Topic: Preparations


Date: 2006-07-06 22:57 EST
For the past several days, her silent world had been one of hustle and bustle. From the small cabin she calls home she ranges far and wide, scouring the various marketplaces and bazaars, searching for just the right wedding gowns and other such finery to make that special day even more special.

Of course, being deaf and mute would pose somewhat of a challenge when it comes to communicating with the various shop keeps. All were interested in her business upon her entrance to their shops, but when they discovered her special worldview, their demeanors would change rather quickly. Some would proceed to demonstrate their true IQs by acting as if she were not only aurally and orally impaired but that she'd also just fallen off of the village turnip cart headfirst that very morning. With super exaggerated facial gestures and almost comical pantomimes, they would extoll the value of their wares while at the same time doing their very best to fleece her out of her every hard-earned coin. It came as a true delight to her to reveal that she was quite the accomplished lip-reader. A skill she'd spent many a long night honing in the RDI.

Others would turn her away... unwilling to even attempt to communicate with her as if her business were beneath them. Every one of her attempts to trade with them rebuffed.. as if by virtual contact with her, they would run the risk of contracting whatever "disease" rendered her "less than they". Whenever encountering someone of this variety, she would simply shake her head and step back outside.. mentally checking the name of their shop off of her list of those she would contemplate trading with in the future. Even though she's been deaf and mute since birth, this category of people, while not unexpected, still hurt her. With a grace born of a heart unfortunately long-used to such hurts she continues with her shopping safari.

Thankfully, there are a few shop owners that fall in the last category.. those who not only have the ability to look beyond her inability to communicate "normally" but can also respond in kind. She makes sure to spend a little extra in each of these shops.. even though her salary is ill used to extravagances.

By the end of the day however, she returns home, a pleased smile upon her lips. Not only has she managed to be fitted for her wedding gown, she's also managed to purchase an outfit or two for the honeymoon and to establish a network of shops that she knows she can safely trade in without fear of being gyped out her every last coin.

Only one final item remains.. a wedding ring. Within her purse, she keeps a small notebook in which important notes are kept. Notes such as "favorite color" and "size"... Things that will help her to narrow the field of contenders down until she has found the perfect ring to symbolize her love. All she has to do is find it.