Topic: Matters of Worth and Trust

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-09 01:42 EST
Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence.
- Democritus, Greek philosopher (460 BC - 370 BC)

It wasn't the Barrister's faithful manservant that met the Master of Arms along an isolated stretch of the western shore before dawn. Lucien waited within the shadows just off the end of the pier near one of the buildings of a new ship yard. At Ewan's approach, he stepped from the shadows and greeted the man with a bow of his head. Lucien spoke nothing until both men entered the nearby structure.

The building was little more than a warehouse for the ship builders. Different grades of wood were stored neatly along one side of the space, while the skeletal beginnings of a fishing boat sat in the center of the work space, littered with tools and lumber in a controlled chaos. The barrister himself was not dressed in usual finery, but rather in a linen shirt and wool vest and pants more akin to a laborer than a barrister. Lucien walked over to a work bench, wiping his hands on rag and affording the Master of Arms the opportunity to take account of his surroundings. The rag was left on the bench and Lucien turned to Ewan. He nodded for the Master of Arms to take a seat if he so desired on one of the barrels as he himself took seat on another.

"Welcome to the Spit and Scales, Master Corinsson," the barrister offered quietly, breaking the silence.

(Author's Note: The events in this thread are not recent events, but took place before the Yuletide.)

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-12 12:14 EST
Ewan followed the Barrister into the building making himself aware of its construction, the likelihood of shadows where they should be according to the light as well as the sounds that surrounded them. It was a subtle survey, not given over to open study, but more felt out of instinct and peripheral vision. He had not dressed differently from his custom, except for one small matter in way of a new tradition he wore under his normal tunic, trews, and supple leather armor, the body suit made from the material Sid had gifted to the Baroness. It was, he felt, prudent in light of his new activities. Its delicate strength moved easily with him, so unless one had the gift to sense such measures, its extra protection was unnoticeable

When indicated, he did take a seat on one of the barrels in a casual manner, though his balance tilted forward in the smallest measurement should the need arise to stand abruptly. "Thank you, sir," one corner of his mouth turned up at the welcome. "Spit and Scales is it?" There was a modicum of humor in Ewan's eyes as he thought on various metaphors that could represent. But continuing on, he said, "It is not often we are able to meet face to face, so I must confess some surprise to you being here." A pull of his brows with concern. "I am, of course, at your service." And in so opening the conversation for the Barrister's purpose, which was of utmost interest to Ewan.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-12 16:09 EST
A smile hinted behind the neatly trimmed beard catching the measure of humor in the Master of Arms' eyes. Lucien reached over to a nearby pot and poured the Master of Arms and himself a mug of coffee. "I would offer you something else," he began, then swept a gaze over the warehouse, "but this facility doesn't really afford a well stocked bar."

He reached for his mug of coffee. "It has been a long time, too long in coming, since we've met face to face." Lucien nodded, casting another gaze over the warehouse, his attention coming to rest upon the skeletal beginnings of a fishing vessel. "The Spit and Scales is a joint venture I have undertaken," he reveled to Ewan before taking a sip of coffee. "Thought I would try my hand at ship building." A wry grin tugs at the corner of his mouth. "My way of civil defiance, or rather civilized challenge to the more...sinister elements that seem to have taken hold of the West End."

The barrister turned his attention back to the Master of Arms. "I am glad to see you are in better healthy then the last time we met, Master Corinsson. And once again, congratulations on your matrimony." He paused to take another drink of the bitter black brew. "If you would allow me to speak freely...the Lady is a good match for you, Sir." Lucien sat forward, holding the mug between his hands, leaving some of the other matters unspoken for the moment. "If there is anything at all that you or your family needs, you need but ask, Ewan."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-12 23:29 EST
?A fine undertaking,? Ewan remarked to the Barrister of his new venture in ship building and accepting a cup of coffee with a welcoming nod, ?and I wish you well of it.? He took the opportunity to mark the building and its arrangement as well. "It has been many years since I took a hand to the crafting of a ship, but it is something more healthy in its outcome than what has become my typical handiwork." A mild sip of coffee.

The twist of a half formed smile as Lucien referenced his health, ?Thanks to the care of friends and family, I have mended as much as I am able. There are certain wounds I do not want healed.? The Barrister would know what he meant, and understand the implications of a wound to the spirit kept fresh. ?You are always welcome to speak freely, sir, and I thank you for your well wishes. She has the patience to put up with the unusual demands of my life, and I am grateful for her.?

He leaned forward, elbows upon his knees and mug of coffee steaming held in both hands. ?Thank you for the offer of aid, Lucien, and you know full well the same goes for you and yours, and not just for sake of our mutual friend. You are a good man, and it is my civil defiance," the mischievous grin, "to see good men and women continue to be so.? A hint of warning, ?We cannot all lower ourselves to the level of miscreants and enemies. In light of that, I do wish I had better news to give you in reference to our common interests. My information lingers on the superficial, but such are the limitations of humans digging into deep arcane caves.? A tilt of his head, the curious reflection on the matter, ?But you may have news to share with me.?

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-13 00:39 EST
The Barrister's chuckle was quiet and self-effacing. He took another sip of coffee before he set it aside and rose to his feet. "You give me much undo credit, Ewan," Lucien began, walking over to a nearby chest. "I am hardly a good man," he continued, opening the chest and reaching into it. "By any stretch of the imagination," he added retrieving two items.

Lucien returned with the items he retrieved from the chest, each wrapped in satin and tied with a ribbon. He brushed off the sawdust from the barrel being used as a makeshift table and set the two items with great care on it. "A man carries many scars unseen to the naked eye," he remarked as he reclaimed his seat. "So long as the wound doesn't fester into an infection, as we continue to pick at it, a scar can serve as a poignant lesson from a past failing."

"Impatience, is one of my many failings." He picked up his mug and paused for a sip. "I acquired that," indicating one of the items with a nod of his head, "fully intending on using it. Even made a passing mention to the Governor about possibly needing her pardon. It is unarmed," he remarked quietly before taking another sip of the bitter brew. Nevertheless, the sober expression in his eyes warning the Master of Arms to be cautious in unwrapping the item.

When the item was revealed, nestled in the satin wrappings, the Master of Arms would find a blaster, not unlike the kind he may have seen in the Captain's possession, or any number of the Bloods. Lucien took another deliberate drink of coffee, giving Ewan time to inspect the weapon and wield it if he wished, watching for the man's reaction.

"I had every intention of aiming it and firing it at Howe the next time we crossed paths. I wasn't even going to give him a change to open his mouth," he voiced his confession quietly, an edge underlying his tone. Lucien cleared his throat, swallowing down the unfamiliar edge in his voice. "It seems someone else may have beaten me to the punch," eluding to the explosion that leveled the offices of the DCH. It was plainly evident from his tone that the Barrister wasn't at all convinced that was the end of the infamous partners of the infamous law firm.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-14 11:25 EST
The cup of coffee kept in his hands, he watched the Barrister move to a chest and draw out wrapped items. ?One can define ?good? in many ways, Lucien.? He did not argue the point further upon the return and placement of the items. Scars unseen were things Ewan could understand without question. The fresh and aged ones that seeped and oozed memories into waking and sleeping thoughts, they were all lessons learned in untimely manners.

At the nod of the Barrister?s head, he dare lift up and unwrap the item using the forewarned caution. A clear downward curve of his lips formed in one breath and left with the next. Its weight and feel were unfamiliar, but its purpose was not. Such items left a sour taste in his mouth. Modern weapons he had seen and even avoided in his time here, but their use was never a thought for him. When he killed, he wanted his opponent to know it was he who did it. He wanted to be seen in the dying person?s eyes and know when the light went out in theirs. Arrows allowed in some manner similar strikes against an enemy, but not with such certainty and subterfuge. The blaster was set back on the bench, laying open and watched as if a snake to strike. His hands unconsciously slid down the thighs of his trews to rid them of the weapon?s feel.

And yet with the mention of its intended use, he did draw his eyes away and up to the Barrister. His own thoughts on the DCH offices coupled with the Barrister?s doubting expression stirred him to speak. ?I have my doubts on that topic as well. I have been taught skepticism in the way of deaths in Rhydin, and since I do not share the ease of destroying one?s enemy through explosives, I am reluctant to think them more than lying low and regrouping.? A smile that tended toward a darker grin tweaked the corners of his mouth. ?You of all should know that exploded buildings do not reveal their whole truths.?

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-15 22:01 EST
The Barrister's expression was unreadable as he watched the Master of Arms look upon, pick up, then set down the blaster, over the rim of his mug. Ewan's reaction was as he had expected. Lucien nodded slowly catching the man wiping the his hands on his pants. "It is a cold weapon," he remarked setting the coffee mug aside. "There is no grace to it. Nor any skill. It is tactless," he continued reaching for the blaster.

Lucien took hold of the blaster. "It is unfeeling and clumsy," he added in a quieting tone, aiming at the far wall of the warehouse. "...And heartless." His finger tapped beside the trigger deliberately, then the Barrister set the weapon back down between them. "Inhuman." He let out a deep and quiet breath, leaving his other thoughts unvoiced.

The satin wrapping was draped over the weapon as he cleared his throat. The Barrister lifted ice blue gaze from the weapon and slid the other wrapped item toward the Master of Arms. Lucien's expression and voice took on a lighter tone. "That," he began, inclining his head toward the second package, "it a belated wedding present for you and your lovely lady."

The kettle was claimed and he nodded to Ewan's mug to ask with the gesture if the Master of Arms would like his mug refreshed. "I am the last person to speak anything on the subject of marriage..." a self-effacing chuckle accompanying the Barrister's words. "But if you would indulge me, is frighteningly easy to let outside obligations and distractions get in way. In duty and in each trying to protect the other..." he held up a staying hand to Ewan as if to concede his understanding of the difficulties with regard to the Master of Arm's position and situation. "This,..." he indicated the package with a nod, "I hope will help alleviate that in some small measure."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-16 10:19 EST
Ewan could not agree more with Lucien?s assessment of the weapon. It was all that packed into an alluring bundle that fit in the palm of one?s hand. There was the likelihood that his refusal to accept and incorporate such weaponry into his skillset would be his demise. A sense of honor in battle had its place, and he would accept the consequences of what was, even in his mind, a wicked blend of foolishness and pride.

Inhuman. And so it was. In depth of his voice, murmured in passing comment, Ewan said, ?Not unlike those you intended to use it against.?

The turn of objects and their intent gained a moment?s surprise, and the revealing of that in raised brows, ?A gift is not necessary, Lucien, but we are most grateful of it.? Grateful of the thought behind it as well, though he had even yet to reach for it. When he reached for the package, he questioned, ?Should I wait to unwrap it in Storm?s presence?? The curiosity of its purpose, which it would alleviate distractions and obligations into the marriage, and the very real feeling that this type of predicament had already flourished in his marriage made him wish to open it on the instant. But patience was a ruling virtue at the moment, and he would await the Barrister?s opinion on the matter who knew of the present.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-16 15:22 EST
A small grin hinted behind the neatly trimmed beard when he heard Ewan put to murmured voice that which he kept unspoken regarding the otherworldly attorneys. Lucien took another sip of coffee then shook his head at Ewan's query.

"Go ahead and unwrap it. It requires a bit of explanation which will be difficult without showing you. I would have preferred to present it to you both, but..." he paused for another sip of coffee before continuing with a grin, "this way, you get to make the grand reveal, which is far more fitting."

Uncovering the satin wrapping would reveal two brass keys, a brass ring and a map.

"When you've lived in this realm for any period of time, you learn a few things, acquire a few things. Some out of want. Others out of need," Lucien began quietly, a far away tone creeping into his voice. It was a tone the barrister caught and reigned in a quiet clearing of his throat. "One of the things I'd acquired through a friend was a portal." He chuckled quietly and shook his head and amended what he meant. "I had a portal built by a dear friend of mine."

He sat forward and pointed first to the keys. "These will unlock the door that leads to the portal. A fascinating thing. The door appears to be a normal door. You can hang it anywhere for any purpose,...for a closet, a room and it serves as a door. None would be the wiser for it." He took another sip of coffee before he continued. "However, you use the key to open the door, it opens the portal to..." Lucien next pointed to the map, ""

The map, Ewan would easily recognize as a map of RhyDin, showing nothing more than the city and the surrounding areas. The barrister picked up one of the key and waved it over an area of the map showing the remote eastern cliffs. With the key's passing a golden ring, matching the markings on the brass ring showed a destination off the boundaries of the landmass indicated on the map. Lucien set the key back down, sat back and looked up at the Master of Arms. "There is cabin there and and Storm have a son, if I am not mistaken and this is something he may enjoy as well....a carousel. It isn't much, but it is a place to get away. Just you and your lady. Away from the confines of the city. Away from the duties you are both bound to, here and afar. Away from everyone and everything pulling and tugging. Neutral ground, for lack of a better term, without any ties."

The barrister quieted, letting the last words settle in among them. "I've heard it said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As much can be done to strain a marriage in the name of good intentions as other interferences," he voiced quietly with a nod, "Distances, emotionally as well as geographically, put between yourselves for the sake of protecting each other."

Lucien drew a deep breath and nodded to the Master of Arms. "Once you and your lady have decided where you want the door, I will have it delivered to you at your convenience. Right now the door is at the apartment serving as a pantry door. If the door is destroyed or damaged, the gate to the portal is lost. Nevertheless," the barrister pointed to a point on the map along the eastern shoreline. "There is a cave here that will get you access to the isle and the cabin." He chuckled quietly. "When you've lived any period of time in this realm, you learn to put in a back door."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-16 20:19 EST
The instruments of the gift lay before him, and he listened to the instructions given with utmost care. He was overwhelmed by the generosity, more so that he did not deserve it. Fingers touched light and cautious over the map, and he looked up to the Barrister, ?Lucien, this is a fantastic and fantastical gift. I do not wish to cast a gift bearer into the cold, but can you part with it??

Storm and Avery?s safety was of great importance to him, though he acknowledged that Storm was better prepared for the threats and possibilities of this world than he. Still, it did not mean he did not worry. Also, though, he had a responsibility to not lessen the safety of others in his care. It was always a fine balance to keep those requirements in good relation. Still, the gift could ease his mind about somewhat if Storm agreed to it.

All of these thoughts burst upon the landscape of his mind and then faded again, having done their duty to paint the picture of possibilities. His hands moved to rest upon the board, plain, simple, natural board beneath him. The need to touch that which was just as it looked without arcane alterations.

He studied the man before him and considered the methods and choices Lucien made in integrating mystical things into his life. Ewan had to admit, unlike the blaster, these items held the gift of sustaining life, not taking it away. It was a balance Ewan continued to strive for, what strange items to accept into his life and what was reaching into the depths of a person he did not want to become, and he wondered if Lucien had found that balance.

In need to clarify his position, Ewan asked, ?If you can part with it, I know precisely where I would like to have it, if Storm should agree. I do wonder though, is it possible should someone find the cabin to come in through the other way without the key?? It was a vital element that would determine the actual use of the grand gift.

His hands pressed heels onto the board as he relaxed and another thought came to him, "If you have need of a hand in this venture," adding so not to be presumptuous, "in the future or whenever the time comes, I would be glad to have a chance to set my hands to crafting once again." He did not add the unnecessary reflection on what the hands set to drenching themselves in now.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-18 02:49 EST
The barrister watched the Master of Arms consider the keys and the map that were laid out between them. Lucien watched Ewan brush a wary touch over the map and weigh the gift before him. He watched the man's consideration of the keys, ring and map, and them himself.

When Ewan made his query, the barrister shook his head and smiled. "The gift is for you and your Lady, Ewan. Just let me know when you would like to have the door delivered and it will be arranged." Lucien leaned forward, moving to the edge of the barrel he was using as a seat and picked up the brass ring. He moved the ring over the map and another ring appeared marking a location along the eastern shoreline. "There are only two ways to get to the cabin," the barrister continued explaining the nuances as to how the portal worked. He set the brass ring back down on the map and sat back once again taking the last sip of coffee.

Calloused hands were rubbed together and arms were rested on his knees as he sat forward once again. Ice blue gaze drifted over the interior of the warehouse. To feel the pulse of the waves pressing against the steering arm of a long boat, to feel the beat of wood taking form under his hands, these things fed the spirit, his spirit. He nodded as he returned his attention back to the Master of Arms. "Your offer of help with this venture is very much appreciated, Ewan." Lucien chuckled quietly. "Once things had quieted down and opportunity allowed, I was planning on asking you. But you have beaten me to the punch."

The barrister's light tone waned then. And his gaze dropped to his hands, one of which curled to form a fist. "Speaking of punches, there is one other thing you ought to know." Lucien drew a breath and unfurled his fist. "I tried to knock the devil-kin on his arrogant arse." He glanced back up at the Master of Arms. "It was a good attempt, but all I managed to do was knock his drink out of his hand." His smile too had dimmed, but there was a flicker of satisfaction in his mien. "And knock his smug smile off his face, even if only for a moment."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-18 11:12 EST
Ewan?s brows rose in brief astonishment at the admission, but he had to grin. ?A better attempt than I have made. Besides, it is worth the surprise it must have caused him for you to lash out. I am rather disappointed I missed it.? He rubbed the irritation of his cheek as he contemplated the care of his next words. ?I will not share that with Sylvia. She would be less than pleased.?

Hands folded together, ?They are like an infestation of chokeweed; difficult to eradicate or predict where it will go next. So one must take the opportunities they can to be unpredictable in turn. You are past the point of no return with them. If it were not so, I would be more critical of the choice, but once one is on a list, further irritations are unlikely to change that.? He gave the Barrister a cheeky grin. ?Let us keep in mind that raising their ire is an unpredictable and messy business.?

The Barrister new it all too well, but Ewan would be remiss in not saying something of that warning nature. It was his way. ?On that subject, is there anything you need from me? I am still at your service, though I admit to failing in providing anything of value to you in the past many months. I have turned over the dealings of the Holding Houses to the trio of leaders there.? Obligated to be forthright, he continued, ?I will be returning to Yransea and Palendies shortly after the midwinter to tend business there, but, if all goes well, return to assist you in what way I can, even if it is in the manner of carving a keel.? He gave a wide gesture to the room about them and the various elements of construction. ?I would, however, suggest keeping me from Othinsson while he continues his business with the snakes. It would be a most disagreeable exchange if he wills it.? It was a fair warning given with no further explanation.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-18 22:09 EST
Lucien drew a deep breath and nodded soberly at the Master of Arm's apt suggestion regarding the Baroness. It was less that she who was akin to his sister may frown upon his lack of restraint. He would rather not lie to her. Even a lie by omission. Rather, it was Lucien didn't want her to bear more worry.

Nevertheless, he could not help but grin at Ewan's following remarks. "Life is a messy business. Stroking their ire offers a small measure of satisfaction." A defiant gleam lit in the Barrister's eyes, coloring ice blues with a cool edge. "Besides, a little weeding never hurt matters."

Ewan's mention of a return to Yransea and Palendies sobered the barrister. Many different thoughts raced through his mind and consideration. Lucien nodded once more. "If there is assistance and help I can offer, even from here, please let me know. Whatever Sylvia may need."

The next that Ewan spoke made the barrister pause. He regarded the Master of Arms for a breath, "How did you know the Captain was...? I thought I was more careful about keeping his association quiet...." He interrupted himself with a shake of his head. "You were always a step ahead, Master Corinsson." Lucien sat forward. "Many have warned me about the Captain. Some have suggested I'm the fool for my continued trust in the man. Perhaps I am," he added with a light shrug of his shoulders.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-21 18:17 EST
Ewan could not bring himself to disagree with the Barrister about weeding, but on the matter of Othinsson he felt obligated to voice his own dissenting opinion. "He plays not with fire but a raging inferno, and you keeping him close is bound to burn you. Let us hope the fire consumes them first."

"As to the matter of knowing it was Othinsson, let me be clear. His mentioning a similar endeavor, you having the same endeavor, plus knowing the past of you both," he scratched at his chin and left the remainder unsaid. It was not an unreasonable conclusion particularly with the limited number of new shipyards coming up in the city.

"Defiance can come in many aspects and hard to remember just what you are defying in games as these." Before the Barrister might retort at his word use, Ewan lifted a hand, "And these are games. Serious, dreadful, and life defining, but games all the same. Do not let it swallow you up, Lucien, and think you can play by rules. There are none, and no danger greater than a game without rules."

He kicked a heel to the ground only to relieve some tension from his leg, and decided a turn at standing would do. Care of his mug with its unfinished contents, he stepped from the work area but did not turn his back. He was free to stay as long as the Barrister needed and for whatever the man needed.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2008-02-22 01:39 EST
Lucien stood with Ewan's standing and slipped his hands into his pockets. The barrister turned to stretch his leg with more than standing, walking toward the bow in the works. Corinsson's words and warnings hung in the air between the men. Lucien reached out to trail a touch along the wooden edge.

"The Captain has always been a man to take chances. And march unfailingly to the beat of his own drummer. He is uncompromising. He is stubborn." He turned to face the Master of Arms. "But he has always been loyal to me. And if he asked, I would follow him into the inferno."

He moved from the side of the bow and moved back to join the Master of Arms. "We all play with fire, Master Corinsson. And we all are involved in this game of insanity. It is the very nature of life here in RhyDin." A small, knowing smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Some play the game better than others." He slipped his hands into his pockets and shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Most of us need help."

The Barrister gave the Master of Arms a firm pat on his shoulder. "Be sure to let me know where you'd like the door installed, Ewan."