Topic: Growing Petition

Lucky Duck

Date: 2010-07-21 01:29 EST
Lucien decided to stay home. He hadn't slept well. The second attack of monsters the night before, confirmed to come from the fae lord that was after Bekah, weighed heavily on him. He was pacing in his office when he received word from his foreman that Judah had not reported to work the next morning.

"Find him!" the Barrister demanded of the foreman when the report came in. "Find him and bring him here!" he had roared at the Norwegian who towered over the man.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2010-07-21 01:39 EST
The Court records reveal the following petition filed by Lucien Viktor Mallorek, esq on behalf of William Judah Bishop against the Office of the Governor, the Office of the Minister of Justice, and Riley O' Rourke following an interview with the Petitioner and a witness.


Supreme Court of the Realm of Rhydin
Central County Index No. 05307202010
William Judah Bishop
Rhydin, RD.


Rhydin Government
Office of the Governor
Office of the Minister of Justice
Riley O' Rourke
Rhydin Courthouse and Townhall
Rhydin, RD

Dated, July 20, 2010

Attorney(s) for Petitioner:
Spiegel, Mallorek and Colling, P.C.
666 Grand Avenue, Suite 13
Central County, Rhydin

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Petitioner, William Judah Bishop, by his attorneys, Spiegel, Mallorek and Colling, P.C., humbly petitions the Court for the following:

Article One: The Complaint

1-A. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice, Riley O' Rourke in her position as the Minister of Justice, and by the executive appointment of Riley O' Rourke to the position of Minister of Justice, the Office of the Governor, did with full intent and awareness, commit assault and battery against the Petitioner, William Judah Bishop; did wrongfully cause him serious physical and emotional harm by their actions, resulting in the Petitioner incurring injury and losing income due to his inability to work as a result of his injuries from the assault and battery.

Article Two: The Facts

2-A. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice and Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), did attack the Petitioner and beat him mercilessly without provocation in front of the Red Dragon Inn.

2-B. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice and Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), did continue to attack and assault the Petitioner almost to death even though he did nothing to defend himself.

2-C. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice, Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), and by her appointment, the Office of the Governor, executed and committed a heinous crime against the Petitioner, who's injuries were so extensive that he was unable to report to the Spit and Scales Shipyard where the Petitioner is gainfully employed, resulting in the accumulation of medical bills and loss of income.

2-D. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice, Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), and by her appointment, the Office of the Governor, did conspire and execute and committed an unprovoked and merciless assault and battery against the Petitioner, even calling him a 'coward' in a concerted effort to continue and execute a personal vendetta against the Petitioner and incite the Petitioner.

2-E. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice, Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), and by her appointment, the Office of the Governor, after having mercilessly, lawlessly assaulting and beating the Petitioner, is heard telling him "You owe me a debt. I intend to collect upon it." further demonstrating the dangerous extent of Ms. O'Rourke's personal vendetta against the Petitioner reaches.

2-F. The Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice, Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice), and by her appointment, the Office of the Governor, are guilty of gross dereliction of their duty and failed to live up to their commitment and civic responsibility to the citizens of Rhydin through the Minister's continued demonstration of ineptitude and failure to carry out the properly duties of the Minister of Justice and the Governor of Rhydin.

Article Three: Cause of Action

Wherefore, The Petitioner respectfully asks the Courts the following:

3-A. That the Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice and Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice) be ordered immediately to drop all charges, filed and pending against the Petitioner, without prejudice.

3-B. That the Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice and Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice) be ordered immediately leave the Petitioner and his associates, including one Aoife Duggan alone and in peace.

3-C. A judgment in favor of the Petitioner and the issuance of an Order of Protection against the Respondent(s), the Office of the Minister of Justice and Riley O' Rourke (Minister of Justice).

3-D. That the Watch and the Office of the Governor be ordered immediately to enforce the Order of Protection against the Respondent(s), and take all appropriate action, including arrest, incarceration and filing criminal charges against the Respondent(s) for each and every violation.

3-E. A judgment in favor of the Petitioner in the amount of 500,000,000gps (five-hundred million gold piece standards) for damages, plus all legal and court fees to be paid immediately from the coffers of the Office of the Governor for the egregious actions committed by the Minister of Justice and the Office of the Minister of Justice.

Hereby respectfully filed on this the Twentieth Day of the Seventh Month of the Earth Standard Year 2010 for the Plaintiff by:

Lucien Viktor Mallorek
Lucien Viktor Mallorek, Esq.

Attorneys for the Petitioner
Spiegel, Mallorek and Colling, P.C.
666 Grand Avenue, Suite 13
Central County, RhyDin

Lucky Duck

Date: 2010-07-21 01:41 EST
"All my client wants is to be left alone, My Lord." Lucien's tone was weary. The set of his shoulders were weary. The expression set on his features was weary...and angry...and indignant. "My Lord. There is no question what so ever that Riley O' Rourke has a personal vendetta against my client. She has used her position to harass him, taunt him, torture him and now assault and beat him without provocation.

"And after she had beaten him within an inch of his life, she has the audacity to tell my client, he owes her? For what? I was personally present, My Lord. There were several citizens that worked in concert to defeat a monster. Ms. O' Rourke's claim is simply another example, further evidence that she is unable to perform her duties in a professional manner when it comes to my client. She attacked him without warning and continued to beat him, all the while taunting him, even when he did nothing to defend himself. She would have probably killed him if another citizen, Aoife Duggan did not stop Ms. O' Rourke. Her actions progressively grow more sophomoric, more senseless, more violent and more dangerous.

"And her continued inability to separate personal dislike from the duties of her office is exactly why the Governor must also be called to task, since he appointed Ms. O' Rourke to her position."

The Magistrate watched the Barrister take a deep breath. Lucien lifted his attention back to the Magistrate. "My Lord. All my client wants is to be left alone. For him and his associates to be left in peace." The Barrister shook his head in disbelief. "I find it ironic that he needs to ask that from the Office of the Minister of Justice."