Topic: Dreams Untold


Date: 2009-05-19 17:55 EST
"I'll be outside!" Peredhil called from the base of the stairs as he shouldered the final bag and carried it down the long walk towards the waiting horse-drawn carriage. He and Juliane had been planning this trip for some time. Now that Juliane's twin Johnny was back in Rhydin, things had settled down enough for them to actually take it.

Peredhil had shown Juliane the letters he'd received and had explained his plans to return to his childhood village. It would offer him the chance to visit his aunt's grave and pay his final respects. He also hoped for the opportunity to learn more about what, if any, family he might still have. He'd struggled to express the depth of his emotions and his need for closure when so many years had passed since he'd left home; to his surprise, she had been completely understanding and even offered to accompany him on his trip.

"I need th' break from Rhydin too, yeah?" she'd half-asked, half-stated when he mentioned his travel plans. Obviously, he was thrilled for the company and had adjusted the agenda so that they would enjoy a few days at a secluded coastal resort on the way.

He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of the shutting door. Juliane, looking radiant in a light green spring dress, flashed him a broad grin as she glided down the walk towards him. Peredhil pushed the last bag into the trunk and helped Juliane step into the carriage. He nodded at the driver, who flicked the reins and clucked softly at the horses. They set off through the Southern Glen, enjoying the sunlight and breeze as Rhydin slowly grew smaller behind them.


Date: 2009-05-28 17:53 EST
"Beneath the sea another world exists..."

Water curled around Peredhil's feet, tugging him gently towards the sea, as he strolled along the beach. The sound of crashing waves and the moonlight created a romantic setting, but the half-elf walked alone, his eyes cast out over the horizon.

After half an hour of walking, the beach suddenly jutted out into the water like an outstretched hand. Peredhil reached the tip of the peninsula, glancing back at the twinkling lights of the small town he'd left. He flexed his toes, letting them squish into the cold water. To most, the dark, swirling water might have been unnerving, but Peredhil found it inviting, full of mystery and endless possibilities.

He lived a blessed life, with good health, wealth, a beautiful bride-to-be, and wonderful friends. But fear tugged at him... the fear of being imprisoned by routine, of dreams unfulfilled, of places undiscovered.

Peredhil yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground. After adding his pants to the pile, he stood perfectly still, naked except for the briefs he wore, his green eyes glowing under the moonlight's dull gleam. His countenance did not change, although there was a slight tightening of his cheek muscles when he took his first tentative step towards the water. One foot followed the other, until he had to steady himself against the waves' fury.

As a particularly large wave threatened to send him tumbling, Peredhil ducked underneath it, closing his eyes as a distant roar passed overhead. Once on the other side, and no longer able to see the coastline, long strokes carried him out to sea, each effort stronger and surer than the previous one.

Juliane Smith

Date: 2009-05-31 01:07 EST
Obviously, Peredhil couldn't swim across the entire ocean, so eventually he altered course, slipping into a slow backstroke and letting the waves carry him to shore. Back on the sand, he used his shirt to towel himself off before dressing. He ran a hand absently through his wet, disheveled hair, his now-grey eyes staring down the beach towards the twinkling lights. Sighing softly, he set off at a slow trot until he'd reached the porch leading up to the oceanfront cabana. One of the lamps was still on inside. Tiptoeing silently up the stairs and across the porch, Peredhil hoped that Juliane was still asleep.

The door squeaked softly as he turned the doorknob, before stepping into the front hallway.

It had felt odd when he had gone out under the premise of wanting some fresh air. Already ready for bed, Juliane had a sketchpad in her lap and was doing some detailed drawings of a few shells she had scattered on the nightstand. Green eyes had darkened as he had departed, the ocean breeze swirling through the french doors open to the porch and the sound of the surf.

It was not hard to notice that something was wrong. His movements were rote for the most part, his conversation simply a skimcoat to whatever it was that was running through his mind. And so, she had waited up. Sleep was impossible with all the concern churning inside her. Still sitting in bed, she had abandoned the drawing and had her knees drawn up to her chest, arms resting on top. In her right hand she held an oval piece of sea glass, running it through her fingers mindlessly as she waited. With the sound of the door, her face turned towards him.

A waft of air drifted in behind him, stirring his wet hair. As if his moist clothes were not indication enough, he smelled strongly of salty seawater. When their eyes met, Peredhil gave her a chastened look. "I thought you'd be asleep by now." Once inside, he didn't move towards her. Instead, he continued his walk down the hall towards the bathroom, yanking his shirt over his head. The sounds of a bath being drawn could be heard from the other room.

"Sorry ta disappoint, yeah?" Juliane was doing her best to keep her voice light, but wasn't succeeding. "Though I'd thought ya would've been back by now, yeah? Seein' as air's real abundant outside." Her head leaned back and rested against the bed frame a moment. With a sigh, she got up and followed him, her bare feet stepping in the damp track down the hall.

His face reddened at the bite in her remark. He tested the water gingerly with one hand, then opened the hot-water knob further. Picking up the sound of her approach, he glanced over his shoulder at her as she appeared in the doorway. "I'm sorry I'm so late, Juliane." He gave no further explanation as he sat on the edge of the tub, his grey eyes studying her under tufts of blond hair.

She nodded, leaning against the door frame. Arms lightly crossed in front of her stomach as she just watched him a moment. "Do ya want ta talk about it?"

Juliane Smith

Date: 2009-05-31 01:09 EST
He stopped the water and pivoted so that he was fully facing her. "Talk about what?"

"Whatever it is that ya aren't talkin' ta me about, yeah? Whatever it is that makes ya go wandering for a couple hours....." Juliane sighed again, a hand lifting to rake back through her hair. "Or maybe that's th' whole point of why ya went out? Ya don't want ta talk about it...." Her voice trailed off a second time.

He caught the pain in her voice and his own frown immediately dissolved. "That's not it, Juliane..." He patted his knee, inviting her to sit on it. "I... I just feel frustrated and I wanted to get it out of my system."

She moved to sit as he indicated, one hand lightly resting on his shoulder. "Did ya?"

"I don't know." He admitted it with a sigh, sliding one arm around her waist while the other trailed through the bath water. "I don't think it's that easy."

She sighed in tandem. "And ya think holdin' it all in and bottlin' it up will help?" Her free hand moved to brush the salt crusted hair back from his eyes.

He shrugged. "Probably not. But I don't think you deserve to be burdened with it either."

Grabbing his face with her hand, she turned it so that she was looking straight in his eyes. "So yer tellin' me instead of knowin' what's goin' on with ya, I'm just s'posed ta deal with ya bein' all frustrated?" The corner of her lip twitched. She was teasing, but making her point, just the same. "Lor' an' Skies, if I didn't want ta be burdened with ya, d'ya think I would've agreed ta marry ya in th' first place, huh?"

His lips parted in a toothy grin. "I suppose not." His grip around her waist tightened and his other hand came up to rest on her leg. "I just feel a bit lost at times. With Elessar, I felt like I knew what I was working towards. Now, I just feel like deadweight drifting aimlessly. I suppose that's part of the reason I wanted this trip. Almost as much as I want to discover if I have any family, I want to regain that sense of purpose. Does that make any sense at all?"


Date: 2009-06-12 18:18 EST
Peredhil loved watching Juliane sleep. Her long blond hair cascaded over most of her face, revealing only a glimpse of smooth cheekbones, long lashes, and full lips. One arm lay sprawled across the bed, the other tucked underneath her head. Long legs stretched out towards the end of the bed, delicate toes protruding from the sheets. Silent, motionless except the rhythmic heaving of her chest, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

The first rays of dawn shone through the open window. The grass outside glistened with dew and two cardinals frolicked in the bird bath a few meters away. Peredhil was a big believer in omens and all the omens told him that this was going to be a great day.

Sea-green eyes flickered past the bird bath and towards the eastern horizon. By mid-afternoon they would reach Landar. Memories flooded over him. Peredhil had spent most of his life in Landar, yet it had never really felt like home. Now he was returning, drawn by two letters, distant memories, and dreams untold.