Topic: The Not So Lone Gunman

Amir Wong

Date: 2007-11-12 11:54 EST
Sometimes one would find work within detailed Ads attached to the rear section of any newspaper. Some may even find it stuck upon a billboard at the local job centre... Mr Wong read over the Ad several times, almost chuckling at the fact he may receive a free t-shirt if his application were successful. He needed new clothing anyway. His other shirts were fast becoming moth and bullet bitten. Once arriving upon a particular dingy hallway, his hand grasped the long suitcase that little bit tighter - for in his line of work it had always been better to prepare oneself for anything. For all he knew, this could be a trap... His leather jacket was buttoned up; his other hand in the deep pocket. Tight leather jeans gripped tight to the surface of his skin - showing off an ass that could be only described as... 'Gropeable.' With black boots on his feet and a black beanie on his head, his oriental eyes narrowed to the door that read:

Security & Investigation Contracts

Alain D'Mourir
Cassandra De Vernon.

And he knocked ever so gently upon the frosted window.

"Come in," replies a somewhat low voice, a touch British, a touch French. Alain is seated behind his large wooden desk, the pieces of the .38 Webley that shot Miss B. spread out before him. He's cleaning one of the pieces, but sets it and the brush down and straightens when Amir comes in. His eyes, a brilliant blue -- just a little too bright. "What can I do for you?"

Amir's lips twitched at the gun upon the desk as he pushed open the door, closing it politely behind him before turning to face the man seated behind the desk. Bending down a little, he placed the hard cased long and thin suitcase upon the ground. "I almost got lost looking for the place," his distinct American accent had a sexy smooth twist due to his oriental origin, creating an even and not so deep mixture of a handsome tone. You could call it hot... He stuffed his hands into both jacket pockets, "I saw an Ad. Thought I'd drop by and check it out." Quite blunt. Though there was something in his voice. Something... Well. Oddly calming. Like he meant no threat. "But I can guess by the weapon on your desk there Sir, that it's not the friendly type of profession." He joked with a coy little smile to show off.

"Deterrence," he says with a nod towards the disassembled gun, " least, most of the time." He smiles, though, and rises a little out of his seat to gesture to the one across the desk from him. "Have a seat. I'm surprised to get an application so early, Mr. -- ?" Holding out a hand to him to shake. The offered hand has the D'Mourir family seal tattoo on the back, and on the palm, burn scars.

"Aren't they all?" He chuckled as he pressed forward. He was a tall man - for his race, but that then there was a distinct multi-racial appearance to the man that could have easily explained that. He took the hand and shook it firmly before seating him as indicated, "Mr Wong..." His eyes flickered to the hand he shook briefly, before returning to smile at the man directly. "I have good ears and eyes. I pick up on things quite quickly."

He nods, sinking back into his seat to study the man. Fingers steeple beneath his chin, and his teeth click... and then, there's a faint smile. "...All right, then, Mr. Wong. Tell me what you've picked up on so far."

"What I have picked up on?" Amir smiled again. A deceptive expression that seemed quite genuine to the untrained eye, but there was something he was hiding... yet it wasn't a good idea to be hiding things from a future employer now, would it? "Let's just say I think you could use a guy like myself and that, is all I really need to say." The comment could have come over as cocky, but that smile of his defused even that notion in an instant. "I did a little research. It is safe to say this city could use a place like this; or several. Though from what I understand it could use some more manpower." He chuckled, waving his hand in front of his face, "Not that I am saying I am a man that could solve all your problems."

The tongue ring clicks again as he considers Mr. Wong carefully, his expression guarded... and nods slightly. "Tell me about that suitcase."

"It's my profession." He retorted quickly, flashing another smile. "Or rather perhaps an example of it, I should say."

"Show me," he says simply. "Tell me what you're capable of. I don't need to know where you did it and who you did it to, but tell me what skills you can bring to our Security Division."

"You could say I have had a colourful life. Special Forces, Marines... Trainned with the SAS back on earth; strange bunch those guys... Always liked to hide their faces..." He glanced to the ceiling as he remembered, grinning to himself, "Quite the hot chick that I got into bed a few times with. But the assault mask did make things that little bit more inter-yeah..." He laughed, leaning forward some so that his arm leant against the desk, "Sorry. Carried away then... What I meant to say was I my skills are quite the ranged speciality. Though I have dabbled in infiltration and urban warfare as you could probably have guessed... Of course I am not that much of a professional in close combat situations. But give me a few meters and a window, and I can pop anyone's ass."

He nods. "But you can still handle yourself with a pistol, if somehow an enemy closed the gap? And what about hand-to-hand combat?" He does not let it show on his face how impressed he is with the man's military experience.

Both of his eyebrows were raised then. "I doubt anyone could close that gap." Now that was cocky. And even he grinned to show his confidence. "But hypothetically speaking, I carry something that spews a few hundred bullets just incase someone by a stroke of luck manages to get within ten meters of me. Of course if all else fails.." He taps his jacket, "I got a knife in here, just so I can cut up some apples."

Alain pauses, watching the man carefully... leans forward a touch, and finally speaks again. "I have one more question for you..." Eyebrows climb slowly. "Mug, hat, or t-shirt?"

He grins his toothy grin, "T-shirt. I'm not wearing one now so I can put it on after I leave with that position??

"The t-shirts aren't ready yet, unfortunately..." Grinning as well, as he takes a receipt from his drawer and scrawls his signature on it, then passes it over. "Take this to A Stitch in Time in a couple of days, it's at the Marketplace near the fountain, and it should be ready." Then he tears off another scrap of paper and scrawls a few lines on it, passes it over to him. "Directions to the Security Division office. Detective de Vernon or myself will meet you there at four o'clock Saturday morning. Consider it your trial by fire. You'll be paid for it... and if your skills are as you've said..." Opening his hands. "The position is yours."

He takes the paper, and rushes his eyes over it. Of course, now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. "Trial?" He had to question. "Dare I ask what it is? I do hate going in blind."

"A multinational shipping company is willing to pay a group of modernized pirates for a shipment of their goods returned. It will be thirty miles north of the city, by the sea. They anticipate an ambush. We're there to catch the ambush before it happens." He pushes a small stack of photographs of the area - complete with notes scrawled all over - Mr. Wong's way. "You'll have high ground and forest cover on your side."

Amir's eyes dropped to the photos. The change in his expression from his usual smile to an bleak serious disposition could have been mostly frightening to children, for his eyes stared hard and unblinking as he took the first photo on top of the stack, and glanced back to Alain. "And this is set to happen next Saturday? Are you sure this Intel to be confirmed and undusted?" He wasn't saying he didn't trust his information, but when Intel came his way and he wasn't the man who gained the information himself, it did create suspicion.

"This Saturday, just after dawn. The company sent a photographer to scout out the location before they divulged it to the pirates." Studying his expression. "The intel is good."

"Then if it is okay with you I would like to scout out the location myself." He dropped the photograph upon the desk, and folded his arms across his jacket. Pushing his chin into his collarbone, he sat silently. A habit of his for whenever he pushed himself deep into thought. "May I ask your original plan?" He glanced up finally.

"Myself and Ms. de Vernon taking up positions within fifty meters of the meeting place with assault rifles." He shakes his head. "Doable, but messy. Detective de Vernon will probably be the one to go, and will stay with the company's men and make sure they and the cash remain secure, while you provide over-watch and take out whoever is necessary. Scout out the location, but do so no later than Wednesday, and make sure you are not seen."

"Don't worry." Amir smiled as he stood slowly from the chair, "I'm very good at keep my location for quite some time." Try moving and laying on your stomach for two days watching your target, while your comrade watches your back. He hated those type of missions. But normally its his idea to scout out and dig in days before any real action picks up. Moving a hand into his pocket, he took out a pen and turned over a photo, writing on the back of it. "I'll be there on the day. Chances are the location you have provided for me to dig might not be the same if I can find a better vantage point... This is my radio comm. frequency. It's set to an odd signal though secure, so there maybe some static on both ends... I'll be there on the day. But you may not see me." He grinned at Alain as he pushed the photo towards him, "Chances are you'll see them fall before you hear my rifle going off."

"We'll radio in before arrival," he replies as he lowers his eyes to read the frequency information, and nods. "They have AK-74's and it's thought they've used an Enfield on raids before, so it's possible there will be another sniper..." Eyebrows go up. "Though unlikely anyone with your training." He reshuffles the photos. "Now... time to hunt for S.P.I.S.D.'s first company vehicle." Small smile. "Should be fun to spend the evening playing with 4x4's."

Another sniper? Now that had to be fun. "Another sniper? Oh, I have something just for those type of situations." He glanced over his shoulder to the suitcase, and then back at Alain. "I'd suggest a Hummer. But that's just me. Hides the fact if you got a girl in there with ya, it doesn't rock." He winks, "Know what I mean?" Chuckle.

He chuckles, and replies, "Wrangler. It gets us off if the whole world knows." He begins putting papers away. "So, I'll talk to you Saturday morning, if I don't see you sooner?" And now the business of putting his revolver back together. This is going to take a little concentration...

He smiled as he moved towards his suitcase, bending down to pick it up and turn back to Alain, "You might or might not see me Saturday morning. But if you need to contact me, just use the frequency I gave you... I like to get to work early." He gave Alain another thumbs up, and then turned to open the door. He paused and smiled back at Alain. "I forgot to ask! The targets? Dead... Or alive?? Again Amir smiled, ?Or do you like variety and want a mixture of both?"

"The security of our clients and the money is your top priority. If you feel you can spare anyone without endangering our clients, then please do so." There's a faint smile on his face. He likes this guy's style... so far.

"I won't make a move until I know you guys are in position. Just give me a holler on the old comm. and we'll get down to the morning cleanout." He gave another thumbs up, "I'll catch you then, boss." Akim flashed him one last smile before closing the door and heading out of the building.

"Take care now..." Looking up for a moment to watch him go... and then back down to the revolver. Faint chuckle and a shake of his head after the door shuts.