Topic: Hiring entertainers & other staff positions


Date: 2007-11-02 23:54 EST
Two new entertainment ventures, "Paradise Gardens" family resort and "Club Babylon" (an erotic retreat for adults) will be opening for business within the next month. The Bonny Corporation is hiring for the following positions:

Paradise Gardens Staff:
* Family entertainer (provide talents and references) - juggler, singer, dancer, storyteller, magician, portrait-painter, etc.

* Event planner/Instructional fun specialist - to arrange events for Paradise Gardens

* Child Caretakers for the babysitting facilities - references required, experience with children a must

Both establishments:
* Security personnel (prior experience preferred; ability to blend with a crowd necessary)

* Waitors/waitresses, other service personnel

Club Babylon Staff:
* Adult entertainer (provide talents and references) - exotic dancer, courtesan, dominant, erotic performer, etc.

* Dealers - for the gaming hall

* Bartenders - experience required

* Pharmaceutical supervisor - for the drug dens (training required)

If you think you have special qualifications that the Bonny Corporation home office would be interested in, specify in your application that you wish to work on the administrative end.

Send all serious inquiries to our secretary Marguerite; qualified applicants will then be scheduled for an interview. (PM MaryRead)

Thank you,
Mary Read
CEO of the Bonny Corporation