Topic: A missing Pup Missed...

Reika Valtryst

Date: 2010-01-10 01:43 EST
The whole day was spent by Reika, looking for her pup. It was all just a bad episode of events, truly.

Reika knew her pup couldn't be far... she was most likely near the castle or perhaps where she saw her last, Red Dragon Inn.

Reika sat in her room now, alone. The room felt empty as did her heart. A large chunk was tearing at her heart, as if truly feeling the guilt of what happened. She knew she was the reason why Raina was missing.... She remembered what happened....

----- Her arms pinning her pup down in that little dragon's pen. Raina was misbehaving, she needed to be disciplined..... but things weren't... right. The puppy struggled desperately trying to breathe, but Reika figured it was just for attention and to get away. She didn't realize she was harming her baby... she was showing her baby dominance... and respect. Then the roar from Aurthur.. that blue dragon.. unmistakeable.. "you're suffocating her... " Was that really what he said? Something to that extent.... and she was forced off of her pup.... distracted she looked to the dragon... then looking back toward the pup, she realized... there wasn't a pup there anymore... or anywhere to be found.----------

Reika's head fell into her hands as she sat at the edge of her bed. She had made her own pup run away. Her last contact with her daughter was that under her hands.. whining.. begging. Reika began to ball... she was becoming a monster... she wasn't the mother she had hoped to be. Who was she going to tell? Who could help her find her baby? If she found Raina, would she even stay or would she be taken away from her? What if Raina was dead?

Every minute that passed by felt like another sliver of glass being torn through her organs. It became harder to breathe... harder to live. She had spent the whole day looking.. and somehow nothing came up. She didn't even want to go jumping to the conclusion that her pup might have became a snack for a hunter.

The next few days, Reika would lock herself in her room, not eat and not make contact with anyone. She would wait for a flicker of an image, a message from her daughter... or from someone outside her door... She had already placed a few postings around the castle... and surrounding area.

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Name: Raina
Description: Small black and crimson pup with a white crescent

Last spotted: At RDI

If found please return to Reika Valtryst or to any packmember.

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As the days became nights and the nights became days, all became a massive blur. Reika was becoming sick from her own doing, her own suffering which she took on as her own punishment. In her eyes, she didn't deserve to live, or to die a swift or painless death. She should suffer.

At times Reika would wander her room. Her steps would be sluggish, her feet would drag as if she were chained to a heavy ball, a prisoner to her heart. Not only did she miss the comfort of her daughter, She also missed her lover, Thalael and his pup, but she would have no contact with him... even though she knew he didn't need a door to get in her room. She was afraid to see any packmember.. she feared the consequences..... especially if harm would come to her pup.

How long would Reika last in this state? How long until Raina would be found and what would happen. What were these two packmember's fates?