Topic: House DeMuer - The Merchant Fleet


Date: 2009-04-14 14:56 EST
EDIT, 10/29/2016: Please note that the information in this post is no longer current.

As DeMuer Exports posted record profits in the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 C.A., thanks to careful analysis of the cross-realms coffee, tea and spice markets, they began the shift from contracting ships and crews to acquiring their own ships and retaining seasoned and trustworthy crews. It was a move aimed at cost reduction, as well as tightening security and control over the shipping process. House-owned ships unloaded their cargo at House-owned docks, altogether avoiding numerous private fees as a result. The moves did little to mitigate rumors that House DeMuer engaged in intra-RhyDin smuggling, but Alain DeMuer and Mr Aurene of DeMuer Exports agreed, the reduction in risk of spies and saboteurs was well worth it.

The first ships were acquired in the fourth quarter of 2008 C.A., typically older sailing ships that they quickly refitted with "spellboxed" steam technology for additional propulsion, concealed guns and hull-enchantment for protection, and sails enchanted to better control and strengthen wind propulsion. Capable of making journeys faster than most other ships of their kind and fending off pirates, these ships rapidly replaced contracted vessels in taking over the most important and profitable sea lanes. In 2009 efforts began in earnest to have new ships of this kind built, completely replacing contract ships by the summer.

All ships were legally owned not by DeMuer Exports but House DeMuer itself, further strengthening House control over the growing merchant fleet, though formal trade routes were established and changed at the discretion of the DeMuer Exports Board of Directors; this allowed the House the option of using the fleet for "non-business" purposes, and the ships were known to operate sometimes along the coast of the Barony of Sainte-Ouen.

Most ships of the fleet had a wooden exterior, but some had various enchantments and concealed metal plating that made it clear (to the careful observer) that they were designed to be able to run blockades. The heavier weapons on all ships were breech-loaded, resembling smaller designs from the turn of the century (1900-1910) and capable of firing 'specialized' rounds.

As of the first quarter of 2009 C.A., the merchant fleet remained informally organized, with none of the crew holding a rank higher than 'captain.'


Date: 2009-04-14 15:47 EST
The Narwhal was a cargo submarine acquired by House DeMuer in November, 2008 C.A., by purchasing the front company of Captain Ulysses Michael Atren IV and his crew and paying off their debts; the Narwhal was exchanged for retaining the services of the captain and his crew on board the submarine. The ship made her home in a makeshift 'pen' south of RhyDin, which had housed her in the years preceding service to the House.

She measured sixty meters in length, armed with a pair of 105 mm deck guns and a sharp, reinforced and enchanted bow that was her namesake; the propellers bore similar runes to the bow to ensure stealth, which she had to rely on to compensate for the limited armament, comprising the deck guns and a pair of torpedo tubes.

With a cargo capacity of 500 tons, the Narwhal could enter blockaded areas undetected, pick up a large cargo of rare goods, and deliver them to foreign ports at a very high price. While she operated with relative autonomy, her cargo was usually limited to coffee, tea, spices, and liquor, though her captain would sometimes pay suppliers in food or small arms.


Date: 2009-05-17 20:57 EST
The Moon's Livery was the first merchant ship formally acquired by House DeMuer. Negotiations began before the founding of the House, in May 2008 C.A., and the owner's death in August pressured the heirs to his estate to sell quickly and cheaply. It was in bad shape in the beginning, but was rapidly restored and heavily modified, combining enchanted sails and a "steam"-magick engine for unusual speed and manouevrability.

The ship could carry over seventeen hundred tons of cargo, with spell-protected plating behind the wooden exterior to ward off many projectile attacks and enough room for eight guns below decks, and two smaller deck guns. The Livery was originally designed for long voyages, but careful use of Nexus nodes and anchored rifts has reduced the usual round trip time to two days on average, freeing up space for additional cargo.

It was one of the three House-owned ships that made the first voyage to Vrashne, reopening a trade route assumed lost for centuries.


Date: 2009-05-30 17:40 EST
The Dalmatian Corsair was acquired before the House had finished refitting the Moon's Livery. Smaller than her sister with only eleven hundred tons of cargo, she too was among the first three ships to reach Vrashne.

She was the mid-weight ship of the Vrashne fleet, though operating at a speed similar to the Livery, and the most heavily armed. As of the summer of 2009 C.A. she had sunk two hostile (pirate) ships and deterred a foreign power from exacting tribute from a Vrashne port with an aggressive show of force, promising more "gunboat diplomacy" from DeMuer Exports in the future to protect its interests abroad from foreign competitors.


Date: 2009-05-30 17:45 EST
The Red Jack was the "scout" of the Vrashne Fleet, or the 'Spice Fleet' as the House crews had come to call it. She carried only eight hundred tons of cargo and relied as much on her speed for security as she did on her relatively light armament.

She too was among the first three ships to reach Vrashne, reopening the old trade routes.