Topic: A Veiled Summon of Blade and Mistress

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-04-05 13:18 EST
((Music and Pose that comes to mind: Most Epic Music: "Deep Heart" by Audiomachine))

~?Ray of Sunlight!? His eyes burned, his cheeks were wet, and no matter how hard he tried, Kruger couldn?t stop his body from shaking with decades worth of rage. In his mind he could see them all, even the oddly yellow gold alloyed weapon so recently created.~

Like ripples through the ether of time, space and realms, the utterance of the name of Ammy's rapier struck a celestial chime. The blade shimmered brilliantly as the sun in it's scabbard as the sword rode upon its mistresses hip during her walk to work at the Alchemist's Fire. In two furred steps the sword vanished from Ammy's hip. Another two furred steps and Ammy vanished from sight as well, the shimmer or glint of sunlight all that remained marking where she'd been. So tied and bonded to Ray of Sunlight she'd become that invoking the blades name by the creator had invoked her as a sacred summons.

She was no longer on her way to the shop, but rather standing in the between, the ethereal veil between all worlds. Ammy saw before her the old and ancient smithy. The raw power of creation shimmered through the veil and swirled around her as she looked through gossamer thinning made by hundreds of weapons being summoned by one man. One man she knew and called friend. The only man that knew her rapier better than her. She was uncertain why she had been summoned or that so many lethal ways to maim had been called forth by a man she knew was fond of showing a gentler side. The confrontation between Kruger and the older male in the smithy had her full attention. The words spoken came over the veil in hums and slight murmurs. Enough of the discussion and a bit of celestial clarity gave her a suitable picture that Kruger was at a point of judgement with his past. She was also aware that the older male was showing considerable fortitude in the face of Kruger but had taken notice past Kruger that she was present among many other trembles occurring in the ether and veils. She decided to take a stab at weakening that fortitude a little.

Ammy gave a bestial grin of her muzzle, showing all of her perfect, sharp, white canine teeth and stood with all the majesty she could in denim jeans and grey tank top, her red crimson hair back in a tight braid. She leaned forward slightly as a simulacrum of Ray of Sunlight formed, pommel under her joined hands, letting her rest on the exposed rapier as if it were a cane and shining like the sun. Scales of muted sunlight glittered over her clothing like scale mail as soon, one, then two, three and soon a host of a thousand souls in shining sunlit plate armor stood behind her in rank and file. A shining presence that promised action if their queen willed it. As the discussion progressed to its mounting apex, Ammy spoke. Whether her words slithered from the veil to certain ears to hear or stayed with her, it was unknown.

"My blade is Ray of Sunlight, crafted by a blacksmith of skill I will never doubt. Kruger will, shall, and always have my trust and support. The Sword of Damocles is falling, and I, Amaterasu Loraine Phoenix Spiritor, Goddess and Commander of the Sooltiis Host, give my blessing to Kruger and whatever action he so chooses with my blade."

Ammy and her host bore witness to the choice Kruger made, then the veil thickened upon Ammy obscuring her sight. Ray of Sunlight was once more upon her hip, and in a moment of breath she was before the glass doors of the Alchemist's Fire Complex. She began to wonder what she'd witnessed and just exactly what her Celestial Soul had done during that time. It felt odd, regal and somehow right. Shaking the tingles from her head she made a mental note to send a well made lunch and cold beverages to Kruger's work shop today as a gift. She then ventured inside to continue with her days work.