Topic: The Worst Kind of Dreams

Rose Black

Date: 2012-09-29 13:17 EST
There is an endless quality and quantity of dreams. Dreams that plague and haunt our minds when we sleep. Dreams that break us by returning to us that which we have lost. Good dreams could cut like no other. They give to us our hopes only to make us suffer the loss yet again.

Most nightmares you can wake and tell yourself that ?it was just a dream? and take comfort. With this particular brand of dream it is that very realization that shatters your heart. It was a dream, now wake to the truth. The truth will get you every time.

Rose?s mind had to be occupied or it wandered. Now, more than ever, she wished she could shut it out. The thoughts, the feelings, the memories? Parts of her soul she had cut off pulled on her heart strings no matter what she did. They had their greatest opportunity to sink their hooks in while she slept.

Tonight it seemed was a good dream. That type of dream that could destroy you, because when you woke you had to face the reality that it was a dream? The lie was so sweet and the truth so terrible - perhaps it would have been better never to wake at all.

The smile that graced the sleeping angel?s features was one of bliss. In her mind she was in another time, another place. It had been in this world but was not of this world ? how it came to be is another story altogether.

The warm beaches, the smell of the sea filling the air with its cool, wet perfume. But there was far more to this island than the beaches the angel spent so much time at. It was a true place of beauty ? dark and light ? and mystery. She had not even known its secrets yet. She had thought there would be more time?

She should have had more time. An eternity with her family in what had become the only home Rose had ever known. A place where they would be safe... From that brief period of time when she held her son, still a baby ?safe? in her arms. He should have been safe there? The inevitable realization would overshadow this heaven her mind had conjured ? it was not so. She had not protected him.

She stirred. Her son was a man now. A man she still didn?t know. Not even what his fate was - whether he was even alive!

No, her mind would beg with increasing desperation. No ? No ? No ? NO! Her mind chased the dream that had already slipped away but was still so close. Just over there, beyond the veil.

She tossed to the side, clenching her eyes shut against tears that came despite her fierce denial. All she wanted was to go back. She would do anything just to go back to the world that had seemed so real only a second passed.

But it was too late. She was already awake. Another dream destroyed by the unfeeling light of day. The cruel illumination of truth glaring in the forefront of her mind, painfully impossible to ignore, like an image that she could not tear her eyes from. It was all that she could see.

It had been just a dream. It was all gone, they were gone? He was gone.

A cry of infinite pain and anguish tore its way through the angel, a terrible sound that came out both corporeal and mental, ripping its way through the offices of the Bonny Corporation and leaving haunting echoes lingering in the hallways accompanied with it was the image of the most beautiful baby boy. One with familiar striking green eyes.

Rose Black

Date: 2013-04-06 19:35 EST
There are other dreams that plague us in the defenselessness of our sleep, dreams that have a different brand of cruelty all together. These nocturnal imaginings fit into the more typical definition of a nightmare. The variety of this night is of the type which force us to relive our worst memories. The things that have happened to us that we would go to any length to avoid facing? But these dreams will see to it that not only we remember, but that we have to experience those most devastating moments intimately. In a sense it is happening again, repeatedly, within the very walls we build to ?protect? ourselves. These walls become our prison where that piece of our heart is trapped - helpless to escape from the very pain we seek to lock away.

Some violations are so severe, that the soul becomes mutilated - the mind twisted. Set on a precipice between salvation, and oblivion. That is where this torn angel finds herself on this night.

This dream was of a familiar place, known to many in Rhy?Din, called The Red Dragon Inn. Countless memories and significant events in the lives of so many had taken place here? some good and some? best forgotten. Unfortunately, that which we go to the greatest lengths to repress, are merely preserved perfectly? Waiting? Growing more and more piercing with age.

Rose had come to the Red Dragon Inn that night years ago, wanting to celebrate the birth of her son. It was the first time they had parted since his conception, but she had no worries. He was in capable, strong hands. He was at their home and safe haven ? The Island of the Rose. A place Rose believed he could not be touched. A place she thought impenetrable by all? Save one.

But why would she have reason to fear Bob? He was her most trusted friend. When together it was like when two storms meet, terrifying, yet beyond the bounds of natural beauty. Whether she would admit it or not... She loved him beyond her reasoning and any objections of her rational mind. After all? It was his son too. They were in this together, now and forever tied by this bond, were they not?

He was here too? Rose was elated, glowing, and thrilled that her partner was there to share in this joy. Then it happened, Bob calmly and rationally explained that he intended on taking their son, to raise him in the way that he saw fit. Was it purely selfish that he wanted to see to it that their son did not have the influence of his angelic mother, to simply make of this infant another weapon? Or was it in fact a misguided attempt to protect him from Bob?s numerous enemies in Rhy?Din?

Whatever the truth is of the intentions of this unfathomable and inhuman being? Rose tried to reason with him that he need not do this without her. In pure desperation she told him she would do anything ? whatever it took ? to not be parted from her child. She begged and pleaded with him to no avail. Her logic and pleas were as useless as all the powers she possessed.

Rose?s power and choice were taken from her, her trust violated. Perhaps such an act is most devastating when the perpetrator is someone you have such faith in. She never saw it coming. Perhaps this was foolish or naive? but it was still true. Though Bob did return the child a short but agonizing time later? The baby boy was an adult. Those precious years stolen from both of them forever. The resulting anguish tainted every future thought and feeling, making them impossible to sort through.

She was surrounded by nameless, faceless, apparitions. Shadows that represented those bystanders that night, those that merely stood by. As though they saw nothing, indifferent. Cold and uncaring. They saw the angel stripped bare and desperate. She felt their eyes on her in this dream land, like spectators at the arena, enjoying her pain. They knew exactly how she had failed her own child. Witnesses to her shame on this night, they did not lift a finger to help, they offered no comfort or caring to this once radiant creature. They simply turned their back on her. So were scattered the seeds of doubt in the angels enduring faith in goodness. Such a key part of who she always had been.

This is the fractured reality that Rose would awake from. Only to look down and find useless tears staining her pillow, evoking strange feelings. Pain and faith had proven to be her weakness and the undoing of all that mattered to her.

She was angry. Angry and determined. These undesirable pieces of her needed to be put away for good. No matter the cost. Because of them ? she had nothing left to lose.

Rose Black

Date: 2013-07-02 16:22 EST
Some dreams didn?t require truth in reality to seem real. They can be abstract, and need not even make sense, if you were but awake enough to realize it. These dreams make up for their lack of accuracy by honing in on that which will terrorize us most. It causes a struggle that can?t be won, leaving us grasping for something quite beyond our reach, piercing our hearts with a pain so acute, as we fight a fight that is complete futility.

The setting was a place that likely didn?t exist, or if it did, Rose had never been there. A city built on water, it ran between the streets, causing each one to be a bridge of sorts. They linked together an array of buildings that Rose was purposefully moving through. In tow with her was a small child, barely three years old. Her name was Eva and she was exactly as she was when Rose, only a young teenager at the time, had adopted her. Not even knowing that the child was actually of her blood? But there again was another story from another time and it mattered not where she came from. Rose may have taken care of her, but the child had in fact given Rose the strength she had needed to save them both.

Rose was on some type of mission, the details of which would ultimately prove unimportant and would not be remembered when she woke. But at the time it seemed crucial. She walked too fast as she was striving to achieve this seemingly vital goal. The child was struggling to keep up and as children do? She became distracted.

Eva climbed over a bar and to the edge of the bridge they were crossing, trying to reach or see something Rose could only guess at. Rose tried to tell her to be careful? To come back before? But it was too late. Eva fell straight over the edge and into the water that swept her away, everything now in slow motion. Rose?s senses were heightened, lending a painful clarity to every moment, ever detail. Why hadn?t she held her close, kept her safe? Why did she have to be so intent on this task, that now had fled her mind for good in light of this turn of events?

Rose tried not to panic, a life that was so important, so essential to the whole world - was at stake. She had to save her before it was too late! Rose saw her sink down into the water that would steal the precious air needed to sustain her life as her head went below the surface. Rose was in the water trying to catch up with the currents that held Eva below, as they sped her further away from her mother.

Rose dove under as she swam, her eyes open, watched in horror as she saw that Eva was in a current below hers, moving her faster than Rose?s own. Eva was trying to swim up, Rose was sure she would rise? but she couldn?t seem to break free from the strength of the water that seemed determine to keep her. The girl's tiny hands reached out for her mom, complete trust in those clear blue eyes that her mom would help her, that she would save her? But as Rose struggled to catch up to her child, that only had so much time, the need for air drove her unwillingly back up for a breath. Rose?s calm seemed to evaporate as she took a quick gasp or and dove back down, realizing that if she needed air so bad, Eva would be involuntarily taking in water as her own body forced her to try to breathe? Swimming frantically and more desperately she tried in vain to reach Eva, whose speed only increased as the water pulled them further apart.

Another breath of air was needed! Rose hated herself even as she made for the surface for the life sustaining air ? how could she be driven to such a selfish act when Eva herself couldn?t breathe?! How could her body betray her in this way? How could it fight for her for it's own survival while her child, her TRUE life, was trapped, reaching for her at this very moment? Watching, and probably realizing by now that her mother was going to fail her!

Giving up was not an option, Rose tried again to reach out to her daughter. All she was able to do against these brutal currents was watch helplessly as they stole away her whole world? Those trusting eyes staring at her, still refusing to give up as her small hands still reached for her mother?.

And then Rose was awake ? gasping for breath and reaching for a child that had long ago been lost to the sands of time and space. For a moment she felt relief, not knowing the child?s fate was nothing compared to seeing her drown before her eyes? The tears that streamed down her face through choking sobs were something of a release at first?

But then the reality of it began to sink in? All the things she could have done differently and now it was too late. Rose may not have lost her daughter in those strange and sinister waters? Yet the child could be anywhere right now, stilling reaching for her mother to save her? The mother that had failed her. The knowledge had nearly driven her mad for many years and here it slammed full force into her. Piercing her straight through her heart as this vivid picture danced before her closed eyes... her daughters desperate last struggle?

It was too much for her to handle. These images haunted her as her tears turned to grief and despair ? psychic images of the child with the innocent clear blue eyes would penetrate the minds of all in Bonny Corp. accompanied by an overwhelming sense of loss. She tried to still her heart, every beat felt was as a knife to her chest, she couldn?t breathe for the pain. Every person this psychic ripple touched would feel the agony she felt for a time, though only a few moments, it would seem like an eternity.

This wasn?t working! She calmed enough to stop her mind from broadcasting its pain to the building, but her body? her heart? maintainted its fierce struggle against something that was no longer even happening! No matter how hard she fought to keep these things locked away, one by one they returned in sleep to torture her. Everything she had lost, everyone she had failed, everyone she would never see again? Back and forth inside her head.

Violating her own soul, leaving part of herself behind in that rose bush in the cemetery had failed to rid her of these painful things. She was forced to relive every terrible memory as it tried to reconnect the broken pieces of itself. She had to do something to quiet these afflictions that drove her to want nothing more than to rip her own heart out.

Through her tears she reached for a card that she had left on the nightstand before laying down. It had only one thing on it, a name, GraveRobber? His claim of a substance that would leave the user in a state of blissful nothingness may prove to be the salvation, even if only for a time, that she ached for so badly. An ache that was as an all encompassing vice holding her in an unyielding and cruel grip. The only thing she longed for more than a release from the pain would be to make these things right? But as there was nothing more she could do for her lost loved ones? This was all that was left to her.

Rose Black

Date: 2013-09-29 13:38 EST
Another brand of nightmare exists that is a more direct form of torture. This one becomes the minds way of interpreting the very real physical pain our bodies are experiencing. Though it can in fact go both ways, in this particular dream it is ones own pain bleeding over into the dream as opposed to the pain of the dream entering into us unbidden? But does it really matter which direction it flows? It makes for a sensory realism that does not end with waking.

The pounding rhythm of her heartbeat was filled with tension in her sleep ? She flitted through dream after dream, each left behind and forgotten as it was overshadowed by a new one. A sudden jolt of pain wracked her body, and unbidden she found her dreamself in a stone underground room. It was as if with this new pain in her physical body, she was wrenched from the normalcy of her dreams into the shadow that loomed deep within the recesses of her mind, forced into the dungeon of her worst pains, and fears. In this dream, she opened her eyes, purveying the dungeon like room she was thrust into, immediately she realized that she was bound by wires, intricately wound around her entire body, holding her to some type of operating table. She tried to pull against her bonds, but the pain grew with every movement. So tight, the wires cutting into her muscles, tearing mercilessly as she moved. All her struggling accomplished was tightening them further to the cold unyielding metal surface that held her quivering form. Eventually she stopped her struggles and lay there, cold and defeated, the only warmth available to her was the fire from her blood that trickled down the wires holding her captive. Even though she no longer moved it felt as if they kept cutting deeper.

A voice from somewhere told her to be still. She felt a needle enter her vein then a sharp sting as some sort of liquid burned its way through her veins, the poison propelled by the currents of her pulse, it felt as though it were acid! Surely her veins would burst as she felt it move fast, too fast, through her entire body. Tears and screams ripped unconsciously from her already open mouth. The wires tightening at her every move cutting deeply through her flesh and muscles.

?It?s a shame you must feel such discomfort, but you must remain awake for this procedure. You won?t want to miss a thing.? The voice was calm, matter of fact even. This was how it was, though she didn?t understand why. He could have been any doctor, just doing what he had to do to save a patient.

A knife cut into her, just below her belly button. She did her best to refrain from moving? But then she felt her insides in a way she never had before, twisting and turning. She couldn?t hold still, her body pulled against her will at her bonds that now were cutting into her bones. The acid substance in her veins now poured out into every nerve of her body.

Flesh, vein, muscle, bones? All searing as if they were on fire. Her guts felt as if they were being twisted up and she couldn?t breathe! Surely she would go into shock, she would pass out and find some relief or she would be welcomed into the eternal blackness, the sleep of death? but the pain went on and whatever the acidic substance was held her in consciousness as surely as the bonds held her body in place.

Next he moved his knife to the back of her neck and cut deeply where it connected to the base of her skull. Shooting pains shot through her central nervous system, from her head to her spine, from her shoulders to her arms, hips to the very tips of her toes. Every twisting connection in her body now turned against her, every bone, joint, nerve receptor, screaming in agony. A symphony to the screams were torn from her ever open maw, frozen with the grimace of pain.

The pain in her head pounded as the fluids that cushioned it poured out, causing her brain to slam into the very bones that once protected it. Nausea like she?d never known overtook her and she grew still. She could feel him, inside of her head! She could actually FEEL him! All she could do now was pray, silent tears pouring down her face as she lost the ability to move, all the fight drained out of her.

She awoke at last, pillow soaked in her tears, head pounding with a headache so acute she couldn?t recall ever having experienced anything like it before. She shot up to a sitting position, her hand moved quickly to her neck and found no entry wound. Relieved tears of her escape were short lived as she realized the pain lingered on.

Doubling up, her arms wrapped around her stomach. Waves of nausea still overwhelming her caused the room to appear as if it were swaying. She tried to lay down, to stretch her body out to relieve some of the pressure. She tried to force her muscles to relax but her body had never felt so heavy. It was as if gravity itself inflicted massive damage just by its very presence. Joints and muscles aching as though they had been worn and ground down, no longer able to hold themselves together.

Even the once soft and soothing air of the fan above her bed hurt. She could feel it, straight through her blanket! It was so cold, cutting into her skin like a burning frost bite. Even Rose, so acutely aware of all her body had never known how each and every sensory receptor could interpret pain from such sensations. Lost in her remonstrations, a single word flowed from her lips in the ghost of a whisper.... "Exquisite."

Her body was shaking from the cold but her head on fire. Like the worst kind of fever. Joints and muscles crippled by the pain of their own weight when holding still. Yet the thrashing and stretching to try to release them from stiffness was met with more protests and pain till she was still again. That small form of hers quaking as she lay in a small ball sobbing one moment and then involuntarily spasmed outward as if to get away from her. Back arched to the fullest extent it could as moans of pain escaped her lips.

At last she managed to sit up, reaching blindly for the vial that held her cure. The cure for all pain of the mind, body, and heart. Eyes met with a clear emptiness, just an ordinary glass vial, all that remained of her beautiful blue serenity.

Eyes clenched shut against this reality as tightly as her hand did around the glass. It shattered in her hand, cutting sharply into her flesh. A small gasp as the pain distracted her for a moment from the other inescapable ones filling the rest of her body. It almost felt? good. To be able to forget for the second? But then the moment passed.

Green eyes snapped open with intent and purpose. She pulled herself up out of bed, her muscles protesting with each movement but she forced them on. How could it be so hard to simply move? Her body had never failed her before. Willing it to move was incredibly difficult and she found herself doubled up on the floor twice before reaching the door. The weight of the knowledge that she fully deserved this pain as heavy as the gravity that felt like it tried to force her down through the very floor that held it in place.

Gathering all her strength she focused on her cure. Whether she deserved this pain or not, whether it in some ways felt good to know she could still feel at all? She was determined to make it stop. The pounding in her head was unbelievable but her heavy steps carried her forth.

She needed a little help with the agony? A lot of help really? And she knew where to find it.

Rose Black

Date: 2013-11-05 19:48 EST
Perhaps the strangest dreams of all are the ones that can?t possibly be real, yet due to some unconscious sense we know different. We may not know how or if it even happened in this world? But no matter how we try to write it off, we have somehow been party to something extraordinary.

This may not always be a bad thing? but sometimes, what we see is so terrible that to even acknowledge the possibility of its reality would incriminate us and expose those things we wish to hide from everyone... But especially from ourselves.

What if you do more than witness? What if you contribute, doing unspeakable things without thought or care for the consequences? Certainly not a good reality to wake up to.

Here?s a strange dream for you?

In this dream, it seemed so real, yet it was chaotic in the usual dream like sense. Though telling the difference between sleep and wakefulness has become increasingly difficult. One minute in one place and then another the next. Busy, busy, I try to keep myself busy. Even in my sleep. Running from? something.

I was working with my lovely companion, an origami crane folded from a Devil?s Night invitation flyer. It had been one of many I had folded, but this particular one was the original, and it spoke for them all. It had stayed by my side most of these past few? hours, days, weeks? Whatever, it was good company but a tough task master. Keeping me at work even after all the invitations had been delivered, after the party was done, now being pesky about our new nation needing a proper flag to represent us.

There I am, minding my own business at the Red Dragon Inn. Back and forth between this conversation with my malcontent birdie, a fascinating creature named Jasper, a pretty blond who spoke of rebellion, and then this new and irksome voice coming from inside my head.

One minute Jasper speaking of burying me and taking my bird? I was horrified because I could sense that the bird wanted to go with him and leave me? "Birdies birdies, someone wants a hole to hide in others want a sky to fly. Which would you prefer?" Jasper posed this question to me and I thought I knew the answer but perhaps I don?t.

When Jasper left so did my treacherous crane. Off to follow him? Guess he wanted something more. The pretty blond who had spoke of something exciting had departed too without my realizing. Damn dreams, they?re so confusing. I had just been introducing myself as the Rose of Babylonia when the voice had mocked me.

"The Empress Rose of a wilting treasure, an emptying vessel." said this voice in a teasing fashion. Voices can be SO obnoxious, the way they act like they know you. Like they know anything about you or your reasons for keeping your soul divided.

When I had looked up though I was alone, no bird, no Jasper, no pretty blond named Captain Avery. Alone again, except for the voices in my head. Though this new one is all I hear now. I tried to shut it out, to ignore the chill that was creeping into my skin, to brush off the challenge and the taunts that were to follow.

But it was hard. I laughed it off at first, but something from my past came back to me while we talked? This voice claims that it is real, which intrigues me because I was starting to think I was like crazy or something! It also claims it can provide me with a challenge, that if I can find it, I may have a worthy battle.

So I indulge it for just a moment? One moment was all it took. My mind went to locating it and it did indeed seem to be coming from somewhere? It was far, beyond the reach of some perhaps? But not for me. I became determined to find him, betting with myself that it would turn out none of this was real and so it couldn?t be done. A fair wager I figured at this point.

But once my mind was made up? It all happened so fast. I didn?t remember why I was doing what I was doing, if I ever knew. Only that I had to do it.

The rest of the dream was just flashes? It seemed to take forever yet it was over before I even knew what had happened. I remember setting my mind to locating him? I remember collecting the broken pieces of my essence together, focusing every bit of attention I had to accomplish my goal. It was far too exciting if I am honest with myself. Doing something I had never done before, something so damn hard, something impossible they?d say.

I harnessed the powers that were mine to command, using the energy created by their collisions to build up more than I ever had before. I felt a power beyond myself present as well and I claimed it as an extension of my own for a time. I could reach to the very edges of time and space. I liked it. Then the voice, I was so close I could feel him reaching out to me. I reached back and where we touched there was a spark. An explosion and the things I saw? the things I heard? Too much! Enough!

By reflex I tried to protect myself, I fell to ground that I had forgotten was even there. I gathered all my energy and light around myself as I curled up as small as I could, face down there in the dirt. When I look up I see a man? no? a monster? then a man again as he becomes solid before me.

I start to wake up. What if I am awake? If he is real and all this really happened? What have I done?

He caresses my face in a way both loving and threateningly. My shields seemed to just fall down before him as everything is growing fuzzy and dark. Probably am just waking up? or am I falling asleep?

Then he leaves. I remember something vaguely about wanting a fight. Dreams are like that though? you know there was a purpose, a point to what you were doing? But what was it? How did I get myself here, on this mountain? I don?t remember coming here at all.

I feel violated, raped. But I was a willing participant in this act. Whatever should come of it would be on my head. How can I be alone here, with myself? By a practiced but involuntary response I start to send the parts of my mind most wounded away before they can be tainted by this.

They need to go away now, because I have to protect them. I have to protect me too. The pain that a single soul has to bare is just too much. I don?t know how anyone does it, I?ve failed to find what will work but this drug? The cool blue reason helps?

How long have I been here? I?m in bed again somehow, no mountain, no voice. I?m high as a kite and don?t care to think about this any longer. I?ve just been doing too many drugs, I?ve gone over the edge like they all say now, it was just a bad dream.

Many defenses kick in to protect me from having to face the consequences? But for how long?