Topic: Club Babylon is open!


Date: 2008-03-14 20:51 EST
To all employees and Opening Night guests of Club Babylon:

It's up! There is currently a thread in Dragon Tales about the opening night of the club. Shortly before that, there's a grand tour of the premises (What Happens in Club Babylon...)

We will soon be starting a new thread just for Club employee bios, but any opening night experiences (whether of working the event or attending it) should go in the "Club Babylon - Grand Opening" thread.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work in making this happen! Let's have fun with it. Try to post your experiences by the beginning of next week. If there's something we didn't describe in the tour thread, it's because we wanted to leave it open to your imagination. This is also why we don't have a blueprint of the building. We wanted to leave fictional space for other areas that people wanted to create, so feel free to describe another area of the Club!

(p.s.: We're hoping that the forum will be allowed to be fully "Mature", but as long as it's in Dragon Tales, let's try to keep it PG-13. Euphemisms for naughty parts or erotic acts are probably a good idea.)


Date: 2008-03-24 01:19 EST
Club Babylon now has its own board located in the Whispers in the Night forum. So everyone who is at the party that's where you'll now find the thread. I am currently getting my computer fixed so I haven't had much time to do anything yet but much more will be added in the days ahead. Thanks to everyone who has taken part in this!

-Mary's mun


Date: 2008-04-21 03:50 EST
Anne and Mary Muns,

I am very very VERY sorry that I missed the opening I totally fried my harddrive (How you might ask...Because I am that damn good I would reply) So I fell out for a little bit but I am back and ready for action. Even though the board is still right now. BUT Have faith I am scheming something as I type this to send everyone into the post crazy mood. ON THAT NOTE...I would like to propose a three word story...(No that isnt my big great idea) Have a sticky open for three weeks with people posting three words at a time to make a story...Ive seen it here before somewhere (Nnudge nudge muffins while you wait care of jadey Nudge nudge) And then after three weeks we put all the little replys together and wham a kick ass story written by all of us. Ok sorry just throwing that out there. I miss you two! *Hugs and kisses* Ill be in touch with the other idea once Ive hashed it out.

Love and hugs and kisses and fun stuffs
Mia (Alana Mun)


Date: 2008-04-23 23:08 EST
I like the idea. And no worries about not being able to make it... I know all about computer problems unfortunately. Mine has been broken for weeks now and it still isn't fixed. I am using this POS laptop I managed to get a hold of so I can at least get some stuff done until it is up and running again. But yeah... we could do that. I'm so glad you started coming back around again... I've missed ya. Keep in touch yeah?

-Mary mun


Date: 2008-04-24 03:23 EST
Of course I will be in touch! I am always here now...Every single day I am on and hanging out probably with a bad crowd but whatever...At least I am having fun right. Ohhhhh and I want to know if I can start a post called like Diary Of A Body Guard. Or something like that...I want to have a place where I can put a blog for Alana...But I can request my own folder if you two want. Totally up to you.


Date: 2012-08-08 15:00 EST
Well the club board is back up! The Bonny Corporation works hard so let's play hard! Go to our playground on your off time and have fun ;)

But not too much fun - PG13 rating remember!

Club Babylon is in Whispers in the Night.

Here's a direct link:

Club Babylon