Topic: Changing things up: Jubal's Reports

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-03-27 10:31 EST
1900 Hours : 27th Division of the Rhy?Din Watch & Localized Militia Special Operations Division Ready Room

We find a pair of Captain Ravenlocks in discussion, over a dinner of Chinese take-out.

?How?s she coming along, Ker??


Raising a brow, Brian?s eyes lifted to the mithra who was currently knee deep in stuffing her face full of Chow Mein noodles. This both impressed and somewhat unnerved Brian, considering the amount of noodle that Kerri was stuffing, coupled with the fact that she actually responded to him. However? ?Try that again, there. I?m not so fluent in ?Stuffed-Mithra-Gullet?, you know??

*Chewchewgulp! Sluuuuuurp!*

Kerri?s hand lifted in a ?stop? motion as she snagged her drink and took a loooooooong draw from the cup. The cup was then set down roughly, then a napkin was scooped up. A dab here and there along with a deep breath taken for measure. ?Oh man, these noodles! They?re like ^&*%$#$@ crack man! CRACK!? *Buuuuuuurp* ??Scuse me, brah.?

All Brian could do was shake his head, ?Alright, back to business. How?s she doing??

?Alright, alright. Geez man, think you could at least enjoy that orange chicken, Bri. I mean it?s not like we?re eating that mogorean beef from shiddee wok or anything cooked by them Korean escort fighter whatever you call ?em, best things??

And cue the facepalm from Brian?

Sensing wounded prey, Kerri quickly followed up. ?You gorra be sheeeddeeeng me! HAH!?

Brian head-desked? It?s all he could do at the moment.

Really it was!

Knowing she had won the battle before it had even begun, Kerri finished what was in her mouth and gave a wave of hand. ?You make it too easy, Brian. I?m almost disappointed, you know? Maybe that home life of yours is making you soft like one of them plushies.?

Ignoring that little remark, Brian pushed out a stack of files towards Kerri. ?Let?s talk about Hope??

?Do we gotta? I mean I?m still eatin? Chow Mein, brother!? She dabbed her mouth a bit and reached over, snagging one of the files. ?Okay, okay. You broke me down, sheesh man.?

Brian did the same, snagging a file in hand and taking a look for himself. ?You read these reports? ?IA? sent them over, I had a quick look. I have to admit, she?s got some fire, there.?

?Yeah, man. I saw em--- she got meter duty faster than I did, never saw that one coming. You know I was really proud of that record, Bri? I still got my meter sash, even wore one night when I was stalking Cor?I mean, when I was strolling in the park, yeah.?

Nodding to her, Brian continued. ?She wants Mallen back, too? And suggested Henkle be promoted and shipped out to the ?Three-Oh?.?

?Pushy little thing ain?t she, Bri? I mean she ain?t been here a minute and now we got a list of demands? Rank and File ain?t gonna like all this. Kinda cries ?me, me, me?. I?m worried about precedence, here. I mean you know I like her, hell I love the kid, man. But we gotta tread on this, yo.?

He listened to Kerri, nodding and jotting down some notes. ?We handed her to Mallen for a reason, Ker. Because hands down he is one of the best ?FTOs? that I have ever seen. You know what I mean too, cause he brought you and I up here, as well. When we moved up he chose to stay, Ker, that says something. More than any paper jockey can ever understand, right??

?Well yeah, man. Mallen is the &*^%, we know that, Bri. What?s that gotta do with the price is tea in China??

?It?s got everything to do, Ker. Hope IS the tea and by the looks of it, the stock just went up.?

?Whatchoo, talkin? bout, Willis??

?Henkle, laid the smack down on Mallen and Hope, right??

?Duh! Course he did, I mean they did kinda have it comin?, just not that bad.?

?Well, we know that Mallen can take it, sides evidence is a light nap for him, so he?s biding his time. The real question is? how could she deal with it? Would she lay down and take it, or would she do something about it? If so, what, when and how??

?So?wait, man. You and Mallen???

?Mallen?s enjoying himself, Ker. He knows exactly what to do and what we?re waiting for. Looks like this is it.? Brian tapped the file a bit and then set it down.

?Okay man, I gotcha. But what?s this humble officer ^&%$ , these reports are anything BUT humble. I mean ^&%$ I?m not humble! I mean look at my %^$ man, it?s a tight &^%. I mean look at these cheeks! BAM!?

And once more, Brian facepalmed. Currently it was his only defense which made him kind of like a Kakuna, or maybe a Magikarp?

?Your $%# aside, Ker. I?ve seen enough. So this what we?re gonna do? Mallen gets out of Evidence and we place him in GIU, as its OIC.?

?Dood, that means he needs to get dem bars.?

Brian nodded, ?He?ll make ?LT? doing it and he?ll need a SGT, working under him. That?ll be Hope.?

?So yer puttin? them together again and promoting them??

?I am, and Henkle can go to SIU, instead of the 30th. He can supervise there and get some street time, too. As to the Officer of the Day, deal? I don?t ever recall backing that. We have an Officer of the Month and that?s the way it will be from here in out again. So get that out to everyone.?

?What about the bike deals, man??

?Personally, I?ve seen no issues with foot patrol and apprehensions. But that doesn?t mean we can?t use a few ideas. Let?s grab the bikes, mod them and see where it takes us.?

?Alright, brochacho. So who?s gonna tell Mallen an? Hope they?re the new Murtaugh & Riggs??

?It?s alright, Ker. I think Mallen has that taken care of, still I got one question??

?What?s that, Bri??

?How long before Mallen says he?s ?Too old for that ^&%$.? ?