Topic: Office Quotes ((OOC))


Date: 2008-09-09 23:45 EST
A tribute to one of the funniest shows on the air today (in my humble opinion). Feel free to add your favorite quotes. I'll start with a classic from Creed, in the final episode of last season:

What is wrong with this woman? She's asking about stuff that's nobody's business. "What do I do?"... Really, what do I do here? I should've written it down. "Qua" something, uh... qua... quar... quibo, qual...quir-quabity. Quabity assuance! No. No, no, no, no, but I'm getting close.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-09-10 14:19 EST
I have a feeling this is going to be my new OOC thread!

So, this is one of my favorite from my Office Marathon yesterday (boo being sick)

Josh: We just need a strategy, okay? We're gonna set up a trap in the gun room. Alright, Jim, are you using the MP-40 or the 44?
Jim Halpert: Um, sniper rifle?
Josh: Snipe-
Andy: What!?
Josh: Jim! In Caren-
Andy: Are you playing for the other team?
Josh: You don't snipe in Carenton, okay?
Andy: Saboteur! I'm going to kill you for real. This game-- the game is over. I'm really going to shoot you.

The Office, Season 3, "The Coup"

Last Knight

Date: 2008-09-10 22:23 EST
Michael Scott: Reverse psychology is an awesome tool, I don't know if you guys know about it, but basically you can make someone think the opposite of what you believe, and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm.


Date: 2008-09-10 23:00 EST
Wikipedia... is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information.

- Michael Scott, "The Negotiation", Season 3

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-09-27 22:24 EST
Just because it is amazing..

And to have the first quote from Season 5:

Jim Halpert: I don't really know Ronnie. But I have a feeling I will get to know her very well over the next few years. And eventually declare my love for her.


Date: 2008-09-28 19:40 EST
Awesome YouTube clip. Thanks!

One of Pam's best quotes from Season 1:

This was tough. I suggested we flip a coin. But Angela said she doesn't like to gamble. Of course by saying that she was gambling that I wouldn't smack her.

Juliane Smith

Date: 2008-10-01 00:58 EST
Phyllis: Hi. Are there any local companies that rent anti-gravity machines?

Woman: Anti-gravity machines?

Phyllis: That's right, yeah.

Woman: What do they do exactly?

Phyllis: They make you feel lighter.

Woman: Anti-gravity.. um, anti-depressant? I can put you through to somebody on that.

Phyllis: Ok.

Season Four, "Finale"


Date: 2008-10-01 14:59 EST

Michael: Darryl, have you ever been in a gang?
Darryl: Why?
Michael: It's an advice question, and if you don't wanna talk about it, I completely understand. It's, um...
Darryl: No, no, no...
Michael: I know, it's very, very personal...
Darryl: No, um... I have.
Michael: I knew it. Okay, who we talking about here? Crips? Bloods?
Darryl: Both.
Michael: God.
Darryl: Yeah them, and the Latin Kings... the Warriors...
Michael: Okay.
Darryl: Newsies.
Michael: Okay, so dig this: you're on the street, and one of your gang disses you.
Darryl: Oh my goodness.
Michael: Yeah, right, so what do you do to get them to make it right?
Darryl: Well see, um... in the gang world, we use something called Fluffy Fingers.
Michael: What is that?
Darryl: That's when somebody really gets in your face, you know, you just... start tickling them.
Michael: Really?
Darryl: Yeah, and then he starts tickling you. You know, pretty soon you're laughing and hugging. Before you know it, you've forgotten the whole thing. Ya'll can just go to church together... get an ice cream cone.
Michael: I would've never thought that gangs would be tickling each other.
Darryl: Well, it's effective.

From Season 4, "Did I Stutter?"


Date: 2008-10-03 21:52 EST

I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records or surgical histories. Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably because we are downriver from that old bread factory.

- Dwight, "Email Surveillance", Season 2


Date: 2008-10-10 12:11 EST
Season 5, "Business Ethics"

Ryan: ::knock, knock, knock:: Kendall from Corporate HR is on line one and Holly is on her way in, too.

Michael: What is the only thing worse than one HR rep?

Ryan: Two HR reps.

Michael: You get me.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2008-10-10 12:32 EST
Dwight Schrute: Fact, I am older, I am wiser. Do not mess with me.

Jim Halpert: Okay. Sounds good.

Dwight Schrute: What are you doing?

Jim Halpert: I don't know what you're talking about.

Diwght Schrute: Do I have sweat on my forehead?

Jim Halpert: No. Nothing.

Dwight Schrute: Why are you looking at my forehead?

Jim Halpert: I'm not.

Dwight Schrute: Meet my eyeline, Jim.

Jim Halpert: I am.

Dwight Schrute: Stop acting like an idiot.

Jim Halpert: Okay.

~ The Office Season Three, The Merger

Juliane Smith

Date: 2008-10-24 10:21 EST
My -favorite- moment from "Crime Aid". { And yes, I'm excited I get to post it here for all of you... ::giggles:: }

Michael: I don't know, it could be any number of people. It could be a pedestrian. It could be an old person. It could be a lookie-loo. Or, it could be... a Bruce Springsteen fan - what? Who said that? I did. Why did I say that? Oh, I think you know why I said that. I think it is very apparent. I think it goes without saying. Bear with me. There's a point there. But what is the point? I don't understand what he's saying. It seems a little shady. It seems a little foggy. Well, it's not a little foggy there's actually something going on here --

Jim: Do you need us for any of this?

Michael: Do I?

::cracks up::


Date: 2008-12-12 16:07 EST
Season Five -- A Moroccan Christmas

Scene: Dwight in the conference room, surrounded Princess Unicorn dolls.

Dwight: Fa la la la la la la ca ching.


Date: 2008-12-23 20:15 EST
Phyllis: This is the first Christmas party I am throwing as head of the party planning committee. The theme is "Nights in Morocco". This isn't your grandmother's Christmas party. Unless of course she's from Morocco, in which case it's very accurate.

Phyllis: Angela. You're going to move this for the party right? It's not on theme.
Angela: It's the nativity scene.
Phyllis: Alright. You can keep your camel, sheep, elephant and the north African king can stay. Everything else goes in the drawer.

Angela: I am not going to judge Phyllis for desecrating Christmas. There is one person who will though and Phyllis just stuffed him into a drawer.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2009-01-22 11:51 EST
"I'm impressed with the potential you see in me."

Michael Scott, The Duel, Season 5


Date: 2009-02-07 19:35 EST
Jim: This came out really well. There you go.
Dwight: This is humongous. I am not a security threat...
Jim: Oh.
Dwight: And my middle name is 'Kurt', not 'Fart'.


Date: 2009-02-16 14:11 EST
Dwight: You have to write my suggestions down, too.

Jim: I'm not writing, "Horse Hunt." I don't even know what that means.

Dwight: It's in the name.

Jim: Okay, so far, our ideal party consists of beer, fights to the death, cupcakes, blood pudding, blood, touch football, mating, charades, and yes, horse hunting.

Dwight: You're right, forget horse hunting. It's stupid.