Topic: Honing the blade


Date: 2007-07-28 14:08 EST
If anyone had been near the gateway on the small rarely used road, it might have looked like a small invasion of immigrants. Three wagons packed high clattered over a few stones as the horses expressed their discomfort with the mode of travel by neighing and stomping unruly paths quickly from the portal. The drivers and riders all regained control of the animals just as the rest of their caravan came through. Sylvia came through the gateway with Beata snuggled close to her in a wrap. Cian rode before Ewan on the horse next to cross, while his younger brother was happily situated in the saddle in front of Miriam.

?I anticipate Gaerwyn?s arrival day after next,? Ewan spoke as they steadied the canter of their mounts into a leisurely pace.

Sylvia nodded as she turned the horse about in a circle to make sure the entirety of their troupe had arrived safely. With that assurance, she rode past the wagons to the front and lead on to Yearling Brook. A messenger had been sent the night previous to warn of the arrival of such a large group, so when they turned to meet the gates of the manor grounds they swung open quickly.

?Baroness, we have made everything ready for you, and sent word on to Mistress Buie as required,? the quartermaster bowed as he took the reins of her horse and guided to the manor building.

Sylvia took great care in dismounting instead of letting someone hold Beata while she did so. She turned to Miriam, ?I think I will rest some before it begins.? There was no need to clarify what was referred. None were mistaken with their intentions here. Only here, away from the court of Palendies could Sylvia plot her revenge and plan the use of whatever means necessary to do so.

The door of the manor opened by a maid, and Sylvia gave a kind smile, but whispered her wishes to be left in peace for some time. There was no need to oversee the arrangements of the manor and the settling of arrival. Ewan was here. He would see to it. She gripped the rail of the stairway as she climbed. Yes, Ewan, the true Ewan was here, and weak as he was, he would see everything done as it should. She could trust him. She had to trust him.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-07-29 20:01 EST
Ewan had seen to the arrangements of everything and everyone that came with them from Yransea. Yearling Brook manor was alive with again, and all but the rooms of the guest house filled. He saw to each detail and kept his presence visible on the grounds. As evening called up its starry garment, Ewan felt the weariness he had ignored finally rise harsh and unforgiving upon his shoulders and legs. He sat on the stoop of the barracks, his cane at his side, and eased back against the wooden walls.

Willen came out and joined him on the step, ?It is good to be back, Master Corinsson.? She offered in lame opening.

He looked to her. She had been the first to out of her own choice come and speak with him. ?Missed it, did you??

?Aye, sir. I won?t deny it. Didn?t you?? She slid a bit closer to him.

Now Ewan understood why, and sighed to push himself up to his feet again. ?In some ways, I suppose I did. I think I will travel into town. If anyone needs me, they can find me there.?

The disappointed look was not to be missed on the young woman?s face, but she stood and nodded, ?Yes, sir. I will let them know, though, I feel I should have you stay. You must be very tired.?

He was tempted to quote one of his own training masters, that one pressed tiredness into a goal needing to be obtained. Instead, he nodded, ?I will not linger over long, but I have a few matters to attend.? Ewan turned for the lane and down to the road on the way to the city. His weariness molded into a need to see some people and start a few new trades in motion. Perhaps he might see a glimpse of her. If she was happy, it would please him to see it. But what if she was not? That he would not contemplate yet. He had to be sure he had done the right thing. She had worlds and realms to deal with, and he had his.

Ewan passed beneath a tree where a bird sang its night song, and he had to smile. A bird may love a fish?but where would they build a home? Had he made it happen? Had he sought it? The matter was at an end now, for he would never want to hurt her, and more so, he would never want to play a game of come and go either. For right or wrong, the decision had been made, and now he was bound to it.

Now there were darker times to meet head on and dark parts of him to free inside himself. Ewan would tame and direct the rage that once consumed him in his youth. He would direct it to the enemy of his liege and his land. A great symphony he would create with blade and blood. The heart would be secondary once more. For now he would take up the role of his Mistress Death?s right hand man.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-07-31 12:59 EST
?Get going, redbird!? Gaerwyn called from his place on deck, the grin easy to see even from the top of the mizzenmast.

?Do not call me that.? Ewan yelled at his cousin, anger fueling his strength as he scrambled up the rigging for the twenty-first time.

Gaerwyn knew all too well how Ewan felt about that nickname and its effect, so he used it sparingly and only when he felt his cousin was losing his ability to climb. He watched the lean body of his ever more nimble kin slowly make progress to the mizzen royal and stretch fingers out to pat at the top of the cloth. ?You cheat, man, get your body up there! I want a full head above that sail!?

Ewan gritted his teeth and tugged himself the required distance further and then gripped the sail and shook it with a fierce defiance. ?There!? And without waiting for approval, he started his way back down.

Gaerwyn chuckled and then looked up with narrowed eyes. ?Hands only, lad!?

?Swords and arrows, Gaerwyn!? Ewan cursed down in a pause on the ropes, ?Are you trying to kill me??

Adopting his angry captain tone, Gaerwyn bellowed, ?Save your breath and do it!?

Ewan inhaled deeply, touched on the core of frustration steeling at the center of him, and pushed it out through his arms as he loosened his feet from the ropes and let them dangle beneath him. Hand over hand he went in agonizing succession until his legs touched the ground and he swung around to land a blow to Gaerwyn?s surprised jaw. ?Do not ever call me redbird again.?

He dropped to the deck and lay back, twitches of his muscles felt beneath his skin. Gaerwyn rubbed at his jaw as he stood over him and then laughed, ?You have enough strength to land a punch, I should send you up again.?

Ewan groaned, lay his arm across his eyes and then could not help but laugh as well. It was a good laugh, one he felt through him as he had not laughed in months. The ache of his stomach was overturned since last night?s confrontation, confession, and confusion with Storm.

Gaerwyn had said a bit of training would put him to rights, and so it was true. He had to re-hone his body, his mind, and his heart.