Topic: Patience is a Cat walk


Date: 2008-03-06 09:12 EST
It had been 2 days since Alain had mentioned the possibility of work to her at the inn, having requested she meet him at his office. Normally Cass wouldn't have waited that long to tend to business, but Alain had made it clear he wouldn't be there yesterday, hence the walk through the West End this afternoon. As she strolled down the walkway at a leisurely pace, she couldn't help but be a bit surprised at how different this part of town was during the day, almost welcoming- almost-. Her gaze tracking over the various storefronts and buildings until they landed on one in particular, the card in her pocket taken out and glanced at a moment while pausing, gaze tracking back to the gold trimmed red cursive pronouncing the building "Province Plaza". Card tucked back into her pocket as she approached the doorway, fingers reaching out to trail over the sign listing the various departments within only to stop on the fourth and final one, the SPI office, perfect. A final glance over her shoulder before entering the building and making her way to the second floor. A pause at the top of the landing as her gaze swept over a few doorways to the right and left before moving down towards the end of the hallway, spotting the office door which announced the SPI office. She wasn't sure what exactly was behind the door.. a reception area, for instance as the frosted glass made seeing anything within virtually impossible - so she raised her hand to knock against the wooden door, shifting her weight as she pondered the ensuing silence. Perhaps they couldn't hear her? Surely someone was at the office. Another knock on the door unanswered before she hesitantly tried the door handle, finding it to be unlocked and opened it slowly, calling out as she did.
"Hello..Alain? "
She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Surely someone was here, the door had been unlocked. A tilt of her head as she studied the interior of what seemed to be the actual offices for Alain and his partner. Desks and chairs both empty though she did note the 2 closed doors behind them.
"Hello.. anyone here?"
"Hmm.." Odd.. she could have sworn he said he'd be here around this time, well he'd obviously stepped out, a lean taken up against the wall, ignoring the wooden chairs and determined to wait till he came back. Emerald gaze taking in even the minor little details of the room as her mind shifted gears, not for the first time wondering exactly what kind of work Alain had been referring to. A sudden memory flash of another woman she'd heard claim to take a job for Alain.. what was her name.. Lanta? Oh gods.. Surely that was *not* the type of work he had been speaking of! Muttering under her breath at the thought of being a barmaid.
"<m> Oh no, no, no. I don't sling drinks. "
Not that she couldn't, or even hadn't - just that it wasn't really the type of work she flourished well in. She may have taken a few year sabbatical away from the streets and alley's of Rhydin, but the years on the Isle hadn't been used to slouch off. At 28, Cass was still in top shape, having had the advantage of training daily with Fury and her guards in charge of security upon the Isle, keeping her blade and fighting skills well honed. The mere thought of some of the retrieval missions she'd been apart of brought a small smile to her lips, ahh.. the fun days.
A slight shake of her head, clearing her thoughts for the moment, a sidelong glance at a very uncomfortable looking wooden chair had her sighing before lowering herself onto it. Who knew how long it would be before he showed - not that it really mattered, Cass could be extremely patient when needed.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-06 12:14 EST
Alain's not gone for long. When he steps back in and sees someone in there, he briefly touches his side under his jacket, but his shoulders ease before they have a chance to really tense.

"Cass." He smiles gently and hangs up his coat, a brown bag in his hand - it smells like hot food. He sets it on the table next to the coffee maker and takes a seat behind his desk, looking every inch the part of the detective with his shirt and tie worn in a pretty disheveled way. "Glad you could make it - I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

He raises his scarred-and-tattooed right hand, gesturing between the coffee maker and a pitcher of water. "Water? Coffee? I'm afraid it's not fresh, but you're welcome to it."


Date: 2008-03-06 13:37 EST
Cass had made herself as comfortable as one could in the unforgiving wooden chair, head tipped back to rest against the wall, arms folding over her chest before one hand rose higher, fingers slowly curling around the talisman that rested against the hollow of her throat. One might think it an act of fidgeting, but in this case it wasn't, not that she was one prone to fidget to begin with. Cass was extremely relaxed, eyes drifting nearly closed as she coaxed and encouraged several of those swirling memories usually kept locked down tight to spiral closer- mentally banishing the foggy mists surrounding them to examine carefully, one at a time. One was more then enough to turn those emerald depths to a near forest green - the usual headache already beginning to form even as the sound of approaching footsteps, now matter how light had her straightening in the chair, the dark vision grasped quickly let go and tamped back to where it belonged for now.
The sound of the door had her shifting slightly as she smiled up at Alain, fingers finally releasing the talisman as she stood to greet him, his instinctive reflex noted quietly.
"Afternoon Alain"
A small grin cornered at his question, waiting was a science to her. A negative little shake of her head, watching him get comfortable.
"Too intriguing for me to miss."
Now she's heard it countless times- the old saying- curiosity is what killed the cat, but in her case, this cat always made it back for revenge.
"I just got here a few minutes ago myself, was just about to go downstairs to the bistro and seek some coffee, but heck - I'll just take some of yours since it sounds like it might have some bite."
A small grin flashed as she walked across the room to help herself to a cup of coffee before turning to face him once more, blowing over the top of the streaming brew that would hopefully knock that impending headache away before quirking a brow, chin hitching towards the bag giving off a rather mouth watering aroma.
"So, is this a good time or have I caught ye during yer lunch?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-07 08:57 EST
He shakes his head and nudges the brown bag aside a little. "Lunch can wait." He leans back in his chair, rubbing his chin as he considers the best way to start this.

"Cass... have you ever done surveillance work before?"


Date: 2008-03-07 11:38 EST
A wary sip of the strong coffee brew taken as she studied Alain over the rim of the cup, and another one savored, it's strength a near guarantee to block the threatening headache - no hesitation at his question.
"Until my damn eyes bled."
Another sip from the cup, a tilt of her head as she watched Alain- fairly certain he had more questions for her.
"what else is on yer mind?"
A vague gesture with her free hand as she sank down into a chair, facing him.
"Ask away."

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-07 16:22 EST
"Have you ever had experience, in any line of work, cooperating with informants and law enforcement?"

He folds his hands over his chest, drumming lightly with his thumbs and maintaining a pretty good poker face.


Date: 2008-03-09 23:51 EST
Had anyone but Alain posed that question anywhere else she surely would have made an attempt to mask the rather wry grin curving her lips behind the coffee cup hovering so close by. However, given the circumstances - this whole meeting being about the possibility of working for the man's company- trying to hide anything would not be a good idea.
"Forgive me, I'm not trying to be a smart arse here Alain..but are you asking me if I have a problem with authority figures? "
The grin vanished as quickly as it had appeared, coffee set aside for the moment.
"I'm not going to lie to ye, I probably have almost as much experience being uncooperative with law enforcement as I do cooperating. It really all has to do with the 'who and why' behind the enforcement."
A small shrug given as she paused and leaned forward slightly, her gaze on his.
"Let me put it this way. Yes, over the years I've had numerous encounters that involved working closely with many types of agencies and their operatives- whether it was to gain access to someone.. or to ascertain whatever information was needed at that particular time, for example."
Here Cass paused to lean back, tepid coffee sipped as she continued to study the other mans carefully schooled visage, positive he still had questions, hell if their positions were reversed - she sure as heck would.. yet not sure how much she wanted to just put out there. Finally a small huff of breath was expelled before she continued on with some light basics.
"Listen Alain.. I realize ye don't know me very well, and ye might even be put off by the fact that I've stayed away from these parts for awhile. But I've spent years on these streets, fought in more alleyways then I care to recall in these parts and still have contacts spread out far and wide. I don't take my work, whatever it might be at any given time lightly. I also realize that a lot has changed in my absence such as weapons of choice. I myself prefer my blades, it allows me to get up close and personal when need be. I did dabble a bit with some firearms, and though I'm no expert marksman, it's something I plan to continue working on. I don't have any magical knowledge or training, and quite frankly it's not something I want. I've noted you among the many that have eyed the talisman I wear with some degree of curiosity. If I'm to work with or for ye- I should give ye a small amount of background on it. One - it does have a degree of magical ability. It cannot be removed from my person by anyone but myself, the one who gifted me with it, and perhaps, Fury. It has healing qualities my body can absorb, or that I may use on another. There's also a few other ..qualities, magical forces if ye will tied to it that I really don't fully wish to get into right now."
Again sinking back against the chair as she watched and waited for his next words.. and questions.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-10 00:54 EST
He's watching her for a long moment after she speaks... and then he starts to grin.

"People with experience on both sides of the law are the most valuable to us. After all, we're not police officers here, Cass... We're a private company."

He seems pretty relaxed now that she's laid her cards on the table, and it helps that he likes everything she's been dealt. "I've got a lot on my plate right now, and as much as I hate to, I'll have to turn my back on a lot of the business that goes on at S.P.I. We have a number of employees, but the few who could keep up with the many contacts I'd have to let slide are too busy.

"This company stays afloat because we've established a good information network, through Watchmen, informants, and others. Some are friends, others are indebted to me, and a few can only be bribed or blackmailed...

"I don't need you pursuing any big leads - but what I need you to do is to have an eye out for them. Make sure these people are answering the questions I need you to ask them, so that S.P.I. can remain completely in the loop."

He rubs at his jaw. "I have ways of keeping the information you collect... disparate, but if you decide to take this job, I expect to be the first and only person you relay the information you collect to."


Date: 2008-03-10 10:04 EST
Well, he wasn't frowning at her, usually a good sign. A few upods in understanding as he spoke - she had seen first hand how busy he was, the man seemed to be going in three different directions the last few times she'd seen him. A slow nod of affirmation directed at his last statement.
"If I'm working a case for ye Alain, ye have my word that any and all information I gather would be directed to ye first, and only ye."
Those words spoken in a solemn tone as it was quite simple for Cass, her word was not given lightly.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-13 11:54 EST
He nods at her as he opens up a drawer, and pulls out two items - a paper that at a glance looks something like a receipt, and a somewhat bulky manila envelope. The paper has some figures for her payment, which involves a steady salary for the surveillance, as well as "commissions." It's not a lucrative deal, but it pays well. The envelope contains a couple dozen photographs, records of transactions, and one of Alain's little black journals, filled with notes and contact information.

He folds his hands again. "This position is temporary, as is the extra work that keeps me from doing all of this myself... But if you do a good job keeping up with all of this, I'm sure we can discuss a permanent position when the time comes, if you're interested."


Date: 2008-03-16 20:32 EST
The slightest tilt of her head was given, allowing her gaze to track Alain's movements across the table. Though that single paper with numbers jotted down on was taken in, her gaze revealed nothing. Cass wasn't exactly strapped for cash, the money was good, but it was the work she missed and the hunger for it had won out.Some might be wary of hiring one who didn't 'need' the money, and she reckoned she could -almost- understand their reasoning, their loss- and she moved on, no hard feelings. The other items brought to her attention merely had her quirking a brow in question to him before he spoke. A soft whisper of leathers as she shifted in her chair and leaned back, her gaze locking on his as she responded to his first statement.
"Understood, Alain."
A wry little grin curved her lips, though that emerald gaze reflected nothing but a borderline stoic look as she nodded before continuing.
"I've no doubt you'll be watching my work carefully, by one means or another. Ye already have my word I'll give ye my best work, from there I'm sure we can take it as it comes. In the meantime though, I appreciate ye giving me a chance here."
Her gaze tracking back to the items on the desk a moment before leaning back in her chair, arms crossing at the chest, such a lady this one was.
"So.. when shall I start?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-16 21:34 EST
"Tomorrow," Alain replies simply, though the smile makes its return. "Take the notes with you, look over them tonight, and go see AJ, the secretary at the Security Division building in the Old Temple district - she'll need to do a little paperwork with you, and then we can get you started."


Date: 2008-03-20 13:27 EST
If she was surprised at how soon she was to start, Cass showed no outward sign, a simple nod to the words spoken, a smile flashed back in return as she stood to gather the various notes and photo's, slipping them back inside the manilla envelope - familiar with the other location he'd spoken of - before a quirk of a brow was aimed at Alain though her tone was one of subtle teasing.
"Great, got it. AJ, more paperwork. Perfect."
Envelope was slipped inside the oversized leather before tossing the empty coffee cup to the trash as she turned to leave. A small grin tipped towards Alain before heading towards the door.
"Thanks Alain, see ye soon"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-20 13:46 EST
"Take care of yourself, Other-Cass," he grins at her, lifting a hand to wave as she leaves.


Date: 2008-03-20 14:03 EST
Ok, that had not been the first time someone had called her that, and it was starting to grate on her nerves, a pause just inside the doorway, turning slightly to send Alain a wry grin.
"Alain, before ye start calling me Cass number two.. jes call me Cat, like my friends do.. -please-."

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-20 18:56 EST
He's already settling back into his work, but he does look up to say, "Sure thing, Cat."