Topic: Preparations for a ceremony

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-10-01 22:30 EST
The brief timeline meant Ewan and Storm had to make quick decisions and move twice as fast. That Maeve had given in to Lenika's encouragement to attend the ceremony at Yearling Brook, which required leaving all she knew as true to visit Rhydin, was a major coup. The Baroness was supportive and gave permission to use Yearling Brook manor as the setting for the ceremony, after some necessary chastising of her Master of Arms for such little warning. She also assured Ewan she would be there.

In his return from Yransea, much had been accomplished, but more yet to do. The first day was split even more between his duties to the Tunnelers, the requirements of Yearling Brook, and the errands of preparing for a joining ceremony. At one brief respite from hurried steps, he caught a look at the footprints made crossing a small stream of water in the Tunnels. He examined the soles of his boots and was dismayed to see them so worn. One day, of course, had not done them that much damage, but new boots would be required and soon. Something else to be added to the list. Ewan looked to the dank drippings of the Tunnel ceiling and gave a weary chuckle. Time ticked friendly like with each drip, encouraging him to move on.

He still had to find someone to craft the amulets, and he had thought of Mistress Phen Ilnaren, a close friend of the Baroness. A fortuitous moment at the inn, however, directed him to Sianna's fiance Johnny, also a craftsman. With such opportunity, he made promise to visit the shop and commission the work to be done of the man.

It was with a modicum of bounce to his step that he returned to Storm's home late that night after seeing Juleta at the Marketplace. The commission for Storm's portrait as a gift for her father was a secret one, but he had every confidence in Juleta's talents and ability to perform the request for secrecy in the project.

So, with a satisfied smile and a feeling of accomplishment, Ewan entered Storm's home, called out softly to announce his arrival, and moved to join his beloved in peaceful rest. The next day would have its own bright and dark dealings to tend.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-10-02 23:22 EST
?Do you know what you are going to wear yet?? He asked casually, leaning towards her across the table.

?No, not yet.? She grimaced slightly, ?I was planning of giving Anne a visit before I left. Perhaps we will come up with something.?

?Well, I have something for you, before you go.? When she only raised her brows, he grinned and stood up, picking up a long, but simple wooden box and offering it to her, saying nothing.

She continued to have a curious look on her face as she took the box and he sat back down. She lifted the lid, and one glimpse was enough to have her gasp and quickly close the lid, grey iris nearly hidden at the wideness of her pupils, ?I cannot wear this.?

?Nonsense. I certainly cannot.? He looked amused as he leaned over and opened the lid fully himself, ?What else am I to do with it??

She was looking down at the contents of her lap, a hand reaching out to trace the delicate embroidery, ?How did this not burn with the rest of the Temple??

He only raised a brow, ?You think I would not have someone charm it? It is one of the few things I have left. Now it is for you.? He added softly.

?But, these symbols are not my own. Nor-?

He leaned over, shifted the material, and her words stopped as she studied it. He chuckled softly, ?Take this to Anne, see what you come up with.?

She slanted him a look, ?Known all along, have you??

His smile was almost cheeky, ?Absolutely.?

Johnny Smith

Date: 2007-10-04 19:59 EST
Ewan?s visit to the shop had gone well, and Johnny had immediately taken the vaguely sketched out designs and description of what Ewan wanted from the shop over to his studio. Several hours of consultation with Juliane ensued, her quick fingers drawing and redrawing the intricate engravings that he would work around the edges of the amulets. Ewan had provided the runes ? bird and fish. Eventually they were satisfied with the design, and Johnny began carving it in wax.

It took hours to complete the finely detailed work. The silver film which activated his modifications and enhanced his vision had triggered a headache by the time he was ready to cast the mold in ceramic. He set the wax carvings into the block frames and poured in the liquid clay around them, leaving a small hole at the top. Once the green-ware was set, he took the blocks down the street to the potter who had agreed to let him fire the ceramic.

Fortunately, he had molds already for link chain, and it didn?t take nearly as long to cast the necklaces themselves - platinum, difficult to work with, but not impossible. The modifications on his fingers allowed him to smooth and polish the chains in short order, before he broke for the night. One more day of work and he would have the amulets done, ready to deliver the evening before the ceremony.

((OOC Note: Meant to post this 3 October - sorry!))

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-10-05 10:05 EST
?No, Aunt Maeve, we?re traveling through the gateway, and we will sail back.? Gaerwyn explained smoothly once more as they all sat around the table for breaking fast. ?We will leave that morning, with the Baroness and her family, and arrive within an hour.?

Maeve bustled about the table, setting out the last of the dishes with eggs and bacon. ?I said I would go, Gaerwyn, but I did not say I would travel through that gate. At my age??

Lina quietly buttered and lathered jam on a biscuit and set it out for Maeve as a peace offering. Little Gaer was too involved in getting his food with the gentle assistance of Lenika to pay mind with adults arguing.

?If we do not go through the gateway, then we will be late. Do you plan on missing your son?s wedding?? A threatening rumble started to sound in his voice, but he was not using his captain?s tone yet.

That did not matter, Lenika knew that sound, and she gave him a warning sidelong glance. He gave a nod in return as he let out a long, slow breath while Maeve started up in earnest, ?There have been many landmarks in Ewan?s life that I have not attended, and I cannot be blamed for being old, Gaerwyn.?

?Aunt Maeve, no one is blaming you for anything, but we also do not want you to miss out on something very important, that I honestly did not think was ever going to happen.? He bit his tongue on adding and neither did you.

Lenika reached to rest a hand on Aunt Maeve?s arm, and there seemed to be a silent question raised. Gaerwyn, eternally puzzled by the way women could look at each other and have entire conversations, started in on his food, though the relish of the meal was slightly soured by the struggle with his aunt.

Maeve patted Lenika?s hand and the young woman turned to her own plate of fruits and breads as Maeve sighed, ?I am sorry, Gaerwyn. I don?t mean to be so irritable. I just don?t seem to be sleeping well these days.?

Lina looked up instantly worried. Lenika gave a reassuring smile to the girl and said, ?Maybe Aunt Maeve needs a Fairy King, too.?

?They have fairies in Rhydin, Papa says,? Gaer piped up smiling his jam sticky face at his Great Aunt. ?We?ll getcha one there.?

Maeve chuckled and cleaned Gaer?s face, ?Hmm, well, I wouldn?t want to miss out on seeing fairies. I suppose I?ll brave that gateway.?

There was a general ease of tension around the table, and Gaerwyn turned his thoughts towards other matters that would face him that day.

((Was supposed to be posted Oct 4))


Date: 2007-10-05 11:14 EST
The final edge of ribbon was clipped, the cluster of colorful strands dangling from the lute in festive decoration. Sianna set them to waving with a gliss of her fingers, smiling to herself. Nervous butterflies flittered about within her. It had been quite a while since she had played for a wedding and as she offered up a quick blessing for the couple she pleaded with the muses to not be fickle tonight.

A soft woolen cloth wiped down any errant fingertips before the instrument was reverently nestled into its case. It seemed as if everything had been settled. Ewan had been very clear in his requests ? loving, happy, joyous. A chuckle had escaped her at his directions. Had he thought she would dredge up melancholy offerings about unrequited affection? ?Ah well,? she thought, ?the lad is in love, aye? ?Tis like him tae want tae have everything perfect. I can no' fault him for being focussed on th' details.?

The song listed had been crafted, lyrics and notes carefully written out in a clear hand to help assign the proper order to memory. A true performer only used such in a dire emergency. The most important provision had been a set of fresh strings from the music shop. It was an old tradition she had been taught as a young girl, when she had just begun to hone her skills.

?Ye always change them, m?gel, when about tae play for a wedding,? Gran dutifully elaborated, ?sae that only the bonniest mem?ries can be called forth. Yer instrument may ken that all life ?tis no? as merry, but with fresh strings there?ll be none but happy tunes that soar from its heart.?

Sianna had been careful to mind all the old ways, only testing the soundness of the tuning and coaxing a few measures here and there. It was good luck for the first song to be performed amidst the assembled. Snapping out of her reverie, the clasp clicked securely at her urging. Satisfied with what she had accomplished, she turned towards the closet for the next task at hand? deciding on something to wear.


Date: 2007-10-05 12:58 EST
As a precautionary measure, or more likely as a means to keep things moving along in as much order as such a quick event can have, Sylvia bade Mistress Nyla to give up her keys to the Seansloe Manor household for the weekend and assist in the preparations of Yearling Brook. The lady was a flurry of efficiency even if she used it partly to conceal her unease at leaving Yransea. She put that efficient fervor to action in helping organize the traveling party. The need for two wagons instead of one was an absolute necessity, she had proclaimed and the stable hands snapped to her command and rearranged the luggage and items of the rather large party.

Sylvia turned her horse about the courtyard as the group started to achieve a semblance of order. With a calm push of her legs, the horse obeyed her commands and moved along side the first wagon where Ewan?s mother, Maeve, sat. ?It is good to see you, again, Maeve. I hope you are well.?

The lady did not look particularly well, somewhat pale upon cheeks and brow, but she smiled, ?Yes, my lady, though I won?t pretend the gateway does not unnerve me.?

?I will not lie to you, the first trip is not pleasant, but it does not last long. It will be a wave of nausea and you may feel like you?re falling, but then it will be over.? Sylvia smiled and turned the fidgeting horse into a tight circle until he stopped. ?We have all survived it, even my little Beata. I know you will, too.?

A tepid smile and nod, Maeve returned to straightening her shawl over again. Sylvia knew nothing more she could say would help and moved her horse along the forming column. It was time they were on their way, for they would have but hours to prepare the manor grounds in its minor amount of decorations and majority amount in food and drink for the small ceremony and reception. ?Let us move along,? she spoke to her guard, Darren, and the column moved out of the courtyard and turned to the road that would lead upwards to the gateway and on to Rhydin.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-10-05 18:50 EST
Ewan stood at the study window out to the open area in front of the main manor building. ?It is a good thing Mistress Nyla was here,? he mentioned off hand to Gaerwyn who was struggling to get his son, Gaer?s, tunic neck lacings tied properly. ?Yes, it was. The tables are arranged so perfectly, I do not think there could be any mistake as to where people should gather to observe the vows you and th--Storm make.?

A sharp turn of his head and frown at his cousin, ?Still having trouble spitting out her name? This will make for an interesting evening. Be glad she has such forbearance as to not cast the wind from your sails, Gaerwyn.? He turned from the window and came to assist Gaerwyn by placing his hand on top of Gaer?s head. The boy stilled as if frozen.

?Thank you,? Gaerwyn muttered and finally finished off the tying of the strings. ?Now, off with you. Find your sister and Lenika. Stay near them,? as the boy launched himself out the door Gaerwyn kept calling instructions, ?and no climbing trees or?anything!?

?You do that just so later you can say you warned him,? Ewan gave a wry smile and wondered if he would be caught doing the same some time.

Gaerwyn smiled, ?Oh, I think he probably hears more than he likes to let on.? Gaerwyn stopped and studied his cousin. ?I can?t say I understand it, Ewan, you living here, marrying her that only brings trouble to your door --?

?Not now, Gaerwyn,? Ewan sighed and saw that the ribboned poles and the lanterns they held were placed out in a wide half circle and paired to the tables of food and drink.

?But,? Gaerwyn pressed on and moved to reclaim Ewan?s attention, ?I do wish you happiness and the best for you both. So, in order to help with that, here is some advice. We have the time as it seems the Baroness and Mistress Nyla are still making sure the table flowers and decorations are appropriately placed and not more representative of Yransea than of Storm?s culture.? He glanced to the window and Ewan did the same. ?Well then, do not bring work into the home. If asked, give a brief report of the day and then let it go and immediately ask how her day went.?

Ewan crossed his arms and looked more than mildly amused at this lecture, but did not stop Gaerwn who went on, ?If she presses you for more information, then give it, but never walk in the door ranting and raving about anything that went on in your work. That will only get you a glare and a bowl thrown at your head followed by twenty minutes of ?You don?t know what I go through? and a night on the couch. Of course the next day, you will find out she took out her frustrations with the garden which is infested with bugs on you, but still always learn about her day first. Saves a night full of grief.?

Another look to the window, and Ewan saw the staff and residents of Yearling Brook manor start to mill around. He had no doubt that Sianna would be arriving soon. Something he had learned from Kiema is that musicians always knew precisely when to arrive. She never would explain how they knew, but she always said it with a twinkle in green eyes. ?Anything else?? he asked turning back to Gaerwyn.

?Yes, always just do what she says, particularly for the first year or two. She says go out and fix the fence, just do it. Don?t argue, don?t debate, just go and do it. Eventually women learn to let go of so much control and trust your opinion on household matters, but they won?t for the first year at the very least. Besides,? Gaerwyn had a rueful look to his smile, ?they are usually right, and it just again-?

Ewan completed the sentence for him, ?-avoids a night full of grief. I understand.?

?Well, then that should about settle it. You?ll be gone so much, and so will she, that it?s a wonder you?ll be thought of as joined at all.?

It stung. Ewan felt it deep inside, but did not remark upon the matter. They would be gone from each other a great deal. He might not be there for her when she needs him, and vice versa. Ewan let out a slow breath.


Date: 2007-10-05 21:28 EST
Uncanny timing was a musician's stock in trade. Without it, they were doomed to sing the most fitting lyric a moment too late, losing both audience and effect. She was blessed with an abundance of traits, the woman hailed as the singer's singer if labels counted for anything. Just the same, the greatest was that her profession was not so much a donned occupation as it was the natural extension of everything she was and would be. It was as if she was simply the music's conductive element, existing as both source and destination when caught up in "the flow of it all" as she was prone to call it. Yet for it all, Sianna was amazingly humble and each song was sung with more a sense of giving than of receiving adulations or coin. She had met many in her travels that refused to open their mouths for anything other than heaping portions of both.

Ewan's efficient map left no room for doubt and she chuckled to herself as she made her way across the fine wide lawn leading up to Yearling Brook. "I think I could ha' found th' place in my sleep with such a string of directions tae guide me." The stable lad had been kind to come out and claim Ruadh's bridle so that she could dismount with ease, grateful for the extension of a long arm towards the main house to indicate where she should look first for the groom-to-be. She settled the lute's strap into the dip in her shoulder, her right hand toting a small satchel that held her portfolio, a collapsing book stand, and some travel clothes for the return.

With a last minute inspection to her appearance, she wrapped the skirt's bulk in her left hand, tugging upwards to keep the hem from trailing in the ground. After digging around amidst closet and trunk earlier in the day, she had selected a very elegant gown in bishop's blue. The empire waist and short sleeves were trimmed in a matching ribbon, the same ribbon and a bit of lace adorning the wide square neckline. It was perfectly tailored to her frame and attractively appropriate. Her hair was simply set in a low knotwork and secured with a tortoiseshell comb.

Another laugh this time caught the attention of some of the milling servants, their expressions instantly quizzical and then dismissive as they spied the instrument. Smiling softly, her cheeks flushed, she continued to make her way, the memory of Johnny's reaction to her descent down the steps replayed in her mind's eye. He had been definitely agog. In fact, agog was an understatement. She knew he was not happy at not traveling with her, but he had worked tirelessly to finish the amulets to his immaculate level of perfection. Besides, he deserved the chance to rest instead of having to linger about by himself for hours before the ceremony.

Coming upon the cluster of tables and lantern-capped poles, she came to a halt, turning this way and that in an effort to spy someone who could direct her further. She was eager to get settled so that she could make the last minute provisions of a massaging her hands, a drink of water, and a final trip to the necessary. Hearing the whoosh of very capable and authoratative skirts behind her, she turned and moved towards a door, certain that clarification would soon be found within.


Date: 2007-10-05 23:00 EST
Mistress Nyla had been brought to make sure things ran smoothly, and you could be sure she was doing just that. As she turned, the first thing that caught her eye was the beribboned lute and the lovely lady carrying it. "Oh wonderful, Master Corinsson said he had spoken to a bard," she approached as she corrected, "oh, my apologies, he did say you spoke of yourself as a bardess. I'm afraid we do not make such distinctions where I come from, but I will do my best to remember. Sianna, is it not?"

She motioned for one of the pages to come over, "Bring a glass of water and one of a wine for Mistress Sianna." The page nodded and quick walked his way to a table to tend his duty. "I suppose you will tend to the water first, but some nights can do wicked things to musicians' voices without a bit of wine to clear it. I shall leave that up to you."

Nyla smiled warmly, "I think the ceremony will begin in good time, perhaps another fifteen minutes or so. I hope that will be ample time to warm up. I think this group will settle into listening when you begin, which would be a fine thing just before the ceremony, or else they'll chatter right through it and until morning." This was apparently something of which Mistress Nyla, herself, might be quite accomplished at doing, for she seemed to give Sianna barely a moment to breath much less get in a word.

"Do forgive me, dear, but there are pages about if you need something, just let one know. I see a lantern in threat of toppling." There was a sincere gracious smile, hoping the bardess would forgive the haste in her introduction and assistance as she went to catch the teetering lantern and set it aright.

Johnny Smith

Date: 2007-10-05 23:17 EST
It had taken five tries at casting the amulets in the new molds before Johnny got results he was satisfied with. His modified vision allowed him, among other things, to see minute flaws in the metal, and he had rejected the first four attempts for small bubbles and weaknesses.

The rest of the day and well into the evening had passed while he smoothed and polished the amulets without damaging the intricate detail of the designs. By the time he delivered them to Ewan, he had no energy to do anything but collapse into bed and sleep, long and hard. Sianna?s preparations on the morning of the ceremony had woken him, but they had already decided that she would precede him to the event.

He still wasn?t entirely happy with that decision, but given how exhausted he still felt, it was wiser. He?d stayed awake while she was moving around, though, and when she had glided down the steps in her gown of blue, the breath had been caught from his chest as if stolen. She literally took his breath away.

Getting back to sleep after she left took some time, but when he woke again he felt truly refreshed, and in a mood to wish Ewan and his fianc?e well. He shaved carefully, used a silver clip to secure his shaggy hair back in a semblance of order, and dressed in his formal suit in much less time than it had taken Sianna to prepare. She had taken Ruadh, and so he waved down a carriage, passing the driver the detailed directions he had been provided.

When he arrived, a while before the ceremony was to take place, he grinned at the bustle and activity, the other arriving guests beginning to mingle and chat. Social events put him in his element, and he loved watching the interactions. He had a specific goal or two in mind first, though, and his first step was to seek out Ewan and make sure that the amulets were entirely satisfactory. He?d brought a small tool that should serve to make any alterations that might be needed, either to the amulets themselves or to the chains. Chasing down the source of the drifting strains of music would come next.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-05 23:23 EST
Lydia visibly perked when Yearling Brook manor was finally visible over the horizon, her smile brightening as she gestured that way. "I think that's it." Think. What a reassuring word that was, eh? But it's not as if she's ever been to Yearling Brook before... if she and Grem were lucky, this particular part of the land wouldn't be littered and cluttered with manor after manor. Arm entwined with one of Grem's, she started walking towards the manor at a somewhat brisk pace, but not enough so to leave him behind. Though she probably couldn't have even if she had tried, since short legs only let her walk so fast.

"I just hope we're not late." She muttered that, expression almost one of embarrassment. Leave it to her to screw up simple instructions on how to get somewhere. A left must have been taken instead of a right.. or maybe she said to go up instead of down? Which begs the question... does the outdoors really have an 'up' or 'down'? That was probably half the problem right there! Sense and cardinal directions were not the green haired elf's friends.

Fabric, on the other hand, got along with her much more. She didn't have enough time to work on a dress from scratch to wear to Ewan and Storm's wedding ceremony, especially since she had been trying to catch up on actual work at The Stitch. She did, however, have time to make some drastic alterations to one of the simpler dresses already created that no one had bought. The end result was a silk dark purple dress in a simple halter style. It was gathered and tied at the waist, the fabrics there an even darker hue of purple that bordered close to black. Sandaled heels matching the color of the dress were a bit delicate in appearance, so as to not look clunky in contrast to the dress. Lydia was proud too, that she had only stumbled in those heels once so far that night. Her hair was just long enough to start wearing in a french twist style, so that was the chosen style for the evening, bangs left loose to give it a less formal feel. Of course that was contrasted by the ivy-like gems that adorned her hair. Maybe fashion wasn't her friend either...

Tables and lanterns came into view as they moved closer to the manor, as well as a few people out and about. It dawned on her then, that she didn't know her way around the grounds. "You know... I'm not entirely sure where exactly we're supposed to be going..." More of that reassurance! Doesn't she just make the most wonderful navigator? Biting her lip, she glanced around a bit. The people about looked busy so she didn't want to interrupt, but she was sure those were guards at the gate. Perhaps they could be of assistance? "I think I see some guards at the gates. They might be able to help us out?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-10-06 03:17 EST
There was a series of quick raps against the door, "Storm?"

"Just a moment" She called over her shoulder, before going back to lacing her shoes. Though tradition would have her barefoot, she could not bear showing her burned feet for all to see, but she certainly did not want to wear her usual boots. So instead, a day in the Marketplace had solved her problem. They were a cross between sandals and slippers, made of a soft, matching material that covered the bottoms of her feet, all the way to the back of her calfs. The fronts of her feet and legs held a systematic design and had the material crossing each other to keep the shoe in place. She finished tying on one, before moving and barely opening the door to eye her father, "Are you not suppose to be with everyone else?" She said barely above a whisper, and looked down to see that Avery was with him, "The both of you?"

Cornelious waved a hand absently and motioned for her to step back so that Avery and him could walk inside, "I am allowed to have a moment with you."

She grinned slightly as she stepped away, before starting the long process of tying on the other shoe, "Does everything look fine?" She asked with a glance to the covered window. She then narrowed her eyes on Avery, and beckoned him closer so that she could straighten his tunic. His colors varied from dark blue with lines a gold, a way to incorporate both cultures. He went to her and grinned widely, *Gaer and Lina are here!*

Cornelious nodded as Storm went back to finishing her shoe, "Everything looks next to perfect, do not be so anxious." He leaned casually against the wall, his own Guardian Silks appearing brand new. The robe was a deep blue, with linings nearly indigo. On the back held his simple symbol in a striking white embroidery.

"I am not being anxious." She insisted, straightening as she finished the shoe and letting her own robe cover over her legs. The light grey material grazed over the bottom of the floor, though when she moved, there were the slightest moments were her marred toes were visible, and this brought a faint frown to her features.

*You look pretty, Storm.* Avery offered as he watched Storm face, unknowing of where her thoughts were traveling. Curious, he reached out to touch the soft fabric of her gown. His other hand though, reached out to offer a gardenia that he insisted Storm should wear in her hair.

She grinned slightly, "Thank you." She brought it to her hair and started to arrange it just above her left ear. Cornelious was studying her intently, and though his face appeared thoughtful, he said nothing. Well, almost nothing, "She would have been very proud of your choices, Storm, like me." And through the notes of open melancholy, he still smiled.

'She' did not have to be specified, and there was the faintest ruffling of the air within the room. Storm looked down at the robe that was once her mother's, before looking back up to her father, "I know." She said quietly. A quick grin came over her face, before she started ushering them towards the door, "I do not think there is much time until the ceremony starts. Go and mingle; Lydia should be here." She offered perhaps the only person her father would know other than her and Ewan.

"Lydia?" Cornelious' brows rows as he recalled the only elf he had ever met with green hair. Avery though, appeared even more excited, and grabbed one of Cornelious' hands to urge him to move faster, "I have not seen your friend of the fire in a long time."

"Yes well... maybe do not bring that up? I am not sure whom she has shared that information with." Once they were to the door, Storm opened it, and peered at Avery, "Now, stay out of the dirt, will you? Stay clean." She repeated, her grey eyes narrowing slightly as she only received a grin in return. She chuckled softly, "I will see you soon." One last smile before she shut the door and turned to lean her back on it, letting out a long sigh.

It was almost time.


Date: 2007-10-06 17:55 EST
He had little trouble keeping up with Lydia, long strides easily making up for the fact that he was taking slower steps. The long legs that came with his height did come in handy, at times. He nodded to her words, mismatched eyes roaming the surroundings as they walked. When Lydia had mistepped in her heels, he had nearly suggested that she wear shoes more suited to walking until they arrived, but they had been far enough along to make that a moot point, and she hadn't stumbled again, so it seemed it would have been unnecessary.

For his part, he was wearing a tailored black suit, with a faded rust colored tie. His hair was tamed, albeit with some difficulty and the assistance of a bit of pomade, and slicked back, with the slick wet sheen the product produces. He was even managing to resist the temptation to reach up and mess with it, as it felt odd to be worn like that.

"Could be we're supposed to just mill about and wait for someone to call out 'over here!' or something like that." He shrugged, taking a look around the grounds, then nodded as she took note of the guards. "Hope so. Be a sorry state if they didn't know the place any better than we do, yeah?" He smiled, faintly, and lightly scratched his jawline, free of stubble for once.


Date: 2007-10-06 19:32 EST
Sylvia walked among the gathering attendees. Her gown was not the formal state gown, but nonetheless of the fashion of Yransea with its fitted bodice and flowing skirt, all in the dark green and trimmed in gold lacings. She did not wear her coronet, but her long black hair was kept back from her face in an ornate twist and braids. She noted many of the Yransea folk milled about together, talking and observing the manor for those who had not visited before. The recruits, some who were native Rhydinians tried to bridge the gap between those of Yransea and those not.

A few familiar faces, mostly from her few times of tending bar in the past year came into view and she moved to greet them as guests of Yearling Brook. "Be welcome here, and feel free to walk the grounds. The ceremony should begin momentarily." A gentle smile as she motioned for those arriving to come in closer to the horseshoe formed by beribboned poles with lanterns and the side tables. "It is probably not a ceremony to which you are accustomed, but I do hope you will enjoy yourselves."

"That is such a lovely dress," she remarked to Lydia. "Is it one of your own?" Sylvia noted Lydia's shoes and offered, "If you require a seat, one of the pages can bring it for you."

A small hand reached up to take and tug upon hers, and she looked down to see Cian making that I need you face. She lifted an embarrassed smile to the couple and a few others that had arrived, "I seem to be required, please let any of the staff know if you require something. They are all wearing bands of green with golden leaves in memoriam of Kieran." With that she let Cian tug her away to a side table with drinks, where those who still watched would see he motioned for her to come close to him so he could whisper what he had to say.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-06 20:37 EST
Truthfully, she was just a clumsy thing sometimes. Even in sturdy boots she'd stumble and topple at times, but she usually had the good luck of doing that in private when no one was around to see. Or laugh. Most times she was able to pull off feigning some semblance of grace or dignity. Like when she too, resisted the urge to reach up and pat at Grem's hair when she saw it the way it was. That's, what, at least two grace points right there!

Luckily, the guards did know the place better than she and Grem, and redirected them to where everyone else was gathering. Some people looked familiar, even if only vaguely so, but most? Not as much. So she made sure to stick close to Grem.

Sylvia received a smile from the green haired elf when she spotted her, which brightened at her compliment. "Thank you, and yeah, it is." She nodded a touch, about to compliment hers as well before the little one seemed to want her, so she fell quiet, nodding to her words about the staff. "Thanks!" She called that out as she was moving away, then glanced around at the crowd, the staff, then aside to Grem.

"Guess we just wait now."


Date: 2007-10-07 00:07 EST
The woman was a veritable hurricane of instructions, directions, and good-natured efficiency, the pages scattering like frantic geese eager to please. Sianna was lucky enough to manage a nod of her head at all the subsequent moments and not blinking like a stunned duck at the speed of it all. Dipping curtsey as Mistress Nyla spun on her heel and set off to the latest task, she managed to call out after her "Thank ye verra much!" She hoped the woman heard or at least knew of her gratitude if she didn't.

The page reappeared at her elbow bearing the tray with twin glasses, as well as small decanters of each. "Ahhh, just in case I'll need a wee bit more, aye?" She grinned widely. The page shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile. "It cannot hurt to be prepared, Mistress Sianna." Laughter again escaped her. The impending festivities were only adding to her vivaciousness. "Verra well then, come along whilst I find a place tae settle." Skirting along the outside of the ringed tables and poles, she selected a spot to the side that would allow good acoustics without putting her too front and center for the evening.

The page snapped his fingers twice and two more indentically clad pages appeared, one bearing a chair and small footstool, the other a small side table. While they fussed and moved things about in an effort to have things to the standards of the day, she removed the lute from the case and leaned it against the table. Her attention turned next to the bookstand and portfolio, withdrawing them from her satchel and setting them to rights.

"Do you need anything further, Mistress Sianna?" The original page stood to the ready, the other two having been sent off again in some task of the house. "Aye, just one. Might ye direct me towards a spot where I might refresh myself and store my things until later?" Having the knack to understand what was being requested in a less-than-direct fashion, the page led her into the house and to a rather lavish bathroom. Ascertaining that she could find her way back unescorted he excused himself, leaving her to see to the few things that remained.

A final glance in the mirror, she smiled at her reflection. "Wish me well, Gran... dinna forget tae listen, aye?" The crowd had increased as she exited the house, massaging the last traces of mint ointment into her hands. By all indications there were probably five to ten minutes remaining before the ceremony would start. Scanning the crowd for any familiar faces, she settled herself into the chair and drew the instrument into her lap.

A slippered foot placed atop the footstool, she waited a moment, noting the chattering that Mistress Nyla had so accurately discribed. "Well, 'tis no time like the present, aye?" she whispered softly to herself. And with that, she bent her head and began to play. A glance to her open portfolio would reveal to the curious onlooker that she had selected nothing but instrumental pieces until after the conclusion of the ceremony.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-10-09 16:40 EST
Erin stood in front of her mirror looking at the image of herself. The dress she was wearing was red, though not too bright, not something to take away from the bride. Just enough to highlight her lips and offset the paleness in her skin. It was strapless, but came up just high enough to hide most of the tattoo on her back. It was an A-line, drifting out at the empire waist to fall just to her knees.

Hair combed and around her shoulders, it was pulled half up, a few curls framing her face. Lips painted red, eyes shadowed in a dark grey-- she reminded herself of the night she danced the tango and it caused her to smile sadly.

Another wedding alone. They were all starting to blend together, but honestly, it didn't sadden her. Not like it should. In hoesty, she somewhat enjoyed her place in the back corner, smiling and focusing all her intentions on the new happiness of her friend.

And so she grabbed her purse and slid from her room and into the great outdoors. It was too much to walk in heels, and she took a coach, the clack of horse hooves the only announcement of her arrival at Yearling Brook.


When Erin walked up the path, she followed the small stream in and out of people and staff and guards and whatever else. She didn't mind getting lost, at least a little bit, on her way to the ceremony, as it turned out the land was quite beautiful.

Watching the fall overtake the landscape, she ambled up to the party, taking up a spot not far from Lydia and Grem, but not yet speaking. She figured she could just join their little party without much fanfare. That was her theme for the day anyway-- calm, quiet and reflective.