Topic: Moth to a Flame of Desire

Black Widow

Date: 2010-02-12 14:54 EST
*Based on Live Roleplay*

Up in the rafters he sat peering down at the floor of the great hall. He had no reasons for why he was up in the rafters, he was just waiting like a cat waiting for a mouse. She would appeared from the shadows on the couch, she was dressed in a short red silk dress that barely holds and covers her body, she crosses her bare legs and waits. Looking down he notices a nice cleavage. If he had not shifted slightly he might have drooled too much. He shook his head and gathered himself back up as he lifted his head and looked straight ahead. Her fingers slide down her bare legs, as to drawl a moth to the flame. Knowing how intensely he was losing himself every time he looked at her, he continued to look at the wall across from him not wanting to be lured into the beauty that the woman seemed to possess her red lips seems to part, a whisper of a sound. "you might get a closer look if you come closer." even her words were a alluring to him.

"I might get a closer look but I am not sure I really care to." He was trying his hardest to resist the urge to jump from the rafters and get close to this woman. His eyes closed as he tried to keep control of himself.

"Why fight it. You want me."

"What makes you think I want you so badly?" He was still trying to restrain himself and was hoping that since he was in the shadows of the rafters, maybe his attempts at restraint would not be noticed. She swifts her legs, her dress falling up higher on her thigh, not answering his question. No words were spoken to him and he had still not opened his eyes, so he was beginning to win the battle over himself. When he felt enough control, he began to walk along the rafters further from the female. She slip in his mind, pressing images of touch and new feeling of lust in his mind in hope to drawl him to her. "What's your name?" She asked softly.

Reaching the far wall, he turned to face back the way he came and then down towards the female. "My name is not important to you." He had regained full composure and was far enough away that he could keep her mind tricks from least for now.

She would stand up, her gold eyes into his, drawing him into further. "I would like to know it." He watched her as she stood and knew she wasn't exactly telling the truth about wanting to know his name. He didn't know what reason she had to want to know it but he felt it wasn't just for the sake of knowing. "Well I guess you will have to find out then" he said as he finally dropped from the rafters near a door that lead out of the hall. Landing gracefully, he turned and opened the door stepping outside. She follows close behind, a hand touch his shoulder and he disappears from the nexius.

Thanks to Darkheart for a lovey roleplay

Black Widow

Date: 2010-02-14 23:33 EST
*Based on Live Roleplay*

Having stepped outside, he felt the touch on his shoulder. Now he was the type to pride himself on being a man that needed no one nor let anything matter to him. But this one, he could not deny, did intrigue him and it took everything he had just to keep control of himself. He stopped and turned lifting his hand to remove the one on his shoulder. She may have the ability to draw him towards her but it would take allot more than outwards beauty to get him to trust her. She tilt her head, and those gold eyes looks to him.

She steps closer to him, stepping around to look at his face, her hand would move so palm met palm. As hard as he tried to fight it, he found himself losing the battle. He was almost as strong as any of his kind could be. He was yet smarter than any of his kind. He was more agile, and just as cunning. But he had never found himself faced with this type of situation. He felt the palm against his and his eyes closed. If good fought evil, that would be an easy fight compared to this. He could not speak at the moment since he continued to lose himself in the woman. She would step closer, drawing in his scent. she would lift up her chin so her lips were close to his lips, so close for a kiss but she didn't make the first move.

He felt her lips close to his, her sweet breath blowing against his face like a soft summer breeze. His head moved closer to hers but a sudden image in his head snapped him out of it quick. He did not know what it was nor why it happend, but he stood still for a moment opening his eyes and peering at the face mere inches from his. her other hand moves to touch his face, her finger caress his lips .she would drop both her hands and moves away, making his want more than ever before.

It was indeed true he wanted her more than anything he had ever wanted, even including the best he had fed from. And maybe it was this that made him reach out and grab her left arm and pull her around towards him. His intentions were to pull her close to him and plant his lips against hers with a very deep kiss allowing his lips to feel hers but not allowing his fangs to be felt. She kissed him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulls away to look in his eyes, a soft knowing smile on her lips. He felt this kiss and once more lost himself in her. But as the kiss broke, he was able to gather himself up and take a step back from the woman. He still knew nothing about her let alone her name. And he still did not trust her despite the fact that he did enjoy the feel of her soft warm supple lips against his. He stood still watching her for a few moments longer.

She would turned and move away from him again, teasing a bit. her hips sway to drawl him further. This time he stood fast not making any movement at all. He did not even so much as give a sign of emotion. Instead he could have passed as a statue. She would turn, a finger move up, summoning him closer to her. He continued to remain still. Not a muscle ripple, not a twitch, not so much as even a blink. He continued to remain as motionless as a statue. She would move to him, her fingers move to touch under his shirt and move up his stomach and chest. "your name... please."

A smile barely visible came to his pale lips. "Fred Shadow" he said. He stood still feeling the fingers but not showing emotions. He had a reason and a purpose for what he was doing.

"Fred Shadow? I don't see you as a Fred. something more darker than." She tilts her chin, her lips move to his as to taste a fine wine. "much darker than that."

Thanks Darkheart for a lovely role-play.