Topic: The 27th Division : Vanishing Persons - Dead & Living

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-05-27 14:13 EST
The Station-House for the 27th Special Operations Division of the Rhy?Din Watch.

Roll Call for the 3rd Watch (Afternoon Shift normally from 1500 aka 3PM to 2300 aka 11PM Hours? Captain Kerrithra Al?Tuatha Ravenlock (aka Self-Proclaimed Best Captain Ravenlock) presiding.

Well, what?s passing for a roll call, that is. Personally it looks more like some frat meeting, which cause a rather raised brow on one Brian Ravenlock as he continued to watch on from the hallway.

This lasted?the watching I mean, for a few moments more before he decided to finally step into the room.

?Alright, alright, listen up here! Hey! Jensen, I swear if you bite that chimchanga one mo--- That?s what I thought. What!? Oh, I hope that was worth it, me?boyo cause your on my bitch-patr--- eep! Captain in the room!?

And like that, it all came to a screeching halt. Seats were taken, faces were forward and that chimichanga--- ?Please, let Jensen finish that, Captain.? Brian?s tone was rather serious, yet?well, he fought very hard not to laugh outright, as Jensen did his best to jam the ?changa? in that grill of his. ?Don?t kill yourself there, Jensen. There?s worse ways to go than ?Death by Mexican Food?, also--- I don?t know if insurance would even cover that.

Jensen nodded, the young man finishing off the tasty delight and then shifted himself to face forward. Brian then nodded to Kerri, ?My apologies, Captain. Please continue.?

Clearing her throat, Kerri did just that.

?Alright, kids an kittens, listen up. We got two new hits on the blotter, here. Take a gander at page 2, first.?

Brian took a lean on the wall, letting Kerri do her thing.

?Alright, you guys remember that mess with the bodies an what not?well, not it?s gone cluster-^&%$ , cause some of them are going 86?well not some, more like a ^&% ton of em.?

?Bodies? Cap you mean, those dead bodies??

Kerri nodded, ?That?s right! An now it looks like we got some sudden snatching too of the live variety.?

Pushing from the wall, Brian addressed the gathered, ?As it stands we have some credible witness accounts and it?s also been forwarded to GIU and SIU. Subjects descriptions are in your blotters and also available via MDB. I know it?s vague as hell, so I am asking for everyone to reach out to your CI?s (*confidential informants) and see if we can get some better intel. ?

?Robed figure? Maybe cloaked? A mannequin too??

?That?s right, a robed figure?possible a cloak. Also the mannequin part seems to be a concurrent theme. Points of interest for locations are also noted, and you?ll see there is no real set pattern as of yet, that we can determine. Time also vary, so it?s imperative we do what need to do to get more intel.?

?Cap?n this seems familiar, right? Didn?t we have somethin? like this before.?

?That?s right, back when they took you away for that time!?

?Ya think it?s the same, subject??

Brian allowed the back and forth to continue for a few moments longer before continuing. ?Alright, this is what we have so far. We have a robed or cloaked figure that is accompanied by what looks to be a mannequin. They are scooping up the deceased and the living. So far we have no real stand outs in regards to the living victims, save some witness accounts and even those never offered good leads as far as IDs, so I also need you all to fan out and ask around. Check the usual haunts, alleys, work areas, some of the camps in WestEnd, you know the drill. If we can get something more solid, then maybe we can figure out if this is related to what we had a few years back, or if we got something new. So pound the pavement on this, and be careful. I want this done in pairs, no one flies solo, understood. GIU and SIU will be running plain clothes as well and??

?Hey Bri?? asked Kerri, while looking over another page on the blotter.

?Yeah, Ker??

?We got a missing person report here, I know this name.?

?Who is it, Ker??

?Serah Farron.?

A brow most assuredly raised, as Brian turned to Kerri. ?Serah??

Kerri nodded in reply, ?It?s her.?

Moving towards Kerri, Brian took the blotter in hand and gave it a quick read. ?Son of a bitch? You gotta be &*^%ing me??

Whelp, there went that face palm, not to mention a slow winded sigh? ?That %^$ing girl??

Kerri took over, ?Alright sweethearts, you know the drill! Elbows & arseholes! Jensen get over here! An hey, someone find me Hicks!?

The rank and file piled out as Brian added, ?Don?t forget! Pair up an I mean it!?

Delivering a quick gibb-smack, Kerri sent Jensen on his way, leaving her and Brian in the Squad Room alone. ?So what are we gonna do, Bri? Want me to snag Hope and Alex for this?Serah, I mean??

?Personally, I?d like to see one month without something happening to her, Ker.?

?You know, killer--- I remember Red sayin? the same thing about you back when. Anyways, back to business, yeah??

?Alright, Ker. Put out a BOLO, whatever we got on her. Have some units canvass as well, I?ll take the lead on what we have so far and I?ll reach out to Hope and some others.?

?Done and Done, Brochacho and me??

?You coordinate reference the body snatchers, reach out to Doc and see if she can shed some light.?

?Copy that, Bri. Keep a tight arse out there.?

?Back atcha, Kitten. Let?s see what we can uncover out there.?

?Where you gonna start, man??

?I?ll swing by the Inn first and work my way from there, see if anyone else might have seen or heard from her.?

?Copy that, Ima hit that road. See ya later!?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-05-29 08:11 EST
2 Hours Later? Marketplace proper.

?Anything, Bri??

?Not a damned thing, Ker? No one even thinks she?s missing--- I don?t get it. This doesn?t make any sense at all. I checked the usual places, nothing. No one else seems concerned either, so I don?t know??

?I feel ya brochacho, my end is turning up jack and ^&%$ too. Any chance ya think this might just be a buncha bull-$%#@? Like someone?s yankin? my tale??

?I dunno? It could?hey, how exactly did we get that info for Serah? I didn?t see the OI, just the blotter.?

?Hmm, good question, man. I didn?t think of that, either. I just saw the 411 and dish?d it, yo. Lemme check my MDB (*Mobile Data Browser), a sec!?

*Taktaktak---taktak---taktaktak----taktaktaktaktak ----ding!*

?Okay, I got the OI, here. Anonymous complainant, not seen in a day or so? Allegedly. Uni?s checked around, used her old info from our files. No signs around aaaaaaand they filed the report as a CYA, forwarded directly to us, due to her association to the division.?

That caused a brow to raise, as Brian took in what Kerri dropped on him. ?So? an unknown person, out of the blue comes to our people, reports her as missing? Uni?s check and find nothing in regards to her, or her? Forward it, I check around--- get funny looks from everyone in the process and no one seems bothered, or concerned.?

?Sounds about right, man.?

?Alright, Ker. I?ll keep the lead on this and just look into it more so. Maybe I can track down Mister Unknown here, and get further. I?ll start with the RO (*reporting Officer) as well. Right now, we?ll keep up request for information, I have up. Work your end of things too and we?ll meet back later tonight.?

?Gotcha Goose! Latez!?

Kerri padded on off, leaving Brian to ponder a few things indeed. Such as the chance of this report, being complete garbage? Serah?s gone off before, maybe she did so again?then again why would some stranger come out to report her missing, an then not bother to leave any info about himself? That?s the part that bothered Brian the most, truth be told. Serah may be a ^&%$ magnet at times? But she was their ^&%$ magnet, sp he had to look into things further.

There was work to do?

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-02 12:53 EST

?Izzat so? Yeah? Okay, I?ll let the boss, know! Yeah, thanks again cheeks. Keep a tight arse, yo!?

Settin? that phone down, Kerri shot off down the hall like a self-proclaimed Queen of Mithra Mayhem on a purpose. ?Yo, Bri!?

?Ack! What it smalls, look out Jimmy! Duck, foo, duck!?

Fortunately no one was harmed in said mad dash, leaving Kerri to whip around the door jam of Brian?s office, flashing that fangy grin of hers.

?Hey man, Baby Farron?s been spotted and is secured somewhere. She?s QRU, it looks like. You may wanna try to get a hold of Senior Farron to make sure, dig??

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-02 13:04 EST
?Damn that went a lot quicker than I thought it would. Good news for us, then. I?ll reach out to Claire and see what?s what, you go back to the ?persons? case and pull some other ?Uni?s? to assist. We need more than just some vague descriptors, here. I?m getting tired of this catch up bull^&%$.?

?You got it meng! BOOOSH!?

Kerri tore off down the hall once more, leaving Brian alone in the office as he reached over for his duty belt, sliding it on and then his jacket.

First things first, he?d reach out to Claire and see what was what, maybe by some stretch--- more of this was connected than any of them would?ve first believed.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-06-03 16:37 EST
June 2nd

"He let her go? Just like that?" Remi asked. Claire nodded, scrolling through the contacts on her new phone.

"Just like that." She confirmed, not looking up as they walked, relying on Remigio to not run her ass into a pole or something.

"****...what's he doing back around these parts?" Another question came from the lycan, prompting a shrug from the shorter of the pair.

"Dunno. But I intend to find out. He doesn't just get to scoop my sister up, drag her off with no warning, and then dump her off when he's done 'collecting data'." Her fingers bent out the air quotes on one hand while the other punched at a number on the phone.

"I'll keep the guys on it then. See what we can find out." Remigio nodded then quieted when Claire pulled the phone up to her ear.

"Half a sec, Rem, gonna check in with Ravenlock. Let him know she's home safe." Pinning the phone between her ear and shoulder, it rang until it hit voicemail.

Beep! She rambled out her message.

"Hey Brian, it's Claire. Serah's back and safe, holed up at home for the time being. Heard of a guy named Scion? Or Scionius. Has a green haired manservant called Hid...hmm, Hideo? Hidou? That's who had her. Something about wanting to use her body as his own and collecting data from her. I don't know. We're still looking into it, but thought you'd wanna know. Definitely something to pursue, I think, especially if it pertains to the other missing. Anyways. That's what I've got. Hit me up if you need anything. Okay, bye."

Nudging the end button, she pocketed her phone and nodded Remigio's way. "Alright, let's go see what we can find out."