Topic: The 27th- Re: Power surge, blackout near Cemetery

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-01-16 10:10 EST
This is a direct response to Power Surge, Blackout near Cemetery

Unkindness, the Ravenlock Home settled within the Marketplace of Rhy?Din. It?s about 2115 (9:15PM) hours by Rhy?Din Standard Time.

?Phone?s ringin?!?

?So get it snapper head!?

?You get it, I?m workin? here!?

?Plotting your next revolution isn?t working!?

?Hey, Aunt Tara says it is so shut it!?

?Phone?s ringin?!?

?What she said!?

?Stop copyin? me!?

?You stop cop??

?Knock it OFF, both of you!?

?Sorry Dad??

?M?bad, Pops??

Finally the phone is answered, ?Ravenlock Residence, Brian Ravenlock speaking.?

The party on the other end of the phone began to speak rather hurriedly, prompting Brian to raise an eyebrow somewhat as he listened.

?Right, right? Well, how long ago? Alright, 15 or so--- and any other issues, save the power? Right, surge and black out? Alright, any word from Public Works? They?re working on things?alright, got it. Let?s do this then... Shift some units to the affected areas for presence, have them vest up as well. Just for precaution. An let?s? get EMS 1 and 2, have them ready up for a quick dispatch if needed. Yeah, nothing fancy?I mean, they?re already in their station houses, so it won?t hurt them to be ready to head out quickly, just in case. Hmm, a smellin the air?Oz?hold on a sec. Alright, grab Fire 1 also, same as the others?stand by. See if we can get an affected grid outline from Public Works, and I?ll be headed out that way too. Have the shift commander radio me as well, and?oh you have something? Cemetery?area next to it? We have any undead, by chance? Hmm, no?well that?s good. Alright, I?m en-route, thanks for the call.?

Hanging up the phone, Brian called out ?Girls, I?m headed out for a bit. I?ll have my radio with me, an Yotsuba?s in charge an I left a note for your mom!?

Ignoring the pair of ?moans and groans?, Bri made for the ?ready room? he shared with Jenai, grabbed a few things. Then it was out the door, and towards the affected areas to meet with the other Watch personnel to see what the 27th could do to assist. If the need arose, he would also drop a line to Governor Ebon as well, keeping him in the loop. If not, then he?d submit a report to Town Hall in the morning, instead. After all there was no need to trouble the Governor, if it was all good.