Topic: Courtesans: Tales of Lust, Art, and Intrigue

Victoria Helmshaw

Date: 2011-01-05 22:02 EST
Sex, Dance, and Intrigue.

The age of the courtesan is one that is beautiful on the surface and can be quite dangerous and dark behind all of the satin and lace.

It is a courtesan's profession and should be within her power to allure others into her company and make him or her forget the troubles in his or her life.

Not everything about a courtesan is about sex. Sometimes to see a beautiful woman clothed is far more interesting than to see her completely bare. The same can be said about a courtesan. To know a courtesan only in the setting of a bed chamber is to hold interest for the shortest of time. Though pleasure is the back bone of what a paramour is, there is a lot to talk about and do with ones clothes on.

A courtesan has the knowledge of something artful in her life. This can be one or more interests of the arts and can include, but are not limited to: dance, painting, singing, poetry, and playing an instrument. Not all courtesan's are equal, one will have a greater talent in one or two of these and not in others.

Sometimes for a courtesan, and those associated closely with one, there is intrigue. But a fire can be beautiful and yet dangerous. There are those clients who can be unpredictable -- or those known to them. Example being, not all wives or husbands are happy to know that their loves are interested in the company of a courtesan. In this, there can be danger. There is also a wide variety of the types of clients that bring interest to the most mundane things.