Topic: Ergo

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2009-08-15 14:06 EST
Lirssa felt foolish as she sat still in bed at the compound, for she could think of it as no other thing to call where she was with so little she saw of it. It had been a blurry arrival with hazy faces that only expressed a kindness embedding in a sort of alarm. The next day, an older gentleman had given his name as Gwyr, and provided the limited and vague explanation of her arrival. Well, at least she had some faith that if it was to this place Lucky's key had brought her she certainly was better off than she was before. Still, it did not make her much inclined to spill her troubles. She was courteous if tight lipped.

This day however, she was a bit fidgety. She had been required to stay in bed and her body was in a flighty was her mind. The nightshift comfortable, her style, instead of that frippery she had been forced to wear. Still, she sat plucking at its wrists and flipping the covers one way then another. Opening a book and closing it. She was frightened if she admitted it, and bored if she did not.

Lucien was on the road as soon as word came to him about Lirssa's arrival at the outpost. Her arrival meant one thing....she had gotten into trouble and she needed an escape. It was late morning when he arrived at the compound. Gwyr greeting his arrival and accompanied the Barrister, who walked with a heavy limp and use of a cane, recounting what little Lirssa offered.

He murmured his thanks to Gwyr and the faithful manservant excused himself with a nod when they reached the door to Lirssa's room. Lucien drew a deep breath and eased his expression before knocking on the door.

The knock at once made Lirssa smile and her heart drop into her stomach. If it were to be more questions from Gwyr, or the lady who continually made sure her bed was comfortable and her head didn't hurt and she had enough to eat, well, Lirssa might have to feign sleep. It was even odds one way or the other, and since they had not really done her much harm, cheating the kind people was not a charitable turn about. Adopting more cheer than she felt under the circumstances, and with the prickle of thoughts that Fitzhugh might be up to no good with her suddenly missing, she called out, "Yeah? I mean, yes? Come in!"

The latch clicked and he pushed the door open, making his way inside upon an uneven gait, the cane tapping mutedly in rhythm. A light smile remained tugged at the corner of his mouth, colored with tempered amusement. "Good morning, Miss Sarengrave. How are you? I hope that Gwyr and Miss Haverston and the others have been making you comfortable?"

The sight of Mister Lucky with a cane and walking unevenly tossed out any sensible reply she might have made to a very reasonable question. "What happened to you?!" Defying the restrictions placed on her, she tore back the covers and hopped barefoot and long gowned out of the bed to him to give him a thorough looking over.

Lucien reached for the chair and pulled it over to her bedside. He nodded for Lirssa to sit as he eased himself onto the chair and set the cane aside. "I had the great misfortune of running into a small and" (well a walking painting of a man, but in any case)..." who did well to take my knee out."

"Oh, Mister Lucky," she sighed and dropped onto the side of the bed. "You want me to take him out? I got connections ya know." A chill passed over her shoulders and she shivered just slightly. She had more connections than she wanted to admit, now that she thought about it. Her fingers began to twist together, one foot shook slightly side to side. "I hope you get better soon."

He offered a reassuring smile and shook his head. "That won't be necessary, Lirssa. I appreciate the offer though." Lucien drew a breath and eased back to rest against the back of the chair. " are you doing? Have they taken good care of you?" he reiterated his earlier query.

"Yessir." A very reassuring nod to his question. "I am killer grateful, Mister Lucky. Didn't know you had a safe house? Just..," she forced herself to ask, "how safe is it?"

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2009-08-15 14:06 EST
He let his gaze move around the room, then looked out the window, onto the grounds for a moment. He then turned his attention back to Lirssa and nodded quite soberly. "It is as safe a place I know."
Then without any warning, he picked up his cane and pushed up to his feet. "How about we take a little walk around the grounds, if you are feeling up for it? I can show you the place and you can determine that for yourself?"

She slid to her feet. "I'm up to it, are you? Maybe that Gwyr fella should be gettin you one of those wheely chairs. I could push ya around!" That certainly was a delightful thought, being able to give back in some small way of helping, and her grin was bright in the sharing of it. But, it was a brightness that faded as she looked down at her attire. "I suppose I oughta get dressed."

Lucien offered a small bow of his head to Lirssa. "I shall wait you at the bottom of the stairs at the end of the hall to your right. Take your time getting dressed." A self-effacing grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "It'll give me time to make my way down there." The Barrister made his way to the door and offered a wink, before stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him.

She stood there, head tilted to the side, and for the first time in months, there was a feeling of being more than just okay. She was safe, and depending on how safe this place was, all her friends and people she cared about were safe, too. Well, she snapped out of her happy daze, that safety was still to be determined. And although Mister Lucky had said for her to take her time, she did not. She was in her motley, though it had taken a hit or two along seems, and her hand automatically slipped into the small pocket where she had typically kept the key, only the key was not there.

That brought all of her anxiousness back to the fore. She had to know the place was safe, in all sense of the word. She looked around her as if she might see Fitzhugh, Arabella, or O'Malley's eyes searching for her. Disquiet dashed her out of the door to be near Mister Lucky again who seemed to be able to chase those anxieties away with a wink.

Lucien was half way down the stairs that led to the courtyard by the time Lirssa had caught up to him. He offered her a smile and carefully made his way down the rest of the stairs. Once they had reached the ground, he turned toward the vine covered trellised walk way.

"This was an old cavalry outpost," he began his explanation, his gait deliberate in pace. "I think I can count on barely two hands the number of people that have seen this place and been here. I can count on one, the number of people who know how to get here."

"Yeah, well, I hope that last figure doesn't include me. I think the key you gave me brought me here, but I doubt I could be finding it again. How'd you find it? Just an old cavalry outpost? like...other magics stuff about it?" Her hopes were beginning to fade on that count, and she began to look around the place with earnest.

He watched her nervous observations and assessments as they made their way around the grounds. When they arrived at a fork in the path, he started down the path that headed toward the orchards. "The area surrounding this outpost is a dead zone for magic. There are also precautions I've taken to make it impossible for anyone to scry and locate someone on the grounds." Lucien drew a deep breath and turned his gaze up at the lush green canopies the trees that lined the path formed. A light breeze ruffled the leaves. "Do you remember when my townhouse was blown up?"

She exhaled a great sigh of relief. It drooped her shoulders a moment before a spring was found in her step and she looked up to Mister Lucky. She remembered and patted his arm in sympathy. "Bad times that. I suppose you made sure couldn't happen out here then. Once burned, well, yeah..," finding the phrase poor taste that she could not finish it.

"There were people looking for me." Some to make sure he was dead, but no need to expand on that either. "This is where I was. Had time to heal up and reassess things."

Bobbing along nods, she knew just what he meant. No doubt her recovery from whatever had happened was much swifter than his. In fact, as she looked up at his face, she did wonder if he still had some wounds. Wounds that adults get that are deep inside and liked to stay hurt and sore.

When they came upon a bench near a grove of trees, he made his way over to it and sat down. Gaze of cool blue drifted over the sun kissed canopy, before they settled on Lirssa. His expression was sober, but it wasn't dour. "Lirssa," he began quietly. "What happened?"

The abruptness of the question took her aback and her footsteps followed thoughts, with a few steps back from him. A hesitant breath and a false start, she paused and looked around her again. Well, sure thing Mister Lucky seemed to be able to keep secrets. She never would have thought he had something like this -- or that the key could have done what it did. But lessons learned over years were not to be easily set aside. "Can you keep secrets, Mister Lucky?"

He smiled and offered a reassuring nod. "If I couldn't keep secrets, I wouldn't make a very good lawyer."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2009-08-15 14:08 EST
"Yeah, well," she folded her arms and lifted her chin, but that just didn't last long. In truth, she realized that one of her oldest friends was sitting in front of her. He had done her a good turn and more than that. He deserved the truth. "Mister Lucky, I got in a killer mess of things. You know much about magics and stuff?"

Lucien held the cane between his legs and rested his chin on his hands folded on the grip of the cane. "I know some about magic and the like. Learning more about it every day."

"Yeah? Well I know most of my life is I wanted to stay well clear of it. Didn't understand it and didn't want to." Her arms fell away from the fold as if they were the dam holding in the rush of words. Her hands moved here and there with her confession as if directing the disorder into some sense. "See, some months back I picked up some extra work running notes and stuff, because I like to earn money for the foster homes to help them keep the kids, only my family moved away, so I was sorta runnin low on money, so I had to work more jobs. I got one with Captain Aja and still was doin the tumblin when the weather permitted. But I had my lessons to pay for from Mister Jolyon. He said I didn't really have to, but a bargain?s a bargain and I can't take something for nothing. He's got real smarts and only right he should get paid for sharing them. Anyway, so..."

Big breath, she continued on, "I was runnin' these notes, only it started gettin a fishy feelin. Just wasn't right ya know? I tried to get out of it, but they said I couldn't. So I figured knowledge is power, right? I just thought I'd see what the notes were about. Only they were about keepin this guy all magic tied up in the room in the inn. It was horrible and I heard them say if he didn't break or something like that soon that he'd die. Well, then all nonsense broke loose one night when I went in to help him. He got free and they started huntin for me because I'm an amplifier." She waited for some sort of recognition that he understood or needed explanation, at least the best she could give, on what that meant before she continued on.

He sat up as she recounted her story, a brow quirking first, then knitting to a furrow upon his brow. Lucien didn't say anything, but instead stayed his question and nodded for her to continue.

"So, when I said I wasn't gonna help them and they could just leave me be, then they started threatening street kids and friends of mine. So this guy, his name is Fitzhugh, and he sorta runs the ring. Well he does here. There's some sort of big group all over the place that has agents doing these searching things." Realizing she has gotten ahead of herself, she backtracked. "Anyway, this Fitzhugh and I made a deal. I'd let them use me to amplify their searching for stuff for a year, and they'd leave my friends be, and they'd teach me how to keep others from using my gift." It was a derisive snort after the word. She could not call it a gift by any true notion. "So, I said yes, only they weren't really looking for things, they were looking for people, that man that got away before in particular.

"So, well the lady, Arabella, tried first, but I guess Elliott, that's the guy that got away, was too strong. He did something and she went all sorts of bad after that run in. I thought, well, that's that, but then Fitzhugh brought in this other guy and he was killer strong. He went searching and Elliott, oh no!? A brief moment of clarity and realization interrupted her story. ?I betcha they got Elliott. He came in the whole thing and told me to get away. That's when I used the key and came here." And with that, the arms folded again, hugging herself, just sick with the idea that Elliott was trapped again.

Several moments passed, before Lucien drew a deep breath and ran a hand over his bearded chin, his furrowed brow knitting to a frown. He regarded Lirssa for another moment before he broke his silence.
"Did they hurt you? Did it hurt you when you were..." he drew a deep breath before he continued speaking quietly, "...used as an amplifier?"

When she considered the question, the honest truth of it was, "Not really when O'Malley or Elliott did. It was in a dance, where you just step aside for the other person to take their place in the pattern. With Arabella though," she rolled her eyes and puffed out a tired sigh. "It was like being shoved and felt so small, like shrunken. She got really tired afterwards every time. I think I did her more harm than she did me. Elliott was the first to use me like that. It was weird, but he had to so he could get free, so not like I blame him, ya know? It didn't hurt, just...didn't like it."

His tone remained quiet, his frown remained fast upon his brow. "Exactly how did Elliot get free?"

"Ummm, well," she thought back, "sorta hard to say. These notes had power, but the power weakened if they were read. Seems if I read them, they weakened even more....leastways that what was told to me. When I read all the notes, he was able to move enough that when he touched my foot -" feeling obligated to explain "-see I was trying to get out of the room since Arabella and this awful man named Jasper had arrived just as I was trying to help Elliott -- anyway, when he touched my foot he was able to use me to make what magics he had left even more powerful and just walloped Arabella and Jasper."

Lucien's expression went from fleeting curiosity to a severe frown.

His frown made her decidedly uncomfortable. She began to dig her toe, still bare because it felt good, into the ground. "I didn't mean to do wrong. Honest, but I just didn't know how to stop them from hurting folks. They even threatened the Smiths' babies!" She pleaded that he understand why she had to do it.

He drew a deep breath and his expression softened as he shook his head. "Lirssa," his tone softened to match his mien, " haven't done anything wrong. Except I wish you would have told someone what was happening sooner."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2009-08-15 14:08 EST
"I couldn't. Not without other people getting into trouble with them. I had it under control for awhile until that O'Malley showed up. He's got some killer power." She sighed, tightening her arms around herself. "Besides, I didn't want people to know I'm odd. I just wanna be me."

"You could have gotten seriously hurt. Or worse. And those around you could have also gotten hurt." He ran his hand over his chin and tugged on his beard thoughtfully. "If the likes of this....Fitzhugh and the others were capable of going to the means they did to find this Elliot..." Lucien shook his head. "They threatened others to keep you in line, but you don't know if they would have kept their word. They have no honor. No reason to keep their word."

"Yeah, well, if they didn't, I woulda told someone. Nobody keeps a bargain with bargain breakers. They had kept it, though, far as I know. Fosters didn't seem to know. If they think maybe I'm dead or something, they'll not hurt 'em." It was more a hope than a certainty. "Only, I can't be dead always, lest I move along or something, then they wouldn't know. Only, then I'd've left Elliott in a big whale of a pickle."

It was just all her thoughts tumbling out one atop the other without much forethought. When she realized that, she grimaced and looked askance at Mister Lucky with her shoulders shrugging up to her ears. "I'm killer sorry, Mister Lucky. Only, I'm usedta takin care o' my business, and I caused the mess. I had to clean it up...kinda." She was all too aware of her failure on that account.

He couldn't help but smile, although it was tempered with self-recrimination. "Lirssa, if anyone knows about taking care of one's own business and wanting to clean up one's own mess, I do." A humorless chuckle sounded quietly. "I know what it is like to want to take care of things yourself. Not burden anyone else with your problems. Thinking you are protecting them."

She smiled and nodded, her shoulders relaxed. "Just so! That's right, Mister Lucky." A happy sigh, "You do understand. So, you understand I gotta go back and help Elliott. They broke the bargain first, so I just gotta get him free like last time and then somehow make it so I'm broken and they won't want me or hurt people I care about. Right?" It was a reasonable, if incomplete, plan by her reckoning. "Got any thoughts on how to get this amplifying thing stopped?"

The Barrister shook his head. "Lirssa, because I understand it, I also know, it isn't the right thing to do." With a considered pause, he said, "Let's walk a little more, shall we? I can't sit for long or else my leg gets very stiff."

Talk about wind out of sails, her whole body jerked in frustration, and she was already starting to walk in circles when he asked about walking more. Oh, she was all for that. "Yeah, we don't want your leg to get stiff. It hurts bad, still? Got long time for it to heal up? Why don't you use magic stuff?" A shadowed glance to him. "Don't like it? I mean, I know you said you're learning about it, but that doesn't mean you like it. Maybe you're learnin' 'cause you don't like it."

He set the cane firmly against the ground and pulled himself to his feet, starting around the path toward one of the paddocks. "I've always had an interest in magic. The reasons why I started looking into it, well, that was a long time ago and doesn't matter anymore." Lucien's tone was quiet and pensive as he spoke.
"I could have gone to a healer and had my knee fixed up right away. But sometimes the quick fix is not the answer. Sometimes, we need to be patient and let things unfold as they would. Sometimes, it is good to be reminded we can't fix everything."

She didn't exactly like that answer. In one way, well, at least he didn't say he didn't like magic. But still, it sounded like a reprimand. Sulking was not exactly her best feature, but she could not help it at that moment. She muttered, "I used to be able to."

A smile remained masked behind the neatly trimmed beard at her muttering. "I had a dear friend of mine remind me that I can't do it all on my own. That to let friends help me was a gift to them. Don't you feel good when you help a friend out?"

She narrowed green eyes up at him, but she could not deny the truth. "Yeah, I do, but..." only she didn't quite know what came after the "but" and so she fell silent as she thought about it. "But more people could get hurt if I let them help. Then what? Oh the guilt..." Donning a dramatic pose, she pulled at her hair and turned her mouth down. "Adults, you make things so difficult." Which was the only rebuttal she had to his logic.

He didn't answer her remark about the guilt and making things difficult, instead he kept the direction of the conversation on track. "Well, as my friend reminded me, if I felt that good helping my friends, why would I deny them the same feeling to help me?"

"Because you don't want to see them dead?" She smiled up at him as if the question were actually one he wanted answered.

The mare started toward the railing as they neared the paddock. Lucien smiled as the thistle bowed her head, reaching up to rub her nose gently. "That would be denying them the joy of helping. That would be denying them a share of your life...because friends want to share in all of your life...the joys and the troubles." He turned his attention to Lirssa. "It would also be endangering them the more.

"Better to know the danger coming than get blindsided and caught unprepared by it."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2009-08-15 14:09 EST
Lirssa liked horses. With a careful, slow gesture, she reached a hand out to let the mare get a scent of her before she tried to rub at the strong round of the jaw. "I suppose." In a need to defend herself, she looked up at him. "Well, I told you, but really, all I need is a way to get this thing of me not to work anymore. See, that's helping, right?" It might be, she realized, easier than the she had thought at first if she could control just how they helped. "Oh, and Mister Locke, I met with him the other day and told him, because he's a secret keeper, too, only I can trust you to keep that secret, and he said he had a ring that if someone could make it work again might keep my magical stuff from working."

Lucien slipped his hand into his pocket and the mare turned her nose toward Lirssa's touch and attentions. "Where does Fitzhugh and the others work out of?"

Well, she was not about to just jump right out with that information without some of her own. "What are you thinkin', Mister Lucky? I'm not tellin' you more lest you tell me what's goin on up in that brain o' yours." She set her jaw, but that didn't last long as she cooed some love to the mare.

"I intend to have the 'gentleman' and his associates looked into. See what they are up to." Immediately he held up a staying hand. "I am not going to do it personally, nor am I going to have someone go busting in like gangbusters and make it obvious."

She waited to see if 'the itch' came around, warning her in some fashion. But when it didn't, she shrugged. "Well, they live, or at least yesterday, lived in a brownstone. It's number 11 Heather Square. You promise you're not going to go yourself?"

"You have my word." A wry grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he nodded to the cane in his hand. "Besides, I am in no condition to be snooping around."

"Yeah, that's for killer sure." Nodding, not couching words. She patted the mare once more and then stepped a bit away, looking around the compound. "I guess, well, I guess I should be going on my way back though. I'm all healed up, I suspect. Nothing rattles." She tapped her head as if that should have some sort of loose gizmo rolling about in it. "I suppose I used up the key, too, but it sure came in handy. I'm grateful." She looked to the horizon, planning out just where she could stay that would be safe for a spell while she worked out how to break whatever worked inside her.

He took his cue from her as she stepped away from the mare and started back toward the manor. "I'm glad it came in handy, Lirssa. Since your family moved out of the town, where are you staying?"

A shrug, she flopped her hand one way and then another. "Here and there. Cobble bedding it for awhile. Got my dogs to keep me safe. Know lotsa spots since I was a kid. Before this mess I'd stay with one of the foster homes if they had a space to spare."

Lucien simply nodded as they walked across the compound, no frown, no judgment in his expression. "I've got a couple places in town. You are welcome to stay at any of them if you wish." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the key and held it out to her. "I believe this is yours."

A flood of relief. She hadn't left it somewhere or it hadn't been used up. Reaching for it, she paused and then took it. He had said it was hers. "Thank you, Mister Lucky." It returned to her pocket. "These places you got in town? They know...magical hiding stuff like here?"

Lucien shook his head at her query. "No, they don't. But I can set one or two of the places up with wards if you wish to stay there," he offered, glancing sidelong her way.

"No, that's okay. Umm," she looked around at the compound, "would it be okay if I stay here a few days? Just till I can find a safe spot in town? I can't leave Elliott in whatever mess he is in long, but I gotta attack from a place of strength, ya know?"

"Lirssa, you may stay here as long as you wish. However, you cannot let it be known where this place it. Nor how to get here." Lucien stopped walking and turned to face the young girl, who was no longer a little child. "As for Elliott, promise me you will not attack alone. If the group here is part of a larger network, that would be foolish and futile."

"Not should giants pluck out my eyes or vampire rabbits eat my heart, I'll not tell a soul, body, living nor dead." It had been the vow she'd made since very young, and it just came out automatically. She felt a little silly for a moment, but his request for a promise not to attack was hard to give. "But what if he's in trouble? I can't just not do anything. It's my fault."

Of course, she realized, she was not sure they had Elliott. With a frown, she settled that she had to determine that first. That meant going back into town sneaky like. She could do that. With the key back in her possession, well, no, she should only use that in emergencies. She looked up at Mister Lucky. "Can you make me promise something a little different? Like I won't go in there without proper cause?" Big smile of hope that would work.

"Promise me you will not go back there alone. No solo attacks. No solo rescue mission," he reiterated quietly and firmly. "I will see about finding out Elliot's whereabouts and his condition."

"You don't do this bargaining thing very well, Mister Lucky." She frowned and grumbled. "One'd think you were my father." With an exasperated huff, arms flopped defeated. "Fine, I won't go there alone. I promise." She was quite confident she could keep that promise. Afterall, if she had her dogs she wouldn?t be alone.

Lucien nodded and continued into the manor, heading for the kitchen. "Thank you, Lirssa. Getting yourself caught or hurt will not help Elliot at all." He drew a deep breath, the smell of warm bread wafting their way. "Now...what do you say we see about lunch?"