Topic: Ebb and flow

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2009-03-25 12:52 EST
Rhys stood from his desk when Gaerwyn entered the office at Yransea Warehouse. The bustle below was not as brisk as summer, but all hands were set to some work. It was to be a full day from what Gaerwyn could tell. With a broad smile and hand out to Rhys, "Good to see you."

"And you Master Caisson," the rough palms met and shook in brief. "Doubly glad that you returned with Master Fraiser. Your cousin was good enough to lend a hand when the demands started to rise up again, but, and meaning no offense, he makes the workers a little uneasy."

It was hard to take offense in that. "Yes, no doubt he does. Part of his particular charm."

The two men shared a chuckle, but for Rhys it turned into an uncomfortable sigh. Gaerwyn felt something coming, like the rising of a storm out at sea. "What is it, man? The delay won't be making it any easier."

But before Rhys could belly up the words, more footsteps, a pair of them, were striding along the short landing that reached the warehouse offices. "Beggin' yer pardon, masters, but this here Captain Heatherway came to see you." Gilly, a young worker, bobbed his head in the direction of the thin, sharp man at his heels.

"Thank you, Gilly. It's fine." Gaerwyn nodded to release the worker from his escorting duties and greeted Heatherway with a broad smile and a shake of hands. "Good to see you back, Captain. I gather you have come for your compensation? And well deserved, I should add."

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2009-03-25 13:05 EST
Rhys shuffled around his desk once more to the lock bock. His steps seemed more weighted than Gaerwyn recalled, but sparing just a moment's questioning glance, he turned back to Heatherway.

"In a way, sir, yes I have." Heatherway's smile did not reveal as much as those hawkish eyes did. He was exuding a particular buoyancy of manner, bright spirited one might say.

"In a way? Was there trouble? If you have had your ship damaged, I can assure you we will compensate for that as well."

Heatherway looked momentarily puzzled and then laughed. "Oh, no, sir. No, quite the contrary. She's ship shape, my girl. Quite enjoyed herself on that turn about the sea, I should say, as did the crew knowing they had wages on the earning without the question, if you get my line of thinking, sir."

Gaerwyn did indeed get the line of thinking, and it amused him to no end so that a chuckle rumbled out. His now clean shaven chin got a rub as he nodded. "I follow quite well. We have had a bit of trouble lately, Captain Heatherway, and that is no mistaking that set our books and income a bit on the edge. With the winter season, as you expect, lessening our income even further."

Rhys had paled at the very notion of taking on another ship. The compensation just once for the recent venture was going to drop them down quite enough. "Just so, just so. Though," Rhys flipped through a few pages of the ledger now kept so precisely by Miss Eva, "in a few months time we may have need, Master Caisson."

Heatherway looked quite crestfallen, and Gaerwyn felt a twinge of guilt at that. But like one who takes bad news like the turn of the tide, Heatherway was bright again. "I understand, good Masters. It does not hurt to ask. So then, I think my compensation will do just fine."

"I am sorry about it, Heatherway. Even with the new trade agreement which I believe Master Fraiser was able to acquire, we will be near that edge for a bit." Gaerwyn reiterated while Rhys worked out the figures and wrote the slip of credit that Captain Heatherway could take to outfit his ship and pay his crew.

Heatherway accepted the paper, reviewed it with a shrewd eye, and then folded it to place in an inside pocket of his long coat. "Not trouble at all, sir, I assure you. We have managed in free trade for awhile now. We will manage still, wot?"

"Right you are," Gaerwyn nodded. "And as we said, come the summer..."

He shook the Captain's hand once more. "Very grateful for your aid, sir." The two men parted and Gaerwyn looked back to Rhys.

Rhys gave a half smile, eyes wrinkling up. "I think it is time I made my goodbyes, here, Master Caisson. I'm wanting to be home."

Gaerwyn nodded and gave his friend a smile, coming to shake his hand. "Aye, I understand, old friend. It is time to be home."

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2009-05-23 17:29 EST
"Sir," Ned Bailey, a stout hearted young fellow who had served as first mate on the Inspire approached Gaerwyn as he walked the docks surveying that very ship before she sailed her next voyage on the morrow. Gaerwyn avoided being in Rhydin as much as possible, but while he was here to set straight the matter of assistant to Master Fraiser, he took interest in his ships as they came into port.

A week and a half in this city was almost driving him mad. Fortunately, he, Lenika, and the children had taken up accommodations at Yearling Brook once again and that, along with his family's presence, gave him a steadying measure. "Good day to you, Ned." He shook the young man's hand, strong and tanned much as he remembered his younger days long months upon the sea.

"Thank you, sir, and to you." The man began to fiddle with his cap in hand, turning it about and about. "If you have a moment, sir, I would like to speak to you on a matter."

The sandy blonde head was dipped slightly, and the young seaman, though a quick witted man who had moved quickly up the ranks, lifted his brown eyed gaze up through lashes that probably made women everywhere envious. Gaerwyn saw the man was nervous, though determined, and did his best to give what encouragement he could. He used to have a better connection with the men, but his position with the Merchants' Guild had caused a wider breach than when he had just been their employer and captain. "Of course, Ned. You and I have known each other some time. What might I do for you?"

"Sir, I understand you've still the position open in the warehouse."

"That's true, though I hope to have that settled in the next day or two?"

"Oh, so you've had prospects, have you?" His head lifted slightly, but if he was surprised or disappointed, this wily fellow who had been a farm lad of Yransea, hid it.

"Well," Gaerwyn chuckled and rubbed at his cheek, "no, I cannot say as I have. I was thinking I would draw upon the good will of the Baroness if nothing came out of the next few days. She is bound to have someone in her service that would do until I could find a suitable person."

Ned grinned and nodded. "Look no further, sir, as I believe I am your man."

Gaerwyn blinked. "You, Ned? You want to live in this city?" Absolutely no thought to hide his surprise or curb his dismay came into thought. "Roaring seas, man, why?"

A flush entered the man's cheeks, but he cleared his throat, straightened his back and gave his reasons with frank sobriety, and Gaerwyn had to admit he had never seen the lad go overboard on drink. "I know the trade, sir, and I know the men. Above that, I know what Yransea can accept and what she cannot. You need an Yransea man, sir, and I can do the job."

"And?" Gaerwyn prompted crossing his arms. He had seen the flush to the man's cheeks, and those answers were not explaining that.

Pressed for further explanation, Ned sighed out, "And I've met a lass, sir. She's a nanny for one of the families. I need to be here to court her proper, save up my money, so we can wed."

"What is it with the women of Rhydin? That makes my cousin, myself, and you. They are worse than sirens of the sea." Gaerwyn chuckled and clapped the man on the shoulder. "Right then, are you sure now? You'll be locked to land mostly and in an office half your time when not running errands or lending a hand in the warehouse."

Gaerwyn could see it. He had seen that look in many a sailor, himself included, who for the love of a wonderful woman were able to give up the love of the lady ocean. "Aye, sir."

"Well then, let's set off to see what Master Fraiser has to say on the matter. I may be his employer, but I do try not to make his and Miss Luna's life miserable...not too miserable at least."

"Right sir," Ned smiled that perfect smile, and joined Gaerwyn on the walk to the warehouse.

Passing on the docks, Gaerwyn spotted the young Captain Heatherway doing some arguing over business matters from the sound of it. "A moment, Ned," he smiled and then turned for the two arguing, not haggling, over payment.

"Captain Heatherway, a pleasure to see you." Gaerwyn greeted with a hand out to shake, which Heatherway took readily fighting what looked like a scowl meant for his companion in debate.

His companion was a prim looking man, well dressed, and neatly taken care of with not unhandsome features though lined with a touch of age. "Good day, sir, I hope you will pardon the intrusion, as I had not seen Heatherway in some months. Will you join me for a pint this evening, Heatherway? Summer months are coming." Gaerwyn hinted at a conversation long gone by.

"Why, yes, sir. With pleasure." Heatherway nodded and with a brightened demeanor and hopeful prospects, he turned back to the man previously in argument with a much changed disposition.

Gaerwyn gave his nods and returned to Ned. "Come on then, I may have this be a very successful trip after all."