Topic: Speak Softly...


Date: 2009-03-13 16:21 EST
The Asylum Club during evening hours did nothing short of living up to its name. It was an absolute mad house. Swarms of men and women came to forget their daily trifles. To release themselves and partake in the decadence Lord Romax Pol believed everyone deserved to taste. Well, everyone that could pay the right price for such luxuries. As the moon set on another successful night, the harsh burning light of the morning sun brought reality back into view. There was no time to rest. No time to recuperate or revel in the acts of sin that took place within these walls mere hours ago. No, there was too much that had to be done to prepare to do it all again tonight.

A cluster of girls were huddled around the end of a bar, quietly talking amongst themselves. Mindless chatter and giggles that were quickly cut short when the sound of sharp clicking steps along black marble floors could be heard. It was the only warning they received before Dru rounded the corner and closed in on them. Black heels were paired with a matching short pin stripe skirt and suit jacket which hugged her modest curves and dipped down to show the shallow naked valley between her breasts. Long pale blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail settled at the nape of her neck. How else was a girl going to dress for work when it was the business of flesh and perversion?

Despite her severe outfit those pink lips were curled into that always-ready beaming smile, much too bright for so early in the morning. Her voice matched the illuminant grin. "Good morning, ladies. I trust everyone slept well." The girls nodded and a brown clipboard held at Dru's side was brought up so she could begin listing off the duties each girl would perform for the day.

"Jacqueline and Abby, if you both could please check the alcohol inventory of the bars on every floor I would like to get them restocked. Keelee and Emma, I would like you to please mop."

She continued down the list, assigning the various tasks that had to be completed and making sure each girl knew what expected of them. Most of the girls were silent and attentive during this process. One was not, but it didn't escape the little blonde's attention. After the last chore was given steel blue eyes lifted from the clipboard.

"Now, Tabitha," The girl who had been grumbling quietly during the proceedings stiffened for a moment as her name was called out, but she made a great effort to keep a calm air about herself. She was taller than Dru, just as many of the girls were, with more to offer in the ways of bust and hips. Her blonde hair, much darker than Dru?s, and hazel eyes didn't even attempt to look friendly while boring into the First Girl. When Dru was assured she had the girl's undivided attention she continued. "During these morning briefings it would be beneficial to all parties involved if you held comments or questions until the end. Now that I have finished is there something you would like to add or something you were not clear on?" Her words were plain and simple. There was no malice behind them, just mild curiosity about what couldn't wait until she was done speaking.

Tabitha shifted from her lean behind the bar. She was relatively new to the household and it was quite apparent in how she carried herself. She lacked the grace most girls learned over time. Right off the bat Dru had a feeling Tabitha was going to be an issue and the girl had made sure to prove her instincts right. If it wasn't one thing with this girl it was always another.

The girl squared her shoulders and spoke with forced confidence, "I am here to serve Master Romax. I am not here to listen to some little nothing barking off orders and telling me what to do." There was a rippling effect as most of the girls took quick shuffling steps back from Tabitha, like her way of thinking could infect them and in turn land them in hot water. Dru nodded calmly as she stepped towards her own side of the sleek, black bar counter that was standing between herself and the insubordinate girl.

"I understand where you're coming from Tabitha. We are all here to serve our Master. We want nothing more than to please Him, but we must work together towards that common goal. Bickering over the matter will help no one, I assure you." Her voice was soothing with motherly warmth. "I am not your enemy. I am your sister. And our Master is well aware of how I run things. He trusts me to handle matters here so it would only seem logical for you to trust me as well."

Every girl that Dru wasn't directly speaking to nodded solemnly. They were sold. Unfortunately, the girl the speech was intended for did not seem swayed at all. A fist rested on a jutting hip, eyes narrowed at the little blonde and she only seemed to fume more and more before she snapped. "There is no reason for me to listen to you. I serve my Master and him alone. Not some high and mighty tramp on a power trip."

Dru pursed her pink lips and looked like she was taking that statement into deep consideration. The clipboard was shifted to her left hand and held at her side while the free hand moved to brush her bangs out of her face. She was obviously tired of games and it came through in her voice which was soft and deadly calm. "I understand that, Tabitha. But you don't see where I'm coming from..."

And it was true. Tabitha really didn't see it coming. Dru's free hand shot up to grab a chunk of Tabitha's locks. A swift yank down brought the girl's forehead into the bar counter before she was released and collapsed back onto the floor. Some of the girls yelped in surprise. Others bit their tongues refusing to give any reason for the same thing to be done to them. Tabitha was in a heap behind the bar counter. Her head had hit hard enough for it to be painful and leave her dazed, but consciousness was not quite eluding her. It wouldn't help anyone this morning if they lost another set of hands.

Dru smoothed her suit jacket and turned her attention to the other girls. Her voice once again bubbled with an air of excitement. "Jacqueline and Abby, before checking the bars could you please escort Tabitha to the ladies room so that she may freshen up and prepare herself to perform the tasks I have assigned to her." The girls nodded and each took one side of the fallen girl. She was hoisted by her arms, but before they could take her away Dru continued. "Now, ladies, if no one else has any issues that they would like to address this morning we have fallen behind schedule and that will not do."

Shining eyes trailed across the girls and when no one said a word, either because they were perfectly clear on what was expected of them, or out of fear, Dru gave a solid clap of hands. "That is all, ladies! To work." The order was followed by a sweet giggle as the tiny First Girl turned on her heels setting off for the next task of the day, her blonde ponytail swinging side to side with each perky step. The echo of heels trailed off as she turned the corner leaving behind only the sound of a groaning Tabitha who was being carried away.