Topic: Missing Halfling

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-02-08 17:53 EST
The broken, withered old man moved as though every joint in his body would give at an moment. The creak in his old bones was almost audible to any passers by. When he finally reached his destination, his breathing was ragged and his visage contorted into one of slight confusion. He had almost forgotten where he was and why he was there.

Eventually, the harsh reality of his situation returned and, with deep pain and exhaustion in his eyes, looked down at the receptionist that had been sitting at the front desk, waiting patiently.

"Ah've come terr report a missinng perrsun." He slurred in that sickly, rasping voice.

His very skin permeated with alcohol, his robes were stained and torn, mended in some places, but for the most part, badly treated. At first glance, anyone might have just written him off as a sad old drunk, but there was something in his eyes. A pain that spoke volumes of loss and regret.

Before the receptionist had a chance to ask him to repeat himself, he pulled out a crinkled, hand made parchment poster from the folds of his robes and shakily placed it on the desk. It was one of several copies already hung in various locations.


Apprentice mage Alexia Longbow
Answers to Lex, has been known to heal others, noticeable stutter.
4'9" 64lbs, pointed ears (mixed race) Last known location Teas'n Tomes.
Contact Owen the Marred with any information

His eyes set in a firm gaze that told his situation would not be taken lightly, no matter how long he'd have to wait to be seen.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-02-09 08:54 EST
The Watch officer at the front desk noticed the elderly man approach his desk, the smell of alcohol preceding the visitor. The officer held his breath slightly and gave a smile. Before he could even ask how he could help the question was already answered.

"Missing person you say? Let's have a look then." the officer took in the folded parchment poster and read over it. "Hmmm." He'd stand, a human by most appearances though some accents to his face bespoke slight elvish blood. "Come right over here to sit and rest. I'll get Captain Jubal for you. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Get you something warm to drink too." He'd escort the old man gently to a chair to sit and then vanished upstairs to the main offices.

As good as his promise within ten minutes or so, the blonde headed captain of the watch, in green cloak was before the elderly man. She gave a crouch of respect, poster held in her fingers. "Mr. Owen the Marred, I'm Captain Hope Jubal. What can you tell me about Alexia? We are here to help."

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-02-10 01:47 EST
He lowered himself heavily into the chair with a pained grunt and called after the officer as he retreated.

"Got plenty teh keep me warrm." He declared, as he pulled a small flask from the depths of his robes.

Just as he finished a fairly large swig, the captain came into his blurring view. He winced as the gut-rotting alcohol went down his throat and took a moment before speaking again. It seemed as though he was trying to grasp at a fleeting thought and it was terribly difficult. Finally, he answered.

"Stubborn girl," he muttered. "Told 'er to stay home. Not safe. She doesn't know what she is. She's not ready!"

Pain, verging on agony, twisted his face into a frown. A gnarled old hand lifted to his face, covering his eyes for a moment or two.

"Never listens. Never listens."

Finally, his hand lowered to reveal a distant gaze. He took another large gulp from his flask before squirreling it away into his robes.

"Hair's long like her mother's. 'Cept dark. Eyes too. Dark. She's tiny, stronger'n she looks. Always healing people she's got no business healing. She..." his voice faltered. "She's got two marks on her back. She doesn't know. They're wings."

As he spoke, his hand disappeared into his robes one last time to retrieve a small brush. It was old, but clean and well taken care of. In fact, it looked too clean at first, until, upon closer inspection, one could see a single dark strand of hair. It seemed to radiate energy and magic and a hint of lavender.

"This is hers. This belongs to Millie." He said as he handed over the single tiniest shred of evidence he possessed.

Looking up at the confusion on blurred faces, he suddenly grew defensive.

"What are you waiting for? Take it! Use it to find Mi-" His voice halted. When he spoke again, his voice was shaky. He sounded vulnerable and lost.

"Please, take it. Find her. Find Alexia." His lips pursed.

Pain twisted his already tortured face. The once cantankerous old drunk suddenly became a lost little boy. He sat in silence for a long time simply trying not to completely break down.

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-02-12 14:22 EST
(( Posting at the author's behest. ))

'Twas at that very moment, in his harrowed fervor to garner the Captain's sympathy, that a harsh thrusting of the entryway door sounded. Passing through the threshold proceeded an absurdly tall figure clad in heavy-looking plate armor composed of a notably foreign alloy. A banner marking his crest was present on both his adorning mantle and the fabric that served to obscure the majority of his leg pieces. What's more, it seemed to be faintly littered with runic seals, though it was hard to discern due to the regalia's comparably gem-like luster.

Sooner or later, the statuesque knight's footfalls saw him poised before the front counter... that is until his unseen gaze granted him the insight of the scene playing out a short ways yonder. There he spied the person he'd come to see comforting a curious bystander. Tapping the counter in passing reverence to the kindly desk staff, he'd make strides over to the bewildered fellow and the Captain.

"What seems to be the problem here?" the imposing knight inquired in his callous, almost droning timbre, his demeanor made all the more unapproachable to most by the metallic filter of having to speak through a full, angular sheet of protective metal. It was a wonder he could even see at all. What he failed to remember was that he'd never truly given Hope a chance to see him clad in his full knight's garb, so there was a good chance she would fail to recognize him unless she sensed his lingering spirit therein.

"I'm not certain what I might be able to help with, but I'm not averse to aiding those in need," he added, his garb's mesh's shifting accompanied by a soft clink as he folded his arms over one another atop his chest in waiting.

What a curious thing for a knight to say, given that it would typically be the compunction of an orderly individual like him that would prevent him from refusing service to the needy. Perhaps this soldier belonged to no such order?

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-02-14 02:03 EST
He warred with the decision for a moment or two. Should he medicate himself into another drunken stupor by emptying his flask, or save whatever he had left to help him eventually pass out and get through the night? Before he had a chance to make up his mind, he found himself staring at a moving, talking suit of armor. Completely unfazed, he simply lifted his gaze to where the knight's eyes should be and spoke.

"My charge is missing." He said, simply. He motioned to the poster in the captain's hand.

"My magic isn't what it used t'be, but I could always sense she was around. Now... there's nothing." His eyes grew misty and faraway.

"S'like she's fading away." He murmured softly. With a small shake if his head, he seemed to return to the present.

?She?s always poking ?er nose where it doesn?t belong. She hasn?t learned t?heal herself. If someone?s hurt her, she won?t last long.? His eyes added to the urgency of his words. He was certain she was in trouble and wouldn?t last much longer.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-02-14 02:18 EST
Lex groaned softly, trying to remember where she was. Nothing looked familiar. She couldn't see her humble little bed or the stacks of books from the bookstore. No great inviting hearth of the inn or whispering trees from the glenn. In fact, she couldn't see anything. There wasn't a shred of light and her tiny body ached against a freezing cold concrete floor.

She tried to sit up and heard the soft clink of chains. Her hands and feet were bound. She gave the shackles on her wrist a test pull and was met with searing pain wherever they touched her skin.

'I'm cuffed in iron.' She thought as she remembered her 'allergy.'

She waited for her eyes to adjust until she finally realized that one eye was completely swollen shut and the other was stinging from some sticky substance dripping into it. Eventually she recognized the substance as her own blood slowly trickling from a nasty gash above her eyebrow.

Bewildered, she tried to remember what she last saw and how she could have ended up in this predicament. All she could recall was being at the bookstore, but that seemed like ages ago. She was going to have to rely on what little clues she could find on herself in vain hopes of jogging her memory.

As she slowly became more and more awake, she began noticing a few things. Her clothes, although filthy and badly mistreated, were still on her body. She spared only a brief moment of relief before she continued on. She seemed to have only one boot and the little silver blade, hardly better than a letter opener, was gone.

She sighed, feeling defeated, and closed her eyes, gently leaning her head on the wall on which she was propped and tethered to. She knew she should try to stay awake, but the iron cuffs were sapping the strength from her battered frame. She'd only close her eyes for a few minutes, then get back to trying to figured everything out. Just a few minutes.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-02-14 12:10 EST
Hope gathered in the details from the old man, the heavy fog of alcohol fumes rolling over her giving her moments of memory to days working disturbance calls at the micro breweries in Clover Rock. The offered hair brush was accepted with grave appreciation. She had a visual representation of the missing victim, a positive identifying mark to look for on any potentially found missing persons the did come across, a bit of a glimpse into the girls mental state and behavior and the final piece, hard evidence in the form of a strand of hair. She was by no means a magical person, some in the office would swear otherwise and make little gestures when they thought she wasn't looking to ward off some preconceived ideas they had, but she was just a very astute police woman with a variable.

Hope was about to reassure Owen that they were going to start looking right away when the suit of armor walked in. Cats and kettles and all things blue she was going to have words with the front desk about just letting people walk into an interview session. Well it was too late for that thought, the suit of armor was there though something gave a good old Scottish tug on her gut and psyche that she knew this person somehow. She shoved that reliable feeling to the side for the moment. In those few moments the suit of armor was getting more information from Owen than she'd gotten.

So the man could, or had been able to sense the missing Alexia. That was valuable to know. Right now though she had to consider the current situation of a man well into the bottle to console himself and another man in armor offering assistance.

Hope stood to her unimpressive height of five foot eight inches. "Evening sir." She addressed the suit of armor. "Several problems are here, one of them is that my staff let someone just walk into my interview." A side lean to the front desk.

The officer there blanched a little. "He looked clear and clean. Honest!"

Hope squinted a bit. "Refresher class, Monday, I better see you there Tony."

The front desk officer swallowed and shrank a bit.

Hope then turned her attention back to the suit of armor. "You've already heard the other problem. Missing person, Alexia Longbow, by the poster she's an apprentice mage and from what Mr. Owen has described has a bit more class time to take on common sense perhaps. I'm not one to judge. Been missing a few days at best estimate. Mr. Owen reports that she likes to heal people without using better judgement. Given how riled up RhyDin has been lately, that means she could have been mixed up into any one of the many incidents we have reports on from all of the divisions."

Hope gave the brush in her hand a long inspection. "We've got a long roster of missing people we are trying to investigate already in addition to the mess these protests have sparked. Alexia has two marks on her back, per Mr. Owen. They look like wings. So we will be keeping an eye out for any of the already reported persons found. As to the ones still missing, we have a strand of hair here that is hers. I'm going to hand a section of the hair over to our MCSI team to see if the can get a tracker spell worked up for it."

She gave the suite of armor a long inspecting stare. Gut instinct back again. "May I ask who you are? If you are keen on helping Mr. Owen out as well, I'd more than appreciate it being something we are aware of instead of one more vigilante group that goofed and now we have to clean up."

Hope looked to Mr. Owen and asked him a direct question. "Mr. Owen, I know it's a rough time, but I need you to try and focus. Do you recall or remember anyone frequenting your residence or place of business that was against anyone that used magic or disliked anyone that was not human?"

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-02-15 16:18 EST
The helmet lowered to the distraught man, parsing what information was able to glean and locking it away in the deep repository that was his decidedly bookish mind. Averting his gaze quite momentarily in the interest of respect to the Captain, Hope's explanation of the situation and summary inquiry pried as straightforward an answer from him as he could muster, the animate plate mail keeping the introductions to as terse a minimum as possible.

"Lucius, The Dark Sun... Honored Servant to both Eternal House and Alchemy House within the scope of Bristle Crios Academy and Covetous Moon to Her Radiance, Lady Amaterasu. I serve as another of the institution's guardians," he responded curtly, apparently far more interested in hearing what else this Owen had to say amid his woe-ridden stupor than explaining himself to someone he felt could learn the information she sought to obtain herself, given time. He was a faith-favored swordsman beholden to a goddess, as so many others were. Naught more, naught less. A glance in the direction of the poster compounded his fears that it might have, in fact, had something to do with the overarching veil of pretense that was the Humanity First movement and the insurgent, vigilante forces taking the law into their own hands of late.

Returning his attention to the man, his demeanor went cold once more. He'd not impede Hope's inquisition if it meant he acquired more data to confer with the others and subsequently act upon. That said, the fact that the Watch possessed a team dedicated to investigating the mystical and scientific aspects of criminal behavior instilled within him an genuine, if brief sense of relief. The poor guys must have been overworked by this point. The reports had indeed piled up since he'd last submitted his findings to the Captain a ways back. Another thought had crossed his mind, but he dismissed it, seeing as he doubted its relevance to the case at hand. That, or he didn't want to believe it was a possibility. At all.

"Any and all knowledge you can impart upon us will ultimately only serve to hasten the search for and eventual rescue of your yet-young ward. If she's not capable of lasting, then it is to our mutual benefit if you were to give the Captain as much in the way of reliable testimony as you are able," he urged him, the passive serenity of his voice failing to accurately betray the gravity of what he'd said. Thankfully, it would also likely not stir up his emotions too much, nor should it serve to undermine Jubal's control of the conversation's flow, either. There wasn't much in the vein of impetus to his vocals at the moment.

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-02-16 18:22 EST
"S'all I've got." He rasped. His hands were beginning to tremble and his head ached viciously. Cotton mouthed, he began fumbling in the folds of his robe.

"F'you can find someone who can sense magic, y'might be able to track her. She's stronger'n she looks. Stronger'n she knows." He didn't have the courage to admit he should have taken better care of her, no matter how many swigs he took from the flask he finally found.

Feeling defeated, he rose shakily and looked around, dazed, and took a few tentative steps with no particular direction. As he began to wander off, he muttered to himself, lost in hazy thought.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-02-16 20:12 EST
Hope rubbed her face a bit. Lucius. Right, the other gentleman she was looking for missing people on. You'd think with so many missing people, they'd have clues and find some, but then again, RhyDin plays its cards close to its chest.

"Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Owen. MCSI well get to work right away on a divination spell to track her with the hair provided to us. I will also ask Mr. Lucius here, if has proficiency in this area as well. The city of late has been turbulent and every second of delay is a second she loses a chance for being found."

She gave the man a gentle, reaffirming pat to his shoulder and nodded to an officer to escort Mr. Owen back home safely.

Hope then turned back to Lucius. "Considering we are already working together, I apologize for the scrutiny. We don't often get people in full plate armor walking into this office. And you're working for Lady Amaterasu? Well, then that tells me that you have plenty of credibility if the alchemist trusts someone to lend her a hand."

She waved a woman over to her that brought a small clear evidence bag and scissors made entirely of obsidian. She carefully snipped the hair strand in half, placed on half in the bag and sent the woman with evidence and scissors off to the MCSI department. She held out the other end to Lucius. "Well shall we see if we can find our missing Alexia Longbow?

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-02-17 01:10 EST
"Worry not..."

As Lucius spoke, he brought a hand up to his chest, his metallic form becoming encased in a silhouette of sheer, crystalline light. There was a minor burst of visible radiance and warmth before his self-illuminating display ceased, a cloak-laden and slightly shorter figure surfacing to take up residence where the armor had once been. Alas, she would likely have recognized this frame as belonging to Crios Instructor, Zynisch Lucis. So, that was him after all?

"It's not oft I take that form when it isn't necessarily needed. That was merely a test to see just how long I could maintain it without suffering any condemning effects or weakness. Of course, I can't exactly stay in it, were I to help you. It restricts my magical prowess for the sake of sheer martial ability."

Having suitably concluded his explanation, he freed one of his arms from beneath the silken mantle he wore and rose its requisite palm up to the remaining portion of hair, closing his eyes that he might concentrate more intently on the mystic properties the hair yet retained. Severed though it might have been, the tiny protein string responded, exuding a light jade aura in response to his prodding. Such was a success.

"I'll return to consciousness momentarily. You're welcome to take hold of my body to see what I see, but I'm not certain your mind will be able to handle the strain. Typically only practiced diviners and adept mages can undermine the mystically harrowing influence of the arcane and divine for extended periods, but I see no reason not to try if you're genuinely curious."

What a wordy scholar, this one. With that, his body relaxed as he forewent the bonds of its situational awareness to glimpse the vision... Of course, what he would see, he wasn't even close to prepared for. Though he could not hear, and the vision was exceptionally vague, the mere sight of such a potentiality would shock him to his core.

The Seers of Eternity

Date: 2017-02-17 03:34 EST
(( Also posting at the author's behest. ))

The vision took his mind and those of any that served to make contact with him to an undisclosed and seemingly sealed-off location deep underground somewhere... Intentionally obscured were the sounds that outsiders who deigned to peer in with unwanted eyes attempted to glean for confidentiality's sake. Whatever they could grasp wasn't by the will of the forces that inhibited them...

Therein a figure stepped, clad in an ornate, alabaster cloak-robe and carrying a clipboard of eldritch make and fashion. A few steps out of the rift from which he appeared saw him poised before what looked to be magicked glass. A cursory glance inside would reveal the girl situated amid an utterly darkened room. It was more akin to a prison than a dwelling of any suitable merit. Was he studying her or something?

"Awake, are you...? Good, good. You seem to have recovered from that drubbing rather well given the circumstances. My brothers-in-arms will be glad to know that your recuperative properties extend beyond your ability to heal others," spoke the voice, unbeknownst to the man observing him from the aether. It would not be long, as he recorded his findings on the odd page, that another voice sounded.

"Do you plan on keeping her long, Kallim?"

Another, decidedly more feminine form stepped into the room, clad in the same garb as the more masculine figure appeared to be. In time, she would come to regard the caged woman, settling in posture with her arms folded behind her back beside the first arrival and speaking to him as though they were colleagues.

"I see no problem with this, Kaiah... The High Ones wanted to measure the exceptional traits of mixed races and determine their worth. Surely you recall that order being sent down the rungs of the hierarchy's ladder, yes?"

"I am more than aware. I'm just curious as to why this one was special enough that they had one of the rank-and-file abduct her. Our Lord isn't the sort for meaningless kidnapping. He typically utilizes the forms of whomever he takes. Ahhh, Our Lord... Such a gentleman. He doesn't waste anything he appropriates."

"Yes... Quite," the first figure responded, raising the arm that held the pen to his lips so that he might clear his throat. "Your religious zeal with regards to Him is astounding and impressive to bear witness to, but that is not why we are here. Take care to remember that. The High Ones have expressed a desire to see these curious beings apprehended thus, that they might be tools for experimentation. I look forward to the test data this one could provide us with. Hnhn."

"Right, right. This one looks to be either elven or fae, or even both. The High Ones don't take too kindly to celestials and fell creatures, but I was under the distinct impression that Our Lord wasn't ill-acquainted with these creatures, nor does He bear them any ill will. I wonder what his goal is."

"Ah, but you see, this is the desire of the Seventh Lord. He was the one who had her imprisoned, seeking to make an example of her and draw out the myriad of movements working for the sake of humanity of late. He seems to detest the idea that humans would be subjugated on behalf of supposedly inferior creatures. Regardless, it isn't our place to question the whims of the Esoterics. It is merely our station to obey," he returned, recording the last of his notes before reaching forward and conjuring up a console of hard light. Pressing down on a button, he called out to her, smirking as he did so.

"Subject. State your name for the record, if you would."

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-02-18 01:38 EST
"Awake, are you...?" The voice startled her into a more definitive state of consciousness. Her mind swam with dizziness, muffling the seemingly disembodied voice. When her head finally cleared a bit, it began to throb mercilessly, making it difficult, but not impossible to concentrate on the conversation taking place.

She was only able to catch snippets here and there, but her suspicions were confirmed. She was in incredibly deep trouble. Desperate to make some kind of sense, she pleaded with her memories to return, and eventually, in small flashes, they would. She vividly remembered leaving the bookstore. Something just in the distance caught her attention. No, not something. Someone. She had seen a figure doubled over and her immediate instinct was to help.

As she approached the figure, she idly thought in the back of her mind that she had seen this person before. Perhaps at the protests, or just around RhyDin. In any case, she felt more than compelled to use her natural talents and heal whatever might have been ailing the being. And that's when things became less clear. Everything happened so quickly. A sharp pain at the base of her skull, swift, strong hands snatching at her thin arms, then darkness.

And now she was chained, beaten, and terribly frightened. Not just because of the plight. Certain realizations were coming to light and she had neither the strength, nor the mental well-being to handle them. She couldn't touch iron, Master Owen told her it was an allergy. She had oddly pointed ears, Master Owen told her it was a birth defect. She had a natural ability to heal others but could never quite manage to heal herself no matter how hard she tried. Master Owen never spoke of that. The final straw was when one of the robed figures called her fae.

She knew she would have to come to terms with all of this, but for now, she was being addressed.

"...your name for the record, if you would."

In her mind, she demanded answers. 'Where am I? Why are you doing this to me? Who are you?!' But at first, she was barely able to manage a small raspy moan. Still, she summoned what was left of her strength and lifted her head, defiantly staring toward where she thought the voice may have come from.


Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-02-20 17:29 EST
Hope was often one to refrain from mixing into magical practices as she often thought she had no gift with it. A mundane human from some variation of Earth and a keeper of the peace on top of that. However, since her introduction and work with the 27th and a Hunter named Mach, her trip down the rabbit hole of RhyDin was one full of turbulence and catching the Jabberwocky by the tail. Having talked with and been around enough magic users enough she both understood and saw when Lucius went into that trance.

Did she grab his arm or not? Tick Tock dear Alice. She'd took a hold of his arm and just hoped the continued oddities of what her head kept feeling like wouldn't get worse. Mad Hatter shoved in a biscuit box! Her brain ached as she was pulled along mentally into that scrying spell of Lucius.

Hope wasn't sure how much time was passing but she kept everything she saw before them deeply etched in her mind. Holding facility of some sort. Above or below ground was not clear. Their missing person was quite possibly in the darkened room beyond the viewing glass unless they shaved her head bald and left the hair where they were now viewing. She cuffed that pessimism on the ear soundly and continued the observation. Two persons of high interest. Male and Female. Kallim for the male per the female identifying him, and Kaiah for the female per Kallim identifying her. However the robe-cloaks obscured most of their features. Possibly a cult? She'd have to ask Lucius if he'd seen the style before.

Some sort of collection program for testing and experimenting on various races. Could be a tie in to the non-human protests but this felt too well organized and documented for that. Plus the mention of Hierarchy and, High Ones, a Lord these two served and a 7th Lord who seems to be implicated in this testing. She heard Kallim asking the person in the cell to say there name. The captured person refused and seemed with out a clue for the reason being there. It was a female voice. Quite possible their missing person? Without a clear visual on the woman in the dark room there was a large margin of error for positive identification. Yet the scrying with the hair lead here. That meant the MCSI better get a working tracker spell running soon.

Hope would remain touching Lucius for as long as he continued the scrying to witness as much as she could. She was going to need a whole bottle of aspirin after this and maybe get into the Die Hard Hall of Fame for most Aspiring Chugged on duty.

The Seers of Eternity

Date: 2017-02-22 23:00 EST
"Hnhnhn. Now, darling. We can't have that now, can we?"

As the cloak known to them as Kallim began to speak, another rift opened behind them from whence the raspy tones had originated: an event that prompted the two robe-cloaks to turn away from their captive. As one would surmise from the considerably flashier entrance and the haughty tone the vocals took, a rather imposing phantom spilled forward the pocket of void. The entity looked to belong to the same order; however, the inky darkness, ornate gem-crafting, and golden filigree woven into his own robe bespoke of the alleged High Ones they had mentioned... well, that and the pronounced bow that both white robes extended to him as he neared. Rising with the dismissive wave of his hand, the two regarded him.

"The Seventh... Here? Now? How humbling..."

"Ah, right on time. Punctual as ever, Master Rialza. As you can see, the specimen has been apprehended. The preliminary examination has already occurred. All that remains is her submission to the tests," Kallim remarked, veering back around to gesture to the woman inside from behind his clipboard. "The louse in question, I fear... remains obstinate."

Another wave of indifference met the scientist's update on the matter, followed by a pressing down of this Rialza's shadowy palm to the glass that shielded them from her. The digits that slipped free from that thick, sleeve of the being clacked against the thick pane with their clawed edges; all the while, a crooked grin seemed to form over whatever constituted for the being's visage, obscured as it was.

"It may have been some time since I returned to this Realm, but you aren't revealing anything to me that I did not realize before I came here, good doctor. It'd be best for the lot of us if you kept your remarks to a minimum whilst I communed with this lesser creature. I am responsible for the lives of those under my employ, after all. I'd rather not make any unwanted errors."

The High One's remark left them both as silent as they could be, chilled to the bone by his unwavering ill intent. There was a sense of decorum in him that Kallim could respect, but that aura of obscene giddiness at the thought of having his way with the staff Their Lord had allotted him was enough incentive to bend to his whims.

Finally, the specter pressed forward, the wards on the glass shaping around him and displacing their mystic flow to permit him unrestricted entry. It was with a casual saunter that the dark coat came upon the cowering mixed breed, regarding her with the same unsettling grin that came before. Just when they had begun to understand, he shot a glance in the direction of where he sensed the eyes of onlookers. With the apparent snapping of his grisly digits, the connection that Zynisch and Hope availed of was abruptly severed. Only an eerie chuckling could be heard as their view was forcibly rebuked.

"Interlopers, eh? Forgive me, you two... Hnhn. I don't particularly enjoy an audience... Especially when I'm in the midst of... acquiring data. Goodbye for now..."

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-02-27 15:05 EST
No matter how much physical pain she endured, how much fear shook her to her very core, there was something in her that persisted. Like a candle flickering in a small room while gale force winds ravaged outside, she inexplicably held onto the small, flickering hope that she would somehow survive. She thought of her parents, lost to her at such an early age and never found. Of her grandmother long since passed. Of the people, friends and strangers alike, that she'd tried to help regardless of the danger to herself. She even thought of her Master Owen and wondered who would take care of him if she were to perish.

Then, a figure appeared. It was as if all the remaining shreds of warmth and life in her battered little body were being rapidly drained away. The figure that appeared gave an aura strikingly polar opposite to her own. To her, he felt like hopelessness incarnate. Her injuries seemed to throb with more persistence and her breath suddenly become more labored. She wanted nothing more than to run away. The burning cuffs on her wrists and ankles saw to it that she couldn't even curl away from him.

Instead, she simply stared blankly in his direction. For a while now, she thought she had felt something in the room with her. Of course her senses could not be trusted, but she could not shake the sensation of someone watching. She had brushed it off as being in observed by those who had confined her, but when the unnerving figure spoke, she was surprised to learn he easily saw what she had only guessed at.

"... Goodbye for now..."

With those simple words, she felt her last shred of hope begin to fade like the trail of smoke from a dying ember. She began to wonder if her refusal to say her name had only doomed her further. She knew the importance of names. Names held power and could even be a person's undoing. But now she wasn't sure if she had protected herself or sealed her own fate.

She decided it didn't matter. Whoever had been watching was not watching any longer. Good or bad, her only lifeline to outside of her prison was gone. Whatever this imposing individual had in store for her, she would just have to do her best to survive.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-03-02 00:07 EST
Hope couldn't remember when she let go of Lucius or how she wound up sitting on the floor, head pounding to the rhythm of Dirty Deeds by ACDC. She felt the hands of someone shaking her shoulder gently and pressing a glass of cool water into her hands and several aspirin into the other. She just stared at the white pills of several minutes trying to get her brain to make sense of jarring garble it had gone through to see what she saw and the express train leaving that sight.

"Tell . . . Tell MCSI, I need that tracking spell A.S.A.P." She said to the person behind her that kept her world level as she sat.

She pressed the flat of her palm to her right eye as blinding pain strobed through it for a bit. She searched for Lucius with her left brown eye trying to see where the man was. There was much to discuss and do.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-03-07 16:13 EST
Alexia sighed heavily, something she immediately regretted as it stirred up the throbbing pain that had lessened to a dull ache for a few moments. At least it was a welcome distraction from the frightening figure before her. She couldn't help being acutely aware of each and every injury. The worst had to be the iron that burned and bubbled her skin. Her other wounds hurt, but it was only residual pain from the original blow that caused her discomfort. The chains were a constant. Their very touch sapped her strength and poisoned her body against her at a constant, steady pace.

The entire situation was enough to make her just a little angry. There, far beneath the fear and despair, a shred of anger glowed like a candle wick recently blown out. It was enough to awaken something deep within her. Something even she was unaware of. Something ancient and powerful. For now, however, it was just a glow. A soft, violet glow that persisted within the dullness that clouded her large, dark brown, downcast eyes.

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-03-07 22:39 EST
The man was swift in his attempts to gather his faculties, as the abrupt severance of his observation initiated a complete memory dump. The impromptu influx of information did much to curb his desire to attempt another glimpse therein. Not to mention, there was a good chance this Seventh Lord would have taken great pains to invalidate any subsequent 'interloping' endeavors. Recovering from the deluge of fractured bullet points that comprised the summary of the vision, he compulsively placed a palm on his heart, summoning forth his impressive gem-mail, runic armor to defend himself from both Riazla's magicks and his own botched spells. At once, Lord Lucius's consciousness would return, permitting him to see to the mentally wounded woman currently trying to drown her injury in pain medication.

"You'll have to forgive me, Captain. I wasn't aware that their shady benefactor was capable of dispelling my abilities. By and large, I've dealt you a blow you honestly weren't meant to endure." A glance upward to the stalwart knight would put to rest any doubts about the severity of the hit they took. Even a mage of his caliber was still holding his head even after the wards of his shielding armaments had taken effect. What a doozy that had been.

"What do you plan to do now that the team is tracking them? Would you have me wait here with you, or would you prefer we take to field action to scour for sources in the meantime?"

The Seers of Eternity

Date: 2017-03-11 20:56 EST
With dismissal of the all-too-foreseen obstruction to his 'data gathering', Rialza lackadaisically brushed away at his cloak, as though he were tidying up the symbolic residue left behind by the advent of unseen eavesdroppers. Really, having someone watch him whilst he worked was rather bothersome; not to mention, it actually left something of a bad taste in his mouth when they inevitably pitched their usual fit of whining at his expense. Alas, he finished soon enough and lowered his rather tall form to the degree of height at his guise was level with her pathetic hues.

"Now, now... Don't fret, my dear. I assure you they weren't going to cause you any trouble. Trust me when I say, they were about as inconsequential where they were as they would have been had they been right here in front of me. Giheheh... I'm not My Lord's Seventh for no reason, after all."

No doubt, his rhetoric was none too shy of meaningless to her, even as he held back a string of cackles in correspondence to her slim chance of escape from her captivity. 'Twas when he reached forward and attempted to lift her chin up with the tip of a clawed digit that he really got in her face about it. Thoroughly detestable, indeed.

"Now, I know the strapping young lad behind me asked for your name earlier... and I also know that you don't feel all that fondly about him, his virtual cultist of an associate, or even me for that matter... That being said... I just want to hear you state it for the record. It would save the lot of us, yourself included, a great deal of trouble if you were to cooperate... I could put you on display for all the humans out there to see just what kind of monster you are capable of being under true duress, but.... Heh heh... That wouldn't be right. Would it... Alexia?"

Wh... what?

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-03-17 01:13 EST
When he reached to touch her, a small violet charge of electricity sparked between them. She was sure he hadn't seen it beneath her tangled tresses, but she couldn't have missed what had happened right in front of her face. Curiosity snuck into the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions and she barely heard what he was saying, save for the last part. That was crystal clear.

"... Would it... Alexia?"

"Wh... what?" Her eyes finally lifted to meet his gaze. The ember that had been burning within her, desperate to get out, was momentarily obscured by sheer dread. She had only feared the worst, but his words confirmed it. She was, indeed, in very serious trouble. Thankfully, she was too frozen with fear to have much of a reaction other than to stare at him, bewildered.

Then, something snapped deep within her. A sudden sense of determination like none she had ever experienced before inspired her. As they locked gazes, she gently, painstakingly quietly grasped at the iron manacles that were still burning her skin like acid. It wasn't that they had been all that tight around her wrists or ankles. They were simply too painful to touch. But now wasn't the time to worry about that. Miraculously, without making a single clinking sound, she managed to slip one wrist out, then the other.

Once free, she took a deep breath and leapt into action. Grabbing the now empty cuffs, she threw them at her captor, hoping for utter shock on his part, then with blistering red fingers, yanked her feet free in one swift movement, popping off her remaining boot as a result. She had no clue where she would go or how she would even leave that very room, but she had to try. She ran. No matter the direction. Simply pushed past him and ran barefoot as fast as she could.

What she didn?t realize was what seemed like a burst of physical energy had also manifested itself as magical energy as well. For however long or short a time and however weak or strong it may have been, it was out there, beckoning to someone, anyone. For some, it might have seemed like a fleeting shadow just at the edge of sight, for others perhaps the faintest whisper for help. To anyone who cared enough, it may have been as unmistakable as a flash of lightening in an otherwise clear sky.

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-03-17 01:38 EST
Some distance from the academy, away from its clean rooms, sensibly decorated halls, and safe strong hold, stood an old cabin. Contrary to its age and rundown appearance, it was actually very well cared for to the best of the ability of an incredibly petite halfling. Despite her best efforts, however, it was still in dire need of work and, since her disappearance, was not as clean as it once was.

Within its walls, draped on an old wooden chair in front of an unlit fireplace, sat Owen the Marred, a once respected and valued student turned professor for the magic school old cabin neighbored. He had been sleeping off his latest guilt induced drunken stupor when he heard the softest, yet undeniably familiar voice. It was almost a murmur, but the words were clear enough.

?Help me, Uncle.?

His eyes snapped open and his head whipped about trying to find the source. Even in his compromised state, he knew it hadn?t been a dream. Alexia was reaching out. There was only one thing to do. He rose unsteadily to his feet and made for the basin filled with freezing water. Without wasting a single moment, he dumped the entire icy contents onto his head, haphazardly wiped at his face with the sleeve of his robe, and hurried out the door.

The Seers of Eternity

Date: 2017-03-18 01:21 EST
It was amid her brief lapse into absolute terror from the utterance of her true name that Rialza cracked another dismaying grin, his ear-to-ear Cheshire masterpiece bared for her to see. So content was he with his induction of fear in her that he momentarily let down his personal guard, quirking a brow as he was pelted in the face by a pair of shackles. Though only mildly surprised by the display of defiance, it was enough of a shock to his haughty system that he fell to his knees, cast ultimately farther to the side with the advent of her push, leaving her enough space to attempt an escape should the powers that be permit it.

"Hmm? Well, well.. You were so quick to bend that I didn't even consider you worth much of a challen--Accghk!"

As the pair behind the shielded glass prepared their standard reinforcement glyph magicks to strengthen the magical temper of the material, Rialza slowly began to collect himself from his momentary faltering, peering back behind himself with a glare that suggested he intended to devour her whole when all was said and done. Gods, she was going to need some kind of miracle to escape this prison they had created for her.

"...Ohohoh.... Feisty, are we? Do you believe you think you can evade the Seventh Lord of the Thirteen Esoterics? I built this holding facility to my own rigorous specifications. If I wanted to, I could collapse it in on the both of us. Don't get cocky purely because you managed to catch me off-guard once, fey cretin! Hehehehehe~! Eh... hm?"

What the fell magus failed to notice before within the barrier was a rather curious rift torn out of space-time itself and nestled between the two mages amid their measures to fortify the protective magicks of the obstruction between them and the captive that had come to blows with their master therein. If such a thing as a miracle existed, there it was... plain as day. Take it or leave it, Longbow! Fate has dealt you a decent hand this day. Flight or fold. Those were the only two options she had at her avail at the moment.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-03-19 13:41 EST
Once the landslide of pain in her head subsided to a dull steam roller, Hope stood to her feet.

"MCSI wont be tracking the perps for us. They are strictly crime scene investigations when we have magical elements that need sorted out. The leg work well be on us, Lucius." Hope said.

She walked for the reception desk and the young man there gave her a fully charged radio and a map. The female officer she'd sent off to the labs came back with a bracelet of braided flax, with a small quartz crystal shaped like a cone swinging freely from the braided fibers in its harness.

"Here you are Captain Jubal. Boys in the lab said they were sorry for the delay. They've been working so many cases but they have the tracker bracelet. Just put it on your wrist and once you leave the building the quarts will start to tug in the direction of the missing person based on the hair. They do warn the effect may become weakened as hair is a secondary medium for tracking, blood being the highest match, but it should get you and your consultant where you need to get to. Best of luck Captain. Give them hell." The woman said.

Hope nodded to the woman and slipped on the bracelet. She did a quick check that she was armed, and that both radio and map were tucked away safely. Then she waved for Lucius to follow as she left the 27th Divisions Head Quarters. Sure enough the quartz began cease a lazy, natural sway by gravity and motion and took up a self possessed tug and pull, though it was weak.

"Time to go hunting." Hope said.

((Feel free to direct as you need. So sorry about delays. New job has been murder on free time.))

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-03-30 01:15 EST
In all honesty, she had no idea where she would go from there. She didn't even know how she had come to be in the prison like room, let alone how to leave. Just when she thought perhaps she should give, what looked like a portal had opened. Without giving it a single shred of thought, she made a mad scramble for it and managed to leap through.

It felt as though every shred of her already broken body was being torn apart, shred by miniscule shred. Her breath tore from her lungs until the pressure made her cry out. But no sound came. Instead, she saw light and color pour forth instead of a scream. It was harsh and disjointed, but almost beautiful in a terrifying way. Streaks of shadow and light swirled around and even through her. It seemed she really had come apart.

After what seemed like an eternity, her vision began to clear. Soon she realized she was lying on something soft and sweetly scented. It took her longer than it should have to realize it was mix of tufts of grass and patches of moss. Exhausted and frightened, she tried to recognize her surroundings but she had been through too much. Finally free of the searing iron and unforgiving stone floor of the prison, she stood no chance and fell into a dreamless sleep.

((Sorry! I know it's not much, but it's something! Been a little crazy here!))

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-04-01 10:58 EST

With the raising of his armor-laden hand, he courteous gestured to the receptionist and the officer as he proceeded out with his de-facto partner in the investigation. With any luck, the former wouldn't need to be 're-educated' too harshly for acquiescing to his rather blunt and unwavering candor so easily. The luxurious material of his cape and waist-cloth billowed and swayed in tandem with his saunter he made to exit, as though it meant to float on air that was not apparent to the untrained eye. Charisma and intimidation, whether intended or otherwise, were just a couple of the tools in a knight's arsenal. If he could effectively exemplify the courage to act in order to properly discharge a situation with his mere presence alone, he was all the better for it.

Once he secured a position beside the captain, he extended an arm toward the quartz, aiming to lay one of his metal-heavy hands on it. However considerably restricted his magic prowess was whilst donning the armor, empowering charms with a mote of his spellforce was still well within the range of his capabilities.

"A moment, friend... Permit me to strengthen the connection between the two of us and her location. I fear in its current state, that bauble of yours possesses nary the degree of potency required for our undertaking."

He wasn't the sort to wait on an answer to one of his suggestions, should it result in the hastening of a mission of objective, either. That being said, the moment he made to pour his energy into the trinket, its connection grew stronger still... without his intervention. Though alarmed by the sudden change, that wouldn't prevent him from further fortifying the signal strength. Soon enough, they would have a direct enough line to follow that it was arguable as to whether they hardly needed either spell to begin with.

"...'Twould seem she's returned to the from the depths of darkness and surfaced back in RhyDin proper. It appears as though we've a heading. Let's just hope we make it there in time. By your leave, Captain Jubal," Lucius offered, stretching his arm outward in the hopes that she would take the reins of the operation, as was her right.

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-04-13 01:09 EST
He had the appearance of a mad man and, in truth, he was. Crazed with fear and worry, he walked without truly seeing. All he was certain of was that his charge, his niece was calling to him for help and the only thing leading him to her was a feeling. Hazy memories flashed through his mind.

Milisindiel Longbow stood at the door of his cabin with Alexia in tow. She knelt before her toddler and whispered in her ear as she gave her a reassuring hug.

"Worry not, my darling. I'll come back to you. I'll always come back to you." With those words, she stood and gave her a gentle push toward her uncle.

Owen stood with open arms and a warm smile. A stark contrast to the man he would become. Alexia, appearing around four years old, went to him shyly but willingly. She loved her uncle but she didn't want her mother to leave. He scooped her up and hugged her and she began to smile.

"Everything will be fine, Millie. Don't worry about a thing. Alexia and I are going to have fun practicing spells and mixing potions, aren't we, little one?" He cooed.

Alexia nodded and giggled softly before turning back to her mother. Tears welled up and threatened to spill over, but she managed to keep up a brave face. Even so small, she always seemed to put other people's feelings before her own.

As the memory faded, he became more crazed and desperate, bumping into anyone unfortunate enough to be in his path and knocking things over in his wake. It was by some miracle he managed to slow down before careening into the very people on the same mission as he.

He wasn't even entirely sure he was talking to actual people or just figments of his fractured imagination, but he spoke anyway.

"I heard her! She's in trubble 'n I have t'find her! Not sure which way." He rambled hysterically.

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-04-18 13:46 EST
Hope took a moment to allow Lucis to fiddle with the quartz tracker MCSI had given her. If he could boost the work done by the department, she was thrilled. It'd mean less wild hare chasing and more solid fox hunt. Hearing his assessment of Miss Longbow's return to a more public access point, Hope took a moment to study the quartz suspended by wire. The shard of milky translucent crystal slowly swung in various arcs as if it were feeling the energies of the city. Soon it settled in a solid tugging direction towards the south of Rhy'din City.

"Seems we have a solid heading to follow for the moment. South it would seem. I'd offer us a faster means to travel by my motorcycle, but my mentor told me that sometimes magic and electronics do not mix well and I'd rather not loose our direction. Hope you like walking Master Lucis." Hope said and lead a brisk walk only a former beat cop could manage through the sprawling town of Rhy'din.

It was when they reached the southern gate and the pathways marked off to various trails all leading to the Southern Glen, that Hope paused a moment.

"If Miss Longbow was indeed released by her captors, or somehow managed an escape, it seems to have lead to her being out in the Southern Glen. Which is something to note especially given how many on the list missing that you gave me a month or so earlier were often found missing in the city, or the few found deceased were as well in the city. I was beginning to believe there was an operation going on in the city proper, then again, the Southern Glen could make a good access point as well for moving people and bodies." She mused and rambled under her breath as she mentally logged her notes.

Moving her hand, wrist out and quartz still tugging, she watched for the path pulled towards the most and then took Lucis down the rabbit hole, for this was another case where you just hoped someone didn't ask you to eat something to make you big or small or someone wanted to lop off your head.

((Work has been hell. Sorry for the delay.))

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-05-03 22:05 EST
"Yours was a wise teacher, indeed. Be that as it may, time is short. What's another few moments of land-based movement, really so long as we hurry? I'm not the sort that would shirk my duties purely based off of that kind of malaise, Captain." the knight responded. It was during this stint of rebuttal that he felt something collide lightly with his armor, prompting the silvered plate of his helmet to lower to the frantic man now spouting worrying fragments of fear-addled drivel. Reaching down to place a hand over his shoulder, he would attempt to calm him with a very gentle squeezing.

"Friend, if you're going to babble on like a fool, the least you could do is collect your thoughts beforehand, so the two of us don't have to sift through your muddled words in an attempt to clarify your piecemeal intent. Now, what is it you're meaning to say.. You've found whom... your charge? We've managed to locate her. The Captain was just about to give the command to move," he uttered harshly, the patience that would otherwise be characteristic of him lost to the urgency of the situation.

Slowly did he avert his gaze from the man he'd been attempting to soothe to Jubal as she elaborated on her plan. "Yes, that place is becoming a hotbed of missing people reports with rather troubling frequency. We shouldn't dawdle longer than we have. As it stands, we're burning what little time we have to retrieve her whilst she's still on the surface." With that, the man proceeded in the direction that the stone's radiance designated. That having been said, his gait wasn't particularly fast, as he not only had his armaments to weigh him down, but he was also making certain the two of them could keep up with him.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-05-05 00:10 EST
It was quiet in the Southern Glen. Even the chirping birds seemed to put their music on hold. For deep in the woods, a mysterious girl slept. All manner of creatures had gathered to watch her. Some were so curious as to sit on her back or snuggle near her face. Others still waited in the shadows to see if eating her was an option. They mercifully decided to resist for now.

After a long while, she finally stirred. Her voice was etched with pain as she groaned softly into the blades of grass in front of her face. Slowly, she rose to her knees and knelt there a moment. It took her a while to realize the spots of red were little pools of her own blood that had gathered as she slept.

Despite her horrific injuries, she stood up, picked a direction, and walked barefoot and bleeding. Sorrow and fear that threatened to overtake her. She was lost and incredibly weak and disoriented, but she refused to give in. Instead, she simply continued walking in a straight line, hoping she would soon find help.

After what seemed like hours, but was likely just a few excruciating minutes, she finally cleared the forest and found herself on a familiar path. Her temporary entourage of animals stopped at the edge of the glen and simply watched her as if seeing her off before dispersing back to their lives. Finally, her efforts paid off, she could hear footsteps and what she thought might have been shouting.

Not entirely sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, she listened carefully. She could swear she heard Master Owen and at least one other voice. Her pace quickened. It was as close to a run as she could manage. Her vision blurred, whether from the overwhelming emotions or her quickly swelling eye, it wasn't clear. It didn't matter. She was almost there.

((I'm not going anywhere, I promise!))

Hope Jubal

Date: 2017-05-08 14:08 EST
Hope had no difficulty keeping up with Lucis as she lead the merry menagerie search part of one amused human watch officer, a man in magical armor, and the addled master Owen. Still it was better than going on a beat with a Minotaur at your back. Alphons just lacked stealth and head clearance some days. Thoughts pushed aside, Hope steered the group down the path they'd taken, the tugging on her wrist starting to intensify with bruising quickness.

"Call me crazy, but this tracker is pulling on my wrist like a rare earth magnet pulling wire through Play-Dough. We must be getting close to where Miss Longbow has vacated too. When we find the girl, Master Lucis, do you have a way to do some tracing on her to find out where she'd gone? Like that scrying spell you did back in the office?" She'd ask Lucis.

"Would love to know where cells are being set up for experimentation. Everyone should have the right to feel safe and not tested on like a guinea pig." Hope broke off anything else she was about to say when she heard something running up the path towards them.

Her hand dropped by reflex to feel for the comfort of her gun as she watched the bend in the trail ahead of them. The quartz now pulled hard enough to force her to brace against the magical effect. It could be the girl they were looking for, but the few years working the streets in Rhy'Din as a Watch Member taught her that as soon as you assume anything, you're dead.

"Hold up guys. I hear someone coming up that bend. Let's see who pop's around while we still have an open advantage." She cautioned, her side arm was not drawn, but the strap on the holster was released to allow a quick draw if needed.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-05-17 21:46 EST
Alexia didn't know how much longer she could go on. Her bare feet stung with every painful step and every muscle, every bone, every inch of her was screaming. Her clothes were viciously ripped and stretched thin and she was doing her very best to hold them to her broken body. Wherever she stepped, she left a trail of blood and even scraps of cloth now and again. She just wanted to go home and it seemed like it was worlds away. It seemed like a faded memory that she'd never live to see again.

As she soldiered on, she thought of her uncle. Would he care enough to look for her? Had he even noticed she was gone? He so often drunk himself into such a stupor, it was a wonder he was still alive. In fact, even before his drinking had spiraled out of control over the years, he had reached an unnaturally old age by human standards. She tried to remember exactly how old he was and the effort made her dizzy. The more she thought on it, she couldn't remember her own age either and the more she tried, the dizzier she got. Just like when she spoke. As the years went on her stutter grew worse, but it was especially intense when she tried to speak of her past. It was almost as if someone had intentionally done something to her to prevent her from remembering.

With labored breath, she turned a corner and saw some very blurred figures. She couldn't make them out. They could be friendly, or they could very well be the same people that abducted and abused her. It was entirely possible it wasn't even people she saw but inanimate objects in the distance. Either way, she would roll the dice and hope for the best. It was all she had left at this point.

She tried to call out, but her voice was raw and painful and her lip was split and bleeding badly. Everything was spinning. It was difficult to keep upright or even tell which way was up. Panic bubbled up anew as she felt the world slipping out from under her. She couldn't take another hit, certainly not one for the hard, unforgiving ground. Too weak to even throw her arms in front of her, the little halfling lurched forward.

Owen the Marred

Date: 2017-05-18 00:47 EST
In his frantic state, Owen almost didn?t see Alexia shuffling painfully toward the search party trio. It was only when she was about to fall over that he spotted her and sprang into action. With surprising speed agility, he leapt forward, his arms out, and simple let her collapse against him. It was a miracle he even recognized the miserable creature that whimpered piteously in his arms. He wept openly as he saw the full extent of what she had physically been through. Careful not to harm her further, he gently held her close.

?My little Alexia?? He whispered. ?M?so? sorry. I should ?ave taken better care o?ye. Ne?er should ?ave let this ?appen.? With a deep, shuddering breath, he lifted one hand and brought it gently to her forehead. He closed his eyes in deep concentration and, at first, nothing seemed to happen. Then, slowly, a deep cut appeared on his forehead, followed by a painful split on his lip, and a gash across his cheek. More and more quickly, wounds mirroring Alexia?s appeared on his body, causing her own wounds to fade.

After a while, his breath became labored and ragged as hers had been. With each passing moment, he deteriorated while she improved. Had he the strength, he would have taken everything until she was completely healed, but alas, he could do no more. Not for lack of ability or capacity to withstand injury, but from the sheer exhaustion. It had been decades since he had performed magic so strong and his energy was quickly dwindling. It wasn?t what he had hoped for, but it was enough. Enough to keep her from dying in his arms.

When he was certain no more progress was being made, he let his hand fall to her shoulder and peered down into her face. It was still broken and bleeding, but she was alert. In fact, she was wide-eyed and staring, shocked to learn she was not the only one who healed by absorbing injuries and afflictions. He smiled sadly down at her and tried to explain, but words failed him. He was a mess of emotions that ranged from guilt and regret to relief and joy. Once he felt he could stand, he pulled her up with him into an upright position and cast his gaze down. He could not bring himself to look at her.

Alexia, for her part, stood in complete shock. She was not entirely convinced she wasn?t hallucinating. It had been a very long time since Master Owen had shown her even a shred of compassion, and here he was, healing her in the same fashion she healed others. Through empathy. The only difference being his half of the wounds were already beginning to fade. A skill she had yet to learn, much less master. Still, she no longer felt like she was dying, and that, she supposed, was a plus.

She opened her mouth to speak, but she too was at a loss. To be fair, she was still very much in shock over the myriad of things that had happened to her. Desperate for something, anything to attach what was left of her sanity.

The Seers of Eternity

Date: 2017-05-29 13:38 EST
"Such a shame that you did, my erstwhile master. Those prayers that serve to feed your spells will inevitably go unanswered, you old fool..."

Beyond the reach of immortal sight, a rift in space-time saw Rialza reappearing upon the sturdy branch of a considerably large oak tree a considerable distance yonder. Free from the void through which he and his twin attendants had traveled, a gauntlet-laden hand rose, erecting a small sphere at its tip brimming with golden light. At his behest, the scientists dispensed with their work facades, conjuring cloaks evocative of his more ornate and imposing garb. They then drew their hands together before themselves, fashioning a much larger sphere each. Slowly, the energy they passively gathered from their surroundings began to feed into the smaller globe poised atop the Esoteric's claw.

After a short while of this treatment, it had grown large enough to rival the combined size of both the lesser Seers' orbs. Bowing beside him, they would step aft of their overlord and pull his hood back from over his head.... revealing the guise of a... male fae? Bearing the youthful countenance reminiscent of a more traditional elf, the dark-skinned, light-haired fae male smirked, peering onward toward the clearing with the preternatural clarity inherent to his enhanced gaze. Slowly, did he lower his hand, the sphere collapsing inward to take on its original form... and yet retaining its highly-condensed aetheric potency.

"Now... Do me a favor and stay alive long enough after this for me to send you off in person. Hnhnhn... After all, you owe me that much..."

With only that whispered warning given, the sphere erupted forward, the resulting beam expanding only enough to rival a straight sword's blade in width. That said, it was aimed directly for the elderly male's heart, and should he or the girl not gain awareness of it swiftly enough, it would pierce them both. Unfortunately for the lot, the three were too far away for even Lucius and his charge to react swiftly enough: their attack's speed too swift for even the vaunted prowess of the hallowed knight to keep track of before it potentially speared its intended target. Truly a shame.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-06-08 23:44 EST
For what seemed like a very long time, the two simply stared. What could either possibly say? She had so many questions and didn?t know where to start. He had so much regret and shame he was sure she could never forgive him for all he had done. When Owen had finally collected enough of a single thought to speak, it was very quickly pushed from his mind. Something caught his eye. Something dangerous. Without thinking, he reached for Alexia and roughly shoved her aside, sending her tumbling to the hard ground with a tiny squeak.

Incredibly confused and frustrated with the new scrapes and bruises that were sure to emerge on her still fragile and battered frame, Alexia?s brows furrowed. She turned to look at her mentor, half expecting a strike to the face that would normally have followed. Instead, what she saw chilled her to her very core. The beam of light sliced through the space where she had just been standing moments before and struck her mentor, her uncle, square in the chest. His entire body seized up as though struck by lightning before he collapsed in a heap.

Suddenly there was an ear piercing sound that filled the air like a siren. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alexia wondered what kind of creature could make such a sound. It took a moment for her to realize the sound came from her. She screamed in fear and anger. Until her throat was surely bleeding. Eventually her screams turned into pleading cries as she tried to pull Owen up. Still weak and injured, she managed only to cradle his head in her lap.

?N-No! Uncle, p-please! D-Don?t d-die!? She lifted a small hand to touch his cheek in hopes of returning the favor he had bestowed upon her not a few minutes earlier. She didn?t care that helping him would likely kill her in her weakened state and would likely not be enough to save him. She couldn?t think about that. All she could do was what she did best. Sacrifice herself for someone in need. But Owen would not have it. Dying, he still managed to lift his own hand, using the last of his strength to block her power.

?No, child. M?not long fer this world.? He managed a weak, wistful smile. With his other hand, he reached into the folds of his robes and pulled a piece of parchment. It was old and carefully folded and she could feel the power emanating from it. He pushed it into her free hand, letting his drop listlessly to his side. She took only second or two to inspect it and saw that had her name written on it along with several symbols, some she knew, most she did not. The fold was sealed with wax that still felt warm to the touch and was embossed with a mark she only vaguely recognized. Confusion clouded her damaged face and she looked to him in silent question.

?All y?need is in here. I hope sumday y?ken fergive me.? His breathing grew from difficult to impossible. He was dying. There was so much he wanted to tell her and he regret every moment he wasted in not telling her what he should have from the very beginning. He could only continue to smile sadly at her as he felt his very life quickly ebb away.

?P-Please, un-ncle, d-don?t l-l-leave m-me.? She whispered softly, hot tears flowing freely down her face and onto his. Her frail body trembled with silent sobs. She knew as well as he that it was too late no matter how hard she wished it wasn?t so. The harder she trembled, it seemed an aura of energy grew and buzzed around her. Finally, as he rattled his last breath, he managed one last act of mercy for the girl.

?Yer mother,? he gasped painfully. ?Would have been so proud of y-? But he didn?t get the chance to finish the last word. Alexia felt cheated. Cheated of a life she could have had with her parents but never knew why it was taken from her. Cheated of a proper upbringing. Cheated of the love and warmth of a family that included her uncle. And now, cheated of a proper goodbye with the one person she had left, who, despite his faults and errors, she loved and was almost certain loved her. Angry and frustrated, she tightly closed her eyes and screamed her rage and pain. The aura of energy grew bright and intense, surrounding them both until it suddenly flashed into the air and disappeared, leaving her sobbing and clutching his lifeless form.

Zynisch Lucis

Date: 2017-06-09 22:25 EST
"Hold here, Captain. Something nefarious is afoot. There's something else here..."

It was soon that the radiant knight sensed a presence a ways off in the distance and not belonging to this world preparing to strike, and so did he extend an arm before his compatriot in the hopes that he might spare her a fate meant again for him. All at once, familiar images flew through his mind, kicking up momentum like the makings of a hurricane. Images of his death combined with the deaths of so many others unknown to him laid waste to his fortifications on a level he'd not yet experienced after donning the armor of his Goddess. With his mind so sufficiently occupied with its own defense, the only thing he could manage to do in retort was move in front of Hope before she experienced the brunt of his own torment. What surprised him the most pending this dutiful gesture on his part was the gentle means by which it ended. Suddenly, he felt no pain... no despair... no rage. In their place remained a lingering sorrow of which he could not locate the source initially.

Not long after the scene's events unfolded, Lucius hesitantly entered the clearing proper, gesturing for the Captain to do the same. At once, his eyes met the sight of woe anew. The sobbing girl knelt over the corpse of her beloved caretaker gave cause for his expression's solemn shift... and the necessity for such an obfuscating, sheer face plate. That being said, he would not be permitted to languish over her despair for long as the same entity he'd caught wind of before made its presence known in person. The robed figure slipped through the rift by which it was carried, its lengthy ears and pale complexion lending the Swordmage to style him erroneously as an elf. One thing did stand out about him that evoked fear from the otherwise taciturn knight; aside from the obvious aforementioned, differences he looked just like... one of his old master's remnants.

"What a sight for sore eyes, little one! Looks as though all your little flight did was secure your place by his side... and place the target squarely in the sights of his would-be killer."

As Rialza's frame came into view, he held up but a single digit, a sphere boasting the same energy signature as before coming to form just above the tip of the clawed appendage.

"Oh well, I wouldn't beat yourself up too much for your exhaustive failures... No matter what you had done, I would have found the means to exact my revenge in the end. The man had long since depleted his stores of usefulness far prior to this exchange, regardless. Still, I hope you're prepared to join him, dearie... Gieheheheheh..."

That was the cue for the Knight of the Cryst to proceed with his plan of action should something like this have come to pass. A hand lowered to his side that it might find purchase upon the spontaneously generated hilt of crystal that now resided there. Provided he had the necessary grip, he would draw his crystal sword from the aether wherein it had been bound, the resulting arc of light bending forward and darting out to the sphere in Rialza's possession. Fortunately for the good instructor, the fell magus was wholly focused on the girl, and therefore unprepared to make a suitable counteroffensive. The blade of light struck his hand and completely annihilated the beam's precursor, leaving the Seventh Lord to grip his arm in agony and put some considerable distance between himself and his secondary victim. That done, the knight sauntered over toward the fallen woman, poising himself as a barrier between assailant and mark and taking up a stance befitting a knight all the while.

"I hope you are well, young one... I do apologize for your loss. I was not able to save him... but he will not claim you, too. I swear by the name of Amaterasu. Thy foe shall not be suffered to escape unscathed."

"Gah! Grrhrhk... Well, well... Look who possesses the backbone in this relationship... Does she belong to you now, warrior?"

Of course, Lucius wasn't ready to expend undue words on the man before he'd set his plan in motion. Reaching up to press the palm of his gauntlet into his chest, Lucius set to work fashioning the necessary framework for his ascension to his next stage of potency. With each mumbled incantation, a glyph of hallowed light formed below him. When the time came, he fully embraced the prayer's gifts, enveloping him in a brief instance of blinding light. As the pillar of sanctified spellforce subsided, what now faced the unholy man was the same, imposing knight... wreathed in a sheen unlike before. Where naught and a relatively thin blade once were, an impressive shield and sword both beset by a filigree of gold that seemed to extend beyond their size had appeared. Lux without a source beyond the presumed otherworldly enchantments the knight had been bestowed with seemed to ebb and flow from his armor and armaments even as he craned his head back to address Jubal.

"Captain, I intend to engage this one. I would ask that you stay here and watch over our charge as she mourns. I know not how many additional allies this one has alongside him. She'll likely need assistance should she be ambushed by unseen foes. Call in reinforcements, should you feel the need. I will return ere long."

With that declaration given, he would settle into a stance and prepare to wind about, dragging his enlarged blade around with him to facilitate the creation of a sizable light arc along the ground. What he instead conjured was the eruption of several pillars of hallowed energy in Rialza's direction. Although the Seventh Lord proved to put up a worthy defense in the form of a pair of large barriers he erected with outstretched arms, the barrage ultimately overwhelmed them. With his primary defenses shattered in moments, the shade would silently bemoan his circumstances and leap backward into the treeline whereby he would beat a hasty retreat. Not to be shrugged off by a foe both he and his Goddess had condemned, Lucius drew back his blade and performed a horizontal swipe with the blade. Numerous beams launched forward from the sword's mighty swing and proceeded after Rialza, seemingly guided by the will of the sword that had summoned them into being.

One final glance aft of his position would be all Lucius needed to reassure himself of his duty to the lot of them, as he soon departed for the depths of the Glen and the forested area beyond their view.

Alexia Longbow

Date: 2017-06-14 21:56 EST
For all the commotion around her, Alexia heard none of it. She was racked with sobs and she held handfuls of her former mentor's tattered robes with her bruised and broken little fingers . The pain was too great. An immense pressure began to build in her chest and at first she thought she was having a panic attack. The key difference was the blinding light that it seemed only she could see. It was a binding spell unraveling. Sadly, it was not the only one, simply the weakest and with Owen no longer alive, his magic would begin to disappear.

Suddenly, it felt as though history were rewriting itself in her very mind. Memories of events she was so sure of were becoming fluid. She now remembered being told she was still the same age for almost a decade before finally moving up a year. She had been 'sixteen' for the last seven years. Everytime she tried bringing up subjects difficult for him to explain, the whereabouts of her parents, her age, why her powers didn't seem to be progressing as they should, he would alter her memories and make it increasingly difficult for her to speak every time she asked or even thought about it too much, making it very clear why she had such an intense stutter.

As more was revealed through the broken spell, the pain in her chest began to radiate out toward the rest of her body, especially her upper back. Faint twin lines between her shoulder blades suddenly burned and pressed painfully against her skin as though something might burst through. Instead, firm, raised ridges took their place, leaving a mystery to be solved another day. All these changes occurred privately and anyone who looked upon her would simply think she was overwhelmed with intense emotion. While that was true, it was not the sole reason for her anguish. At any rate, she was still far too weak to attempt to even stand, much less defend herself against any further attacks.