Topic: Time for Us?

Owen Rodes

Date: 2010-06-01 20:49 EST
Another night, another book. Her frame was lounged out over the bed, her pillow in her arms and a book to her nose. Her eyes gaped from book to left ring finger and then to book. Another day, another twenty four hours. She rolled over on her side and stared towards the phone, then the clock. Trace had been so busy. She pursed her lips and pulled the phone up to her ear, dialing that particular number.

"Hey Trace... It's me. I was just wondering. Can we have some us time soon. I know you've been busy, but I really miss you." She had missed him, everything about him. It was enough to drive her crazy when he wasn't around as much. Then again, who could blame him, he was building for their future wasn't he? She sighed out, her face burring in the pillow while she pressed the end button on the phone.

Murfle,murfle,murfle,murrrff... Enough said.