Topic: The Cloak Room - OOC


Date: 2009-06-05 18:18 EST
Welcome one and all to the Asylum Club.

Feel free to use this section for general discussions, story line discussions, comments, or just feel free to say hello.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2009-06-08 01:23 EST
Just wanted to drop by, say hello, and leave some love for this oh so deliciously kinky club! Muah!

X's and O's,

The mun.


Date: 2009-08-10 10:02 EST
Hey everyone, it's the head inmate. Things on my end have been rather crazy the last little while as most of you are now aware of. The coming month or so leading up to surgery is going to be full of bad days but there will be good ones too, and it's on these, like today, that I'll do my best to be around to try and post and for other evil-type-stuffs. :twisted: Thanks for being understanding as much as you've been and I'll do my damndest to pay it back in kind if/when you ever need it.



Date: 2009-11-21 13:31 EST
For those trying to keep track, I just got home from the hospital last night and I'm feeling relatively like crap on a stick...but it can only get better from here, right? Right. So here's hoping that's exactly what happens and that I'll be able to spend a great deal more of my time around here while I'm recouping at home while also hopefully increasing the number of posts I've been making lately from... well.. 0... to... well... more than... 0... :-D See ya soon.


Date: 2009-11-21 20:07 EST
Darlin', I'm head of the fact finding committee! ::SQUEEEEEEEZES the stuffin's out of him even though there's not a lot left.:: I'll be here to nurse you back into the waters ;) Don't worry! We all still meese joo'!



Date: 2010-04-13 21:55 EST
Just wanted to say 'omgz i <3 Isir!' Your posts? Amazingness! You have such a great way with words and descriptions! It was such a beautiful read!


ps. miss you Romax!


Date: 2011-01-19 13:28 EST
Keeping the veins alive and pumping even when the hearts which feed them are gone...


Date: 2014-12-06 23:01 EST

Hello folks...Please bear with us as we do a little cleaning up around here and once we get organized we'll happily return you to your regularly scheduled mayhem and chaos. That is all.


Date: 2014-12-07 10:04 EST
Welcome Back!


Date: 2015-01-01 07:44 EST

Hi-ya everyone...this is just another little update for those of you who are keeping track of what's going on around here. To start off with the computer problems Ive been having will soon be resolved I hope (fingers crossed and all that). It should have been taken care of as of the Saturday before Christmas however the people at Dell decided to send me the wrong laptop. Not only were all the components wrong, but the software and all the instructions were in Chinese with no way to switch it to English. So as of about five minutes ago it was still showing that my exchange was still currently in production so I'm hoping to have my new computer no later than sometime next week.

With the computer issue out of the way I've got to move on to my health which, as those of you who know me are aware, hasn't been very good for a very long time now. To make a long story short between this post and my last here I've been in and out of the hospital several times and even had a minor surgery yesterday afternoon to replace a defective central line and access port so that they would have an easier time getting IV access for my upcoming surgery on the 13th of January. They're going to do their best to put Humpty-John back together again in some semblance of a working order on the inside... Anyway, I just wanted to explain why there hasn't really been much done around here but there will be.

John, AKA Romax.