Topic: Messages in bottles.


Date: 2014-07-02 19:56 EST


I understand that your life has been filled with drama over the past few weeks. There are a lot of things I learned in the past few months, more about myself than anything else. I now know how to be a bad friend and a selfish person. That's what I have been and I imagine, in some small way, I will always be that person. I could have done more and maybe everything would be the way it was before, happy and easy. But it's not. It's probably never going to be that way again. The two of us have walked through some fire together. Beat Down's fall out, Clarice. So let's keep walking, but let's keep walking just as we are right now, yeah? I love you, I do. I'm pretty a little in love with you, honestly, but that's what makes this great. It's how we are. I just want you to know that there's never going to be any pressure from me. I'm not that smart, but I do know when not to try and change something that I enjoy, and that's you. No pressure, just support! Isn't that what friends are for? I realized this when I saw you sad last night, sweetheart. I don't want to make you sad, so I'm not going to. Rather, I would like to hold your hand and watch a movie, please.

Ps - Thank you for the cereal and milk. I would like for this to be an every Wednesday morning thing.

Ps #2! - I would like it if you took me to an amusement park. I'm free next weekend, so you should also be free. If not, you know how it's going to happen. I'll cry, you'll feel bad, we'll eat ice cream. So how about we just eat ice cream anyways, minus the crying?

The note, of course, was slipped underneath Terry's door at some random time late last night. White paper within a black envelope, held and sealed by a silk bow of the purest black. Written in a tiny hand, the letters were an apt portrayal of Melanie's character. Deceptively beautiful, perfection was poured into the form of her errant, strange communication