Topic: Notes on the Fridge


Date: 2014-07-31 01:38 EST

Went to a club with Mel for this charity thing
Will be back in the morning
Text me if you want me to bring back breakfast

♥ Terry


Date: 2014-08-01 07:52 EST
Made some breakfast. Stuffs in the fridge.

Me and Mel should be gone before you wake up
so we'll see you tomorrow. Here's hoping phone
reception isn't totally shot up there.

I fed Trouble already.


♥ Terry


Date: 2014-08-01 13:05 EST
Grocery list:

easy cheese
fruit; cherries, cantaloupe, strawberries, bananas
capt crunch w/ berries
hibiscus tea
cat food
cereal for terry (hide the capt)


Date: 2014-08-13 08:11 EST
Text to Peaches: I've been so busy the past two weeks. Want to get some lunch later?
Text to Peaches: Just you and me. Catch up some.


Date: 2014-08-13 12:38 EST
Text to Terry: Wait, who is this? Do I know you?
Text to Terry: Kidding. Course we can get lunch.


Date: 2014-08-15 00:00 EST
Text to Terry: Staying at BP tonight. Can you feed Trouble and check on Cujo? Xoxo


Date: 2014-08-15 00:03 EST
Text to Peaches: ;) sure. Don't do anything too crazy.


Date: 2014-10-31 11:21 EST
To Peaches:
To Peaches: Fan gave it to me I'm putting it above the fireplace ;)


Date: 2014-10-31 13:53 EST
Text to King: you just think ur so special now dont you?

Text to King: fine but i reserve the right to draw a mustache on it should i ever drink too much whiskey at the house. or if i drink enough before i get to the house.

Text to King: or if i just get really bored. but lucky for you, it is hard to get bored when ur banging an elf.

Text to King: yea i said it.


Date: 2014-10-31 14:21 EST
Text to Peaches: You love it :P

Text to Peaches: Then I have the right to eat any icecream in the freezer that has your name on it

Text to Peaches: 1 to 10 on the banging scale?


Date: 2015-01-06 07:47 EST
Morning : January 1, 2015

Text to Peaches: It's a new year. I told myself I'd stay up till midnight but I feel asleep around 10.
I'm getting old huh? I'm 20 now after all.. The fireworks at Dockside were pretty big I heard.
I wish I saw them because I thought maybe you did too wherever you are.. we could have
watched them together. I'll stay up next time.


Date: 2015-01-28 09:00 EST
Text to Peaches: Me and Melanie are engaged. The whole thing
was pretty wild. It sort of just happened, but in a good way you know?
I never thought I'd be the one to say something like that. I don't think
we will be walking down the aisle soon. I have things I need to do and
maybe I'm a little scared. You're the only person I can tell that to. But
I know it's something I want to do.. I'd like you to be there when the
day comes. We're sisters, right? I'd need my best woman there..

Text to Peaches: Valentines day is about to come up. Don't think
I won't be baking you something. It'll be waiting for you when you
come back home. I love you and I hope you're doing okay.. I'm
here if you need me.


Date: 2015-05-16 04:28 EST
Text to Peaches: I'm really starting to think you're ignoring me :razz:
Text to Peaches: you know summers going to be here soon. You should come home. We can all go to the beach.

Ten minutes later

Text to Peaches: You're still out there right?


Date: 2015-06-15 21:36 EST
Voicemail to King from a private number: -- I'm still here.
