Topic: Avengers Assemble!


Date: 2010-05-24 00:35 EST
Monday Morning
Ministry of Defense Office

It was a morning darker than usual. The skies opened up to rain during the twilight hours and hadn?t stopped all morning. The streets were covered in water, people were drenched as they headed to work, and it didn?t look like the weather was going to let up anytime soon; perfect time to set up the first official meeting of The Avengers.

The Ministry of Defense Office was quite large, just a bit smaller than the Oval Office in Washington D.C. Aside from the Governor?s Office, this was certainly one of the larger offices, especially for a cabinet member; but there was good reason for that.

A large, circular table with eleven chairs was in the middle of the office. The table had two holographic emitters in the middle, one of which displayed The Avengers Charter, while the other brought up a small biography and headshot which would change depending on whoever was speaking. At the present time, it was displaying information for Admiral Wolvinator. Resting in front of each chair was badge similar to the city guard, yet contained the letter ?A? with a star in the middle, an identification card, and a small leather flip-open wallet.

?Ladies and gentleman,? the Admiral began from one end of the table ?please find your name by your identification card and have a seat.? Giving those is attendance a few moments to settle in, he started off the meeting.

?I want to first thank you all for being prompt this morning. The weather isn?t exactly favorable outside, but I?m sure a few of you would rather prefer this than direct sunlight.? Wolvie chuckled briefly before continuing on.

?I know some of you have met previously, while for others of your this may be the first time, but I want you all to take a look around, a good look around at the people sitting with you. These are your team mates. These are the individuals whom have agreed, just like you have, to risk life and limb in service of Rhy?Din and its citizens. You?re going to be working together, as a team, becoming closer as the days press on, and learn to trust one another with your very lives.

?You will be expected to uphold the laws in Rhy?Din by any means necessary. We are a paramilitary organization and we may be called upon to infiltrate enemy strongholds, run operations such as forward tactical reconnaissance, and go undercover to elude detection; so I want you all to get to know each other very well ladies and gentlemen, because you are... The Avengers.?

Wolvinator smiled at the table prominently while he allowed what was said to sink in momentarily. He stood in front of everyone, not wearing his concealing robe or even his Starfleet Uniform. He was wearing full black body armor known as a S.N.E.A.K. Suit. The S.N.E.A.K. Suit was comprised of a highly advanced Kevlar hybrid that stretched skin tight to allow maximum comfort and maneuverability. The uniform itself was equipped with a personal cloaking unit, which could make it?s wearer virtually invisible and undetectable. The boots and gloves were outfitted with an adjustable electro magnetic field, allowing the user to scale buildings, walls and other various hard to reach places. This was his combat uniform.

?But before our formal introductions, I have a few things I want to address. First, you?ll notice the credit card sized identification that is sitting in front of each of you. This card is perhaps one of the most important items that you are being issued today. Not only is it your I.D. for membership, but it a device, yes a device, that serves multiple functions.

?Each card is actually a flat, touch-screen device which can send and receive audio and video data. It can connect with any other member of The Avengers, and has the ability to receive priority updates in case one of your team members is in need of assistance. It has a remote satellite uplink, which connects directly to the Gateway station, allowing a global monitoring of your position, in case you are incapacitated or need a quick response.

?Encoded into each card is your specialized security clearance allowing access to any Avengers and police databases, vehicles and restricted areas. The cards are waterproof and are resistant to pressure, can easily fit in the wallets provided, and allow fifteen percent off any purchase at the Red Dragon Inn for you alcoholics out there.?

A bright smile once again formed on Wolvinator?s face as he chuckled at the last statement.

?Next to the identification card is an altered City Guard badge, to identify yourself as a member of the Government, and can be displayed for investigations or during arrests. The Avengers work in tandem with the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Justice, to ensure that we are covering all basis and protection of Rhy?Din from both internal and external threats.?

Stepping around the table now, Wolvinator opened his hand to introduce the two holo-emmitters that were projecting from the center of the table.

?The Avengers computer system, which is rudimentary at best for the moment, is interlinked to the computer at the Grayskull estate, where I reside. It uses a series of networks, such as the Gossip Gangstar recording devices and the Guard?s criminal database, to cross reference information. I?ll be talking with the Minister of Science to ensure we have the most up-to-date and secure system to keep us updated in the field.

?What you see here, is a holographic projection of my basic information on one screen, and the Avengers charter on the other. Please take a moment to review it, at your leisure.?

Wolvie paused for a few moments to ensure that everyone had ample time to review the charter before he continued on.

?At this time, I?d like everyone to introduce themselves so we all can become better acquainted. Feel free to include things like your name, where you?re from, your talents and your experience. Be it as it may that I myself am an Avenger, I?ll kick this party off right.

?My name is Admiral Wolvinator, I am a homosapien superior, better known as a mutant, and I originally come from Earth, from a Universe which has been designated as Earth-357. I have been a member of Starfleet for over thirty years, as well as another organization known as S.E.F.F., an Earth global defense force. This isn?t the first time I?ve been a part of an organization like this, as I also hold membership in a mutant rights group known affectionately as the X-Men.

?I?m expertly trained in most forms of hand-to-hand combat, weapons, firearms, CQC, and Martial arts. I?m also a well established pilot in both space and the air. I possess a Metahuman Healing Factor, which has saved my rear end more times than I can count, and spins off into other heightened abilities such as strength, speed and immunities. I could keep going on and on here, but the last thing I want to do is put you guys to sleep.?

Flashing one last smile, he waved his hand to the person sitting to his right, to introduce them.

?Alright, let?s keep this orderly, and go around in a circle. Stand up, and introduce yourself.?

((OOC: Everyone can just introduce themselves here so we can make things "official" and have everyone get to know each other. There's no real order, so feel free to reply as you'd like. :) ))


Date: 2010-05-24 00:37 EST
The holo-emitter with the Avengers Charter spun around slowly and read the following for all to view:

* The Avengers have joined forces to protect and safeguard the planet of Rhy'Din, its inhabitants, property and resources, from any and all threats, terrestrial or otherwise, which are or might prove to be beyond the capacity of conventional forces to handle without severe damage, bodily harm or loss of life.

* In accordance with Rhy'Din Law, the Avengers, acting individually, or as a group, are authorized to function in all lands, territories, or protectorates of the Planet of Rhy'Din at all times.

* The Avengers are dedicate to the establishment, growth, and preservation of equality, liberty, peace, and justice under law.

* Avengers are authorized to use Deadly Force, if necessary and if all other attempts at a peaceful resolution have been exhausted.

* The Avengers are, at all times, expected to cooperate with The City Guard and The Watch. Although granted certain legal immunities by the Avengers priority clearance, no member shall be considered above the law.

* The Avengers is chartered as a non-profit organization under the laws as set down by the Rhy'Din Government; upholding the laws, directives, provisions and sanctions set forth by the said government. As a non-profit organization, the Avengers shall be funded by private grants, so not to impede on tax payers dollars, with a majority of funding for the activities, headquarters, transportation, and equipment of the Avengers, shall be provided by a grant from DeMuer Exports, and the Power of Grayskull Pegasi Racing Stable.

* No Avenger shall be required to surrender any information in regards to their civilian identity or personal affairs to any other organization outside of the officially sanctioned government.

* All Avengers are entitled to special priority government security clearance, as administered and approved by the Defense Ministry and the Governor of Rhy'Din. This privildge is not to be abused or used for personal or financial gain.

* Candidates for membership must be of legal age and must possess at least one skill, power, ability, or talent which is deemed valuable to the organization. Membership shall not be denied on account of race, color, creed, sex, religion, condition of birth, origin, or any other instance that may be considered to be blatant profiling.

* Any Avenger member found violating the above charter is subject to termination of employment, rights, and privileges bestowed to them as being a member of the organization. The charter is subject to change and amendments to be added as necessary.

In the Rough

Date: 2010-05-24 18:01 EST
Her place had been taken at the table as those elegantly long legs were crossed while the sharp assessment of sapphire depths took in the gathered. Her team members so to say, they would be. The telepath if anything found it a wonderous thing how so many failed to shield their thoughts, so much exposed to her that was there for the taking.

At least Esme had some manners about her yet, proud as a queen and as classy as a business woman was meant to be she listened attentively to Wolvinator even as her mind seemed to work double time, her thoughts weaving her own... assessment of her team mates as she made her own private evaluation of them all.

Call it the old nature of her work at hand, but really she knew it was more that she was looking out for herself. Oh certainly she'd do her job and do it flawlessly well but trust... well trust in the rest of them would have to be earned.

Sapphires flickered briefly over those at the table, pausing to rest upon those not met and then a half smile offered to the Saurian, an unreadable regard of eyes as they fell upon Sylus before she looked back to the Admiral.

Palms pressed to the table to make that sleek ascent to stand as her hands smoothed the white of her skirt, tugged at the labels of her suit jacket.

"I suppose I shall go first to... break the Ice... shall we say. I am Esme Blue though many of you have come to know me as Diamond. I originally was degreed and trained as a forensic psychology. Predominantly dealing with some of the most insane serial killers to the most complex masterminds to give my own psychological evaluation and... profile of each and every one of them. I was the one they would bring in to get to know all of the most wicked of minds... and well... to get inside their heads. My studies eventually brought attention to my... talents from the military, which brought my sisters and I to become part of a special military operation."

A sweep of eyes, guarding and taking in reactions and expressions before the soft allure of her voice continued on.

"My sisters and I were put through many tests and genetic studies in which our genetic structure was altered and bio-gentically enhanced. It is not my place to speak upon the alterations of my sisters, yet my own I have no qualms in sharing. I am a telepath. My abilities range from mind reading to astral projection to memory alteration amongst other telepathic gifts."

A dismissive wave of hand as the smile curled upon her lips.

"I also have been bio-genetically enhanced that well let's just say... in time will explain how my codename came to be. I'm sure in time you all will come to learn of the many reasons why I am called Diamond. I hope to work and meet you all on a personal basis and I am honored to be a part of this program."

A smooth smile swept her lips as her eyes fixed upon the Admiral with a bow of head, that effortless return to her seat as she looked over the next to introduce themselves.


Date: 2010-05-24 18:26 EST
Piercing yellow eyes rested upon the badge and wallet, before the saurian stood from his place at the largest seat. Of course it would've had to be specially constructed, that's just how things went.

He didn't need to stand to be seen, that remained painstakingly obvious. Hiding was not one of his options in day-to-day life. However, due to the limited skill he possessed in this common tongue of the land, he came prepared.

"Your forgiveness, do I ask. Brought something, did I, that better than I, can explain, abilities mine." His voice a rumbling bassline, pitched low as necessary when he spoke inside confining walls. A talon tapped at a series of controls on the red-and-black armor's vambrace, initiating a specific data transfer to the Avengers' computer database, to be displayed both visually and audibly.

"Subject: J'rial Strim. Place of Origin: Gemini Two, Thundercloud Galaxy. Race: Seljuk. Gender: Male. Age: 21 years (G2 accounting)/35 years (Rhy'Din Standard)

Subject has undergone extensive genetic modification above and beyond the norm for his race. Abilities include drastically enhanced speed, dexterity, and raw strength; substantial regenerative capability, a marked resistance to fire, heat and energy, and phenomenal durability. Visual acuity is keenly pronounced, with capabilities reaching into various spectrums, including thermal, x-ray, and the apparent ability to see raw magical energy in a passive state. The subject also displays a remarkable intuition during combat, and a resistance to probes of a psychic nature. Tests concerning intelligence quotient and comprehension are still ongoing, but showing high potential.

Inquiries into the subject's planet and dimension of origin are ongoing.

Once the datastream had finished its recital, the saurian sat back, prepared to answer questions and formulate his own concerning the remainder of the team seated about the table. A minor point of conceit, the badge affixed now to the breastplate of his armor in open display. Hiding was rarely an option, after all.

Cloven Hoof

Date: 2010-05-25 01:57 EST
::Suddenly and without reason, there was a red headed horned Satyr sitting at the table. He sat in the place that had been set for Ryoka Cloven Hoof. He frowns slightly as he picks up his card thingy, noting to himself they forget the 'the' in between his name and his title! He puts it down and admires his badge for a moment before turning and looking around at all the faces he could see (save for those occasionally hidden behind the image of the Holo-emitter)::

::Ryoka is especially fascinated with all the new futuristic gadgets he was seeing... and the ones he'd seen while exploring the rest of the facility before finally popping into the right office! He listens to those before them introduce themselves, seemingly most intrigued by the Saurian... whom Ryoka tends to stare at in silent awe intermittently... examining his strange features::

::After J'rial finishes, Ryo looks around to see if anyone else would move to speak. When nobody did for... about half a second... he jumps up quickly to take his turn, standing with a proud posture, chest puffed out only slightly::

"Ryoka the Cloven Hoof reporting, Admiral!"

::He's distracted momentarily as he watches his Personnel File flickers up on the Holo-emitter. He blinks and quickly reminds himself to return his attention to the matter at hand::

"You can call me Ryo for short. I'm a uhh.."

::He thinks for a second... everyone else had really fancy sounding titles and stuff to say. He didn't want to be outdone::

"I'm a Forest type Fae.. uhh Shapeshifter class! Forward Reconnaissance Scout and Saboteur!"

::Pauses again to grin.. thinking he did a good job of making himself sound somewhat more impressive. He clears his throat and itches his head behind his left horn before continuing::

"I can disguise myself, or others if I gotta, to look like any creature I want! Of course with other people the effects are temporary... but if I wanted to I could hold shape indefinitely!"

::He nods, still grinning as he gestures to his current physical body... which was clearly not the same as the image of his Faerie form which was displayed on the Holo-emitter::

"This is all done with my magic! I'm really good with it... it comes natural to me whot with bein a Fae. I can do pretty much anything with it! Not too bad with my Leaf's Edge Longsword either! I didn't bring that with me though... didn't think it would be allowed in a goverment place."

::He looks over to the Admiral sheepishly for a brief moment before continuing::

"SOoooo... if there's anywhere you need to go, get into...get out of, around, over or through: I'm the guy you're gonna wanna call! Nothing and nobody can keep Ryo out! I'm a pretty sneaky spy too! Nobody ever suspects the bird in the rafters or the mouse under the bed.."

::He grins mischieviously as he gives one last look around the table, pausing to admire his image on the Holo-emitter one last time before nodding to the general assembly, then saluting the Admiral before taking his seat again. He picks up his badge, admiring the way it shines in the light::

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2010-05-25 13:40 EST
He took in the gathering with little interest as he'd play nice with them all as long as none got in his way and jeopardized missions. Sure some thought him a likeable guy, but when you're working, there isn't any room for fun and games. Get in, get it done, and get out. Plain and simple. Though of course he did catch the unreadable from Miss Blue and just sent her a sassy wink before pushing off from the back wall, Sylus wasn't a table kind of guy, not really, he preferred his back to a wall and all exits/entracnes in eyesight.

He'd wait until those present said their pieces before speaking so as to get a gauge on them all and what he had to look forward to working with, or around depending what conflict would require. Change the parameters, change the plan and leave nothing set in stone. Contingencies are the bread and butter to forethought.

"Guess it's my turn. Name's Sylus. That nickname of mine is a gift from Tara Rynieyn because most can't stand me at first, I grow on you like a virus. Everything in my dossier is public information." A pause then to cast his amber eyes across the spectrum at them all before continuting.

"I am aslo a ranked Warlord in the Arena and have studied under Topaz Eludes and Xenograg Bey. When I tested in magic I apprenticed under then Archmage Mur Ollivan, but it wasn't spells. It was reading the aether to recognize magics and telekinetics so as to warp barriers and make them implode upon the manifester as well as altering the matter of objects to pass through such obstacles unhindered and also implode within the barrier to negate collateral damage. Beyond that it was studies into how all conflict creates a kinetic bond between combatants so as to recognize it, manipulate it, and avoid unnecessary damage. The greatest fighters use this bond, most without realizing it. It's how they appear to uncannily dodge a lethal hit as if by precognition or shrug off blows that can even level beings like our friend Jester here." Motions to the Saurian.

"That is all thank you for listening to this public announcement." A faint smirk played over his lips before falling back into his casual lean against the wall; he'd look at the little I.D. card later.

Joey Damarco

Date: 2010-05-25 18:46 EST


Date: 2010-05-25 18:48 EST
Aly was quite grumpy and lethargic. She hated mornings more than anything else really.

She was suited up in her own S.N.E.A.K. suit and wore large black sunglasses that had much darker tinting than most sunglasses had. After Sylus finished speaking she opened her mouth, revealing her fangs that had been biting into her bottom lip as she waited... patiently.

"I'm Aly, Alystrianna Ahdee'khee. Minister of Defense, Wolvinator's wife." She yawned then and paused, still trying to get used to her new last name as well as Wolvie's new title.

Removing her sunglasses, she laid them down, revealing her violet eyes that were the perfect shade of purple if you blended blue and red together. Perhaps she had once been blue eyed. Blinking slowly, she glanced around, nodding to those present.

"First and foremost, if you haven't figured it out already, I am a vampire. My birth father was part incubi and part vampire. My birth Mother was a human. When I was twenty-four my adoptive parents, who were Vampires chose to then freeze me in my immortality. So I'm a vampire-incubus cross breed, which actually gives me some pretty special abilities." She smirked to herself. Aly wasn't exactly shy about tooting her own horn.

"I have your typical vampire abilities, such as super human speed, agility, strength, eye sight, and hearing. I can also trace, or vaporize into a mist and carry myself from one location to another. I can do this by traveling in my mist form or I can do an instant teleportation and instantaneously transport myself to any location, though for this to work, I must be able to visualize my destination. I can also shape-shift, though I don't do well with people, mostly animals. If I shape shift into a person I cannot hold the form for a long period of time."

"I have several degrees in the Sciences. I specialize in Medical Science and Technology. However I also hold Doctorates of Applied and Basic Sciences, including Engineering, Chemistry and Biology. I also practice a little homeopathic healing and am a novice in crystal healing. I've been trained in the art of brain washing and the reading of body language. For combat I prefer Hand to Hand combat, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and also an ancient form of combat grappling known as Kampfringen which also branches off into Dagger and Knife fighting. I speak three languages, My native tongue, Russian, and common English."

Getting the sense that others were getting bored of her rambling, she shrugged.

"I guess that's enough about me."

Looking to Wolvie, she yawned again and then put her sunglasses back on. "Can I go?" Her badges and other items had already been tucked away on her person.


Date: 2010-05-25 20:12 EST
How did she get on the territory was unknown - she just walked out of nowhere, though spectral eyesight would have noted an exit point of a rift. Joining others, she took her place, delicate metal-gloved hands resting on the table, relaxed ideally. A vision of calmness - one of common images used. From the corners of her eyes, across the temples, ran transparent glassy traces, like tentacles of some unseen octopus - connection units of neural interface.

Her body from chin down was covered with what looked like black metal layer, with thin silvery lines. Metal stirred gently with pneumo-massage, looking as if muscles rolled under it. Rhaine was wearing the armor openly, in a share of perverted pride. Visible nakedness of armor didn't seem to embarras her in the slightest, and the thin metal film was ideally comfortable "sandwich" of absorbing, reflecting and dampening layers of best Volin-Eleri alloys. A wide belt of ornate light blue metal links curled around her thin waist, outlining it even better than the black armor. The belt concealed stealthsuit, grav-belt, exoskeleton unit, and a million of other sweet enhancements Mentari technology had to offer.

Heavy solid stone bracelet around left arm, silver ring with a feline-cut diamond and a rank medallion on a silver-like chain around her neck were the only non-Mentari items. It would have taken more than a meeting with possible future teammates to convince her to part with any of those.

Pale face expressed nothing. The asmodean training allowed her a certain share of psychic protection, added to the usual resilience of unliving. Gem-like expressionless eyes seemed to be slightly clouded by a mist of tiniest sparks. It was not uncommon to watch and evaluate those she was supposed to trust enough to be on the same side. Without an extra comment, of course. Listening. Watching. Evaluating possible vulnerabilities.

"Rhaine Rustovich," she paused. "In current timeflow I am 467 years old. I have no normal eyesight. Otherwise my current physical body has pretty much classic vampire properties, plus temperature and radiation resistance. As an active priest of Asmodeus, I may become immune to magical energy and use rifts for transportation. As a combat healer, I've had over four centuries experience with a variety of races, from humans to Mrrshans, Psilons, Dragons, Crimson Elves, Tanar'ri and Baatezu," she looked at J'rial, remembering that he could have watched her doing her work. "And yes, healing is but one side of my ability, enhancement, both short-term and permanent, is also possible. Just as opposite effects, which are quite useful to disable or eliminate an opponent. As a vampire, I would not have problems participating in unrestrained melee, using artifact or standard weapons. Being current de-facto head of Althos-Gair sub-line of Mentar Station I enjoy the benefits of Mentari technology. Nuff said."

Neo Eternity

Date: 2010-05-25 20:37 EST
Neo and Jin Eternity sat in consecutive seats at the table. It was obvious that they were brothers. One look and you could tell. The similarity was heightened by their similar clothing. Black jeans, black boots, black jean jackets worn open, and t-shirts underneath. The t-shirts were different colors between the two of them. Neo's was blue, and Jin's was green. On the backs of their jackets, there was a decal drawn in outlines the color of their t-shirts: an upside down sword beneath a shield, over a pair of angel wings.

Neo was shorter, standing at an average height, than his older brother Jin, and less buff, too. In fact, you wouldn't be able to call him "buff" at all. Just "slightly muscular." He was definitely in good shape, though. Jin, however, was tall and muscular. Neo was slightly shy, even though he knew most of the people there, and was at least acquainted with the others, ocean blue eyes surveying the population in the room. The only two people he was completely unfamiliar with were Esme and Ryoka. Jin, on the other hand, held himself with an obvious confidence, and he was even less familiar with the gathering than his younger brother. A friendly, confident smile was plastered onto his face, the light in the room glinting off of his ever-present green-lensed sunglasses, concealing leaf green eyes. One side was partially covered by his black hair, which was more abundant than his brother's, but it didn't go downard enough to be considered long. Neo sat in his chair like a normal person, whereas Jin had his arms crossed, and both feet on the table. If no one objected to it, he'd likely sit like that the whole time.

They both listened attentively to Wolvinator. There was a little bit of a twinkle in Neo's eyes, and an excited feeling running through his body, though his shyness kept his smile rather small. This here was real. The Seraphim Knights were finally going to become a part of something more. Their mercenary team was named after the task force in the now destroyed Prism City. The Avengers were going to be what the Seraphim Knights were back then, and what the two angels had aspired for in creating their team. Their dreams for protecting the city and the planet were effectively being fulfilled at that very moment.

They looked over the new badges, wallets, and ID cards. Neither of them had any attachments to their wallets, or their old badges. They were both already employed with the City Guard to fill in the gaps that their mercenary business didn't cover. And there were a lot of gaps; nobody wanted to hire any goody-two-shoes mercenaries. They were both particularly impressed with the ID card, Jin more than Neo. You could practically see the glow in his eyes through his sunglasses. He loved this kind of stuff. And when Wolvinator announced the 15% discount? Well, the older brother's confidence came with tactlessness. He threw up his arms and belted out an enthusiastic "Woohoo!!" which was sure to incite a nice long awkward pause/staring session. It didn't bother him, though. He looked around a bit and chuckled, then re-crossing his arms and going back to listening like a good boy.

They then read the charter, and listened attentively to everyone's introductions. Before they knew it, it was their turn. Jin flashed Neo a smile, deferring their introduction to him. Neo countered with a brief, faint "I don't wanna" glare, which soon faded. He stood up and cleared his throat, summoning his own confidence from deep inside him.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Neo Eternity. This is my older brother, Jin Eternity." Jin gave a grin and a loose 'howdy-doo' wave as he was indicated. Neo thought back on previous introductions, a slight pause as he tried to figure out where to go from there. "We are two members of a mercenary team called the Seraphim Knights. A vigilante mercenary team. If I may be so bold, I would consider it to be a way smaller, completely unofficial version of what we have here. We were also employed with the City Guard before this, for as I'm sure is no surprise, there isn't much demand for good guy mercenaries. My brother and I are the first two members. Our friend and third member, Kersh Caliber, is currently on a quest and will join the Avengers as soon as he returns. Our fourth member is currently unsure whether or not she wishes to join the Avengers."

"Since it's just the two of us here right now, I'll only speak for the two of us, and I guess I'll get started with our abilities." He briefly rubbed the back of his head. This is the part he hated: tooting his horn. But it was necessary. The other Avengers needed to know who they would be working with. "I have exalted levels of physical strength and speed, and spiritual power. I have considerable swordsmanship ability and magic skill." The word exalted was a pretty good word. Since he hadn't really gauged his own power, it was a good way to definitively keep up with the others, without keeping himself to some sort of estimate. Considerable was pretty good too. "Jin's physical aptitude is condsiderably better than mine, at the cost of lower spiritual aptitude. He knows very little magic, but he's an excellent melee fighter, who fights with his hands and feet." Jin decided to flex his muscles, even though his jacket was covering them, to demonstrate. "I participate regularly in the duels. Specifically for me, the Duel of Swords and the Duel of Magic. It allows me to hone my combat skills even further without the luxury of being able to fall back upon my power. This has proven extremely beneficial in my growth as a fighter. Jin should be participating in Duel of Fists." Neo peered aside to Jin, which was met with a shrug. Neo then looked back to the others and resumed speaking.

"I was the previous Baron of Dockside, now of Warlord rank, and the current Keeper of Water, a title I have held for over a year, with three defenses. I hold the rank of Mage alongside it. Being Keeper of Water grants me vast powers over water, and by extension, ice as well. I can create it, control it, change it, destroy it, and use the near limitless aquatic power of the Tower of Water to cast any water or ice-based spell with extremely expedited charging time, or to cast even stronger spells. However, I only have the title as long as I continue to defend against people challenging for it, or until I become the Archmage, which will grant me a different set of powers. Once I lose my title as Keeper, I lose the associated powers. As long as I am Keeper of Water, if you need anything related to water, I'm your guy to ask."

"Unfortunately, my non-combat skills aside from that are rather limited." He then gestured to Jin to indicate him. "Jin's though, are not. He is more than techno-literate, and can work with and tweak anything technological, provided of course, he is given sufficient time to understand how it works. He can also pilot or drive any vehicle."

The gesturing hand returned to his side. "We do have powers, so to speak. We are both members of a near-extinct race called the Prismic Angels. There are four of us left: my brother and I, and two immortals who wander the planet. It's a long story, and irrelevant to the current matters at hand. Anatomically and physically speaking, we're no different from humans. The major difference is metaphysical." He motioned for Jin to stand up, which was met with a quiet groan. He was so comfortable. But he did comply with the request, removing his feet from the table and standing upright.

In unison, the two of them revealed their angel wings. They resembled wings only in shape and placement. They weren't feathery by traditional definition, or even tangible. They were translucent, glowing and glittering slightly, fragmented into discernible large feather shapes. They looked to be of a reasonable proportion; the tips would come to the middles of their forearms if they stuck their arms straight out to their sides. Neo's were blue, and Jin's were green. Those who could detect or see magical activity would find mana flowing into the angels, right in the center of their angel wings, and the wings were visible manifestations of this. In fact, if you looked close enough, you could see the light flowing from the tips of their wings to their backs.

"These wings have several benefits. The first is that they perpetually draw in mana, which is good for automatic energy regeneration, and assists in spell casting. The second is a slight boost to physical and spiritual power. The third is that they grant access to several abilities, such as instantaneous movement, flight, and a good deal of angelic spells and high-level artes."

"So... that's it for us." He looked kind of relieved to be done bragging, evidenced by how he rubbed the back of his head again. "We're very excited and honored to be part of the Avengers, and we look forward to working with all of you." He managed to push his shyness aside long enough to flash an earnest smile to everyone, a gesture that Jin mirrored with much more dazzle and confidence. They both then took their seats, their angel wings disappearing in diffusions of blue and green light particles.


Date: 2010-05-25 23:55 EST
It being a day that ended in Y, Vinny sat down with a drink in hand, despite the earliness of the day. He already knew some of the people sitting around the table with him. More than half actually, if he thought about it. He didn't say a word, letting everyone else speak first so he could get some information on the few that he didn't know. When it seemed like eveyone had finished, he paused for a moment of silence, then stood up and coughed.

"Nice of you all to save the best for last. I'm sure most of you all know who I am, but for those that don't, I'm Vincent Smith. I like long walks on the beach, looking up at the stars, enjoying a good the way sir, I like the 15% off. Going to save me a small fortune. And where was I? Oh yes, helping young ladies across the street and getting kittens down from trees."

The smirk on his face was about as big as the table by that point. "As for what I actually do, besides live a decadent lifestyle, sleep with many beautiful women, and spend money faster than a civil servant with the city charge card......I solve problems. Plain and simple."

He had another sip of his drink as he looked around at everyone. "Oh. You mean I have to actually describe how I do this? Fine. Money. Lots and lots of money. Sometimes to bribe someone off. Other times to pay someone to dig up some blackmail dirt. And if those fail, I just buy or cook up some fancy weapon or magical abilities to make them disappear. Because every problem is a personal problem. No person, no problem."

The smirk remained as he sat down. As if he would just say everything at a meeting like was best if he held onto some secrets for now. They didn't need to know just how much magical skill he had. Or about Mike, his fancy supercomputer that did quite a bit of his number crunching and archiving. They'd find out soon enough, whe the need presented itself.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-05-27 22:52 EST
The complexities of creating a cohesive, sensible, and multiculturally-friendly system of laws had been occupying Riley's entire life since accepting the Minister of Justice position. She slept, ate, breathed, and talked laws and had been spending at least 18 hours in the office six days a week. Which would perhaps explain why, at 9:45 a.m. Monday morning, she suddenly froze behind her antique English banker's desk, caramel eyes growing wide. ?Oh, sh*t!? she hollered and quickly shoved away the piles of notes and law books that littered the surface of her desk. Leaping to her Jimmy Choo-shod feet, and straightening the skirt of her tasteful Karl Lagerfeld suit, she bolted from her office, glancing at her Executive Assistant ? and best friend ? Mindy McKnight, as she sprinted past. ?I'm late for a meeting with the MoD! Hold my calls! Make excuses for anyone else I forgot! I love you! I'll see you at lunch!? She could hear Mindy laughing at her as she left the MoJ suite.

She ran down the hall, skidded around the corner and burst into the MoD office, just as Vinny finished talking. She slid into the nearest empty chair ? which unfortunately seemed to be right in the direction that everyone was staring. There was absolutely no chance of slipping in unnoticed and pretending that she'd been there the entire time. She gave the Rear Admiral a sheepish and very contrite smile. ?I apologise, Rear Admiral. I was...detained.? Yeah, detained. That sounded a helluva better than ?I forgot?, didn't it?

She glanced around the table, recognising only a few faces. She gave Neo a huge smile, glad to see him here. She'd been very disappointed when he'd turned down her offer of being the Deputy MoJ, so it was nice to see him involved in the new government in some way. Then she looked at the table in front of her and a lop-sided grin tugged the corner of her mouth up. A badge! Her very own shiny badge! She picked it up and slid it into the pocket of her suit jacket and then stood up, realising that she should probably introduce herself.

?Well, hi,? she said with a grin. ?My name is Riley O'Rourke, and I am your Minister of Justice.? She paused for a moment, meeting the eyes of everyone still sitting around the table before continuing. ?I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, educated at Boston University and Boston College. I worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Pima County, Arizona, for three years, before leaving the DA's office to become the managing partner of the largest Preternatural Defence firm in the country, located in Tucson.? She paused again, wondering how much of her past was really relevant and deciding that most of it wasn't. ?All this means basically is that I'm a lawyer, but more than that, it means that I sleep, eat, breathe, live the Law.? Yep, that capital L was audible.

She moved a bit, standing now behind her chair and bracing herself on the back of it as she continued her introduction. ?I'm an Alpha Lycanthrope; specifically a were-jaguar. Being an Alpha simply means that I heal faster and run faster than just about anything else out there. It also means that I'm stronger, more agile, and have quicker reflexes than just about anything else out there, too. I also have superhuman hearing and a superhuman sense of smell. And I have complete control over my Change, meaning that not only can I change parts of my body -? she closed her eyes for a split second, and when they opened again, they'd bled from the warm, caramel brown of her Human form to the startlingly alien amber of a jungle cat, ?but I also do not have to Shift at the full moon.? She blinked again, her eyes Shifting back to Human once more. She straightened once more and moved back to sit in her chair. ?And that's about it. My office suite is located just down the hall from here and the door's always open to any of you who might need to talk to me about anything.?

She smiled and then glanced back at Wolvie, turning the floor over to him. She leaned forward, ready to listen.

Ursa Major

Date: 2010-05-29 09:51 EST
If Arctos' human "master" had not had several seasons in which to grow accustomed to his massive bear form, he would not have been able to squeeze through the doors and maneuver down the hallway to the Minister's office. That he accomplished it at all showed unusual grace for such a wrathful creature. Manipulating small objects (or any objects at all) remained a work in progress, so until he mastered the fine art of doorknobs, the Bear had a hooded monk accompanying him many places.

The monk wore a simple brown robe cinched with a yellowing rope, and in his right hand was a shepherd's rod, curved nearly into a full circle at the top and with a cross somehow suspended in that space (probably by magic). Over his left shoulder, though, he had slung a Norman sword, heavily adorned with Norse-looking runes whose messages were far more pagan.

Thus the duality of this man's faith and culture, and the Bear's Order.

The Bear waited patiently outside the office door until he was invited in, the first of the late arrivals. He growled and bobbed his head in deference to a nervous intern edging her way past him and his companion, and though it was a quiet noise for him, it was likely enough to announce him to the office beyond.


Date: 2010-05-29 10:18 EST
And as requested, there came Vex in her human form which never really strayed from her normal. Her clothing was the same crimson hue of her scales while as a dragon, consisting of robe and cloak. Her hair, which was straight and shoulder length, nails, and eyes also held that crimson color to them. To anyone that knew her or had knowledge of such, it wasn't hard to take note of the fact she was a red dragon as she did not hide it.

She may have been a little late, but she'd arrived as soon as she could and made her way to the Minister of Defense's office. Her arrival was actually not to long after Arctos' own, so the bear and monk were noted and received a nod of greeting as she too moved to stand nearby the office door and await instructions to come inside. While waiting her attention drifted from the monk and bear to quietly observe the inside of the building she could see from where she stood.

Lani Reese

Date: 2010-05-29 12:04 EST
The rubber soles of Lani?s low converse squeaked quietly on the floor of the hallway as she made her way toward the appointed place. She was late, but there was nothing she could do about that now. Lani was not the type to worry about things like being prompt. There was much more out there worse then someone who was late.

Her hands dug into the pockets of the black blazer that hung from her shoulders, her brown eyes searching the trio gathered at the door she was approaching. Well, she mused, at least she wasn?t the only one with punctuality problems. Ms. Reese had seen a lot in her life time of wandering; her inability to settle down. The human looking female was not much out of the ordinary, but the large bear and the monk drew an extra long stare from her. She half expected the bear to start roaring and the monk to shed his robe, revealing a glitter unitard underneath. Cue the Ring Master and cheesy circus music.

Lani quickly averted her eyes at the thought, removing her hands from her pockets to straighten her blazer and tug the short, jean cutoffs down over her bare legs. Hurry up and wait, she reminded herself, folding her hands in front her as she stared at the door. What laid beyond was left to her imagination? a dangerous tool as she lowered her gaze slightly and tipped her head toward the office beyond the door. It took very little focus for Lani to allow her mind to wander beyond, her fingers twitching as her lips curled into a smile. Excitement. Curiosity.

It was that simple; and it was contagious. Lani Reese quickly straightened again, dropping her hands back into her pockets as she waited, the smile on her lips never fading.


Date: 2010-05-29 16:22 EST
?Thank each and every one of you for the formal introduction,? Wolvinator said with a nod, ?even if some of you weren?t exactly? prompt.? There was a hint of sarcasm in his words, but he understood that things happened. It wasn?t a problem, at least not yet.

He had been sitting in the chair towards the head of the table as he listened to each one of the Avengers in turn, occasionally taking notes and overall just observing and getting to know each one of them. They were going to be working together, and the turnout from the applications was rather astounding, and they were about to get even thicker.

The Admiral stood as he signaled to Diamond with two extended fingers of his right hand.

?Diamond, if you could, please open the door to the hall. I believe there are a few more personnel outside by now whom should be here for the ten o?clock appointment.?

As he she moved to get the door, he continued on. ?After these last few applicants introduce themselves to you, we?ll call it a day and actually get down to some business.?

Wolvie stood and awaited the next batch of people to enter. These last individuals would round out the team rather nicely.

((OOC for this post is HERE))

In the Rough

Date: 2010-05-29 18:36 EST
Her expression was something akin to a mask of indifference, even boredom if not for the sharp scrutiny of those that had introduced themselves. A few mental notes and even some written in a quick jot down on the papers before her.

At times she watched with a curious light in those sapphires as the introductions were made. Something of them near akin to bragging rights, but then... weren't they always?

She had to smile at the one that called herself Prism, lord but that girl needed to learn how to shield her thoughts as she all but telebroadcasted her imagery of the bear and the monk. A breathless laugh as a knowing smile crept along her lips.

A side glance over to the newly introduced and the familiar at the table before Wolvinator's order, request, demand call it what you will was executed for her to get the door.

"Funny I didn't realize my name was Ms. Potts."

Dryly enough the silky smooth way of her voice over words even as she stood with a gathered presence and absently smoothed a hand along her skirt.

Once all seams and lines were in place she crossed the room to open the door.

She could have wasted telekinetic energy bring the door flying open, but really now that was just a waste of her talents.

Grinning to the 10 o'clock crew with near as purring of a voice as she could manage she dramatically swept a hand out in gesture of joining.

"Welcome to the Mad House."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-05-29 22:33 EST
Eyes of blue panned to the door as it opened.. Quietly he remained there with the others, awaiting what would come, and it seemed that had indeed arrived, as what stood before him, spoke.

"Welcome to the Mad House."

Brian, grinned somewhat, as he nodded in reply.

"It it were not a mad house, than I assume, we would be in the wrong place, Milady. For a mad house is indeed, where a great many of us, feel right at home."

A gloved hand lifted to adjust the antique spectacles that adorned his face, as he offered a somewhat bow to the lady, and in turn, made his way inside the room, letting his eyes pan it's gathered, as he spoke once more.

"Forgive my late arrival, Solid Waste had a hellish time with someone who wanted to dispose of a pair of sherman tanks, and a vintage huey helicopter. Normally not an issue, save they literally somehow stuffed them, inside the sewer system.. Savages."

Looking more akin to a white collared professional, Brian offered a polite smile, and nod to the gathered.

Lani Reese

Date: 2010-06-01 12:52 EST
Lani watched as the door was opened, another man sweeping in past her as the woman welcomed them to the ?mad house?. She couldn?t help but smile, shuffling her way into the room. Lani took a lean near the door on the wall, propping her foot up beside her as it seemed all eyes in the room turned to the newcomers.

So, she mused, she missed the introductions. She?d probably get a rundown later from someone. A single hand emerged from the pocket of her blazer as she cleared her throat and waved a hand. ?Hey? name?s Lani Reese.? She introduced herself, digging the hand back into the pocket. She was not sure what else she was supposed to say, though she had a feeling everyone else present had already spoken more about their particular specialties. Her eyes instead moved to the others that had waited with her outside in the hall.

Ursa Major

Date: 2010-06-01 18:15 EST
"The Bear, Guardian of the North Forest," croaked the monk at an open point following Lani's brief introduction, entering and bowing his head still lower, and pointing with his staff to the doorway and the massive creature making his way in.

Arctos stepped forward, paws thudding and claws clacking in spite of what must have been an attempt at delicacy and grace on his part. He performed something akin to a bow, stretching out his forelegs and dipping his head as far as it would go. His lips moved, though his jagged teeth separated little (if at all), when he spoke. "I humbly prrresent myself," he rumbled, "for service in your noble grrroup, Avengers."

"I fearrr, most of my skills are in combat. I can move verrry fast, and fight many men at once and best them. I am a good trrracker, and I can follow a scent across country for many miles." There was an odd up-and-down quality, almost sing-song, to his words, dividing them between long inhales and exhales as he fought the urge to growl.

"I have sworrrn oaths, and I am afraid you are not prrrivy to their content, but suffice it to say... I am sworn to protect the innocent, and I mean never to neglect that prrromise." That said, the bear bowed his head again and backed carefully out of the way, at least as much as he could manage, escorted by the monk.

In the Rough

Date: 2010-06-01 20:08 EST
A wry look was centered on the man as he entered, taking in the intellectual apperance of the gentleman that she knew well as the Minister.

The smile turned in its own undecipherable expression as she looked over her shoulder at Wolvinator with a raise of brows before looking back to Brian.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I presume?"

Laughter gleamed in her eyes before she was turning her attention over to the other two that had entered.

Ah so there was the face to the thoughts as she noted Lani with a fleeting smirk, that expression to dissipate into something thoughtful and expressive as she looked to Arctos.

Oh it was a lovely thing to not read the telepath's thoughts at that very moment.

Returning to her seat she snagged the new set of folders from in front of Wolvinator, flipping through them before those sapphires fixed on the new trio.

"Welcome to the Avengers..." A twitch of lips over her words as they were murmured. "Back to you, Boss."


Date: 2010-06-02 01:50 EST
Vex entered behind the others and seemed rather content to stand unless there was an available seat offered. The comment from the woman got a chuckle from her, "Mad house, mrm? Well, that's Rhy'din in general and a reason I figure we are here, no?"

She took note of the others already in the room, briefly eying each of them with a nod, the others had given a bit of an introduction so she took it upon herself to go ahead and do the same, "Well. I'm here for the same reason each of you are I'm sure. Some of you may already know me, some of you do not. I'm Vextirias, but just Vex will do." there was a wink over to Riley and Neo, those two she knew and recognized for certain.

"As it is Rhy'din it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that I am a red dragon, that is rather self explanatory I would think, but where I have the most talent is that of my element, fire, the manipulation and control thereof and it's relations, including ash, smoke, heat, lava, magma, so on and so on. Inn some cases rock or earth can be controlled through my abilities but it's not something I can do all the time, more of a situational thing." she seemed about to just leave it at that, but went ahead and added onto that with a little more that she felt may be necessary.

"Oh. And don't let me fool you, my bark is worse than my bite, unless of course I have reasoning to bite. I'm actually a lot softer inside than I act on the outside, which you can imagine considering I am here and willing to defend Rhy'din should the need arise. In that situation, I look forward to working with you all. I shall not continue to bore you with information about myself however, thank you for your time and listening." she gave a hint of a smile and fell silent, watching and listening.


Date: 2010-06-02 09:01 EST
Wolvinator nodded to Diamond before motioning to the last of the arrivals.

"Please, feel free to have a seat. I would like everyone to get familiar with each other. I understand that while you may have missed the initial introductions, I'll have them readily available for you."

The Admiral once again took his time explaining what the Identification cards and badge were for, being sure not to go into too much detail, but answer any questions that were fielded.

"If you haven't done so, please introduce yourself. Give us a small history and an explanation of your Talents. Welcome... to the Avengers."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2010-06-02 11:10 EST
Brian listened, and nodded to the others, as they entered. A pleasant smile indeed took form, as he glanced about the room, a moment. Each face, familiar, and not so, taken into memory, as mental notations kicked in. A moment taken indeed, to slide off those antique spectacles, as he flashed a smile to Diamond, while tucking them into the pocket of his long coat. The long coat was then slide off, and set upon a near chair, as he looked about the room once more, offering a nod to the man, who had gathered this impressive collective, thet he now addressed.

"My name is Brian Ravenlock, and I am also the Minister of Citizen Resources, and head of the Ravenlock Family. Some of you know me, and my own, many don't, and let me say it's an honour to be here."

A pause, as he continued.

"My family, and myself have been here for a long time now, and much of our work has been under the cover of darkness, and secrecy, what with the public take on vigilantes, however that has never deterred us, and more so, it has driven us, on many fronts.

Many campaigns here, and abroad, I have been a part of. My specialties lay, in the fields of soldiering, close quarters and logistical combat, recon, and indirect combat, negotiation, and sabotage. I served with the Rhy'din Militia 27th div, West End, as their captain, and also journeyed to the Isle of Lesbos, on an Olive Branch assignment.

In addition to my services to the city, in the form of Government, I also head the Jewell Ravenlock Center for Community Partnership, an out reach and assistance center, based in West End.

My wife Jenai, is Temple Priestess for the Order of Scathach, and heads, a newly built temple here in the city as well, that has accomidations to house wounded, and treat a variety of issues, as well, should the need ever arise.

As I said before, it's an honour to be here, with you all and I look foward to serving with you all, and worry not, there is no Dr. Jekyll or Mister Hyde, here. I am a beast of a different nature, altogether."

That said, he offered a polite smile, and took a seat.

Lani Reese

Date: 2010-06-02 11:35 EST
Lani once more looked around the room, noting that each person was at ease with describing their particular skill set. Apparently, she noted, no one seemed to hold back. Were they all such at ease with each other as to spell out their 'powers' in a room full of, what she felt, were strangers?

She shifted on the wall, lowering her sneaker back the ground before she began talking again. "Well, my introduction was a bit short..." She smiled briefly as she glanced around those assembled."I'm Lani Reese, I'm a Taurus, I like long walks on the beach with my dog, I have a penchant for grilled cheese and I'm wicked awesome at skeeball." Lani flashed a wide grin before continuing, a bit more serious now. Her eyes focused on a spot on the wall behind where the Admiral sat. " I have telempathy abilities. That means I can tell what those around me are feeling and control the emotions of the people near me."

She twisted her foot against the floor, creating a sharp squeak with her sneaker. "It's easy enough for me to turn on and off now or I'd be an emotional wreck. However, I feel the emotions and can control those in my immediate vacinity with ease for a few hours. I can do an entire room or area as well but only for a short time.....and I'm quite useless afterwards. It wears me out." She finished with a shrug before she dropped her eyes from the wall to scan the room again.

In the Rough

Date: 2010-06-02 19:51 EST
The smooth smile was offered to the Admiral before she was taken to listening to the others introducing themselves. Certainly for a moment Esme rested her eyes upon Arctos as a brief moment of fleeting thoughts passed her mind at having to keep a file on the oversized teddy bear.

That fleeting thought was crushed before it could come into full blown nostalgia of memory. A vision of a little girl before she became a woman with the shine of diamond strands and a mind that could kill a man with a single thought, a suggestive nudge to offer the notion that suicide was the best option. A little girl that used to hug on a stuffed polar bear and call it Aurora Borealis. Course that was the same girl that used to cross her fingers on both hands and wish on shooting stars.

A grim expression touched her lips before it was gone, melting away into that unreadable mask as she lifted her eyes to Brian as he smiled to her. A tilt of head in question as she remained silent though she did smile at the comment about Jekyll and Hyde.

Then Lani spoke and explained her abilities. The woman seemed awful shy for an empath. Grinning for a moment she leaned back in her chair as the end of her pen was crooked to the edge of her mouth as she murmured around it.

"Give me a night with her and my emotional outlets and I could manage to take that nervous edge all away."

Oh such a knowing smile then as that mischievious gleam came to her eyes. Oh yes this would be a lovely gathering

The Bonecrusher

Date: 2010-06-03 00:59 EST
"If you haven't done so, please introduce yourself. Give us a small history and an explanation of your Talents. Welcome... to the Avengers."

Dorag was late.

Sometimes he got the little hand mixed up with what the big hand was doing and that would always get him into trouble with the time. He was actually lucky this time, overhearing someone else tell another the time while he was meandering down the streets of RhyDin. He realized, with a bit of shock registering in his widened amber hues, that he only had ten minutes to get across town and to the meeting.

Needless to say, as the second group was being ushered into the room, Dorag slipped into the line as graceful as a cat ahead of a few and was just a bit breathless as they came into the meeting room. His large chest rose and fell rapidly even though his nostrils flared wide in an attempt to keep his breathing as quiet as he could while listening to the others give their introductions. Being as large as he was, he naturally shied away from the chairs and took a spot against the wall, leaning there for support. His green skin contrasted with his surroundings. The gaze of others upon him made him feel self conscious. Yet his gaze took in the sight of everyone himself. He even took in their scents.

When the lull in the introductions came, he stepped almost bashfully forward giving Wolvinator a polite nod. His amber hues glanced around a bit before he spoke up with deep tones. By then, his breathing had returned to normal.

"Me Dorag.." his forearm came up to chest level while he curled up a fist. Then his fist snapped towards him thumping into his chest. "I come from spine of world where Orc nations rule. I like dogs cooked rare. But cats make best stew."

His amber hues glanced to Lani. "No worry, you show me you dog so's I don't eat 'em. Dorag leave alone." As if to enhance a promise, he nodded firmly and returned his gaze to the others.

"Dorag no do magic but good with club. And punch fist through walls, pull doors off. Somebody called me tank once. Most where I from call me Bonecrusher. I dat strong. So I use that name for here."

His thoughts briefly reflected on the orcish master trainer, the one who would beat him often. He remembered the time the elder orc pushed him too far. It was after Dorag's little sister had been killed by the elder's carelessness and Dorag cut loose with his fists. The trainer's leg was so crushed, it was amputated. Dorag left the clan not too long after that.

"Most no know me here. I listen good. I hear things. Think I can help cause I know some would hide from yous. Some would hunt yous. I can watch for them, hunt thems. Track thems. Maybe trap thems too. Maybe crush they legs. So I a secret."

His finger went to his lips with a Shush. Sometimes Dorag could seem so innocent. This was one of those moments. He smiled with tusks protruding and gave a polite nod.

"Thank yous, Wolvinator."

Then he stepped back to lean against the wall, the young innocence gone from his visage as he gave the floor to the next person.

Lani Reese

Date: 2010-06-08 21:38 EST
Lani once more took up her lean against the back wall, her leg bending to prop a converse sneaker on the wall. She dropped her hand to rest upon a denim clad thigh, her other snaking into the pocket of her blazer. The few others took their turns introducing themselves while all eyes seated at the table seemed to stare into the latecomers. What? Was there something in her teeth?

Lani?s tongue ran over her teeth absently before her lashes lowered, partially obscuring her mahogany gaze. She suffered from incessant daydreams, something that not only was a weakness but also her only means of staying sane. There were quite a few, if they were privileged enough into her mind, who would say most of the daydreams would classify her as insane.

To Lani, they were an outlet.

And that is exactly what was happening as the world around her slowly tuned out into a light buzzing in her ears and the imagination began to take hold.

It started again with the bear and the monk that had escorted him in. Large, intimidating creature he was but in Lani?s daydreams he transformed into a bear with a bowtie, posing on a large patterned podium while the monk?s robes were replaced by a glittering unitard. He lifted his hands, making the bear dance this way and that.

As if that was the last of it. Lani had caught sight of a rather large red dragon lurking about the ring. There was something shiny and full of tassels hanging from the dragon?s neck and between the wings, a pale woman perched on its back. The dragon stalked across the ring, staring at the crowd as if she wanted to eat them. Smoke was exhaled from her nostrils as she swung her head this way and that, her talons clicking as she walked in a circle. The woman atop the dragon?s back seemed out of place, dressed in a black inky sequined leotard, long black gloves snaking up her arms. She rose gracefully, her dark eyes staring rather angrily at the crowd as she began to do a series of precarious poses on the prancing dragon?s back. Flip? balance on a single foot? ballerina twirl.. Upon the last stunt she turned, flashing a pair of fangs before she reached down to do a handstand on the dragon?s back to the applause of the crowd.

God help her. It was a circus.

As if that was the worst of it, Lani?s thoughts continued to drift over the ring and catch the Admiral himself in a pair of tights flipping through the air on a trapeze. Spotlights shifted and danced around him as the crowd gasped, only to applaud as he barely caught the swinging bar. As if that was bad enough, Lani?s eyes slid to a final act, another pale woman who almost seemed to shimmer as she was lowered from the ceiling on a silver hoop. She swung gracefully from the hoop, clad scantily in silver sparkling lingerie. What was this? Cirque de Soliel?

Outwardly, Lani?s lips slid into a smirk as she imagined the woman hooking a single leg through the hoop before unfolding her body to hang upside down and spin in a slow circle, white hair dangling like freshly fallen snow toward the crowd who simply looked up mesmerized.

Lani?s lips quickly pursed to hold back her snort of laughter as her eyes snapped open to pay attention again. She quickly scanned the room, hoping she hadn?t missed any important information.

*Note - this SL will continue in another thread


Date: 2010-06-10 01:42 EST
"You're stronger then you know.."

The words echoed in her mind as she moved into the building for the meeting. Sylus had said that to her just last night, right after her meeting with Wolvie. But in her mind she could see her father, who had also said those words to her so long ago. It had prompted that deep sadness in her, thinking about her parents again. The very thing Sylus had been trying to cheer her up from. She left the bar swiftly, immersing herself in the force to enhance her speed. She was out of there in the blink of an eye. There were more tears in her when she had gotten home.

Today was a new day and a meeting that would hopefully give her some meaning in her life. She was early actually, 9:47 by the clock on the wall when she arrived for her 10:00 appointment. She sat down in a chair in a far corner and waited as a few others filtered in.

When the doors finally opened and the announcement was made, "Welcome to the Mad House.", Leun nearly choked.

She couldn't believe who it was. Luen thought it had been a watchman's type badge she saw half hidden in the woman's clothing the night before. She just had no idea the woman was connected in this. She should've stayed and let Sylus introduce them. Yet part of her felt like she was interrupting something between them.

Another reason she left. She felt awkward, as in three's a crowd. There was no way she wanted to be stuck in the part of a third wing.

Leun also thought the woman was a bit insensitive on several levels.... perhaps something to do with the roll of eyes Emme did towards Leun when she assumed her own reasons for Leun's shield over her thoughts during that time. She really hated it when poeple assumed things.

Well, I might have to work with her, doesn't mean I have to like her... she thought to herself and shielded her thoughts again as she made eye contact with Emme, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as if to the comment about the mad house. A bit of a devils grin seeped into her visage as she fell into place walking into the room behind the others.

Her surprise wasn't over. She hardly got through the door when she spied a familiar physique and the amber hues belonging to Sylus. Deer in the headlights, Hands in the cookie jar... those were descriptions befitting the look on her face.

She really hadn't expected him.

Her feet stammered with indecision, seeking some place to run to. There really was no hiding, but she found herself faltering in her steps, shifting to the side searching for that proverbial rock to hide under, and letting others pass ahead of her, falling into step behind the big green guy. He was big, easy to hide behind or beside.

It was hard for her to focus on the others while they introduced themselves, although the part about eating pets caught her attention. She, herself, had two dogs. She would make sure to let Dorag know not to touch them. In fact, he could probably smell them on her as it was.

All too soon, her turn was up.

Her gaze went to Wolvie and he seemed to signal her on. She stepped forward from the wall and gave a wave of her hand and a soft shy smile to the others.

"Hi. I'm Leuni Dokara. The Loon. There's not much to tell. I'm not that special. Born and raised here in RhyDin, my mother was magi and my father a force adept. I've worked a local bar for several years until its owner was killed and the bar shut down. I do mostly odd jobs lately. I don't know magic. I do know how to use a sword, ranged weapons... and am learning how to use the Force. I don't and wouldn't fry anyone's mind into a pile of goo... that's just evil.... but I can use telepathy and empathy, telekinesis, combat sense and enhance my own physical traits. I have two dogs, which...Dorag... they're waiting outside for me. I'll introduce you to them. If they come up missing, you're the first person I'm coming"

She felt herself grin, letting him know she was joking.

"Anyway, My time away from work and home and training, when I get a moment, usually finds me sitting in the bar or more likely down around the arenas either watching or dueling in the rings..."

Her gaze caught with Sylus for a moment before it dropped slowly down again. A soft shrug of her shoulders indicated she was done. Her brown hues glanced up with some resolve and a strength that hadn't been there before.

"And that's pretty much all of me. I don't have much to give, but if it helps the greater good....I'm there."

In the Rough

Date: 2010-06-10 06:50 EST
Well well well. Esme sat back in her chair as sapphires swept a look over the new entrants as they made their introductions.

Quiet and perhaps indifferent she took it all in, the stories, the powers even as she made little check marks in her mind.

Her chin dropped into her awaiting palm as she spared a side glance to Wolvinator. Then those sapphires settled upon Leuni as she made her own introduction.

That expression was unreadable and flawless when the girl mentioned she was a telepath. Oh yes Diamond recollected that well from the prior evening when the force had trickled in as if to test and sense those around her.

Consider it manners or respect for fellow telepathic gifted but it wasn't viewed in favor of telepaths for another to just come pushing through to taste their power.

Lips pursed as those sapphires noted Leuni looking to her and rolling her eyes. A hushed laugh escaped Diamond's lips as she shook her head for a moment in that ever subtle fashion.

Assumptions could be made, but so far all of Leuni's assumptions had been wrong.

It left one to wonder if those that made assumptions were loathed by the force weilder, well... just how much did the force weilder hate herself?

Insensitive. Cold. Calculating. Indifferent. Yes this and so many more things could be said to define Esme.

She had her reasons, given the past it was that very personality that had kept her alive.

Head tipped back as she nodded to the new team members after Wolvie had discussed the badges and communicators.

"Welcome to the Avengers."

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2010-06-10 17:06 EST
Arms still crossed he looked around at the full contigent, so far anyway, and smiled a bit. Then a yawn. Hadn't been much time for sleeping in the previous night but that could be fixed with a long deserved nap.

"I'm still disappointed. Where's the coffee and doughnuts?" Was he serious? He looked so, but looks are highly decieving. Maybe he really is serious. Who plans an a.m. meeting and doesn't set out a breakfast spread?!

A slight huff, if melodramatic before slouching back against the wall with more force as eyes flitted from person to person. He couldn't be the only one that could use a bite, a slice, or even a peel. Could he?

The Bonecrusher

Date: 2010-06-12 11:29 EST
Talk of the Force had him confused. He didn't know what it was. The Loon was a tiny thing and Dorag could not work it out in his head how the little girl could force anything. He was only half listening to the rest, looking her over as one fighter to another, sizing her up.

"I'm still disappointed. Where's the coffee and doughnuts?"


The word caught his attention full, turning his gaze and sniffing the air.

"Doooouuuugh nuuuuuts?"

The half orc's mouth began to water while his amber hues widened, searching for that morsel, sniffing the air even more trying to locate any food at all. Even though his senses hadn't connected with anything yet, the anticipation alone was effecting him.

His mouth began to moisten with saliva, which shifted downward from the pull of gravity and pooled a drop along his bottom lip. The drop elongated and stretched forming a line of drool that connected with his chin. From there another drop formed hanging precariously from his skin.

Snapping his gaze the other way, the big blop of saliva flung to the side to land on something, and he moved to go to the other end of the room.

"Where doughnuts? Dorag want!" The tone was like an excited kid.


Date: 2010-06-13 23:51 EST
Great. Oooh, just great. Coffee and doughnuts. Rhaine did her best not to wince from that childish tone. Let's hope this doesn't turn into a tea party, she thought. Having too many sentient-ones in one room was more than enough for her tastes. Not speaking about too many mentalists per square meter. How does one expect this ragtag group of individuals to turn into a team? Despite this outside pomp, most of them would remain they were, with all of their flaws and whims... How can _this_ become effective? And now this silly request. Coffee and some food obviously... Okay, coffee request not so silly. She did need a cup of coffee, to focus on the black drink and keep that madness out of her mind.

Had the heroic Admiral bothered to think about such simple, routine things as coffee for that gathering, for example, and whatever thing Sylus and the orc requested, Rhaine thought lazily.

"What's a doughnut?" she asked, keeping her tone as nonchalant as she could. "Coffee is easy to get, but these I have little idea about".
A miniature rift opened under her hand, with a glass jar, steaming hot, filled with freshly brewed coffee. Not the best of Dehtyar coffee collections, but the chocolatey and spicy aroma bouquet was satisfactory compared to local variations.
"Cups, anyone? Fresh brew from the Coffee Maniac Club"


Date: 2010-06-14 06:47 EST
The dragoness in human form had simply covered her face with a hand, concealing silent laughter at the current antics, how could she not? Of all the things she expected to come up, who would have expected it to be food?

Lowering the hand she shook her head offering Rhaine a smile and light shrug, "I'm sure our two friends could elaborate better, but if I'm not mistaken, it's a round pastry with a hole in the middle with sugar glazed on it." or something like that, she actually had never tried one personally, but had heard about and seen them around friends.

In the lands she came from, there were many dangers, and you didn't live long no matter what you were without adapting to those dangers and usually quickly. Those that could read minds and thoughts were not out of place to her, they existed in her former lands and in often many cases were used to great effect, some even known to be able to kill individuals instantly with these abilities. It was such existence that had her spend years along side the years she spent perfecting her ability with fire and it's ilk, to work on defending against such intrusions and even understand how to wield such abilities against others if she need be, though she very rarely did so.

While there were a few thoughts she let through and perhaps knowingly on occasions, for the most part her mind and thoughts were heavily shielded and complicated, like a bunker complex, one could well get lost if they strode to far given this dragoness' age and dared to try and do so.

Whether it was intentional or not on her part, there was a feeling that anyone 'listening' would know that she knew that they were doing so and that it wasn't recommended to try and breach those defenses as such attempts could very well end painfully for the one attempting to do so. It was simply second nature for her to have these defenses in place no matter where she may be. Though if she did know of the abilities of those around her, she did not let on, at least not yet.


Date: 2010-06-14 16:38 EST
She knew she probably should've picked another to hide behind, and her gaze would dart sideways in Sylus' direction not only for the comment about donuts, but the effect it had on the half orc. Leun was the unfortunate one to be standing beside him when the big guy snapped his head to the side flinging that blop of saliva.... right at her.... right smack in the middle of her forehead right between her eyes.

"Akk! Gahhh!" Her hand immediately lifted to wipe the slime off her face with her fingers, thinking to herself ... Just my luck.

And then half laughing quietly to herself, shaking her head, while she wiped her fingers off on her pants. Good thing she kept small packets of sani-wipes... which she then pulled out and really cleaned her hands and face with.

For the most part, she remained oblivious to the circus of thoughts in the room. Only the ones unshielded and resonating strong enough would filter her direction.

For her, it seemed, thoughts flowed almost like sound waves in that their strength and her proximity to their origin effected her ability to pick them up. That and her level of experience to focus on it also came into play... and at the moment she really wasn't focusing at all.

The only thoughts other then her own that she could hear were the half orc's desire and single minded thought for the Donuts. It almost made her crave one of the sweet morsels, although it wasn't something Leun was prone towards. Sweets were fine but she preferred all natural things like fruits.

"Cups, anyone? Fresh brew from the Coffee Maniac Club"

It was a welcome distraction. The coffee scent seemed soothing and the promise of the cup a welcoming surprise. "Awesome! I'll take one. Please and thank you. Sure beats spittle between the eyes any day. I'm sure Sylus would want one, too... since he started it. Poor man's not right without one. Quick, a cup for him, too!"

She laughed, as if she knew... but she loved teasing him all the same. She moved over to get the offered cups, nodding another thanks to Raine as she took them.

"I'm sure our two friends could elaborate better, but if I'm not mistaken, it's a round pastry with a hole in the middle with sugar glazed on it."

Turning round, she quickly handed one cup of coffee to Sylus even though she secretly blamed him for the spit between her eyes. She knew it was an unforeseen occurrence and so she didn't blame him out loud, just in the devilish gleam flickering within her gaze as she handed him his cup of coffee.

"Glazed or frosted or powdered, sometimes with nuts and sometimes without... sometimes with more colorful sugary confections sprinkled atop, or coconut or whatever else might tickle a fancy. Donuts are actually very bad for most beings. There's virtually no nutritional value in them.... just a bunch of empty sweetness." she answered Raine's question about donuts, adding to the dragoness' explanation, though her gaze was on Sylus. "Why anyone would want to waist away on a diet of those is beyond me. There's just no substance to them."

Shrugging softly, she sipped her coffee and then moved back to the wall, although this time making sure she wasn't around the half orc. One spit bath for her a day was more then enough.

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2010-06-14 18:33 EST
At the sudden mayhem and rampaging orc'dom. One singular thought found its way to the surface of the shielded pile, this one not caring who picked it up. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

He looked between Rhaine and Leuni with an angel's innocent smile, hand coming up to scratch at the back of his head. "I don't know what you're talking about, but yes, coffee sounds good. Very good indeed." Heads towards the mobile coffee dispenser a.k.a Rhaine. "And missed a spot...just there." Points to an imaginary spot of orc spittle somewhere on her nose.


Date: 2010-06-14 19:41 EST
She laughed at Sylus, though for a moment it seemed her gaze almost looked down at her nose.


Brown hues lifted with a crazy gaze and matching smile at Sylus while her tongue extended just slightly past her lips, enough to send him the harmless, defiant gesture. She wasn't falling for it.