Topic: On The Sands of Dahl Gurash Isle

Victoria Helmshaw

Date: 2009-05-22 16:25 EST
Wind, harsh and arid buffeted against the walls of the great tent. She saw from the back of her horse the colors that brightly decorated the tent along its upper mantle. Sparse evidence of trees dotted the nearby landscape and a stone well stood strongly within a few hundred strides of the largest of the tents.

Despite the zeal of the hot, sandy winds, Victoria sat upon her mount with an air of ease. The heavier dresses she was accustomed to had been set aside in the moment she stepped foot within the lands of sand. Layers upon layers of cloth were worn by her that flowed without the restriction of a corset about her waist. Soft boots of light leather were worn instead of heeled, thicker ones or gentler silk slippers. And the blondness of her hair was covered with cloth and a veil sat with its hem over the bridge of her nose to flow down passed the delicate line of her jaw.

Ileste DuLanke, handmaid and servant to the Courtesan, was already sliding down from her saddle. Ungloved hands arranged her own skirts briefly and sought out the back of her upturned hair to see that it was still secured by a plain, silver comb. A look full of curious worry flickered about as men rushed to see to the horses and all the packs carried, and then saw her way that short distance towards her Lady.

Victoria Helmshaw, a lady of leisure some called her but a Courtesan by more serious profession, glanced from the closed tent down to her handmaid. ?If it gets any hotter here, I fear that I shall melt away, Ileste.? Two men dressed in the garb of dessert men flanked the women than and offered their bare hands to the Lady. Victoria leaned forward and allowed them to ease her from the back of the horse to stand on the uneven sands between them. Then the men slipped away to see to other things.

Ileste leaned in against her Lady, not too much as it was far too hot to be this close to anyone at all, and whispered for her to hear alone. ?My Lady, I fear more of why this one that has had you brought here.?

The Courtesan said nothing in reply or return to the young woman that had been in her service for several years now. Instead, a brief touch of her hand met with Ileste?s arm just beneath the bend of her elbow then turned herself back in the direction of the large tent. Upon the motioning from a man that bore all of his hair in the palest cloth of white and his skin as dark as mahogany, Victoria paused long enough to see the panels of the tent that seemed a door for it were opened before she made her way inside.

It shocked her how immediately, the difference in temperatures from one step to the other; from outside to inside. Somewhere, not far behind her, she could hear a soft gasp elicited from Ileste. Surely the girl had noticed the same. No matter how much cooler it felt within the tent, Victoria saw that there were carpets, oil lamps, and braziers. But that was not all that was seen.

Victoria Helmshaw

Date: 2009-05-22 16:47 EST
Beside one of the braziers sat a man of age and partial sage on a legless chair on the floor. He was darkly dressed in robes of black and red the color of wine. Rings to his right fingers were encrusted with jewels but he acted as if none were on his hand at all. At his side was a girl that was barely clad. She was on all fours with a gilded, large platter rested on her back. Victoria stood with her maid to the side and behind her and watched the man take a slice of meat that the girl carried on her back. She had the notion of thinking the girl made a lovely, but degraded table in a place that seemed to be lacking in furniture.

Words passed from the man in black and wine-colored rest, but none of the words were understood. Orders, it would seem. Instructions, at the least as there was another scurry of graceful activity of both men and women alike. Food and drink were brought as well as basins of fresh water and clean cloth with them.

The man gestured to Victoria and one of the legless chairs within a stride from him. She considered the seat and lowered herself carefully to it. Legs were eased out slightly before her, beneath the light, diaphanous layers of clothing she had bought once they had landed upon the desert isle of Dahl Gurash. That had been two weeks ago. Two weeks of travelling and swiftly learning and watching a culture she had heard almost nothing of.

Ileste, by then, knew what to do as a woman of her standing in that land. She took up a place before her Lady. The soft boots were slipped from the feet and legs of the Courtesan and they were washed with the clean cloth and water. When Ileste was finished and taken herself, the water and cloth to a place behind Victoria?s legless chair, only then did their host speak again with a thickened knowledge of Common.

?How was your journey here, Victoria?? The tones were rich as warm honey, but there was something rough about the edges of it, as if he were more than used to the voice of command.

As he used her name most familiarly, Victoria glanced from over her shoulder, from Ileste to the Shiek. A brow rose fractionally at him, curious. ?It was terribly hot, Kilron.? By the use of his first name, so familiar on her part gave a turn of attention even from the girl on her hands and knees. The Shiek nudged at her hip with one of his hands with no more attention to the girl than one swatting at a fly.

?It is always hot here. You are used to gentle things. Hm??

That caused the Courtesan to smile, slowly at first until it was fully borne on painted, full lips. ?I am used to all sorts of things. What I am not used to is not being told why I am summoned. I usually have knowledge of something before I arrive at a ?gentleman?s home.? The last two words faltered on her part. There was no certainty that he was a gentle man or if the tent was any more than a stop-over that afforded shade. As look about the interior of the tent was brief and soon she was looking on the black-bearded man who sat at leisure before her.

Victoria Helmshaw

Date: 2009-05-22 17:06 EST
It was a long time before the desert lord finally spoke again. He sat there far too long watching far too much of her before words were said. ?Word has come to me from my son that your company is preferred.?

?Preferred.? Victoria?s chin lifted slightly. The word and the tone in which it was delivered was not cared for. ?Some could say as much and I would be flattered to hear and know of it. But surely you have not bade me come this far simply because your son and I were in good company with one another.? Eyes watched the desert land lord.

Kilron nodded slowly. ?It would be a waste of time and coin, yes.? The desert man paused and slapped the girl on the back of her thigh and sent her crawling away with the platter on her back, without even a look at her. All the time, he watched the Courtesan. ?But your position is a unique one.?

?In what way is that?? Her fingers itched for her hand fan, but found it lacking from the delicate bend of her wrist. She recalled that it had been packed into one of the trunks when her heavier clothing was found to be far from suitable one that island of sand.

He stroked at his tapered, black and grey beard and frowned. ?I need you to distract my son, Victoria.?

A slender brow of her arched. She dropped the cloth back that had been covering her head and revealed the soft locks of blond that drew the land lord?s eyes, even in his own distraction. Perhaps it wasn?t as much her hair but that when the cloth was lowered, so was the veil that had protected her face from the sand and wind. ?I can ..distract. But I will know to what degree and what purpose, of course.?

?Of course.? Kilron echoed her on a murmured breath and drank his wine. ?My son has an interest in? men, you see. And you seem to be the only woman he could not step speaking of. And?he cannot have heirs if his interests are men.?

Slender elbow was touched by light fingers. Victoria did not turn, but she knew that the touch came from Ilste. ?I see? ? Breathed Victoria, if only in the wake of relief that it was not something more dire or deadly. ?Is it your wish that I ?convince your son to only have women? For that might be a miracle to some??

Victoria Helmshaw

Date: 2009-05-22 17:24 EST
Kilron waved an irritated hand about, then passed the cup of wine to it without another drink form it just yet.. ?No! No. Only to show him reasons to be interested in a woman. ?

?I will do what I can. But all such things will be mute if there is no affect upon your son.? Victoria lowered her voice, each of her words strong but borne on warm tones of understanding. ?But I will make a try for it.?

?Good. Tell me what you need and want and it will be yours. Gold for payment, of course. Food, drink?? He gestured towards the food the servants had brought in earlier that the Courtesan and her maid had not touched.

?I am in need of shade and rest, foremost, Kilron...? She amended it as he had been more than hospitable. ??my Lord. As well as food and drink.? There was a delicate pause as she stopped for a moment in her talking to watch him again. Then resumed. ?Where is Torshan, if you do not mind the asking??

?Hunting. He and those with him will return tomorrow night.?

?By night. Good.?

?Good? Why do you say this?? The desert land lord lowered his cup of wine and looked intently at the Courtesan.

?Good? because that gives time for food, bathing, rest? and planning of things to entice your son?my,Lord. Surely you or perhaps his servants know better what enthralls him. I need to know what those things are. And we also need to offer him a very.warm?welcome.? Victoria?s mouth turned with a mercurial smile as everything she said was meant with the warmth of a lover.

?I understand what you are saying. Yes. Yes?these things will be known and prepared for.?

Victoria?s hand lifted gracefully from the arm of the legless chair. Already Ilste was there to greet her hand with enough strength and leverage to help draw her Lady up to her bare feet. Then Ilste bent and took up the boots removed earlier.

?The girl who carried the tray earlier.. ?

?Hm?? Kilron looked up from his cup where he had been deep in his thoughts. ?What of her??

?Is hers a position of pleasure??

Kilron narrowed his eyes pensively at Victoria, causing weathered lines on his face to deepen. ?She does what she is told.?

?I would like to borrow her, if it is not something that will bring insult.?

The man?s brows rose curiously but Victoria laughed aloud. ?Never assume, my Lord. Never?ever assume.? Chuckling warmly, she shook her head and drew up the cloth over her head against and left the veil to hang beneath her chin. ?Are we to rest here or in one of the smaller tents??

Kilron motioned the girl from the shadows. She looked a little different to the eyes as she was standing now and not crawling about with a platter of food on her back. ?Ysai, take our guests to the tent prepared for them.?
Victoria followed the slave girl but her mind was not on the curves that too easily made their presence through the see-through cloth she wore.

There was work to be done. With a man that she had met only a few times?and had a preference for men. Much work, indeed.