Topic: Where has Ariana been?


Date: 2007-07-20 15:23 EST
Ariana finally checked back into the office and couldn?t help but notice the survey. She looked at it solemnly. There was a time just the appearance of this would have set off alarm bells in her head but no longer. The time when that mattered seemed but a distant dream now. Did that mean she would fill this out? Of course not. Her employer knew almost nothing about her and she liked it that way. Not that she didn?t want to maybe get to know her peers better; they had been kind to her. After all she was stuck being what she was now , there could be no going back and the world had become a lonely place for her recently? She was with this company to provide aid to the masses and was supposed to be working on a spiritual movement which she ambitiously hoped would help unite the people of Rhydin. The people here really needed something to believe in, it was such an unstable place where anything could befall them at any time?

She had needed her solitude recently though. The passing of Nicholai, her beloved sire had been something no one should have to experience. She wasn?t entirely sure how to feel about it. He had forced his presence on her through his domination skills and incredible force but she had grown to love him had she not? Their blood bond had been as strong as they come and was severed only by his death in the cruelest pain imaginable?

Needing time to sort through all this and to decide what she would do next she had been out of touch. Now though with the suffering that was happening everywhere she couldn?t stay away. Not only did her empathy allow her to feel this most acutely but the spirits of the dead were everywhere in a confused twisted kind of kaleidoscope that she alone of her peers now could see. They sung their songs that with the Father gone she alone could hear. As this curse could be a gift she knew it was her responsibility to use it to the best of her ability? So many needed help, but the living could not wait so she would talk to her employer directly about organizing more Bonny Corporation relief.