Topic: 2015 Hearth Side Chatter (OCC Here) - Archived

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-01-05 16:13 EST
First of all, Happy New Years to everyone!

Second, in April I will be moving myself and my corgi to Oklahoma to live with my sister and keep her company.

Third, I know the Alchemist's Fire has slowed down some in posting. So much has gone in Ammy's current life and in the Real World for me that keeping on track with posting new things has been bumped to a low priority.

Fourth, Ammy has, yes, more kids. Three were born on Christmas Day so expect her to not be so active and lively often.

Fifth, the Lupinossai Glade is now under my full control again and I have been making attempts to revitalize the old folder and make it hospitable to all.

Sixth, my postings in the Bristol Crios folder is suffering the same as this folder. Time keeps running out during the day to do meaningful posts. So just be a bit more patient and enjoy what I do post.

Okay, that's enough of an update. Everyone enjoy the new years and don't be shy to suggest events and activities for me for either folder. Or something for Ammy to speak on or lecture about for Bristol Crios Academy.

The Redneck

Date: 2015-01-30 13:42 EST
Got a quick reply in on the Misplaced run. Sorry it's short, and that it's been so long in coming.

Working past a brain worm that kicked the hell out of my confidence.

As of right now, I'm about half way there.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-03-10 00:12 EST
So much is going on. Last week of work is here, a cold that's been doggin' my heels for two months now and a lot of packing to tackle still before the great move south.

I hope you all continue to have patience with me and some of the posting dry spells I run into. The ideas I posted in the Lupinossai Glade about the overall map of Rhy'Din may be delayed for some time till things settle back down.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-04-24 00:57 EST
Things are just about settled down here in Oklahoma. I'll be doing what I can to get posts flowing once more. Hugs to all!

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-05-06 14:41 EST
Bear with me folks. My muse for writing, drawing and most rp has vaporized. Trying to work two jobs and adjust to the hotter weather down here. I am finding my migraines seem to not care about where I go. Hope to have posts in at some point this month.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-05-23 10:30 EST
The mun behind Ammy is down with a severe cold and chest congestion. I am sorry that once again... no posting has occurred. I will do what I can if I feel better soon.

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-07-03 02:29 EST
All sorts of congratulations are in order!

Ammy Spiritor has over 800 posts! Amazing!

But that's not all...

Thanks to the Diary of Sanity, The Alchemist's Fire folder has 500 posts. The most recent diary entry about Icer is quite moving. I feel for both's pain, Icer's emotional pain and Ammy's physical pain. Ammy should definitely write in the diary more often. :)

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-08-11 11:45 EST
Just a heads up. Seeing as the SL: Under the Lights Majestic was heavily focused on Fleet and Ammy and being of a nature to affect family, I moved the thread from The Alchemist's Fire to Lupinossai Glade to keep it and the subsequent SL's together.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-11-09 16:11 EST
Ammy still lives and so do I, the Mun. Just hit a severe dry spell on inspiration and rp. Any suggestions to help me revive a bit? Are you all liking what you see? Do you want more items for her to sell? Do you even care she has a shop for people to browse? Do you like any of the art?


Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-11-10 11:34 EST
I personally like the art for the shop. My favorites so far are the pictures of the products, specifically the Phoenix Weed and the Wolf's Bie bottles.

I think a great way for 1) people to take more interest in the shop and 2) help you find more inspiration is to throw out a Playable a couple times a year. You can garner interest by showcasing a new product and showing off its art. Don?t want to whip up something new? Try offering a sale or discount on something older. Sometimes people just forget something is there. Remind them that the shop is there with a Playable.

If you do a Playable, don?t forget to include the link to the other products Ammy offers, as well as a link to the custom orders request thread. Keep in mind, the holiday season is coming up. Maybe someone would like to give their friends and loved ones a custom gift. I bet you?ll feel inspired once a request comes in. Sometimes you have to give a little inspiration to get some in return. :)

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-11-18 13:15 EST
Don't mind the dust, debris and broken image links about this shop. In a transition period of moving things around also I resized most of the images used in this shop to be nicer to web browsers for load times.

You may also seem more books coming in that will be edited and concise information on the Lupinossai and a few events. This is to help lead up to the Lupinossai Glade folder being catacombed. I've come to the decision to just pull back into one folder and just focus on enjoying Rhy'Din with the few characters I still maintain.

Oh, and we now have pics of Alchemist Fire shirts and hoodies for sale in Ammy's shop.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2015-12-20 15:09 EST
Heartfelt shout out to you all that helped with, supported, donated and enjoyed the Holiday Spirit Event! It was a joy to see the businesses in the Rhy'Din community come together and do something special for the needy. Let me know if you want to see a repeat of this event next year? Suggestions and ideas for next years Holiday Spirit Event? Suggestions and ideas on events you'd like Ammy to tackle as a group effort?

Happy Holidays from the Spiritor Clan!