Topic: The Breakup

Lucky Duck

Date: 2010-11-14 23:39 EST
The Barrister would be the first to admit that there was a great...daresay...a joyous sense of relief when Tara told him that she had to break up with him. There was a huge weight that seemed to just fly off his shoulders and it was a struggle to keep his enthusiasm contained. So when Tara handed him a box of "his belongings" he didn't protest too much.

The box was taken to the shipyard where he planned to simply toss it on the fire and burn the contents of it in a celebratory pyre. However, remembering that these were items that Tara collected, and as a result there maybe some toxic and explosive material, he reconsidered his original plan. He waited until the shipyard was empty, placed the box on an otherwise empty worktable set up at the far end of the shipyard by the open launch doors, pulled on a pair of gloves and sorted through the contents...warily.

He weighed the risk of a fiery explosion when he opened the box and caught sight of the very first item. On top of the pile was a pair of cherry red feathered handcuffs. Next he found a pair of banana yellow thongs...a banana sling according to Kate. A length of chain was the next thing he found in the box, which made him pause, along with couple of chipped tea cups from a child's tea set, a pair of boxers that had "Hot Latin Lover" embroidered across the front of it, a bundle of dynamite colored up to look like oversized matches, several handfuls of dead flower petals, a bundle of "love notes" all address from Tara to him, a half used jar of bees wax, a piece of the oversized Valentine she had delivered to him at the inn, a lock of blond hair....he paused another moment, was it his hair?....a small vial of toenail clippings, a pair of sticks wrapped in leather with streamers on the end. Last but certainly not the least, he found an old moldy toothbrush which made the man almost throw up his supper.

Lucien set the explosives aside and quickly returned all the other items back into the box. He stole a glance around the empty shipyard to make sure it was empty. The last thing he needed was his foreman and crew...hell anyone, to see the contents of the box. The box was closed up and tucked under an arm. Next he grabbed a pail of pitch, a box of matches and a shovel and carried the box out onto the beach.

He dug a hole in the middle of beach and dropped the box unceremoniously into it. The pitch was poured over the box. Then he pulled out a box of matched and struck it. He paused as the flame flickered along the length of the wooden matchstick. This was it. She had broken it off with him. He was free!

The match was dropped over the pitch covered box and it was immediately consumed by the fire. The flames grew and grew, dark smoke rising up to the night sky. And the Barrister danced around the growing fire, whooping and hollering, releasing the celebration he was unable to earlier.