Topic: OOC Things

Lucky Duck

Date: 2009-07-21 01:27 EST
This is the spot for the OOC things. You know what to do.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-21 07:33 EST
I'm looking forward to seeing what develops in this slice of Rhy'Din.

Rock on, guys!

Broken Passage

Date: 2009-07-21 20:56 EST
I've always been a big fan of both of your writings for the decent thread of time that I've been around RDI and even of course the old AOL days ::cheeky grin:: I eat it up like candy so I'm pleased to see you have your own folder now. Congrats!


Date: 2009-07-22 20:34 EST
Yay! I love getting new neighbors, especially when they are old friends.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-22 22:32 EST
And boy does she make a good pie!

Guthorm Othinsson

Date: 2009-07-23 01:33 EST
Hei alle sammen, hello to friends and takk for stopping in for visiting this new place. I am also eager to see what comes for writing. Speaking for just myself, it's about time, I think, to knock the rust off and write online a bit again. Lucky's player is fun to write with and very versatile. No rust there to chip thanks for suggesting and making the shipyard. Here's to some godt storytelling and roleplaying. ::clunk::

On your way through Spit and Scales, smell the pungeant fresh-shaved curls of oak and ash, and pine sawdusts that litter the sandy beach and cobblestone paths between the shipyard and warehouses. The docks are in godt repair, and are deepwater for big "foreign" (aka Rhydin) boats that often sit heavier in the water. In contrast, all the Norskmann's athletic native ships are smaller and simpler overall and can skim the shallows quick and quiet, and you will often see one or more Nordic, fiercely prowed drakkens (warships) or shapely, wide knarrs (cargo ships) or graceful and lightweight faerings (small pleasure boats) pulled right up on the beach. Almost always, there is another of their kind (don't dare call them primative within the Norskmann's hearing) taking bone-shape in the yard along with more Rhydin-type vessels being repaired or built to order.

Up there is the forge for hammering and shaping out fittings strong enough to survive the storms at sea. Up here, out of the water, the naust (boathouse) is for storing boats and making dry repairs. And in those dim and dusty warehouses over there, they are full of rough planks and smooth-planed strakes, raw rope and greased lines, iron and other godt metals, pieces of slag, tools, paint, barrels of pegs, trenails, nails, root lashings, and tar, half-done carvings on benches and against the walls, woolen sailcloth, reams of canvas, burlap, piles of leather and furs and some other things under lock and key that I cannot tell you of. The office is there along the cobbles as well, in one of the warehouses. Lots of paperworks and books to keep. Not a Norskmann's favourite will rarely find him in there. ::grin::

And if the heady, strong scent of pine pitch and smoldering sod doesn't make you gag and your eyes water, but you like it mingled with the brash tang of salt air as well as I do, come for the times at tar-burning. Plenty of hard work to do then. Not to mention planing planks, steaming and shaping strakes, lashing the ribs, setting the keel, fitting the prows..etc. etc.

So there, I have painted a little picture. The shipyard is open for business. I hope you will enjoy roaming around in it as much as we will, ja?

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-23 01:59 EST
Love the description! Ohh, the excitement of a sparkling new setting!

I thought while I was visiting I would throw a line :cool:

Madi has heard of sicknesses down at the Docks, and the nature of it is "suspicious" - would either of you or both be interested in exploring this from your end, if Madi took a walk on down to enquire? This is the next stage in her investigation and it will be winding back this way because of two key murders that took place at the yards almost two months ago, as has been referenced in some earlier posts of mine. She visits that area now and again to meet with two contacts of hers (Brentan and Michael) who she pays to get some goss from, so, it might be a way for us to share some NPC's and stories. I think it could be fun!

Also, I created a place nearby called Seaside Sam's, which is a bar fit out in what was once a light house, which is frequented by a lot of the dock workers, pirates, and other unsavouries, and is run by a veteran captain - both of you are free to use it and add colour to it as you wish.




Date: 2009-09-18 09:31 EST
How the... helm <ahem> did I miss this showing up!? ::Chuckles.:: This is so cool!! And Guthorm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::Big running leap to give him a huge hug!:: I have missed seeing you!!!

Congratulations on the folder, Lucky and Guthorm. You both know how much I love your writings. I have a new place to read!! Yay!!!

Kisses for you both!!


Lucky Duck

Date: 2009-10-20 01:00 EST
First...a much overdue thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and well wishes! We look forward to many many collaborative ventures and stories to be shared.

Second...a timeline note...the events recounted in Butterfly Kisses are events that happened over a year ago and are not recent events. Yeah, I am was a little behind there.

Broken Passage

Date: 2009-11-14 15:13 EST
Much love for all the recent threads here in the folder. I'm enjoying them all. I'm truly in awe of all the talent here ::smiles:: It just reminds me of why I love writing and playing here so much.

Thanks for the play last night Lucky, I had a blast! Even if there is a conversation to finish.

Hmm...I wonder how well kites fly in rain... ::laughs:: Thanks again!

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2009-11-18 21:32 EST
Because I adore you and have always enjoyed playing with you. I dedicate this to you, Lucky player:

Lucky Duck

Date: 2009-11-19 01:15 EST
The scrapbook is AWESOME! And I can tell you the feeling is mutual.

I'm sorry we couldn't play it out as we planned tonight...but thank you thank you thank you!


Date: 2009-11-19 03:34 EST
oooh hahahaha! god yes

I told you this already, Tara, but that scrapbook totally made my day

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-12-28 13:28 EST
Veighn is the creepiest dude ever.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-11-15 01:26 EST
Awww. Say it ain't so!

Mr. Howe

Date: 2011-06-19 19:13 EST
The reason behind Lex Talionis happened back in 2006. (Yes, Howe and Lucien have a long, long, long history, that predates even DM, heh. Guthorm and Howe have quite the history too. My, but Howe does love to spread the hate all around! ;) ) Howe attacked Lucky by blowing up his house. Howe also blew up the courthouse too, but that was mainly to cover his arse.

Shadows and Dust is the post where Howe enacted his vile deeds, for those who may want a refresh or those curious about what the hell is going on.

Love the thread so far! Keep up the awesomeness, Miss Kate and Lucky Players!!!


Solange LeClerc

Date: 2011-06-28 00:34 EST
Loving the "Letters to Uncle Lucky" thread, you guys. Well done and very fun!

Lucky Duck

Date: 2011-07-09 23:59 EST
Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the Letters to Uncle Lucky thread. It's been fun writing it for me.

It's the brainchild of Sylvia's player and all kudoes belong there.

Lucky Duck

Date: 2011-12-03 00:03 EST
The events in the latest thread - Devoid are events that happened after Beltane.

Yes, I am way behind on my postings. :smile: