Topic: Uroboros

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-07 09:47 EST
Part 1 ? I am God-Emperor

She held her hands within her mane of dirty blonde hair, her red eyes stared at the ground as the groans of the dying mixed with the buzz of the flies.

Why did she do this? Why did Renna destroy everything she worked so hard to create? Why did she have to take down Zarcurgis and all of its people down with her to a twisted, self obsessed level?!


Lucy turned to look away from the twitching leg of the recently past, while the cries of his family huddled over the battered corpse rung stabbing against her ears. She was to rule this? She was to manage a dying kingdom?!

"Why did they bring me back..." She wept, her knees giving way as she collapsed onto the ground, kneeling there before rows of the dead, as far as the eye could see. "I... I don't want to see this."

Thousands, upon thousands... And with Zarcurgis erased from reality itself, taking her brothers and sisters, even Renna along with it to who knows what limbo, they now had no where to live. Nowhere to call home.


Composure was what she needed, and even as her heart sank into the mud along with her knees, she pushed back against the heavy sorrow that sucked the tears out from her eyes. "I can't let her defeat me. I... I will not show her, the satisfaction that she, almost destroyed us all... No." She clenched her fists tightly, her teeth biting into her lower lip, as she turned to regard her people.

She lifted her voice so that could be carried across the field, "My name, was Lueretta Ravenlock Egorwrath, Princess of Zarcurgis, General of the Dark Militia!"

Elven heads turned, many standing, others leaning up from their death's bed at the call of their Princess.

"The God-Emperor," she could not deny her people the faith they had been brain-washed into. Despite how much she loathed it, she had to continue to decieve them, "And the God-Queen are dead. The Darkness as spoken by the Oracle, had come, and now we stand alone, discarded from our paradise land of Zarcurgis, to this lowly ground."

She shook from head to toe, as anger filled her. Lying to their bloodied faces. Lying to them all just so she could keep their hopes alive... It brought more tears to her face, "I too perished along with our Gods, but I have been reborn and I will save us from True Death... My name, was Lueretta Ravenlock Egorwrath, and now, I am God-Emperor... And I will save us."

__________________________________________________ __

Part 2 - Destination

She offered pain relief where she could. But the camp was nothing more than an over stated morgue than a place of safety and healing. Daily, pyres were built of bodies, and burnt ritualistically with Lucy heading the flame herself, despite the terror quaking within her soul each time she witnessed the flames consume tiny and young bodies.

The stench of burning flesh and scolding bones stuck to her for days. She washed more than eight times a day to rid herself of the vile odour, but still, it persisted. It took a week for it to fade away, long after the dead were offered to the ashes as per the requests of the families, directly to the God-Emperor herself.

A mere two-hundred-something survived, out of thousands, most of which were injured, crippled or shell-shocked.

It took many hours of arrangement with the remaining soldiers of the Dark Militia that had survived the fall of Zarcurgis; a force of no more than twenty strong to create carts for a mode of transportation for her rag-tagged broken-kingdom, while other more able civilians went off into the wilderness to capture wild horses to tame.

They had to move, and she knew it had to be done soon, or Malice and her forces would find them. She could sense that marionette monster drawing ever closer, and it scared her to think what she would do to the people if she caught up with them.

The operation was rushed, and while she left not one living soul behind, there was one, however, she refused to let go.

A white sheet covered his corpse, and no matter how much she had slowed the decay of his flesh, his soul barely clung onto this world. She was generally surprised how much resistance he put up against the inevitability of True Death, and something, always kept her smiling, even when he could not speak to her; to tell her everything was alright, or to whisper how much he loved her...

"Captain..." She moved down, picking up the lightly weighted Elf easily in her arms, cradling him close to her body. "Thank you, for saving me... I know you can hear me, and, my powers are still not fully returned but, when they do, I promise you'll rise again. I just want to hear you laugh, like you used to... Come on, Captain, let's go."

Standing to her feet, she turned with the body wrapped up in that bloodstained sheet, and walked towards the departing caravans that was heading to the last place on this world that could possibly offer her people safty.

A Dark Militia soldier flanked his God-Emperor, still bearing the crystalline spear that he had managed to cling on to during the disaster of their homeland. "Scout reports nothing behind us."

Lucy's eyes darkened into a violent red. "Thank you, keep me posted on any sightings. We don't want them to ambush us."

"Of course, God-Emperor," the Elf bowed his head, "Where are we headed?"

Clenching her teeth, Lucy's clutch to the Captain tightened. "New Lysander."

__________________________________________________ __

Part 3A ? The Faceless Army

The Mannequin Army lurched from tree to tree with an inhuman and quite the animalistic lunge. Hurtling through the air, making not a sound as wooden bodies hopped from branch to neighboring branch.

All manner of weapons were built into the wooden bodies, from juttering scythes to thin spikes, and from swords to repeating arm-mounted crossbows. But there was one who stood out from the rest ? a single perfect design of her nations ability to fashion machines with the aid of magic and steam.

Malice, elegant and feminine, though very much a walking doll, had features of flesh built into her body, making her appear more human for the times that she needed to infiltrate other Kingdoms.

She dropped to the ground landing both on hands and feet, her synthetic body turning and twisting in all unnatural angles, so that she could stand with her hands upon her hips; her blue eyes gazing out to the tracks of horse and cart that recently scraped across the forest the floor.

"They're close!" She whispered, "To think this day would come, Cousin, where I would be able to enjoy plucking out your eyes!" Malice stepped forward, and with a push from the ground, launched herself high into the treetops.

At the most highest point, there she could see the churn of dust, and the moving dots of a long line of caravans traveling out into The Great Wastelands, formerly known as the Kingdom of Lysander. She knew where they were headed now.

Malice's tongue licked about her pale white lips. With a raise of her arm, she proclaimed with an excited glee to the Wooden Army below, "Rip them to pieces! But leave the Princess to me! I want to play with her some before I kill her."

__________________________________________________ __

Part 3B - Ambush

"... Good thing I brought this along." The Dark Militia soldier, glad in his black armors, turned to his similarly armored and helmed friend, offering a snake-skin container of red wine he had saved from the fall of Zarcurgis. "Want some, Brother?"

The helmed soldier shook his head, "If the General knew you were drinking while on duty, you would be flayed until your skin were torn off from your back."

"Pfft, he died, you know. Now there's only the God-Emperor." He shrugged his shoulders, drinking down the wine all to himself. Wiping his lips, he sighed, turning his eyes to harsh clear skies and the burning suns. "... One whole days worth of travel in this forsaken land. I can't take much more of this."

A gruff reply came from his helmed companion, sharply shoving him in the arm, "Stop your complaining. We're supposed to be watching the convoy's back." He indicated with his gauntlet to the caravans some distance in front of them.

"Please, who in their right mind would want to attack someone in the middle of nowhere? Besides, look," he indicated all around him with a swing of his hands, "You can see practically for miles around and I don't see a damned thing that could possible warrant us being this far from the convoy."

"Are you going against the order of our God-Emperor?!" The helmed man bellowed, drawing his sword, "You will return to your post and you will shut up and do you fucking job." With the zeal pouring from his voice, the helmed Dark Militia soldier took little account to his companion's alarmed face.

Two Mannequins hurtled into the air ? seemingly coming from the ground itself some distance behind them. They came down towards them both, and with the juttering scythes protruding out from both of their wooden bodies, it took little effort to slice the helmed soldier into four uneven pieces.

Once they had landed amongst the chopped up gore of flesh, their faceless heads turned to their next identified target.

The final scout turned, moving to grab up the horn at his side rather than the sword, and he blew as hard as he could to raise the alarm, and so that the sound resonated throughout the eerie quietness of the wasteland a good few seconds before his head was cleaved from his shoulders.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-19 09:08 EST
Part 4 - Human After All

The caravans stopped, the occupants turning to the direction they came from as the sound of the horn suddenly cut short. The drivers looked to their wounded and tired passangers in worry, while the limited amount of the Dark Militia rushed to set up a very loose perimeter around the convoy.

Their Emperor who was at the rear of the line, held her gaze over the dusty dunes and towards the two small bodies that laid atop of the cracked earth, in several different pieces. "They're here." She muttered, as she settled the Captain's body from her embrace down onto the caravan's wooden cart.

With a shaky sigh, she started to attach the battle-armour that was left behind by Tiana's body.

Bit by bit, each golden plate locked into its place atop of the multitude of leather straps and treated hide that clutched tight to the areas of her body that required the most protection.

A golden bodice was afixed; to protect much of her torso, and was designed in such a way that most of her stomach were revealed so that she could twist and turn unhindred. The same could had been said for the rest of the suit.

The greaves that protected the front part of her lower legs, were filled with designs of embossed ivy into the golden sheen, much like the design of the single shoulder guard that bore an added feature of a horned skull.

The braces on her forearms were simple enough in design compared to the rest of the suit, except for the left brace, which beheld a thicker armour and an odder shape, compared to the simplicity of the other one.

Next she slipped into the golden armoured high heals, and adjusted the small chainmail skirt to protect her lower regions and her thighs.

Finally, the Emperor looked down at herself, and then over to the body bound in the sheet. "... You'd, probably have a heartattack if you saw me like this." She mused to the motionless corpse, her eyes softening a touch to the lack of reply.

Departing from the cart; and not a moment too soon had her feet touched the dry, dead earth, she was quickly flanked by one of her soldiers, as she was wrapping on the sheath of her sword to her waist via a small leather cord.

The Emperor turned her attention towards the woman, who saluted and bowed low towards the ground, once her sword was safely within its holding.

"Emperor, your orders?"

Her orders? Yes, that's right. She was a leader, now. She hadn't her Mother's tactical wisdom to rely on, anymore. Just her experience as a warrior, and nothing more.

The Emperor stood silent, while her tri-coloured eyes stared at the ground, searching for the answer somewhere beyond the dried up crust.

She had to think like the enemy. And who better to mould the enemy after, than her own Mother? What would Renna do if she were attacking a helpless convoy of civillians in the middle of nowhere?

"Change the formation of the convoy, get everyone bunched close together and make with all haste out of this forsaken dead-land. I want what civllians that can hold a weapon to be issued with one immediately, be it a sword or a pitchfork. We cannot out run this enemy." Slowly she lifted her eyes to the horizon, inspecting the misty lines of the distance, that was disturbed by unseen movement, beneath the ground.

The woman rushed off, barking the orders, issuing the commands of her Emperor. As the caravans moved into a tighter formation, still making its way to the ultimate destination, Lucy did not move to go with them.

Instead, she drew out her sword, and slowly pointed it to the ground just in front of her, holding the slightly curved, katana-like weapon with both hands. Her lips formed a flatline, while her eyes narrowed to her trembling hands.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, and remembered all of the lessons Renna had ever taught her about battle, and defeating an enemy. All, of which was sound advice, save for one exception. Renna had an army, Lucy has nothing but herself and a handful of warriors, and some battle experience.

Even then, the aforementioned warriors had to protect the convoy, at all costs. So throwing them into a head-on confrontation was simply out of the question. They would all be slaughtered within an instant.

That, in her mind, settled that. Lucy was going to remain behind, as the bait, while the convoy got as far away from her as it can. She didn't plan on dying just yet, but if it meant they could get away ? if meant she could hold Malice and her army of Faceless dolls off long enough for her people to get to New Lysander...


The dry, harsh wind shifted her blonde hair, while bits of grit bounced from her golden, glimmering armour. She smiled, though, even if the dryness of the air was sucking all the moisture from out of her lips, cracking them slightly.

"... Mother, would be disappointed with me... Wouldn't she?" She whispered softly, as the ground rumbled ? as if something was coming her way. Slowly, she opened her glowing, blood red eyes towards the curling dust and the crawling, bouncing monsters made of wood speeding straight at her.

They took the bait. Of course, she would. Lucy thought, laughing a little. Malice was so predictable.

The first mannequin shot from beneath the ground, directly in front of her, its bladed arms opening as it hurtled through the air, moving to embrace and pin the god Emperor in its spiny, blood drenched embrace.

The God-Emperor did not blink. With a coldness to her gaze, and a slight smile, she twisted her sword and swiped it up, cutting the thing in half right down the middle; sending the two pieces to carry on in its momentum through the air harmless either side of her position.

But what she did not expect, was to see blood.

Blood splattered onto her, and with a surprised gasp, quickly she jerked her head to one of the two pieces of the disabled mannequin, to stare in horror at the mechanisms that moved it.

Flesh and blood, organs and bone, was fused to the mannequin through various runed, metallic elements.

These things weren't just made of wood and metal. These things, were humans, once...

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-20 12:22 EST
Part 5 - The Killer Inside

After the first mannequin hit the ground, many more joined it.

Fighting through the endless swarm; and yet no matter how many she killed, two more took their place.

They acted much like like a pack of wolves, encircling and striking from all directions that was deemed an opening in her defense. It took every ounce of skill and agility for Lucy to turn and parry many of the attacks, let alone to take the offense and to counterattack.

As another two fell with a simple decapitating strike with a single swing of her sword; and a third mannequin after its face was crushed into itself after a quick defensive backwards swing of her forearm and its thick golden brace, Lucy swiftly dropped and rolled away from the screech of crossbow fire that carelessly impaled another unfortunate mannequin that was sneaking up behind her.

This was madness.

Blood, wood, gore and mechanical pieces were littered everywhere, and with Lucy at its epicentre of destruction, she was begining to feel the strain. Her body ached, and despite taking only a few minor scratches to the arms and face, she was starting to belive that eventually, they would begin to overwhelm her.

After a second's breath, her body tensed up again to raise her sword and to hold back the dual-bladed hands of another monster that had stepped forward to play. She gritted her teeth, her eyes locked onto the faceless killer that pushed down against her sword.

Inside of that thing, was the essence of something living. It pained Lucy to imagine what kind of suffering it was enduring... To live inside a wooden shell, unable to speak, and unable to feel. Unable to cry, weep or scream. Unable to kiss, hug or make love...

In some ways, she thought, killing them was perhaps for the best.

"It's an... Act of mercy!" She screamed, urging herself on as she held the blades at bay singlehandedly, reaching her free hand over to grip at the mannequin's face, and to break it's neck with a sharp twist of her wrist.

Thankfully, these things died just as easy as anything else. With it's neck broken, it dropped to the ground, motionless, but a second too late.

Two crossbow bolts thudded into her bodice's armour, penertrating it, imbedding into the armour so that the bolts pushed only half way into her gut. The sheer force of the impact sent her spiraling back some distance away, to land painfully upon her side, while her sword stuck itself into the ground even futher from her.

She crossed her arms over her stomach, screaming out to the pain that ate away at her flesh. But she pushed through and beyond her limit, and forced herself to stand. "... Malice, come out. Fight me..." She spluttered, bending over as a rush of blood expelled from her mouth, and onto the floor.

Stumbling forward, Lucy lifted her head, and watched as the sword from a mannequin came slicing down towards her neck. A desperate movement of her thicker brace was lifted to connect to the blow; using its thick plating as a shield, while the strength of the attack sent down onto her knees.
The mannequin's head slowly tilted to one side, as if it saw her visage with its eyeless face. But something did appear. For the merest of glimpses to Lucy's eyes, a ghostly visage of a face contorted in a mixture of pain and horror, seeped through the wood and back again.

Unphased by such spectral nightmares, Lucy turned her eyes to her sword, which laid imbedded some distance away. "If only I..." She whispered, as several more of the beasts came stalking towards her, brandishing their various weapons in silent anticipation.

She had to act. She needed her sword.

Pushing with all her strength to rise from her knees, the God Emperor arose with every last of her reserve to fight back. Smashing her other hand up against the elbow of the mannequin, she broke the joint, allowing her to swing the sword to the left and away from her pressence. As quickly as it swiped past, she wrapped her hands around the injured arm, pulled, and tore it from the rest of the wooden body.

Kicking away the thrashing now rendered incapable creature, Lucy turned, and threw a perfect uppercut to the chin of one that got too close ? the force of which tore it's head clean from its shoulders, giving her more than enough time to throw the dismembered sword-attached arm into the chest of another that was aiming, and just about to fire its' dual-armed mounted crossbows.

With enough of a distance between her and the mannequins. she made a break for her sword, running around and even sliding under the legs of those that got in her way; ignoring the pain of the two bolts pressing firmly into her organs with each bound over rock and corpse.

It was when she got so close to her sword; having elegantly flipped over a swipe aimed directly towards her kneecaps, another more powerful attack came from much further away, catching her mid-flight.

A single beam of yellow energy struck her, ripping her bodice from her chest as the leather thongs securing it merely disintergrated, throwing her far through the air and down hard into a sand dune. Her body rolled down the gentle slope, and only came to a stop only when her hands pushed out against the ground.

Lifting her head, she turned her blood red orbs to the cloaked figure of Malice, who now was walking slowly towards her.

Malice had purposefully dislocated, and extended her jaw, so that the barrel of some kind of cannon retracted back into her throat. With a sickening curnch, her jaw snapped back into place, and with a raise of her hands, her voice was bellowed towards the fallen Lucy with a maddened laughter.

"A new so-called God Emperor has risen in the place of Renna, and it is none other than her pathetic excuse of a clone..." Malice's glassy blue eyes narrowed with glee, "Not only do I get to torture you my dear cousin, but after I am done, I am going to turn you into a pretty little doll just like my friends here!"

Lucy coughed blood all over the floor, as she struggled to get to her knees, trying her hardest to ignore that egotistical maniac.

"Now then," Malice's footsteps stopped before the fallen woman, her head tilting downwards as she moved to grasp into that head of blonde hair, forcing Lucy to stand. "... A good effort, I must admit. You took out almost one quarter of my little gang here, but what you've failed to realise..."

The Mannequin Princess lifted Lucy off of the ground, hoping that her hair would tare from the scalp. But Lucy did not beg for her life; like so many have done so in the past before Malice's pressence, instead, she just kept quiet.

She wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing her pain.

"... Look at you. You haven't realised you've lost, have you?" Malice laughed.

Lucy struggled to speak, but she managed to choke out a few words. Playing the sadist's little game. "S-stop stalling, and tell me... You bitch..."

A hand snapped forward to punch one of the bolts protruding from Lucy's torso, sending the injured blonde into a renewed scream of agonizing pain. Music to Malice's ears, she moved to lick her cousin's cheek, right to the earlobe, so that she could whisper something bittersweet.

Lucy's face drained of colour, as her poisoned words filled her mind. Her screams died away, and her body became as motionless as the dead marionettes that littered the dusty dunes of the wasteland. "... You're lying... It can't be true..."

A slow, wicked smirk formed upon Malice's lips. "All your heroric efforts here, was all for nothing. Even now, I am sure, the second half of my army is happily slicing up you're little subjects into nice bite-sized pieces for the dogs to play ? isn't that just fun to imagine! You stupid little girl! Did you honestly think you could had went against your Mothers equal and have won!?"

Malice dropped Lucy to the floor, letting her lay there as she casually walked over to the God Emperor's blade. "... Shame. I had expected your powers to have developed by now, but it seems, in the end, even you can't control what Renna, and her Mother had achieved so long ago."

Pulling it from the ground, she turned to walk back towards the fallen blonde, "I've changed my mind. I can't risk keeping you alive... I think I'll just cut off your head and display it next to the corpses of your people... What a lovely image that will be!"

Little did Malice know, or realise, that despite her long winded speech, Lucy remained quiet. Even when she once again loomed over the blonde, Malice was too far into her own amazing designs of grandeur and victory that she failed to notice that shade by shade, the blonde strands of Lucy's hair was becoming a darker shade...

And by little, Malice's army was backing away, trembling with fear.

"What are you doing?" Malice lifted the sword high above her head. "Are you giving up so easily without a fight? No dying words? No promises of revenge and coming back from the grave?"

Slowly, Lucy's fingers curled around the two crossbow bolts.

"Pathetic. Goodbye, cousin. Was nice torturing you..." Lifting the sword high above her head, Malice's maddening grin deepened with the insanity that was displayed in her ever unblinking baby blue eyes.

As if the entire world's weight was lifted from her, the now black haired Lucy stood ripping the two crossbow bolts from her own body with an inhuman speed, catching Malice completely off guard.

Frozen stiff, terror gripped at Malice's heart, as she sensed it just a little too late. As something blurred towards her face, a single name whispered past her lips.

It took three seconds for Lucy to stand and to sink those bolts deep into Malice's eyes, and a further two seconds for the God Emperor to scream with a dark, insane laughter.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-21 08:27 EST
Part 6 ? Element of One

With a merciless smile and blood thrilled eyes, she watched Malice fall back and squirm upon the ground, drinking in the sweet cries and terror, embracing her arms outwide as if to take in the shattered silence of the wasteland with the suffering of another.

Her head tilted back, the dark black hair shimmering between gold and abyssal with the pulsating pattern of a quickened heart, as tendrils of darkness snaked out from the distorted shadow beneath her feet.

Her damaged armour too, had begun to tarnish itself into darkness. The golden sheen dulled into silver, and with every passing moment the largest of her braces had started to change. It melted almost, growing and slithering up around Lucy's hand, consuming it and shaping into a familiar, clawed gauntlet, once wielded by the previous God Emperor.

Faltering footsteps dead in their path, the sinister mixture of mannequins and flesh had started to flee, fearing for their very lives. Fearing the expanding tendrils that snaked and whipped about the unholy thing that stood before their injured leader.

Whatever it was they felt, they knew staying a second any longer would spell their end.

Slowly, that wicked, weapon fashioned by Renna herself, now in the possession of the newest God Emperor, lifted in a direction, and out towards the fleeing mannequins. The clawed fingers opening, revealing the beating crystalline core at the centre of the palm. Oranges, yellows and reds swirled there, like the raging fires of a dragon's breath.

The energies spilled from the crystal, circling her fingers and hand in a growing storm of flames that caught fire the very dust particles in the air, sending fireflies of ash to curl and dance ? to only be wisped away by a gentle, unfelt breeze.

"It's your own fault..." Lucy lowered her head, as her eyes dropped down onto Malice, who still trembled and thrashed upon the ground, just in front of her feet. "You should had ran away while you had a chance..."

The quickening twirl of the growing flame was becoming harder to control, her arm strucking to aim as with a single step forward and thrust of her arms, she released the fires to set this land ablaze.

Massive, tsunami of crackling thunder and explosive flame spread out in front of her, consuming everything and reducing it to ash and molten slag.

With each mannequin consumed, they simply combusted into a pillar of flames melted away, while others that had managed to avoid the very corners of the burning wall, who only just touched, got alight, and rolled across the floor, their silent screams unheard, as bit by bit, their bodies burnt away.

The tsunami of death did eventually subside, but only to collapse as a single ocean of fire, assuring that whatever was caught in its touched, remained burning until nothing, was left.

Now, her eyes turned to Malice. "... It's over."

"No!" Malice hissed and clawed at Lucy's legs, "I've won still! The second part of my army ought to be slaughtering your sickening peasants just as we speak! You've won this battle, but I've won the war! There is nothing left but you, now! Nothing!" She laughed through her agonized screams.

Blood red eyes squinted, as Lucy's anger darkened her hair, and brightened her gaze. "As much as I want to see you burnt to ashes, Malice. You are still family to me." She kicked Malice away from her, and moved to walk away, and towards the convoy's direction somewheres beyond that horizon. "Goodbye. Don't come after us again. Or next time I will see you dead."

"Mercy? Pity? Even though, I've destroyed everything you have ever held dear?" Malice stood, bemused by this all. Even when she dragged those bolts from her now eyeless face, and dropped the bloodied, blackened bolts to the ground, she stood ready to die. But it would never come.

"Kill me! It's in your blood!"

Lucy stopped then, turning to glance over her shoulder. "Yes, it is. But my heart is stronger. Something you will never understand, Malice. That is why you will always loose. You drive yourself through your anger, and your twisted pleasures... I did not want to kill your army, or to hurt you, but you forced my hand."

"... How dare you preach to me, child! How... How dare you, you infantile spawn of a whore! I'll hunt you down! I'll rip out your guts and I'll bathe in your blood!" Malice swiped her hands around, trying to get Lucy, who was clearly too far from her to be touched. "Everything you touch, I'll destroy! I'll consume it all! Leaving me alive will become your biggest folly, you fake God! Do you hear me?! Lucy?!"

Malice's words fell on empty ears. For the God Emperor had already left her.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-22 16:29 EST
Part 7 ? Without You

She flew as quickly as she could, her dark black wings beating hard against the wind and the friction of air, mustering every drop of strength left within her after the fight to return to the convoy as quickly as possible, and to discover its fate.

Malice had said that her army had probably already ambushed and destroyed them, and Lucy was inclined to believe her. She hadn't known how much time she had spent fighting her darker counter-part, but, with each passing second, she knew; or expected, the outlook to be grim.

Her heart sank, when the first signs were discovered.

From just over the horizon; just on the very edges of the wasteland where a forest of trees expanded out towards rolling green hills and distant stormclouds, came the unmistakeable curls of dying smoke, of fires long since past.

"No..." She dropped into a nose-dive towards the ground, arching her descent so that she skipped and hovered barely inches from the ground, as she rushed ever quicker towards the scorched, skeletal remains of the caravans, dodging and even smasking objects in her way with her wickedly clawed gauntlet.

"NO!" Her tears ran, as she landed hard against the ground, her golden heels pushing out in front of her to break her speed, leaving two long grooves to permanently scar the very edges of the wasteland.

Her anger subsided, and so did the darker colours to her body and armour; it all fading away into its natural blonde and gold origins, as her despair became ever more apparent.

Clutching an arm to her stomach to cover up the wounds, she stepped forward to the first corpse. It was a Dark Militia Soldier, cut up into so many pieces she had barely the time to piece together who he once was. And there were other corpses. Mannequins and Elves alike.

"... Not again." She stepped through the battlefield, "... Malice. How could you?"

But something, was not quite right.

Where are all the other corpses?

"... They've been taken prisoner." Lucy lifted her gaze then, her eyes widening. Realisation striking her already weighted heart into a panic of loss.

She ran over corpses, stumbling her way to the rows of destroyed, burnt, and damaged caravans, heading specifically to her own private caravan that had managed to partially survive the trials of flame..

"Captain!?" She shouted as she rounded the rear of the cart, seeing nothing present other than a single white sheet, covered in fresh blood, half singed, and darkened by smoke.

Lucy had no words to say. Her wide eyes and trembling lips were all the feelings she needed to convey.

Something moved, and it's sound was upon deaf ears.

She started to slip to her knees, but her hands clutched to the edges of the beaten-up cart, trying their best to keep the God Emperor from falling.

A soft sound of wood cracking, echoed close by.

"I... I should had killed her..." She stood then, slamming her hands down onto the cart, rocking it with her strength. Her anger sending spittle to leak onto her lips, "I should have killed her! I should had..." She clawed her hands to the sheet, dragging it to her.

The clap and snap, was so loud, it could had been mistaken for burning wood.

"Angthen... Angthen..." She pushed her face into the fabric, sucking deep the death that was soaked into its material. "Angthen, my Captain... Do they take away your corpse, to torture me? Do they deny me even that!?" She lifted her head to the sky, "I'll, hunt you... I'll hunt your bones until they're mine again. Until, you're in my arms..."

Something thudded into her, and she shook her body from the very foundations. Her head dropped forward, as she looked to the sheet she clutched, and the pool of fresh blood consuming it's remaining purity.

The world died away for her, as she felt her limbs become limp, and her body slide back onto the two blades that impaled her. Her head tipped back, as the clutch of the sheet loosened. There staring back down at her was nothing but an eyeless, faceless mask of wood.

And the distant horn of, something familiar.

Something pulled from her back, and she hit the floor, unable to control a single cell within her body. She didn't feel any pain, and she didn't feel any suffering to the wounds that penertrated her. All she could do, was move out her fingers to touch the blood soaked sheet, that had seen more battles than any other of it's kind, and, with a turn of her head, saw him.

He ran towards her, clutching a sword with a skeletal right arm, pain and anger in his face, as he chopped the Mannequin limb from limb, even after the thing had fell.

Up, and down went that sword. And up went the spray of blood upon his sprayed crazed face.

She blinked but once, and then he was next to her, upon his knees and drawing her close to his face. He said something, but she heard nothing.

Within her tunnel vision, her hands lifted with the struggle against gravity, to clutch his cheeks, as more and more Elves entered her dimming view.


Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-25 09:50 EST
Part 8 ? Out of Duty

The Captain had no idea what was going on, and remembered barely anything of the many days of constant travel undertaken by the now homeless Ssr'Kesir people. The last thing he could recollect was the terrible sacrifice of his loved one, as she threw herself in front of Renna's final attack.

Even with such a traumatic event burnt into his mind, all those memories were still little glazed even now in the confusion of that chaos.

He awoke at the beginning of the attack by the Marionettes of Malice, quickly finding himself back in his role of Captain of the Black Militia. Despite the lack of military experience within the group of civillians and handful of Black Militia soldiers at his disposal, he had still managed to turn the tide of victory in their favour.

The choice to abandon the convoy and to escape into the thankful sight of a forest was what won it for them. The Elves felt naturally comfortable within the awkward confines of nature, and moved freely through their foilage, pulling suprise attacks that wittled the unnerving mannequins one squad at a time.

But something snagged at his mind. Something ached at his skeletal arm, and, the closer it got, the more it stung. The pain in his head urged him to double back and return to the convoy they had abandoned, feeling something was there.

Upon spilling out of the forest and out into the parched earth of the wasteland... He saw her.

Despite her difference in form since last he met her, he just knew it was Lucy. No matter what form ? what Incarnation she would ever reappear in, he would always just know it was her.

How could he forget those eyes?

She was impaled upon the weapon-hands of a mannequin, and his heart wrenched up into his throat. The Captain's mind fell into a crazed state of desperation, and he picked up the nearest weapon he could find, and rushed over there, howling like some mad man, hopping and running over every obstacle in his way.

Even as he hacked away at the dead puppet, still, his desire to save her would throw him into further action. He had to get his Emperor to safety.

He dragged her out of the battlefield and into the forest while many of the civillians left alive had arrived to cover the retreat, forming a large circular horde with the Captain and Lucy in the middle, killing anything and everything did not resemble an elf that simply got too close to the protective perimeter.

... That was four days ago.

Slowly but surely they were making their way deeper into New Lysanderian territory, still, in the same protective formation with the Captain personally carrying his Emperor in his arms.

Not a moment went by, when he did not steal a look of her sleeping face ? trailing his gaze around that body of golden armour, and that new, golden hair, and deep red lips...

It suited her, he thought. It was quite strange, but it matched her personality for her to be reincarnated in this form. Finally, he found himself melting back into his role of a secret lover, rather than a military advisor.

She hadn't moved for days, and he half expected for her to not wake up still for yet another few days. Fortunarely, her wounds had fully regenerated, but at a much slower rate than the norm. It did concern him some, but nothing that warrented him to turn about and head straight into enemy territory out of vengence.

She was a tough little thing, after all.

"Captain, are you alright?" Came a voice, and a gentle familiar touch to his forearm, "You're looking tense..."

He turned his head, smiling at the white haired elfin woman standing besides him, "Oh, nothing Sse'ulice," his handsome, mischevious smile causing the smaller woman to blush.

Lowering her gaze, she moved to lean against him, "The new Emperor is cute, huh?" She spoke softly, not wanting to wake her Master and God. But she kept her eyes on the Captain.

"Yeah..." He whispered some, "She sure is..."

With a slow blink, her eyes narrowed some, "You know.." She mustered the courage to talk so frankly, "is it true?"

"...It's not." His eyes moved ahead, knowing the accusations that was to come. He's been asked so many times in the past, and it was beginning to annoy him that he was being interrogated at this time.

"Well, you never came to visit my bed as often as you did, before the disaster... You spent a lot of time with her, when she was Princess... I figured, maybe you have gained some kind of-"

"Don't be absurd," he walked a little quicker, annoyance written across his brow and lips, "She was the one I swore an oath to protect, in life, and death," his skeletal left arm curled tighter around Lucy's body, "And now, her risen title to Emperor means that my oath only strengthens in that I must protect her interests, and her life."

The woman looked down a touch, moving away a little, and to follow the Captain's steps very closely, "So, you're doing it out of duty..." She lifted her eyes to the back of his head, and shook her head. She did not believe him.

What man would carry a woman in his arms so protectively? What man would watch her with such a gentle smile, and silent gaze? He was lying.

"... Just one more time? Like we used to?" She spoke up, her hope rising with her request. "... Tonight, I just need a man, that's all... I'm not in love, or anything. I just, want some comfort of strong arms..." She reached out, and ran a finger acorss his back.

He did not answer back, and did not stop either to address her. Instead, he simply kept on walking, either ignoring her on purpose, or was...

Too lost in his gaze to the red eyes that now stared back up at him.

She was awake? Did she hear the conversation? All these questions ran through his mind, and he could not help but wonder what manner of emotions were in those eyes gazing up at him, at that moment in time.

"I can't." He spoke finally, holding the woman in his arms closer, as her hands curled against his chest and grasped into his cloak, "I can't think about my personal interests during these tough times, so forgive me, but I must decline."

"Angthen..." She whispered, "Are you sure? You could use some-"

Lucy's fingers curled tighter into his cloak, her eyes closing.

"Silence, and return to your post." He strictly commanded, tossing a glare over his shoulder. "And I will not speak of these trivial matters in front of our Emperor, sleeping, or otherwise..."

The woman slowed her steps, and turned away, moving back through the crowd and away from the inner-circle of the moving horde. She couldn't stand the sight of him any longer, nor that woman in his arms.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2010-10-27 13:45 EST
Part 9 ? The Uroboros

They had made it to New Lysander, but still had to arrive at the sea-side capital, Fallsmouth.

The Captain had made a descision to set up camp for the night, just half a days walk from the large Lysanderian town, finding that many of his kin needed rest and relaxation from the journey's troubles and toils. They were safe here, and with Malice and her forces having been dealt with, the Captain could finally draw his attention to Lucy.

The many small huts made of leaves and torn branches were scattered amongst the forest floor, as too were the Ssr'Kesir people. What children had survived were finally playing without the fear of death, and finally, the adults were going about their everyday business like they used to back before the disaster of Zarcurgis's demise, trying to salvage some normality to their chaotic lives thus far.

Their God Emperor had recovered, and had made herself known many times by walking amongst them, offering a hand to build huts and heal the wounded. But she looked lost. She never smiled anymore. Even her eyes had become heavy with the weight of responsibility. Her movements had become slow and her gaze troubled...

She put on quite a show to appear fine to the masses, but to the Captain, he could not help but see the truth behind her facade.

When she had retired from the camp and walked some distance to the nearest river to bathe in its clean, crisp and cooling waters, the Captain followed her. He knew she would sense him eventually, but he could not help but want to watch that beautiful, newly battle-scarred naked figure surbmerge itself into the river, and float there.

He came to a stop at the river's sandy and rocky shore-line, lent against a tree, his arms crossing over his chest. The Captain made himself known with a cough, "... Is that a nymph in the river there, or is that my dear Emperor?"

Lucy, who was swimming against the gentle currant, turned her head towards the shore, and to that black cloaked figure she had come to know so well. "... That, was kind of creepy."

"Oh! Is that what you call my poetic charms?" He grinned, "And to think, I was paying you a complement."

"Pft," she swam back to the shore, slowly emerging from the river and towards him.

She was; in every sense of the word in his eyes, a Goddess. His eyes trailed the streams of water running across her curves, some trailing the scars that ran down her hip, and that flat stomach. Of course, he did blatantly stare at her small perky bust. How could he not?

The God Emperor lifted a brow then, striking a pose where her arms were crossed behind her head, while her body inclined to bend to the side some, "... Is this the reason you're here?"

His eyes widen a touch, "Well, it is safe to say your body has... Improved with your recincarnation..." He cleared his throat, rubbing a hand at the back of his head, blatantly staring at her now.

She narrowed her eyes, "What?"

"Uh, not that it is to sayyour previous form was unappealing at all!" He laughed nervously, "It's just, well, blonde hair, really does suit you..."

She ceased her pose after quite the intense blush, and placed her hands upon her hips, "What is it, Captain? I was relaxing."

"Oh... Uh..." He moved forward then, bowing his head and placing a hand close to his chest, "Excuse me, but I merely wanted to talk with you, about... What you heard..."

The Emperor turned to pick up her white cloak that was discarded onto the ground, and slipped into it "I don't want to discuss it. Is that all, Captain?"

He stepped forward, placing a hand to her cheek, "Why are you avoiding it? Every time I bring it up, you either dismiss it or..."

"Are you two still together?" She was quite blunt about it now, which put the Captain in an awkward silence. "Did you two ever... While we were..."

He lifted his hands up defensively, "Oh no! Hell no, absolutely no! I would never do something like that! We're just friends, I promise, and what we had was purely sexual."

"... That I can believe," She muttered.

"Eh?" He blinked, "You make me sound like some sexual predator..." He moved to a place hand to her shoulder, but it ended up on her chest, instead. "You're the only woman in my eyes."

She swooned with a giggle, and moved to batter his wandering hand away from atop of her breast, "Stop messing around. Besides, we don't have time for this. Maybe when everything is settled and returned to normal, we can start thinking about us again."

The Captain smiled, laughing too. "Oh alright. But you promise you won't run off with some other man? Someone more handsome and," he lifted his skeletal left arm, "With a bit more meat on his bones."

"What did I say about you teasing me?" She walked to beside him, and swiped an arm to hit in the chest, which, unfortunately held too much strength, and it sent the Captain flying into the air and right into the river. She yelped then, running after him ? walking on the surface of the water itself, as she ran out to his floating, displeased face.

"I didn't mean it!" She announced.

"... Looks like you strength is back." He floated there with a deepening frown.

"I'm sorry! I only meant to do it gently!"

His skeletal hand shot up to grasp around her ankle, and to pull into the river along with him, right into his strong embrace. He held her tightly, kissing her passionately. At first, she was shocked at the coolness of the water, but melted away into the kiss and his arms, as she kissed him back just as vigourous as he.

When their lips finally parted, and their foreheads touched, both she and him stared at each other, not speaking a word.

Lost in their own gazes, either failed to notice the set of eyes watching from afar.

Sse'ulice's hands curled into tight fists, as tears streamed down her face. Her enraged eyes closed tightly, as her head turned away the disgusting sight of her former lover, in the arms of another woman. And not just any woman.

Her god. Her Master.

Someone she could not remove as easily as the rest.

"What am I going to do with you... Making all this trouble for me..." She smiled a touch, "But you'll come back to me ? you always do..." She whispered, "...Won't he?"

... It hurts, doesn't it? Doesn't it?

She touched her chest, as her heart throbbed. "It does..."

... Do you want it ? Do you want it to stop?

"So much," Sse'ulice bowed her head, the tears ceasing their flow, "I want it to stop..."

... We can help you. I can make him love you...

"What do I do, tell me..." She lifted her hands to her head, as she heard a shuffle from behind. Turning to confront the noise, her eyes find nothing.

... Down here. We're here...

She looked to her feet, and saw the featureless mask, staring back up at her. Sse'ulice looked around, her concern that someone was watching her driving her to remove the dagger from its sheath from around her waist.

Slowly she bent down, and retrieved the discarded mask that came from nowhere. She inspected it with a curious gaze. "... I must be, going mad." She laughed a little.

Not yet, you're not. Not yet...

The mask lurched from her grasp, and pushed itself against Sse'ulice's face. Her muffled screams could not be heard as the mask smothered her breath. She fell to the ground, clawing at the mask, rolling and thrashing around she felt it begin to burn into her skin.

Feed us your lust, your twisted desires!

We, will help you gain your love...

Burn... Burn with us...

Your feelings burn, with us.

Accept us.

Accept us.

Burn, with,

Sse'ulice's body became silent. Her limbs ceasing all movement, her muffled screams gone.

"... Us." She whispered

(End of Uroboros. The will be continued, in a different thread... Which is located here!: In the mean time, thanks for reading!)