Topic: Steering by stars

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-16 13:47 EST
Gaerwyn stood amidships as he spoke with his boatswain, ?I understand she took a rough journey over in the storm, Iansson, but the Inspire will hold fast until we arrive in Seansloe tomorrow where you will have leave to refit her. I see no point in shoaling her to use our provisions when we are less than a day?s voyage from home port.? Iansson grumbled but nodded and gave his respects then turned on heel and headed below decks. Gaerwyn turned to lean on the starboard railing and looked out to the sea as the sun set to the port side behind him.

Lenika walked along the ship until she reached him and spoke softly. ?Glad to be almost home??

His smile revealed his answer, but he nodded and watched the crawling darkness and the first light of stars as around him lamps were lit. ?That I am and for many reasons.? He did not look to her as he continued. ?Aunt Maeve and the children will be pleased that you're coming to stay some time with us again.?

?I may return again to Rhydin when Ewan wakes up, just to see how he is, but I'll come back to Seansloe. I'm comfortable there.? She leaned next to him.

?I am pleased to hear it,? he dared a glance to her then cleared his throat softly. ?I hope Ewan will journey home in his recovery so his mother may see him as well as others. Still, he will do as he has always done. His own sense of the best thing for everyone.? A self deprecating smirk, ?A family trait, I suppose.?

?I would go there in hopes of bringing him back to see his mother.? She said as she turned her gaze to him. ?Would you say we are friends, Gaerwyn??

He turned to face her more, his stance easy with the swells of the ocean. ?For my part, most certainly we are friends.?

?I would like to think we are friends.?

?Then so we are, for we both seem agreeable to the situation,? he smiled and looked back out to sea. ?It was good to see your other friends in that Rhydin.? It was more a question than a statement.

?Some of them, yes.? Lenika paused, ?But it seems that is not my life any longer.? She shook her head gently.

?Does it sadden you??

?No. It doesn't.? There were many thoughts going on as she paused again. ?Perhaps that was never the life I was meant to lead.?

?Mmm..,? he nodded for he understood that statement very well. ?Still, there are entire lands and oceans open to you and one in particular which you are already welcome and glad to be seen.?

?And I'm grateful for the opportunity.?

She opened her mouth to say something more, but refrained. Gaerwyn did not miss the motion nor let it pass, ?But?? for he is rather certain there is a ?but? waiting there.

?There is no but,? she corrects. ?There has been something on my mind, though.? He gave a nod for her to continue. Lenika bit tentatively on her lower lip as she worked out what she wished to say in her mind. The motion was a little disconcerting to Gaerwyn who reached to grip the railing in some front of casualness, but worry was rising. ?It is a little matter, I think, but it gives me cause to wonder,? she began but then paused.

?And now causing me to wonder as well,? Gaerwyn?s brows pulled slightly inward.

?Mm?perhaps it?s a silly thought of a silly person. You gave me a kiss, on the cheek mind you, but a kiss nonetheless and when I tried to make light of it later on, you seemed?mad. Why?? Sound winds toyed with locks of her hair, casting it about her face.

A more pointed question he could not have encountered at the moment, but he answered with due frankness. ?It was perhaps more of my frustrations with my cousin than you making light of it, but in truth, I felt guilty for having done it, and I felt your teasing a stinging reminder of my own self reproach. You did not respond to the kiss favorably, and I felt ashamed at having breeched my conduct with you.?

Lenika nodded, ?I see. It was not that it wasn't favored, but more surprising than anything else.?

?And all the same, I should have been less forward. Perhaps my cousin is correct and the land has an effect on one whether they fight it or not,? he offered a sheepish smile.

?Perhaps it was the fun of the moment. We did have some fun there.?

?Oh, I agree with that. We did,? his smile widened. He looked up at his hair thinking on her teasing him but ruffling it, but his gaze drops to her once again. ?I am glad you were there to help me survive the society.?

?As am I,? she nodded. ?I regret nothing that happened during your time there.?

That raised his brows slightly and he wanted to gain clarification, but at that point, he was not pressing his luck and his mouth moved from a word into a smile.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-16 18:17 EST
?I wonder if Lina has been working on her sewing.?

?Oh, I'm sure she has. She'd want to impress her teacher. I'm sure Gaer will have thought of something to do as well to try and gain your attention, but only because it seems so important to his sister.? He leaned slightly and whispered with a lopsided grin, ?Beware of being greeted with some sort of painted rock.?

?I would treasure such a thing.? She considered carefully then said, ?You're quite lucky to have them and to have had your wife.?

?I am at that. I am, in truth when I look at my life, a lucky fellow. I do well in my work and have a good family. I miss my wife, but I am grateful for the time we had,? he pulled at his fingers lightly, one hand then the other in exchange. ?You're a lucky lady, with your talents, and large family that cares for you, and spirit that isn't afraid of new things and embracing change.?

?You think I am not afraid, but I am. It was hard to even change to go to Seansloe the first time.? Lenika admitted with a small smile. ?I almost envy your life.?

?And yet, here you are, living my life in a fashion. You travel the seas, share a home with wild hooligans who will drive you crazy and love you to bits all at once, and call a town comfortable to you where law means something and people caring for one another isn't a phrase but a way of being.?

Begrudgingly she admitted, ?Yes, in a fashion. I think the love is something I have missed out on.?

Concern drews his brows down slightly and he nodded hoping she would offer more, but she did not and changed the subject with a soft sigh and shrug turning her smile to him. ?How long until we get there??

?Diversionary tactic?? he chuckled, but then answered. ?Early morning we should be drawing up to the docks. Love you missed out on? In what way? From your family?? The question does not mesh with what he had gleaned from previous conversations, and she could probably tell he was skeptical of that being the answer.

Lenika remained elusive and answered vaguely, ?From various areas.? Once again, she diverted the conversation. ?I find I do not sleep soundly on a ship.?

Gaerwyn allowed the altering course. ?Now that is a shame, Lenika,? he sympathized. ?I?d offer remedies, but I doubt they would help if it is just being unaccustomed to it. Now if you feel ill because of the motion that is something that can be fixed.?

?It's not illness. Perhaps it gives me more time to think,? and she added upon his obvious intention to ask more, ?and I like to listen for any sounds.?

?Sounds of the crew, ship, or sea? Given enough time on ship, you'll find you feel a storm before you hear it,? he smiled.

?Really?? She looked to him with interest, ?Can you do that??

?For the most part, though there will be times when a squall will rise up without much of a feel for it, but the sea will talk to you. And given a decent horizon, you'll definitely see one coming before you hear it.?

?Perhaps I shall need to sail with you more often.?

?It would be an honor should you choose to do so. Perhaps you would like to join the children and I for the trip up the coast once I've the new crew situated?? he offered.

?Perhaps I would. I don't want to intrude upon your time with them though. It might be prudent to ask Lina.?

Gaerwyn smiled imagining his daughter beating him to it. ?Only, if she turns to me and says "May Miss Lenika come?" do not let her know that I had already offered. She will feel very proper and important believing it to have been her idea.?

?I will not say a word to her about it. We'll see if she asks,? she smiled for him. ?I'm very fond of your children.?

?They are a good pair. Well, Gaer can be somewhat trying, but you know that.? His smile warmed. ?They are very fond of you, too. It's been a great help and wonderful privilege that you came to visit when you did. I have been honored with our growing friendship as well.?

?As have I. I hope we can continue to grow.?

He gave a certain nod, ?Something I look forward to, too.?

The clang of bells, eight in all, sounded from the quarterdeck. The first mate came up and gave a bow to Lenika and then to Gaerwyn. ?Pardon the intrusion, Captain, but eight bells, sir and you said you'd stand watch with the new midshipman.?

Gaerywn nodded, ?Ah, yes, that I did. Right you are, Caolan, and I will see you in the morning.? The young man bowed again to them both and Gaerwyn turned to Lenika. ?I am sorry, Lenika, but a new young fellow we took on from the docks of Rhydin who seems to have some semblance of seamanship and manners. Felt it a shame to leave him there. I will hope that you sleep better than you have been on ship.?

?Thank you,? she nodded and slipped away to leave him to his work.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-16 18:56 EST
The sounds of a busy dockside hailed the morning?s arrival at Seansloe. ?Well, it seems we might be reaching home in time to break our fast, or if you like we can stop by a shop on the way.? Gaerwyn offered as he slung his gear pack over his shoulder.

Lenika had her own pack slung over her shoulder and she shrugged her free shoulder. ?Are you terribly hungry?? Then she grinned, ?Though a walk could get my land legs back.?

?Not terribly so, and much more eager to see my children, truth be told,? he spoke with his own grin. ?If you are agreeable, we will march on to the house and see what Aunt Maeve's prepared this morning.?

?That sounds good to me. And I would hate to keep you from your children,? she motioned, ?Lead the way.?

He chuckled as he started off, being sure not to let eagerness push him into long and fast strides and kept to a casual walk. ?We'll need to get you out in the town more so you can learn your way around.? Upon seeing a dark green ribbon fluttering on a corner shop's lantern post as they turned down the street, he spoke softly. ?I wonder if the remembrance has happened as yet.?

Lenika lowered her own voice. ?What happens for the remembrance?? Her fingers clutched a pack strap tighter.

?Family gathers together to witness the sealing of the person's body, either through burning and into a stoneware, or a tomb. In the Baron's case, he would be interred with his ancestors in the Far Hills catacombs. Also, because he was the noble of this barony, the Great Hall will be opened for the populace to gather and share words for several days.? He paused as a thought struck him. ?I wonder if the Baroness will be attending at any time with the current situation...the young children and all,? his voice pitying and empathetic.

?I wonder that also then...? she nodded as she continued to speak quietly. ?Shall you attend the remembrance??

?If it has not already happened, then I shall go. Will you?? he asked as he gave a nod to his right for the next turn down a new cobblestone street even less busy than the previous.

Lenika followed his motion and kept pace with his forced casual walking. ?Perhaps I might. Will you tell me when you go??

?I will let you know,? he nodded.

She looked around at the houses with the green ribbons. ?What happens to the Barony now??

?It's a strange situation. Typically the Baroness would be protectorate of the barony until her eldest son, or if no sons, eldest daughter came to his or her majority. But the Baroness is not of this land, and I do not know if the Crown would feel comfortable with her as Protectorate of their lands. Rumor has it the Baron had to make many concessions for permission to marry her, and she had to make concessions as well. It has been a suitable arrangement until this moment.? He sighed, ?There is much uncertain now.? He turned again and this area would be familiar with its more narrow lane and the homes with their fenced front gardens.

?We're almost there.? She reached to pause him a moment, and stopped at her touch turning with brows raised in obvious question. ?Do you have faith that it will turn out for the better?? she asked.

He smiled and reached to give her shoulder a comforting touch, light and not lingering. ?I know it will all turn out well. For the better?? his head tilted slightly, ?I cannot say.?

?Not so much better, but that it will be okay.?

?It will,? he smiled and still without hurry, waited for when she was ready to continue on.

She reached to give his hand a touch then she turned and moved on. ?Your children are waiting.?

He smiled, a light squeeze to her hand then released, and he joined her walk. Not more than twenty yards down he turned and unlatched the gate for her to walk in the front garden which was looking a little less fresh in its midsummer state, but not less loved.

?It is good to be back,? she stepped into the garden and toward the house. ?What do you think they are doing??

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-16 22:09 EST
As if in answer to her question the front door flew open and out came a crushing and noisy welcome of two young children trying desperately to be the one to get Lenika's attention all talk of paintings and sewings and mudpies and swimming in the creek. Aunt Maeve was not far behind, and while she had a smile, it was certain she had been worried and looked a little haggard. Gaerwyn crossed behind his children, who seemed to find him as interesting as a sack of luggage and leaned a kiss to his Aunt's cheek, whispering, ?I should not have been gone so long, Aunt. You look tired.?

Aunt Maeve gave her nephew a smile and nodded for him to go inside while she wrangled the children. ?Lina, Gaer, what is wrong with you? Let Miss Lenika in and stop pestering her so.?

Lenika crouched down to pick up little Gaer and carried him inside as she smiled and nodded to Lina. ?It seems you two have been very busy while I was away. We shall have much to talk about.? She paused by Maeve to offer her what comfort she could in a one armed hug.

Gaerwyn set his gear just inside and went back to collect Lenika's with a wink her way and took it into the back room that was her's alone. Aunt Maeve shared the one armed hug and shushed Lina once more who was trying to take advantage of Gaer being quieted in Lenika's arms to state her news first. Lina gave a pout but then made sure to direct Lenika to the table where it seemed the trio was finishing up their morning meal, but still food remained to be had. ?Come sit, Miss Lenika. Did you eat before you came? If not we have food here.?
?Food from your Aunt Maeve sounds wonderful, Lina,? Lenika spoke and Maeve?s smile was soft and warm at the compliment.

Gaerwyn came in from the back and gave a hearty laugh, ?And not a single hug for your weary old father?? That got a laugh and Lina launched herself at her father and kissed his cheek; Gaer on the otherhand was most contented to stay right where he was -- quite the little charmer making big eyes at Miss Lenika.

Lenika smiled as she watched father and daughter. She gave another reassuring look to Maeve then she pressed a kiss to Gaer's cheek. ?Tell me what you have been up to, sweet one.? She requested softly to Gaer as she carried him toward the table.

All tense with excitement, little Gaer starts his explanation like a frog escaping capture. ?I worked in the garden. Aunt Maeve let me pull weeds so the flowers can breathe. And did you know that the creek up north has big fish in it? Like this big.? His arms went wide.

Maeve chided, ?Gaer, that's stretching it a bit, don't you think?? She set out two fresh plates and flatware plus glasses of milk and cups of tea, and then served out helpings of eggs, skittle cooked ham, and biscuits. Upon the table could be seen three flavors of jams: strawberry, peach, and orange honey. Once all looked properly served out, Maeve retook her seat to finish her meal.

As Lina took her seat and Gaerwyn did as well starting on the food set out, Gaer continued on. ?I painted a picture, too.?

?And what sort of picture was it?? She sat with Gaer in her lap. She gave him the attention for the moment as he told his tales.

Lina interrupted, ?It looks like a frog stuck in mud.? She giggled even as Gaer?s little mouth frowned.

?It is not!? he argued. ?Its the garden. The house with the fence and everything. Only my colors were wet. And so I picked it up,? he motioned in recreation of the event, ?It all got runny and mixed up. Then I put another piece of paper on top of it and pulled it off to get some of the runny paint. And it came off looking like lots of pebbles in the water. You know how that looks, Miss Lenika??

Lenika nodded, ?I do and I'm sure it still is a wonderful painting.? Little Gaer grinned with the complement. ?I'm glad you tried very hard, Gaer.?

?Gaer,? Maeve said softly. ?Time to get in your own seat and finish up your breakfast.? He nodded, but the cheeky little devil aimed a kiss at Miss Lenika's cheek before hopping off and getting in his own seat.

Gaerwyn felt compelled to mutter between bites of food, ?Takes a little too much after his father, I think.?

Lenika chuckled as she watched Gaer then she turned to face the table. ?And you, Lina, what have you been doing?? asked as she took a small bite of food.

?Well,? Lina began very properly and orderly now that she had the desired attention, then hastily interjected before she even started, ?I helped in the garden, too. But, I worked on my sewing and trying to keep my stitches even. We went swimming in the Near Shore Lake.? She stopped and asked her father. ?Near Shore Lake? They don't have much of an imagination around here do they, father?? Gaerwyn rolled his eyes, but that did not matter as Lina was back to her litany. ?I also helped Aunt Maeve in the kitchen. I helped with the eggs this morning.? She looked to see if Lenika tried them and what she thought.

When Lenika merely nodded her head in approval over the eggs it would not do at all. ?But you haven?t had any. Miss Lenika do you eat at all?? Lina's little pert nose scrunched up.

Gaerwyn, however, took matters in hand. ?Be polite and do not ask such questions, Lina. It is not your business. Now, you and Gaer take your plates to the kitchen and go find whatever it is you must desperately show Miss Lenika.? That last bit got them moving fast enough, with clattering plates to the kitchen and thundering footsteps upstairs.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-16 22:11 EST
Maeve sipped her tea and Gaerwyn paused in his meal to glance from Lenika to his aunt. He knew what she was dwelling on. ?I trust he will get better, Aunt Maeve?

Lenika ate a little more as she listened. There was more than weariness in Maeve?s sigh, but she nodded, ?I have to believe that. The stories are crossing the town like wildfire. Ewan Corinsson killed the baron. The children have lost playmates over this, and I've had too many of my share of arguments at the shops who won't serve me.? Maeve saw the dark look forming on her nephew's face. ?Oh, Gaerwyn, don't start up a storm over this. I know your temper, and it won't help matters to unleash it. Time will make things right.? Her fingers laced together and rose to her mouth briefly. ?It's just been a little trying. I'm so glad you both are home, though I wish Ewan had been able to come.?

?When he is able to travel I'm sure he will come,? Lenika offered then busied herself with more food feeling she needed to try and not interject again.

?Yes, of course, I am sure you're right,? she gave a smile to Lenika. ?Well, I should start on dishes.? She moved with some of the serving plates towards the kitchen and paused at the stairwell to call up, ?Do not bring out your entire collection. Pick one thing to show her. You two both have chores to do.? Then peaking her head back in the dining area, she looked pointedly at Gaerwyn, ?As do you.?

She departed even though Gaerwyn gave a very perplexed look then grinned to Lenika. ?Feels good to be needed, I suppose,? he laughed lightly.

She offered a smile for him, ?I wonder what sort of work you have to do.?

?No telling.? He paused before his last few bites, ?Are you okay, Lenika??

?I am,? she nodded but murmured, ?I worry for Maeve, though.?

He gave a slow nod and a glanced to the hallway before continuing, ?As do I. I cannot do what's been done, though in hindsight I should not have stayed so long. But I hope our return will help.?

?As do I,? she nodded her agreement.

Maeve came back just in time for the two children to come and display in outstretched hands things for Lenika to see. In Lina's hands was a little pillow with painted flowers on it. In Gaer's hands, as foreseen, was a painted rock. Painted green and to somewhat look like a frog for someone with a good imagination.

?You both have done some beautiful work. I'm very proud of you.?

Maeve however, was moving to sit by Gaerwyn and said, ?You need to go buy a new bed, frame and all for Lenika's room. Be sure to get some proper fitting bed linens, too. You know where you can hire the horse and cart to bring them back here.?

He nodded, ?That I do, Aunt. Don't you worry. I will see it done and well.?

Maeve smiled and patted his hand, ?I know.?

Lenika gave Maeve and Gaerwyn their moment as she focused on the children. ?Both are things to treasure dearly.? Then as the conversation seemed done, she flicked a glance to Gaerwyn, ?What do you think??

He turned his attention to the crafts and perused them sharply. Lina began to chew her bottom lip, obviously taking his observations very seriously. Gaer started to giggle, but Gaerwyn releaved the pressure on his poor eldest, perfectionist daughter and gave a smile. ?Both excellent work. Nicely done frog, my young man. And what is this? Let's see this pillow.? He took the pillow and frog both in hand to look over. ?I agree with Miss Lenika, this is fine work indeed.? He handed both items back to the children. ?Now go put them someplace for safe keeping and then set about your chores.?

The two nodded and were off in a flash. Gaerwyn looked to his empty plate then up to the ladies at the table, ?It seems I should be off about my chores as well.?

?And I will help in the kitchen,? Lenika stated rather matter of factly.

Maeve actually looked like she was going to refuse, but then smiled as she rose from her seat, ?Thank you, Lenika.? She took another load of dishes with her calling over her shoulder. ?Off with you now, Gaerwyn, and remember to control your temper out there.?

He smiled to Lenika as he, too, stood. ?I feel duly chastised already and I've not yet done anything wrong. Very effective.? His hand moved over her shoulder as he passed by. ?I will be back in two hours or so. Anything you need while I am out??

She looked thoughtful a moment then nods. ?Yes, for you to hurry back,? and she left it at that as she gathered what was left on the table and moved toward the kitchen.


Date: 2007-07-21 13:52 EST
Gaerwyn had asked if Lenika needed anything and she responded by requesting him to hurry back. Her thoughts drifted away from her as she helped Maeve clean up the breakfast. She felt almost silly for the statement of Gaerwyn needing to return so quickly and she often asked herself why she had said that. She knew, first and foremost, that he was needed back at the house for the sake of his children and Maeve. They needed his strength and reassurance that everything would be all right. In some ways, Maeve was given a little bit of Ewan back with Gaerwyn?s return and his news of her son. To see Maeve exhausted as she was, it hurt Lenika and she was sorry she had left in the beginning. She should have stayed to assist Maeve and Sylvia as well.

The past could not be undone and Lenika was back in Seansloe now. She was back with a family that truly seemed to care about her. Gaerwyn was kind and attentive, even in Rhydin, and she briefly thought back on her statement to him again. I enjoy his company, she thought. Did she enjoy it more than others?

Gaerwyn was different than Ewan. He was a little more forward and he seemed more playful, whereas Ewan was always a little more reserved. She probably would not have ever toyed with Ewan?s hair as she did with Gaerwyn. She loved Ewan; she knew she did but that love was something that great friends shared and it would never go beyond the friendship bond that they had after so many years of knowing each other. Gaerwyn, though?.what if?

Lenika was brought out of her thoughts as she heard Maeve rustling behind her. She turned to see the older woman watching her as she had simply been standing and wiping the same dish for a long while now. Lenika dropped her gaze to the dish then back up to Maeve as she smiled sheepishly, ?I find my thoughts are away from me, Maeve, I?m sorry.? The kitchen had been cleaned while Lenika?s mind had taken a detour, so Maeve simply smiled and shooed Lenika away in her kindly, motherly manner.

Lenika drifted outside as she heard someone approaching. Is that Gaerwyn, she wondered. She had grown attached to him and his children, and life seemed a little less bright without them. Perhaps this was simply another great friendship, or perhaps she had better keep it as such as the doubts of her previous life in Rhydin and, further back, her own homeland began to cast some level of doubt upon her otherwise tender, hopeful heart.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-24 15:46 EST
Gaerwyn had done his chores, for lack of a better word, as expediently as possible. There were reasons enough for it, he had been away from his children and away from home long enough by his reckoning, and he wanted a first hand experience to the way the community was treating his family, but the one reason that quickened his step was Lenika?s request for him to return soon.

So that he was back in two hours time with a wagon load of the furniture and its requirements was no surprise to him though others might have found it to be so. He overpaid slightly for the linens, but it was either that or waste more time finding a more hospitable merchant. He would deal with that merchant later. Now, there were more pleasant things that he must tend.

Gaerwyn tied the rented horse to the post and moved to unlatch the back of the hired wagon, hoisting up four wooden beams of honey stained oak onto a shoulder he called to the house as he neared. ?Lina, come open the door for me, please!?

Lina scampered from her chore of cleaning up her and Gaer's room and flew down the stairs to do the bidding, tugging the door open. ?Ooh, father, is that Miss Lenika's new bed? It's ever so nice.?

Gaerwyn chuckled as he passed inside and down the hallway to the room at the back. ?Go collect the bed linens from the front seat, please, Lina,? he smiled to his daughter as he set down the frame boards, and she turned quick as a wink and headed out.

?You are already hard at work,? Lenika said as she made her approach towards him.

He smiled up at her. ?Must be sure you have a suitable place to sleep. Seems in our time away, Aunt Maeve up and decided the old bed wasn't good enough for you.? A little more soberly, ?Don't take this the wrong way, Lenika, but I think she rather enjoys doting on you like the daughter she never had.? He turned to look at the framing and started setting it out, and then asked, ?Where would you like it? Near the center or off against one of the walls??

?Near the center. Better to roll around in,? she grinned and nodded continuing, ?I don't mind her doting, actually, it reminds me of home.?

He blinked at the comment and there was a high flush to his cheeks, but he merely chuckled and nodded. ?Center it is, wouldn't want to prevent any rolling,? another chuckle while he moved the frame boards accordingly. As he stood up straight, ?I should get the rest of it in. I'll be back to set it all up.? He patted her arm gently as he passed into the hallway and hollered, ?Lina! What are you doing out there? The horse is not going to be staying no matter how much you give me those big pleading eyes.?

The conversation died away when he exited the house and took up the headboard and footboard up against a shoulder, bracing it against his body and returning inside. Lina walked before him to take the linens to Lenika for approval. The sheets were of a fine blend of cotton dyed an attractive periwinkle blue. ?What do you think, Miss Lenika?? Lina asked with something more than polite interest. Lenika, afterall, was the ultimate authority in colors to this young girl.

?Very beautiful,? she smiled and nodded. ?Perhaps we should go see if we can help.? She had been thoroughly amused at Gaerwyn?s response to his daughter and chuckled.

?She'd have every animal in town staying in our backyard if I gave in. Though,? as he set down the headboard and footboard next to a wall out of the way until they were needed and spoke more conspiratorially noting Lina had gone off to air out the sheets in the back garden on the line, ?I have thought about finding a pet for them. Maybe a dog. Now that they're older and can take more responsibility.?

?Dogs are wonderful. I used to have one.? She neared him and asked quietly in case Lina was near, ?What did you think I meant by rolling around??

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-24 15:47 EST
He looked suspiciously down at her. ?Now, Lenika, being a sailor is no excuse, and I won't deny my mind goes places it most likely should not in a lady's presence. But I've had my days of rolling around in a bed, and I'm not afraid to admit that it was the first thing I thought of when you said it.?

She laughed softly, ?Though, it wasn't the first thing on my mind,? she reached to give him a touch to his shoulder and smiled, ?don't worry about it. Your reaction was interesting.?

Gaerwyn did not want to move because the touch would have had to stop. ?Better you think it interesting than another reaction,? he grinned and then reluctantly stepped over to the middle of the room. ?Well, I should get your bed together or there'll be no rolling at all of any kind.?

He had spoken too loudly for from the kitchen Aunt Maeve yelled, ?Gaerwyn, keep a civil tongue in that seawashed mouth of yours.? Gaerwyn looked guilty a moment then grinned to Lenika and starts setting up the framing, looking happy to be at the task.

Lenika chuckled, ?Yes, Gaerwyn a civil tongue. There are young ones present.? She teased him gently. ?Is there anything I can help you with?? She stepped forward to lend assistance.

?Mmm...that you can. Once I've these two set in together, I'll need you to hold them while I put in the setting pins to lock them.? He put two of the frame boards together, their mortise and tenon fitting nicely. ?Here now, hold that board just so,? he motioned to the part of the frame that would be near the footboard.

She moved forward to hold the wood as he indicated. ?Like this?? she asked to be sure.

?Aye, that's fine,? he smiled as he took up wooden dowel pin and slid the pin to keep the frame boards securely together. ?And there we go. Just three more to go,? he chuckled and moved to the next one to fit the two boards together again, then motioned where she could hold the board to keep it steady while he set the next pin.

She released the board and moved over to hold the next one. ?We seem to be making a good team,? she said quietly as if it were a secret.

He smiled and whispered in the same style. ?We do make a good team,? his secret smile was interrupted by Gaer running over from his spying post near in the hallway. ?Whatcha whispering about? Can I know the secret, too? I can keep secrets.?

Gaerwyn chuckled, ?For all of two seconds, my lad. Now, I want you and Lina to take the horse and wagon back to Mr. Rogansson's livery. No wandering off after that, either. Straight there and straight back, you here me??

Lina had just come in and they both nodded, ?Yes, father,? then scrambled to be the first out the door fighting over who gets the lead the horse. Gaerwyn looked back to Lenika and just chuckled before he moved on to the next corner of frame boards to repeat the process.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-24 15:48 EST
A grin as she followed him. ?It's good that they can do such a task for you.? She continued to keep her voice low. ?I'm truly glad I've had the opportunity to know you and your family.?

He matched the level of her voice, ?It has been an honor, and I can speak for the entire family, that we're very glad you have gotten to know us and let us start to get to know you.?

?It's a difficult task to let someone in.? She was not sure if she should hold something again or not, so she paused her hands by another board.

The final pin set with her help he stood up again and offers a hand to help her rise to her feet, ?I cannot deny that.?

?I don't think I know how to do it anymore,? she whispered, almost afraid to admit it to herself, and then she stood with his help, ?Thank you.?

?You'll remember how when you're ready to let someone in. It'll take time. Some hurts go deep and it?s hard to risk such a hurt again. We learn it when we're young and touch a hot plate or a sharp stick. We get cautious. But, you also have to think about it like riding a horse. You get thrown, you've got to get back up on the horse again, or you'll just let the fear guide your life.? He gave a warm smile in hopes of reassuring her that he understood. ?Now, help me get the headboard and footboard nailed on.?

Lenika chuckled softly, ?I think this happened before any hurt in Rhydin.? But she nodded and turned to the task at hand. ?Yes, Captain. Tell me what to do, Sir.? She gave a sharp salute.

He stopped and had to keep himself from taking a deep breath. The motion was painfully familiar in memory of Lera, but he smiled and saluted back. He moved the headboard into place and indicated where she should place her hands. ?Just hold it here and I'll nail it into place.? The headboard was not overly decorative, but a simple ivy carving along the top edge gave a bit of detail. The same ivy carving was found upon the footboard edge as well. ?I hope you like the bed,? he said as he took up the hammer and nails and set to hammering.

She held again. ?I do. It's simple yet elegant,? a grin, ?It goes well with the home.? She paused a moment, then asked, ?Do you one of the things I have missed about this place?? She continued to keep her voice low as she brought up another topic.

The headboard finished, he stood and looked to her, ?What did you miss??

?The walks we had taken every so often. They were nice,? she offered a smile.

?Well then,? he grinned as he moved the footboard over and set it properly and indicated one last time where she should hold it before he started hammering. ?We'll have to take more. I enjoyed the time myself.?

She moved to hold the board, ?It wasn't too depressing for you?? She tried to make a joke, but it was definitely a struggle as there was some genuine concern in that.

?Depressing?? quick work of one nail, ?Can't say as I recall being depressed in your company, Lenika.? Another nail in with a few hits with the hammer. ?Sometimes I feel useless as I can't help you sort matters out, but depressed? No.?

?You need not feel useless,? she admitted, though she became even quieter. ?You've helped a good deal.?

The footboard done, he stood, ?Thank you and I'm glad I was some help.? He patted her arm lightly then stepped off to take up some slat boards and ropes and began setting them across the frame and tied a firm but flexible base before tossing the cotton and feather mattress on top. ?Well then, just missing the linens and you'll be set to go.?

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-07-24 15:48 EST
?Thank you very much. You're quite handy,? she smiled at him and nodded, ?I may need to take lessons from you.?

?Planning on starting a bed building business?? he laughed softly, but then offered, ?Oh, aye, I'd be happy to show you how to do anything you like.? Then he added in haste, ?As long as I know how to do it myself.?

?Be careful with your words, Gaerwyn, anything can have many consequences,? she grinned impishly.

?I'm ready to stand by my word,? he matched her grin and raised her a wink. ?Anything I said and anything it is,? a finger raised, ?providing I know how to do whatever it is so I can show you.?

?Yes, providing that,? she nodded and reached a hand out to him, ?Shake on it.?

He took her hand, gave an oath confirming shake. ?Done then.?

?A deal is struck,? she said with the shake. ?Very good. I will ask you when I think of something.?

?Well and good then,? he grinned and stepped back a little to look at the bed, examining it. ?I should be off to check on starting signing up crew for the new ship.? He moved to the hallway and stopped by the parlor where Aunt Maeve was sewing something. ?The children should be back soon, and I'm on my way to the docks.?

Maeve nodded, ?Be back before dinner and pick up that bolt of cloth being held for me at the Corner Shoppe.? Gaerwyn nodded and seeing as he was going to stop for something anyway, he went back to Lenika's room where she had stayed to look over the bed. ?Anything you need while I am out??

?No, I've got everything I need for the moment. I hope it goes well for you.?

He nodded and smiled, then waved his fare well and went down the hall and out of the house.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 12:53 EST
Gaerwyn stood from his work in the garden at the back of the house as evening started to settle in. With the edge of his sleeve, he wiped away the sweat of his brow and from his eyes and looked at the dirty streak left there. His gaze moved on to his hands. ?Well, definitely need a bath tonight,? he muttered to himself.

Lina giggled and looked at her own hands, ?I think I do, too.?

Gaerwyn chuckled and nodded, ?I?ll need to be checking those pipes tonight, or there?ll be many a heated kettle of water in this house.?

Lenika emerged from the house carrying a couple drinks, ?Well, you two are certainly working hard. How about a break??

?Ooh, please!? Lina went forward and reached for the drink, and Gaerwyn turned to the arrival with a smile, ?Ah, our savior. Did not know you had patron saint of garden workers in your repretoire, Lenika.? He, too, reached for a glass and took a deep, long drink of it.

?Well, I know how it is to work in a garden to keep it looking well,? she smiled to both. ?Perhaps I will join you once I'm done helping inside.?

Lina took the fore, ?Oh, yes, please do, Miss Lenika. We're almost done but there's a patch near the jasmine that still needs tending, and it has such a lovely smell. I never mind working there.?

Gaerwyn chuckled and took a seat on one of the outdoor chairs, ?Good, then I won't be needing to do a thing.?

Lenika laughed, ?Oh, do you think you're done for today?? She glanced to Gaerwyn then she looked back to Lina. ?Jasmine has a lovely smell.?

?Aye, that I do,? Gaerwyn answered. ?I think I'll be having a nice soak in the bath while you two ladies have your noses filled with jasmine.? His grin was broad.

Lina waved her father off. ?Oh nevermind him. He's such a grump. I'll make you a crown of jasmine, Miss Lenika. It'd be ever so lovely in your hair.? Lina set down her glass and hurried off to the far corner, of the garden where a long trestle was covered in climbing jasmine. She started on the crown straight away.

Gaerwyn looked to Lenika. ?I trust Gaer is behaving himself for you and Aunt Maeve??

A simple nod, ?I've been trying to have him be a helper to stay busy.? She watched Lina with a fond smile. ?How is she doing??

He turned to look at his daughter as he replied, ?For now, she's fine. Keep her mind and fingers busy and she's just fine. But some nights..,? He did not need to finish. He knew Lenika heard those nights. But he found a smile and gave it to her. ?Keeping Gaer busy is a chore, and it's a kindness you taking a mind after him. Aunt Maeve I think wore herself down too far, but I hope she's on the ups, wouldn't you say??

?I think so. I want to try and help her more, including with the children.?

He smiled and nodded, ?So do I, but,? he looked down to his glass, ?I've got to start seeing to my business or I won't be able to help with the money.? He looked up again as he clarified. ?No danger now, of course, and I've some savings still even after the last payment on the new ship, but I have to start making a few coastal runs while the season is still fair. I'll send the new captain on the longer hauls. And of course, there's the trip up the coast with the children first.?

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 12:54 EST
Lina arrived just in time, ?Oh, Papa, really?! Really a trip up the coast?? Gaerwyn grinned and nodded and that got a fling of arms about his neck and a kiss to his cheek. ?Oh wonderful! I have to go tell Aunt Maeve.? The little girl was spry with a bounce to set the crown of Jasmine on Lenika's head, a kiss to the lady's cheek with delight and she sprung for the door to go tell the news.

Lenika chuckled as she watched the girl, but then with a more discerning smile. ?If there is a need for money, I still have some saved.?

Gaerwyn stood as he watched his daughter bounce with glee and he stood and moved to straighten the crown of flowers on Lenika's head, ?It's very becoming on you, but no, there's is not need as yet, and I thank you for the offering.? He liked being that close to her, but he could not look into her eyes for long and instead took to admiring the flowers in her hair.

A smile at him then she, too, averted her gaze. ?Thank you. I will do what I can to help here. I only wish I could do more for Lina.?

He was about to touch her cheek and lift her eyes, but just as his hand reached the back door burst open and out came the remainder of the household with grins of delight. Gaer whooped like a yapping wolf pup, and Aunt Maeve had hands clasped together for fear she might burst with excitement. ?Gaerwyn, what a treat!? she said. ?It's been so many years since I sailed.?

Gaerwyn laughed and gave his Aunt a kiss to her cheek, ?Then it is long overdue and high time you did.?

Aunt Maeve moved to Lenika and grinned as she surveyed the flowers, ?What lovely ornamentation, Lenika.? Not a hesitation as she went on, ?You'll be joining us of course, dear. The sights and cliffs of Truhane are a wonderful spot for a picnic.?

A gentle chuckle, ?So I've heard. I'm sure it'll be a wonderful time.? Lenika crouched to press a kiss to Lina's cheek and murmur, ?Thank you for the jasmine.?

?You look like a fairy princess, Miss Lenika.? Lina beamed, but then blinked, ?Oooh! I almost forgot. I've got to clean out the weeds! Come on Gaer, you can help.? She took her little brother by the hand and went on back to the corner.

Aunt Maeve nodded, ?And I need to set a few more dishes away from supper and start the heating of the water, unless you got those pipes fixed, Gaerwyn.?

Gaerwyn turned to his Aunt. ?I did, but I?ll take a look again. It still needs a kettle of starter water in the pump, so go ahead and set that to the stove. I'll take it to the pump when it is ready.?

Aunt Maeve nodded and went inside, and so Gaerwyn found himself pleasantly alone, or somewhat alone for the children were not that far off, with Lenika.

?It appears I am going on this sailing adventure,? she offered a little grin to Gaerwyn as her gaze drifted to the children.

?And I am very pleased to hear it,? he smiled and also looked to the children. He observed them for a moment to make sure Lina wasn't being too bossy and Gaer wasn't on the edge of a tantrum, before he looked back to Lenika. ?I should go in and double check the pipes, or I may be lugging kettles of water all night for anyone to bathe.? He smiled with the humorous idea of it and headed inside to do just that and check on the starter water for the pump on the way.

Lenika moved to watch the children and she called to them, ?How is it going over there??

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 12:55 EST
Gaer turned with hands dirty, and, in fact, up the elbows there were signs of dirt, but he had weeds a plenty in his hand and proud to show it. ?I'm pulling weeds, Miss Lenika!? he cheered as if Lenika didn't know.

Lina felt obligated to point out that fact, ?She knows, Gaer, now toss those in the compost and get back to it. Just a bit more to go,? the last she called over her shoulder to Lenika. All of the sudden, Lina's imagination took over and she turned it into a game. ?We'll have your garden perfect again, Fairy Queen Lenika, and all your fairy subjects will come to dance in the night for you again.?

The flower crowned lady laughed softly, ?Why, thank you! It shall be a wonderful night for dancing!? She stepped a bit closer, ?And you two shall have to dance with all of the fairy subjects.?

Lina stood and beamed a smile, tossing the last bits of weeds to the compost and nearly hitting Gaer in the head with them, but he paid it no mind already doing a strange uncoordinated little jig that caused Lina to giggle and she pranced much more gracefully around him. ?We'll dance with the fairies!?

?Perhaps you shall need flower crowns as well,? she smiled at them.

Well that was going to far for Gaer. He crossed his arms and stuck out his chest. Lina clapped with delight and went directly for making a crown of honeysuckle that grew wild near the compost. Gaer proclaimed quite firmly, ?Boys don't wear flowers.?

?How about sticks, Gaer? You could have sticks to protect us?? She crouched down to be more at his level.

He looked her square in the eye, and gave a firm nod. ?I'll protect you Fairy Queen!? he called and he went to grab some broken twigs from the elm tree while Lina returned with her crown in place and started to dance around. Gaer, armed with two stick swords called out in a warrior cry, ?Sneaks! Attack!? and started a vicious wild swinging of the sticks against a particularly harmless shrub.

Lina squealed and giggled alternately and put her arms out wide as she stood in front of Lenika, ?I'll protect you!?

She laughed and called gently to little Gaer, ?I think that's one of ours, great warrior!?

?Oh!? Gaer blinked and stopped his attack going back to her.

Gaerwyn stepped from the back and hollored, ?What the roaring seas is going on back here?!?

Gaerwyn's yell set her to laughing still and she reached to try to pull her two fairy helpers to her. ?Shh.... we must be very still or the..,? she whispers to the two children, ?Who shall that raised voice be??

The children tucked in close to listen. Lina offered a suggestion, ?The great ogre of the forest, I think, is that so Fairy Queen??

Gaerwyn had an amused turn to his mouth, crossed his arms before him, strangely like little Gaer had done just moments before, and wondered what the three were doing huddled together.

?Hmm...what do you think, Gaer? The great ogre?? She cast a glance Gaerwyn's way as she awaited the little boy's answer.

The little boy looked at his father and gave a firm nod, ?Yep, that's him. Want me to slay him for you, Fairy Queen?? Lina giggled behind a hand.

Chuckling as she asked softly, ?Do you think that wise, great warrior? Perhaps we can make friends with him.?

He shook his head, ?Can't trust ogres. Gotta kill 'im. Best thing.?

Lina giggled again and disagreed, ?I think maybe he's just lonely. He needs friends.?

?Maybe he wishes for a flower crown, too,? She recommended gently, ?and some dancing to be happy.

There was no convincing Gaer. ?He's a boy! Boys don't wear flowers.? But Lina was off like an arrow shot to find more honeysuckle, because only the Fairy Queen was to wear the jasmine.

Gaerwyn completely puzzled called out as he started walking that way. ?No one going to answer me??

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 12:55 EST
Lina saw his approach and squealed, ?Papa stop! You'll ruin it!?

Gaer piped in, ?Yeah, Papa, stop! You gotta be the forest ogre!?

Gaerwyn blinked and tried not to laugh and then held his arms out at his sides and stuck out his lower jaw. ?I'm the forest ogre...who dares enter my domain??

?Oh no,? Lenika said quietly, ?Is this the ogre's domain??

?Liar, you land grubbing ogre!? Gaer shouted.

Gaerwyn dropped his persona for a moment to ask, ?Where did you learn that??

He looked to Lina who was all a fluster with making the honeysuckle crown and pointedly avoiding her father's gaze, she spoke to Lenika, ?I have the peace offering, Fairy Queen.?

Seeing he was not going to get an answer to that question, Gaerwyn resumed his ogre persona. Lenika chuckled softly. ?Who shall be the best to give the peace offering?? she asked of her two helpers with a grin. ?The ogre looks mighty fierce.?

Gaer wrinkled up his nose at the thought of even touching the flowers. Lina spoke up, ?I'll do it, Fairy Queen.?

?You are a brave fairy helper. Are you sure you wish to do this?? She mused Gaer?s hair as she asked Lina.

Gaer, very unwarrior-like, grinned up at the mussing of his hair and leaned in to his Fairy Queen. Lina nodded and turned to face the forest ogre who stood waiting with a few grunts and his arms akimbo. Lina held out the crown to him. ?Forest Ogre we want to be friends. Won't you take this crown of flowers and come dance with us??

Gaerwyn hunched over and sniffed at the flower crown, then turned his head to peer hard at Lina. ?Come closer and put it on my head.? Lina came closer and Gaerwyn swooped her up in his arms and put her up on his shoulder. ?You're mine now!?

Lenika played along trying not to laugh, ?Oh no! The ogre has gotten the fairy princess!?

Lina giggled and shrieked. Little Gaer went charging with his sticks drawn and banged on his father's legs. ?You let her go, you big ogre!?

Gaerwyn hopped around with Lina on his shoulder as Gaer batted at him with sticks and kept yelling, ?Let her go!?

But Lina had something else in mind and she finally got the crown of honeysuckle on her father's head and screamed to get his attention, ?You're not an ogre anymore! The flower crown broke the spell! You're a handsome fairy king now!?

Gaerwyn slowed at the new information, ?What??

Gaer might as well have been impersonating his father, for he too asked, ?What??

A laugh, Lenika called out, ?A magic crown. Very good idea!?

?Oh...I'm a fairy king now,? Gaerwyn set his daughter down.

Lina straightened her dress and nodded, ?Yes, you were enchanted by an evil witch, but now you're changed back because of friendship and the magic flower crown. Now you can marry your true love!?

Gaer made a face and tossed away his sticks. ?Yelk. I'm going inside,? and so he did with a few stomps of his feet. Aunt Maeve had started the bath for him so was all prepared for his arrival indoors to get him ready for bed.

Lina grinned and danced around. Gaerwyn smiled to Lenika.

A smile for Gaerwyn then she smiled at Lina, ?How very smart of you, Lina, to know what would break the witch's spell.?

Lina curtsied to her Fairy Queen, ?Thank you, your Majesty.?

Gaerwyn chuckled and moved over to swat at his dancing daughter?s backside lightly.
?Night's fallen. Go on inside, Lina. Time to get cleaned up and ready for bed.?

She tugged on his arm and propped up on her toes to kiss his cheek and then kept floating and flitting pretending to be a fairy as she went inside. Lenika rose as soon as Lina went inside the house and removed the crown of jasmine from her head. She kept it in her hands as she looked to Gaerwyn, ?It was a fun game to play.? A cheeky grin, ?You make a good ogre.?

He gave a hearty laugh, ?Do I?? as he took the honeysuckle crown from his head as well and carried it with him to open the door for her. ?Well, I certainly believed you to be a perfect Fairy Queen.? He added softly, ?And still do,? he bowed, ?Your Majesty.?

Lenika laughed softly, though she stopped at the door and lifted her gaze to him. She leaned in to say softly, ?You make a fine fairy king as well,? and then she moved into the house.

He smiled and watched her move inside before following himself.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 17:01 EST
Lenika quietly shut the gate behind them as she and Lina left the house. She walked a few steps from the house before she actually spoke to the little girl, then she said the first thing that came to mind, ?I greatly enjoyed playing fairies with you, Lina.?

?Me, too,? Lina turned a sunny smile up to Lenika. ?We can play again sometime if you want. Next time we should get umm...candles in paper lanterns. They can be pixies!? She reached for a firefly as it sailed by. Lamps were being lit by the lamplighters along the ends of the lanes adding light to the halfmoon lit streets.

She smiled down to Lina and nodded, ?Oh yes, what a good idea. We can play all sorts of games, if you want.? She reached to take hold of the little girl?s hand, and Lina instantly had her fingers curling about to hold. ?Do you know, Lina, you make me quite happy.?

A blushing smile, she twisted her shoulders a bit bashfully, ?I do??

?You do. Very much so,? she gave a gentle squeeze to the girl's hand. ?You and your brother. I'm so happy that I'm able to know you and spend time with you. I'm always sad when I must be away for a long time.?

?I don't like it when you go away either, but you don't have to now. You have a room all your own.? She beamed a smile up to the lady. ?And anything you could do at your old home you can do here. That's what Papa told me when we moved here to be with Aunt Maeve.? There was something hanging there unspoken; the why they had moved. But Lina only went on with a bit of a skip to her step. ?I like having you here with us. I'm glad you like us.?

?I'm glad I could be here and we're able to be together,? she said softly as she thought on a few things. ?Do you ever miss your old home, Lina??

A thoughtful twist to her mouth and she nods, ?I miss some of my friends. When Ewan did that bad thing, all my friends here called me names. They weren't nice to me. Of course, since the Baroness came to see us, they are all really nice to me now. Papa says to be careful though of those that only are nice to me because of people I know.? She shrugged and rambled on, ?I miss the lake where Mama would take Gaer and me fishing. It was ever so pretty. It had big willows that would hang over the lake.? Her free arm went up high, fingers dangling, and then she hunched over as if imitating the willow. As she straightened again, she said, ?I miss my room some, but not so much. They are just things. Papa says things are never worth crying over, but I couldn't help it. My favorite bear was in there and he burned up. He..,? she stopped and looked up at Lenika. ?Do you miss your home??

?I do, sometimes,? she nodded, ?but it is not my home in Rhydin. It is the home where my family lives. Luckily, though, I have all of you to remind me of them.? She gave another gentle squeeze to Lina's hand. ?Sometimes we do cry over things and it cannot be helped, but in the end your father is right. As long as you still have those you care about and who care about you then the things can be let go.?

?Oh who do I remind you of?? another skip, she walked rather sideways to watch Lenika as she talked, but the little girl was most definitely not letting go of the lady?s hand.

A quiet chuckle, ?My niece: bright, wonderful, a big helper, and very smart.?

A shuffle of her feet and she looked down, ?I am not so smart, but I do try to be helpful. I like that you think I remind you of your niece.?

?You are quite smart. You made the wonderful dress on your own, especially while I was away and that's incredibly smart and talented.? She reached to touch her fingers to the girl's hair and smoothed it. ?Why do you like that, Lina??

She stepped a bit closer wanting more of the touch to her hair. The feeling had such good memories with it. ?I don't know. Just...just I do.?

She continued to brush her fingers through Lina's hair gently. ?I'm glad that you like it then. Perhaps one day, you might be able to see my home.?

Lina gave a bright smile, ?When? Do you get there by ship? Papa could take us if we do. Is it very far?? She was all alive again with the prospect.

?We would have to go by ship and I don't know when,? she chuckled at the girl?s enthusiasm. ?We need to have that picnic first.?

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 17:11 EST
?Oh yes. You'll love it. If you stand just on the edge of the cliffs, only Papa always has to hold my hand, the wind will near hold you up it is so strong, but it blows my hair straight back from my face. And birds fly all around.? She reached out to try and catch a firefly again and this time caught it. She opened her hand and let it go. ?I don't like to keep them in jars like Gaer does.?

?And I'm sure they don't like to stay in jars a long time,? she smiled at Lina. ?It sounds like a fun time and I'm excited to go. Lina..,? she stopped and started, ?Do you miss your mother??

Lina looked at the her hand where the firefly had been and nodded timidly without saying a word, but Lenika would feel the grip of her hand slightly tighten.

With her other hand, she rubbed fingertips against the back of Lina's held hand. ?It's very difficult to lose someone we love, isn't it??

She nodded again and looked up, ?Has someone you loved ever died??

Lenika nodded, ?Oh yes. When I was about your age, my father died. It was a very scary thing. Is your memory scary, Lina??

There was an instant connection now. Lina felt able to speak with Lenika and she walked a bit closer. ?I don't remember much. I,? her hand is beginning to sweat, ?I remember loud noises and being so hot. Papa said it happened at night but I remember so much light. I..,? she shrugged, ?I don't remember much. Gaer doesn't remember anything.? She cheated a look up to the lady at her side, and timidly asked, ?How did your father die??

She stopped walking to crouch down to Lina's level. ?He had some problems with his body, but I remember the day he died. That was the scariest for me.? She pulled the little girl into a hug who went so willingly. ?Do you ever talk with anyone about how you feel or what happened??

?Sometimes at night I remember more and I wake up. Papa holds me. I don't want to remember the dreams. They frighten me.? She waited a bit and asked softly, ?Your father was sick??

A careful nod, Lenika answered, ?Yes, very sick.? She hugged Lina and petted her hair again. ?Shall I tell you a secret about me?? Lina?s little mouth pressed hard and her lips nearly vanished because of it, but she gave a mute nod wanting to hear the secret. ?I still have very bad dreams about many things and I never want to remember them either because mine scare me too.? Lenika leaned away a little bit to look at Lina?s dismayed face. ?So I do know that dreams can be very frightening, but they are dreams and they will go away.? She pressed a kiss to her cheek. ?Sometimes I do my very best to think of the happiest thing I can remember before sleeping.?

?Thank you, Miss Lenika.? The little girl pressed a kiss to the lady's cheek in return. ?I'll keep your secret, I promise, and I'll think of something happy, too, before I go to bed. Maybe it'll work for me, too!?

?Maybe it will. If not, then we will find another way for both of us to have good dreams. What do you think of that idea??

?That's a good idea,? she gave a fuller smile and a brighter nod.

?Though, you know, I may need to remember you father as the ogre turned prince and his fairy crown,? she grinned.

Lina giggled and covered her mouth, then the giggle turned to laughter. ?He was so funny! Oh, I betcha that will keep the bad dreams away.? She giggled more and took Lenika's hand again as she looked around them. The street was not empty, but few people walked its path. The night pleasant, and Lina leaned into Lenika with something akin to puppylike adoration.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 17:12 EST
Lenika nuzzled a cheek to cheek moment and hugged Lina again, ?Yes, just tell the bad dreams that your Fairy King Father will come to get them if they don't stay away.? She laughed at the memory, and suggested, ?We shall need to get him into another game with us.?

She nodded her smile not fading, even with the next thought, ?But Papa will start his traveling again soon. I miss him when he goes, but I know he has to.? She said it all so matter of factly. ?Will you miss him? We'll only have Gaer and he's no fairy prince. He's sure an ogre, though.?

Chuckling then she nodded, ?I will miss your father, I think, when he goes. Perhaps while your father is gone, we can make him something for his return. Hmm??

?Oh, yes, please. What'll we make?? She hopped again as if the last moment's sorrow had been folded neatly and put away in a drawer. ?Papa always brings us things, but I don't ever see him get anything for himself. Except that one time when he bought a sweater. Softest thing I ever did feel and oh so warm. He got us all one for the winter months.?

?Your father is a kind and generous person, Lina,? she smiled at her, and gave a moment?s thought before she offered. ?Well..we shall have to think on it and plan it. It'll be our secret until he returns.?

Giddy little hops all in a row, Lina giggled, ?We've got ever so many secrets, Miss Lenika.? And it was apparent the little girl delighted in all of them. ?I'm a good secret keeper. Except when Gaer does something wrong.?

Lenika chuckled at the addition to her claim. ?You are a very good secret keeper.?

The notion of secrets seemed to have sparked a thought in Lina?s mind. ?Have you heard? And this isn't a secret or I wouldn't tell, but have you heard that Aunt Maeve went to the healer house the other day? She said she went to Market Square, but I know better, because my friend Tyrin said she saw Great Auntie coming from the healer's house. And Tyrin wasn't one of those that called me names and things. She stood by me. She?d not fib to me.?

?Oh? I didn't hear that yet, but thank you for sharing with me, Lina. Does your father know?? She asked casually as she rose from her crouch and began to walk back with her.

The little girl shrugged, ?I don't know. I haven't told him, and he doesn't tell me anything.? This was spoken as if she had some deep grievance over it.

?I was going to ask Aunt Maeve about it, but she was gloomy the past weeks, and I didn't want her gloomy again.? There was a slight pout to the lower lip.

?Perhaps your father should talk with you first,? she encouraged.

?You think so?? Lina looked up at the lady by her side as she set their combined hands to swinging lightly with their steps. ?If you think so, then I'll ask him tonight when he comes to tuck me in.? She giggled. ?You've never been there when he tucks me in, have you??

?No I have not. Why??

?It's like giving a report on his ships,? she puffed up her chest and tried to lower her voice. ?Now, Lina, did you wash behind your ears? Brush your teeth? Brush your hair? And what did you do today?? She laughed, ?And I tell him all the answers and he grins gives me a hug and kiss and sits by my bed for a bit with the lamp out. He's so silly sometimes.?

Lenika laughed softly, ?But it's what makes him a papa.?

Lina nodded, and then she looked up at Lenika with a sadder turn of her mouth, ?Did your papa tuck you in when you were little??

A shake of her head, ?He worked so much that I hardly saw him, even in the night.?

?Oh,? a solemn nod. ?Papa's around more now, but he always tucked me in when he was at home.? She smiled up to Lenika, ?I guess you don't get tucked in by anyone anymore.?

?Not really, no,? a smile as she moved along with her until they were at the house. ?But that's okay. I'm happy to know that you get tucked in.?

Lina contemplated that and then raised her gaze. ?I guess someday I won't be anymore, but...not yet?? It was more a hopeful confirmation sought than a question.

?Not yet, most definitely,? came the affirmation with a certain nod. ?You may even get to choose when it stops as you grow older.?

?Oh, good,? she relaxed at that thought. She spied the house and then giggled. ? betcha Gaer's already getting ready for bed.? She felt a little smug at being old enough to go out for an evening walk with an adult.

?He just might. Perhaps we should go inside and see him before he goes to bed. What do you think?? Lenika glanced down to her::

The idea did not exactly appeal to her, but she certainly wanted to keep Lenika's good favor, so she nodded, ?Yes, I suppose so.?

Lenika led Lina inside, where they greeted everyone then gave little Gaer his special goodnights.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 23:53 EST
Gaerwyn came back down the stairs from checking in on the children. They had been in bed for half an hour, and so he made sure they were sleeping. Aunt Maeve had also gone to bed just some minutes before. He walked to the parlor and stood for a moment contemplating his options for the night: reading, working, or walking.

Lenika slipped up behind him, she even went as far as touching a hand very lightly to his back before she stepped away. ?Everything safe and sound??

He turned, but not swiftly, and gave a smile, ?Aye, that it is.? He leaned back against the framed open walkway into the parlor. ?I was thinking on what I should do with my time before I go to sleep. A walk was considered since it seemed so very refreshing to Lina.? He said pointedly, wanting to know more but not exactly asking -- yet.

A quiet chuckle, ?I would hope it was good for her.? She stood almost opposite him, though not as close to the parlor opening. ?If you so wish to walk, we can, but what if she has an episode while we are gone??

Gaerwyn lifted his gaze to the ceiling but he was looking beyond that to where his little girl slept, for now soundly. ?I never know when its going to be nightmare or one of those damnable terrors.? He sighed, ?But yes, I think staying would be best. Will you join me?? he motioned to the parlor where set the couch and four wingback chairs all about the comfortable and not overly large room.

Lenika nodded, ?I will...perhaps we may even have a talk.? She grinned at him then moved to and pass him into the parlor. If they happened to brush she did not call attention to it. She chose to take a seat on the couch.

He was left with a very difficult choice, and chose to join her on the couch, but at an acceptable and appropriate distance. ?Ahh,? he sighed getting comfortable, ?and what will we talk about? Perhaps some things that you and Lina talked over?? Then he hesitated to add, ?Though she did tell me of Aunt Maeve's visit to the healer house. I spoke to Maeve about it, and she said she was just there for preventatives. Tonics and such. I have some skepticism on that count, but I'm not about to go fishing in her business either. Or should I?? He obviously wanted her opinion on the matter.

?I think, perhaps, letting her be for now on the matter but keeping a watch on her and perhaps trying to pick up a little more duties around so give her some rest.? She laid her cheek against the top part of the back of the couch as she turned a little to watch him. ?We all will help and perhaps the picnic will do her some good.?

He gave another nod and agreed with that, ?Yes, the picnic. I was thinking this week's end would be a good time to go.?

?Sounds lovely. I know Lina is looking forward to it.? Her fingers absently toyed with the end of her braided hair.

?Is she? Is that one of the things you talked about?? He pried a little more.

?It is. She said something about a cliff edge..,? she trailed off as she grinned at him.

His eyes rolled slightly, and he chuckled. ?I swear that girl thinks she's a bird. If it weren't for me holding on to her, she'd fall right over absolutely convinced the wind would hold her up.? The chuckle sounded again but more softly. ?It is a strong breeze there at the edge, but I think she does it to give me grey hairs.?

?She said the wind holds her up and pushes her hair back from her face, but that you do hold her from falling off the edge. She wants me to try it, I think.? Her laugh was soft. ?Have you no grey hair yet? Perhaps I should check.? She used the moment to lean from the couch back and reached over to muss his hair.

He laughed, ?I don't know. Maybe a few hidden in there.? Fingers roughly combed back the hair from his eyes. ?And you're welcome to try. I'll be there to hold you from falling over, too, as long as you both don't try it at the same time.?

Lenika laughed softly once more, ?Lina may be more brave than I on that front. What did you do while we were walking?? She asked as she leaned back against the couch once more.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 23:56 EST
?Gaer decided to challenge me to a wrestling match in the parlor, which now knowing Aunt Maeve may be unwell was probably not the best of choices. Fortunately nothing nor any person was damaged. He and I also took a look at his rock collection from the great and wonderous world of the back yard garden,? he gave a sly grin, ?before it was time for him to bath and get into bed.?

Amusement touched her breath into a chuckle, ?And who won the match??

?I think it was a draw,? he stifled his hearty laugh by ducking his head closer to the couch.

?Such a strong son you have already,? she smiled at him, ?And very much like you.?

?Perhaps a bit too much like me. It's a good thing Aunt Maeve takes him to task sometimes. He can mimic so easily things he hears. Dangerous to have him down near the docks.? A memory brought up a cheeky grin.

?Yes, I would say so.? Lenika shifted a little on the couch to get more comfortable. ?Lina and I talked about the fairy game. We plan to play more.?

?Oh is that so? Plans to expand your fairy kingdom have you, Fairy Queen??

?We just might,? she nodded.

?Let me know if you need construction done,? he laughed softly as he scooted down a bit on the couch and rested his head on the top part of the back.

?We will.? She paused. ?When will you start sailing for business again??

He looked to his hands and then over to her, ?There's a trip to be taken two weeks from now. I'll be sailing with the new captain to be sure things go well. It's around the coast to the west, and then up north to Anria. It should take a week and a half if the weather holds well.?

She nodded and noted the information. ?We briefly talked of that.?

?Of my sailing?? He sat up a bit. ?Did she seem worried??

?No, but she said she misses you when you're gone. She asked if I would miss you.? The last part she tagged on quietly.

?And will you?? He asked unabashedly.

?She said you make a better fairy king than Gaer,? she said smoothly as she flicked her glance away.

He laughed and then ducked his head and softened it to a chuckle. ?Of that I have no doubt. Gaer isn't much into being a Fairy King.? He then looked to her, ?I will miss you all as well.? It was not that she had answered, but he still included her in the statement for his daughter?s sake.

?Yes, I'm sure you will miss your family very much. I will try to take care them for you,? she said quietly as she seemed to exclude herself from the statement.

?That includes you, Lenika. I will miss our talks and walks together.?

?As will I.? It was the closest yet she was willing to admit to him for now.

?It does make it a little less daunting a task leaving here knowing that you are here with them.? His smile was sincere, but that smile was interrupted by the shrill scream from above. There was no hesitation, no request for her leave, he was on his feet, a lamp in hand, and clambering up the stairs to Lina's room where the little girl sat straight up, eyes wide with terror.

Lenika followed him up though and leaned by the doorway to watch.

Gaerwyn set the lamp aside on the table far from the bed before he swiftly moved to sit on the bed. The motion at first caused Lina to rail against him, squirming and crying, but he finally got this arms around her and crooned. ?I'm here. Hold on to me.? He rocked her back and forth, keeping his voice soft and low as Lina cried and trembled, sometimes pushed against him. He could feel how fast her heart was beating. He looked to the door as he kept crooning and nodded his head for Lenika to come over. She slipped in a little bit, but continued to watch as her heart went out to the girl.

Gaerwyn smiled and soothed his daughter's sweat sheened brow. ?I'm here, Lina. Papa is here. Lenika is here, too. We were talking about fairy lands.? He crooned wordlessly and softly as Lina trembled and cried on.

?Remember, the fairy king will protect you, Lina,? Lenika offered softly.

He smiled up at Lenika, ?That's right. The Fairy King protects all his people, especially his fairy princess. Crowns of flowers and bright sunshine. Even Gaer had fun.? He had to try and remind Lina of brighter, safer times, and keep himself calm. He felt her trembling start to slow, the crying began to sigh away and he laid her down on the bed. Fingers so very gently pushed back hair from her face. ?That's my girl. Sleep now so we can play in Fairy Land again.?

Lenika stepped back and out of the room quietly as she waited for Gaerwyn. She would let him have this time with his daughter to see to her comfort.

Gaerwyn Caisson

Date: 2007-08-06 23:58 EST
As soon as he felt that her heart was no longer about to race out of her chest, her breathing regular again, he rose from the bed and took the lamp with him, but he kept the door open, so the light would slowly fade away and not just instantly disappear. He looked to Lenika. ?Thank you.? He glanced back to his daughter's room but briefly before he spoke again. ?She won't remember that one, but I'm glad you've seen it so you know what to expect when I'm on the trip.?

She nodded, ?I'll do my best to take care of her during these times.?

His hand rested lightly on her upper arm and he smiled with unreserved confidence and appreciation, ?I know you will.? He then looked down stairs. ?It was a short episode this time,? he remarked idly, then looked back to her. ?Shall we continue our conversation??

?If you wish to,? she nodded to him.

?For a time yet, please.? He then heard the door to Gaer's room open and saw Maeve step out. She gave the merest nod to let him know Gaer was fine, and she slipped into her own room. He then started walking down the stairs, keeping the lamp in such a place as to share it's light, though there was a wall lamp at the base of the stairs still dimly glowing. Lenika joined him down the stairs, staying a little closer than before and silent. Gaerwyn set the lamp on the small table near the couch and sat cautiously down, leaned forward, his head in his hands and elbows on knees.

She sat beside him and reached to pat his back. ?It will be okay.?

The touch closed his eyes and he nodded. ?In time, that's what I keep telling myself. Someday I'll come to realize it's been several nights she's not had the nightmares or the terrors. Then it will be a few weeks. And then months, and then hopefully, some day, never again. But now she trembles and cries, and I can't stop it.? His shoulders shook as he almost broke. He took in a deep breath and lifted his head sharply to keep away the thought, and gave a smile to Lenika, he reached out a hand for hers. ?I keep saying thank you, but that's because it never seems quite enough. Still, thank you.?

Her hand rested in his, she offered, ?It has not been terribly long since the accident, so it will take much time. You never need to thank me. I would help many times over.?

He nodded and in that nod shared that he would do the same for her, but he only reluctantly released her hand. ?Well, Aunt Maeve settled Gaer from the disturbing night. It is a quiet house, and most likely will remain so until the dawn.? He then thought and asked, ?You told her the Fairy King would protect her? What else did you two talk about??

?I asked her about her night dreams,? she paused as she confided the conversation. ?She said she is scared of her dreams.?

He nodded. ?Sometimes I know what they are about and sometimes I do not.? He considered the woman beside him, the new family confidante and so much now a part of the family. ?I'm glad she feels she can share with you about these frights.?

?We talked briefly of her mother.?

Gaerwyn was mildly surprised, ?She spoke to you of Lera? What did she say...if you can tell me.?

?Mostly that she missed her,? Lenika spoke softly. ?She said she doesn't remember much of what happened except for a lot of light.? She gave a tiny smile, ?Mostly, we talked about you. She was worried that her bed tucking in days might be over soon.? The smile widened slightly, ?It seems she enjoys those moments with you quite a bit.?

He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face as he sat back. ?A lot of light indeed,? he murmured, and then a grin at the mention of tucking Lina in at night. ?I enjoy them, too. It's just me and her and she can tell me anything she wants. My attention is wholly hers. She used to tell me so much more, but now she says she has secrets and she can't tell me.? He chuckled, ?Too grown up by half, but I don't think I'll be stopping the tucking in any time soon.?

?I told her, if anything, it'd be her choice of when she wanted the tucking to stop,? She gave a little smile again, ?Oh yes, there are a few secrets. ?

?Oh, so it is secrets with you, is it?? his voice sounded in a warm, soft laugh.

?A couple, yes,? she sat back and gave his hand a pat.

?How easily I'm replaced,? he teased, ?but it is good for her to have a woman to confide in.?

?Yes, it is,? she chuckled slightly. ?And never replace, Gaerwyn. Only a minor addition.?

?Minor? I doubt that. You've been a grand addition to this home.? He did not allow her a moment to rebuke, he sighed, ?And as much as I would like to talk with you as long as you were willing, if I am to be at the ships in the early morning, I will need to get to sleep. You'll forgive me if I take to my bed??

?Of course. I will need to sleep soon myself.?

He touched her shoulder, as far as he would dare with such intimacies, and then rose, ?I will wish you pleasant dreams and good night's sleep. ?

?Thank you, Gaerwyn, you as well.? She did not rise until he was well and gone.