Topic: What dread hand

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-15 11:39 EST
And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? and what dread feet?
-The Tyger, William Blake

Ewan sat upon a sturdy wooden crate and listened to the sounds of the tunnels. Water slipping its way down walls and dripping on slick stones. Denizens both small and large making their way through the myriad intersections and byways of the tunnels unmapped but in their minds. The unmistakable broad yet soft strides of Compass turned Ewan's attention to a corridor coming up from his behind right.

A curt nod exchanged was the whole of the greetings, "What news?" Compass asked to the point as he sat upon a nearby barrel in the small round room of three tunnels meeting.

"Much and little," Ewan sighed.

"Cryptic as ever. You can speak plain here," Compass smirked.

"That is just it," came the brief counter, "I am uncertain we can. It is just too faulty to assume that enemies both great and small are not aware of these places. We must take precautions against it."

"We do, Ewan, but you are right. Nothing remains safe forever, not even something so well guarded as these tunnels. A mark must be made, then, to assure that those who walk its paths are of our understanding."

"That will take time, but I agree. Something innocuous to any but us, and something that is not permanent," Ewan quirked a smile and brushed a finger over his scar. "I have enough of those."

"It is looking better," Compass leaned forward to catch the pink mark along the man's cheek.

"I received a new salve from a friend. Perhaps I will have no scar at all in the end, which would be best." The Master of Arms rubbed at the base of his wrist where the night's previous activities had twisted a pain into it. "Matters at hand. I need a faction, a group of no more than three, that you trust implicitly to help out another matter with the law firm. Our man there needs more eyes and ears."

Compass nodded, "We know of him, and it can be done. But we will not use our codes with him."

"No, most definitely not. Something nautical should be trite enough for ease in this masquerade." It griped Ewan's soul to assist the man who has gotten himself in too deeply, but it was also his duty, and he would see it done. "I will lend what aid I can myself, but-"

The bearded man across from him laughed coldly and brushed a hand over his beard, "No, Quicksand," he laughed more at Ewan's roll of eyes upon hearing the nickname, "we know well your animosity there. We will take care of matters."

"Good, now on to other things." Ewan leaned forward elbows on knees and plotted with the master of the Tunnels.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-23 13:17 EST
Ewan walked around the men examining detail. Five stood in a row, their features concealed by soft leather cowls. In fact, all stood dressed in style of Ewan?s normal attire down to the dark green leather belt and the various small pouches there. The heights matched well enough, though some were shorter and some taller. ?Yes,? Ewan said as he took a fourth turn around them, ?that will do.?

?Decoys are always fun,? Compass grinned. ?I thought you might be pleased.?

A half smile, Ewan turned a sterner look to the men and motioned for them to drop the cowls back. Blondes, brunettes, even a redhead among them were revealed. ?You understand what you are doing, yes??

Not a word was spoken, but affirmative nods given, so Ewan continued. ?Just make it look like I?m more places than I am. You?ve been given the routes and when to change them, but if you feel like taking a detour, all I ask is you keep to your senses and don?t detour into danger.?

?Or impropriety,? Compass interjected with a scowl. The men all shared smiles and one spoke up, ?Only if we?re rescuing a damsel in distress. Rumor has it, Quicksand has a habit.?

Ewan affected a look of complete puzzlement and was glad to see the expressions on the men change. ?Go about your business, and I will see you again.?

The men all shuffled out into corridors to split up further on to return to their own lives. ?Think it will work?? Ewan turned back to Compass.

?Depends on what you define as ?working?, but I would not have pressed you into it if I did not think it would help.?

?I still do not like the idea, Compass, so do not think this to go on long.? Ewan hooked a foot around a crate and drug it nearby to sit.

?Just need to cause a wee bit of confusion, lad. I know you do not like drawing attention to yourself, and this can help with that in a backwards way,? he chuckled. ?If nothing else, it will help you in your effort to suppress the petty crimes so the city guards and watch can use their time on larger matters, and give you time to sleep so you'll be of some use to us when the dams break.?

A noncommittal shrug ended the topic. ?Now, to my ideas,? Ewan took up a stick and began to draw in the dirt his plans to gain ground.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-26 12:38 EST
Ewan stopped by the newly dubbed Port South holding house. A patrol of two guards, plus their runner, gave nods as they passed him on their way out. The low drone of voices greeted him as he walked inside. The outer room was busy with guards reporting in, handing over their detainees, and court officers taking orders. Men and women alike, their array of weapons as varied as the land of Rhydin, exchanged news of their patrol. One such group near the hallway leading back to the holding cells and office noticed his approach and smiled. The woman, Pei by name, gave a nod, ?Good day, sir.?

?Good day, Pei. Coming on or off patrol?? He included the other two of her trio in his question.

?Off,? Barackus replied. ?Stopped by a few of the major buildings in the area, though they have their own protections, but as you said, cannot make it seem one place is better or worse off than another.?

?It was an easy patrol, sir, and only gathered up some news from the locals,? the runner, Astin, offered.

?Well, I am sure I do not have to tell you, they won?t always be easy patrols, but glad you had a light day. I will see you around,? he smiled, then did a double take at Pei?s look. Rubbing his neck, he turned from the group and went in the office.

Gaston was a stocky fellow with a bad leg and one blind eye, but he had earned his way to this job, and no one begrudged him the desk position as head of the Port South holding house. ?Ewan, it is you today, isn?t it?? he laughed a lion?s roar of a laugh.

?Oh, aye, it is the real me today. Coming to hear the news and what troubles are being had with the new system. Can?t expect the blasted thing to be running perfectly.? He sat in a chair across the desk from the man.

?We?ll be challenged, I am sure, and there will be failures, but at least now we know what areas are being covered, and we?ve got a better relationship with the private security guards. It also helps that your little rats come and give us news they overhear about pending trouble.?

?But the smart ones will keep their plans secret, so we cannot rely on them.?

?Can?t rely on one thing at all, which is what you?ve been telling us for weeks now.? Gaston nodded to the back rooms. ?We?re all full up, so I hope there are two or three that can be of use to you.?

?Send them to the Seclusion Hall south. I will take a look over them before I go.? Ewan stretched out his arms, ?Now to my purpose of being here. I want you to keep an ear out for renegades trying to press their own beliefs, and using their status to promote their own agenda.?

Gaston?s one good eye focused sharply on the man before him. ?That rumor?s come around this district. There will always be vigilantes.?

Ewan smirked, ?That I know too well. But I do not need them doing it while they are on official duty. When we act it is to prevent basic crimes of harm: murder, rape, theft, destruction of property not owned. There are many cultures with a lot of different beliefs all smashed in together here. There is a reason we have empaths and magic users in each triad patrol. If there is someone forced into acts they don?t want, we hope they can detect as such. We may not get them all, but we are not to interfere in something willingly done.? It was a tricky subject, and one Ewan still struggled with daily.

?I don?t like it, Ewan.?

?I don?t like it either, but this is where we?ll start.? Ewan rose and gave a nod. ?Work in progress.? And he turned to look over the latest miscreants awaiting transfer.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-28 11:53 EST
Rivulets of blood mingled with sweat dancing over quivering muscles that feared the next slice of pain. Ewan sat in silence across from the man for several minutes merely watching as the captive mumbled defiance. As the mutterings silenced and he started to drift into recovering sleep, Ewan kicked the man's ribs and roused him into pain again.

"You can end this. I know you've sworn secrecy. I know you've been threatened to keep your loyalty. Perhaps you've blood kin in danger. But i kill you, your kin will still be in danger and you will not be there to protect them. We cannot protect them unless you help us. Your leader will still think you talked." Ewan's voice was soothing, rational. He needed the man to turn to him.

A weak laugh seethed out of gritted teeth, "My sister knows I'll never tell you anything. She knows I will not break." A glimmer of pride sparked in agony reddened eyes.

Ewan gave a more cheerful chuckle, "Well your sister is still going to be short a man if you do not. Or, you can talk with me about what I want to know, forget this ever happened, and return to her. Or," and Ewan crept closer, "you can tell her I am coming, because I am coming for her whether you live-" a slice of the man's flesh removed from along the ribs brought a grunting cry of pain, "-or not."

Returning to a corner of the room, Ewan sat and watched the man start trembling again. His mutterings were now whimpers and blood sought purchase in the ground below staining the dirt dark red.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-29 11:08 EST
Ewan knocked on the door from inside the holding cell. A guard opened it cautiously. "Bring the other man in and let us see what we can get out of him."

"Aye, sir," the guard nodded then locked the door again. Ewan turned and paced around the man curled upon the mucky floor. Chains to hands and feet had been removed some hours earlier to give hope to the captive now known to be called Wyngarde. He lay pale and silent unmoving on the floor.

The door unlocked again and two guards brought in another man. The cocky smirk did not falter upon seeing his companion, though blood drained from his face. "Oh, so you do still recognize him? Then again, I did not change his clothes, so that must be the give away. His face certainly has little left to look at, but fascinatingly enough," Ewan gave a kick to Wyngarde's back that illicted a pitiful burbling of noise, "he's still alive."

The guards held to their charge, but kept their eyes locked on his wrists. They had heard rumors Corinsson had a dark side, but never had they imagined such as this from the quiet man. The torture had been for more than a day. Corinsson would leave sometimes a couple of hours at a time after tending some of the more severe wounds to his captive, and return to start again.

"Tell me your name," Ewan smiled congenially to the new captive.

"Paetin," he answered readily enough. "His sister is not going to be happy about this."

"Oh I do count on it," a look to the near corpse on the floor, "but that is not something you will need to worry about. Unless you give me the information I want, you will end up very much like him."

"Then I will, but I will not tell you what you want to know," his back stiffened in challenge.

"Zealots," Ewan muttered and recalled what Kiema had warned him. A swift change, Ewan waved off the guards to release the man, which they did and departed with the following cue. "Take him, Paetin. Take him back to his sister. He just might live through this. Find a good enough artist of the arcane and he might even look normal."

Paetin's confusion was palpable, but he shook his head, "I cannot carry him or get him to care."

Affecting an exasperated look, Ewan motioned, "Then I will help you. Come on now, I've other things to which I must attend."

Bewilderment shortened thinking in Paetin and he did as he was instructed. Between the two of them, Wyngarde was arranged on the back of a small cart and Paetin given leave to take him off in the brightness of the noon sun.

"Idiot," murmured Maze from behind Ewan. "Who should I send?"

"Be sure they stop by the Hollow Den for aid," Ewan spoke calmly. "By tomorrow night we should have them." He turned from the rolling cart and made is way northward to prepare for an evening adventure.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-30 12:32 EST
The flick of a knife in the lamplight, golden flash of a signal, and Ewan did the same from the window where he stood watch over the elegant building across the way. It's limestone pale in the moonlight and burnished golden where lamps haloed their light. It lacked ostentation, but there was no mistaking the owner was well off. Lady Jorian Merof, patroness of the arts, and well liked in the few fashionable circles still to be found in the city, did not flaunt her wealth. To do so might cause suspicion as to how she obtained it, and nobody, least of all the Lady Merof herself, wanted the world to know she had a crime syndicate all her own of smuggled goods, slave trade, harbored criminals, and thefts all to line her purse and give her power. Rumor had it she even had a mage on hand that continually worked to keep her alive and supply her with tricks to assist her henchmen.

It was a mid-sized operation, but it was growing, and Ewan was determined to not just take the Lady herself out of commission, but destroy the entire system from the top down. He signaled again to his people on the ground and moved out of the room to the hall where the roof access was located. In quick and silent movements he stalked across the rooftops and leapt nimbly to the slate roof of the Merof building. Peering over the edge, he saw two of his men move to the door and knock upon it.

It was time to rouse the nest and see if the queen bee would stir.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-03 13:37 EST
From the attic down quietly through the house Ewan came to the balustrade above the foyer. The city watch had been delayed as expected by house security. Pei and Barackus came from the opposite hallway; both were showing the necessary signal to prevent confrontation. Ewan gave a nod, then silently asked Pei to give her special read on the situation below. A simple shake of her head was a disappointment. The Queen Bee, Lady Jorian Merof, had not yet roused.

Ewan listened to the conversation below carefully. If they delayed too long, this could all go very wrong. The Merof estate guard said calmly, ?Lady Merof is not in residence currently as I have told you before.?

?And we know for a fact that she is, and we will request one final time that she be brought out to face the charges brought to her.?

Ewan had a smirk of pride at the matching patient calm of the city guard. There was silence in the foyer for some moments and now it was just who was going to break first. Suddenly, light came from a room out of Ewan?s view from behind the Merof security, and a sweet voice called, ?It is all right, Jessup, it seems the city guard cannot take a hint when a lady is indisposed. What is it you need??

Sienna dyed gowns flowed about her like gentle flames as she walked into the hallway and approached the city guard, who answered her query, ?You are to be brought in for questioning on charges of smuggling, slave trade, aid to known criminals, and theft.?

Lady Jorian laughed, ?My that is quite a list. Do I look like a leader of such horrible activities?? She moved in such a seductive way that Ewan almost put an end to this now lest his guards be swayed.

?Yes,? the city guard replied.

It was obviously not what Jorian was wanting to hear, and she lost her temper raging, ?If you wish to chase down criminals take down that barbarian who cut up my brother. I want to see him myself and tell him what I think of his methods.?

Ewan signaled for Pei and Barackus to stay their positions, but he walked down the steps with enough noise to make heads turn, ?I believe my methods were quite effective, actually. Your man Paetin took your poor brother to be healed, and from my understanding, he is as much the blackguard he ever was. Of course, in so doing, they were able to be traced back to this lovely home. You had concealed your true nature very well. A shame the masquerade of such a benefactor of the arts has such a full closet of skeletons.?

Jorian?s blue eyes widened, ?You.?

A cold smile and a formal bow, ?Me. See, I can play masquerades as well.?

Reclaiming her composure and cooling her features that had flushed with dismay, ?So you do Gregory, though I doubt that is your true name.? The tableau held for a moment, until she sighed, ?And what now? You arrest me, take me to court, and then?jail?? Her laughter rose to mock the idea.

?No, I think it is time we play another masquerade, and my part will be to play judge, jury,? his smile not wavering, ?and executioner.?

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-03 13:38 EST
The woman did not hesitate to calmly announce, ?Kill them.? But as she whirled away and behind the guards that rushed up to keep Ewan from her, the room broke into a riot as city guards and other Merof security came to meet the fight. The men blocking Ewan?s path were disrupted by the city guards swift to step in and Ewan twisted away from them and danced around the rising fray to head after Jorian who slammed the door shut behind her.

He could not hesitate even though he did not know what was on the other side. Pressing through, he ducked low and missed being struck by the crystal vase that shattered against the door and sprayed him with water, flowers, and slivers of glass. The noise from the hallway increased and spread as the city guard poured in to deal with the crew of Merof estate.

Ewan moved swiftly after the departing Jorian, she struggled to tilt a wardrobe into his path, and lost time in doing so. The wardrobe finally came down just before him, but he used his momentum to slide across its smooth wooden back and landed on the trailing of her skirts. The rending of the garment brought another shriek of anger, but she did not stop.

He did not risk losing pace by trusting to reach out until he was mere steps away from her, and he griped her arm and yanked her harshly backwards off her feet. ?Call your mage down now, or I?ll see you twisted and turned in so many ways not even he could restore your beauty.?

Trapped, she turned to her old tricks, cooing, ?So you think I?m beautiful,? she moved to press against him.

A firm jerk of her arm up behind her, ?I think I might break your arm if you do not do what I say.?

Her free hand swung at his head and her knee rose to bring him down, but he twisted his body so her knee hit harshly against his hip, the block of her strike against him was changed into a capture, and he pulled so hard on her arm that he felt the familiar grinding pop of dislocation. She screamed out her pain and went lax. He let her drop to the floor where she cradled her arm. ?Call your mage,? he asked again.

?Sir,? Pei came in behind, ?we have the mage. He?s been dealt with.?

Ewan did not look away from Jorian cradling her arm, ?Casualties??

?We lost two, sir, and five wounded, but her group is all stacked up to be carted away. Not a soul left except this one.?

The way Pei glared at the woman warned Ewan, and he held up a staying hand. ?Don?t play with her mind, Pei. It isn?t necessary and you?ve come a long way from abusing your gifts. Do not start now.?

Disappointed, Pei nodded, ?Aye, sir, we?ll start the clean up out here.?

Ewan crouched down beside Jorian, where she whimpered her last effort, ?I could have made you powerful. I could have loved you.?

?Do not be pathetic, Jorian. Remember that conversation we had about what we were willing to risk for what we want??

She gave a nod, then realization hit and she lifted wide eyes to him, ?You cannot mean??

Silver dagger out, he made the death quick and clean, then rose and turned to gather up the bit of rusty orange cloth torn from her dress to clean his blade before sheathing it. ?Debt paid.?

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-03 14:09 EST
?Too easy,? Gaston grumbled as Ewan took a seat across from him two days after the Merof estate raid.

?I was hoping you were not going to say that, as it was in my thoughts, too.? Ewan rubbed at his eyes, though he had gotten a good night?s sleep for the first time since returning from Yransea. ?Someone is going to want to make a point that we aren?t as clever as we think we are.?

The old soldier snickered, ?Too right, lad, and it?ll be you they?ll want to take down.?

?Along with a good portion of the still organizing city watch,? he sighed. ?That way they can show that nothing can work here, and I only made things worse.?
?Somebody is second guessing themselves,? Gaston warned.

Ewan chose to ignore that particular comment, ?I will be out in the evening tonight and maybe hear the latest from the underground. Maybe catch it before it comes.?

Gaston gave a grunting nod, ?We?re on the sevens rotation, so come up for air sometime and see if our groups have heard anything as well.?

Rising again, Ewan nodded, ?Aye, I will do that.? Then with a smirk of humor, ?I love the sevens rotation.? He ducked the wad of paper that zinged towards his head and moved out of the South Port holding house to head north and visit the Marketplace. He had a few things to collect, and hopefully one or two faces to see there.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-06 09:02 EST
"Well, here you are again," Compass smirked and kicked a crate towards Ewan. "Quicksand, do you ever sleep?"

"Do you?" He queried in return.

"Oh aye, or I'd never hear the end of it from my wife or my customers," the shopkeeper turned secret monger grinned.

The deep bruise to Ewan's hip was no longer causing discomfort and he managed to smoothly draw his leg over the corner of the crate to sit. "Then to answer you, of course I do, from time to time, particularly now that there are five others of me moving from shadow to post."

"Four," Compass corrected with a sad shake of his head.


"Bertram was knifed. We can duplicate your walk, Quicksand, but not your skills."

A sick roll of his stomach and he gritted his teeth, turning the flash of guilt into another layer of resolve. "Why have I not heard of this?"

"You're hearing about it now. He was found not ten minutes ago floating down the sewers. We sent word through the links as fast as we could, and I would have to say it worked pretty quickly." Compass was defensive.

"Good, then this message can be sent just as quickly. Pull the other four out for awhile. Tonight," Ewan rose and lifted his cowl to conceal his features again, but this time, he wore more than just daggers, "it will be just me."

Compass saw the cross-sheathed swords against the man's back, the silver runed sheath wrapped in dark cloth to conceal its chance of catching light, were meant to be used tonight. If Compass had any gift for empathy, he would know this man walking into the darkness of the tunnels meant to exact a little revenge, and there was a brief wave of pity before he turned and dashed off to send the message.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-07 21:22 EST
The note he had received from the Tunnelers that evening gave clear indication that the newly formed gang of thieves were meeting tonight in a barn just south of town. The remaining moments in the inn spent in pleasant company of Sianna and her friends helped to balance him before he set off to enter the tunnels and make his way to the meeting.

Tunnels at this time of year were vibrant with all manner of smells that came up from the sea and down the pipes into the sewers in the walls and crossways. Ewan made most of the distance through this web of tunnels until he reached the exit that looked like an old well covered in potted plants. He took care to replace the well cap and the pot that rested on it. The majority of the town lay now to the north of him, and he turned towards the abandoned farm on the city edge that had a broken down small barn and a group that needed to have some spoiling done to their plots.

Darkness was more favorable under the trees as Ewan stepped lightly around the back of the barn now crouched like a tired old man in the fields of his youth. Blades were drawn, but he waited and leaned against the outer wall to listen.

?I told you I would get him,? a crisp voice spoke with pride.

A shuffle of feet, and a new voice, tinny in its sound, ?Yeah, yeah, so ya did. What d?ya want? A medal? We ain?t got that kind of cash.?

?Not yet, but we?re going to get there. We?ve done our part. When the others do theirs and get this place back on track our way, the money will be flowing like water.? A third voice, deep and smooth.

More changing of positions crackled in the old straw and rubbish that coated the barn floor.

?Still,? a young voice, or a woman?s, ?Neither Keetra nor I thought you?d get him so quick. Guess he was all swagger this new military advisor.? A few voices joined in the titter of laughter.

Ewan could not resist the dramatic urge to take this particular moment, but he assuaged the guilt at such foolishness in that he was certain he now had a count with the laughter and movements he heard.

?Be careful,? he said as he shoved the barn door aside and stepped into the pool of light drawn by the scattered lamps, ?you should always be sure you get the right man.?

Five faces paused in a moment of pure dismay, but the sixth, the one who had not made a sound or movement other than the slight snicker was quick to act and charged at Ewan. A minimal step aside, his right hand sword arching around to crash down upon the blade in the thief?s hand, Ewan?s left hand blade crossing before him as a shield against blows, and the dance began.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-07 21:47 EST
Lunges and stabs pecked at the flow of his attacks as hail upon a tin roof, but none fell until finally in desperation, or sudden clarity, three of the bandits coordinated their attacks. Ewan knew now he could not capture them, but had to end this with death. Payment for Bertram and for others they have harmed in their follies of theft. The blades paralleled across his body, but then the right hand went back across as the left turned into a lunge against one attacker and slid between ribs to the heart. He did not withdraw the blade straight out, but cut back to the left to press the blade against the breastbone and push the dead thief into the body of her companion.

The three had seen their opening and down came the crash of a stave across Ewan?s left arm. The pain sears up to his shoulder like a smithy strike upon hot iron and then he feels nothing at all. The sword is still in his hand, but his arm does not obey any command, not even to drop the blade. Those few moments break the rage inside, and Ewan falls into his darkness. His right hand sword sings its death tune and skulls crack, necks sever, entrails spill, and the barn becomes a tribute of blood and misspent talents.

?Swords and arrows,? he curses as he kneels down to clean his right hand blade, sheathing it in the gifted scabbard. He pries the other blade from his left hand, cleans it as well, but the angle of the sheath makes it too much of a struggle to sheath it, so he slides it beneath his belt. He prods at his limp hand and arm, finding sense of feeling and motion remains in his shoulder. He tries to swing the arm from the shoulder and is rewarded with its response. He sighs and accepts that he should stop by Hollow Den and get the damage assessed, but going via the tunnels was impossible with a useless left arm.

He rose with a disappointed look and determined to practice more, for that stave should not have met its mark. As he made his way back to town and the South Downs holding house so that they could gather up the bodies of the thieves, he analyzed the fight and where he went wrong. Such was this man to ever try and correct mistakes.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-14 13:32 EST
?Ewan, glad you came by tonight. I have news for you,? Juliana, head of the Whistling Downs Hold House, called from her office as she spied the man coming past a few of the city watch making ready for patrol.

Ewan gave a nod and made his way to the office where she had retaken her seat behind the desk. Settled in one of the spare chairs, he leaned forward with interest. ?Anything I want to hear??

A saucy smile, ?Oh, yes, dearie, I think you want to hear this. Seems a fairly harmless gang in the south region, who we had been working with to keep the streets clean, have made a deal with a local mage group for special armaments. Enchanted swords, daggers, and such. Nothing defensive though.?

Possibilities, both harmless and other, began to form and fall out in his mind, ?Any other movements in that area??

Juliana gave a smile, ?Think of all the angles, man. Yes, the private security of Mr. Jorgen?s shipping yard has become aware of this and feels threatened.?

?Feeling threatened should be a daily thing. What makes them think the gang will act against them when they have not before?? Ewan rubbed at his lower lip puzzling the information as it comes out.

Juliana shook her head, ?The gang evidently has a new leader who is starting to feel power, particularly with the leeway we?ve been giving them since they were helping us out.? She pulled out a piece of paper that had markings in a fine ledger structure. ?His name is Joezep, he is human ? entirely,? she adds with a smirk, ?and he has been giving the watch some grief. We have also noticed he and his group are asking a lot more questions about expanding their territory, so to speak.?

Ewan gave a nod, and spoke calmly, ?It is not to be unexpected. It was going to happen sooner or later, but I was particularly hoping for later. I think I will go out and see what I can find out from him.?

?In that condition?? Juliana and Gaston were the only ones of the Holding Houses that knew his arm was lame. Particularly because Juliana could sense it and Gaston was the first to see him afterwards.

?I will be careful,? he smiled and rose to turn for the door, but he recalled the purpose of his visit. ?Oh, the likelihood of my departure is drawing nearer. I still cannot say precisely when, but I might not have that chance. From this night on, the council comes into play. I expect you, Gaston, and Vardin to keep things moving along and keep the government informed of,? a playful smile, ?well, what they should.?

?We?ll do just that. Be careful out there,? she called as he left her office and headed out to the region south of Whistling Downs.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-15 18:01 EST
Night was moving on into its deeper hours when the shadows played games with lamplight and one?s senses. Ewan kept his left side towards the walls of buildings as much as he could, until he turned into the hollow of a doorway. The building kept dark to simulate sleeping inhabitants, and most believed it to be true. There were others though, particularly of the Tunnelers and some city watch, which knew better. Ewan did not knock, but walked inside keeping a smooth and steady pace down the hallway and to a door in the back. Light limned the seams of the doorframe and glowed from the bottom where door did not meet flush with floor.

?Welcome Corinsson,? a voice came up behind him and kept walking the same pace as Ewan. He felt no reason to turn and confront. Things were at ease for now.

?Thank you. I hope I find Joezep in tonight,? he stopped at the door and opened it without questioning. ?And I see that I do, if you are the one known as Joezep.?

He was a wirey sort of fellow with olive skin and brass brown hair that made him look sallow. The two others who sat at table with him could not have been as opposite had they made themselves that way. White blonde and sun browned skin, they sat back to give themselves easy reach to weapons at their waists. Joezep, though also armed, did not move his hands from the map that spread on the table before him. ?I am he, and you come at a good time Corinsson. It saves me the trouble of seeking you out, for you are very hard to track when you wish to hide yourself away. Perhaps one day you will teach me your tricks.?

?Oh, I find it unlikely that I will have the time, or will you, but since I am here, please tell me for what reason you wished to speak with me?? Ewan moved to a corner out of necessity, not because it was a particularly grand place to be, penned in, if things went poorly.

?Our group grows, and the lads are getting bored with the small patch of land we cover. We need to move out. Stretch our legs some, you see??

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-15 18:02 EST
?Oh, I see. Is that why you stretched your legs all the way over to gather up some magically charged weapons of which you have little knowledge??

?Corinsson, you know we face all sorts of strange things every day, are we to go out empty handed and poorly armed against our foe?? Joezep tsked and looked saddened by the idea.

?I know that if that was your intention you would have also asked for defensive items, which you did not. A most peculiar purchase, I have to say. Seems more like you are buying them for someone else. Someone, who say, needs such items but would rather not be seen doing so or making that connection.?

Joezep tapped his temple, ?Smart man. It?s a shame, because you were one of the few who could see our potential. Us as an untapped resource instead of something to fight.?

?You play both sides,? Ewan warned, ?and you will be burned by one or the other.?

?Shame,? was all Joezep said again, then a nod and the men drew and approached with more caution and less frenzy than was good for Ewan?s plans.

But fortunately, this night, Ewan had dressed in the gifted material, and when he drew one blade from his back it was from the intricately detailed sheath of black with silver runes. He crossed away the initial blows, turning blades to disrupt the strike of his opponents. The angle of the corner kept the three of them from coming at him en masse, but also required him to use a style of fighting he so rarely practiced of short strokes and hilt braced shielding. The blows jarred his right shoulder so that he wondered if he was not causing damage to the other arm in its turn.

The closeness of the fighting also meant that strikes were merely pushed from their mark and found another in different places. More than once he felt the pressure of a blade upon his leg, but the material beneath his leather greaves and linen breeches kept any from finding flesh. It was Ewan?s patience that brought his attackers aside and the three men fell back with missing hands or mortal wounds to throat and belly.

Joezep took his part only at the end, but by then Ewan?s patience had drawn up a fury from the wellspring deep inside full of days past and frustrations borne. Joezep struck at Ewan?s left arm with such force that his blade bounced away and Ewan staggered to the side, but he felt nothing. Awareness and wonder rose in Joezep?s eyes and Ewan was not about to enlighten him. Instead he lay his sword on the table and in Joezep?s dismayed delay, Ewan?s hand gripped his throat and pushed him back to the wall with a will like to drive them through the plaster and brick beyond. Ewan would press his thumb upon the artery sending blood to the brain until he thought the man would pass out, and then released it slightly, but his hand remained at the man?s throat as threat to how quickly he would take the life beneath his fingers.

?Behave yourself from now on Joezep. I do not play games here, and I will not hesitate to break you if you begin to wreck havoc on what is being built. One warning only. If I ever hear a hint of you or yours disrupting the purpose of our bargain or the treaties made with the city watch, I will hunt you down and you will not die easily or swiftly. I will take you piece by piece, hour by hour, until you wonder if hell itself has sent me to unmake you.?

The defiant look in the man?s dark eyes changed to complete understanding. Ewan released him and claimed his sword to clean later when eyes would not watch his difficulty. ?Send them to Hollow?s Den and speak of willows in the wind. You will be tended to, but see to them quickly or nothing can be done.? And he left the building to find the nearest entrance to the Tunnels and see what other news was to be had this deep night.