Topic: Victory is Ours!


Date: 2008-02-14 06:23 EST
Dear Mary.

I dont know if you have heard yet or not, but our mission is accomplished. We won. Wolvinator lost the election! Rhydin is saved from this atrocity!

Let us begin Phase two!


::This little note would be found on her desk, for her eyes only of course::


Date: 2008-02-19 01:23 EST
Mary read the letter and gave a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes. She was glad that her friend and mentor was pleased with the outcome? But her heart was heavy and unable to take any joy in this "victory" as it were.

She had been working too much and it was beginning to take its toll. She had put everything into her work. She had nothing more to give. She had worked non-stop ever since Anne had left. Immersing herself in her work to not feel the pain of the loss.

She needed some time for herself. She needed the gentle love of her fianc?. The club had some minor technical issues that were going to take a bit to resolve. There was really nothing she could do to speed the process up so she would take a small much needed break.