Topic: Grace of the Knight

Solange LeClerc

Date: 2011-06-28 18:36 EST
"Knights are pieces which play well in complex and locked positions. Additionally, because of their unique non-linear movements and ability to jump over other pieces on the chess board, they gain quite a bit of power and respect. Assess their value and plan their movement accordingly."

Solange had lounged in her study for most of the morning, taking a late breakfast at her desk. The representative from the shop downtown had been by earlier in the day. He had been a slight young man, of pale temperament and pallor; egregiously polite and unwaveringly attentive. Still, he had delivered what Solange had had commissioned very recently. And the Attach? was as thankful as she was surprised that the piece she had paid for at Lorel's Gems was finished so soon.

It was sitting in its royal aubergine velvet-lined cherry box, looking back at her as she tried to compose the note that she would send along with it. Its solid golden form was rich with detail and proud with tradition. She had commissioned St. Aldwin's cross to be made from yellow gold and adorned with rich full-cut Mozambique garnets, suspended from a thick gold rope chain. The piece was perfection and Lorel had outdone himself. St. Aldwin's cross of the high Renaissance period had been faithfully reproduced as if they were in Nouveau Bretagne once more.

A smile softened the features of her calmed expression as her posture took her closer to the desk, fountain pen at the ready, her handwriting was exquisite.

My dear Sir Morvan,

It is with great honor that I bestow upon you this cross of St. Aldwin. Please accept it as a token of my appreciation of all that you do. Your tireless dedication, your unwavering resolve and your vigorous tenacity are credits to your family and to yourself.

Please know that your service to the Barony of St. Aldwin is a blessing to those of us who once called New Brittany home. Your sacrifices and your victories will be praised by all who know your name. Your duty is celebrated even now.

May you wear this trinket in good health and may God's blessing follow you on all of your endeavors always.

With much respect and admiration;

~Solange LeClerc
Attach? to Baron Alain DuMuer

Folding the ivory paper, she placed it into a linen envelope and sealed it with deep blue wax. She touched her shoulders, softly surrounded by a white silk blouse and leaned back into the rounded wood her chair. Her driver would deliver the gift box and note this afternoon to Seamus Morvan, Captain in the Holy Order of St. Aldwin.

Today was a good day.