Topic: The 27th Division : Responding to the Gang Violence

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-27 09:20 EST
This post is a direct response and tied to the following posts Outbreak of Gang Violence in Old Market and Regarding the recent Gang Violence

Monday, 26 January 2015 - Noon

On the steps of Rhydin's Town Hall, the Governor stepped up to a podium to address the city's press. "Less than a week ago, the Baroness of Old Market pledged to stand against organized crime in her district. The next day one of our more renowned citizens, Jewell Ravenlock, spoke up in support of this goal." Pausing for a moment, Ebon drew a calming breath. "Their statements are most admirable, and sadly well-timed in the wake of this past weekend. As you are all aware, the Old Market was rocked by an outbreak of vicious fighting Saturday evening, between two rival factions... gangs, let's call them what they are, the Fae Dynasty and the Sidhe Syndicate. In the wake of this violence, many of the Syndicate's leadership lay dead."

Silence hung heavily in the air after this statement for several seconds, broken by the softest murmurs among the gathered reporters as the Governor looked out across the plaza. Just before the bolder members of the press could raise hands, however, he continued. "I don't give a damn about thugs killing each other. What I do care about are the people of this city caught in the middle of it. Several bystanders were injured amidst the fighting, and at least three are now dead. Killed simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Dark eyes narrowed and Ebon's lips thinned as he spoke. "This will not, must not stand! So I pledge all the support that I and my office can muster towards combatting and eliminating these gangs from our city. These are not grandiose villains or criminal masterminds; they are thugs, plain and simple, and if they continue to wreak havoc in Rhydin, breaking families and ruining lives simply to build their own personal power... then they will be brought down. Thank you for your time. Stay safe." With a sigh, he stepped back from the podium and turned to head back inside.

The broadcast concluded leaving many of the 27th who had watched with more questions. The outbreak of violence was already something they were quite aware of, but they had standing orders from their ?CO? that they were to maintain their presence within their lines of jurisdiction and to bolster their own borders to assure the safety of their people and businesses. Especially given the recent resurgence of ?Brimstone? which now somehow affected humans and was being transported by ?mules? that were no older than 12.

Back and forth the chatter went amongst the Watch members, as to when they would move in to support the efforts and why it was so important for them to remain put.

Then, a phone began to ring? And another? And yet another. Soon the lines were all lit up as caller after caller had questions, tips and concerns in regards to the outbreak of violence. So much so was the call volume that additional units were called in from their other duties inside the Station, just to assist with the calls. Not to mention one particular Captain?Kerri Al?Tuatha Ravenlock, self-proclaimed Queen of Mithra Mayhem.

She was hardly amused, as she watched everything unfold.

Leaving a desk officer in charge for the moment, she turned down the hallway, yelling at the top of her lungs??Brian, get out here!?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-27 10:01 EST
?Brian, get out here!?

?In here, Kerri!?

The response was instant and heard just as fast as Kerri rounded the open door to the Brian?s office. ?Hey man, it?s gone bat-$%^# with the phones man, that junk with the gangs has the governator addressing city an now every tom, dick, hairy and hairless is calling the desk, with anything and everything! The guys an gals wanna know, when we?re getting called up, yo. This waitin? junk ain?t for us, man. I know that?s J?s neck of the woods, but I think it?s time we---?


??get our junk in gear man, we got the man an woman power an the gear too. Joe?s got them new toys for us too, so why don?t we??


??just get in there and handle some $&*^ man, sides for all we know J might be in a bind, right? An then the governa??



Well that worked well enough, finally. Brian shook his head, and tapped a rather detailed map of the Old Market that was on his desk before him. Emerald orbs followed, ?What?s that, Bri??

?Well, now that I have you calmed down a bit?we?re going in, Kerri. I got the call, just now. So do me a solid, call in everyone we have?DB, Reserve and Independents. We?re staging here for briefing an then we?re headed in. While they?re en-route here, get someone on the 800 Tactical Band and reach out to the other Watch Districts?we need a quick Sit-Rep? anything that can, let us know where the real hot spots are. Also, hit up EMS and EMS Tactical?EMS will remain in our area of service, Tactical will respond here and go in with us.?

?So this is Alpha / Bravo, Bri??

?That it is Captain Kerri, so let?s get to work?we move out in less than 180.?

?Copy that Bro-Chacho!?

Bolting out the door, Kerri began barking orders left and right, leaving Brian to pour over the map once more in order to work out an logistical approach into the district. Moments later the 800 Tac-Band came to life over the radio.

?This is a Tac-Band call to all 27th Division Units, this is not a drill. Effective immediately, the 27th Division of the Rhy?Din Watch is on Alpha / Bravo. This is in response to the situation of Gang Violence in the Old Market. All units are to report to their specified Alpha / Bravo stations for briefing, and be advised this is a Tactical Response--- I repeat a Tactical Response, so respond accordingly. EMS and Tactical EMS are also included--- EMS respond to your station houses, and EMS Tactical will respond to the 27th Station for Tactical Dispatch. Tactical Dispatch will commence in 178, thank you.?


Date: 2015-01-27 13:42 EST
She had ended up in the office more than at her apartment, which suited her just fine. Too much Drek hitting the fann all at once.

She had been going over the reports on the Brimstone Epidemic. Her lips thinned into a tight line over that one. Illicit Drugs were always a sore point with her.

Then there was the reported death of one Sandalio del Saenz. There was an eye twitch as that name came across her reports. It had been a trauma call and they had even requested if she could do a consult on it. She had to refuse as she was not sure she could be objective with this one. Good thing EMS Tactical left a lot on her plate. Still, for all that he was a royal Muther Fragger, she didn't wish this on the man.

Now this...

?This is a Tac-Band call to all 27th Division Units, this is not a drill. Effective immediately, the 27th Division of the Rhy?Din Watch is on Alpha / Bravo. This is in response to the situation of Gang Violence in the Old Market. All units are to report to their specified Alpha / Bravo stations for briefing, and be advised this is a Tactical Response--- I repeat a Tactical Response, so respond accordingly. EMS and Tactical EMS are also included--- EMS respond to your station houses, and EMS Tactical will respond to the 27th Station for Tactical Dispatch. Tactical Dispatch will commence in 178, thank you.?

She was already suited up and grabbed her rig. Her Viper was sitting in the garage waiting to roll already. She moved from her office and stuck her head into Brian's office quick.

"Doc reporting for duty." She said.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-28 09:28 EST
It didn?t take long for the ball to get rolling, so to speak, as the radio transmissions rapidly came and went in the form of confirmations, replies, requests for assistance and instructions.

Additional staff arrived at the Watch house, taking their stations with little effort what so ever, many of which were plain clothes which was more than fine with Brian, especially given that the 27th was now fully manned (and wo-manned), when it came to the radios, phones and lobby. That also meant a very orderly triage in regards to requests for assistance when it came to the affected areas, along with their own area of service (The Marketplace).

An open radio was kept nearby, as Brian listened intently, while planning for the tactical insertion.

?EMS 1 here, we are ?05? and standing by, all accountable.?

?EMS 2, all accounted for, we are ?05? and standing by.?

?Charlie Charlie, here. We are ?04?, reference fueling. ETA 10 mikes.?

?Dispatch to Charlie Charlie, make sure you use a side street at point 14, they had that recent road work there from the sink hole.?

?Charlie Charlie, Copy that Dispatch.?

?TAC 1, ?05? and gearing up. All accounted for.?

?TAC 2, ?05? we?re 2 down and gearing up.?

?Fire 1, we?re ?05? standing by.?

?Fire 2, what he said! Oh yeah, all accounted for too!?

?Fire 1, all accounted for.?

?Dispatch to all EMS and Fire Units! All EMS and Fire Units, will be dispatched via ?Rip & Run? only, utilize primary radio channel for acknowledgement, and channel 3 for car to car. Fire and EMS will NOT be using the 800, unless instructed to from here on out. ?QSY? to Primary for further.?

?Public Works?Primary??

?Dispatch to Public Works we read you ?5 x 5?, QSY to Mutual Aid 1 and monitor for further instructions.?

The back and forth continued in the background, as Brian poured over a series of maps before him. The largest of which was the actual overhead view of the Old Market District, with notations of the areas affected directly in regards to the violence. Also marked were point of interested in regards to businesses, known households with large numbers, and points of congregation.

Another map was that of the Public Works variety, showcasing the sewer systems below the district and a there was another map from the recent ?Sewer Mapping Project? that Brian and many others had been a part of. Those particular maps also had key points marked, especially when it came to surprise points of entry or escape, the latter of which Brian was sure both of the opposing factions would be likely to utilize if they had any knowledge of the sewer system, which wouldn?t surprise him, if they did to begin with.

Then there was the waterway?

Brian sighed a bit, wishing he had fast tracked that boating unit he?d planned for. But it was, as they say, what it was.

?Guess, we can borrow some of Public Works salvage boats, or maybe those boats they use to dredge, if the need arises??

A voice caught his attention, as he looked to the door and nodded. ?Doc, thanks for the quick arrival. Your team is gearing up with the others. Come in here and let?s hash this out real quick before I brief everyone. As it stands, we got 90 or so before we move in.?

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-28 10:15 EST
?Hey Doc, nice to see ya! Coffee?s on the pot, yo!?

Kerri slid inside the office, just before Doc pointing to the phone in Brian?s office. ?Dood, local Watch is on the horn. Guess it?s the locals where this biz is goin? down, and he don?t want us in his neck o? the woods. I told him, this was tactical, but he?s bein? an $%#-hat , man. Anyways, it?s for you!?

That bein? said, Momma just leaned on the desk near the phone, her tail twitching a good mile a minute in sheer curiosity, as she tossed a wink to Doc.

?This?ll be good, Doc.?

Alex Waterman

Date: 2015-01-28 17:03 EST
In response to the Alpha/Bravo, Alex....Had no idea what to do. He'd been so engrossed in his investigations, that he only knew what was going on when he walked in through the front door and onto a flurry of activity. Upon seeing such a sight? He moved directly to Captain Ravenlock's office, knocking on the door before he stepped inside.


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-29 11:30 EST
Kerri?s arrival and update took Brian by surprised, as a slow shake of head took hold. ?Really??

All the other Captain Ravenlock did was noddle with those emerald orbs of hers, shifting from Brian to the phone, then to Raye. ?That?s right home-sizzle, this is gonna be sweeeeeeet, hey can I take notes!?

To emphasize her point, Kerri pulled out her ?whip it? (nickname given to a small note pads used by street cops) and began to jot something down, ?Dear so and so, kiss my hair tanned a---? .

?That?s enough, Kerri.?

Brian motioned to the logistical data (Maps, Unit assignments, etc.) spread out about his desk, ?Raye, get a look at ---- hey Alex, good to see you. Come on in and have a look see, then we?ll brief as soon as I deal with this.

Waving Alex in, Brian then picked up the phone. ?This is Ravenlock.?

?Yes, that?s right. Captain Ravenlock?No, not the one with the tail. Alright, I see? Yes, the gang violence, I aware?well, a call to assistance was placed directly to us here--- yes, an administrative call, also.?

Brian went quiet a moment, and listened. This gathered would also hear the party on the other end, continue to get louder with each moment.

?Alright, then here---?

?Well, we can?we want to work---?

?What I?d like to do---?

Brian sighed softly, and just set the phone away for a moment. He took a breath, and pulled it back.

?Alright listen here @#%hole, I don?t give a %^$# who you are, or the fact that you don?t want my people in there. This is exactly how the %^$# it?s going to go down, so pull your head outta your %^# , shut the %^$# up and listen good.?

And instantly Kerri was scribbling notes, ?This is Gold, baby??

Cutting Kerri off with a sharp glare, Brian continued.

?This is a Tactical Operation, as of an hour ago. MY unit is a Tactical Unit, and we have been ordered?not asked to go in and restore order, by ANY means necessary, and that means-- A threat? No, that?s not a threat at all?what that means, is that we will put down this chaos in whatever way we have to, and if that means taking my foot and shoving it up your pencil pushing ***, than that?s what I?ll do!?

?How listen and listen good, my teams will be moving in less than 80 minutes, and I need your division?s assistance. I?d hate to call the Governor?s Office, or the media and let them know that my efforts were blocked by your refusal to accept aid that had already been requested for, not once but twice now. Hmm, you?ll call?alright, good you do that. You call him, and while you?re at it see if you?d like to see if he wants to make this an Avenger?s Initiative, instead?No? Well listen, we can go back and forth for the next few minutes seeing who?s ^&%$ is bigger on this, or we can come up with a quick solution to help the people in your district, keep the damages to a minimum and at the same time, help you all save some face, cause I?ll be blunt?if you had a handle on your ^&*% from the get go, things would never have gotten this bad.?

Alright, new approach!!

?Alright, let?s think about this? Now if we get this all settled, I?ve a friend with the media who?d love to meet the Officer who saw the bigger picture and asked for help in order to keep the peace and protect the citizens he so dearly cares about?that?s you, by the way? Yes, an interview. Maybe a commendation, or?alright, fine.?

Brian looked to Kerri, ?He wants to go out with you to dinner, I told him yes.?

Brian went back to the phone, ?Forward me all the data you have on both factions, and I?ll relay our insertion plans for the district. Correct, and yes we want to keep lethal force to an extreme minimum, but it will be allowed. Have your units shift over to the TAC channel, and we?ll establish the rally points before entry. Yes--- Yes, understood, and no offence meant to you guys, or taken here. I know it?s a tough gig, you got down there?Hmm, my sister? Jewell---- alright, I?ll see what I can do. Alright, Sgt. Clemmons. See you soon.?

Hanging up the phone, Brian looked among Alex, Raye and Kerri a moment. ?Alright, this is what we?re looking at??

The maps were focused on again, ? We have two factions--- gangs--- adults mostly, possibly ?mafia? types to coin a phrase. They?ve been going at it badly, on the waterside area of Old Market District, also to the areas North, and East of as well. The factions are the Fae Dynasty and the Sidhe Syndicate??

?Oh they got me lucky charms!? Kerri grinned, looking to the others. ?What?no? Oh yer killin me, guys!?

Ignoring Kerri, Brian continued. ?Alright, this got to a ^&% storm, after the Sidhe killed a dozen or so pixies, causing the Fae to respond. So far we have members of both sides, taken out and citizens as well, some Watch were laid out too?I don?t have specifics on that end. A call for assistance was sent out, and the Governor responded as well. A call was placed to us, and we were specifically asked to in, and do what we can do put this down and secure the affected areas, while assisting those directly affected and furthermore, make sure this doesn?t get too far out of the district. This isn't an occupational operation, we're leaving once order is maintained and the locals have a handle on it."

?Our objectives are as follows: Secure the Affected Areas, Engage and Arrest any offenders, Secure Effected Citizens and Property, Render whatever Aid is needed in terms of Medical Assistance, this will also be extended to detained and arrested subjects. We are there to secure and keep the peace, not to wipe the subjects out?but lethal force will be permitted??

?Bri, is this a??

?I made the call for that, Ker. I?m not gonna have anyone else harmed or killed. We go in, we put this down?hopefully without lethal force, but if needed, it will be used. That is a standing order.?

Brian?s eyes shifted to Alex, ?I?ll need you on the Command Center, Alex. See what else you can get us with the intel, we have coming in?I know with your aptitude for discovery, you?ll find something we can use. Also, see if we can learn if any of these groups have further ties in regards to other groups and any activities that may involve using the sewer systems below the district. ?

?Kerri, you?ll be on Team 2?entry point will be here, on the far western end of the District, a few blocks out. I?ll be on Team 1, coming in from the East side, here. Now, locals have the area cordoned off already, so we have no traffic and what not to deal with. Public Works is also on standby, so we can shut the area down, if need be to assist us. Now this will be a grid by grid insertion, we move in secure and then move on, leaving units behind us as we do so. Our goal is to meet here, in the center. We?ll have locals assisting, so the teams should have more man power on hand. I called in everyone to cover our @#$es here, while we?re over there. Last thing we need is for someone to take advantage of the situation, which is why we have Alex looking in things on any ties to the groups.?

?Raye, I don?t know what we?ll be looking into as far as the current medical situation, but since we have past casualties for both subjects and citizens, we?ll need your team. Get a feel for this, and tell us what you want as far as distribution of your team.?

Brian looked to the map, and then to the gathered, allowing everything to sink in.


Date: 2015-01-29 13:52 EST
?Raye, I don?t know what we?ll be looking into as far as the current medical situation, but since we have past casualties for both subjects and citizens, we?ll need your team. Get a feel for this, and tell us what you want as far as distribution of your team.?

"EMS 1 & 2 will be on standby on scene. EMS 1 with Team 1, EMS 2 is under Kerri's care. They will be in the background until threat assessment has been made. There should be some sort of response on the ground already. Aside from the reported death tolls, do we have any sort of causality reports?" Given the dressing down Brian just delivered, she was pretty sure the answer was no.

"My people are not combat ready." She shook her head, "I have a couple with military backgrounds, but I want them focusing on pulling people out."

"Also, I will need EMS 1 & 2 fully stocked with silk." A weird request, but a necessary one. "Plus make sure Tac is using silver rounds, or even dummy rounds unless lethal force is needed. Iron is deadly to the Fae and Sidhe." She knew her lore well and figure Brian did too.

"Silver instrument kits as well. I'm not going inadvertently harm someone by not having the tools on hand. If we can get at least one kit into the field, triage and ship the worse cases to me for immediate attention."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-02-03 14:49 EST
"EMS 1 & 2 will be on standby on scene. EMS 1 with Team 1, EMS 2 is under Kerri's care. They will be in the background until threat assessment has been made. There should be some sort of response on the ground already. Aside from the reported death tolls, do we have any sort of causality reports?" Given the dressing down Brian just delivered, she was pretty sure the answer was no.

"My people are not combat ready." She shook her head, "I have a couple with military backgrounds, but I want them focusing on pulling people out."

"Also, I will need EMS 1 & 2 fully stocked with silk." A weird request, but a necessary one. "Plus make sure Tac is using silver rounds, or even dummy rounds unless lethal force is needed. Iron is deadly to the Fae and Sidhe." She knew her lore well and figure Brian did too.

"Silver instrument kits as well. I'm not going inadvertently harm someone by not having the tools on hand. If we can get at least one kit into the field, triage and ship the worse cases to me for immediate attention."

?No casualty reports, other than what we have. However, we should have a more precise sit-rep before we roll out. In regards to the ammunition, we?re already prepped, and silver is being used as an alternative round, until we ascertain for certain what we have?granted, we have dead pixies already, so better safe than sorry, yeah??

Brian glanced around the others, ?Alright, so that?s Doc?s take on things with her end, and that?s how we?ll go in.?

His eyes settled on Kerri, ?You good with that??

The other Captain Ravenlock noddled, ?Copy that brochacho, baby sit EMS2 on the stand by, till we need in and handle that business.?

Brian nodded, ?Alright, that?ll work. Also in regards to whatever response they?d had in terms of responding to this before we were contacted, we have very little. As with the casualty issues, I hope to have that rectified momentarily. In any event, we stick with what we have?grid by grid, with the rally point in the center.?

?So Alex, you?re on command center, Doc and Kerri?EMS on the ground, and I?ll be point on Team 1.?

Another glance was taken around the room, ?Gear up, and we?ll brief ASAP. That?s all for now.?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-02-07 08:34 EST
3.5 hours later

?TAC 1 Actual here, SIT REP in order, go.?

?TAC 1 Bravo, multiple encounters, 2 apprehensions, no casualties. EMS in the area working. QRU 5x5.?

?TAC 2 here, we?re good here, Sir! Four apprehensions, no casualties and EMS is working their way in, triaging as they go. QRU 5x5.?

?TAC 2 Bravo, same as 1, save 3 apprehensions. Also minor encounters, small arms fire on entry, no casualties. QRU 5x5.?

?Command Center, operations normal, communications 5x5 between agencies. Looking good across the board. All units with 39s (Prisoners), fall back to the command center lock up, so we can hand them over to local authorities, do not forget to do your ?FI?s (Field Interviews) on each 39. No formal interrogations are permitted, remember this is a MUTUAL AID pact operation, interrogations will be conducted by Localized Precincts at this time. Over.?

?Public Works Actual here, grids are looking good, all specs optimal. Will remain in the area and monitor. Over.

?TAC 1 Charlie, here. We got media, near the Command Center, request diversion instructions.?

?TAC 1 Actual, here. Charlie instruct them, to the far side of the command center. We are setting up a formal area for a sound bite into the operation. I will be responding shortly.?

?Hey, Bri! Kerri here, EMS is looking good to go, also I got Local command staff arrival, name it for them??

?Kerri send them to the Command Center, I?ll debrief them before we talk to the media.?

?Copy that, Brochacho.?

?Alright, TAC 1 here. All units, good work. We?re down-grading the OP, to presence and assist. Act accordingly and keep patrols routine. Any further apprehensions need to be radio?d in as they occur, EMS escorts remain with your assigned EMS units, and all Command Personnel, rally at the ?CC? for debriefing. Be careful out there.?

Brian set the radio down once more, nodding to himself. The first half of the operation went rather smoothly. There were encounters of course, and the occasional exchange of fire too, but damages were kept to a minimum, which was a true blessing indeed. The apprehended subjects did not put up much of a fight, and were of both factions. But now came the hard part--- keeping the peace and digging a little further into what the hell caused all of this. For the moment, Brian would confer with his command staff, and see where things would lay presently, then it was a meeting with the local commanders, then the media.

Still something did remain in the back of his head? The fact the a woman described rather vaguely as his own sister was mentioned more than once, as they made their way through the district.

That would have to wait for a bit, however...