Topic: Catalysm of Alchemist's Fire Complex

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2016-12-14 23:54 EST
((DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED SONG - The Natural Heart by Miracle Of Sound))

Ammy walked back from the local park near the Market Place with Ruby by her side. Little human hand clasped in her white furred hand, they had enjoyed a lunch break of playing on the swings and hot cocoa and sandwiches. Now they were walking back for a nap for Ruby and the usual joys of helping customers and crafting alchemical wonders for Ammy. As they drew closer to the Alchemist's Fire Complex, Ammy slowed their pace seeing a large gathering of people in front of her store. Signs were carried by many with bold letters declaring Humanity Comes First, Down with Sub-Humans, Half-Breeds Are Genetic Murder and Talking Creatures Ruin Human Lives.

Ammy's muzzle bore a small, thin frown. She drew Ruby closer to her, then pulled her up into her arms and held her as she walked for the crowds. Many were chanting for non-humans to go home or to leave Rhy'Din city. She could see many of her daily customers being shoved away from her shop, and a few of the neighboring shops were suffering the same. The crowd tightened seeing her trying to approach them.

Ammy drew up short and spoke. "Please, step aside. I wish to get to my shop and conduct my business and put my daughter down for her nap. Do this and you may continue whatever Peaceful protests you are doing here."

"Holy **** that thing has a human kid in it's arms! Probably stole it from a family for dinner! Someone shouted from within the crowd.

"It said it was her kid! Some sicko made a human kid with that thing!" Another shout from within the crowd.

"Don't let them in! Close their filthy businesses down! The whole place is full of non-human loving mutants! Cried out a man in front of the crowd.

Ammy was glad for once that her daughter was deaf just this once. Holding her close still, she held up a furred hand and waved from side to side. An invisible force gently nudged and herded the crowds to split open giving her a path to the front of her shop. She wasted no time walking through the opening, letting the force abate as she slipped through. This peaceful means of breaching their protests incited the protestors to a fevered frenzy.

"It just shoved us out of the way like nothing! Just like them filthy man-beasts to treat us humans like trash! Down with the man-beasts! Down with half-breeds! Hunting season on them all!" Shouted several from the crowd.

"Oy! That dog thing would make a fine rug!" A shout came from the edge of crowd behind Ammy.

A large rock sailed in the air and clipped the back of Ammy's head. She staggered a few steps ahead, caught her footing, straightened her back, spine stiff and proceeded up the steps to her shop. One of her assistants was at the large glass doors to the complex, watching the crowds with wide, alarmed eyes. The poor girl was half dwarf and half elf and this display was doing gods only knew what to her mind and esteem.

"Brenessa, take Ruby upstairs to my office. Make sure gets cookies, warm milk and ready for a nap. Tell Justine to close these doors and keep all customers inside until I open the doors. Do not let anyone out. Understood?" Ammy said.

Brenessa held her arms out a bit stiffly from the shock of the moment and seeing her boss hit in the head with a rock. "Aye, Mistress Spiritor. All will be done. Mistress! Yer bleeding on yer dress-."

Ammy held up a hand to calm Brenessa down. She looked to her dress and saw blood dribbling from her crimson hair to her right shoulder turning the lavender blouse purple. "I'll be fine. Take care of my instruction. Now go." She said calm and gentle.

As Brenessa left, taking Ruby inside to safety, the doors locking shut by the hand of the assistant Justine, a young Orc, Ammy slowly turned on the steps of the complex and faced the protesting crowds.

"I respect anyone wanting to protest something that they may perceive unfair, unjust or vile to them. I respect anyone protesting such protests as well. However, I only respect them when they are Peaceful." Ammy said.

She stepped down two steps and remained where she stood. The crowds booed and jeered at her.

"Get the cameras out! The freak is going to hurt us! It's gonna prove why they shouldn't be around! Why non-humans should get the boot and humans get the rule!" Another voice shouted from within the crowds.

Two rocks flew out this time. One catching Ammy in the temple, causing blood to well up and down the left side of her furred face. The other catching her in her shoulder, sharp and hard, forcing her to turn just a bit to roll with the impact. She straightened out, and remained standing, doing nothing to tend to her injuries, letting them bleed.

"By all means. Bring out your cameras. I want everyone to hear this loud and clear. Alchemy Lane and all the businesses here have signed up to be a Sword of Damocles Safe Zone. This Safe Zone is a violence free area respecting all races, genders and species. Everyone is welcome to shop, play, browse, walk, commute, enjoy and protest here Peacefully. Violence will not be tolerated in the Safe Zone. Those that inflict violence will deal with the price of that violence. This is your one and only warning. Disband peacefully and leave." Ammy said with a clam, steady tone, her voice amplified with a bit of magic.

The protestors all laughed and jeered at her. More rocks were seen among the crowd as well as many protestors with grins and hand held cameras and cell phones. Ammy watched them all silently, one golden eye closed from the sting of blood trickling into it. Within a minute rocks, all striking Ammy at various points of her body. She didn't flinch, or yelp, or make a sound as more cuts, bruises and trickles of blood were brought about.

Then the screams of confusion and hysterical panic set in. Every protestor that launched a rock at Ammy was suddenly scrabbling around on the ground, free of their clothing, now piled on the cobblestones, as their owners had become rabbits, hopping and jumping around in confusion. Several more protestors with rocks looked at Ammy and readied to throw them, and they too, turned to rabbits that wiggled free of the confines of loose, ill fitting clothes. The crowds all backed away from the Alchemist's Fire Complex, the rabbits gathered up by scared friends, relations or colleagues.

Ammy raised one bleeding arm and pointed to the end of Alchemy Lane. "You were warned. They were warned. They did not listen. Anyone seeking to harm another on Alchemy Lane shall face the same fate. Once they leave Alchemy Lane they will regain their original form. Now leave."

A span of several heart beats and the protestors and bled out of Alchemy Lane, leaving the street and businesses un-harassed. Ammy turned around slowly, hiding discomfort and pain and walked up to the doors of her store. She unlocked the doors and opened them.

"Alchemy Lane is safe once more. Please come and go as you please. My apologies for the inconvenience. Those waiting on orders from me, please extend just a bit more patience while I clean up." Ammy said.

She went inside, up to her office and cleaned away the violence that she bore and took to spare those that looked to her for protection. Clean, mended and redressed in spare clothes, Ammy was once more working with her customers as her human daughter slept soundly for her afternoon nap.

((Tied to the Pro-Human Protests and Sit-ins))