for many reasons. her eyes looked about and watched the creatures they passed. She was very tempted to shoot them, but she just kept moving.

Igneous: Igneous kept watch behind them. He kept the notes about the undead surrounding the scouting group in his mind.

Iimiidiina: "Peace, brother," Iimii whispered to the point man. "Don't panic, and keep faith in yourself."

Artisia: -Grimanth, since she was moving through, would stop short of running into a couple of Zombies fighting over a corpse, one looked right at her but the other was trying to still the corpse before them for itself and the two would snarl and growl....if she was careful she could slip around the two blood covered undead-

Iimiidiina: Grimanth, of course, was quite silent and swift, resisting the urge to hiss back as she speeds through the tree branches like... a squirrel in the shadows, always keeping just out of direct sight and smell.

Iimiidiina: ~Be careful, Iimii. Their numbers are becoming denser. I think I'm getting closer.~

Vuusoolta Wolf: He kept moving. Not seeing anything disturbing. Okay, he was seeing a lot disturbing undead. But nothing really disturbing.

Fleetwolf: Shi would keep playing, quietly praying to Lupis and Canis that they make it through this mission alive.

Artisia: -the group would take a bit a detour to get around a large thorn briar Grimanth had managed to go over, they would pass by larger groups of undead, and piles of blood deer remains...something had killed a herd, well a whole lot of somethings-

Igneous: "Lot of undead clustering more." he noted quietly.

Iimiidiina: Grimmy, are we heading toward anything? ~No. Just the usual small clusters. I'll head back towards you, though, once I see the cathedral.~

Vuusoolta Wolf: He was wondering if anyone else wanted to take point soon.

Artisia: -Grimanth would see large groups of undead lurking, growling and fussing over small meals...the trees and plant life was starting to mix into twisted and dead in with the living, the ground was starting to turn black with dead under growth, this forest was proiving to be huge-

Fleetwolf: Playing more, Fleety looked about and felt a shiver and gnawing cold start in hir. So much twisted energy around here. Shi focused on hir playing and the hopes of seeing hir mate and daughter again.

Artisia: -the group would get around the briar bushes, and onto something that resembled a path...or might have at one point in time..ages ago...their were traces of old stones placed to make a simple road-

Iimiidiina: ~The plight of the necromancer is growing. There are many undead. Are you sure you're alright, Iimii?~ Yes, Fleety is protecting us with her violin. We look exactly like them. Just find the cathedral and the best way to get in.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Found a paved old path." he whispered back to the group.

Iimiidiina: "We should avoid it. It probably leads to the cathedral, and it's sure to be watched," Iimii advised.

Igneous: Igneous consulted the map for a bit.

Mirius Pojoris: just kept on following them quietly with her gun in her paws.
Vuusoolta Wolf: He paused not sure what to do. "It looks clear to me." he said softly.

Artisia: -for the hatchling the forest was thicker, the population of undead was thicker, more vile things lurked in these dead woods, there were even sounds of things she couldnt see at the moment, something slurping or gargling but seeming not to see or hear her-

Fleetwolf: "Vuu, take my position, I'll lead." shi said over hir playing. The song never stopped, for if it did, the spell would be lost.

Iimiidiina: "Doesn't mean much, though." Grimanth, courageous, proceeded forward, keeping silent and to the shadows.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He nodded and switched place seeming a little more relieved. He didn't know how his father did this. Going into battles so calmly.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved up to Vuusoolta's side and would go to pat and place a paw his shoulder to comfort him.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "How do you guys do this?" he tried his best not to let his shivering rattle the armor he wore.

Mirius Pojoris: "Discipline," she whispered to Vuusoolta. "Ye really need to get out more, y'know."

Igneous: "Another path around here." he looked abit and moved some brush aside looking for a planned road that was faded and nearly gone on the map.

Iimiidiina: "Would the necromancer know about it?" Grimanth, start heading towards us now. We're becoming to far apart.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "I was raised by monks most of my life. Violence was not part of the training." he replied.

Mirius Pojoris: "Says the one who framed Mogriil?" she raised a brow at him.

Vuusoolta Wolf: " did you know about that?" he asked.

Artisia: -Igneous would find what he was looking for..the old road was laid by hand, and the stones where cut by chisel and hammer from some quarry-

Mirius Pojoris: "One thing. I was spyin' in the court house that day. Now ye just confirmed it fer me." She winked at Vuu.

Igneous: "No idea, Iimii. Ah. Found it. Fleet, this way." he pointed out the path.

Fleetwolf: Shi took lead still playing. Hir breathing was starting to get a little unsteady from focusing so much on the song spell. Hir arms were starting to burn too but shi didn't stop.

Iimiidiina: "We shouldn't take unnecessary risks. I think the road should be followed, but through the brush, so we're not detected."

Artisia: -the road they found was over grown and some of the stones had been knocked away from the main path but it was for the most part there-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Over and done now." is all he said. He didn't want to dredge up the past right now.

Igneous: "The second road seems to be shorter and less travelled. Should be a bit safer." he moved to follow Fleet.

Artisia: -as the group went on..the lesser undead seemed to go on about their...unlives?..the spell of the music holding them at bay, there were sounds of unnatural..things in the forest as well, calls and gargles and slurping, growls but things must have been busy or to far away from the group to notice or be drawn toward them-

Iimiidiina: "Very well..." Iimii follows along on the path. Grimanth, we're close enough now. Head forward and see where we're coming out."

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu followed the group. Having someone kill for you wasn't the same as killing yourself.

Mirius Pojoris: "Well, vuu. Maybe ye n' I can do some things after all this. Could get ye through that lil'...fear of yers."

Igneous: "We're making some good head way. The Drow note that some huge, vile scorpions are around the area. Keep your eyes wide people."

Artisia: -soon Grimanth would see a structure through thick white twisted stands of trees, was that a building or it was a statue, she could hear undead moaning and bones snapping off in the distance infront of her too, perhaps a scream?-

Artisia: -the group would come upon the remains of a huge scorpion it had been scavanged parts were missing...but it was obvious the thing had lots of eyes, and two large tenticles and two stingers...something else had eaten some of it and the rotting body of half a drow was near it and the other half laid off to the side-

Fleetwolf: Walking the path ahead, shi kept hir awareness up. The music eery in the forest, then the music hit an off note, then another off note. Shi looked at hir violin with a gasp. A string had snapped and the song spell was unravelling. The music died.

Iimiidiina: Oh boy. Here we go...

Fleetwolf: "Shit." shi swore.

Igneous: "You didn't. Please tell me you're just resting?" he looked at Fleet.

Fleetwolf: "A string snapped. I don't have time to restring it." the violin would vanish and shi unsheated hir vorpal katana.

Mirius Pojoris: Hearing the music stop and what Fleet said she gulped. "Better learn violence quick, Vuu." She said to him. "I'll even stay by yer side if ye want."

Vuusoolta Wolf: He looked at Mirius for a moment then noticed the music stop. His fur rose a little as he quickly readied his spell words.

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii, I see a big statue set in the corner of a big courtyard. It's pointing at me.~ Find a different route. We have to stay under cover. "Guys, we should be swift getting to the edge of this. Grimanth has found the courtyard, and she's going to find a better approach."

Fleetwolf: "Then, folks, lift skirts and run." shi said and took off on the path.

Artisia: -the undead around them seemed to pop out of a daze, what had seemed to be only one or two around at the moment, then sounds of movement in the forest were coming closer-

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu broke into run to follow his father. They were indeed father and son in speed.

Igneous: "Great, I get to chase a queer Wolf and a green soldier." he moved quickly, giving chase.

Iimiidiina: Iimii, although young, could run. Grimanth, scratch that! They know we're here! Hold your post, we're coming to meet you!

Artisia: -three zombies and 2 skeletons soon where on the path behind them, others where coming, hungry..for flesh, for blood, for souls-

Igneous: "Company behind us. Run faster!" he ran backwards and gestured firing jets of flame at the following undead.

Iimiidiina: "Guys, follow me! Grimanth is waiting at the courtyard. I can lead you to her!" The young mage now takes point, getting fire ready to incinerate anything that gets in his way on the path. Grimanth, meanwhile, finds that very path and waits in the trees.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius started running with them, rifle in paws still, as fast as she could. She'd argue more with Igneous if there was only time to do that.

Fleetwolf: Fleety would just be a foot ahead of Iimii.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu was near as well.

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii, I see you!~ Hold off our front. Are anymore coming?

Artisia: -the human looking zombies would continue there moving after the group...the skeletons had taken the fire and one was left walking for them, then from the sides, chittering and yipping could be heard from both sides of the group, spears were tossed at the group from both directions and two kobold zombies could be seein on the path ahead more where on their sides, they had been amushed-


Date: 2011-10-04 07:58 EST
Ammy Spiritor: Laying on her cot, mind swirling as she recovered from her failed fight with the ghoul, Ammy had spent the last to days in the uncaring ministrations of her twin sister Amaretto and sketching out more arrays for Artisia. She felt weak still from that fighting. Her side really hurt and when she did look, jagged stiches and several large ripping scars were there. As she layed there she felt the wind on her face. a pulsing heart that sounded familiar. The hum of magic.

Iimiidiina: ~Grimanth, help us,~ Iimii says as one of the kobold's bursts into flame.

Fleetwolf: "Not god." shi tucked and rolled trying to dodge the spears hopefully and would come up arcing celestial lightning from hir paws at the undead ahead.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Evil, be gone!" Vuu started calling out, working what magic would listen to him to rebuke the undead that neared.

Igneous: Igneous kept the fire coming criss crossing his streams of flame hoping to keep the rear safe.

Iimiidiina: As the heroes get close, Grimanth leaps down and tears a kobold to pieces before running beside Iimii. The spears, fortunately, were helpless to Iimii's circle of protection. Grimanth, lead us to the entrance. You have seen it, right? ~Yes, I know where it is.~ Take us inside. Attack only if necessary. The dragon nods and takes point, leading them into the courtyard, populated or not, and towards the ruined cathedral.

Mirius Pojoris: A spear barely grazed her left leg. She looked to the left and saw some of the undead kobolds off to the side. Mirius started firing her gun rifle at them as she was on the move.

Artisia: -the kobold that had been hit by flame hissed and jabbered and fired a crossbow bolt at Iimii before it cindered, the one next to it had ducked and was heading toward Fleety with his spear he hadnt thrown, three of the zombies surrounded had a spear which was proded toward him the other two had their claw...others where bursting into flame some flat out crumbled at Mirius' shots, the undead coming from behind Igneous was able to had fired a crossbow at Iimii.-

Amaretto: Amaretto felt something disturb Ammy. She had been sitting in the cell of her sister, reading a primer on magic from Artisia as she kept an eye on Ammy. She was not healer and wanted to make sure Ammy stayed alive enough to keep giving Artisia more power.

Fleetwolf: Letting the lightning fizzle out, shi went for the katana and engaged the kobold, hoping to sever weapon and kobold in one strike.

Iimiidiina: One was missed, the other embeds itself in his shoulder armor, barely piercing flesh. Iimii gives it no mind as he focuses on keeping his wards up until they can get inside.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu almost stumbled and and felt the spear scrape across the chest plate. Paw on long sword he drew it and swung trying to drive the kobolds away from him.

Igneous: Twisting he slammed paws on the ground to raise a high wall of stone and earth behind him in hopes of keeping the 'wolves' at the back door at bay for a bit. He would turn to help the front.

Iimiidiina: "Vuu! Get back here!"

Artisia: -The one on Fleety ducked the katana, but its spear didnt penetrate his armor, the three on Vuu hissed and ones tiny claws clanked off the armor, the one with the spear would try again with his attack and the one behind him would leap put onto Vuu, its was on his back tryin to get a good shot his head or face but having a hell of a time hanging on, these things stink rotted flesh was hanging from them-

Mirius Pojoris: After killing the kobolds off to the side, she looked to the other side in search for more of them. Another reloading for the gun. If there was more of them on the side, she would start shooting at them as well.

Fleetwolf: Fleety danced away from the kobold and ran for Vuusoolta. "Igneous. Light it up!"

Iimiidiina: "Somebody help Vuu!" Grimanth starts to circle back. No! Fleety's got him. Keep pressing forward, we have to get inside.

Igneous: Igneous ran up, fire ball in paw and he would slam it at the kobold that Fleety withdrew from.

Vuusoolta Wolf: The spear caugh between plates on his right thigh and scored a shallow wound in his leg. He tried tp back hand the kobold scrabbling on his back. He was trying not to panic.

Ammy Spiritor: She felt a strong determination. The scent of wind and forrest was in her nose. Fleety, she thought. Maybe she was delusional.

Artisia: -Mirius would see three or four more coming from the trees they were heading quickly for Vuu, Fleety and Iimii...she would take them down easily once she was ready to shoot, Igneous would char the one that had been chasing Fleety, the three on Vuu, the one who had planted his spear into the armor would turn toward Fleety and once they were close enough attempt to claw hir, the one that was on Vuu's back got a sharp back hand to the head and let go, it fel to the ground and crunching of bones could be heard, the one that was clawing at Vuu couldnt get through the armor and didnt have a spear or crossbow but it kept going trying to open the 'can o' Vuu'-

Fleetwolf: "Vuu! Lunge then fall back!" shi called out, arcing katana for the kobold coming at hir.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Hearing the commands, he would lunge with the longsword for the kobold.

Iimiidiina: Iimii draws his own katana and slashes and hacks at any that get too close as they continue to run toward the cathedral.

Mirius Pojoris: She fired many shots at the ones that were going for Fleety, Iimii and Vuusoolta. There was so many of them it was hard to keep up. At least the undead didn't have guns or vehicles to use. Mirius looked around to see if she could help anyone in need and get an idea of what else is going on

Igneous: Igneous worked the point, twirling and kicking fire balls at any undead coming their way.

Artisia: -the undead kobold that Fleety had hit went down...then the blade cut through the last one on Vuu, the sounds of undead off in the woods was louder now as if the undead had been alerted to life in the forest, but at the moment the kolbolds and skeletons at the moment were all...down-

Fleetwolf: Fleety moved for Vuu and yanked the spear from the armor. "Can you keep moving?"

Iimiidiina: "Come on, guys. This way. Follow Grimanth." She speeds toward the cathedral.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Just a scratch."

Fleetwolf: Shi nodded. "Rember this, block, slash, block, slash." then shi pulled him along running forward up the path.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu ran with Fleety.

Artisia: -as they went on..dragon hatchling and goup would meet, Grimanth had stopped just in the treeline and waited..As the heroes come out of the dense stand of dead, twisted forest, they all come to stand at the edge of a large clearing, before them and to the right they see a large statue of a man perhaps a deity, though it is hard to tell since the statue has been defaced beyond recognition, the stone statue does depict a man in armor with a morning star, in his outstretched hand..
Passed the statue further off to the right the stone ruins of what was once a place of rest and living quarters for the monks of old stands. To the groups left sets an old stone fountian, it is dry and crumbling in on itself, further off to the left they can see a eound ruined building, with no door. Infront of them passed the well, stands a once great cathedral, it is a large stucture, with vines and plants some dead some living twisting up the walls, the archway stands open as the once massive wooden doors have rotted away....

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius quickly followed them as fast as she could. "This is rediculous!," she said out loud.

Igneous: "We've found it!" he called back and ran ahead, intent on clearing undead away.

Fleetwolf: "I second that!" shi kept moving.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth runs along beside Igneous, Iimii not far behind.

Artisia: -the undead in the forest seemed to saunter on, losing intrest or perhaps they could give no further chase-

Vuusoolta Wolf: He kept running with the group, sword out, blade bared.

Fleetwolf: "Head for the entry way of the cathedral!"

Iimiidiina: "Hephaestus is ready to blockade the entrance once we pass over."

Mirius Pojoris: As they headed to the entrance Mirius was praying it would only be easier once they got inside.

Igneous: Igneous would stop half way to give covering fire for the group.

Artisia: -outside the cathedral to the right of the building the smell of undeath was heavy there was a pile of bones and body parts.. the sound of a pained tourtured scream was heard as the groupe made its way closer to the building they could see a creature climb onto the bone pile from the other side, it is humanoid in shape, this guant hairless creature has mottled grey skin a haunched posture and long and dangerous-looking talons for hands, its face is a thing out of a nightmare a flattened.. octopoid head with four long writhing tentacles where a mouth should be, its colorless eyes glittering with a hunger that could only be feral, it had in its grasp the torso of a human who was fighting its tentacles with a mad fear, the creature was busy with its prey, its tentacles one by one wrapping around the victims head-

Iimiidiina: "Oh, great Canis..."

Artisia: -a sickening crack could be heard as it slurped and fed on the blood as the victims head was cracked open then the tentacles took the brain-

Fleetwolf: "Just run for the cathedral." shi said in a pant.

Iimiidiina: "Yeah, good idea."

Artisia: -the vampiric illithid seemed to pay them no mind as it supped on its prey the last of screams was heard-

Iimiidiina: Dragon and Rider happily oblige.

Vuusoolta Wolf: His courage flagged seeing the thing and nodded moving on.

Artisia: -Once they come into, or even just peer inside the doorway, they can see a rather humble worship area though many years have past since it had been used , benches of oakwood can be seen here, two rows of three, a few are shuffled out of place or broken where they stand, as they come inside they can see a medium stained glass window with a scene of nature and life it lets light inside in a multitude of color off the their right, further along the right wall there is a door leading off down a hallway from the alter area, to their left is a doorway which stands open the room beyond is dark, at the far end of the worship hall, a once grand window stands open, bits and fragments of stained glass still hanging in places in the frame, a humble alter of black stone is now shattered and scortched (having been struck by lightening recently) along with peices of stained glass all over the floor nearby-

Igneous: He would back up to the group keeping ready watch.

Iimiidiina: Once everybody was inside, Iimii erects a static ward, sealing them from the outside and the other way around. Dragon and rider lean against a pew and pant.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius hurried into the cathedral and panted slightly from all the running. "I really hope this is the right place..." she said with worry.

Belian Thundergem: -Kneeling on the floor near the broken alter and shards of stainedglass, is Belian the dwarf, his black hair is braided into small neat braids and pulled back into a single golden clasp. wears blue wizards robes which look like they have been smeared with green filth but at closer inspection the green is part of the fabric, on his belt there are map three map cases and a couple wands, one made of dark black ash wood and the other made of bone. His quarterstaff in his right hand, is brown wood that is carved to look like a bunch of tentacles wrapping and writhing over each other, no fancy gems or settings-

Igneous: Fleety headed in side and paused. "I don't think that's a priest waiting for our confessions."

Iimiidiina: Iimii tenses up as he sees the hunched-over figure. Who is that? Grimanth hides behind him.

Fleetwolf: Fleety headed in side and paused. "I don't think that's a priest waiting for our confessions."

Igneous: Igneous got in quickly and took note that the place was a mess.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He was by Mirius and held his sword ready, eyeing the figure. His fur rose. Something was not right about that one.

Ammy Spiritor: Shi's close... Ammy sat up stiffly and bit back a sob. Showing pain and misery here seemed to make Amaretto and Artisia happy. Ammy had been trying to deny them this happiness for two days. The feel of her mates magic and energy as well as hir stray thoughts brought warmth back into her soul.

Iimiidiina: At least his healing spell would have them mostly ready to face what this new threat was.

Belian Thundergem: -The dwarf has his free hand moving over the broken fragments of stainedglass, his deep dwarven voice echoes through the cathedral, his back to them, he had appeared not to notice them- "you can always smell where it has been" -he stands- "sometimes years after, it dunna matter if its from or the naughty lil Turren boy, its the same hot and stale"

Belian Thundergem: -he makes a motion over the shards with his left hand- .."but what the lightening thought destroyed, sometimes has merly been reforged stronger"

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu would eye the stranger more. "Who are you?" he spoke, stepping forward, sword out.

Iimiidiina: Iimii's paw clenches and relaxes on instinct as he holds a katana in the other, ready to defend them.

Fleetwolf: "Caution, Vuu." shi hissed, vorpal katana out. Shi stood in a fighting crouch.

Igneous: Igneous spied out the area noting two doors in this main area. He kept that knowledge for now not sure if they had friend or for, though anyone not bothered by the feel of undead and evil around here would be one odd friend indeed.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius took out her current clip and loaded in one pf the last ones into her rifle. She only had one more clip after this one for the rifle. This situation was surely one she wasn't liking, though.

Belian Thundergem: -he taps the staff on the ground, the sound echoing, he stands and turns looking toward them with that far off black gaze, then dissappears, the sound of tinkling glass is heard, something sounding like soft windchimes.....the broken staindglass spread across the floor near the alter place..starts to move, the sound of the tinkling becomes louder as the window reforms into a large beautiful humaniod form and steps from its framing-

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Shatter!" he barked out at the humanoid form of glass, hoping to reduce this foe to shards with his voice.

Fleetwolf: Shi looked surprised to see the moving glass figure. Shi heard Vuu speak and readied to spring into action.

Belian Thundergem: -it was about fifteen foot tall, the golem was depecting a knight from its original image when it had been a source of light and beauty, it heard the words but would draw a sword from its two dimensional belt and all the sound from it was the tinkling glass as it moved, some of the glass fell away as it moved for them-

Igneous: Igneous was not like the look of this one bit. The glass catching his eyes more.

Igneous: He would move for the door to their left watching what may happen.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius raised her rifle and aimed it at the the glass golem. "Think it's bulletproof?"

Vuusoolta Wolf: That didn't work. He stepped forward, sword at the ready. "Here my voice. Rise and shatter this parody of life!" he was hoping to command the magic around the room to fling the pews at the glass night.

Fleetwolf: "Let's find out." shi raised hir paw. "Friinta!" Fleety was trying to freeze to the glass to make it brittle.

Iimiidiina: Iimii stands back, not sure what to do against this golem.

Belian Thundergem: -Vuu was the closest to it, so thats where it headed, it would rake him with the sword in its hands back once then as it was coming back for the second rake the sword would miss, the magic seemed to bounce off and fizzle-

Iimiidiina: Thank Canis for wards. Right?

Vuusoolta Wolf: Block, Swing, Block, Swing. The words echoed in his mind. Vuu blocked the connecting strike with his sword and then stepped in to strike the glass golemn with the long sword. "Shatter!" he tried again.

Mirius Pojoris: She sighed. Nothing else anyone else was doing so she fired a shot or two at the glass goelm to see if the bullets would work against it.

Fleetwolf: Shi moved forward. Fleety was getting frustrated being of an element of little effect around here. Hir blade and skill was another matter. Shi would try to reach Vuu to help.

Igneous: Igneous, reaching the door would try to open it. The glass knight was distracted and an exit strategy would be good to have.

Iimiidiina: Iimii comes out of his daze, and he starts to hurl fireballs at it. Grimanth, meanwhile, runs away to hide and maybe find the entrance.

Belian Thundergem: -as the golem was shot at..the bullets hit and made cracks in the stained glass holes in some of it which started to star and break, when Vuu spoke again the stainedglass golem got one good swing it started to shatter once again, these peices were larger falling from it, the golem would take a step back and explode in large shards of glass-

Iimiidiina: Iimii quickly erects a basic ward to protect Vuu and Fleety from the falling shards.
Iimiidiina: It might not do much, though, because of its hasty construction.

Vuusoolta Wolf: "Be gone." he spoke as he closed. "By the power of Lu..... *gurgle*" the words stopped as teh golemn shattered.

Fleetwolf: Fleety dropped to the floor for cover.

Belian Thundergem: -dust would settle in the cathedral, leaving nothing left of the golem-

Igneous: "Dracoom Fi'igoo!" Igneous bellowed and from his muzzle shooting out a large flaming breath, as if he were a dragon to slag
any large shards flying for the group.

Artisia: -Grimanth would find that the door off to the right near the alter was a hallway heading to what was once a priests study nothing really of instrest was left in there...Igneous would find that the door he had passed through was a kitchen, it was dark but there was a table and benches just inside-

Iimiidiina: ~Iimii, there's nothing in here.~ Keep looking. There must be a way into the lower levels.

Mirius Pojoris: Some of the shards hit Mirius' armor when she tried to duck for cover. Thanks to Ammy, the shards didn't go through the armor and she was safe.

Vuusoolta Wolf: Vuu collapsed to one knee, longsword ringing dully as it dropped from his paw to hit the floor. Paws came up to his throat and he was making wet, sucking noises.

Iimiidiina: Once the dust settles, Iimii runs over to Vuu. "Brother!"

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood up looking around warrily and shook hir whole body to loosen the glass dust. Shi noticed Vuu on one knee. Fleety moved carefully towards him. "Son, you okay?" shi knelt by him.

Igneous: "Interesting." he hadn't seen Vuu fall. Once the breath was used, he pushed inside the dark kitchen areas. "Shirak!" his paw lit up and glowed casting light about.

Vuusoolta Wolf: More wet sucking noises were made. Blood was dripping from his paws and down the scratched up breast plate. His blue eyes were wide with panic, fear, and pain.

Fleetwolf: "Fen be damned." shi swore. Fleety opened Vuu's back pack and removed a metal disk with runes on it.

Iimiidiina: "Vuu?" He places a paw on the Alpha's head and tries to see into his mind, to find what is wrong.

Mirius Pojoris: She looked up and around. At least the glass golem was gone now an dit seemed Iggy was doing his own thing. Mirius saw the others gathered by Vuu she got up and walked towards them. "What's goin' on?" When she saw the blood though her eyes went wide.

Vuusoolta Wolf: He would get a glimpse of Vuu seeing flying glass coming for him, hear the words he spoke and meant to speak and feel the biting slice of glass cutting into his throat.

Artisia: -as Igneous lit up his paw, he would see a simple kitchen, tables with long benches, and in the eastmost corner a fireplace which was damp and wet with plantlife growing up through the chimney, to the south was a simple wooden door-

Igneous: He moved for the door and checked if it was locked.

Vuusoolta Wolf: More gurgles were made as he tried to speak.

Artisia: -it wasn't locked-

Iimiidiina: "Oh, Fen! His throat has been slit. Back up, back up!" Iimii places a paw over the wound to stop the blood manually as the other goes to the clean side to get a better angle on the busted vessel. "Bu'umdaa."

Fleetwolf: "Your out of here Vuu. Don't talk." shi activated the teleport disc and took one of Vuu's bloody paws and mad hir son clamp the disk to his chest.

Vuusoolta Wolf: The magic from Iimiidiina wasn't working. It kept fizzling on Vuu from the deity blood he had. The disk flared and Vuu vanished. He appeared at the Beach house, in the living room were Fen was stationed. Startled the cleric and doctor went to work right away.

Iimiidiina: "That'll keep him alright so Fen can treat him. Get out of here," he says as a cloth towel in his pocket inside the armor is wrapped around Vuu's neck to keep the blood flowing slowly.

Fleetwolf: Fleety gritted hir teeth. "Am I going to have any family left after this?" shi growled and stood.

Igneous: Igneous pushed open the door.

Iimiidiina: "Vuu will be fine." Grimmy, Vuu is out. Have you found anything? ~No.~ Keep looking. Over to Mirius. "Mirius, can you help Iggy out?"

Amaretto: Ears twitched as she felt deity blood being spilled. Something was up. Still eyeing Ammy, she stood, left the cell and locked the door. Amaretto went in search of Artisia.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius held the rifle in one paw down by her side while the other paw rubbed the side of her head. She sighed and paced around some. She may have not liked Vuusoolta, but for him to die would be rough on her deep down in her heart. He was pretty much a son to her now. "Help him with what?" she looked at Iimii.

Ammy Spiritor: Worry, and anger blossomed in her over the mating bond. "Fleety." she whispered.

Iimiidiina: "He's looking for a way down. I'm gonna go help Grimanth out in the study." And he does just that.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood very still for a moment. Shi felt the call over the bond. "Ammy.." shi whispered.

Artisia: -the room beyond was dark and as Igneous pushed the door open, with his paw casting the light he desturbed a bat or two which just flew out over his head roost somewhere else, this was a small library...or bookroom, there as a door on the other side of of the room it was heavy looking-

Mirius Pojoris: "Ye comin' with me, Fleet?" she turned to Fleet and asked hir, not hearing the whisper of Ammy's name.

Igneous: He moved in deeper, being wary. "Shirak!" he cast the lighting spell on a few books to help illuminate teh room as he moved for the door.

Fleetwolf: "Yes. Comming." shi moved to catch up with Mirius. "Hang in there Ammy. We are coming." shi whispered.

Iimiidiina: Iimii and Grimanth come out. "There's nothing in there." The pair join Iggy and the others. "Does this lead down into the lair?"

Ammy Spiritor: Tears welled up in her golden eyes and slid down her cheek fur. Rescue. So close. She held herself and just sat on the cot.

Artisia: -far below the cathedral Artisia had Rawsha in the ritual room by now and was showing the child once again how to do certian gestures, with a hateful sneer on her lips- "no have to do this right!" -she growled and took Rawsha's paw roughly and showed her the spell movements- "do it again" -the doors of the ritual room were open at the moment-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would head down the path and soon join up with Iggy. Hearing Fleety though she'd hug hir with an arm. "We're gonna save her, Fleet...Don't worry..."

Iimiidiina: Grimanth speeds ahead, scouting ahead of the heroes leftover. "Iggy, are you sure this is the right way?"

Amaretto: Amaretto paused nearing the ritual room. She was hesitant to disturb aritisia. What if this was just a false alarm? Nothing could get past the hords of undead, right? She moved on for the show room and for the stairs leading up to the second floor.

Igneous: "Shh!" he tested the door.

rawsha: -Rawsha cried out and did as she was told, she was trying really she was, but her hand was aching even if it wasnt bleeding she had lost most of her left middle finger-

Fleetwolf: "I can feel her, Mirius. She's here."

Iimiidiina: Grimanth is ready pounce as Iimii listens in against the door.

Ammy Spiritor: Mirius would start to feel a presence from Ammy as well as they too now had a mating bond. She may feel Ammy's worry, fear, doubts, pain, and bittersweet relief.

Mirius Pojoris: "She is?" Mirius whispered and had gotten more hope in her now. "We'll get them back, Fleet. Even if I die. I'd like ye to at least be with her again." Then she started to slightly feel emotions, some that werent' even hers. It was new to her.

Artisia: -the door was stone and had a defaced holy symbol in the center of it, it was unlocked and had been damaged-

Fleetwolf: "Don't..." shi closed hir eyes and put fingers to Mirius' lips. "Don't start saying that."

Igneous: Igneous would shoulder it open. "Let's see what we have here."

Iimiidiina: "I don't think there's anything in there," he whispers.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth slinks through the opening as the door opens and sniffs about.

Artisia: -the stone door groaned back on the stone floor beyond, the room was long and very cold, the only thing inside were a stair way descending and a couple old torches-

Iimiidiina: "Clear," Iimii whispers back as Grimanth continues to sniff forward down the stairs, her purple scales blending perfectly with the darkness of subterranea.

Amaretto: Amaretto would pause in the show room, the statue Lene standing above her. She didn't dare go farther. She would trip the wards and distract Artisia from her ritual. She sat on the rim of the blood fountain and watched the halls, glancing at lene once in a while with a nasty grin.

Fleetwolf: "Right. I'll take point." shi moved ahead and went down the stairs behind Grimanth.

Igneous: Igneous would follow Fleet.

Mirius Pojoris: just sighed at Fleet and rubbed hir back with the free paw. "Ye one of the few people who even worry over me." Then she'd let Fleety move off and she'd just follow behind them.

Iimiidiina: Iimii took the rear, planting Hephaestus at the top of the stairs in case the exterior ward failed out.

Artisia: -The group would move down the staircase, the stairs and the supports were carved and cut with the same oak used to make the pews, book cases and the other furniture found in the cathedral, the stairway would go down for a bit then turn onto a landing only to continue downward-

Fleetwolf: Shi moved deeper. "Blas resum litus." hir blade would shift from vorpal to a shimmery light material to light the way as shi moved.

Iimiidiina: "Still clear," Iimii whispers ahead.

Igneous: "Just like a necromancer to bury herself." he moved behind them. He wasn't so sure he wanted to meet the grand daughter of the famed Legion of Death Fanghoul.

Ammy Spiritor: She could feel them move closer. She would do more if she could but her body was still weak and the iron bracers tamped her magic down to a trickle. "Hurry." she whispered. "Rawsha is in danger." another whipser.

Fleetwolf: Fleety paused a moment and shivered then moved faster down the stairs. Hir brilliant blue eyes starting to glow.

Artisia: -soon they would be stand in room with white marble flooring and walls, a large chandelier with candles in the holderss flickered lighting the room, on each wall in wall tombs, to what was now the east and west there are open door ways, from some of the inwall tombs the sounds of scraping and groans can be heard-

Mirius Pojoris: "Got somethin' to say 'bout everythin' don't ye, Iggy?"

Amaretto: She stood and climbed up to face Lene who was once flesh and now stone. "Such a pretty daughter of my sister. You could have been great, could have been powerful like Artisia, or I, but no, you had to play hero." claws clicked and tapped on the stoney features. The claws would start to glow.

Igneous: "Why not. This whole group is wound up tighter than a cluster of nuns at a strip club."

Fleetwolf: Fleety would pause and look around. Now where to?

Iimiidiina: "Oh, great. Dead end. Where to now?"

Iimiidiina: Grimanth sniffs about.

Artisia: - there is a large tomb well imbellished as if a highpreist or such was laid the side rooms crypts on risers sit, a few have been broken into and out of.-

Igneous: "Spread out and search the rooms." he moved to inspect the wall crypts on the right.

Iimiidiina: Grimanth, let me know if you feel or smell out any drafts. Meanwhile, Iimii starts groping the big main tomb in the middle.

Amaretto: "You know, I think you need some humility. Maybe learn a lesson or two. Yes, that's it. Too much like your mother. A hotshot." those glowing claws were etching scars into Lenes stoney fur and flesh. "Maybe I'll make you revisit something you hate the most." she stood right in front of Lene staring at the statue with a gimmace. Stepping forward, she placed a thumb over each of Lenes eyes, and sunk her glowing claws in, gouging them out.

Artisia: -the large crypt in the center of the main catacombs seemed to be well cared for, the others not so much. as Iimii was groping the stone work of the tomb, he might see that the slab that covered the casket below, was slightly raised maybe a couple centimeters out of place-

Iimiidiina: "Hey, guys! I feel a draft over here! This must be the entrance!"

Amaretto: "Time for you to remember the mistress you once served. May Takhasis sing you lullabies. Oh, and just in case you manage to survive leaving this place, I don't want anymore of my sisters legacies to be born." Amaretto sank claws into Lenes stone belly and with her magic handily removed Lenes womb. All that was left behind was scars on the stone where all five fingers had entered. Cackling gleefully, she took her prize to the lab. Let's see what she could do with Lenes flesh as the spell stopped leaving her with bloody tissue and organs.

Fleetwolf: Fleety drew near and felt around the tomb.

Igneous: Igneous came over as well.

Iimiidiina: He groans and tries to push it open. Sometimes, the brute methods worked best.

Artisia: -with some work the group would be able to move the stone slab back, and a stairway would be revealed inside, the smells on the air were thick with death, undead and blood, stale...there was light beyond the stairs-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy pulled her knees up to her chest. Her side flared in pain and she cried, but no one was here so it was fine. She had no clothing left and looked worn, torn, and way too thin. She felt Fleety and Mirius getting closer. They would both feel her anxiety and hope rise.

Fleetwolf: "Let's not lose hope yet guys. I think we've arrived at the bottom." shi would hop into the stair well and lead the guys on."

Iimiidiina: Iimii follows behind her as Grimanth goes ahead.

Amaretto: Amaretto would pause by the ritual room and look in, licking some of Lenes blood from her fingers. Mmmm. tastes like strawberries almost.

Igneous: He would let Mirius go ahead and bring up the rear again.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius took out her flashlight and turned it on, being sure not to aim it anywhere near her eyes. It was already bright enough for her sensitive eyes. She would follow them while she held the flashlight

Artisia: -Artisia had left Rawsha in the ritual room to perfect the gestures and the few words of the rituals, she moved to her study to change clothes, changing from her long flowing black robes to a set of simple black ones with a hood, she was on her way back when she saw Amaretto- "tis a wicked night ...this eve we sha'll see if my studies have paid just to wait for that dwarf" -she moved back into the ritual room and watched her puppet practice...-

Amaretto: Amaretto followed Artisia some. "I hope you don't mind me altering your statue a little." she grinned holding the bleeding organs in her paws.

Artisia: -the heroes would find themselves in a long room at the bottom of the stairs. the floor here was grey stone, benches set on either side of the room it was a foyer a simple welcoming place, beyong that a large stone statue matching the one they had seen outside., around this one were old rugs and chairs it was another place used in the past.-

Cymric: ::Running along the lipped edge of the molding which joined ceiling and wall was a mouse. Nothing odd there, except that the small field mouse had a beard of white (not that such oddities would be noticeable in this lighting). A smaller, black mouse was hot on the first mouse's trail. Squeaking, the first mouse stop and chittered at the smaller mouse behind him. The smaller mouse bit the first mouse's tail and with even more squeaks (which were better left untranslated) from the first mouse,
Cymric: they were off once again, racing into the shadows.::

Fleetwolf: "Check rooms." shi moved for the closest room on their right. Shi could smell some old blood.

Artisia: -Artisia grinned over at Amaretto- "you are the one who asked me not to harm that may do as you please with her" -she laughed and grinned- -the heroes would stand in that round room with its old green rugs and to their right they see a door it was simple and wooden..the smell of blood was heavy from it....then to their right but futher on around the cirlce would be another door then across the circle a door with a hallway visible beyond, then to their left further around the circle a steel reinforced door-

Iimiidiina: "Guys, we shouldn't linger here. This is a bad place to be ambushed. We just continue onward into the hallway there."

Amaretto: "I merely wished to remind her of what she could have been. Maybe she will follow our path in darkness." she grinned.

Fleetwolf: Fleety was inspecting the simple wooden door.

Igneous: Igneous spied the heavy metal door on the far side and moved for it. Odd that a dungeon needed that heavy of a door.

Igneous: He paused and moved over to Fleet. In time, in time.

Igneous: "What have you found?"

Iimiidiina: Iimii was intrigued by that door as well, but Fleety was staring at the blood-smelling door there. He goes over to hir. "What is it," he asks as Grimanth goes down the hallway to investigate.

Fleetwolf: "Not sure." shi tried the wood door.

Artisia: -from behind the wooden doors the sounds of scuffling and whimpering can be heard then a deep growl and snapping, the smell of blood is heavy-

Artisia: -the door opens toward the group when Fleety tries it-

Igneous: Hearing those noises he steps back.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was following Fleety and was shining the light on the door. her eyes were squinting some due to the light being a bit bright to her. Then hearing the noise she put the rifle strap over one shoulder to get it out of her paws and picked up one of her automatic pistols from her left thigh into her left paw

Iimiidiina: Iimii holds his ground, unsure about this...

Artisia: -in the corner near the door was a form with black fur, curled up in fear, it was hard to tell any detail..but it didnt seem to notice as the door was opened, as light was shown inside the bloodied room..they could see gore on the floors piles of rended flesh, and other vileness and what appeared to be a lupinossai...this second form had black fur and red glowing eyes and two fins on its rivii-like tail it was pulling meat from a legbone that it held in long clawed fingers, the form that was in corner whined hungrily and the more feral one hissed and growled-

Iimiidiina: It's all he can do to not panic and set the thing on fire.

Fleetwolf: Fleety steeled hir resolve seeing this. "Guys, step back and don't look." shi assessed from the the doorway. Where they even sentient anymore?

Iimiidiina: Iimii is more than happy to oblige hir as he retreats down the hallway Grimanth wandered into.

Artisia: -the one in the corner looked up hearing the voices and now seeing the light, it raised its head- "h..hungry.."

Igneous: He grimmaced. Looked about right for the handy work of Fanghoul.

Fleetwolf: It spoke. Shi wanted to go in and save it, but how could shi know it was not beyond help. "Are you hurt?" shi asked quietly. not moving.

Mirius Pojoris: She watched the possibly undead ones in the room. Flalshlight in one hand and pistol was held carefully at her side in case it were to attack.

Artisia: -the one with the legbone, hisssed and growled out in a mocking tone at its cellmate- "...h. hungry,,its all it can say." -that voice, could make some stop in their tracks, it was harsh and cold, not as sweet as Artisias...but that inflection was there-

Artisia: -it then threw a meatlessbone at the curled up one..and gonged it right in the head, which caused it to yelp and reache up covering its head-

Fleetwolf: Shi regarded the other one. "And you are?"

Artisia: -the more feral of the two was crouched there holdign that bloody legbone- "and you are" -it asked back and turned its neck its head almost able to go upside down, the thing was vile and beyond disturbing-...-the other spoke up this time- "trash"

Fleetwolf: "Mirius. Get back and don't look." hir voice was brittle and hir eyes sparked. This was unthinkable. "May you both rest in peace."

Iimiidiina: Finding nothing of great value, Iimii and Grimanth go up to the steel door and look at it.

Fleetwolf: "Ignitus incantatum lahat." shi would fry the whole room with solar light and radiation.

Mirius Pojoris: She had already seen the bad sides of war and even done some things herself. Instead of going against Fleety, she just took a few steps back and looked away.

Mirius Pojoris: Although, it being light isn't what she expected. The light got her a little bit in the corner of her eyes and she covered them quickly. "Geez, Fleet! Couldn'ta ye just say somethin' more direct?"

Artisia: -Iimii would find that the steel door was locked and warded, there was special looking keyhole fitting in the center- -the two in the room would be no more...the room became nearly clean and quiet-

Iimiidiina: The boy procures his wand--yes, he did bring it with--and points at the keyhole. It was simple, but might as well give it a shot. He waits for everybody else to join him.

Igneous: Igneous glanced at Fleet for a long moment and gave a nod of aproval. He moved to the steel door as well to check it out.

Artisia: -Artisia was waiting rather unpatiently for her dwarven partner outside the ritual room, they had to have three casters after all to have the rituals requirements met-

Fleetwolf: Shi lowered hir head and left the room. Those two reminded hir way too much of the clones shi had tried to make to revive Ammy with.

Belian Thundergem: -Belian had set up a few things around the lair and had finally arrived in the ritual room, who was going to say anything about him being one-

Ammy Spiritor: She rocked back and forth. She felt Fleety's pain and Mirius' worry. They would in turn feel her fright and longing to be away.

Iimiidiina: "Alohomora," he says, completely unsure if the wards were powerful enough to stop this relatively simple charm.

Amaretto: "I guess I will step out now and play with this flesh." she grinned and move for Ammy's cell. Oh, to toy with her sister now.

rawsha: -Rawsha was sitting on the floor in the center of the black marbled floor of the ritual room, Artisia had removed the band from her ankle, she felt a bit light headed as magic flooded back into her, but she would sit quietly waiting her misterss and the mage dwarf, he wasnt someone she ever wanted to cross-

Mirius Pojoris: Once it was all done she moved to Fleety's side. "Fleet? Are ye feelin' any emotions that aren't really...yer own? If y'know what I mean..." Mirius didn't seem to realize it was a connection with Ammy.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked over at Amaretto who was entering and shied away some.

Amaretto: "Tsk. No greeting for your sister?" she sat at the table and let the organs squish onto the table. "Hazzard a guess at what I have?" she licked her fingers.

Artisia: -Artisia motioned the dwarf into the ritual room and closed the doors- "good evening Amaretto" -she called before she closed the doors-

Fleetwolf: Shi gave a nod. "Yes. It's..ammy."

Igneous: "How goes the door?"

Iimiidiina: "Well, that didn't work. There's a key somewhere. We have to find it."

Belian Thundergem: -Belian grinned and moved inside the ritual room he spoke back toward Artisia- "there coming ...dun worry yer furred head...they won't be getting to far"

Igneous: "Move. All metal succumbs to heat and flames." Gesturing soul gems glowed about him as his muzzled glowed with flames.

Artisia: -Artisia, Belian and Rawsha begin the ritual behind the rune locked doors of the ritual room-

Mirius Pojoris: Hearing that it was Ammy she looked down at the ground a long moment deep in thought. She leaned over to give Fleety a nuzzle. "I didn't know 'bout those kind of things....thank ye."

Igneous: Igneous would unleash the full power of his dragon breath spell on the metal door.

Fleetwolf: "Mating bonds." shi stepped in front of Mirius to block the intense heat and light from her.

Ammy Spiritor: "What should I care." she muttered.

Artisia: -Igneous would feel the spell hit the door and flood into the magic around the lock and keyhole, something drew the magic in like a straw-

Mirius Pojoris: She covered her eyes again, but thanks to the help of Fleety her eyes were safe. Mirius would give Fleet a small hug though her paws were full.

Igneous: He stopped. "Dammit. Wardered with a syphon spell. Fleet, think your vorpal sword can work like a can opener?"

Artisia: -Grimanth would recall what she saw in one of the rooms, part of a key it was only half the key though-

Iimiidiina: "Guys, there is half a key to the door. Right down there. Grimanth saw it."

Fleetwolf: "Maybe." shi said. Fleety felt concern about Vuu. "Iimii, I know this may be rough, but if Vuu dies, they Den isn't going to be happy. Help out Fen with him, okay?"

Igneous: "Right, on it." Igneous moved for the room indicated.

Iimiidiina: The young Looa looks at the door. "Are you sure? Mom and Sis are still in there, and Rawsha. What if you need my help?"

Amaretto: "Oh, you may care alot since your daughter ain't having any more bastard puppies with a dragon." she laughed and picked up the magic primer, bloody finger prints smudging the pages.

Mirius Pojoris: "We'll get 'em back, Iimii. Don't worry 'bout us, alright?"

Fleetwolf: "We'll be fine. This close, we are going to find them and hop back with the teleport discs."

Artisia: -the hall Igneous had been pointed toward was the one with a hallway it would open up into a clothing storage area, bolts and rolls of cloth and things like that were inside cases and chests, there was no sight of a key peice but there was a door to the south in this room-

Igneous: He moved for that door, glancing about and lighting his paw once again.

Iimiidiina: "Very well..." Iimii takes the chance to hug both of them. "Please, be safe." And he goes back. "Come on, Grimanth... Oh! Before I forget." He takes the bag off the harness and gives the booby traps to them. "Here. These might come in handy. Pyro grenades." He grins, than takes out his teleportation disc. A paw is set on the dragons head, and they teleport out of there. Hello, Master Fen. How can I help?

Ammy Spiritor: Gold eyes looked on the bloody flesh in horror.
"You....bitch..." Ammy sprang for Amaretto hell bent on ripping out her throat.

Fleetwolf: Shi took hir vorpal katana and tried to stab the metal door.

Artisia: -he would see a couple long tables and a leatherworkers lay out as well as a loom, on a table near a pile of clothes set half of a key that seemed to be able to fit with a second part-

Amaretto: Caught off guard she went over onto the floor with Ammy on top of her, feeling Ammy's weak grip at her throat. She kicked Ammy of of her then stood. "I don't think you want to be fighting me sis." she snarled.

Mirius Pojoris: "Too bad we don't have any explosives er whatever to blow that door open," she sighed.

Ammy Spiritor: She rolled and clutched her side, stitches coming apart. "You've desecrated my daughter. You are not family anymore." Ammy seized her trickle of magic and touched the ground slamming a stone fist at Amaretto.

Ammy Spiritor: Fleety and Mirius may sense Ammy fighting and struggling.

Igneous: Igneous moved for the key to pick it up.

Artisia: -as he turned to leave that leatherworkers room, with half the key in paw... he would hear rustling in the corner fabic moving was the sound, and soon standing near him, an empty set of clothing, dingy and stained by time, it would fling itself forward reach its sleeved arms out at him, possibly attempting to strangle him-

Igneous: "Fen be damned." he moved backwards trying to duck under the strangle.

Fleetwolf: "The sword isn't cutting it." shi heard teh oath and moved for the room Igneous went into. Down to three members, they had to stick together.

Artisia: -the clothing looked as if it should have form inside it, but it didnt it would move at him reaching was it walked toward him-

Amaretto: Amaretto flashed her eyes and slapped the stone fist deconstructing it with alchemy. "This is pointless sister. I can counter your alchemy."

Igneous: He kept back peddling. Igneous would try to fire ball the thing.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was feeling a struggling feeling deep down in her. She followed Fleet with a worried look on her face. "I think she's in trouble, Fleet," she said worriedly. "Oh, please canis let her and our daughters be okay..."she whispered a prayer.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy growled and lunged fro Amaretto, tapping the Force and striking with lightning. "You only have part of my powers!"

Amaretto: She backed up and raised a wall of stone to block the lightning. Then she struck that wall and made it burst into a storm of stone spikes.

Artisia: -the clothing got hit by the fireball and started to burn, it was coming for him, if it got close enough to him it would try to grab and constrict him-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy was flung back against the cell, a long ston spike sank into her left shoulder pinning her in place. She screamed in pain.

Fleetwolf: "Chaos Hammer!" shi threw a blast of energy at the flaming thing hoping to knock it back.

Igneous: Trying to dodge, getting singed a few times as he was brushed by the burning thing.

Artisia: -the blast of energy and the fire itself would soon consume the garments, the raiment would fall as ashes-

Amaretto: "Tsk, tsk. You are a fool." she walked forward and picked a few of the long stone spikes and approached Ammy with menace. "I don't think Artisia needs you any longer."

Igneous: He stopped, panting hard.

Fleetwolf: Fleety doulbed in pain as shi felt Ammy being pinned to the wall with the spike. Shi clutched hir shoulder in pain.

Mirius Pojoris: She watched the clothing tthat was moving on its own and then be destroyed, but Mirius' thoughts were elsewhere. She couldn't stop focusing on the other feelings she was getting. The feelings from Ammy. She was feeling the pain and nearly did the same thing as Fleety. She cringed and let out a swear. "We gotta save 'em quick..."

Artisia: -that half of the key found, as they came out of the clothing storage area back into the hall the only ways left would be the steeldoor and the hall to the south of them-

Ammy Spiritor: "I back to life...and you still treat me...this way..." she gasped in pain as she spoke. "Why have you turned on me this way?"

Amaretto: "Simple sister. You made me evil. I am just being me." she took a stone spike and jabbed it into Ammy's right thigh.

Ammy Spiritor: She screamed in pain, weakening more. Ammy tried to keep standing, to keep from hanging on that spike in her shoulder.

Fleetwolf: Cringing shi stood. "Yes. Faster." shi would move for the other hallway to search it.

Igneous: Igneous stayed by the metal door breathing hard. That ordeal did a number on his nerves and heart.

Ammy Spiritor: "You can choose...not to be evil..." she pleaded.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would feel more pain when Ammy was hurt, but she as doing the best she could to ignore the pain. She looked over at Igneous. "Ye alright, Iggy?"

Amaretto: "I think not." She jammed a stone spike into the left thigh of Ammy. "Scream sweetly."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy scream more, her legs buckled and she hung from the spike in her shoulder making her scream in more violently.

Igneous: "I'll be fine. Go help that fruity Wolf." I'm getting too old for this.

Artisia: -as Fleety went down the southern hall, it is a wine storage area, bottles and casks of wine are stored here, they are very well aged, passed that would be a large room with rotted barrels and wine, ale and mead have runt, there was a mess in this room but nothing moved inside it, there had seemed to be something shining in a pool of gooey mess-

Fleetwolf: Cringing from more pain shi knelt to fish out the shinny object.

Mirius Pojoris: More cringing and wincing from all the pain. "Well, if somethin's wrong. Ye better bring it up soon or I'll cap ye in the rear." She went to the room where Fleety went to.

Igneous: Spirited that one was. He looked teh key half over in his paw.

Ammy Spiritor: She cried. Her voice was ragged and hoarse. The pain. The pain was too much.

Amaretto: "Not so hot are you? No magic left, injured, and facing your better half. Tsk. I noticed you like to use your paws for alchemy." she grinned wickedly. Long spike was hefted and she nailed ammy's left paw to the stone wall.

Ammy Spiritor: Another scream, barely audible down the hallways. She passed out. As she fell into darkness, her heart broke. I'm going to die again.

Amaretto: "Bah, you're too weak to toy with." she sneared in disgust and dropped the remaining spikes. She left the cell, not even bothering to lock it. Why should she lock up someone who would be dead soon. She moved for the ritual room.


Date: 2011-10-04 08:09 EST
Mirius Pojoris: She came into the room where Fleet was, shining her flashlight around some. The pain suddenly felt in her left paw dropped the gun onto the floor uncontrollably. She cursed to herself and picked the gun back up before heading over to Fleet. "Find anythin'?"

Fleetwolf: Shi nodded.

Mirius Pojoris: "Well, what'd ye find?" She walked to hir side and stopped by hir.

Artisia: -inside the ritual room, the three mages were caught in the spells, the runes on the walls floors and ceiling moved and glowed the small alter with the blood of the three in a bowl, the black candles and the words the three spoke in unison, each knew their parts and were giving their powers to the flow of the spells, the movements from the three were only to breath and to gesture as was called for-

Artisia: -the other key half had to be dug out from under spoiled stock of grain and fruit that had spilt from a ruined barrel-

Fleetwolf: Shi dug up the other half of the key. "Found the other half." shi stood with a wince and moved back to the room Igneous was in. "We have the other half."

Artisia: -if any could feel the shift in magical currents, they would feel it tonight around the lair-

Igneous: He nodded and put the key halves together and tried the locks. He shivered feeling the magic swirl

Fleetwolf: "Oh that can't be good." noticing the shift in things.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius nodded in a sigh of relief and followed Fleet back to Igneous. Mirius couldn't feel the shifts though. She didn't really touch the side of magic. "What?"

Igneous: "Something powerful in the magic stream. A ritual is going on."

Artisia: -the key parts put together, the key fit the lock and was held by it once the door was opened, they looked inside they would see a guardstation to the left, inside it was dark a combat dummy set in the very back of the they were at a set of stairs that went down.-

Amaretto: Reaching the show room again, she grinned in thought. If something was coming, she would surprise them. Amaretto stood about the display cases and shifted her form to look like Ammy turned to stone with a few fake injuries and waited to see what came.

Igneous: "You two aren't looking so good. I'll take point." he moved down the steps and into the hallway.

Mirius Pojoris: She sighed and moved forward. Flashlight in one paw and pistol in the other. "Don't think any of us will after this..." She followed close behind Iggy.

Artisia: -with the door being opened Artisia would be alerted fully to intruders to her home but she was busy at the moment.....the room at the bottom of the stairs had nice tapestries and decorations.. a side table and rugs..the room made and L to the right, the rot and decaye seen in the earlier part of the lair wasnt seen-

Fleetwolf: Fleety brought up the rear trying to dull the pain from hir mind.

Igneous: He turned the corner and looked about. "Seems like someone is keeping this place up."

Ammy Spiritor: She still breathed. Shallow, but breathing. Her heart beat softly. Ammy just hung, pinned to the wall, eye's closed. She was in darkness. She felt like all she did was fail everyone.

Fleetwolf: Fleety glanced over things briefly and kept moving.

Artisia: -they would have a few lesser undead which were easily taken out meet them in this hall..and after a ways would come to a room it, it showed off paintings on either wall they were mural types painted on the walls, if one looked up there was something strange about the ceiling here-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius came around the corner with Igneous. "Y'know, me daughter looked up to ye a lot, Iggy."


Date: 2011-10-04 12:16 EST
Igneous: Igneous gave Mirius a raise of furred eyebrows hearing that. He placed a paw a bit on the breast plate of his armor adjusting it. His chest was hurting a little.

Amaretto: Hearing voices in the hallways, and picking out one that was from a male she hated, Amaretto shifted back to her natural form and slunk away to the ritual room and prowled in the shadows, lurking.

Fleetwolf: Shi looked at the room then looked up to see what was above them.

Mirius Pojoris: She watched Iggy place his paw over his chest. "Didn't give ye a heart attack sayin' that did I?"

Igneous: He tapped the plate once with his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. The pain faded away. "Pulled muscle maybe. Wasn't what you said. That walking thing back there came close to killing me." he didn't like admitting be vulnerable.

Artisia: -as Fleety looked up he saw that the ceiling in the room, appeared weak, it was stone but it seemed loose-

Fleetwolf: "Guys, I think we have a rigged ceiling." shi would point at the loose stone ceiling.

Mirius Pojoris: "Well, dont' die on us yet." Then hearing Fleety she looked up and saw the loose ceiling. "So...what do we do?"

Igneous: Igneous took a look up then at the floor ahead. He took out a metal ball then rolled it across the floor to see what happens.

Fleetwolf: Shi thought about this. "I could try to freeze the stones in place with ice?"

Mirius Pojoris: "Don't tihnk that'd make it heavier n' break do ye?" She looked back at Fleet.

Artisia: -the metal ball plink..plink..plinks across the stone floor and by pure luck, a click is heard..the ceiling buckles and rocks and stones bigger than most of their heads would start to fall from the ceiling then the whole ceiling collapsed with a rain of stand and stones-

Igneous: "Or we can just walk over the rubble." he started to pick his way over the debris.

Fleetwolf: "I'm starting to wonder if I should call him 'smart ass' now." shi mumbled following Igneous.

Artisia: -the dust cleared as the heroes picked their footing though the small room, to the open doorway, they could see what was a halfwall infront of them with a painting hung on it...once they came through that door, the paining of Artisia could be seen, she was fully robed and holding a black pitted orb in her paw (insert profile pic here)-

Mirius Pojoris: She grinned and Fleet and followed Igneous to try and make the way over the debris. "Got a nice view of yer tail from back here, Iggy."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stirred, eyes opening to slits. Pain filled her entire world. She cried and bit back a scream. her left shoulder and paw were on fire. Ammy lifted her head and saw herself pinned to the wall. The sight filled her with dredge.

Igneous: "Yeah, yeah." he stopped to regard the portrait. "Ah yes, Fanghoul blood line for sure."

Fleetwolf: Fleety regarded the portrait for a long moment. A shiver ran down hir spine.

Artisia: -then heading on around the short hall the room opened up..they now stand in the great hall, the cases with minor artifacts safely locked away inside them stood against four walls..and in the center of the room, a fountian...flowing with red bloody water, the centerpiece the beloved Lene, wings outstretched a vision in stone, beyond the statue stood an archway with two heavy wooden doors..there is a hall to the north and the south-

Mirius Pojoris: She watched the portrait. Something seemed familiar about it, but she wasn't sure. There was doubt that the Lupinossai was someone she'd already seen before. "What's the whole story behind Fanghoul anyways?"

Fleetwolf: Shi gasped as the moved into that room. Paws to hir muzzle, eyes locked on Lene.

Igneous: "A nice, strong blood line of Spiritor mages. They have a tendencies for wrting their own rulls on everything and breaking them without a second thought as well. One Fanghoul was the most feared, and well learned necromancer. Her grandfather I believe.

Fleetwolf: Fleety hurried forward to mount the fountain and touch hir daughter.

Mirius Pojoris: Moving on after the portrait she heard Fleety gasp and looked at hir "What?" She looked around, flashlight moving about as well and saw the statue that looked like Myrlene. Her face quickly showed the expression of shock. "Oh great Canis...." She almost dropped her flashlight and gun and walked closer.

Igneous: Igneous followed and noted the statue. He decided to keep quiet and inspected the cases.

Fleetwolf: Shi was touching the stone fur and skin. Fleety wraped hir arms around the statue, crying.

Artisia: -Lene's form cold and still, stone and grey, scares etched into stone flesh, eyes appear gone, other scars and the depiction of ripped clothing.....the cases held random minor wonderous items and artifacts, items that perhaps could be found elsewhere..uncommon yet Artisia prized all her collection-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius put her paw against the statue to feel it for a moment then moved to Fleety to hug her close. "I'm so sorry Fleet....How we gonna get her outta here like this?"

Fleetwolf: Wiping tears away, shi pulled hir own teleport disc from hir back pack and attached the metal disc to Lene's body. "Teleport her away." shi ran fingers down a stone cheek of Lene. "We'll put you to rights, Lene." shi tapped the disc and hopped off of the pedestal as the statue vanished to show up at the beach house.

Igneous: He toyed with the idea of slagging the cases with fire.

Mirius Pojoris: "I'm startin' to get scared of what could be happenin' to Rawsha...." Her head lowered in sadness at the thought.

Artisia: -the hall to the north was narrow and was more of a corridor..the smells of food might be smelt from the door to the west and no sounds could be heard from the east door of the north hall-

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood, shoulders slumped. Shi looked really old all of a sudden.

Igneous: Better yet. He set some of the fire bombs Iimiidiina had left them and rigged the cases to burst into flames if they were ever opened. He then stood and examined the place. "Time to look for the others. Lenes a statue, no offense, but we've done what we could."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would go to give Fleety a kiss on hir cheek and a small hug. "Cmon, Fleet. We gotta find Ammy n' Rawsha."

Fleetwolf: "Right." it came out a bit choked. "Let's check out those two doors. I think I smell food.

Igneous: Igneous would move for the first door closest to the hall the they came out of and tested the door.

Mirius Pojoris: She and rubbed hir back before moving towards one of the doors. Mirius came up behind Igneous with her pistol at the ready.

Fleetwolf: Fleety guarded the rear, not so sure anymore if there was much shi could do. Shi wasn't a fire mage and hir violin needed a new string. Katana out, shi stood and waited, half aware of what is going on.

Artisia: -the corridor to the south had light coming from it there was a hall nearly hidden from sight torches glowed down that way- -going north...the heroes would find a kitchen behind the west door, a short stalky ill mannered human would be standing near a filthy stove, some sort of water potato mash in a big bowl on the table, between the door and them as well as some sort of meat with a cleaver in it, the human picked up a nearby spoon and brandished it at them thinking it was rawsha-

Ammy Spiritor: Stirring, she licked her lips. "Help?" she called hoarsely.

Mirius Pojoris:"Think he's undead too?" Her pistol was slowly aiming up getting ready to shoot.

Artisia: "get out o' me kitchen...i'll call ye when its ready runt!" -he yelled out but his eyes widdened seeing the group-

Igneous: "I don't think so." he grinned and stepped inside, ready to set the human on fire. "Where are the prisoners?

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius moved into the kitchen after Igneous and aimed her pistol right at the human.

Fleetwolf: Fleety hung back in the main room, leaning against the wall, keeping an eye out for trouble.

Artisia: -the cook, looks up watching them all, the wooden spoon still raised, but not as menicingly- "..i don't know...try the dungeons or with...Miss Artisia...i be in here cooking...not out there wit' them.. paid to keep them fed and the Miss...happy"

Igneous: "Whats behind the room with the large wood doors?" he inquired.

Mirius Pojoris: "Do ye even know the layout of this place?" Her pistol was slowly lowering now. It didn't seem the human was a threat. But she was really wanting answers so this would be a little easier on them.

Artisia: -he turned to move a pan from a burner, then looked back at Igneous with that ever present cocky sneer- "it be her office...but if ye nae belong in there yer nae...gonna get in" -he grinned- "i...tried" -it seemed he would give information...if he felt like it-

Igneous: "I see. Have you seen a small lupe child around here?

Ammy Spiritor: "Help? Please, someone help." she croacked out. Blood was slicking the wall and floor.

Artisia: "oh..i seen her...running around doing things...comin in tae pester me.. she be with the necromancer and that dwarf."

Amaretto: Amaretto lurked in the corner watching the group.

Mirius Pojoris: "And where are they?" She glared at the human.

Igneous: "Dwarf? You mean the wiered one that has black eyes?" he turned to Mirius. "I think it's safe to say she here."

Fleetwolf: Hir ears flicked a little. Fleety looked around the room for a moment or two. Shi thought shi heard someone, but shi stayed put keeping th Mirius and Igneous flank protected.

Artisia: "o' course she be...a bit different...ever time i be seeing her...something..." -he trailed off...then he looked at Mirius- "i dunna know...somewhere out there" -he motioned the spoon back out the door-

Mirius Pojoris: After hearing that Mirius just walked out of the kitchen and back into the grand hall. She had to find Rawsha now. The longer this took the more it was hurting her deep down.

Igneous: "Okay. Come on Mirius let's get to looking more." he moved out of the room and looked about. "I am betting south is where we should go."

Fleetwolf: Fleety noded and took point walk for the south hallway.

Mirius Pojoris: Yeah," is all she said to Igneous and followed Fleet. Her flashlight was occasioally pointed around to see if there was anything else around them.

Artisia: -the corridor to the south had light coming from it there was a hall nearly hidden from sight torches glowed down that way-

Fleetwolf: Shi moved down the south hall. "Hang in there Ammy." shi whispered.

Artisia: -once in that south hall its a long corridor, torches lighting every ten feet, the hall had to be roughly 100 feet or more long, down roughly fifty feet or more were breaks to the left and right...and at the far end was a blackness...darkness they couldnt see into yet-

Igneous: Igneous peaked at those breaks.

Mirius Pojoris: While they were in the lit part of the corridor she just turned off her flashlight. She looked to the left, the right and down the corridor they were already in. "Which way y'all think we should go?"

Artisia: -as they came to the breaks in the hall, there was a door to the left and to the right here....they were both open, the one on their right was partly closed but light could be seen inside the one on the left was a large labroratory with all the equipment from nightmares..things a necromancer would use for their darkarts-

Fleetwolf: Fleety would step int to lab on the left.

Mirius Pojoris: "Anythin' in there, Fleet?" She followed him some.

Fleetwolf: Shi looked around poking at things.

Artisia: -the laboratory has tables with bloody stains, ropes to bind, there are cabinets with all sorts of supplies..two round cages hung here on either side of the door, on one back table was a corpse Artisia had been working on, it was peiced together different parts of a being, it laid still-

Artisia: -a few tables covered with black cloth...had bodies that were waiting to be risen-

Fleetwolf: "It doesn't like anything were looking for is her." shi touched one of the bodies on the tables.

Artisia: -there was a large glass vat in the back of the room which had green liquid inside it....the body was fresh, but cold very cold, the tempurature in this room was good for storing and working with bodies, nothing moved in this room-

Igneous: Igneous poked around as well, looking for anything of value to take with him.

Artisia: -there was a good amount of components, but mostly just key ingredients in raising and patching undead, some papers here and there with Ammy's Arrays writtin on them-

Mirius Pojoris: She sighed and rubbed her head. Mirius stood out in the main corridor and was watching each direction to make sure no enemies were coming to kill them. She moved against the wall and slid down against it, sitting down to take a moment to rest her legs.

Fleetwolf: Shi paused rifling through the notes and seeing the arrays. Shi took those pages.

Artisia: -sounds from the other door, the one to the right side of the hall.. shuffling of feet could be heard as well as liquid and maybe slurping or gargling.-

Mirius Pojoris: hearing the weird sounds she looked up to the other corridor. She moved onto her feet, legs feeling tired and wanting to rest more, but she couldn't stop. Mirius stood up and slowly moved to the right corridor warily. "I think I hear noise over here, y'all." She slowly moved towards it with her gun aimed towards the door.

Artisia: -the sounds continue, maybe a pause at the voices in the hall, but there was something in the room beyond that partially open door-
Igneous: He left the lab and followed Mirius.

Fleetwolf: Taking the notes that Ammy had made, shi followed. Lupis be damned if shi let hir mates knowledge be used for vile things any further.

Artisia: -they push the door across the hall from the lab open and inside the walls glow with a green light...possibly a reflection from the six large glass vats that set two to a wall in this room inside them forms float in the green liquid, perserved in stillness. Two appear to be human perhaps commoners, one wears mages robes, one is a minotaur, one is a lupinossai perhaps a fallen comrade forgotten in a not to long ago battle and in the last an orc, there is a large grate in the floor in the center of the room-

Belian Thundergem: -the dwarf his back turned to them stands near the the back two vats, unknown to the heroes it was an image of him, it seemed real enough- "theres that feelin' again" -he was being watched..he turns and eyes the group- "you furry folk have an air about ye" -he steps into the center of the room standing before the grate in the floor, tapping the staff on the grate-

Amaretto: Eyes watched from the shadows. Amaretto viewed Igneous and Mirius. Those two she knew, the male (fleety) she did not. Curious.

Igneous: Igneous bristled and soul gems glowed on him showing his ready state with his magic.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius glared at the dwarf when she walked into the room. She aimed her gun at him and growled. "Where's me me mate n' me daughter?"

Fleetwolf: Fleety unsheathed hir katana. This was the bastard that injured Vuu with that glass golemn.

Belian Thundergem: "but this chapter is already written you canna change that now" -a psuedo natural squeal is heard from below the grate- "i wonder can ye even see the a strings?" -he again dissappears, the grate is pushed open from below by large writhing tenticles, two, then four and at last six as another unnatural squeal is heard from below-

Fleetwolf: "I wager a hasty retreat from this room." shi commented, furr on end.

Igneous: "Hold fast Wolf. This is one foe that you may be usefull for." The gems on him shifted and others glowed as a crackle of energy was heard around him now.

Belian Thundergem: -the tentacles spilled forth from the hole in the floor and flailed in all directions..(as a squid would trying to fit through a hole that was to small for it..) the beast below squealed and two of its tenticles would reach out, the crash of glass was heard the green liqiud spilling from one of the vats....the one holding one of the humans, it sputtered and slipped but then stood upright and moved toward them, another crack of glass is heard and the mage pours out onto the floor and soon stands the sound of another of the vats breaking behind the mass of tenticles something from the back of the room was poured out onto the floor-

Fleetwolf: "Oh, lovely. " shi muttered. Standing ground, shi let out a sonic bark that would throw a blast of air at the nearest attacker.

Mirius Pojoris: "What the hell?" She took several steps back and kept her pistol aimed ahead of them.

Belian Thundergem: -the human took the blast of air and slipped and slid back trying to get its footing on the slick floor-

Igneous: Igneous paused in thought. The floor is wet, the electric idea wouldn't do. He wasn't sure if the liquid was flamable either. Damn. He resorted to his arcane spells. "Magic Missile" and attacked the nearest creature.

Fleetwolf: Fleety had an idea. Hir eyes glowed blue and shi would try to freeze the area under the walking corpses to make it very slippery.

Belian Thundergem: -the tentacles flailed upward this time but not hitting anything, one of the magic missles would hit one of the six tentacles, and the creature below would scream and lash the other tentacles, the human took one of the magic missles as it righted itself and came limping forward, the human was coming closer as fleety made the wet areas on the floor even more slippery, the form behind the tentacled mass the minotuar came it snorted and foam covered those undead lips and snout, large hooves sloppin through the mess, one tentacle moved for another of the vats-

Fleetwolf: "Shrizak!" Fleety aimed a lighting bolt at a tentacle, vorpal sword ready to slice at the human if it got close.

Belian Thundergem: -the creature below squealed and pulled a now servered tentacle below, the minotuar wasnt well put togehter one of Artisia's next projects perhaps, but it bellowed out as it came around the mass of tentacles. the human would be right near Fleety as it reached a clawed hand out to attack-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius aimed at the minotaur and started firing shots at it with the pistol to try and kill it before it got close to them.

Belian Thundergem: -four still flailing and writhing tentacles reaching widly for prey or to crack another vat, but it wasnt getting close to the group, it did however send a swing at the vat that held the corpse in mage robes but only cracking the glass, the fifth tentecle was laying limply-

Fleetwolf: That reaching clawed hand an arm would find a vorpal blade slicing it if fleety connected.

Igneous: "Melphs Acid Arrows!" Igneous called out and cast the corrosive projectils at the tentacles. He felt embarrased using arcane instead of his natural affinity.

Belian Thundergem: -the human zombie would loose its arm, the arm fell and for a moment or two would crawl toward Igneous before 'dying', the zombie would lunge at Fleety attempting to bite any flesh or fur it saw, the minotaur would take the shots fired at it wet bits and peices sopped to the floor it lumbered in that undead daze toward Mirius, the tentcales one of them would take the most damage from the acid and retreat and the creature would hiss th three other tentacles took splash damage from the acid spell-


Date: 2011-10-04 13:06 EST
Fleetwolf: Shi braced for the lunge and would catch and throw the zombie if shi was quick enough into the wall behind hir.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius started backing up seeing the minotaur lumbering towards her. The clip ran out of bullets and she quickly she reloaded the gun and fired more bullets at the undead creature.

Igneous: Igneous took his eyes off of the tentacles and cast magic missiles at the minnotaur.

Belian Thundergem: -the human zombie would hit the wall, it would crumble to the floor and start the slow process of getting up, the minotuar would bellow out and the bullets would break off more of its form it was at Mirius and would attempt to rake her with its two large sharp claws, the magic missles where causing damage to it as well, the three remaining tentacles flailed and the glass vat holing the battle fallen lupinossai would break open, it would pour out onto the floor with more of the green stinking liquid-

Fleetwolf: "Okay. I officially hate zombies." shi growled and hacked for the head of the zombie getting up.

Mirius Pojoris: She tried to dodge the claws, but they raked along her left side and she fell to he ground sliding a bit. Mirius screamed some from the pain and dropped her pistol and flashlight.

Igneous: Igneous would slam a foot paw on the ground to break up stone tiles, sending them into the air and he would smash them with fists and feet to send the shards at the minotaur with luck.

Belian Thundergem: -that human zombie never made it up, Fleety's blade severed head from body..the monotuar bellowed and snorted then with Igneous' attack from the stone shards it would be destoyed before it could do another attack, the three tentacles of the creature below writhed, it was feeling for the closest thing it could bash but nothing was close at the moment, there were still more vats near it though, the lupinossai got to its feet, its lower jaw is would start toward the group-

Igneous: "You're a deity Fleet. Don't you have anything useful magic wise?" he snapped out, whirling to watch the lupinossai zombie.

Mirius Pojoris: her left side had gashes in them from the claws. She held her right paw over the bleeding wounds and grabbed her pistol that was on the ground. Mirius moved over near Igneous and Fleety cringing from the pain. Seeing the undead lupinossai coming after them she fired the last few shots in the clip at it.

Fleetwolf: "I used to be!" shi snapped back. Glancing at the lupinossai zombie and tentacles, shi thought quickly. Glancing up at the ceiling over the tentacles and zombie shi made several quick gestures and made a pulling move hoping to collapse half of the room onto the tentacles and zombie.

Igneous: "Great time to make a mention of that." Igneous muttered. He watched what Fleet was doing, readying a spell.

Belian Thundergem: -the ceiling would break into large peices revealing dirt above it, it would crash down onto the zombie lupe, the the tentacles one of them was crushed under the peices that fell, dust and dirt mixed with the slime from the broken vats, the beast below squealed and screamed and with that it pulled the two remaining tentacles back through the hole in the floor-

Igneous: Igneous conjured up a sizzling ball of lightning and tossed it towards the hole hoping to get the projectile down inside to zap the critter more.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stepped back and saw Mirius holding her side. "Let me have a look."

Belian Thundergem: -more squeals and screams of the beast could be heard as it retreated, the lightening had hit it, though the space beyond the hole was pitch black and no light broke that darkness-

Igneous: "I suggest we move back to the hall and barricade this door." Igneous said moving back in retreat.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius decided to take some steps back and just let Igneous and Fleet do their things. The gun ran out of ammo again and she dropped it on the ground. Hearing Fleet she looked over and sighed. She removed her right paw which had a lot of blood all over it now. "just a couple scratches...." is all she said, though they were more serious than just scratches.

Fleewolf: Fleety grimaced seeing the wound. "Wish I hadn't sent Iimii off. Hold still. I can heal you." shi took in a deep breath and made a few chants and gestures sending energy into Mirius to close up the wound and restore her blood levels. The healing though showed on hir by the signs of panting more.

Mirius Pojoris: She stood still and let Fleet heal her. "Thanks Fleet," she smiled at hir but also noticed hir panting more. "Ye don't have to heal me a lot, Fleet...I don't want ye to wear yerself out. I've had worse wounds befer. I ain't no easy takedown."

Fleetwolf: Shi waved away the admonition and moved hir and Mirius out of the room. "Don't know what all is down here that might make a simple wound a life and death situation." shi took a moment to catch hir breath. Healing was not hir alignment.

Igneous: Using his earth affinity, Igneous would meld the stone tiles to barricade the door to the room shut.

Artisia: -as the three of them moved into the hall and looked onward south, they could now see a set of double wooden doors, the doors had rune circles glowing and pulsing, all over it, there is a glowing red light around the edges of the door and the magic around this area crackled and pulsed as some strong magic was going on behind them, there is a hall going off to the left and the right infront of the doors-

Igneous: Fealing that crackle of energy Igneous looked at the doors. "I think I know where that ritual is happening."

Fleetwolf: Shi looked at the doors as well. Seeing the runes on the door, shi cursed. "It looks well warded and probably armed."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius sighed and was moved out of the room, leaving her flashlight and gun behind. At least she still had the second pistol as a spare. "Ye sound like me sergeant," she grinned some at Fleety and wiped some of the blood onto her armor to get it off her paw. She took her other pistol into her left paw and held the hammer in her right paw. Mirius took note of the doors and watchd it. "Suggest we bust it down er somethin' then?"

Fleetwolf: "Possibly, but it'll take some time." shi looked to Igneous. "Think we should investigate those two hallways quickly for our friends?"

Igneous: "Yes. Find them first before we open some gateway to hell." he moved for the right hallway.

Mirius Pojoris: She walked forward some and looked down each hallway. "Left er right?" Mirius looked back at them.

Fleetwolf: "Hit the right first I guess." shi nodded moving with them, feeling a bit weak.

Artisia: -taking the right hall, after thirty or so feet it would turn to the left, the dungeon halls where dark only one torch was hanging nearby in a bracket, after they turn they would see the first empty cell, it hadn't been used recently, the cell door was closed and no signs of anything were inside, as they walked they would see an open cell door, this one had crates and barrels stored inside, the next had a body of a tall humanoid that had been burnt to ash in it-

Igneous: Igneous would follow the halls, lighting torches or setting things to glowing to give them some lighting. not a lot though.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius started moving down the hall way slowly, looking at the cells they passed. At least the darkness was easier on her eyes and wasn't causing a problem like light would. "I hope we're not too late..." she said softly.

Artisia: -the hall would turn back to the left again once they walked for a good ways, the smell of straw, dirt, water and blood was stronger on this next hall, they would come to a doorway it was a large doorway opening into two rooms, the one they were closest to..smelt the strongest of wet straw and dirt, it was a small room with cages. and a dirt floor, near one wall a cage hung, it had blood, straw and remains of a meal that had been hidden, Rawsha's scent was heavy around the cage ..the cage was five feet in diameter and has a wooden bottom, tatters of rawsha's once new robes might be seen-

Mirius Pojoris: She caught the scent of blood when they came around the corner. Mirius sniffed a few times and then quickly moved into the room where Rawsha's cage was. Slowly she came up to the cage smelling more of th blood and then recognizing it was Rawsha's. "Rawsha..." she said to herself in shock. Mirius looked around the cage and saw pieces of Rawsha's clothing. Picking them up she'd smell them and examine then, they were Rawsha's robes. To know her daughter was tortured and blood was spilled made her made her distraught*

Fleetwolf: Fleety put a paw on her shoulder and gave a squeeze of silent comfort. Shi looked about the area, poking at everything.

Igneous: Igneous kept an eye out.

Artisia: -the room other than the cage where Rawsha had been kept was really untouched, there the smell of Lene's blood from the other room might be picked up on if Fleety poked around enough to find the hole in the wall where stone and clay bricks had been picked at, smears of dried blood, maybe part of Lene's badge still stuck just visible on the other side of the wall where she had been picking at the clay trying to chip at it-

Mirius Pojoris: She shed a few tears. Mirius didn't feel like she was a good enough mother for Rawsha for a moment, but then she quickly turned around. "We have to keep searching...She's gotta be around here somewhere..." Mirius rushed out of the room and went right to see a room next to it. She would move in it and start looking around.

Artisia: -the room on the other side of the wall had the cage where Lene had been kept, there are signs of struggles taken place in this room...dried blood pooled on the floor of that cage, peices of lene's uniform a water and food bowl...the badge or what was left of it ..there are other cages in this room that haven't been used-

Fleetwolf: Sniffing more shi found the hole in the wall and examined it. Shi paused touching the dry blood. Fleety closed hir eyes, tears slid down. She's safe now, Fleet. She's safe. Will turn her back to flesh. Shi tried to will hirself calm. Hir fingers brushed something metal stuck between the stones. Fleety pulled it out and saw in the dim light a very warn, beaten up DFLEA badge. Shi held it close and cried silently in by the hole.

Igneous: Igneous decided to look more and found Lene's cell. He looked at the place and sniffed a few times. He was unsettled a bit. Igneous bore no love for the Wolf family, but Lene had proven a brave soul during the war. He left the room and would find Mirius. "Keep Fleet out of the next room."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius saw the cage and kneeled down by it seeing all the blood and bits of uniform. She frowned and looked up and saw the hole in the wall behind the cage. She saw Fleet crying and felt sorry for him too. Hearing the words Igneous said she slowly nodded to him and moved out of the room and stood at the entrance of it

Fleetwolf: Shi didn't want to move. This was getting a bit too much for hir.

Mirius Pojoris: She peaked around the corner and saw Fleet stil lthere. Mirius moved back into room where Rawsha was kept and went to hug hir close. "C'mon, Fleety. We gotta find Ammy n' Rawsha."

Ammy Spiritor: She must have passed out again. Waking with dim recollection of who she was, where she was, and why she was in so much pain, Ammy moved her jaws and spoke hoarsely. "Help? Someone? Anyone? Help?"

Amaretto: Amaretto kept tailing the group in the shadows.

Fleetwolf: Fleety let Mirius guide hir out of the room. Shi tucked that destroyed badge into a pouch on hir hip. Who could have done this to hir daughter?

Igneous: He thought he heard something up ahead and moved up the hall motioning for the others to follow.

Artisia: -with Fleety in tow....the three of them would move on down the hall, the next door way lead into a long room filled with boxes and items, it was storage, crates, chests, barrels and things, the hall they had been in turns back to the left into a long hall that cuts off to the right or continues on straight, the feeling the hall made a square around the ritual room-

Mirius Pojoris: She would try to guide Fleety passed Myrlene's chamber so they could continue down the hallway and search elsewhere. "Im sorry this has happened to Lene, Fleet. I really am."

Fleetwolf: Shi was shaking with sorrow and heated anger.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius nuzzled Fleety's neck to help comfort hir and followed Igneous. She was beyond tired of being in this place, but she wasn't going to leave until they found Rawsha and Ammy and had them safely in their arms.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy tried to move and pain seared through her making her whimpers and howl softly in pain. Her voice couldn't do anything louder. As the pain dulled a little she licked blood stained lips. "Help? Someone, please help me? Please? Please?" she called again. Her eyes didn't want to focus as she drew closer to death. In the corner of the room the Angel of Death stood in the corner, tapping it's bony feet, the daemonic skull mask watching Ammy's life dwindle.

Igneous: Igneous pressed on letting the grievers have their grief.

Ammy Spiritor: "Someone help me?" she called again, pain flaring more.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius thought she heard something, but she wasn't sure. "Am I hearin' things?" She looked around.

Artisia: -the group would pass up the storage room and head down that hall, once they came to the hall that broke off to the right and looked down it they would see holding cells down this hall large, cells mostly dark in one of them..half of a skeleton is bound it the back wall, its missing its lower half from the ribcage down it cackles with an eerie undead laugh...Ammys calls might be heard from a room beyond a heavy wooden door with a small barred window in the top part-

Fleetwolf: Fleety twitched a little. Shi was feeling a lot of pain and thought shi heard Ammy.

Igneous: Ingeous walked up to the door and looked inside. "Merciful Canis." he swore. He tried to open the door.

Artisia: -the door had been left unlocked, the smell of blood on the air, inside a desk with papers scattered about, a cot and bowl for water and one for food was there and..Ammy pinned against the far wall in the corner-

Igneous: He opened the door.

Fleetwolf: Fleety drew near and saw Ammy. "Ammy!" shi ran, leaving Mirius behind and barrelled into the room. "Ammy!" shi cried cupped her face. "Ammy?"


Date: 2011-10-04 13:20 EST
Ammy Spiritor: "Fleety?" she tried to open her eyes. "You found me." she breathed in a painfull breath.

Mirius Pojoris: She followed Igneous and after the door was opened she went into the room and saw Ammy pinned there. "Ammy!" she shouted with Fleet and ran up to Ammy with fear and worry in her eyes." What the hell happened?!"

Ammy Spiritor: She wasn't responding much now.

Igneous: "Fleet, Mirius, hold her. I'll get those stone spikes out fast and clean." Igneous walked up to Ammy started to remove the spikes, using his earth bending to soften the spikes and remove them completely.

Mirius Pojoris: "Ammy?" Tears rolled down her cheeks seeing Ammy like this. Quickly she would go to hold Ammy's body so she wouldn't fall when Igneous would remove the spikes.

Amaretto: Oh, the found her toy and it was still alive. Amaretto pulled back and padded silently to the ritual room.

Fleetwolf: Fleety helped as well. When the last spike was removed, shi slid down with Ammy, laying her on the ground. Shi held Ammy's head crying. "No, not you as well. I'm not losing you again, damnit!" shi began uttering the healing spell again.

Ammy Spiritor: Her breathing was ragged. They may see her left shoulder and paw was mangled from the spikes. Both thighs had huge puncture wounds in them. She had ragged wounds that were stitched and now torn open, and that right paw of hers was solid stone.

Mirius Pojoris: She kneeled down and had an arm wrapped around Ammy to hold her close, but was making sure she wasn't pulling her away from Fleety. "We came for ye Ammy. We're here for ye. Please don't leave us."

Igneous: He just stood by the door shaking his head. This mission was becoming more and more unreal by the minute.

Fleetwolf: Fleety poured energy into Ammy trying to close the wounds. Trying to heal her, but the damage was so great that it was taking alot of energy out of hir. Shi was gasping soon, struggling for breath. The spell stopped. "I...gasp...can't....gasp... heal her...pant" shi trembled holding Ammy there, next to Mirius.

Ammy Spiritor: The healing healed enough of the severe wounds to keep her stable for now. Eyes still closed, she swallowed. "Fleety? Mirius?"

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius put a paw on Fleety's shoulder. "Can't ye take some energy from me er somethin' to help heal her?"

Igneous: Igneous moved over to them and knelt by them. "Here." he held out a minor healing potion. "It's not much, but it'll get her in shape enough to be teleported."

Fleetwolf: Shi took the healing potion and spoke to Ammy. "You need to drink this." shi uncorked the bottle and poured the healing potion down her throat. A glance to Mirius. "I... can't risk taking energy from someone not used to it. It would do more harm to you than good to her. We'll get her to Fen. He'll heal her." hir voice was riddle with brittle hope.

Ammy Spiritor: She swallowed the potion, coughing a bit of blood up. Ammy tried to lift her stone right paw for Mirius. "Mirius?"

Mirius Pojoris: She looked at Igneous. "Thank you," she said to him before looking at Ammy. Mirius sighed at Fleet then looked to Ammy again. She ran a paw through Ammy's hair. I'm here, Ammy. Ye'll be outta here real soon Ammy, okay?" She saw the stone paw and frowned more, lifting it up and holding it close to her.

Ammy Spiritor: She cried softly. "I..couldn't....protect them... I tried.."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius wiped Ammy's tears away. " Lene's at home now safe. Do ye know where Rawsha is, Ammy? She's the last we gotta look fer."

Fleetwolf: "Shh, shh. easy. We're going to teleport you home. Fen will be there to patch you up." shi gave ammy a kiss. "Ammy, think really hard. Where is Rawsha?"

Ammy Spiritor: "Artisia.... ritual... helping..." she mumbled. "Beware...Amaretto...alive."

Igneous: Hearing Ammy made him stiffen and touch his chest again. She's here? And alive?

Mirius Pojoris: Her eyes widened and looked at Fleet then Igneous. "We gotta get her!" Mirius was starting to panic.She looked to Ammy and would also give her a kiss. "Thanks Ammy. When ye get home get some rest. We'll be home after we get Rawsha."

Fleetwolf: "Okay Ammy. Easy now. Going to teleport you out now. Okay?" shi looked to Igneous and Mirius for a teleport disc. Hir disc was used on Lene.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius would give Fleety her teleport disc. "Here, take mine."

Fleetwolf: Shi took in and made Ammy hold it to her chest with her arms. Fleety activated the runes.

Ammy Spiritor: "Fleety, Mirius.... please come come alive..." she vanished and was on the floor of the beach house, clotheless, bleeding and in an instant a cursing Fen who was moving her quickly.

Fleetwolf: Fleety stood and leaned heavily against the wall, weak. Shi felt something watching them and looked to the corner and saw the Angel of Death. "You can't have her." shi growled at probably empty air.

Igneous: Igneous stood slowly and worked his shoulders trying to ease the pain in his chest. A glance to Fleety then to the corner that was empty. "You going to be okay Fleet? You look dillusional."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius stodo up and looked around. She didn't see anything either. "Who ye talkin to, Fleet?"

Fleetwolf: The Angel of Death stared at Fleety. *You win again, Platinum Fang. But how long can you keep playing the grand game of chess you call life?* The voice would be heard as it vanished back to it's throne atop the gates of Life and Death.

Fleetwolf: Shi pushed away from the wall staggering a little. "Just someone who's wanted Ammy for a long time." shi checked hir gear numbly.

Mirius Pojoris: "What was that voice?" She looked around and back at Igneous and Fleet. Her grip on the pistol became more firm. Enough things have already jumped out at them.

Fleetwolf: "It's gone now, unless we end up dying. Ready Mirius?"

Mirius Pojoris: "I don't plan on dyin'." She sighed and took a deep breath. "I'm as ready as I could be. But how we gonna get into that room?"

Igneous: Tapping on his breast plate a bit more, the pain remained, though dull now. "Let's.. go find out." He would move back to the ritual door.

Artisia: -back to the double wooden doors, the doors had rune circles glowing and pulsing, all over it, there is a glowing red light around the edges of the door-

Mirius Pojoris: She followed Igneous and thought about it. When they came to the door she eamined it. "I could try beatin' it down with the hammer? We use to do things like that when we ran outta other ideas."

Fleetwolf: "Give it a try." shi said breathlessly leaning against the wall.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius holstered her pistol and held the hammer in both of her paws. She would start swinging the hammer as hard as she could into the double wooden doors to bust them open and would hit them repeatedly.

Artisia : -the moment the door was tampered with Artisia's wards and silent call to her undead went out, the dead from the forest and elsewhere in the area were being called home, some faster than others some stronger and more intelligent were being called to their mistress' aid but this was unknown..the doors were heavy reinforced by metal and the magic, but as the magical hammer hit and metal rang against wood for a few pounding blows the door itself started to give, some of the runes would fade-

Igneous: Igneous would help Mirius by slamming a few fireballs into the wood doors as well when she was clear.

Mirius Pojoris: She kept hitting the door over and over, not wanting to give up. Rawsha had to be saved and she wasn't going to let anything get in her way of her daughter. "Damn door! Open!"

Artisia: -the doors creaked and groaned.. it took time but the door was going to give with effort...the hammer felt natural in mirus's paws after she had used it, each following hit from it seemed to break away the circles of runes and with Igneous' timed fireballs the last of the protections would visibly shatter, and the door would start to splinter-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius growled angrily. One hit after another the hammer would be swung more into the door. She was full of determination now and wasn't letting up.

Amaretto: She snuck in like a snake. Using her magic, she called to reality the darksteel sword Ammy had made for her that first day she was created. Amaretto creaped up on Fleety and lunged forward with that blade.

Fleetwolf: Fleety was readying a spell to help open the door when pain sprouted through hir belly. Shi gasped and clasped a paw around the protruding tip of the blade sticking out of the lower part of the breast plate.

Mirius Pojoris: She heard the gasp and glanced back at Fleet. Mirius almost turned her head back to the door but she saw the sword through Fleet's stomach. "Fleet!" She stopped hitting the door with the hammer and walked for him, only to see Amaretto was behind hir. "She growled and took her pistol into her left paw again, hammer in her right paw.

Igneous: Igneous turned and saw Fleety stabbed by Amaretto. Seeing the demon Lupe made his chest hurt more. Damnit. Willing the pain to go away he threw a bolt of lightning right at Fleet.

Fleetwolf: The bolt connected, hitting hir, but hir affinites were ice and lightning. Shi was unphased, though the bolt passed on through the sword to Amaretto.

Amaretto: She arce back, blown from them by the lightning. Landing hard, she scrambled away into the darkness and to Artisia's study. She phased through the doors and collapsed, healing already begun.


Date: 2011-10-04 13:34 EST
Artisia: -as the doors break open, the heroes get a glimpse of the inside of the ritual room, its black marble floors and dark walls are chalked over with runes, which glow and move, across the room from the door stands a large portal frame which was dark, near it stands an alter-

rawsha: -the tattered form of Rawsha is floating about seven or so feet from the floor in the center of the room her part in the ritual had been done, magic was surging through the runes and up around into her, black and purple tendrils of magic were visible on the air, her eyes glowing silver, they were barely open to slits, her body moving slowly spinning with the lapping of the magic that was enveloping her, blood dripped from one of her paws to the floor-

Mirius Pojoris: "Fleet!" She ran over to hir, holstering pistol, and holding Fleet. "Are ye okay?"

Fleetwolf: Shi curled up on the floor holding hir belly. "Go..get.. Rawsha." shi hissed in pain.

Artisia: -Artisia was standing to the right of the alter with offerings of blood from the three mages, dark candles glowing with red flame and a bowl of soil, dirt from the homelands of Lupinoss. Her paws raised with bloody palms up toward the girl, the hood of her ritual robe hiding her face.-

Belian Thundergem: -Belian was at the left side of the alter with his hands with blood on them as well, he was channeling power into the spell -

Igneous: Paw stuck to his breast plate, Igneous wasn't looking very well at all. He was breathing hard.

Artisia: -Artisia was in the middle of chanting lines in Abyssal language.. magic was looping around the outstretched hands up and around Rawsha's form, it was making a triangle as it weaved through the mages and over the offerings on the components on the alter, the mages didnt lose their concentration just yet -

Belian Thundergem: -Belian in those blue robes with his map cases and wands, his black far off clouded eyes seemed just a bit more focused as he gave of his energy to the spell-

rawsha: -the magic black and violet light, could be seen moving around and into Rawsha's form, her fingers started to grow a bit longer, her muzzle moved as her mouth opened, a pained scream can be heard from her, the magic was starting its changes to her form-

Artisia: -Artisia in her ritual robes, the hood pulled over her face, no reflection of light coming from beneath the hood. she wears a pendant around her neck which glowed gently-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius gave Fleety a kiss and a nuzzle. "Don't die on us." She moved towards the door and motioned for Iggy to follow her. "C'mon, Iggy." Pistol out again and hammer in other paw she moved into the room. She hesitated only for a moment whe nshe saw Rawsha there in the middle of the room floating and then the two that took her child. In no time she lifted up her pistol and fired several rounds at Artisia first.

Igneous: Igneous followed, each step harder to make. Nearing Mirrius he looked at the ritual. He was a novice in the death arts, but this was a ritual that the Fanghoul Necromancer had made known very well in the lands of Spiritor. Touching the wall, he did what he could with his weakening powers to shift the stone in the walls to mar the chalk runes that were glowing. Trying to break the connections.

Fleetwolf: Fleety layed there, stemming the bleeding, not daring to take out the sword. Softly shi was chanting a barrier spell to close off the hall their were in with a block of solid ice. Shi wasn't sure how strong it would be or how long it would last with hir energy and life nearly spent.

Artisia: -as she was shot at one or two of the rounds hit her and made her body jolt, this broke her concentration and made her words faulter, reflectionless gaze under that robes hood snapped toward Mirius and the male with her, the chain of magi was broken, as Igneous tampered with the runes on the wall Artisia would growl- "how dare you interupt my studies!" -her voice was sharp and cold, none of the sweetness it usually dripped with was there, bloodied paw reaching to pouches she flung powdered phosphorus, powered opal and powdered diamond at Mirus and IF the compents made contact pain would start to wrack Mirius form-

Igneous: "Get down!" he barked and stepped in front of Mirius.

Artisia: -the Spell Symbol of Pain...imposes wracking pain to spread through the victims body-

Belian Thundergem: -Belian saw the intruders and quickly as the magic from the ritual lost its connection he would start to cast another spell, as his magical sheilds were called around him-

rawsha: -as the ritual connection was broken Rawsha fell to the floor from the height she was floating at and was left in a red glowing heap-

Fleetwolf: After casting the spell, shi closed hir eyes and kept very still.

Igneous: Igneous crumpled to the floor, twitching and writhing.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius went to get down on the ground when Igneous jumped in front of her. When she saw Igneous down on the ground, there wasn't time for her to help him up. She slowly got onto her feet and growled again. "And how dare ye harm me daughter!" Mirius aimed for Belian next and fired a few nethicite rounds at him with her pistol.

Belian Thundergem: -the bullets would hit the sheilds he had up and go through them...the nethicite bullets hit the dwarf to his amazement and he winced, there was a loud croaking from one of his robe pockets as a small set of tentcles moved and writhed the head of a toad with six eyes poked out to see what was going on- "Blek back in yer pocket." -the dwarve spoke to the psudo-natuaral familiar and paid no mind to Mirius as he continued to cast his spell, from where it was uninterrupted-

Mirius Pojoris: With a growl she fired a few more shots at Belian as she ran towards him, charging him as she fired. If she were able to get close enough she was going to swing her hammer at him in attempt to hit him.

Artisia: -Artisia laughs, she had blood leaking from those bullet wounds it ached and burned but she felt she still had the upper paw... this was her home, she wasnt going to lay down after being shot...after a few moments the Symbol of Pain would start to fade slowly from Igneous...Artisia would look at Mirius and cast am Eldritch blast of black evil energy at came from her paw in multiple balls of darkness-

Igneous: He stopped twitching. Ignius just layed still for a bit. Chest really hurting now.

Belian Thundergem: -the drawf was working on the casting and he saw the lupe coming at him, he would swing his staff and a small portal would open beside him, from it spilled a tenticle, which would lash for Mirius but miss, Belian would take a partial swipe from the hammer be knocked back loosing the first spell-

Mirius Pojoris: The hammer was knocked out of her paw and one of the magical blasts from Artisia hit her in the side. She shouted in pain from it and fell on her side. Mirius went to fire at Belian again, but the clip was empty. She struggled to get the gun reloaded at the moment she was on the ground.

Artisia: -on the other side of the wall of ice Fleety had set in place, undead were clawing and scratching...trying to get through...there were skeletons, ghouls, ghasts, warriors with skin hanging..large hulking inthralled vampire or two..-

Fleetwolf: Opening hir eyes to slits, Fleety saw Artisia standing there attacking Mirius. She was the one who hurt Lene. With a shaky paw, shi pointed a clawed finger at Artisia and fired a lightning bolt at her hoping to stun her and give Mirius some time.

Igneous: Igneous moved slowly, pulling himself over to Fleet and removed the teleporter disc. He kept it waiting in his paw hoping Mirius can grab rawsha and run back to them.

Artisia: -the lightning bolt would hit Artisia and cause her to shreik, it had only been short moments ago that she had been casting the ritual, her spells had been going flawlessly to complete the thing she had been studying...for weeks, the lightning burnt her black robes and the smell of fur might hint in the air, she cried out and fummbled toward the alter nearby, she reached for the orb and crown that set nearby, her form arcing with lightning, she was grabbed for the items-

Fleetwolf: Shi noticed Igneous near hir. "We're getting.. too old for this."

Igneous: "Shut up, you fruity pup." his voice was harsh and rough.

Mirius Pojoris: She reloaded her pistol as quick as she could, on her last clip, too. Mirius saw Rawsha laying in the middle of the room. She had to rescue her daughter. Mirius crawled onto her feet and ran for the alter. "Rawsha!" She tried to get to Rawsha to take her daughter into her arms.

Belian Thundergem: -Belian saw the lightening arc off of Artis, he would move toward her his staff in hand he tapped the staff on the floor and magicly summoned a large un-natural spider into the center of the room, he put it between Mirius and he and Artisia, it would hiss and move a bit but at the moment the monstrous beast stood guard, its what seemed like hundreds of tiny eyes watching as Mirius went to Rawsha-

rawsha: -Rawsha was limp on the floor when Mirius got to her, shallow breaths were all that showed she clung to life still-

Fleetwolf: Watching Mirius run for Rawsha, Fleety glanced at Artisia. A spell came to mind. Would shi live after casting it? Who knew. "This one's for you Ammy." shi said and called to mind the one spell the two of them had shared through the mating bond. Magic flared in hir mind, soul, and body as shi took every known array of alchemy and every spell shi knew in hir 368 years of life and focused it into one spell.

Igneous: He felt the surge. "Move it Mirius! Grab her and run."

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius got to Rawsha and would go to wrap an arm around her daughter and hold her close to her body. Seeing the giant spider her eyes widened and she turned and started running with Rawsha. Her pistol was rather aimlessly firing behind her, hoping to hit the spider or Artisia or Belian. Only hopefully. She would go to run out the door of the ritual room and get out of the way of Fleety.

Igneous: Igneous grabbed for Mirius and Rawsha.

Mirius Pojoris: She got close to Igneous and would be grabbed by him.

Fleetwolf: "Yasmiir Blast!" that collection of energy shot into the ritual room with the impact of a magical nuclear blast.

Igneous: "We're out of here." Grabbing Fleet, he hit the teleport disc and it glowed starting the teleport spell on all four of them.

Belian Thundergem: -the dwarf had done what he had came to do, and had assisted Artisia as he has said he would, the dwarf's gaze went far off and he vanished, in his mind there was no sense fighting a battle that wasnt his-

Artisia: -Artisia took up the orb, the crown in her paws and gave a manic laugh, lightening had left her form, the crown glowed with its flame and she held it in her paws about to put it on and the Yasmir Blast filled the room, the items dissappeared as she willed them to with the last spell she would quickly cast before she looked back, the blast tore through the room and a scream rang through the lair, the sound making the walls shake the ground tremble-

Fleetwolf: They would flash out of the lair and into the beach house.

Artisia: -the lair soon became silent, the forest still except the lurking undead that remained there, the monastary became a zone of undeath, most wondering some exploding when their mistress' life force faded from the realm of life, others remained as they had been-


Date: 2011-10-04 13:59 EST
Mirius Pojoris: When they appeared in the beach house Mirius dropped her gun and held Rawsha in her arms. "Rawsha!" She held her close and started crying. Mirius noticed all the things that were done to her daughter's body and it made her heart drop. "Rawsha, mama's here. Yer safe now, sweety."

Fen Stridar: "Oh for the love of Lupis. Will you guys stop bleeding on the floor!" he said in mock exapseration. The humor faded as he drew near and assessed the group. "Damn it Fleet. At this rate you wont have a family left."

Fleetwolf: Shi wasn't moving.

Igneous: Igneous just focused on breathing.

Fen Stridar: "You two, here, now." he called over to two nurses on hand. Fen felt Igneous's pulse and listened to his heart. "Take him to room 2, put him on the EKG and heart monitors. Blood thinners at 10cc's per hour. I want him watched." The nurses moved and lifted Igneous and carried him away. "And get that armor off of him!"

Fen Stridar: Igneous taken care of for now, Fen turned to Fleety and felt for a pulse. "Crash Cart now!"

rawsha: -Rawsha didnt respond, but the red glow that had been around her form faded away, she is a complete mess, as the glow left her, the length of her paws returned to normal some of the changes the spells had been working slowly reversed-

Mirius Pojoris: She fell to her knees and continued holding Rawsha in her arms, crying over her daugher. "Rawsha," she nuzzled her daughter's ears and kissed her forehead. "Rawsha, can ye hear me?" Mirius was getting scared that her daughter was passing away.

Fen Stridar: Two more nurses appeared and wheeled out a cart filled with equipmnet. Fen started unbuckling the armor on Fleety. His paw touched the dark steel blade. "Damn." It was menacing to the touch. "Lorath nith dramar tisus." The sword vanished returning to its owner. Prying the breast plate off, he pulled out the Defib paddles. "320. Clear!" A high pitched whine was heard as he gave Fleety a jolt.

Fleetwolf: Hir body twitched. The heart rate sensor that a nurse placed on hir was flatlining.

Fen Stridar: "Adrenaline, 30cc's direct line." he rubbed the paddles. "Clear!" Fen shocked Fleety again.

rawsha: -her once soft fur was matted with blood, she was dirty, had multiple gashes and cuts new and bleeding, her left middle finger half gone, she had places where fur was growing back where it had been pulled or cut away, she had the two skin grafts with the carved runes on them, the fur short around them, sticthes were along her sides, her ankle fur was rubbed off where the rough iron band had been before, she gasped for air as the effects from the ritiual released her, she took more steady breaths-

Fleetwolf: Heart rate still flat lined.

Fen Stridar: He tossed the paddles aside. "Screw modern medicine." Placing paws on Fleety, Fen dug up his powers both light and dark. "Damnit you old fool, I'm dying before you do." He pumped arcane energy into hir.

Fleetwolf: Eeeeeeeeee...Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep. Hir heart started again.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius looked up and heard the flatlining. The horrible thought of losing her family was going through her mind and she cried more. Hearing Rawsha gasp for air she kissed her daugher on the forehead again and moved for the couch and laid her daughter down on it and lied down beside her, curling up with her.

Fen Stridar: The nurses gave a sigh of relief. "What are you standing around for? Damnit all. I need hir prepped for surgery. We use the kitchen. You two." he indicated the ones done with Igneous, "Check the little girl and her mother. Get whatever they need, and tend to any wounds that are not severe. Move, move, move." Nurse came and moved Fleety to the kitchen as Fen followed.

Fen Stridar: A female lupe came up to Mirius and Rawsha. "Mam. I need to check you and your daughter please." she knelt near the couch.

Mirius Pojoris: Instinctively Mirius growled at the nurse, not wanting anyone to come near her and her daughter. She felt like lashing out at the nurse, but she stopped herself and took a deep breath. "Don't worry 'bout me. It's me daughter who needs help."

Fen Stridar: She nodded. "Whats her name miss?" she asked and checking Rawsha over. She had a bag near her and started to clean the wounds.

rawsha: -Rawsha was very unresponsive but breathing, her eyes still closed she was just still laying how her mother had held her-

Mirius Pojoris: "Her name's Rawsha," she said softly and watched her daughter closely. Mirius made her paws gently and slowly run through Rawsha's hair and she was still crying. This was still unbelievable that this happened to her daughter and the others in her family.

Fen Stridar: The nurse started to set up an I.V. "Mam, do not panic, but I need to get fluids into her. She's very dehydrated and to help her I need to put a needle into a vein." the nurse was being cautios and very clear as Mirius was quite shellshocked in appearance.

Mirius Pojoris: She didn't want the nurse to do anything to her daughter. Mirius didn't want anyone even touching her, even if they were trying to help. She growled again and put an arm over Rawsha protectively. Deep in her mind she was scared someone else was going to harm her and she wasn't going to allow that.

rawsha: -dehydrated, starved, she had always had a tomboyish figure, she was thin now it was a bit scary, her fur did hide a little of it-

Fen Stridar: The nurse paused and left the I.V. were it stood. She left and walked into the kitchen really quick. A lot of commotion was going on in there. She sooned returned with Two large pitchers and two large glasses of a mirking looking liquid. She placed them on the table by Mirius. "She's dehydrated. Get her to drink as much of this as possible, you too as well. It will restore her electrolytes." she offered a glass to Mirius.

Ammy Spiritor: Something crashed in a bedroom.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius reached over and took the glass. Helping Rawsha herself made her a little more comfortable about tihngs. "Rawsha? Wake up, sweety." She very gently shook Rawsha.

Fen Stridar: The nurse stood quickly to investigate the crash.

Fen Stridar: "Ma'am! Get back in bed! You're severely wounded." the nurses voice was heard from the bedroom.

Ammy Spiritor: "Get...out... of"...rasp... "my way. My family... is in there." a raspy, tired sounding voice was heard as well.

rawsha: -after a moment or so, Rawsha started to wake, she felt the light shaking and those now dim sea blue eyes fluttered opened partly, she heard someone say her name, she wasnt really focused, in her mind she was still in the lair-

Fen Stridar: "At least let me help you." the nurse said with exhasperation. Soon she was out of the room with a Heavily bandaged Ammy leaning on her to be able to walk.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius heard the noise, but she was so focused on Rawsha at the moment. She sniffled and wiped away her tears seeing Rawsha's eyes open. "C'mon, sweety. Wake up. Gotta get ye to drink." She would slowly move Rawsha into an upright sitting position on the couch, but would hold her so she wouldn't fall over.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy stumbled and was taking every bit of concentration to move. She was doped to the heavens with drugs and still in pain. "Closer..." she rasped.

Fen Stridar: The nurse moved Ammy to the big couch Mirius and Rawsha were at and sat her as gently as possible on the couch propped up. She handed Ammy a glass as well. "If you're going to be rebellious you might as well drink something as well." she walked off and into the kitchen.

rawsha: -she sat up with the help and and leaned against Mirius, the voice she heard is female, she leaned into the form holding her-

Mirius Pojoris: She looked over at Ammy and sniffled with a smile. "We're all here, Ammy." She would hug Ammy if one paw didn't have a glass of the liquid in it and the other arm around Rawsha. Seeing Rawsha somewhat awake she brought the glass up to Rawsha's mouth slowly. "Drink this, sweetie. Ye'll feel better I promise."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy sipped the liquid and coughed hard. The coughing ending she looked over at Mirius and Rawsha. Her gold eyes fell on Rawsha and Ammy looked away. She let wet hair that was washed by a nursh hang down to hide her face.

rawsha: -it was something to drink, she would feel the glass on her lips and would drink from it as it was offered, she sputtered and coughed, but those cracked lips were licked as she drank more then leaned back agains the form holing her-

Ammy Spiritor: She sipped more liquid, bandaged paw having a hard time gripping the glass. Stone paw in her bare lap. She was clad in a hospital gown.

Mirius Pojoris: "Drink as much as ye can, okay?" She continued holding the drink up to Rawsha. "Ye need to get better." Mirius looked back at Ammy to make sure she was okay. "We came as fast as we could, Ammy. I'm sorry we couldn't get to ye all sooner..."

Fen Stridar: Fen finished up working on Fleety. "Wake hir up."

Ammy Spiritor: "Failed...cough...them"

Fleetwolf: Fleety felt something warm flow into hir body and after a little while shi opened hir eyes. They watered as the lighting was bright.

rawsha: -Rawsha would continue to drink from the glass as it was offered to her again, what ever it was soothed her dry throat and it was something in her stomach-

Fen Stridar: "Dim the lights some. Clean hir up, clean up the area and let hir wake up. Get me when shi can speak." Then he left the kitchen, cleaning blood off of his paws.

Mirius Pojoris: Miirus wasn't sure what Ammy meant, but she was thinking it was her own fault. "I'm... sorry if I've failed bein' a good mate..." She looked to Rawsha again and would ocontinue helping her drink. She leaned her head down to kiss Rawsha's head again and nuzzle her ears.

Fen Stridar: He snagged a nurse. He was gratefull for sending Iimii to the Den for more staff. After the episode with Vuusoolta. Two of them alone wasn't enough."Nurse, food. Lots of it. Sandwhiches, fruit, anything quick, filling and nutritious." the nurse nodded and scurried away. Fen walked into the living room and leaned against the door sill watching them on the couch. This was why he gave up his ways when he mated with Mokksha.

Ammy Spiritor: Another sip and her voice was a little better. "I... failed... Lene...failed...Rawsha...Failed you mirius." she lulled into a stupor for a moment.

rawsha: -she heard voices around her but at the moment didnt recognize anything or anyone around her, once the glass had nothing left in it, she just laid agains the form, feeling the nuzzle to her head-
rawsha: -she smelled like the lair, like the dead, like straw, there was so much on her fur and matted hair-

Mirius Pojoris: "Ye ain't failed anyone, Ammy. I've told ye befer we all got weaknesses." She nuzzled Rawsha's ears again. "Can ye drink anymore, Rawsha?"

Fen Stridar: The nurse had a platter of food soon. Fen stopped her and took the platter himself. He walked sat it on a large coffee table and sat in a chair in front of them. He leaned forward, elbows on knees and watched them a bit more. "Please eat something."

rawsha: -she sniffed the air, she smelt the meat from the sandwhiches, her stomach was churning, she was afraid Artisia was going to let the ghoul loose on her, or that Amaretto was going to throw something at her, she buried her face where she was leaning-

Mirius Pojoris: "Foods here, Rawsha. Ye need to eat." She would put the glass on the table and bring a finger under Rawsha's chin to make her look up at her mother. "Rawsha, look at me. Yer in a safe place now, sweetie. Mama's here to protect you."

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked up at Fen for a moment, dazed and doped up then fumbled with a sandwhich and at one. She stayed quiet.

rawsha: -she muttered some- "mamas...dead....Ammy...and...Iimii...dead.." -her eyes shot open wide, Amaretto had appeared to look like Ammy nights ago..the child looked up at Mirius and then attempted to crawl away,....she didnt get to far, the ritual had taken nearly all the energy she had...the soultri/dessii just slumped at the edge of the couch, nearly unconcous again-

Fen Stridar: "You all have been through a lot." he finally spoke. "I am will to offer myself as a councillor should you need one." he didn't move adn stayed there.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy moved to keep her from falling and bit back and cry of pain using her left paw. "No one is dead."

Mirius Pojoris: "No, mama's not dead. No one's dead. We're all here, Rawsha. They're lyin'. We're alive, just like yerself." She would quickly go to wrap her arms around Rawsha. "Yer not in that horrible place now. Yer home."

Ammy Spiritor: "Yes....home." she said leaning back fighting back tears.

Fen Stridar: Fen leaned back and rubbed his forehead.

rawsha: -the child might have thought it was some evil one had come for her...Lene' had been snatched away and killed by the ghoul.- "Mistress Artisia..killed them.." -at the moment as far as she knew they were all Amaretto- " killed mama." -she cried and curled up- "Lene...Lene" -she whimpered out-

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy didn't know what her twin had done. She retreated a little on the couch hearing Rawsha. "I...didn't kill anyone...did I?"

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was starting to become very worried. Her daughter wasn't jus hurt physically, but psychologically too. "No one killed anyone...except Fleety got Artisia....And Rawsha, if weren't yer mother how would I know that ye n' I met out there on that beach? he time ye hugged me n' called me pretty and later we took off to be a lil' family. Then Ammy helped us be together. Remember?" She was hoping to get through to Rawsha in some way.

Fen Stridar: He didn't like the sould of that. Lots of mental trauma. He did have a nurse come and whispered something into the male nurses ear. The nurse nodded and headed to the kitchen.

rawsha: " killed mama" -she looked toward Ammy, her eyes dull blue, she heard the form she leaned against- "no..more beach, no stars.....cold..death...must be good...i'll be good"

Fen Stridar: A blender was heard and soon, the nurse was back with something that looked like a milk shake. Handing the shake to Fen he mentioned something to the doctor. Fen nodded and stood. He gave the shake to Mirius. "Have her drink this. It has food blended in with it so she'll get some nutrition as well as a very light sedative to help settle her nerves. It's not much, but this is something only time will fix." then he left for the kitchen.

Ammy Spiritor: "I...didn't kill anyone..." she started to sob. "Lene's.... alive? please tell me she's alive?" she asked a bit frayed. That would be the one person she would say she did kill if Lene remained a statue. No, no, she didn't kill family. She didn't kill family.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius looked over and took the shake and held it close to Rawsha. "Ain't no one gonna hurt ye, Rawsha. Here, drink this. Please. Ain't no one gonna hurt ye no more I promise. We'll even look at the stars tonight." She was still shedding tears and they were rolling down her wet furred cheeks. Mirius looked at Ammy and frowned. "Lene was turned into... a stone statue..."

Ammy Spiritor: That made her sob now. "I let her baby...let her die..."

Mirius Pojoris: "I don't think she's dead, Ammy. Moonshine's alive...think she's just a livin' statue fer now. I'm hopin' there's a way we can reverse it..."

Ammy Spiritor: "oo..kay..." she looked misreable and huddled a little. "never...should have made her....sins forever to be punished for.."

rawsha: -Rawsha took a drink from the glass, this was thicker, she coughed some but she wasnt going to turn down food or water she was offered, she drank it, it was strange but good, her stomach stopped churning and started to settle-

Fen Stridar: Fen stepped back out and wheeled Fleety into the room in a wheelchair.

Fleetwolf: Fleety looked cleaned, a little damp still and wrapped up in a pair of loos flowing pants. Hir midsection was wrapped up. Blue eyes were a bit hazy, but shi seemed aware and cognezent. "So much sadness in here." shi said gently.

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius then remembered something. "I'll be right back real quick." She left the living room and went into Rawsha's room real quick to get something.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy saw Fleety and asked for hir to be moved closer. She would hold hir paw looking for some reasurance about things. "Fleet, are you okay?"

Fleetwolf: "Yeah. Just tired. Just tired."

rawsha: -she curled up once the glass was empty it was sort of setting next to her, she picked at one of the runes that was part of the skingraft that was on her arm...the thing had been tingling and sore but now it felt natural to her, it didnt burn anymore, the light sedative was taking effect, she was very quiet-

Mirius Pojoris: She came back with a small blanket over an arm and some books in her hand. Mirius returned to the couch and sat down beside Rawsha, she put the childrens' books on the table and took the blanket to wrap around Rawsha.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy just sighed in relief a little.

Fen Stridar: Fen left and came back soon with a large bucket of warm water, some washcloths, towels and some light soap. He set them near Mirius. "This should help get her clean and remove the scent traces of that place. I'll be back. I need to check on Vuu and Igneous." he left walking down a hall deeper into the house.

Mirius Pojoris: She nodded to Fen and looked at the others. "Vixie brought some happy lil' story books many days ago fer Rawsha. I was thinkin' maybe I could read 'em to ye all. Maybe make things a lil'...happier I guess."

Fleetwolf: Shi looked over at Mirius and Rawsha. "Hey guys." shi smiled slowly, a bit too slowly. Pain meds, gotta love them. "Is Rawsha okay?"

Mirius Pojoris: "She's really...hurt. They got to her mind, too. " Mirius hugged her daughter gently and nuzzled her again. She had very few options left of knowing how to help her daughter and she didn't know what she was going to do once she did run out of options. She reached over and took a book and set it in her lap.

Ammy Spiritor: "Okay." she looked at Rawsha with a pained look. "I just want to hold her. So many days of seeing her out of my reach now she's scared of me." she slumpled.

Fleetwolf: Fleety patted Ammy's stone paw. "It's over now. Things will just have to mend as they will." shi said with a slight down note in hir voice.

rawsha: -she curled close to the warm form of her mother and rubbed at a matted spot of fur, she had settled longer trembling-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius was planning on cleaning her daughter soon, but right now she was just trying to take things a little slow. She wasn't even sure if any of the things she was doing was right or even helping. She looked over at Ammy and slightly smiled. "Ye sure do know how to make some good weapons, Ammy."

Ammy Spiritor: "Why am i only good at violence." she sulked, but soon forced a smile. "Thank you."

Mirius Pojoris: "Don't say that, Ammy. Yer a great lover, too. I can really see what Fleet loves ye to death. There ain't no one close to bein' like ye." Mirius wrapped an arm around Rawsha and held her close.

Fleetwolf: "Mirius is pretty hot in bed too." shi grinned goofily.

Ammy Spiritor: She looked up a moment then to Mirius then to Fleety for a long second. "You slept with a Spiritor?" then a look to Mirius. "You slept with a Wolf?" she sat back a long moment, then started to laugh. She coughed when she laughed but laugh she did for a moment or two.

Mirius Pojoris: "Yeah, i thought I felt proddin' while I was sleepin,'" She smiled some at Fleet then looked at Ammy. "Only slept. Ain't like we did anythin'." She moved the book to the side out of her lap and then went to gently pull Rawsha into her lap.

Fleetwolf: Fleety just smiled gently.

Ammy Spiritor: Ammy looked a bit more at ease though she still felt off. The meds most likely and the new nightmares to come.

rawsha: -she blinks a little, she wasnt freezing cold anymore like she had been for weeks., she looked at her paws, the missing finger and the new scars and cuts on her hands, then she felt herself being moved onto her mothers lap-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius held Rawsha close then pulled the book over Rawsha's lap and hold it there. "I could read us all a book or two if y'all like."

Fleetwolf: Fleety would nod in agreement to that.

Ammy Spiritor: "Okay." Ammy said holding Fleety's paw.

rawsha: -she might have focused a bit on the books, the pictures and the voice reading the story, the light sedative had relaxed her for now, with the reading and the quiet and warmth she felt she slipped off to sleep soon, though she might not have known it she was home, safe and with those she loved and those who loved her-

Mirius Pojoris: Mirius smiled some and opened the book in Rawsha's lap. She wanted Rawsha to maybe read along as she spoke and see the pictures in the book, too. Mirius looked over Rawsha as she would start reading the book outloud to them all in a soft voice. And when she would finish that one she would move on to the next book until they would all fall asleep.