Topic: Dreaming

Sweet Dreaming

Date: 2010-02-18 12:35 EST
*continues from Maliara's trouble*

Bayne walks out into the courtyard, following the trail of fear and blood scent. He turns and spies Alyssa i the shadows but does not approach her. "Alyssa! Are you much harmed?"

"I don't think she bitten me deep." she was shaking badly. "not like Victor's."

He sighs with obvious relief. "I am glad. Forgive me for not acting sooner, I had thought she would have tighter control on herself by this time."

She would stand, moving closer to him. "where is she?"

He grinned crookedly. "she has been detained in the dungeon you were kept in just last night. I chained her down tight and locked the door, she will not get out until Victor finds out." she shivers with that. she had seen victor when he was angrily.

He notices her shaking and grows concerned. "Are you feeling unwell? Maybe you should come inside and take your rest, Victors anger will be doubly so if you fall ill from Maliara's assault."

she nods. her hand lower her hand, the bite might not be deep but it was still little bleeding at bit. "rest sounds good."

He nods. "First let me treat your wound and then you can rest. We can't have the smell of fresh blood wafting around the place now can we?" Though he was dead serious, his tone was light and humorous. He open and the door for Alyssa and followed her inside.. She follows inside, from all she had been through. her body is shutting down. she stumbles abit. He turns and quickly catches her from her stumble. "I think perhaps it will be best if i treat this now before you fall over." He places a hand over the area of the bite but doesn't touch her skin. Closing his eyes he concentrates a bit and feels energy flowing thru his hand into her wound, mending it.~

"Can't. heal with sleep. my mind would." she shakes her head s bit. Not quite understanding but guessing at it, he stops what he?s doing and carries her to her room, laying her on her bed and covering her lightly. "sleep, rest, heal.. Do as you must to get better Alyssa. If you need me,..? He hands her a bell " Just ring that and I'll come.

"don't leave. please stay."

Stopping at the door, he truns around slowly and looks down on her. "Are you sure? I haven't exactly been the best host.." He grins a sad lopsided grin as he waits for her reply. she was out not hearing his voice. Noticing she had passed out he sighed and decided to do as she asked, finding a chair at the ned of her bed he seats himself down, props his feet up, and relax. Without realising it he had himself fallen asleep in his vigil at her bed end, His mind filled with visions of past events as he relivied them over and over. Bayne was asleep, and she would dream herself in his dreams. Was back in his childhood, watching as his father once again became the horrific Lycan beast. He could'nt run away, he could barely think, and the beast suddenly saw him and attacked. She would gasped in both dream and body sharpilym a turned knocking the bell on the floor. Hearign the sound of the bell he is jolted from his sleep and quickly looks at his surroundings. He looks down and sees the bell on the floor, obviously dislodged by ehr flailing and arm. He quicly rises and picks it up, setting it back and makign sure she is alright. She would still be asleep. Relaxing he returned to his seat, put his feet up again and relaxed. Not logn after he had seated his eyes closed and he found himself back asleep reliving yet another moment from his past.